HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-02-07, Page 10ein:;;.‘•
This happy group are the Grade 5 & 6 Intermural Volley-
ball Champions at Brussels Public School. Proudly displaying
their trophy are (Back L to R) Chuck Mason, John Richmond,
Doug. Cousins, Murray McLellan, Murray Ducharme, Capt.,
Kevin Heigot, Tim Prior, Greg Ducharme (Front) Carol
Wheeler,' Anne Kumm, Barbara Johnston, Vicki McCall, Susan
White, Cheryl Baur and Kim Ducharme.
Farmers meet to discuss proposed hydro line
A.M. and P.M. Wood Grain
NOW $ 9 .95
LW* iie,lottlOn Of,
(ay, Keith Roulston)
The first meeting between
the committee representing far-
mers in the path of a proposed
hydro line from Douglas Point
to Seaforth and Ontario Hydro
took place Thursday and a
spokesman for the farmers called
the Hydro negotiators 1,a tough
bunch of hombres".
George Underwood, R.R.1,
Wingham told the regular meet-
ing of the Huron County Feder-
ation of Agriculture in Clinton
Thursday night that the biggest
problem is trying to e xpl a in
to people not directly affected by
the proposed line what is really
happening. He said there is
general apathy about the project
and sited an editorial in an area
newspaper which spoke of what a
good public relations job Ontario
Hydro had done and compared it
with the bungling of the Canadian
Pacific Railway in connection
with the dump near Harriston.
However, Mr. Underwood
said, although Ontario Hydro
talked about three different pro-
posed routes for the line, only
one had ever been discussed in
public. There was a feeling
among the negotiating committee
he said, that the 940 foot wide
swath the utility proposes will
not be big enough and that it
is just the beginning of power
lines which will carve up the
st farmland in the area.
He expressed the need for
greater planning for Ontario
Hydro and other bodies to make
sure poor farm land is used for
utility corridors whenever pos-
sible instead of good land and
to ,seek ways to use the same
corridors for multiple uses such
as new highways.
He warned that people must
become aware that not onlythose
in the oath of the line are affec-
ted, bui_everyone. our land-
scape that is being used" he
said. He said people had to stand
up and let Hydro know that "fit's
our land" and we want some say
in how it is used. The meeting
passed a resolution to the OFA
that the OFA ask the government
for an independent feasibility
study of the route of the line
and all future power routes.
Mrs. Chester Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fische
and family moved their house
hold effects to Listowel wher
they have purchased a home
Mrs. May Godden is visit
ing relatives in Brampton befor
leaving for Florida for three
Mr. Earl Rock of Kincardin
visited his mother Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Crozie]
and baby visited. Sunday with Mr
and Mrs. Les Crozier.
Mrs. Eva Smith is spendin
a few days -with her family i
St. Marys.
mr. and Mrs. Del Guest an
family moved to Barrie Satur
day where they have purchase
a home.
Visitors with Mr. and Mr
Geo. Lynn were Mr. and Mr
Doug. Pitcher and family an
Miss Betty Lynn; all of Toronto
Visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. E
Downey on Sunday were Mrs.Jo
Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Ge
Brown,Gorrie,. Mr. and Mr
Geral Downey, Monkton, Li
and Tressa remained for a wee
Mr. and Mrs. William Dobso
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dobso
Palmerston, Mr. and Mr
Bremner,William- attended th
-boat show in Toronto, Sunda
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kraute
have returned home after vaca
ioning in California.
The Cemetery. Board held
meeting in the Clerk's office
Feb. 8th with all members pr
sent. Those being Mr. Cl
Dunbar, Mr. Geo. Pearson, M
Chester Earl, Mr. Cameron C
chrane, Mr. Cecil Raynard a
Mr. Ron Cardiff.
Miss Jane McLennan visit
this past week with Mr. and Mr
Alvin Lobb at R.R. Centrali
Monday, February 12th, 1973
one of our representatives
will be at
the Blue Barn Motel and Restaurant
Listowel -
between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
In this district and throughout Canada many
persons and firms in practically all types of
businesses including
Agriculture • Tourist and Recreational
Businesses • Construction • Professional
Services • Transportation • Wholesale and
Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing
have obtained loans from the IDB to acquire
land, buildings, and machinery, to increase
working capital, to start a new business, and
for other purposes. If you consider that IDB
`can be of service, you are invited to arrange an
appointment with the IDB representative by
.Limited quantities available
207 Black and White
Portable- Television
SALE. .00
Pbrtable color .00
Colored Set
13 cu. ft. Refrigerator
24" Stove
Completely automatic
$ 399 °°
(Brand names on all
or in advance by writing to
197 York Street, London, Ontario
N6A 1B2
convenient monthly payments can be arranged on all Sales.
There will be no trade-in acceptance on these articles.
Wholesale prices in effect.'
Turn off Hwy. 86 atElma-Grey Townlirie' and follow the signs.