HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1973-01-17, Page 3News of Walton .8th and 16th Correspondent Mrs.Allan McCall The Unit met at the home of Mrs. James WDenald on Wed-, nesday evening. Mrs. Don McDonald opened with a short meditation. The hymn, "Take Time to be Holy" was read in unison. Mrs. Doug Fraser read the scripture from Psalm 100. A skit "Moon Daze" was presented by Mrs. Jim Fritz, Mrs. Alvin McDonald, Mrs. Doug Fraser, Mrs. Rae Houston and Mrs. Don McDonald. The topic, "Where God is" was given by Mrs. Don McDonald. The hymn "Will your Anchor Hold in' the Storms of Life?" closed this part of the meeting. The new president, Mrs. George McCall, conducted the business. Minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Don Mc- Donald. The roll call was ans- wered by 9 members. At the general U.C.W. meeting the allo- cation for 1973 was set for $1000. All memberS present paid their 30 cent fee. Lunch was served by Mrs.- Rae Houston, Mrs. Ken Mc- Donald and the hostess. Personals Correspondent Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse The leader, Mrs. Stanley Cook, opened the January meeting of the afternoon unit of the U.C .W., with the hymn "Breathe on me Breath of God," then followed with prayer. Mrs. Cook read a New Years' poem also a meditation entitled "Thoughts for the New Year". Fix our thoughts on what is true and gocid and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and on the fine good things in others, she urged. Thirteen members and one visitor were in attendance. Mrs. Leslie Bolt conducted the Bible Study on Paul's Letter to the Ephesians. Mrs. George Mar- . tin introduced the study book, Ask an Indian about India, con- ducted an Indian quiz and with Mrs. Cook, held an informative dialogue and discussion on India. Mrs. Robert Hibberd read scripture from Luke, Mrs: Wil- lard Armstrong read a meditation in keeping' with the study and apoem-The Lord's Compassion. Pray6-r.by Mrs. Hibberci was fol- lowed by the hymn, "More Love to Thee, 0 Christ". Euchre Unit presents And Mrs. Reid closed the meet- ing with prayer, The hostesses, Mrs. Alex Gulutten. Jr., Mrs. Don Achilles and. Mrs. Wm. Blake served re-. freshments. • Card party The euchre parties sponsored by the Walton. W.I. resumed again for •the winter months, when 7 tables were in play. Prize winners were; High lady, MrS, Edna }Inkwell, Low lady, Margaret Sliortreed; High 'Moon Daze' man, Alvin McDonald, LQW man, Clifford Ritchie; 1,041y wearing j nail polleh,Nire. Clifford Ritchie, Tickets were said on a. boic of groceries won by Neil Mitchell. Lunch was served by the hosteSses, Mrs. Neil McGavin, Mrs. George Blake, Mrs. Harold Bolger and. Mrs. Gerald Watson.' Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown 4f Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown of Burlington were guests on Sunday with Mrs. Allan McCall,and visited Allan McCall, who is a patient in Clinton Pub- lie Hospital. Newi of Belgrave Affornoon: unit has meeting USED CAR SPECIALS 1971-98 Oldsmobile, 4-dr., fully equipped 1970-98 Oldsmobile, 4-dr., fully equipped 1971—Chev. Impala, 4-dr. HT., PS., PB, 1971—Chevelle Malibou, 2-dr. HT., PS., PB. 1970--Chevelle Malibou, 4-dr., 8-cyl., auto., 1969—Caprice, 2-dr. HT., Bucket Seats 1969---Chev. Belair, 4-dr„ 8-cyl., auto., PS, PB 1969--Torino, 2-dr. HT., 8-ey1, .PS4 1968—Ford Galakie, 241r. HT., PS., PB., 1968—Plymouth, 8-cyl., auto., 4-dr. Sedan Other IVIodels - Also Vsed Trucks — McCUTCHEON MOTORS LTD,: YOUR NEW CAR DEALER 25 Years- Service to the. Area Phone 887-6856 n "Til 9 Nightly ri 0 L571" COMPLETE FERTILIZER SERVICES Prescription Blending Get the exact nitrogen, phosphate, potash formula that you need for your yield goal. CO-OP custom blending returns the most for your crop investment. Supplemental Nitrogen Aqua, anhydrous or dry, your CO-OP has nitrogen and all the equipment necessary to apply it to your crop. Bag and Bulk Pickup YoU can save by picking up your. CO-OP fertilizer in bulk'or bOg.VOurC0-0P has every *':fia?tiliie,r;bption to fit YbUe. plant food needs. CO-ORDINATED PROGRAMS GRAIN MARKETING WING NAM 35:141. 1 eiliWET,OETOm44,ThilA5T licct`VE PEeOesiZrilv0 , 1_ VS/11.-t- ADMIT IT, SEED VARIETY 1,) if,„0 1 „111:.jk CO-OP has the seed to give you a wide choice of varieties suitable for Ontario soils, climate and required yields. 1.1,1111911. . . . . Owing to the stormy weather only six tables of euchre were played in the Belgrave Commun- ity rooms last Wednesday even- ing. High Lady, Mrs. Robert Powell; Novelty, Mrs. Earl Noble; Low,Mrs. Jesse Wheeler; High Man, John Adams; Novelty, Fred Porter; Low, Earl Noble. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown, Jimmie and Cathy of Elora visi- ted with their grandmother, Mrs. Robert Purdola on Sunday. On Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown, Jimmie and Ca.thy of Elora, and Mrs. Robert P,urdon visited with Mr. and Mrs. James' Curran and Paul of Luck- Bulk Spreading Save the cost of labour and equipment investment by letting CO-OP deliver and spread your exact-fertilizer formula. CHEMICAL HEADQUARTERS .14 tir Your Co-operative has the , complete range of chemicals necessary to control just about any condition during your crop cycle. Free booklets and instructions are available. CO-013 has more grain handling and, marketing ..facilities than anyone else in Ontario. Talk to your CO-OP Grain Marketing people about mai.keting your grain. Wilted C.4petatives of Ontario' 1146.0AVE RANCH' • 'IlltUSSELi1874453,- now. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall of London visited on Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall of London and Mrs. Stanley Cook visited on Saturday afternoon with the latter's sister Mrs. Mary Vincent of Blyth. Mr. James Lamont received word on Sunday evening that his father Mr. Samuel -Lamont of , Moosamin, Sask. had passed 'away. We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Lamont. Robert Gray of. Kitchener, Miss. Shirley Gray and Roger Pearson of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard James. Mr. Preston Leddet of Wingham visi- ted on Sunday night at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey, . Brenda and Barbara visited on, Saturday with Mrs. Harold Proc- ter and Miss Margaret Curtis also visited with her father, Harold Procter, who was a pa- tient 'Wingham and District Hospital. — Mrs:.George ProCter and Mr. Harold Procter were able to re- turn home on Monday after being' patients in. Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Procter and Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mayberry and Marilyn of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Procter and Karen were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly of • Blyth. Mrs. Claire Rainer of Scar- boro spent the weekend with her, parents MX. and Mrs. Clarence Chamney. Fred McPherson of wingham and Harry Miller of Teeswatel visited on Wednetday with Clarence Chamney. Mrs. Stokes Chamberlain of Nobleton, Mrs. Wayne Brown and Susan of Winghaxn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'. Les- lie Bolt. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Procter, Maxine and Marjorie, Michael. McNall of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mayberry and Marilyn of Blyth attended the christening of Karen Elizabeth Procter infant ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Procter , in St. Josephi s Roman Catholic Church in Clinton op Sunday. Mrs.. Herb Wheeler recently spent-a week' with her daughter- in-law Mrs. Goldie Wheeler' of London. Mrs. Stanley Speiran and Mrs. Harold Keys of Atwood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston and Mrs. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rifin and John Were Sunday dinner guests With Mr. and Mrs. Max Altiett of Belgrave. BUMPER STICKERS Walton Unit The Walton Unit held their first meeting of the New Year in the basement of the church on Wednesday evening with Mrs. Don. Achilles opening with a poem. The Hymn "The , Lord's my Light" was sung accompanied by, the pianist, Mrs. Herb Traviss, followed by Mrs. Nelson Marks leading in prayer. Mrs. Achilles read the scripture from the 2nd chapter of Proverbs. Hymn, "Jesus Bids us Shine" closed the devotional period. Mrs. Don. Achilles chose -a chapter from the study book on India,.. where the gap between India's rich and poor, is an ocean. Several „pictures, were passed J..around to show 'their different ways, of working, such as women threshing rice by hand. Mrs. Nelson Reid, presided fOr the business. Minutes were read by Mrs. Howard. Hackwell. Sixteen' members answered the Rail Call. Mrs. Mac Sholdice gave the treasurers report, then took up the offering which was dedicated by Mrs. Reid. The annual Congregational meeting was announced for Thursday, Jan. 18th and if the weather is stormy the, date will be January 22nd. The Unit meeting will be held Feb. 7th 'with the executive at- tending. ti The. Copper Contest leaders for the coming' year are Mrs. Bill Coutts and Mrs. Torrence Dundas. It was decided to put a quilt in at Mrs. Edna Hack- well's home. '"Saviour Breathe an Evening Blessing" was sung Every year, your Co-operative publishes the latest information and recommended growing techniques in a seriet of crop OrndUction Ask for your free copies. THE BRUSSELS POSE', JANUARY. it 103-.4. •