HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-03-21, Page 12HoW CAN
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For And About Teenagers
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Ducks Unlimited
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GALLINULE or *Moorhen found in marshes in
eastern Canada, principally Ontario. It has been
recorded in Manitoba. It closely resembles the
toot, with a similar head-bobbing action as it_
swims. However it differs in having a red instead
of white bill and the long, slender toes lack lobes.
The head is black, the body dark slate grey with
a line of white feathers along the sides and a
white patch under the,tail. Likes the Lgedy, shal
low areas where its nest, a Shabw structure of
reed stalks, is woven into supporting reeds, usu-
ally over water. 10 or More buff-colored eggs,
speckled with dark brown are laid.
.DIAL DIRECT•88-74. 6641.
.11,41.41E 'MAttat2i 19'3
Regular 75c dozen
Green Giant — 14-oz.
- Grocery
lb. 7 10
doz. 550
2 for 490
25-oz. 490
Free Delivery
Phone 887 9226
SPRING is not far away and FARMERS
would be well advised to order your
Topnotch Feeds Ltd.
Can supply you with all your requiremen
such as
Why not call at our office and let us tliscuss
with you our service — supplies and
Competitive Prices.
McCutcheon Grocery
Free Delivery Phone 887-9445
Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Fudge 2-lb. or
Peanut'Butter Chip sag cookies 28-oz. 990
Weston's — 2 loaves per pack
Bake 'n Serve BREAD Reg. 43c 330
COFFEE RICH, 16-oz. • 21490
SMALL LINK SAUSAGE ..... lb. 790
6 lb. box $4.69
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$500,000 plant
for .Seaforth area
Discuss income tax problem
The Ontario Bean Grewers'
00-operative plans to erect a
$500,000 processing plant east
of Seaforth, according to Charles.
Rau, R.R. 2, Zurich, Huron
county director of the co-op.
Mr. Rau said he wished to
clarify recent news stories which
had suggested the plant could not
be built because of lack'of financ-
Land has been purchased, Mr.
Rau said, and approval by the
Municipal affairs ministery of
the necessary severance is ex-
pected shortly. He said construc-
tion would commence im-
mediately with completion by
Sept. 1, ready for the 1973 crop.
The proposed plant will have
an initial capacity of 100,000
cwt., or the production of about
8,000 acres. Capacity can be
doubled by adding storage faci-
The plant will be erected
just east of Seaforth, on the
this one boy. He. sometimes acts
as if he likes me, but last year he
`really liked my girlfriend. Some-
times he acts 'as though he still
likes her and at other times he
acts like he`likee this other girl.
How can I get him to like me or
even notice me? I'm new at this
school, so I don't know all the
kids since first or second grade.
I'm in the seventh grade. I
need your advice. This boy is
super. Please help. And don't
suggest 'starting a conversation
because I can't carry on a good
conversation with anyone, let
alonge start one!
OUR REPLY: He may be
border of Huron and Perth Coun-
ties and adjacent to the C.N.R.
tracks. It will provide a
convenient market outlet for bean
growers in the area, particularly
those north and west of Seaforth
where growers suggested that
marketing facilities have been too
distant for fast, efficient handling
of the crop at the critical harvest
From six tole permanent jobs
will be created, according to Mr.
Financing of the plant is being
arranged from private sources,
as well as from the Co-operative
Loan Branch. Mr. Rau said that
a number of institutional lenders
have agreed to provide funds for
the project, on the strength of
the co-op's excellent profit
record in recent years.
At the present time, the
co-op's London plant handles
about 10 1/2 per cent of the
Ontario crop with a market value
of over $2 million. .
super, but he doesn't sound like
he's in the mood to go with any-
one as a steady. He's enjoying
himself and acting his age. Don't
worry so much about getting him
to like you. You should be at
that stage in life where you are
developing social graces (such
as the art of holding a conver-
sation) so that you can have an
exciting and friendly personality.
Now is the time for you to start
learning how to converse like a
mature person, because no one
likes, to talk to a teenager who
still talks like a child. Con-
versation is easy and fun - think
of it that way and you'll have
no problem with it.
BY J.J.lia.garty
A number of important poitits
have come up during recent meet-
ings on Income Tax. I would like
to share these with you.
1.Capital Cost Allowance
On the declining balance
(Part XI), full capital Cost
Allowance can be claimed if the
machine was purchased and de-
livered to the farm any time
throughout the year, that is, even
on December 31st, No cash need
be paid and therefore machinery
financed would also qualify.
You would be wise to take
capital cost allowance on straight
Tine assets first, before using
capital cost allowance on part
XI. This is because a terminal
less is available on part XI. It
is best not to switch assets from
Part XVII (straight line) to part
XI (declining balance).
If depreciable assets are
switched from Part XVII to Part
XI, you should keep very clear
records. It is .not the intent of
the legislation to recover at any
time the depreciation previously
claimed under Part XVII. Re-
covery of depreciation can easily
occur even though it is not in-
tended, if sales of capital items
'are incorrectly recorded.
2. Accelerated Capital Cost
Grain storage facilities and
grain drying equipment - Special
fast write-off rates have been set
up so that this equipment can be
depreciated in four years.
Accelerated Capital Cost All-
owance Program for Pollut-
-ion Abatement - Class 24 —
water pollution; Class 27 - Air
This applies to storages for
holding of waste products prior
to dispose). Some farmers are
applying for this fast write-off
on manure 'storage tanks. This
allows a complete write-off in
two years. It is necessary to
apply to the Department of the
Environment, Environmental
Protection Service, Ottawa for
acceptance, in order to have
National Revenue allow this fast
3. Education Deduction
This is a deduction of $50.00
for each month in 1972 during
which a student was in a college
or university. This is over and
above the regular deduction al-
lowed. The following example
shows how a farmer might pay
his .son for work on the farm
during the summer and have the
son pay tuition.
Son earns $1800.00
Minus tuition 400.00
Minus 8 months
$50.00 400.00
$1000.00 in-.
come (non-taxable)
The parent can still claim the
$550.00 deduction for e. child
sixteen or over. The student
can claim the $50.00 per month
to reduce taxable income to
zero and any remaining amount
can be claimed by the support-
ing individual.
4. Quota
One-half of quota purehased
in 1972 or later can be set up
as an eligible capital account.
Ten percent of this amount can
be claimed as an expense on the
declining balance method.
5. Basic Herd
Many farmers think that basic
herd is being phased out over
ten years. This is not so. You
can reduce basic herd by ten
percent a year on an optional
baSis. The alternative iS to
keep basic herd until final Sale,
There is a mandatory reduction
only if the total herd numbers
go below the baSic herd total,
YOU 'Should sUbmit a &Alike
of inventory each year with the
income tax return.
6. Grants IVot Takable,
The Ontario Patti Tax tte-
ductiOtt Program funds are not
taXa.ble, The grant received for
EIM Tree Removal IS no* Clas-
sed as taxable income. The
eXpenSeS of reniciVal are alloWed.
This is a change from previous
inforitiation. There hag been A
great deal of confusion On thit
point. Income and expense need
not be reported if the cutting
was done by a contractor.
7. statement of Capital Disposi,
tion - Schedule 2
This will be used when shares,
real estate, bonds etc. are sold.
At the bottom of this form is an
election to establish cost at fair
market value on Valuation Day.
Do not sign this form unless
it is to your advantage, If you do
not sign this form, the median
rule will apply for assets
acquired before 1972. Once you
elect to use Valuation Day value,
there is no possibility of switch-
8. Ontario Property Tax
This applies to many who
normally do not file income tax
forms e.g. senior citizen ten-
ants and post secondary school
students. To qualify for a tax
credit, a farm must have a resi-
dence on it. For example, if a
residence is situated on a
100 acre farm, then the total
municipal taxes paid on the farm
land, farm buildings and rest-
Owe would be included when
calculating occupariey cost.
Where there is more than one
residence on the farm, the owner
Must exclude from calculation of
occupancy cost of his principal
residence all the municipal taxes
which apply to the other resi-
9. Interest Income , From Bank
Atcounts In Wife's or Son's
If you haVe transferred pro-
perty to your spouse or to a
person who had not reached the
age of 18 as of December 31st,
1972, income from that property
is to be included In your in-
come. However, if children
working on the farm earn a wage,
and establish a bank account,
then the interest earned is in-
come to the child and does not
have to be added to father's in-
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