HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-02-07, Page 8GREf d
Yqug -r 'd -tiK413410e SINCE fdild• •
C. 1 ,Stiett branch .iitanAgOt
votional service conducted by
the minister, the. Rev, Charles
A. falconer, who also acted as
chairman for the meeting, Mrs.
Jim Knight was appointed as
secretary. Reports for the year
were encouraging and were adop-
ted as printed in the annual re-
ports. The two W.M.S. groups
exceeded their givings of the
previous year. The Ladies Aid
purchased new carpet for the
choir loft. Retiring managers
were Alex Cameron, Earl Dunn
and Stewart Steiss. Jack Knight,
Mrs. Lylle Gordon and johnStri-
ckler were elected for a three-
year period. Mrs. Clare Veitch
was appointed auditor from the
congregation. Ushers are Jack
Knight and Stewart Steiss with.
Earl. Dunn and Leslie Knight as
assistants. There was a dis-
cussion on gowns for the Jur,
Choir and Hymnals. It was the
wish of the meeting to have the
choir every Sunday from now On.
Mrs. Clare. Veitch expressed
thanks on behalf of those present
to Rev. and Mrs. Falconer for
their work among us. Rev.Fal-
coner thanked the congregation
for their co-operation and the
meeting -was closed with prayer.
Mrs. Stuart McNair and Mrs.
Stewart Steiss were re-appointed
as organists and Mrs.. M. J.
Engel as secretary-treasurer.
Clare Veitch, Wilfred and
John Strickler, Harry and
John Gillis attended the Imple-
ment Show at the C.N.E. in Toron-
to on Friday.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Strickler'were Mr.
and M rs. Ralph, Mr. and Mrs.
Vanass, London.
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itittittELt 1973
News of Crsobrook
Knox church holds annual meeting
In scanning the Mitchell Advocate this weekend we note
that representatives of most of the organizations, councils
and others attended a meeting to begin organizing-for the
town's centennial in 1974. The dates were set for June
29, June 30, July 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 1974. Floyd.Wassman,
elected president, stated "We've got a year and a half to go
but we have to get going". Monday night's meeting showed
that all are determined to do 'just that' and committee
heads. .will meet February 8th to select the various com-
mittee helpers who will begin their preparations shortly. - -
Ken Green, St. pauls was elected president of the Perth
County Junior Farmers and Richard Eickmeyer was named
president of the Mitchell Junior Farmers. — Mitchell's
fire department was called to lot 13, Con. 7, Hibbert
Township about 4:50 p.m. on Tuesday, where a barn was on
fire, owned by Gordon Vivian. George Vivian and Gordon
kept the fire smothered by shovelling chop on the smolder-
ing hay. With the arrival of the fire department the barn
was saved with very little daMage. - - - Lloyd Riley is
president of the Senior Citizens for 1973 and was installed
at their regular meeting by retiring president James
The Goderich Signal Star reports that Mrs. John Berry
has been named the new president of the Hospital Auxil-
iary. - - - Added to the board of managers for the first
time in the Ashfield Presbyterian Church are two lady
members. They are Mrs. Donald Simpson and Mrs. Allan
MacDonald. .The church members plan to mark the 125th
anniversary on June 17th. - - - The Branch finals of the
Legion Public Speaking contest will be held in Goderich on
Friday, February 9th when students from Grades 4 to 6
and Grades 7 to 8 will be competing.
The Lucknow Sentinel relates that Omar Brooks was
named the new president of the Lucknow Agricultural
Society during its annual meeting which was held in the
form of a pot-luck supper and was followed by various
reports of the committees. - - Frank Lennon, Toronto
Daily Star photographer, received the Canadian Press •
"Picture of the Year award" for his picture of Paul
Henderson leaping in triumph after scoring the winning
goal in the Canada-Russia Hockey series with 34 seconds
left in the final game. - - -Mrs. A. E. Purdon, Whitechurch,
was honored on her 95th. birthday at the home of Mr . and
Mrs. RObert Mowbray. - - Mr. Alex McKenzie, Lucknow,
marked his 88th birthday recently when his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Farish Moffat, Wingham, held
a social .evening with around 25 friends and relatives
present for the occasion. '
' Mrs. Bertha McNall, according to the Teeswater News,
suffered a painful injury when her left wrist was cut by
plate glass as it broke in her hands when putting the top
on the fish aquarium. The sharp edge fell on her wrist
cutting 'the artery and veins. Her son, Charlie and brother-
in-law Carl Haskins rushed her to wingham Hospital. The
wrist required 50 stitches. Fortunately none of the tendons
w as cut. - — Teeswater arena was busy, Wednesday,
where 64 curlers .gathered to participate in a ladies'
bonspiel for the Invitational Trophy, donated by Dr. and
Mrs. P.J. Leahy. ,A Brussels rink took 3rd in the 9 a.m.
'According to a report in the Blyth Standard by a vote
of more than 2 - 1, the directors of the Blyth Agricultural
Society decided last week not to continue the Blyth Fall Fair.
The Wingham Advance-Times reports that George Fin-
stad, nationally known- staffer of the CBC-TV news pro-
gram, "The National" was guest speaker at the wingham
Lions Club monthly meeting. Mr. Finstad traced the
CBC-TV development which proved very interesting to the
members of the meeting. - - -Denise Kennedy of Tees-
water was a double winner in the Lions Talent Hunt Show
in Wingha.m Thursday night taking a $10 prize on a sole
effort and sharing a prize with her 'partner, Rosemary
Kuffer, also of Teeswater, in a duet. The girls specialize
in folk, country and western songs. - - - Robert Holborn,
R.R,1, FordWich, while fishing at Hawkstone on • Lake
Simcoe, landed 'a large lake trout, 34 inches long and
weighed 15 pounds, was estimated to be at least 10 years
The Exeter 'Tines-Advodate reports that according to
Gerald Brintnell, chairman of committee for a new corn-
,munity hall in the Kirktori-Woodha.m areas, plans are going as
scheduled and construction should start about March 1st.
Tenders close February 6 for 'the sale and removal of
several existing buildings on the Kirkton fairgrounds
where the new Community Centre will be built. - Dick
Roelofson, owner and operator of the Exeter Veterinary
Clinic for 17 yea.rs, is leaving the area to join one of a
two-man veterinary staff in charge of checking all thorough-6
bred horses running at three Ontario tracks. They are
Woodbine, Greenwood in Toronto area and Fort Erie,
Nearly 250 Optimists and guests were present Saturday
night as the Optimist Club of Vanastra, Clinton received its
chatter at a banquet held in the former` officers mess at
Vanastra.. The newly' formed club has 35 charter members.
Peter Brown is the charter president.
Mrs. Mac Engel
The annual congregational
Meeting of Knox Presbyterian
Church was preceded by a pot
luck dinner held in the basement
of the church on February 1st.
The, meeting opened with a de-
Ladies ' High Single: Mar-
lene Rutledge, 251; Doris Mathe-
son, 249; Winnie Bell, 242.
Ladies' High Triple - Jane Ward,
656; Sharon Evans, 616; Marlene
Rutledge, 605.
Men's High Single - Howie
Baker, 317 - 280; Ray Adams,
278; Gord Matheson, 253. Men's
High Triple - Howie Baker, 830;
Gord Matheson, 701; RobertPipe
Spares - Brian Rutledge for
Marilyn Higgins; Merle Free-
man for Fran Golley.
The teams still remain close -
Robert's Beginners, 112; Non
Strikers, 110; Howie's Headers,
106; Fran's Fairlanes; 106;
Ralph's Jokers, 98; Adam's
Angels, 95.
Jane Ward, 207; Gord Mathe-
son,201; Howie Baker, 198;
Roert Pipe, 195; Don Jacklin,
195; Doris Matheson, 194; Mar-
lene Rutledge, 193; Ray Adams,
193; Eric Jolly, 189; Murrey
Kellington, 188; Gord Smtth,186;
Carson Watson, 185; Fran
Golley, 183; Winnie Bell, 183;
Mick Conoboy, 181; Bill Stephen-
son, 178; Joyce Jacklin, 177;
Helen Adams, 175; Ralph Trieb-
ner, 175; Lynne Haveman, 170;
Marilyn Higgins .1.68; Gord Jack-
lin, 166; George Wheeler, 166;
Sharon Evans, 163; Wilda Hig-
gins, 159; Delores Wheeler,158;
Joyce Triebner, 156; 'Chester
Higgins, 155; Susan McNeil, 154;
Carol Miller, 154; 'Alma Wat-
son, 152; Glen Bridge, 141; Phil
Miller, 139; Shirley Wheeler,
135; Stephanie Watts, 119; Cathy
Bridge, 112.
Editor's Qurite. Book
"The' r,eason birds can fly
and wkwan't is simply that
'they have perfect faith, for to
have faith is to have wings."
— James Barrie
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