HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-25, Page 2; 314 41' tv-19 GODERICH, ONT. tt, W. C. Pridham & Son wish to express their gratitude to the people of Goderich and surrounding count!), for their continued patronage in their new store during the past year, and sincerely wish all the people A Very Merry Christmas ' and a Prosperous New Year W. C. Pridham & Son Men's and Boys' Wear. - - HINGSBRIDGE and in spite of all that -medical skill could 4 it gradually failed until- the KTNOSBRIDGEt. Dec. 21L-ll1as end camepeacefully on Aienday. the Anne Dalton has returned 'from De- 15th Met. Her long Mime was borne troit to veld the .winter with her with very great whence and without mother, Mr Joe Daltoe. a murmur. Miss MacLennan was born In Ashfield about fifty-three year.' ago, and had lived here nearly all her life. Sbe was the eldest daughter of the 'hate Makolm and Mrs. MaeLennan. of Strath Fran farm. She is survived by sits broth - Mr. Bill Long. Detroit, is visiting era: Minton and Kenneth. of Asa - friends here:\ ' field: Ales.. Roderick and James. Those hornet for Christmas holitho• of Chkago. -and John. of Toronto, all include Miss Margaret Garvey. Chat- of whom have the sincere sympathy ham. Mtn Margaret Foley. Detroit. 'of a lure...circle of friend*. Her on- •nd Mr. E.leinoolstreey. Toroute. !Iyisieter. (Mrs. Nevinsi Memers. Ed. Sennett and lentein predeceased her three years age- Tier O'Loughlin have gone to I tetroit for !mother died at an early age and so to Annie came the duty of being a the winter months. Death of Florence MeCarthy.-Thisf Mother to the younger members. of community 15 mourning' the loss nil the family. some of twhom were quite one of its motet rtv,peeted small. This fluty she performed moat the person of Mr. Florente NI-;'artlit, faithfully. as many can testify. She who passed away at his home here, on Dees:neer Idth. Mr. Mtt'arthy was born in Ashfield seventy -throe years ago. In DOC he Married die-. Mary Aused. who preleceneed him Mr. Tom Quigley la home after an- other sermon on thr 4lreat Lakes. Mr. Tom Wallace hag returned from Flint. Stitt.. to spend the whiter with his brothers. epnred no chins or efforts fur the wel- ter.- 4,1 her younger brothers and took great delight in trying to make them comfortable and happy. She was al- ways of a (inlet. unnestiming disposl- by fifteen years. Durtng his Iwo tion. but was very ready to lond a to,, wbtsti extended tiv..t. ttumbi.r helping hand to thee. In nei.d. Hole of months. he was tended wit.h un_ vitality and kindness were marked nouns devotion by Is is draughtily grail., eharacterlastice in her. She was ever and bis on vrey.th.rara. h.• is. ready with a deed of kindness or • word of cheer or of comfort for thoeie mourned by three sone end one daughter. Philip of Winnipain distress or sorrow. Many of lie a. Austin of Vancouver. and Florence and jwHi-Ion w ant. remember her by her teem -- Louis Dalton of le-troit. lle is eur- Amiable, winning ways and her vivid also by three sinters and no. I genial 'smile. To know her was to ad - Mire her for her own intrinsic worth. br, he re, The rural -al, which took plates. at St Joseph's chursh. Kings- ,.!tt Mb. V/71,1 li member of Ah -f1. -Id Prat- nyteran ehureh and the l'unel-al tier - bridge, war very largely attended, t vices were conducted by her pastor. showing the esteem In whleh the de- Rev. J. S. Hardie.of Astifield Pres - else' Ned wail hs -Id. Th.' 11"111""e".% hyterien ehureb. A large circle of ser re ail nephewm, Messrs Fratia _... friends attended the funeral. Inter- MeCarthy. Cho rley 1Let'art hy. cis' mere was made In the Kinteil cem- ton Atuitin. Wm llocan. Austin etery liesIde the grave. of her father Quigley and rrank .kustin. R. T.r. ,„„„ ,,,,,,,,,. the ruillbeerers being five - iof her brothers and her ...mein. Al- ASITYLRLD ibert Boyd. of Litt -know. The Late Seale MaeLesillailler many friends were grieved to hear of the death on December 15th. at tbe home of ber brotber, Kenneth..1 Miss! Dee. 23. --The enWrtaln- Annie B. MaeLennan. Her health had 1 tient tarsen at No. 1 eh,.1 house on not been good for a year and a half. Friday afternoon -was well attended al•11••••• Young Men's Life Insurance The Empire Life Insurance has a new low -rate policy specially planned for young men. Young women also written at same rates. This contra& is written on ages from 12 to 30. C. D. BENINGER General Agent The Empire Life Insurance Co. West Street Phone 414 Goderich, Ont. • • THE SIGNAL. by pareuts and other's, who were de- itt lama -tow u. Nee eek. lighted with the spieudjao program Min !hot& Mlle. who ha teaching , 01.01111:S DIF THE R011111F.S. given by the pupils. The elan route !at Ilia tiering-, le home foe the chest- 10.11*Efir wee nicely decorated for the'oreaslote Melt taipli was presented vide' * bag I, 'MLHA Shaw, 'hs is the pupulur mud selivient Rasher ef the i artiool, has goue to her home at Park -I hill for the holidays. The _Potter brothers. with their ?amities, are hero front Iheroit to 'mend Chrietruae with their relative's In this neighborhosi. amt' by motor; whether they will be able to return by the same menus is it question. Mr. 11114.1 MrA. Gen. .V411100 aud foin- ily have moved from Port Albert to their old farm on the 10tit eieticeeilon. We are glad to have this family In our neighborhood again. Your torrespondent limiters 'the complimente eif the seuson to all the redden' of The Signal. wishing them a merry Christmap and a happy New Year. --A... tuns holidept. Melts and tilariereJlaht as Mrs. John Ellie is erasableisitriel• ' ..• Urastdoeir. iuus with hut *Wen' iii Toriiiito. • ' lhere wire regrets and lean LESSURN 14.$;. \ 'Staley breaists. *aye the Toronto • scsool. REPORTS "pm :tom. tie. when it was reported recently LEEnua,.x. Dee. 23. -Mr. liaudi- .hat tint chalet it Lake Louise was on ton Cluttott le home trout Toronto Un- tire. Not Ions ago a writer of 3uf1S- it-realty to spend his Christmas agent - deciared the view of Lake 1 holidays. Louise to be the burst bit ot natural i Mlss Ruth Shaw. who. teaches +welters' at one spot in the world. The 'school la Toronto, Is here for the Itol-- lake itself. upon the edge of which I idays. , ' the chalet has grown.by stages into I%seas. Ed. dad M. Shaw dellet, one of the big hotels of Canada, looks ered a line grey horse to Clinton on. like a pool set its the basin between Friday last. Mr. Ilarold Fulford is at the home of his parenta here after the. season'll walling on the lakes. Nett Sandie. at 7 p.m- Rev. W. R. t, p l. Of Auburn. w'.11 conduct !service I 14s -burn dillecb. .t epeeist eolhsetion le asked for at this service to help the ff-.11.S. with their funds. S NT. HELENThere will be,, Sunday wheel for a ST. IfELENS. Dee. 1. ir. Alex. 51.-Gregur. sI tinanum. 41111.. as. 1 gitteit during the week with 111.4 AN. ter. lire 'Gem :411111rt. tine W. Rutherford, ef 1111111.1111A, home for l'hrbstluils. Wog M. efilller4411. itt T4,r4411144. IA 114,1111. for the holiday*. Miss Gladys. Webb. ef Guelph. tibia .Caroline Webb. olf Terunto. wili- sIsilil their holitlit-s at home. Miss W. Woods. of Galt - and Ilhis 1'. W001111, of tluelph. are ...pending their holidays with their inotlier. Mrs. It. J. Womb'. Miss Vera Todd is lionie from Strat• ford. .ill the hsnl teachers asdr students are at thidr Tesiisssive homes for a hat. holiday. The seleatt entertaltraent held Friday evening *as a divided su- re/co. The teachers and pupils de- serve greet credit for the Apienthil orogratu presented. The 14-ientis ininitute met at 1114- 1118111,... an ThUer'lley Willi a gond at. :eudane. paper, WA. given by SI afi-1 Ed. Thom oss 'glen to Make an In - ',tinge Intertwine." and one by la. Phillipe tau "Plane for Spending Winter li:veningoi." A hoz of gifts was filled for the Memorial Chli- deep's Hospital. Lunch was Nerved by the hoopoe. Iketh of Mrs. F. F. Phillips. -.The funeral tottk old-, here on Saturdaty last of Mrs. F. V formerly Miss Nina of Si. Ifelens. .tbout s year ago Mrs. Phillip«. tis• ing ntracted scarlet fever and failed to recover satisfactorily, went to Phoenix. Arizona. 'in the hope that the elimate there might relator, her lieolth. The change did nut have the desired erfect. however. and alts passed away nn Sunday. Itecenther 1-Ith. Mr+. Phillip+ was a daughter of the late Robert Woods, of this !G- .-Airyanti was married four years acs. Before her marriage she was a -oiecesaful isrhool teacher. She leaves her husband. oar !con, and a stepson and daughter. The funeral took place from the Lueknow Preabyterian eturch, the service being condueted by Bev. ft. McCallum and Rev 4`. (ummine. The interment was at t;reenhill cemetery. time. ete account of aieknetis in our burg and the cold weather. The ghee tive other morning has been the suite of several accidents. Mr. Ed. Leant'. fell when going to the bairn and ran • nail in his haml. Mr• nitrzniiV. Linklater also fell and hurt bbs i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook elide driv- jinx to town were upset in the cutter and Mrs. Cook's arm la broken in two place,. This is a fere unfortunate ikes.. for 'Roth an accident. but we thole the arm will soon mend. CiUNLOW A it i A ItV. Dee. 2.1. -Mies Yung. who teat -hoe near J Ilaidimand eounty. is +pending I- The Sunday school entert*inment holidays at her borne here. .and Chritemas tree held in thIF town - 'ship hail on Friday evening wan a :decided aurress. The attendance was ;good and is children took their *ev- ert' parrs creditably. 'Monday will lt.e nomination day. So far we have not heard of any new sellirento for offiee. 1 Mime Mary Robertson. of Niagara 'Felix. la with her sinter, Mn. E. fisher. toe the vacation. Mr. Albert Glen. who spent the sum ? mer and tall on Pelee !oleo& Is home f -In enjoy the Christmas holiday with Ids fatally and friends. Harry Raster spent a few days last week with his friend Percy McBride. Mildred Sallows rtalted her aunt. Mrs. J. McBride. for 11 few days Butt week. Mimes Martha sad Florence Pat- erson. of Toronto, are vending their Chrietmae holidays with their re4a- . Heed herr and at Auburn. Mr Tobiam Fisher spent Monday with Mr. and Mee Paul Maedel. great overshadowing mountains. clothed now with woods to the tree line and now with glaciers. whose slowly melting waters give a robin's egg blue to the. lake, which comes Gent the infinitesimally small peril - oleo of matter heldlu suspension. Tito lake waters are etor cold. but there 'is a spring near the chalet ernich pours out a little stream of sparkling water ouiy live degrees soove freezing. 4 Overhanging the lake at the far end. which is but little over a wUe duitaut, is the massive glacier of Muuut Victoria. Should you chance to waken early, before the winds of tne day are abroad, you will see the great *all of ice and snow mirrored in the cairn waters of the lake, and in inc rosy iglus of the rising Win the tulaginatiou is bred anti thr spirit uplifted There is Alpine graudeur in the p alt. and glaciers and .oar- ing (Rotators, and the world will know it better when writer* and art- ists and travellers have dune their Jean Pert it. they have in older lands. • few hundred leehigher. along a gently sloping path, is Mirror Lake, well mauled. tor it i.. abut tolfi trout breezes hy an encircling tures' and a great cliff called the iteehive, whore tapering form and horizontal bands uf red and grey rucks suggest Rs name. When 1 stalled it one September there had beeu a light sitting snow during the mato. and the evergreens fringing the path and the lake were powdered with the decoreticte that comes to the MOUS- taloa only to beautify and make more memorable scenes that are already something to carr) to the grave. Lets Agues, a little farther, the highest of the -lakes in the clouds," is a wild tarn surrounded by cheer- less cliffs. • narrow fringe of trees guards one end, and either side is bordered by barren angular stones. The towering walls of a reat amphi- theatre keep out the sun and allow the snow to linger here all sumnier. One year the ice did not melt away till the end of July, and a thin sheet of ice often fortes on summer nights. The scene is one of utter loneliness and desolation, wita range for the eye and imagination far over the neat of mountains rtsible from the look - off. The faint patter of a rivulet la echoed from the opposite cliffs and the murmur la at the mercy of tickle breezes. Tar marmot's whistle is startling, and once a visitor hurried back to the chalet and reported he had heard the eine of robbers or of Indians about to comm. -nit AU her WINTFIELD •irieitiT Dee M r• . Wit llsut C1111141144•11 ix --Tending it ft -A days with her daughter. Mrs. William Crosier of Aehneld. Mr.'and Mrs. Roy SconehOuse and son Donald!, of Goderleh. are speed- ing the holidaya with Mot Stone- hinnte's parents. Mr. and Mre J. N. ampbell. and 'other relative -4. (hit teacher. Mb... E. Sowerby. itt spending the holidays at her home in rkiderich townehip. Mr. reltrard Rodger, who is at- tending Fitrettord Normal, is. spend- ing the holiday?' with big pareute. Mr. and Mrs. William Hedger. Mre los Collough and her daughters. Myrtle and E. spent it few days last week with the former's father,Vt. Joins McDaywell, and other relative.. Mrs. Alberta Robertson. who repent three months visiting her brothers, Maiers..T. N. and W. -H. Campbell, anY other relative,.. returned to her home .11:81 RN. les-. 'JO. --Mr. W. Far- row, of Goderieb, visited friend% in the village thin week. Master Kenneth Scott has tn*t con- fined to the hen,.- with emanate. We are enrry to bear that Mrs. W. Robison Is on the sive list. Mr. and Mei. Roy Farrow and 11 itt- da uctit pr. Dona hy. si ho 'from Detroit reoently with the inten- this- of staying for the winter. changed their plane, and have re- turned to Detroit. when they will re- ed.. until opring. Mr Wm. Thompeon. who recently morel into the property he bought from the Wm. 1/oble emote, has had his telephone moved from his former resident..., and installed In his new home. Miat Viola Wilson entertained the Toting People's Society of the Methn- diet church at her home on Wednes- day evening. A splendid time was enjoyed by all. Mise Josephine Weir spent n few days. 111M wpek igniting her emmins in Toronto. Mi11•1 Fltna Minch. of Toronto. Is .1s•ntling the Christmas holidays at her home here. A eongretwtional meeting will he held In Koos church Auhtirn. on Der- evnts•r 21:th, at 9( o'clork .% invitation is extended to all members and adherents to attend and hong the anthunionLst side of the ebureh union question dineuesed by Rev. F. W. Gilmore, of Atwood. Sties May Wallace. of Lloydmin- stir. .tlberts., is visiting her ester. Sir. W. T. Riddell Min Laura Phillips it around again. atter an attack of chickenpox. GODERICH T1WNI41111P It( TOWNSHIP. 1)ee. 2. --,Merry Chrietmail."' Rs -v R. 4'. Meiltervold. will occupy InIon church pulpit next Sebbath. The ley condition of the node thr met foie day.' has amused eonsider- elle Inconvenlenee to everyone. The Christmas serriee hut Smiley in Union Preebyterian. chureh W811 well -attended, in spite of the Ind..- ment-y of the weather and bad made. Mho H. M. t• Pell arrival home fre-troToronto Friday in-ning for the Christmas emotion. The mauler monthly meeting of the Vi-ometes Miselonary S(pelety of eloireh was held last WedneadaY af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. It. Mc- liwitin. Master Robert Groree in ill with rlo 'fever. Miss Iterode Da•Idson 111111 returnee to London otter spending three weeks with her poirents. NIr and Mrs Robt I bit Hymn. The many friends of Mrs. !hien. Oke are p14-11Aerl 10 hear of her re- covery from her recent accident. Reg Proemial. at 0.1. 0. The average egg production of the es. thousand pollthat were trap - nested for the year was 161 eggs each We are tryiag to Improv the *train in sin of-bodY. Mee of eggs and color, rather than Increasing the number of eggs. rive pens of tea Pullet, each were plated in laying competition. The fitly birds averag- ed slightly above 190 egg' each The high bird of those lo tI. eontessta was 212 rags, and the high bird of those on the- phial was 206 egg -B. -Prot W. M.. graham, 0. L. C., Guelph. S. S. NO. I, COLBORNE The following ta the school right of S. S. No. 1, Colborne, for the month/ ot November arid Tiseember: W. Ciatase-John Fitt h clan --John Red wond 00. llarY Greene 191, Allan Linfield 40. Fourth cisme jr.-Mary Greene 73, ,Aitule. TaVi 72. Annie Miller 54. Third enote. sr. -Mule Lioneld 91. Vette Taiiii Third claim ,le. -Roy Ileringirsa h2. fin. Isabel Tyndall Herbert Greene 1tuby Erringtoeli:Mildrtsd &Woke 43. Pectisid elaa• jr.--iCarinen Brindle\ ST. Altuu Meltride First rime -Dorothy Greene. Printer--Ilyntle ilantwt41. Beth Cantwell. Ilumplirey Nockuida, A. ft. AMO. 'reedier. BENMILLIER -Christmas report or Rentniller pubs Ile school. Donor's 75 per eeflt. Palo fill Tsr •-ent. Jr. V -Doris Rill 77 per ecut, Dor- othy %Vatter* 70 per cent.. Itches Pfritn- leer 07 per relit Sr. It - Isola Snyder I work Peel atiseid for hots: l'artuati Stevens till per f-ent . Willie 11,5,5 tll is•r cent.. Vanstone oent. Jr. It.-- F:velyn legate 75 p. -r Cf401., Minnie flood t;7 per cent . Levirn Fisher t per (rim , Edgar filA.‘e per cent.. Nlerguerite 1 Isy tit per Sr III t:ei•rutie Houghton II r refit.. Isobel ileNVIttcuie 63 per teen'.. Itieeed Pf.inoner dot per eerit , Verna Lee 51 pier 'resat. Jr. 111.-Kaoltettmau gan ....lii., Myrtle flufwl 73 per 5eitt , Houghton fie per any.. Milford nerve 50 per cent. Or'tt• II --Frank Walters per cent.. Hero Siniuglinn 7t4 per rent , Norman Durst 72 per rent. Myrtle Pfriese 112 per vent.. Albert Vtsnsi,,ts. idper 'tent.. Elmer lee 40 per rent., Mare Mniels,1 Il per vent lemmi-reen tJ waribi '1.4 per eent.. }erten Stranehaii Inbeent for tietel. .1r. 11. - Evelyn Hill 70 per (rot.. Carson Hoy 111 per vent.. Meet M- titb. o per eent.. Ethel 11111 :10 per cent.. Adelaide llougliton .10 per cent . Thelma Allier (absen( for tests) 1 -Melvin Comm! per ern/ 14:1110 Bolton 76 per roost. Oordoe Lee Room*. 72 per cent., ildrib meetibe 69 per cent. Luella Ploher flPt per cent . Gordon Pishcr sil per fret. Sr Pr - -Name* in order of merit Ernmerson Ibirat. fleet MtshrIng. Mar- ie Laltortm, . Annie Edwards. KtIsel. Fisher Jr. Pr --8.nson ,Walters, Elwin 'Trimmer. Loretta Kerr. Harvey Pett - man. ftvotella Iloy. Dorothy raga,. (;rant Fisher. Kenneth rjoher. F:. lelf.A.N. Principal. E. 1.. CAMI'RELI., Moneta n t Oak and Illeaor dor -- rig the winter Whoa tbe mow Is avadeble. sank espeeinity where a labors' pply et roots is beteg the Seek well set molter • greet Mal if water is wet gems. says the De attack. partmeseit se Animal Husbandry, Details Aerie:ahead Cations et the MAY thee sheep will drink more ee Nan water if 0 10 to he had, and ff at aU easvosideat 10 wUl pee to pee vele It even la the winter Attar UM ewes have insaked ia the spring. and darbag the seamier while ea grass. as abet pity of Mese Mesh water should he at Mod. lizpodolly dories the Meg. bot days al suusuaor the sheep will gnat freaM, sad the health sad wast of the Seek de - meads that it he avanaide. Salt should be before the Soak at all thaw dining the year. • hoz or trawls sat up in the pea diaries the winter, or in the Sold while on pee - tare, in width there la elvers a sup- ply, will amen the owner that kis lock i always well provided with Only Marriage Tess -her Mao. The mere volume of authentic re- partee of George Bernard Shaw in any year would be proof enough that he la the wittiest man alive to -day. Oae of his latest shafts has to do with the rehearsals of the famous playwright's "Saint Juan." his !uter- i/rotation of Joan of Arc, acclaimed by the critics of Loudon and New York. It shows how whimsical G. B. Shaw la at rehearsals. "Twinkling," Was the way ono member of the London "Saint Joan" company describes it. He gave an example of an instance he over- heard. In the course of hi, part,1 one of Shayle 0ardner's lines is, "1' don't know," and the actor's inton- ation did not quite satisfy the auth- or. "Are you married?" Shaw asked. "No," replied Gardner. "Well," said 0. B. S. "if you were married, you'd know how to se), that lin.--wives are always asking ques- tions." Doubtless Gardner was able to get the line right without resort- ing to the desperate remedy suggest- ed by the dramatist. •'The one entirely honest speaker 1 have met is Mr. Bernard Shaw." says Cyril Scott, In his new volume of recollections. "My Years of Indigene time" He once said to me: 'I was in the middle of a opeeeti when sud- denly I quite forgot *heel was say- ing, and had to ask someone in the front row. There will a roar of laughter, but atter that I felt the udience even more with me than before." Britain's Biggest Dome. What la the largest dome In Bri- tain? Most people would plump for St. Paul's; but they would be wrong. The dome of the Reading -room of the British Museum is thirty feet greater In diameter. It contains 60,000 square feet of glass, and weigh' 4,200 tons. Beneath it are housed two and a half million books and manuscripts on fifty miles of sbelves and in couplings presses. Here is found the largest collection of Bibles in the world. Thera are 27,000 volumes in Chinese. 12,000 in Hebrew, and 13.000 in other Oriental language's The largest book in the world, an atlas measuring 6 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 2 inchee, la to be found here, also an encyclopedia of Chinese literature which cost the na- tion £1,600. It consists of 6.000 volumes. Old Story. "Did you hear about Mn. Fast - 'sigh's motor accident " "No. What happened?" "She ran down her own husband." "But she's been doing that ever slate she was married." Nothing Lett. hear Jack has broken off his engagement with Gladys. new dki she take It? virgtala-Oh, It oompletely un- manned ber..--Asierleaa Legioa Wookir. -'1111141:; W. Price Grocer-- Elsia Ava. Some Holiday Spedok Sunlight Soap, 2 bar. VS& Lux, 2 packages 23c. Lard, per lb Wheat Flakes, per pkg....2r)c. Mixed English Biscuits, per lb •••• ........ 25c. Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs 43c. Sweetheart Peanut Butter 1 lb. pail • Goods delivered free 1 our orders solicited W. Price Oodaleh Phone 3.16 MISS S. NOBLE wishes to extend to all her Patrons The Season's Grsetings. We end to all our customers. and friends the Seasons Greetings. J. R. WHEELER Fessitere Funeral Director Hamilton Street. 1r FARMERS ! DAVID BROWN pays highest prices for Horsehair and Hides. Rags $1.00 cwt. Goose Feathers....50c Ib. Phone 270, Goderich. Greettngs ss, May this Christmas Season be one of Brightness and Joy, and the New Year be rich in Prosperity arid Genuine Happiness. is our sincere wish to our many customers and friends. W. Hern 1 E wish to convey to our many friends and customers in Goderich and vicinity our thanks for their patronage during 1924, and we extend to them cordial wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ",,fifirriteikalerrette"stwee epplf$H, M. ROBINS South Side Square GODERICH /1-11111111111111- Of400,6:: • '1**iittf n$ 44' " 44, kzryltrt. tor 4 Illestittlo.,M11111t. • 'live' ....,....._ . .e.............,.. 4 \ c 1 ,iditc• .i, .., a .1jCirer-Ycr:-- • , ......._;._------, . Af, - , - - . 1 . -----Christmas .. I• Morning Be Glorious and Your Smile of Christmas Cheer ,Spread on Throughout the Y ear / • :(3 , '1‘ , • . everyone will WV the bring near cordial ,-. ,, 1 e , / - the beginning of a new year, we wish to thank our patrons for relations established during the past season, ancifwe wish -- a Very Merry Christmas, with the hope that the coming year you Health and Prosperity. 14,,,.,,,, , .-, ,-, ,---$' 1 I ?, ..,. !,. 4-4 , . ,,,, " rr,- 'ilV 0 14 ' ..., ,, Y CO cIN . • t .0•04040.011,0404.0. .11:81 RN. les-. 'JO. --Mr. W. Far- row, of Goderieb, visited friend% in the village thin week. Master Kenneth Scott has tn*t con- fined to the hen,.- with emanate. We are enrry to bear that Mrs. W. Robison Is on the sive list. Mr. and Mei. Roy Farrow and 11 itt- da uctit pr. Dona hy. si ho 'from Detroit reoently with the inten- this- of staying for the winter. changed their plane, and have re- turned to Detroit. when they will re- ed.. until opring. Mr Wm. Thompeon. who recently morel into the property he bought from the Wm. 1/oble emote, has had his telephone moved from his former resident..., and installed In his new home. Miat Viola Wilson entertained the Toting People's Society of the Methn- diet church at her home on Wednes- day evening. A splendid time was enjoyed by all. Mise Josephine Weir spent n few days. 111M wpek igniting her emmins in Toronto. Mi11•1 Fltna Minch. of Toronto. Is .1s•ntling the Christmas holidays at her home here. A eongretwtional meeting will he held In Koos church Auhtirn. on Der- evnts•r 21:th, at 9( o'clork .% invitation is extended to all members and adherents to attend and hong the anthunionLst side of the ebureh union question dineuesed by Rev. F. W. Gilmore, of Atwood. Sties May Wallace. of Lloydmin- stir. .tlberts., is visiting her ester. Sir. W. T. Riddell Min Laura Phillips it around again. atter an attack of chickenpox. GODERICH T1WNI41111P It( TOWNSHIP. 1)ee. 2. --,Merry Chrietmail."' Rs -v R. 4'. Meiltervold. will occupy InIon church pulpit next Sebbath. The ley condition of the node thr met foie day.' has amused eonsider- elle Inconvenlenee to everyone. The Christmas serriee hut Smiley in Union Preebyterian. chureh W811 well -attended, in spite of the Ind..- ment-y of the weather and bad made. Mho H. M. t• Pell arrival home fre-troToronto Friday in-ning for the Christmas emotion. The mauler monthly meeting of the Vi-ometes Miselonary S(pelety of eloireh was held last WedneadaY af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. It. Mc- liwitin. Master Robert Groree in ill with rlo 'fever. Miss Iterode Da•Idson 111111 returnee to London otter spending three weeks with her poirents. NIr and Mrs Robt I bit Hymn. The many friends of Mrs. !hien. Oke are p14-11Aerl 10 hear of her re- covery from her recent accident. Reg Proemial. at 0.1. 0. The average egg production of the es. thousand pollthat were trap - nested for the year was 161 eggs each We are tryiag to Improv the *train in sin of-bodY. Mee of eggs and color, rather than Increasing the number of eggs. rive pens of tea Pullet, each were plated in laying competition. The fitly birds averag- ed slightly above 190 egg' each The high bird of those lo tI. eontessta was 212 rags, and the high bird of those on the- phial was 206 egg -B. -Prot W. M.. graham, 0. L. C., Guelph. S. S. NO. I, COLBORNE The following ta the school right of S. S. No. 1, Colborne, for the month/ ot November arid Tiseember: W. Ciatase-John Fitt h clan --John Red wond 00. llarY Greene 191, Allan Linfield 40. Fourth cisme jr.-Mary Greene 73, ,Aitule. TaVi 72. Annie Miller 54. Third enote. sr. -Mule Lioneld 91. Vette Taiiii Third claim ,le. -Roy Ileringirsa h2. fin. Isabel Tyndall Herbert Greene 1tuby Erringtoeli:Mildrtsd &Woke 43. Pectisid elaa• jr.--iCarinen Brindle\ ST. Altuu Meltride First rime -Dorothy Greene. Printer--Ilyntle ilantwt41. Beth Cantwell. Ilumplirey Nockuida, A. ft. AMO. 'reedier. BENMILLIER -Christmas report or Rentniller pubs Ile school. Donor's 75 per eeflt. Palo fill Tsr •-ent. Jr. V -Doris Rill 77 per ecut, Dor- othy %Vatter* 70 per cent.. Itches Pfritn- leer 07 per relit Sr. It - Isola Snyder I work Peel atiseid for hots: l'artuati Stevens till per f-ent . Willie 11,5,5 tll is•r cent.. Vanstone oent. Jr. It.-- F:velyn legate 75 p. -r Cf401., Minnie flood t;7 per cent . Levirn Fisher t per (rim , Edgar filA.‘e per cent.. Nlerguerite 1 Isy tit per Sr III t:ei•rutie Houghton II r refit.. Isobel ileNVIttcuie 63 per teen'.. Itieeed Pf.inoner dot per eerit , Verna Lee 51 pier 'resat. Jr. 111.-Kaoltettmau gan ....lii., Myrtle flufwl 73 per 5eitt , Houghton fie per any.. Milford nerve 50 per cent. Or'tt• II --Frank Walters per cent.. Hero Siniuglinn 7t4 per rent , Norman Durst 72 per rent. Myrtle Pfriese 112 per vent.. Albert Vtsnsi,,ts. idper 'tent.. Elmer lee 40 per rent., Mare Mniels,1 Il per vent lemmi-reen tJ waribi '1.4 per eent.. }erten Stranehaii Inbeent for tietel. .1r. 11. - Evelyn Hill 70 per (rot.. Carson Hoy 111 per vent.. Meet M- titb. o per eent.. Ethel 11111 :10 per cent.. Adelaide llougliton .10 per cent . Thelma Allier (absen( for tests) 1 -Melvin Comm! per ern/ 14:1110 Bolton 76 per roost. Oordoe Lee Room*. 72 per cent., ildrib meetibe 69 per cent. Luella Ploher flPt per cent . Gordon Pishcr sil per fret. Sr Pr - -Name* in order of merit Ernmerson Ibirat. fleet MtshrIng. Mar- ie Laltortm, . Annie Edwards. KtIsel. Fisher Jr. Pr --8.nson ,Walters, Elwin 'Trimmer. Loretta Kerr. Harvey Pett - man. ftvotella Iloy. Dorothy raga,. (;rant Fisher. Kenneth rjoher. F:. lelf.A.N. Principal. E. 1.. CAMI'RELI., Moneta n t Oak and Illeaor dor -- rig the winter Whoa tbe mow Is avadeble. sank espeeinity where a labors' pply et roots is beteg the Seek well set molter • greet Mal if water is wet gems. says the De attack. partmeseit se Animal Husbandry, Details Aerie:ahead Cations et the MAY thee sheep will drink more ee Nan water if 0 10 to he had, and ff at aU easvosideat 10 wUl pee to pee vele It even la the winter Attar UM ewes have insaked ia the spring. and darbag the seamier while ea grass. as abet pity of Mese Mesh water should he at Mod. lizpodolly dories the Meg. bot days al suusuaor the sheep will gnat freaM, sad the health sad wast of the Seek de - meads that it he avanaide. Salt should be before the Soak at all thaw dining the year. • hoz or trawls sat up in the pea diaries the winter, or in the Sold while on pee - tare, in width there la elvers a sup- ply, will amen the owner that kis lock i always well provided with Only Marriage Tess -her Mao. The mere volume of authentic re- partee of George Bernard Shaw in any year would be proof enough that he la the wittiest man alive to -day. Oae of his latest shafts has to do with the rehearsals of the famous playwright's "Saint Juan." his !uter- i/rotation of Joan of Arc, acclaimed by the critics of Loudon and New York. It shows how whimsical G. B. Shaw la at rehearsals. "Twinkling," Was the way ono member of the London "Saint Joan" company describes it. He gave an example of an instance he over- heard. In the course of hi, part,1 one of Shayle 0ardner's lines is, "1' don't know," and the actor's inton- ation did not quite satisfy the auth- or. "Are you married?" Shaw asked. "No," replied Gardner. "Well," said 0. B. S. "if you were married, you'd know how to se), that lin.--wives are always asking ques- tions." Doubtless Gardner was able to get the line right without resort- ing to the desperate remedy suggest- ed by the dramatist. •'The one entirely honest speaker 1 have met is Mr. Bernard Shaw." says Cyril Scott, In his new volume of recollections. "My Years of Indigene time" He once said to me: 'I was in the middle of a opeeeti when sud- denly I quite forgot *heel was say- ing, and had to ask someone in the front row. There will a roar of laughter, but atter that I felt the udience even more with me than before." Britain's Biggest Dome. What la the largest dome In Bri- tain? Most people would plump for St. Paul's; but they would be wrong. The dome of the Reading -room of the British Museum is thirty feet greater In diameter. It contains 60,000 square feet of glass, and weigh' 4,200 tons. Beneath it are housed two and a half million books and manuscripts on fifty miles of sbelves and in couplings presses. Here is found the largest collection of Bibles in the world. Thera are 27,000 volumes in Chinese. 12,000 in Hebrew, and 13.000 in other Oriental language's The largest book in the world, an atlas measuring 6 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 2 inchee, la to be found here, also an encyclopedia of Chinese literature which cost the na- tion £1,600. It consists of 6.000 volumes. Old Story. "Did you hear about Mn. Fast - 'sigh's motor accident " "No. What happened?" "She ran down her own husband." "But she's been doing that ever slate she was married." Nothing Lett. hear Jack has broken off his engagement with Gladys. new dki she take It? virgtala-Oh, It oompletely un- manned ber..--Asierleaa Legioa Wookir. -'1111141:; W. Price Grocer-- Elsia Ava. Some Holiday Spedok Sunlight Soap, 2 bar. VS& Lux, 2 packages 23c. Lard, per lb Wheat Flakes, per pkg....2r)c. Mixed English Biscuits, per lb •••• ........ 25c. Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs 43c. Sweetheart Peanut Butter 1 lb. pail • Goods delivered free 1 our orders solicited W. Price Oodaleh Phone 3.16 MISS S. NOBLE wishes to extend to all her Patrons The Season's Grsetings. We end to all our customers. and friends the Seasons Greetings. J. R. WHEELER Fessitere Funeral Director Hamilton Street. 1r FARMERS ! DAVID BROWN pays highest prices for Horsehair and Hides. Rags $1.00 cwt. Goose Feathers....50c Ib. Phone 270, Goderich. Greettngs ss, May this Christmas Season be one of Brightness and Joy, and the New Year be rich in Prosperity arid Genuine Happiness. is our sincere wish to our many customers and friends. W. Hern 1 E wish to convey to our many friends and customers in Goderich and vicinity our thanks for their patronage during 1924, and we extend to them cordial wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ",,fifirriteikalerrette"stwee epplf$H, M. ROBINS South Side Square GODERICH /1-11111111111111- Of400,6:: • '1**iittf n$ 44' " 44, kzryltrt. tor 4 Illestittlo.,M11111t. • 'live'