HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-01-31, Page 9ONE OF THE PROJECTs IN 1H€' COMMUNITY THAT NEVER tiers DONE USUALLY S0METHING WE AG INDIVIDUALS WERE vo--- GOING lb 1R, COMPL_Er. For And About Teenagers I'M uusr Nor THE KIND To ,GO UP AND START TALKING- To SOM E ONE. 0 0 0. MR!, MERCHANT Here are TEN solid facts you should consider in planning your ADVERTISING This newspaper is an advertising medium that is WANT- ED - it is sought after '.and paid for, and advertising in it is not an intruder in the home. 2 This newspaper's circulation is CONCENTRATED in this trading area. 3 The newspaper provides PENETRATION in the prim- ary market by reaching virtually every family or cus- tomer in that market. • 4 People read newspaper ads when they are ready to make a. decision and to act - WHEN THEY'RE READY TO BIJY. 5 The newspaper is convenient ; it may be consulted at a time most CONVENIENT to every member of the fam- ily: 6 People LIKE TO READ-.NEWSPAPER ADVERTISE- MENTS - surveys show 85 per cent of the people want their •newspaper to contain advertising. 7 Every issue of every newspaper contains INFORMA- TION .AND PICTURES of interest to every member of the family. 8 Newspaper reading is a habit and a part of people's routine. 9 The printed word is MORE RELIABLE THAN the spoken word and it cannot be refuted because it is easily available for re-checking. More accurate information is obtained by reading than by listening. 10 The newspaper is ideal for comparison - items in a news- paper may be easily compared with items in other news- paper ads. THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND MOST ECONOMICAL WAY TO PROMOTE BUSINESS'S THROUGH NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING ESTABLISHED 1872 • News of Walton W.I. holds meeting Correspondent Mrs: Allan McCall The President, Mrs. Gerald Watson opened the January meeting of the Walton Women's Institute on Wednesday evening held in the community hall” with Mrs. Ray Huether as pianist. Mrs. Watson welcomed everyone including the 4 -H girls. Walton II club had a display on "Salads to accompany cold meat" with the commentator, Janice Hous- ton. Mrs. Laverne Godkin con- venor for Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries read a poem, "Recipe for a Happy Year." Then Mrs. Godkin introduced Lloyd. Wheeler of near Brussels who has been' in the Honey In- dustry since 1936. He had •a film, "The Miracle of the Bees" shown with the projector run by Neil McGavin. Many questions were asked by the audience and answered by Mr. Wheeler. Mrs. Godkin thanked ' him for all the information on honey and presen- ted him with a gift on behalf of the Institute Mr. McGavin also was thanked with a gift. Mrs. G. Watson conducted the business with Mrs. Joe Steiner reading the minutes: 25 members answered the roll call, "A use for honey or a recipe using honey," followed by the trea- surer's report and the corres- pondence. Leaders are required for the Spring project, "Sports- wear from Knits". It was decided to have card parties with one on Friday Feb- ruary 9th with the hostesses, Mrs. W.J. Leeming, Mrs. John Bos, Mrs. Jim Axtmann, and Mrs. John Gordon. Those to help for the card party on February 23 were chosen as Mrs. Mac Shol- dice, the convenor with Mrs. Dave Watson, Mrs. Ralph Traviss, and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. The nominating committee is.: Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Jim Fritz, Mrs. Neil McGavin, Mrs. Ralph Traviss, and Mrs. Earl Watson along with the President. Resignations are to be in by the February meeting. It was moved to buy a perma press table cloth with lace around it, to be used by the members for the tea table at the meetings, and it is to be left locked in the cupboard after each use. The President adjourned the meeting followed by the Institute Grace and lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Earl Watson and Mrs. Allan Mc- C all. Euchre There were 10 tables in play at the progressive euchre held in 'the Walton Community hall on Friday evening. Prize winners were for high lady, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Sr., Low lady, Mrs. Charles McCut- cheon; High Mand, Fred Porter, Wingham; Low man, Ed Godkin; Card with the most zeros, Eric Driscoll. Lunch was served by the hos- esses, Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Helen Williamson, Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Don Mc- Donald. Another euchre will be held on. Friday evening February 9. Mr. and' Mrs. Ken. Shortreed left on Saturday morning on a two week bus trip to Florida. mr. Joseph Ryan is a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital being admitted a week age Mon- day. Mrs. Hilda Sellers is staying with her grandaughter, Gail while Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Traviss are holidaying in Hawaii. Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce Clark and son Jim called on Mrs. Maude Leeming and 'Jim Clark, Keith and Ann last Wednesday on their return trip from Florida, son Jim stayed with friends in London while his parents were 'on vacation. Mr. Allan McCall returned home on Saturday from Clinton Public Hospital. Miss Emma Shortreed, Guelph visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shortreed. Sunday evening while re- turning from Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shortreed were involved in a motor accident when their car hit a patch of ice and crashed into an oncoming truck. Mr. Shortreed was taken to Lis- towel Hospital where he will be under observation for two or three days. Mrs. Shortreed w,as removed to. K-W Hospital in Kitchener with possible con- cussion and internal injuries. Remember! It takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6641. Mid-Town Mayor to"get .inte grOUp of people Who hAVe, the same .interests as you: Join' a dub. oi. organization: Then you'll 114that SeVeralboystiiight g.et_to kilo* you because pitth,ave the Same interests and something in common to talk abouti boh't just sit atotthd*illit .,soity tot yourself acid jealbus about .your Sister/ Get out and 6i'ijoy life Meet tieW iriehda, firid neW :111.i ter-data:- Rehleniber there's' a. whold, world p4iiiete waiting to be d4COVered by you i, so come oh and stop wortyifig'i, This week'S LETTER: I have a, great problem. I'm 16 and I have never gone out Or been asked out. My oldersitter goes out all the time with different guys but I never get asked out at all. I'Mjealous, bdt I try riot to show it: kind Of shy i but net really a lot. I'm ;lust not. the kind to go up t.hd start talking to some- one. What canj do? OUR RE PLY! There are many other ways to meet ptopi,o, es = peCially boy besides just going Up to thein and gait tilkitigt Try THE: BRUSSELS : POSt JANUARY 31;-