HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-02-21, Page 1Max Watts (right) and Fred Stephenson, were kept busy
Wednesday as visitors to Brussels Businessmens Billionaire
Bonanza night pressed their play money on them in an effort
to make a killing. (Staff Photo)
hots By Evelyn Kennedy
russels Post
102nd Year — Issue No. 8 Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1973
Businessmen entertain
at Billionaire Bonanza
Canada Cord duides and two of their leaders ate shown
following a Guide ceremony in BitS8618. They are (rear)
(left) LeaderS Capt. kellingtoli arid Lt. Joan BtePtietiSciti.
The duldeS are' Harbare. tiliatt ) Linda Machan and Maxine
wattS, (Photo by Elliott)
Ceremony attracts area Girl Guides
This is the big weekend in
Brussels! Lions "Polar Daize",
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Mon-
day. Things get underway at
8:00 p.m. at the school on Fri-
day eve ning.. Members of the
community have a chance there
to display their various talents
as entertainers in different age-
groups. There will also he a
variety non-competitive program
as well which should provide an
entertaining evening for an audi-
There will follow a TOrehlite
Parade to the fairgrounds for
a Christmas Tree bonfire. Satur-
day has a full schedule of ac-
tivities, the parade, polar dip,
downhill Thundermug races
(which should prove a hilarious
event), skating races for chil-
dren and a dance. Sunday will
feature snowmobile races and
Monday the Lions' Bonspiel and
draw for snowmobile. For de-
tails see ads alsewhere in this
issue of The Post. Don't miss
any of it. Support our Lions
Club in their charitable and com-
munity projects. The general
public hears little of the ex-
cellent work they do for the
Lions do not roar to publidiZe
their good WorkS on behalf of
the community.
* * * * *
How nriatlY have the fortitude
to braVe the icy Waters of the
Maitland in the Polar DIOWatCh
it take place at 1:30 p.m Sattit.,
day and find out. At least this
year it lOokS as if they will
not have to struggle through' snow
banks tO reach the Wafer. Via
the -grapeVine we hear that One
of our More atiVetittireSbitiecotill,,
cillorS Is preparing for it, 14t
us hope he SurviVeS and is not
incapacitated to the point Where
he is unable to perfOrrii his
civic duties or funetiOn as an
active Lien, May the cold north
Winds not blow 'during that ,event;
AS they did last year, When even.
the spectators shivered and
Those who are courageous
enough, (or foolish enough), to
take the Polar Dip may not need
a Saturday night bath if the high
water has flushed away the river
pollution. However, a hot shower
will no doubt be more than wel-
come after the event.
* * * * *
Get your Torch made ready
for the Torchlite Parade Fri-
day night. Torch Recipe is as
follows: Large tin can, the kind
fruit juices come in. Nail this
securely through the bottom of
the, tin to a stake. Place roll
of toilet tissue in the can. It
is. best to use a new roll soaked
with barbeque lighter fluid or
fuel oil or other combustible
substance. Just before the parade
begins, have somebody light it.
* * * * *
There was a rumour along the
main drag last week that some
of our people were a bit unhappy.
It seems they foUnd, after the
recent visit of our U.S, friends,
that they .were left with Ameri-
can' Money, that, following the de
Valuation of the Atherican
WAS subject to discount at the
bank, Somebody always gets
• * *
We appeal to residents of
Brussels and community to send
in any items of interest they
have knowledge of visitors,
anniversaries, social events,.
happenings of any kind that Wetild
be of interest to Our readers"
Subscribers scattered throughout
anada arid the U.S'. are asking
for tribtd local news. They want
to 'knOW What is going on in their
home=town and dillnintinity, It
IS difficult kir thiS .office to find
Out about everything unless
tOttleone tells US about it. Just
call 01. 6641 and tell US about
it.. Your co-operation Will be
The Guides and Brownhs held
their Mother and Daughter Ban-
quet at Brussels United Church
on Monday night and 'observance
of Thinking Day.
The highlight of thp evening
was the presentation of the Ca-
nada Cord, the highest honour in
Guiding, to three young ladies,
Barbara Elliott, Linda Machan
and Maxine Watts.
Mrs. Glanville president
of the L.A. welcomed those pre-
Following the banquet, the
Brownies enacted their opening
exercises. The enrollment of
Tawny Owl, Elizabeth Sholdice
A large representation of the
Brussels business community
gathered at the Royal Canadian
Legion Hall on Wednesday even-
ing of last week for a gala even-
ing of fun, games and entertain-
ment at the Brussels Business
Association "Billionaire Bon-
anza". Business men and women
with their husbands, wives,,staff
members and friends, joined in
gaines of chance including wheels
of Fortune and darts.
On arrival each person's ad-
mission cash of $2.00 was ex-
changed for a million dollars of
"Funny money"with which they
gambled. Judging by the hilarious
abandon with which they risked
their million it was obvious that
all were thoroughly enjoying
For a change of pace, enter-
tainment was provided by the
talented "Timbre Tones" Barber
Shop quartette 'of Kitchener.
Later in the evening a spirited
auction was held with auctioneer
Dave Huether in action. '
Contributions of items repre-
sentative of the various business
places were auctioned off in lots,
at extravagant prices, to those
who had not gambled away all
their million and the lucky ones
who had won more during the
evening. Some players pooled
their resources to bit on lots.
Lunch was served at the close.
The organizers, and those in
charge of the various activities
of the evening are to be Congra-
tulated on the success of this
Business Association "Get-to-
Skids on ice
cuts hydro
Hydro service in the area was
interrupted for two hours Thurs
day morning when a car driven
by Royce Baiter of Brussels went
out of control oh ice and crashed
IMO a hydro pole, breaking it'
off, Fortunately Mr, Hauer was
not seriously injured. He
ceived facial cuts and was badly
shaken up,
The accident occurred on
Turnberry Street north in fret*
of the residence of S. Sweeney,
shortly after 10 a,in„ ithursday
morning Of last week. The front
end of the Vehicle WAS extensively
WaS detotired:artitind the
block for several' hours while
hydro arid telephone maintenance
crews repaired the damage.. A
telephone 'Cable attached to the
hydro pole defile 'down with it,
ttydit, service iii the area was
interrupted' for a couple of hourS.
Was made by Captain Kelling,-
ton. The enrollment of the fol-
lowing girls in the Brusiels
'Brownie Packwas made by Brown
Ow.: Joan Exel: Kim Bauer,
Brenda. Tenpas, Sherry Hiebien,
Tammy Seddon, Vicki. Machan,
Evelyn Stroop, Debbie Hall, Lil-
lian Goulet.
Golden Bar presented by Cap-
' tain Kellington; Cathy Dgiemer,
Janice Somers, Karen Alexander,
Theresa Glanville. Golden Lad-
der; 'Patricia Haveman, Debbie
Prior, Karen Alexander, Trina
Watts, Cathy Sholdice, Karen Mc
Lean. Golden Hand; Patricia
Haveman, Debbie Prior, Karen
Results of the Auction Sale are:
Lot No. 1 including Cook Book
'by Brussels Post; Hair Spray -
George of Brussels; Home Lubri-
cation - Hoppe Hardware; Stud
Finder- Exel Construction; Can-
ned Ham - Thompson & Stephen-
son Meat Market; 4 Batteries -
Scotch Thistle Grill; Bath
Towel - Hackbarts. Dry Goods &
Clothing; Bracket Set- McDon-
ald Lumber purchased by Rick
Somers for $8,500.00. •
Lot No. 2. Including Oven
Mitts & Tide - Gem Appliance
Servicing; Quart SnoWmobile Oil-
Texan Grill(Texaco);4 tumblers,
2 paper Clips - Peter's Mobile
Mill; 2 Quarts Oil - McNeil
McLean, Cathy Sholdice. One
year Star; Janice Somers, Karen.
Alexander, Janet Heibien, The-
resa Glanville. Two-year Star;
Patricia Haveman, Debbie Prior,
Trine Watts, Cathy Sholdice,Ka-
ren McLean. Proficiency
Badges; Karen Alexander; Thrift,
Outdoor Adventure, Jester,
Singer, Writer; Kim Bauer -
Toymaker; Cathy Deaner - Jes-
ters, Singers, Writers, Col-
lectors; Theresa Glanville -
Jester, Singer, Thrift; Lillian
Goulet - Collectors, Cook,
Crafts, Thrift, Toymaker; Pat-
ricia Haveman - Singer, Jester,
(Continued on Page 4);
Garage; Dinner Ham - Brussels
Stockyards; Marker Set - Eder's
(Continued on Page 12).
We're sorry .
Sorry! we gave the young
man getting his teeth brushed by
a nurse of the Health Unit, pie-
tnred. on page -3 of last week's
Issue, the wrong. parents. '
He is the son of Mr. and Mri.
Win. Bremner of R.R.3, Brussels
. not Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bremner
of R.R. 2, Bluevale. We are sure ,
however, that anyone would be
proud to have the fine looking
youngster as a son.