HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-25, Page 1Every Subscriber to The Signal
For 1925
will receive -a Handsome Calendar.
leaner musk. by Hotel 7'.•u Eyek Trin,
Albany. New York.
-- I
1.45 p.m. --••A Few Moments with
a W411' • prot:ray Ip a brief ; WOY.
Ne•hen..i .i . N. Y., sieneral Electric
Comtism), 71M) kiteky•les 1:1,0 marred,
Eu•tenl standard nun..
Sunday, Insenlb•r J4. 11 u.w.--
$.rtk•e• of St_ 1'eq r'e Epee*nptl
vburch. Albany. X. ]'.I• Rev. Chariots
Harriman, n.•tor.
::.35 p.m.- Progruiu by WOY Sym•
;d our • un•hestra. I.1, Kliwen. eou-
du. for : Marcia Jmmc•. soprano, wlnlrt.
S.(MI p,. w.-4urgxu recital 1.y 1)r.
Frank Sill Rogers, from St. Peter's
Episege.I chump. Albany.
7.:10 p w.- - )kervk,. of First Baptist
rhumb, Poughkerp..ie. N. Y., Rev.
Clarence 1110 Frank, pastor.
1)00 p.m.--Symple y music by
55'uldorf-.Muria Orehestra, J•lae•ph
Km.lit. condoK•tor. broach -est In co-
operation with WJZ.
I0.0u p.w. - ;.•le•tion, by 111i14.1
quartet of !tampion Institute; ale.•
broaden -1 by WJZ.
11o01day, Ih.c•mlwr 'M9. 7.15 p.m. -
Address by 4'. S. Witten!. pre•.kleat of
the New Turk State llortieultural
7.30 pial.-.tddnssi by Mn. R.
$rnith. aderetnry of the Now York
Slate !louse Bureau Feler•a(lon.
7.4.' p.m --Program by the choir of
St. liaryiol vt urrh. S.•bcneetady, Stan•
i*Ixu. Kowlunk1. director.
Tuesday. I)e. mb•r 30. 41.30
Dinner murk• by the Hotel 75.0 Eyck
Trio. Albany. New York.
7.13 '.m.--Muri.al tum.dy. 'Aide
1.1e of .txuwerr." presented by The
Sphinx Players.
1 I :70 p.m. -Organ recital by Bteph-
ea E. Ikdvlalr. from I'ro. cur i ilyr-
m.eun• Dl.c ;e•r ,ifall, .tlheny. New
%Vedurwiay. »..,,nb-r 31. 9.0) p.ge.
4'..mmtmlt} watch -night service fit
the chmrehea .4 Srhrne•t..dy.
I1 :i1 p.m.-4'hime pellet ions from
Trinity chump. New York :'treat
Lr.a.kast by WJZ.
Thur..lny. dl.reuds•r 1. G.30 p.m -
New ,Books." by L. . L. ilopklna, as-
sistant librarian. General EIe'trl.
�.(MI p.m\ -Program 'by WGY 4)r-
Owetra anid\ Nellie A. 111: iktey,
11.:10 p.m.-f)rg1►n recital by Style
en F:. Buis.•lair, frets Praetor'. Hier -
manus IUs. ker Hall.
Friday. January 2. 45 p.m.--
Health Tatk. New York 11I*.' 1).•pttrt-
01.•nl of 11ea11b.
%.IM) p.m.-lladlo Drama. •'Ttie• .Irtl••
Teacher." presented by WGY Pia) yrs.
Edward 11. Smith. director; mtode
I )reh.•,wra. •
10.30 p.m. ---Program by Ellw(*s1 L.
Clark. baritone. and Jonepll Kreine•'1.
Saturday. January 3. 9.30 p.m. -
Donee music by i'hil Romano'+ lir-
.•hrstra not New Kenmore. IIu tI, Al-
bany: popular mals.
Presbytery of Mait4nd�
At the meeting of the Presbytery
of Maitland. at Winghatn. on !berm -
tier 11th Rev. F. C. ()reread. of Kin-
eur,UNe. rad • r. ,Int Ion to the ef-
fe•t that the minister% of the Pr.aby•`
te•ry declare their Intentions as to
going Into the Polon ('hurrb. .MAP
ministers signed the resolution. one
whose name Is on the •pp.ndlx of the
roil asked that hi. name be added.
three are favorable to Inion and will
deiare later. one Is und.rided• two
are anti -anion. two were absent. and
there are at premiere four vacancies&
Harkey- Pictorial -Second Edtion -
The woad t.dItlon of the Hockey
Pictorial is on the market -more enm-
plob. and up-to-date than the original
edition. which was received with such
acclaim by followers of the great win-
ter .port. Most favorable comments
bavr been pulsed upon the p bile:,tI.n
by sport writers the continent over.
and the general op!nlon se expressed
by players and scribe. 14 that no more
cun.prrh••nslve or haud.ome book In
the 'peening tine wan ever dtrht,d. A
feature that "hould powwown marked
From the Store or ap e'al• not only to pucks -hexer. sit the
present. but to old -tinter.. are the
many group picture.. of ohemploa
-�� +■-+ �- trams, dating hack to th.• early his -
1 -61 FTS
ie•t GIFTS THAT LAST tory of hockey. TLP I,Ilrlon not.
only contain. flip liI.tory of ho4key
In (',ada. but carer« the history of
the gam.. In the 1'nitei States also.
with :am hand+.rn,' engrattngs of
4':,oadlati and Amerk•en Mama, and
is right up to the minute fu every
re•,.ps.•t. Arks. further Information
pertaining t.• the 1Matk car. le. obtainer)
Inwriting to the Hockey 1•letorlal. 44
\-i. toren street. Toronto. Ont.
Wishing all our customers
a Merry Christmas.
Authorised Dealer in Genuine [range
Bloese111 Eagagesamat gad
Wedding Rugs
East aide Start G•der 1c , Ont.
Int your Chi -hennas gift to relatives
and friends be a portrait of the little
ones in wham they are so interested.
Te weary the beat aerslee and attys-
detail a.m. new before the
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
A Rae place to locate. 'Any kind
of property to buy.
Houses and fat. V Code/rich aad
Vidnky. and Fend. for Sale
A number of tine brick houses,
fully modern equipped; $2500 and
$.'11X1 will buy MplendKI propertem,
worth a lot more money. $375.
$5511. ppb4), slat), $1010, $i 101,
81200, $141MI, et'. • will buy a good •
11.41/Wand lot, a tine home. Some
of the properties can be brought on
the monthly inetnhnent plan 0
Fsrnla for male, with all necessary
iKliklinga and other impmiements:
Nome with fall plowing done. The
meat of ttu',w• farm, are from rot,.
12 mike fmm tiorlerieh. A few of •
the farms and prices:
A very fine Vann, -tkf 1-2 scree,
$4.i4%); 43 acres. $24400; 4.5 acral,
$2701: 02 scree. $1700; 100 scree,
$3.1110: 120 acus. $b0(M); 130 Screw,
$5000; 200 acme, $.i•5(t0, etc.
For Sale• -A gond, well-establiahnl
Grocery bu.iheww, choice stock,
good Itte trade. Store to sell or
{ease. Good reason for selling.
For all particulsts, nee
Above Parenn.' Fair
Y. 0. Box 114 (inderich, Ont.
Apartment to Rent.
Modern Six -monad Apartment,
on Square. Pow..asinn at once.
T • Rest
Two-story, frame, electric light
and bath, all newly decorated
throughout. Within three minutes'
walk of Square. South aide of
Elgin Ave
Eaeellent Report Submitted at Last
Penmen Meeting
At the meeting of the town council
on Friday evening last -the final
meetlnr for the year -.the following
report was presented by Councillor
ellaIrman of the harbor. wafer
,x41 legit eollmltree. Jbyor cullers
In eomplimenting Mr. Platt upon the
comprehensive review of eondlttot
at the waterfront reflected the vie
.4 the whole (pitmen:
At the clone of navigation and nr
year's eervl,e to the town It p.'r-
lu1ps opportune that our herbo 41m -
41181e • should trite an x1.10)111 of the
happening. In asal around the Tort.
The grain ,rattle has far exeeded
any pretimody handled. as In the
neighborhood of twenty•tieree millloa
bushel/6 were reeivesl. i.nat year we
unreel In our port nineteen large lake
earners; this year the dumber has in-
crrasel 411 twenty-four. Several ear-
gee'4 were refused for winter storage
In November owing to the leek of
thug Undr b e -
ca rg(wa to
o. There
Govern -
All kind, for sale. It you intend buy-
Ing a home it will pay you to see
the houses I have for sale. I have
them at all prices, from $700.00 up.
Some real good bargains on easy terms.
Drop In and see me.
P. J. RYAN, -
Real Estate Ia Insurnnce Phone SO.
harbor mooring. prem.
-1ng stored before all of
arrive had been cleaned
is glaring necessity of our
melt's providing a larger a
mooring within Ole harbor. which
1w ae.rmptIMI.Pd at no great nutla,
Abut ta,ethlyds ..f the harbor proper
ha. been dredged «utficiently deep to
handle fully deeded boon.. and It on-
ly remains for the •northerly half to
be dnsiged to similar depth to permit
of storing twice the number of etor-
atP ('$tgoe. we now have. Addition-
al to title there «hnull be n wharf
constructed acr00* the westerly side
of the harbor for mooring to In any
,.►4wnn of the year.
Perham, few of iia realize Just how
much value there winter storage
,MINIM rife to the town. It 114 enterr-
tatly.•Iy estimated that each spends
In the neighborhood of $4.000; ao with
twepty-four steamera in the harbor
this year they will expend among
maehine "hops, grocers• ttntchere. tee -
Mil. hnnMinz houses. err., hoer
1040.(M10 1f by the expenditure of
pay 82.10.000 our l orernment can
double the lay-up and fitting-otut ',ex-
penditures It would be well repaid. to
the community. But this fa only a
small portion of the iw•neftt whleh
accrues to other Induatrive. Our
Mailwatlx remit..• on an average $1'2.5
per ear In freight earnings. 1f an-
other twenty-four bats were atoned
in the winter months our rnllwsya
would accrue nn additlnnal $2.10.000
in freights. more than the Immediate
bafis.r ensprntemeuts would craft.
55 re• most a1... urge for a widening
of the channel entrance from the
breakwaters Ina., the Illus. -which
white now 27d) feet Should be at laud
000 feet In width to ridable large vw-
se•Is to enter In any weather with -
mit danger of being carried to the
north and south hank by crone cur-
Oor.Nderable ' reinforcement - hap
ben/ieffeetel to the river breakwater.
That( should be carried on each year
to nnfeguard that structure from Ice
erollon and pressure from sprint
freeheta, en that no danger may en -
ane to w'Int.r vessels through pltt•Il,le •
collet Mix he wall .hottld break
throat a very 4•onald4MbIP quantity .
of material would wash into the liar- I
for ba+In already dreamed. , 1
White we see 1 number of grain
vessels arriving throughout the yei .
there I. 41 decided lack of p.4ssenge?
service. mid concerted effort by our
...morn, and nether municipal ' bodies.
should .hive for a g.wal paae•enger
haat to trade fmm Cb•vrland to 114' In all caste.. The npgdieant. for re- .ler mmni:•iputl ownerehlp. wn. rend.
San find Stnllts of Tt(u klnmc, .ailing view did not eondenin Mr. 4'an1lll:ell '.441 the rewdut lieu,1 wen- sussed tel
at pr'mineut intervening pdnte. 1'h.. s•rs,mil1ly, they manly Belk his fig- .,,
& C. Moate profitably operated thea 1 In Me wn evnmeil fur condderntio.
run for two or three wear*Gari bat tins.• his own noses lent roll. .111.1 .\ mutton wan prts«ed that Mr. P.
worn calked net owing to restrictionspointed oat to the court the glaring- M. Ro1s•rtsnn 1e• engageee
r to p
of the LnFnllehte bill Now that Mr ' nne.fla ea and wide rllfferencea m swan• the annual Th. -ember 15th tin•
hands of American electors probably 1 1 do hese blame 31r. a wupb•11 for .1.'. .\ refund of f•dr� was n1Ado• to
�- !The Family Wrath. ick l'alrndu W. ,�i^iceTREE�\and TTu•"f'mrrftj u,•r;l,l :Incl \\�,A,
Make Sure You Get Yours.
Unlimited Quantity of
at $3 per single cord. delivered,
(Foot of Anglesea St. Phone 61. )
Azlh flan
There are maw things the Manager of
the Union Baa! tint �p you with.
HIs daily contact with roblems enables him to
give you competent advice. He ly do it. too
the C N DLE
Bt Thomas
,the little Ccandle
To Ihe tittle Oris tree, 1 ;
"We're both of us important,
But of course you must a
I'm twice as bright as you are,
And if it weren't for me,
You'd never make a hit at all
In' "
being C�lristmas Tea!
• jt.`
. ti
:y.41411)..,� candle,
;rs!!• /r the tree then to
ilk. ow NE And his tone was most polite,
• "Your gay illumination
•��'1►�+ - • . Is particularly bright,
✓1►; But allow me one small question
Which seems both fair and right-
: r��=
q, C.an you nog see you're merely !meant
1~,aid a ''\- o -me shin at ni ..0, tea•
candle softly °twinkled,
And then at last said she, o
guess that I am here for you,
,And you are here foe tae!"
LN REPLY t'O "la',tI* PI.%l"
To the Editor .,f The Signet. ---lei
your Issue 4f the 401 flat., meter the
caption "A Bouquet for Mr. ('amp.
bell," you prluted a letter Michell
"Fair Piny:" This letter le aueh a
groom distortion of fact that 1 trust
you will grab, me 11N• .mere t.. r.1.1.
1 am n taxpayer of Ih.• towel of
G.oerk•h and wax ane of the appll-
tante to the court of revislon at the
last sitting. Thorp who ipeal..l
from Mr. ('amnet0.1l'e ase• mento
were asking only for just nil the
writer of the alx.v,--mentioiel Vet
choose to mien 1.ltn..•If--Fair flay.
They telt an injustice had been dune.
n mistake hail been made. The law
11e4 K ochi.rt a namely .for Just such
a *Reunion by creating the court of
rtnlsion. composed of five mender+.
with their own legal adrha•r. 1 am
pure 1*. • doubts the elncrrlty of
these men. who all helve the Into•:.•+Ix
of the town at heart. They had no
ulterior motives. while Mr. ('.in11'Iwll
felt he had to defend hi. 4lgtlre and
took ns a personal Insult every 11)-
1410ation for review. 5n eteryone
pays the .sine• rate of tax 'per thous-
and dollar. of veluntfon. mmuou
lire denuutds that the lopes of fist•..•
rent la• ns need)' equal nM laos•ible•
di.(rthnteu1, .'f n b•va1' 4,4 calcmin i
for 1152:, with a pi -tar.• .uhj.. i .•u
titled -The 5.11.• or 11!.1 1
publishers :11111'•4114' the• the .•at. -t.
Jar will b.. .elle free .. eh -!1 •u •
scriber whose +al...•rtiol..11 i. .•lit.
ed for IIY_•.i. The Fain*. II••r 41.1 ••;11
eu.Mr has Iw.n greatli admired 1..
those Who 1..ve r,.ei.''4 x•11:. •
cuples' .
l'rofessror J. It. lteyuol•II. \I .\
pro-A.k•ut of the ()u'arlo tgri..1111r..1
t'oll••ge. said in 11 recent lister: 1.4111
tore The Nal.• of Ili.l 11..1.4.411' Rill
be Weleol11e hl .•vert harm
which it roe..."
When OUP c•iu..i.1.-r% that tl4 o i.
ender i+ RI.. a free in 11.Idill,.0 I,
fifty iaeun• •.r tits hl>; 7_-l.u;,• we,•4.
1). for w'l,icll the . suh.cripIiuu pre• •
is.only two donors. pee marvels a:
the value re•eh..I.
The Family Herald and We••kI) St'.r
bas always -la.•u noted for 11.. super
excellence as a family moil font pap
er, its 1.,.- s,ih..•riptlun ctn.. and g.•u•
eros premluute.
The ...h. ion of the ta4 alight east'.
nenu1,l h• the high rat.• we am n..*
Fair 1.4,.0'11 1.•44.1' I. a ct l.'u. attack
111e111 t1i 4fla`.lt). hen*-•, and inlet
zit.. of the ewer! of n•yido,, shirt, 1
I+ a. ,n,wurrnntld as It is uta•sll..t
for. nu aituek wa rlously mart• by
someone appropool) afraid to sign
;.4.'111111' 4'...,tr.,rt t.. Fair I'bs.*.
•t:etru*,,, .. ,,,e• ..our t.•r. '.Sop ri.
,.as ant •wn)..1 M ..•1.filu.•1.1 1,11.
4•.11 g'""I bopisie*. Joe uh•nt. husking
Its de•isl.n,a fairly ups the fus.�t•
pnsentel. giving the Is 1.414 ..f tin
doubt elemy. to the to 'u •o( 4;.s1-
r{h. Y•1 r. truly'
IN15PF:L 1'. N '1.1,1.5,515.'
1:.. 1154
l'h'tndt, MIc•Iligau. Il.a.'ml
Water and 1.glat feullai-.
13." rt•gular meeting of the
and light comml..kn► wa. hal
Thursday night, .Nh aid the
ben. pereeent. .5 ..waplaiut ea. ne-
.11)1d trout the Menotti, Temple
SE'. F:\TY-SF:% ENT11 5 E.SK NO. 8!
And nil kind, a( Jitytine,a4
Suitian. ry printed at The
signal tinier.
"VT Will do a job that will
1 .ir. erndit to your twines•.
Look over your stook of
Mier. Stitt iouery and if it
requires replenishing ca11
tts by tell phone_ to.
The Signal Printing Co.,
Broadcast Bill's Rt'adiolays
Bs \1 M.
)I.•rr) .'1,,1.111,4.. _ ...1 f•.I„. 11 • •
4 t. ri•t ma•. 411 . Sat.' • Chiu. b,• 1..•re
tea, !w.'1 1.: .. .4 1. • .11 %I. 1.•..
.4ia,'4 h..p.MM, ,..t :. I -.
111.• .•.eniwel, '. ,.wt a; g...1 ur
last 'wee•k 1 w:r. ..r'.•r 5.hn• t.+•li,
kinds I..* : .11.1)1: 0345• nrt.iasnpls•rit
lilac• 44.•re loin' .1.14 1•rein .
clogge'I with semi 'Lint 114i. 50 -
sit' tl.t : figger.•.I 4n Ma„ 'rr•a2-
. ,
Ma -
loot til} •hl.ald.-n '•• t'•,• resat h
AM. 1111*•. e.p.•iall). 4141.'1 to. tie
tr. m.gdn' 'nog..: tb.• ....sw.tr.
ili(t. tol.g 141.• ..f w.e • ....tree.
it'. .lifir, s,I. 4.11 11111 .oma a i.
' f,,t.t..•'- I....kirs' bright. r. guy. MI
time+ are ...min' 18.1 h4.• '+
Jolly Santa. with 0,.- fatuity ph.'
.nit. fixed a big surpr1 , ter 1'W
en ter
e Int lost of poor water pressure r
Ile top f1.e.r• of their hlliidlug.+yrs1
the .engineer wit. InatrtM►c.l 1..
41.1* to have the trouble rectifi•••1.
-5 letter from the (N,tarko 111111111-iprl
F:Iw•trk•al .5es+e lata' s. .ubtaltting
.nlnlion• to he adopted regarding 'i*•
Joede ring of development 111 «te.-! � ie
inns el- nn the St. laswrosice River, un
LaFollette hoe aufferel defeat fit the taluntionp Social .4.141.1111.111. at n re•muoe•ration •1
nch difflrttlty In defending his xene•s.t114•tst•. i.Ilt 1 .In the r..wn ..n the 1tr2.1 „harp.. t•.r
ha wing his dboast roue hill n.•etlel. 1 401'1141 111 making it tyro of .1 man are..,-prh4kling. .5 large number f
1,11,11,0 h1.u•e wan 1lbet•lly wham an impartial court of rice men -5)44'1111(8 were puu•..-,i.
patronized In the summer menthe, and found. to 1w p,1 m,w•h In error. While
the arrangement with the C Y R and the ,F'rite•r diel not Net .111 of dh, re ;k Beautiful ('aleabr
our evpmdhture hna tarn well nTo .
- chief tan 11141.11 for. he d.a•. feel taut
We have not. however. the entertain- he obtaI,,.,1 an t,s,rtk,t Insuring .•f
anent fntilitle•* provided at other xttm- - the caw.
mer resorts. Spring boards. elides.' All of 0. eymptnthlze with Mr. Canlpn•
floating rafts. etc.. should be added bell In its nffliotion and we may
and a safety wine for small tote and i even rongratido te him on his memory
beginner. should be pupplled. for tiptoes and tarts. but4.,A4•anmt
We leek picnic nrrnmmodatinn help hot wonder how n man afflicted
clone to the water. *och ae obtains as i. Mr. ('ampb•11 stn pr.pI rly as-
nt Kincardine, Jitonthamptnn. /truce ,esa physical property which he can -
!tench and Point CI4kjk. 1f the *meant 111.1 fie•. and the noble of which ix 114)
property ndjnining The Ocean house 'largely dependent mein iia condition.
were levelled off and 'tented with Purr. ling. and lmprnvelmelits to It
trees' It would overeome 'somewhat of as well n. the Imtm•.Il,te neighbor-
eighbornn eye...4' and give an Ideal small howl. lii.tory Ie helpful only If we
park for tenriwta. Many visitors pro-, make proper now of It. It Is not enough
test having to go to the beaoh to bathe that n man .hound ice renitllnr with
and then climb the hill -to get theft the *Ilnntlon4 of the Ispat, he mood
Innen. Jiw'hnp.. too, the Ocean honor. live ales In the pre•tand.
enu141 be transformed into a dance Nnthwithntnndfng Fnlr I'Iny'. mtl-
hnll. dining room, and other tatwnffai tigy, Mr. Campbell was not fighting for
faeilltlee for public entertainment of principle --not fighting your battle.
tour{(ts, hat fighting to retain n position which
Another snggeetlon le that the south even be most realize thromgh age and
pier should he repaired to provide 1 afiletion hr ie no longer eapih'le of
promenade along the fare. In its filling. The town of Unclench I. a
present condition it Is very irregular grind place to lire. whiether n man
and rough. have much or little. Neither want.
There 1. y decided lack of lllnminm• to nor should take advantage. of the
tion elan hi. !south aide of the hit- other. All are ,entitled to fairness.
-herr • and the riots* attending thereto. iQ Mr. Campbell has reached the pulp.
it is a mterlm00 to workmen traverse where he can no longer properly dlm
ins th'.a wharf and lanes to and from charge the duffers of 1,1. ofMm he
their work, and wo wouM recommend *hoild. for the good of the co/mmun-
that proper attention. he given when Icy, be g1 ii an npportaalty to re -
the council maim its 4ntvey of the sign or be retired with a pension. 1
town for Improved lighting. The cannot help tint feel that the town
th aIle of the harbor 141111 been wnnld be Metter off if there was a
ily. illumhstted and with entoptete ebonite .4 per.nnnel In the
n for .ui,plying prow atwexanr's o111te. R might he inter -
r -pairs. eating oleo to make available to the
PORN 14. PLATT. while the onn.lItI,m of the taxer' nn
Chairman, the properties listed eo the rolls.
Oodarkh Branch -F. Wooleombs,'Ma
The ,1,Imola r t.. Ix. giver by' The
Fa lolly Ifere ld and Weekly Star of
Montreal to ,ubt.•rib'rx whose .ob-
pt•ripNons are rer•Iverl In time la a
mart benntiful work of art. The (CT. -
ores of the .allenrhlr are easy to red
anal the plr•f,tre. entitle) "'171e Sal • of
Old lAdohln" Is a moaerldee In ...i-
on.. .altnhle for framing. The xnbjetd
of the paInt log h .o full of human In•
tdrokt that you will never tiro. of 1..l:•1
Ing at It. In addition to the en tondo
•and plow... the Fnmily Herold offer.
to each enhxe•riber an opportline;y to
w•in an muck a. five thon•nnd &•iters
In an espy 111141 lutern.ting elntesl.
A catmlogne 114 valuable firt h;es
which are given as rewards for new
.ubserlptIons eats alio b.. obtained
free from the puhlinhern of the Finn•
11y Herald. The Family herald no an
Intere,t1ng' journal carrier everyllling
before It.
This will be
A Merry Christmas
if you hove tome Photographs
mad.• while the folks are home
for the holidays.
Telephone 117 GederM
n.•r111', l.. '4,-4- to at til. tree.
. .-t i.l.•e tb.•r•-.i Ile gay
nn• 1 e • :,t I,.. 111. 'round
.., •... ,.e•. i •t.. 1t:',• an' all tete
••.•A• !foal my -sunt
bel. Sir• :tel' ha nalk.•rcht.-f. salon.;
,n 11 I H.., ...A . fie big package from
!eat is 15.- nu' Is.y of mine-hettka
no't anew. *bat way in 1t? Tip. a
limp. rile•, noly t*•. I've been , wlshin'
t•ae 1 4.ad .n*•. s*•.••r It,l .iu' for a
11101111••.-th1t 4d' Santa's flag of pros-
-.5 ts had a s.•t like that 4rue In it,
with a .lowly new 1 1 ap..Mter. (Isn't
1•lam•• us• fee f..•lin' gni e•r fe•r sorts'
like a ...Ir+.lawn on 1114+ !happy tisrlat-
m.o. I)i e'..q•yright. Itr 4. Westing-
house Ek. Irk k 11anufacturing Com-
Until this year Little boys apd Oir1i, could only write to Santa Claus; poet
their letters and trust to the postman to deliver them. But this year the
Radio Department of the Canadian National Railways made an arrangement
with Santa Claus and littera fwnm boys and girls, all over Canada. ars Ming
broadcast from the C. N. R. Radio Stations to Santa in hie workshop in tis
Far North. Santa acknowledges. each evening by radio, that b• is hearing
what his little iriands have to tell him.
Although h• v • very busy man. Santa Claus visited *very broadcasting
statim of the Csesdian National Railways. ins Meneton. Montreal. Ottawa,
ToroptoWinnsp**. Saskatoon, Regina. Calgary aid F�monton, telling bis
little friend. be write him. care of the C. N. R. Radio, and thousands of letters
from boys coal girl. have been received and breadeast to 3enta.
The picture you ss• 0.r. was taken in on• of those satires u soma
was speaking to iia boys and girls through the mic,ophos•, which is the
Instt� ant us.d fe sst11 ds punct of yr. voiea•dancing out ever the world
•n ,h• radwaves.
Down beio low ren see ens of the big engines that this Canadian Natioaar
Railway. am, going to lend Santa Claus to carry his bags of toys, if them.
is not soou(h snow for his reindeer. Those ars the biggest and saes!
f,owsr/el /,eight agin•s in eh• whole of the Brih SpinThe
.eerily pep a train of ISO deeded I..i3O* cans so rentises£.t. San,a Clawy w*•ao
hie• w trouble bringing all his toys. no Swatter if then tsa't any saes as
C.hrisrmae F.vs.