HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-01-24, Page 12 Airy • Mitchell's — 14.oz. Kraft MIRACLE WHIP APPLE SAUCE TIDE SOAP Maxwell BAKERY GROCERY, 'STEPHENSON'S FREE DELIVERY Phone 8874226 READ and USE POST CLASSIFIED 12-oz. jar 1.99 large size 1,89 2 for 390 16-oz. 49C Cot moi tior per that beii 1 God Dus Voe peti the per to I whq lish 17tt way star fret Can 1 Mun Mc1 in G boa ..,of putt sore Shan to al ages sons' world .11ru8 hunk from them tion Stro 1. dioil of p Certa Opportunities for youth 191 Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall Fifty members attended the Pot-luck smorgasbord supper which preceded the annual meet- ing of Duff's United Church on Thursday evening, January 18. Rev. D. Docken opened the worship service with the singing of Hymn 88, "God who gives to Life its Goodness", accompanied by Mrs. Ian Wilbee on the piano. Several verses were read from 12th chapter of F irst Corinthians. followed by prayer. Hymn 336, "Sons of God hear his Holy Word" was accompanied by Rev. Docken on the guitar. Mrs. Graeme Craig was ap- pointed secretary and read the minutes of the 1972 meeting. Harvey Craig will be lay dele- gate for 1973. Mrs. Maxine Marks and Cathy Achilles enter- tained with a humorous skit. Rev. Docken gave report of session. A short memorial service was held for those who passed away in 1972 New Elders for 1973 are Herb Traviss and Neil McGavin. Dis- cussion on hymns for church service was held and suggestions • for Anniversary speakers were given. Rev. Docken will take his vacation for the month of July. Encouraging reports from different organizations were given by Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. Ken McDonald, Miss Dianne God- kin, Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Edna Hackwell and Miss Dianne Fraser. Treasurer re- ported $24,961 raised during the year. New stewards are Alvin Mc- Donald, Keith Clark, Norman Schade and Ernie Stevens. Salary Schedule adopted by board is to be followed this year.. A discussion on "Chimes" for church tower followed. It was suggested we make the Live Love Project for '73 go to Ann Reuber's work in Japan. Doug Fraser moved a vote of thanks to the ladies for a de- licious supper and Emmerson Mitchell' expressed their, ap- preciation to Rev. and Mrs. Docken for their work during the past year. The meeting was adjourned. U.C.W. Meeting The IvicKillop Unit of the U.C.W. held the January meeting at the home of Mrs. Glen Mc- Nichol with 12 members present. Mrs. G. McNichol presided for devotions, opening the meet- ing by reading a poem, "The New Year". Hymn, "Standing at the Portal" was sung. Mrs. Laverne Godkin read the scrip- hire from John 3: 1-7. Mrs. G. McNichol gave the Meditation followed by prayer. The collec- tion was taken by Mrs. Merton Hackwell and dedicated by Mrs. G. McNichol. Mrs. Laverne Godkin had the Topic, enlightening us on the religion in India. Hymn, "The Church's One Foundation" closed this part of the meeting. Mrs. Merton Hackwell was pianist. Mrs. John Burch was in charge of the business period. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Roll call was taken and answered by everyone paying their dues. Thank you cards were received and read. Mrs. Neil McGavin gave a report on the general meeting held in the church. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Murray Dennis, Mrs. Don Dennis, Mrs. Wm. Roe, Mrs. John Burch and hostess, Mrs. Glen McNichol. BOUNDARY AND 17th UNIT The January meeting of the unit held their meeting on Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. Helen Williamson with 14 mem- bers and one visitor present. Mrs. Ross Bennett opened the meeting announcing the hymn, "Standing at the Portal" with Mrs. Martin Baan as pianist. Mrs. Ross Bennett then read the scripture from Psalm 103, followed by prayer, and a reading. The offering was received and dedicated. Mrs. Harvey Craig chose as he"r topic, "Happy New Year" and a reading on "Drugs". Hymn, "Guide me 0 Thou Great Jehovah" closed the devotional period. The secretary, Mrs. Harold McCallum read the minutes and two' thank-you cards were read. The membership fee of 30 cents was collected. The treasurer's report was given and Mrs. Van- Vliet, Sr. reported on the emer- gency fund. The annual meeting was announced. The next mee- ting is set for February 13 with Mrs. John Bos and Mrs. James William son. Mrs. Ross Bennett assisted the hostess in serving lunch at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. LUndy of Hamilton spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and visited Satur- day afternoon with Alln in Clin- ton Public Hospital. The hostesses for the card party 'this Friday evening at the community hall are Mrs. Stew- art Humphries, Mrs. Helen Wil- liamson, Mrs. Don McDonald and Mrs. Don Achilles. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson of Seaforth to Toronto where she visited with her sister Mrs. Fred Kerley and Mr. Kerley for the week end. Miss Jennifer Kirkby was home with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Doug Kirkby an Paul for the week end. Jennifer is tak- ing treatmentat the Children's Hospital in. London. Mr. and Mrs. F red Dunk entertained their neighbor, Mr. William Bennett at their home on Faturday evening. Those pre- sen' for dinner to honor Mr. 'Bei:nett 9n the occasion of his 87th birthday were Mrs'.Maude Leeming, Mrs. Roy Bennett and Mr. Lloyd Porter. The com- munity extends their congratulat- ions. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Call left on Sunday for a holi- day in Hawaii. Opportunities for Youth pro- gram for 19'73 has recently been announced by the Secretary of State. Information has been received here with a request that the information be shared with others it is felt it concerns. They are hopeful that more projects will originate in the rural and small towns and that all groups and classes of young people will become involved. The project officers, in a letter, stated he, or another on his staff, would be available to visit the area and would be pleased to speak to any , individuals or groups about the program itself, or specific project ideas. This year particular em- phasis will be placed on projects of community service and social benefits. When . proposing a project, young people are asked to submit a detailed plan indi- cating they have community sup- port and interest and outlining what they hope to achieve, how they expect to reach their objec- tive, and the amount of money needed to cover salaries and administrative expenses. . All applications must be mailed before Midnight, March 1st, 1973, to the Provincial Of- fice, P.O.Box 2660, Station D, Ottawa, Canada, KIP 5Z2. Applications may be obtained from your nearest Manpower Centre, or from the O.F.Y. field office, London, 2nd. Floor, 447 Ridout Street North. OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH "HIGHLIGHTS - The major program in the Summer '73 package activities for, Canada's young people. * * * - More fund's, more activities and increased earnings com- pared to 1972, longer duration of the projects. - Budget of $39,970,000. Summer employment for 33,834 young people. - Maximum earnings: $90 pe week for post-secondary stu dents; $70 per week for hig school students. * * * Criteria for assessing pro- jects; community benefit, you involvement, feaiibility, inno vation, needs of participant • * * - More involvement of low-in come youth. * * * - Increased participation in nor them Canada. * * * - Application forms available about January 15, 1973; mus be submitted by.March 1, 1973 Melville COC The Melville C.O.C. met i the church basement on Sunda Jan. 21st. We opened our mee ting with the business portion Secretary's report was given b Joan Mair. Treasurer's report was given by Elizabeth Exel Roll call was taken withl5peopl present and C.O.C. dues wer paid. Our second part was opene with singing 'Can a Little Chil Like Me" and prayer in unison Joan Mair read the Bibl Psalm 23. Then we talked about India. Elizabeth brought a story about Christmas in India which was read to us. we made craft using chenille wire. The ,meeting closed with prayer for missionaries. BUMPER STICKERS News of Walton. Attend congregational meeting #0•41,#•4•••••• Schneider's RED HOT WIENERS • • • • • . • • lb. pkg LETTUCE, U.S. No. 1 • • • • Weston's -- Chocolate FUDGE BAR • • • • 3 for SANI FLUSH, giant size • • .• • • • • • • • a,• McCUTCHEON,-GROCE Phone 887-9445 We Deliver BRUSSELS POST; JANUARY 24, 1973 -SPECIA IS- COFFEE MUGS Regular 55c 2 f r774 CUPS and SAUCERS 2 for 774 FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES TAPE RECORDERS Reg. 49.95 on SALE NOVVfor 29.95 LUNCH KITS with THERMOS 3.89 Galvanized GARBAGE CANS Reg. 6.56 -4.97 POKEY TOYS -.574 GET YOUR TICKETS', NOW FOR THE W I¤ AM I .CONTE ST! 0-LDFIELD'S HARDWARE BRUSSELS • Phone :887068M ti,.:si44•444AN•HmitoWrfie4*Ooo•44•H-44AO SPECIALS SCATTER MATS Reg. 1.59 and i.98 for 1.19 and 1.47 20-C