HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-25, Page 4•
( Titirs,ho 19=4.
ti •
Bus meeto all trains. Calls made for
passengers and baggage to any part of
the town. Prompt dervi_e guaranteed
Telephone 51, Day or Night
Residence, Cambria Road. opposite the
Organ 'rectory Oldie
teeleriri.,- 4 Ont.
• nutstta ill 'tr.. gym -Ty.
✓ very builder on the +her.:
Every (Moppet- in the palm
Every rsiletnat, at the oar.
Viewing wood and drawing water.
Saaittine And clearing sod. --
all the dusty ranks labor
I- .9.- regitostels of God
▪ tegetlser leotard ids triudiell.
Ist.tne work hie 1.1:111)11, 11p-pnr,-7
toil Is holy serviee.
1. praise and tiraym
-Record e 4 ItrIstian Work:
,IPIt %Irk
.•• 1.-r-1. •'..• 4:- 1 v.
W.. ,,f .1. .t,
to heaIt: smother year if' Thy
•ar.' Thou bast gi4en 114 the
CI! in ilfe. Mt ke 44)104111141.
I -ayenljr...,.Father. ith our ha.
• Antx from lain nail Fruitless
• 114 Ifl after affything Thou deest
4' ipsdi it,. withhold -from it.. and help
us -milove the doetritie of our Sav•
lotir in nil things.. Ilear us. Lord
Cod for the sok.- of 1..4,1. CJ'irist
met to The- the I'atber, with the 8011
, net 1'.4. Hely Ghost. one dair,i, he ail
, and ionise. Amen.
- •
S LESSON FOS J.V.S. 149. 191.1.
Idoson. Titie-chrisr. Triumphal
Entry ••
Pa.esge--1.tike 19:39-10.. , •
Golden Tet-I.uke 19:38.
4 hrist's trintniihal entry into Jet. -
five days before hi.
reeord..1 by all four evange-
%et," !11-19-11te Ainley Contianild.
'14.1' road between Jerieho and Jer-
tie..i.ar: wound tip' frem OM feet fo-
lios 4,, :atter feet ahoy.. 1110 107,1 of the
Mediterranean' istMIN and his diete-
r*. :.eel' toilsome journey on
•fmr• .44";Phe MAW rich, hut. for ..'It
Mikes tsvottne, poor ' land n.. ether
..f .re.;•1. Only pie, is 1! re-
..w.I.••! "oil h.. ig81,- anti then it was
Is.' it,' .1 • harlot. beeame a king.
tor upon a •••14. the folli of all a".
1.3.1 1/.1a.41 Bethany, ti
' Or.,• Ila' edge of the 41-ariet
• lenage it, whieh .1.•re.alem was
• .."1 a simper ss mph.
for a• .1v111. '1 • Mary to.,,111!...1 him.
,ast 11, f...' his heria1. Tha.
soornIn,, .0,,1 • dis.-Iples eel Ont
eut ra1115. •
for the I. • rt,itiot
that lay ,
. • ;ye-%
h e went •,•1' • lar..4111.1y
Pater arid .469*,. 1'' aid
tnal which lie mu.. • 4,1 "oier
ride In roate, Into 1, •
44nrea 30-31-Miraeul/rii. t'orte.reing.
On different oomurk.t. • .1.-su. gar,
Cie follow..rs gitral)4Pu of his more
than hittilan ki . it. crilled
)uli.ati'el no., .111, tit.t time he
.1411* lath. a 1 and here
o t p., tr of
%hyloia , to 1111111'
num ery Nav.40 detAll. that .v.14
• ,:..• 19/p41. 11,••
.aa' \,. only
1140 ,k I • 1 1 10. •.0
al.y • 1 tai•-cti is teI.t :MAU
".%••.! •
way ,11,11 tom,. ,•y: y• 11.1,1
onto them.- ' : in.
0141.41 tite-1,,a.,t t111
Ii111*,4111411 1411.1.1111' 11/11" were 4 KMI or
Iteiec. Ile -Ails,. knew his...d it power
over the spirits of men, 'for he hade
lti• dise'ple.: bring the :owl the
volt, the, owner ...traight %nay sent
• 1.1. 11.• was :11111 IS Lord over all.
ci'ses 35-39-11e Patrant.
All through 94,. ministry
-.1,1* resisted itver Milani* on' the --
1t of the. nitilt 1 title to do hint 3hiti.
now that :hi: w8'.
Elta..• at ham' and. as,,I iii.. work ,:1111111
homer 14, hindered hy such a di -
he not permItt.si bit' be
arranue. it. •••,,, that ia
komplett with proolie,y., The prephet
Zechariah foretold the ushering In of
lie Messiah In woeihi
tlewerlptiVe of uhat petii..os • tnok
place at title time. "'Biller • greatiy.
44 ilatight.r. ?,km; -.limit. It slaugh-
ter. ef JOruettlem: belloht, thy King
14.1111111 11111. t hoe; he le Just. and
having salvit4'ion4 Iodly_ and ',Allot
upon an ass. anti upon n colt the Mal
of an ass.- 4 7as.h. 9:91. -
W1. rend in Kin.. 9:i'd•Jtow the
pe.opl•• &vied ft( the Coronetioa of II
kingsf•Then they basted. and t..$
every I41:1 his Carmen,. and put It
under him .10 the top of 114.. stairs.
'and hletv with tntrupets sayht.t. Jelin
Is king. SI. on this otsmaion the ren-
al.; spread their clothes 1n th • wny.
Otle•rs shewed their respect 4.3 cot -
tint: down bra:elves of trees and
-throwing them on the pathway. Todd
was a eommon way of doing honor
a 11.11141111111/4 11/1411 11S twine*,
said that S1.1111. of the most 111•14.
teketis Of rejoieleig evtlt beetowed nn
Vashington e
wre yuletide ef romps
litterisi ,Iti Ids path hy children. In
Eastern It. tel. today deeorn tin:: with.
1.otria11414 411 11 1.1.1111111.11 11114 4441en'
honoring people. '
As Jemus drew, near to the elty pito- -
iter the mititittitle begat: t•i ,shout and
praise. sayitig In the wort:* of the
Poilml.t. -1.1.......1 is 11.''tlint cometh
In the hame .f the Lord." TIMM` AR-
ripsufilled wIthin• the ..ity when they
heard that .1••••01, sva4 istming took
brandies of pram tree./ Mid wont
forth to use him anti J41111.'11 thelr
"How11111111•••• to those of the tplvtine.
lug host. IT was, 11111•14.fOrP. an Im-
411 sight. this Oriental prree.saine.
eloar entered 841-4 priss•st throtegli the
gate. ..f 1?,'- Ma, City. It wined
paint upoti the twittery of his disk+
' eh... at b•ast. an interc•sie,• planet.
. eld.t. anahl .14''? 4'. to deepen their
faith in 'aft,•t• ollYA. This Jesus. the
I propimi of N..7,1140.11 .f tialiloe. was
11..111. • 11111 r th.in• Zion'. King!
'sen,'. ::9:16--.• Rebuke.
t..- , ... .: - •11.11' i'1.1.• t:i.i. '1. .. 11
11:. I.- .11A-.:1*.• Ho' 114:11 V
mighly. I,. maLy maple . om-,, it
nits the' cosfifinf,”- imStr:.• 4411.. 111.1 111111
I...111.r Ther•••o•re, honever. *one
Pharisee. %II.. en hearing the '.lint.?n% ',old to :1?,,...ite, slInder. rebuke
thy di.. iples." He IIII.W1•11.4 and
401,1 lalti. them. "Itell 3014 that. If.
th...,• dierild held their peeve, the
stem, woad immediately cri:. out. -
:Wattle... Iterry oiy.: "Whether
men pra', Christ or not. he will end
4111111 atel Must I,st praised. When on
the eress men reviled him. Iteareel of
prat -leg him. the earth did quake and
the reek,: tees, r•ne. thus literally
I ftilfilling his rel.ly to these P114171.
sees,- It is the honor of Christ. that
414 JII, th•••11.4 tile eontempt .of the
prowl. eo he reveres the proles- a
the hutted..."
Pp to the v••ry temple ..urged the
erowil and the priest% and Pharisees
were 1)0Mo-es to stop the 'retold:1r
movemeto. Whnt II sight- It watt!
He Who .r. often had betel eeeffrei 2 I
44114 now hailed a. the 1.....irill. "It
wris a type •of 'the final -honor that
the eternal Ivrea would render :0. the
Saviour ef mankind.'
How Little Jack
A Christmas Sectet
1' IM the moment
the kitten knew
anything be was
aware he was a
beauty. Ills
father and moth-
er were lovely,
long haired An-
Although so
good looking. be
was a very spoil-
ed and 414 man-
nered kitten. His
asother had fool -
Wily said in his
bearing that
with hie looks
be'refuld do as be liked.
Ou day, wheu the kitten was about
three sooth, old. • telegram came to
the bo,. where In lived. It said.
"Send little Supra to Mins Nellie Dale,
- Fifth avenue. New York."
The butler •Ine In with a box, put
the unsuspecti kitten in and nailed
down the lid
Wbat followed too confusing to
tell. There was m cb rattling over
rough streets. nouc jolting over
tracka, much ebriekln of engines,
much Molina& @garnet ea At last
It was over. Tbe box was !Tied into
A rui..ienery lady Iti Truing ea-
contintially baring eonver.i.m. in ,1
distriet a .11.- n is the only mi.
•Sometate asked : "Ilow 14 It t
yiii, Int v.% so Many Tvinveritions
von sr.. working 211 alone?" "I am
not 'alone," mlii. replied *1'bere are
three of us. hut two live In Amer?, -,I
on, sitpis.rts me, the other write --
me a letter every week -rand bl•th pray
l.'s ate go. 4.11-ry day. So' 'yott
„,... aro" three of we 'working
Cli-istendorn4 1104t of
prayer. rd children for th,
....e)ing of his kingdom be Borba an -
'iv lenthon lands
Ress.rd ef Christian Wmit.
"I Suffered Terribly
With Sore, Aching Back"
Una. RoLand Feminism, 1114 Lake SL, Petesboro, Opt,
writes :
'Tor 1).1.1 two year 1 auffand
gu terribly inth sore back. 1 was
almost mad witir the run, and had
doctored with a unlit 4 was dis-
cour•ged. Then my 1-o,•st, who is
a firm b.Iiever in DI 1'1 e.. Medi-
ciner, advised me to try !)r 'iase's
kniney-LAvd cl
advice, and am .lad to say I was
completely relieved of that tortur-
ing oath in my back. It id over
a year once l used the.e
1 have kid no return of rhe t
aiwdyd keep them in ihe
Dr. Chase's liiiiney-LIver Pills
n efts a brie of 2* OM. FArasmot Hate* & TIA., 124., Tomo TA)
a warm. softly lighted room. child's
voice was beard exclaiming: " or me'
Why. I wonder what It eau be. A
tiny. mew soon told her. and in a r
Minutes the idtteu Was out af
prison and tightly snuggled In the
arms of • tittle girl. A saucer of milk
was soon lapped up. and pussy's life
In kW new home began.
Nellie named ber new pet Blizzard
because be was white and soft like
drifted snow
Blizzard thought title name all right,
but did not for an instant mean to an -
ewer to it He had never learned to
mind or do scuttling else but be
trouble. He stole everything he co
get. He broke in expeesive vase be-
cause be would play tag withtilmseit
ea the parlor manteL He it' mbed up
the handsome new curtal at the hall
windows with the result it they goon
looted like streamers. Ele cried all the
time people were eating. wanting meat
*ad other things not good for kittens.
'Twas the nlgbt before Christmas,
and the Derv/ate were busy preparing
for the big dinner tomorrow.
All the relatives were Invited. and
Dinah. the cook, knew that the only
way to have her dinner on time was le
get things ready for it the day before.
She had just got the big turkey out
and picked it clean of pinfeathers.
She put it in the pantry while she grat
ed bread with which to stuff it.
Compaay remota. snd Dinah 11111 uot
get her turkey Oiled as she hnd hoped.
She went to bed. setting ber alarm for
5 o'clock, expecting to stuff the turkey
before breakfast When bedtime came
no Blizzard was to be found.
The household was awakened it 5 in
the morning by a scream from Dinah,
which bronght the family to the latch-
es all armed and ezpecting to see a
burglar. They found Dinah In • faint
on the floor of the pantry. and beside
her nett the big turkey. On looking
closer and bearing Dinah faintly whis-
per, "The cat." an eyes turned to look
for the rat No one could iocate him
note a smothered mew sounded from
the iii-dde of the turkey. Nellie peek-
ed In and saw Illirzerd's heed sticking
out wherp the etuMng is usually poked
In. He wee hauled out His white
coat wits sticky and dirty, and Ms
storna.lt stuck out dire a wolfs In the
fairy tale after he Sad dined off the
ten Igoe loge
Dinah ...-ked ItIldure in the loon-
lry until he should thoroughly repent
soother oirkey had to be prepared,
.,..ti itlizr,rd a -se forgotten until the
,t 1 aft.. Chrisonsa. When Nellie
e..nt to take him not of his prison 4)1
"8 went "119 het
'Will vitt ever An such a naughty
.tong sorra. Ittizt.irdr she asked him.
Blizzard looked right at her and said
"Mew "
'gee," nail ICIIPII: '1111 lays be never
i 1.111. loroth •
Dinah onsweved. 'I rues that mew
1 yens he will never do Midi a thin
WI. this Christmas."
AMAIN limns). Smith lived in
a funis little Louse down on
the beach. Ouce it bad beeu the
cabin of his old schooner. Skim-
mer; ouw It was the euly home Cap- P
toliestiorely and Ilk cat Vixen had.,
In tbe summer time he sold thiu and
clams and lobsters to the summer cot -
lagers. but In the winter be had hard
work to keep the little cabin warm and
end food for himself and Vixen.
It was the day before Christmas, aad
the beach was rough with ice.
"Suow:** said Captain Jinin17. u hlt
left his little house and went up to-
ward the Village. Ills pipe was be.
tweeu his teeth, but he was not smoke
Ing -be was out of tobacco.
ile smiled sadly because be knew
that he would have a to'nely Christ-
mas. Ile had no wife or children, and
be was very much alone. The poor are
often forgotten.
By the time Captain Jimmy bad
bought some flour and salt pork and a
little coffee it was dark and snowing
fast. So when he beard the sound of
cbildisen crying he stopped tu surprise.
"Ilullo':* sly uted Captain Jimmy.
and the crying stopped at once. In
another minute he almost tumbled over
two little children who were running
along the Leach path.
"Heave hot" called Capiain -Jimmy,
he put oat a long arm and nth.
e the little ones close to him.
"W t are you dotng here?" he shout-
ed, for wind was screatning now.
They to explain. but Captain
Jimmy • hint understand a word
they said, 11 y cried so much, and at
las9 half drag g, half carrying them,
be harried the into the warm little
cabin where be 11
When tbe kerosen lamp was lighted
the two children sto crying and
smiled at Captain Jim
"Are you Tbanta Clans one lisped,
and the other little girl. bo looked
exactly like her. giggled an clung to
Captain Jimmy's big band.
"I love oci. Illsther 'Thanta ans."
she whispered.
.!*Bless your sweet hearts." coed
min Jimmy. his eyes full of tears,
gimes I'll have to be Santa Claim Br -
night'. I eon neter get you boom to-
night 40 tbia howling blizzard"
The two little girla smiled biightl
and took off their red cloaks and k
ted caps and leggings and rub
"We're lost." said one of tb twins,
and she told a long story of ow they
bad gone to walk with n . whn had
suddenly run away a left them in
the woods. "We tiered. but she
woulde't come ba Lonnie sad-
ly. "My mamma soolded her this aft.
"What a your names' Where do
you live asked Captain Jimmy as he
push them up to the table before two
bowls of bread and milk.
mown" Goodness me. I never beard
of any Browns over to the Pettit! I
You'll have to stay here till tuorning.'•
"Will Thant' Claus come here7'
'Ile'a got to!" said Captain Jimmie.
By and by after the twin, had said
their prayers and were sound asleep on
Captain Jimmy's bed while Vixen pur-
red at their feet. Captain Jimmy walk-
ed the door and whistled It tune.
"I reckon that Santa C1aua could
never get down my little stove pipe"
be chuckled, "so I'll jest have to fill
those two little stockings myself!"
Sometime afterward a number of
people hurried through the .now sad
peered into Captain Jimtny'a Window.
What did they see? Wily. just Captain
Jimmy. with Ws empty pipe betWeen
his teeth, bolding
two little stock-
ings In his hands.
Suddenly be be-
gan to take things
off the mantel-
pieee and put
them into the
stockings. They
were thing. that
Captain Jimmy
loved -they were
ell that be had -
bits of coral and
pretty shells from
far countries.
some odd wooden
toys he had play-
ed with when he
was n child and
two -ted apples.
Just az he 12111
hanging thestock-
thgs on the edge
of the shelf the
door burst open and some people
rushed 111 and began to bug him and
question him. and they all talked at
once. They prmed to bo the father
and mother and uncles end aunts of
the !oat twins, and they were so grate-
ful to Captain Jimmy for hia kindness
to the 'whim that they Insisted on tak-
ing him home with them to spend
And Vixen, the cat, went stone too.
and the ides -kings whit+ Captain Jim-
my had filled.
Mr. Brown engaged Captain Maw
10 8* captain of hia yacht. tabs
Jimmy gasohol his pips arta sala
Iran tam happiest aifilltallIL
T was the after-
noou before
Christmas, a n d
the air wad full
of big, feathery
snowflakes. Jack
and Mary stood
at the window
watchiug t hem.
and Baby Jane
sat on the floor.
Denims Hays celebrated his eigh
-See how pret-
ty-4menth birthikty on 1 1i...ember
• ty tbey are. lith and reeel%.41 congratulations
cried Jack, clap:
ping his banda.
"They're just like
fairies going to a Cirtstmits party."
Mary clapped her bands, too, and
Baby Jane thumped her rattle on the
door and crowed. But Mrs. Brown
looked cut of the window rather anx-
The store was a mile away, and the
soow seemed to come thicker and
faster revery mioute.
"How do you s'pose Santa Clans can
get here In such a otormr asked Jack,
at which Mary's face clouded.
Perhaps this thought was troubling
Mrs. Brown. BM dido't answer for
more than a cutouts, not until Jack
spoke again.
"Pool] 'n' nonsense* be said. "This
Isn't much of a snow. I could go in it
myself well's not."
"Could you. dearr asked his mother
quickly. "I'm afraid it's a chance If
papa gets home before tomorrow, tika
wood road will be so blocked. and
want some things from the store to-
night Do you suppose you can go
with your Med, Jackler
"Why, yes!" cried Jack. delighted
enough. and in a very few minute,
be was ready to start.
"Give this note to Mr. Stmp
saki his motber, -and then you 'I
bave anythisg to remember. And -be
careful, dear, and burry boors as fast
IS you can."
ktr. Simpkins' eyestWthkled when he
read that note.
to Jac"an
be saki dt1 wish you'd just
"I can't a
cAt 7$1i$
Druggists N ' Guaran
cYlle hIghtninq Remedy -
CAPTA11 JIMMY 4111.0
TWO wrocareus
Ms HAM*.
Saci irratrontart ON.
run over to the bouse with • 'the be
Mrs Simpkins for me."
"Yes, sir." answered Ted.
Mr. Simpkins had the bundles tricked
away in the sled box and covered with
thick brown paper, that the snow
couldn't get through. when Jack came
"Hard night for Santa Clans to get
around," his pinching the boy's
red ebeet. "Do you suppose you'll see
him at your bons.?"
"I hope bell come." answered Jack
politely. "but I don't guess 444see him,
"I saw him once." lir. Simpkins satil
soberly. -when be was a ilttle boy,
•bout your size. He looked a great
deal like you too."
When be got borne mother bad a
plat* of bot oatmeal pudding with
sugar and real cream waiting for him,
and slier whisked tbe bundles out of the
Med box and into the pantry In a
All this time the snow kept falling.
falling, and the wind blow until the
little house fairly shook tf It bad
been set on a hill there is no saying
what might have happened. Jack felt
a good deal troubled. He told his
mother what Mr Simpkins had said
about Santa Claus when mho was tuck-
ing him Into bed for the night
"I'm 'frigid he meet get here." said
he, "and then Mary will be so disap-
Rut his mother laughed. stooping
down for the good night kW. "Doa't
worry, dear," she said. "Santa Claus
won't mind this tittle storm."
And. sure enough, when morning
come the three little stockinmt hanging
beside the chimney were stuffed as
full as they could bold.
"Po Santa Claus did cotes," said Mrs.
Firown, laughing at the children's an-
Jsek looked thonghtfnl a minutia.
HI* oyes danced. He pot Ws Nps close
to !Ma mother's ear.
"1 do blieve 4 know what Mr. flop -
Ulu ateilet." ha said. wows1 shall tea
Kari. Asa. Nit Nal a rim $12.
trout all over Canada. Mr. Hay,.
a.,'. Warden of [lunar forty-five
years ago and is the only survivor of
the ineinie•rs of the county council
..f that time.
Two popular young people of Sea -
Milli. Miss Eitsalso h.
daughter of Mr Ned Mrs. T. I'. fhb.
khk. and John Pullman. 1.1•1•-.4 ..on 4
the late Thomas and Mrs. Pullma
were united ha marriage at the Pre
I.vterlan manse ton Slotiday. Deem,
15th. by Rev. Dr. Larblu. The yiel
11.111111. Will continuo to reside in th
Mr /11111 Mrs. D. Shanahan 44 (1
last week for :it. Peterstmrg. ElorI a.
e here they will stwnd the diuter.
A Merry Christmas
The same old wish,
In the same old way,
To our Patrons and Friends
On Christmas Day.
East Side of Square GODERICH
%Ve .1 !mintier 11.41. Engine.. 1.. .f at “nee.
eltiobilit I 1-3 kr... 3 1-3 li, ,:'. 1-2 11.i., 4 1-3 h.p. .1144.. and 11 1..1..
(' and err them and we will vintke prices and terms to totter,
Also is nice line of Stoves anti flanges, new anti tarsi.
Hamilton Street • Masuy-Harris Agent Phone 165, GODERICH
Christmas Goods at Hill's . Hardware
We Have Christmas Presents for All of
the Family
ety and Straight Razors, Brushes and Strops, Lunch
Vacuum Bottles, Foot Warmers, Aluminum
A corn • ete line of 1847 Rodger11Bros. Silverware. Also
Adams design.
line Irons and Lamps, etc.
PHONES: Disogimasaell
RDWARE, Auburn.
3; Blyds, 32 ring 1 2.
Clubbing List
The Signal and London Free Press •
The Signal and London Advertiser 6 75
The Signal and The Toronto Globe 6.75'
The Signal and The Mail and Empire 6.75
The Signal and The Toronto Star 6.75
The Signal and The Farmers' Sun 3 40
The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.50
The Signal and Saturday Night 540
The Signal and Presbyterian Witness 3.90
The Signal anifThiratitolk_ Record
The Signal and McLean's Magazine
The Signal aad Rod and Gun ...... ....... . ..... 1.. 3.1110
The Signal and Montreal Wlwwles
TU. Menai World Wide
.. „,„„.„renewal 3.85
sew 3.50
renewal 4.25
sow 3.88
Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May
Be Had on Application
-1 .