HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-01-17, Page 11r ti Mrs d so Sunda Melva' r e ver ie 197 ossibi in th The Gpde Harol Hug mak post ate 1 ) says rongly )r net but SPW ocket ussel 2. Lost, Strayed NOTICE - Lost in Brussels last Wednesday on Bank cprner a black wallet containing money and valuable papers. A reward is offered on return of wallet if contents are intact, - Thos. Bernard, Phone 887-6544. 2-55x1 4. Help Wanted A 411 time MA TNTENANCE AND -UTILITY person for the Village of BRUSSELS to assist present Utility Man. Salary commensurate with ability and experience. Applications to be in to Municipal Office by February 2, 1973. Wm. H. King, Clerk-Treasurer, Village of Brussels. 4-54-2 11. Articles for Sale GERALD Bell fruit farm will have a truck load of apples at the Brussels Stockyards every Friday afternoon. Priced $2.00 and up per bus. Northern Spys, Macintosh, red Delicious. Also fresh apple cider at $1.00 a jug. 11 -54 -f MARLETTE Mobile Homes and Double Wides, furnished or un- furnished. Made in Stratford, Ontario; Marlette Mobile Homes are available with expandos. This provides an extra room and makes the living room almost 19 ft. wide. Roomy luxurious comfort, ideal for you. Two of the most popular models heated for your viewing pleasure. Mapleview Mobile Homes, R.R.2, Listowel, South end of Trow- bridge. 11-54-8 12. Wanted '6Buy WANTED antiques of all types and sused furniture. Fair prices paid. For appointment Phone 887-9021 anytime. 12-50-tf 15. Property for Rent APARTMENT for rent - heated - reasonable, Adults. Phone 887- " 6525. 15-55-1 19. Notices HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead 'or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN , UPON RE- QUEST. Call coiled - 482-9811 7 days a Week 24 •hours a day License No. 378C-72 Call us first,- ybu won't have to' call anyone else. 19-53-tf CLASSIFIED RATES. 'Word Count Charges are based on the number of words., Sets 'of numerals such as serial numbers, street numbers,' phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. . Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-25 words $1.00, 30 per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy. changes, 20 per word, minimum .500 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.12 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS • - .980 per column inch Minimum size 1. inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch LEGAL ADVERTISING - Rates on request. BOX NUMBERS to thin office 25j per insertion BIRTHS - No charge' when in minimum form. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices Cards Of' Thanks and Births (other than in minimum form). = 25 words , $1.00, each additional word 20.., IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus .080 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS 25 words $1.00 , each additional word .030. No catiCeltation of multiple insertion advertise:neat " after noon MondaYs. 25. DISCOUNT FOR CASH pAymEpr OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 Ait., TUESDAY, folloWing publication. DEADLINE: tikAbLINE'TO Otatier"OtASsIPIEb A.03.10 bicid Pi* MOttbAit phone 01414t • ••• - • • • tS 1. Coming Events COME to Blyth Lion's Club Bingo every Saturday night 8:30 P.M. in the Memorial Hall. Ad- mission $1.00, 12 'reg. 'games at $10.00 each, 2 share the wealth games, $25.00 special and $145.00 jackpot in 6Q calls. Every time it doesn't go there is $10.00 added. •, you are invited to. attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE.'CENTRE Medical Building, BRUSSELS on Wednesday, JANUARY 24, 1973 from 1;30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for: 1. Discussion on Home Care 2. Health Surveillance. Volunteer drivers available. 1-55-1 ATTENTION VETERANS THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SERVICE BUREAU OFFICER Mr. H. W. Moyer Provincial Service Officer London, Ontario Will be visiting in the area. Any one wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding war disability pensions, treat- ment, allowances, etc., is re- quested to contact the Service Officer, or secretary, of the local branch, whose name appears below, riot later than FEBRUARY 5, 1973 to arrange an interview. Ross Duncan C.L.Workman Secretary Service Officer Brussels Brussels 1. Coming Events BRUSSELS. Agricultural Society AnnUal Meeting, Wednesday, January 31st,. Melville Presby- terian Church. Banquet 7:00P,M, 1-55-2 THE Majestic W.I. are sponsor-. ing the 4-H project "Sportswear From Knits". Any girl 12 - 26 years wishing to take this course please contact either Mrs. Wallace Bell 6829 or Mrs. Paul McDonald 6773 immed- iately. 1-55-2 SPECIAL MOTOR COACH TOURS COUNTRY 'Music Spectacular- Sunday, January 21st,1973, Cobo Arena, Detroit. Starring George Jones, Ray Price ' Tammy Wyn- ette, David Huston and the Carter Family. Bus leaves Seaforth 9:30 A.M. $14 per per- son includes reserved seat and bus fare. APRIL 28, 1973 - 21 days in California - visiting Salt Lake City, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las • Vegas, Grand Canyon - from $38000 per person. MARCH 17, 1973 - 9 days to Florida. Motel accommodation for 8 nights(Beach front motel in Florida) from $139.00 per person. JANUARY 27, 1973,FEBRUARY 10,1973, FEBRUARY 24,1973, MARCH 31, 1973 - 14 days to Florida - Motel accommoda- tion for 13 nights (Beach front motel in Florida). Optional side trips from Daytona Beach motel - from $209.00 per person. * * * * Brochures on request. GOOD TIMES TRAVEL . AGENCY Box 789, SEAFORTH Phone 527-:'0050. 1-53-tf Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor: Want Ads. Dial 527- Brussels Pet F • DEAD. STOCK' REMOVAL . Ave pay op' to $15.00 fOr fresh; deed or disabled Cows and 11OrareS according to Small anneals removed free of charge as a service to yotio Milt 8814364 Collect prop's. JOHNSTON BROSA,, 74.4j4t 21. Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS on, forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 5;00 p.m. on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 7, 1973 for one 1973 AUTOMOBILE A 1970 automobile will be of- fered as a trade-in. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J W .13R I TNELL P . ENG Huron County Engineer Court House Goderich, Ontario. 21-55-1 TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and in- cluding FEBRUARY 6, 1973 for the purchase and removal of a FRAME RESIDENCE located on Lots 50 and 51 on the south side of Huron Street in the Jarvis survey in the TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque in an amount of ten percent (10%) of the tender price which ' will be returned in the event the tender being unsuccessful. Each tender will include an assurance that the building will be removed from the site not later than July 14, 1973. .The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. persons Intending to bid may examine the building upon appli- cation to the Steward,Legion Hall, Seaforth. R. W. WHITELY Secretary, Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, 'Seaforth, Ontario. 21-55-2 GASOLINE TENDER Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received up to 12:00 noon on Monday, January 29, 1973 for the supply of gasoline for all the school buses owned by the Huron County Board of Education. Tender forMs may be obtained at the Board Office. It L. Cunningham,, Transportation Manager HURON COUNTY ,BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1LO 21=55=1 . SSE POST WANVADS MAL 8874641 41. 22. Legal Notices NOT I CE TO CRED I TORS In the estate of ROY ALBERT CHAMPION, late of Brussels, Ontario, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed solicitors on or before .the 3rd day of February, 1973, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. DATED at Brussels this 13th , day of January, 1973. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-55-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JAMES KERR, late of Brussels, Ontario, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of.such claims to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 3rd day of February, 1973, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having re- gard only to claims that have then been received. DATED at Brussels this 15th day of January, 1973. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 22-55-3 24. Card of Thanks My sincere thanks to all friends and relatives in the Brussels area for "Get-Well' and Christ- Inas messages, gifts,flowers and visits. Your kindness was deeply appreciated and will never be forgotten.-Mrs.Chester Rintoul. • 24-55x1 We gratefully acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy extended 'us at the time of the death of Roy Champion. Your kindly thoughtfulness was ap- preciated. Thanks also to Rev. C.A.McCarroll and the M. L. Watts Funeral Home. - The Champion Family. . 24-55-1 VilfiNen ()O' .h0d: More men are shopping in supermarkets than ever before. A study revealed the husband was present 50 percent of the time, either alone or with his wife, on the most recent trip to the store to buy food and household sup- plies. Who bought the groceries? Wife alone, 53 percent; husband and wife, 19 percent; husband alone 22 percent; others, 6 per- cent. The husband was involved in product purchases 41 per- cent of the time. Give a pork loin roast an applesauce coat for a winter meal. Simply spread the, roasting loin with spiced applesauce during the last half hour of. cooking. Remember , when roasted to only 170 degrees F. • internal temperature (which is well' done)pork is juicier and cOoking losses are less. When winter puts appetites on the upswing, hefty sandwiches are Satisfying. Meet the demand by mashing a generous amount of crumpled CriST) bacon and a bit of pickle relish wt canned baked beans. For thin sandwich spread With Salad dresSing or catsup. litifv1PER STICKERS kirek 6140RT IP 1\107-E t S DUO. tbl SPIttiN64 1-55-1 ,0240. tkt itiktittELt POSt, it 10111