HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-18, Page 14S-TbUrhelay. Decendoor :II. 1 ...- Tser.• to be the leuee behind a Weil " talk 11:1) )30101114 free trade is it. be inelerotioed eel. it pe bit.. deetroyed. \ tMe iii, Inl• ESTABLISHED 18413 GODERICH : : CANADA MIMiabor of Canadian Weekly NOW, - paper Aaossiation Published vvery Thursday morning Subscription price $2.00 per year. To United States and Foreign Coontrise. $2.50 per year, strictly In advance. THE SIGNAL PRDMING CO., LTD. Telephone A : : Goderich. Oat V. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager Thursday,. Deeeinber 25, 1904. Keine Co •rvative free \traders being viewed: "k .4. Int& t, to no duttger while Mr. t.tnjII. that elauneb op-• Pollent of protnetion.b Cluineellor of the Exchequer:" %Idle et the saute time Cher...hill proves himeelf avt•ona• modating aud allows protection., un- der all «dirt.. of itila.es, to creep in. Already the champions of free tra are taking alarm. and a Meru figh will be waged frim the liberal and Labor ranks against any tampering with the British prineipitof free EDITORIAL NOTES markets. .,151ammo Merry Chrietmas, l•verylx00 : PRUNING IlloUIT TREES • • • 4 i.:%41Yriiiiitittlit Farms Notel This looks like the real Canadian Wheu speaking a pruning. the winter.. \N 01115 "Awing' pruning -are genera • • 'ally used %hen "dortnattit priming" is Who'd have thought this near -zero really meant. Much of this dormant wt.ath.r could opine eight ." 4., the pruning can be wss4mplislit41 during the winter mouths and Ileenenber i - midst of the churelt usilp diaeusaion? m teerally It eilthl t line 116i0111ilipPlivo• • • • •11t611-. ..t t111- 51115.11 Olen. is 11 Tat'101111," MMM Santa Claus; more sleek time in the or hen' than the at any other if pruning is left "Gine job has never been quite olio ttaduttti.111 sirrrritnygi... i 11.....itrtrutr 1;1:4.! tsriti,ritingartw.0:11:1 same since theg started usiug *oft coal."• 1 workeel over in the (Irritant The habit of leaving the dertnant priming They're talking about th.• Presby- until early spring. as a rule. results • • • Mids Visit IF om Santa C1 THE SIGNAL, ( GODERICH, ONT. DUNGANNON' , o take place at the folkrwing platea \ -., -- \ • on Jauuary :i, 1935, with officers In Preeetiliallesi to 'Ir.-Tto: en- charge as follows: No. 1-No4114111er. tertaltenent which e as held In S. S. Temperance Hall; II. H. 0., Vernt• No. 17 last Friday ..vetilutt eas en. • Gledhill; 1. C., P. C. Walters. N. comerJ..)..-1 l'Y all‘ The pupils gave their., 2-Tecupt.ratire Hall thiltford: 11. It parts in splendid manner, 4.--. J• 11.• 0., Wm. Syuenble i P. C.. (ho. Fut- telletit elutirtnan. (hie very pleasing D. R. l., R. I. lng; 1'. (.., Frank event 4.f t ht. evening v. as a press.nta- WIllami. No, 4 --No. 5 school house; ' lion. 4lisattAttella Rere. ..n behalf of D. It. 414/1:11. SIIAW ; P. a'!., Nuala lls Ithe *hoot' sectita, presentiug the ChIsholra. Iteturning officer, R. M. tetteher. Mies l'arr, with it handsome Young. French ivory hair-drefesing set. 'bile , The treasurer, reported receiving Mists Dorothy Million read ' the fol- from .1 Feagan. for lumber, $2.t): ._2 towing addreee: . 1 from A. Johnston, for wod. $0.75: To Misa Carr from Mrs. Hetherington, for sale of Dear Teaeher,-We. the pupils of S. cemetery lots. $10.50. it. No. 17, take this opportunity of 1 The ,...ni, , I ,,, y retard booko an phoning our appreciation of your set.- maps prepa reel by the clerk ti vice among us duriug th.. past three sexton wen. ..xitmined. These ytere Since cowing HS our teacher books contain a (-omelet.. liett' of '1111 11111.1. acted your part as instrue- all lots iu the old and,/ 04.1% 1111541 to our 1111V1111i111C1' In mat- ,,,,,,,,,y, or/ramrod ttlithewtiogiy tot pertaining to editcuilon. el the to names „f owner,. In cennection I time aetIng as a kip41 friend. with each tot there In vine, ng "4 '1 1"14C 114' 411141'1.Y lilt 11 for recording tht• names, age. ete., of Martin, of Dungannon. made au es• toed. XO. ii- Township 11111. Carlow; • NE Bine swebody Ithey could Dew and out who it was) pia yed &Joke ou S•ota Claus ,, and tore off all 1,44, be leaves of tbe sit tertan church as a Democratic church one of tet. things. either 1.1111- tinnation .1 operations long after t calendar up to Kuhl Dec. 22. which. as I of yout h. eneoura ging 115 144 st Hee - individuals hurled In each gent .. you know. 1111 Italy ever otteard and upward. Wp es.; There js also a P091111PIP 11141.1 of Wt. three days before !Tell 1.. accept this ti., a small toloM arranged numerically. The map ...f ...ur esteem aud affeetion. apit show* all lots and half -lots already really uddsurnmer. ; hope that y..0 shall cherish It 11.4 8 taken. The clerk %lithely to rusk.. Chnistt„as. It was snd the ,,,,,,ther 1. memento of the many happy *1141 ii -e- these records as complete as postsible was very but. but 1 • , , . , and with the help of those who have . ful days shi..11 we 115%1' Spent to - Banta Claus...00 , . the required data about the ones bur. griller. nit, ))))) go w. noa separate as petals and teacher. We %%Mb. Yon fed in Colborn cemetery theme hook. bad 41 way* goue I cent illilOgi 5114534A in 41115 life and ban- ' e .- - I may Devotee Intoreating history to acc'ordl°11 to tall , piiiese-in the world beyond. 1 those eonmeted wfth the Municipal- elleodar and had never found it wrong. I I Signed on 'what( .d the $ehtv believed time must bare slipped by nim n.) '.•117. The following aceoure were paid: without lits realizing It- Miss flirt* utak en appropriate , A. C. (lark, suppliea, 5.52: Jno. Pit- . ttier taking, hls Bine, reply expressing het, appreedation of Natio, re-snrfaeing, 110: Martin b •nd had scarcely half JXleir kindneea. I Mugford. gravel an -wed Wp aleays thought it was the 1,111. sap has begun 1.a move. with eon- b tb. w°rill "IP I ' Rittig.SELN , • 4:18.00 : R. :141t4•hell: ' $2•2•50: Dan Pitt:dad°, Good. $7.50: S. Gardner, i •hureh estuent poor healing of wounds; ey etsougb toys to go aroubd. so tw was , ' td ork much worried bow to give presenta te i Oelo. The word is _pronounced. we crations. Ity making u start lu the idea. She hurried Into tbe woods and . urn" th" Ins; Miss Itesele. A., daughter of the ter •24.00; W. Stewart. C.E.50; Geo marriage t•eremony unit- ing. $39.90; .Fred Mugford. isseurfac- understand. With the holut t'o.- the early witit..r. working on days whell told the (Alter fairies and all.(he beasts Ilate Arthur It. and .Mr.a. Smith. Brits- , Inc. $•-ta.50; 11. Baer. $17.25\ 0 R. Caldwell. Wm. Mallows, 1120: last . syllabh• -.winding like linden. etimati.• couillt1.11110 are 1101 1011 5Pr- and birds sad bugs about (sofa Claus' eel.. 11 1111 .1ohn Jordan. son of Mr. and Forster. gravel. 116.401: 1). Plit.blado. Thug. 011411011n. 24•00: Barr,' • II inter- (The happy 14111 1111" will reside on the $900• Jett Pitblado. $4.50; N, rlsber. $311.00: Jaeoll Fleher. $211.00; Leto.. reviminc yi,t,,,,,. thit,,,.\\ for Arm -Greets. $10.00; Geo. Ashton. $`4.00: plebiseite, $75.57; S. 11. Stothers. dig las. McKnight. Arshileid hounder,. pre. tile Work can be eempleted early trouble, anklet' their belp to 111. "le I Mrs. 1). Jitrelan, Morris township. ' • • . t $30.25; Fred Quaid; $16.00; Roo Mc. o• of Nor, of, t.ily 01...r a large port of the °reliant due en timer At Melville toavniej.. 1. itsirm..odo•ls. 00 Jewell. $10.00; Jon. Walt.. • • • j result- in 111%8TO 4 a I The name to a desire te finish the prnuing and • fairy beard elm talk - Lloyd Welt. 'gravel and re-eurfac 6"). 1101.°1-• gra"l• *1°'441' has Been changes.1 from Chrhaiania Act at other important settsonal op- about Ids troubles and Oa splendid f Deeember Be re.aurfacing. 1 Linens and Sheeting& Table Linens 72 -inch Bleached Table Damask, god %eight. rose aud shamrock patterns. Regular $1.00, at per yard ........ ... $1.60 Table underlay or padding, beat quality, heavy. ISS to SO inches wide, $2.25, at per yani 51.75 Sheetings 2-yarda-side hemstitched sheet. 1113,10 Of heavy even thread: Wiser- it.r sheeting. These sheets *ill k. -.p their shape after 11.1ng lainadern.l. as 'they are torn instead of cut. '21:2 I-1! yards, per pair 11:1.71, 1 I•4 x '2 1-'2 yards per pair , ...... ...,-.... ...... $4.50 Bleached or noblest:hid, hes%7 qual111, 2110148, ildf• 0I% aide per )ard ....... ,.......--.-.. ... . ........... 411Ic ' ; Blankets Scarlet S'exony Blankets. pure, fittest all -wool. thrge double bed 5'20 and whippol singly. Special, per pair 01.95 Pillow Cottons F.xtra heavy circular, bust finality made. 40 • 42*. 44 • 44 inches. at per yard .. . 55- gal- 115c Flannelette Blankets ' Largest sine, heavy quality "lbes." with blue or pink b., . At per pair . • .. ..•52.55 Grey Blankets , / All pure eoel, ten pairs only - Want* of 100 pale": sire, .},ippd -ttigly . Regular 19.00. Al porpaiir ......... ... SIL110 Towels • ..!.-, Dowo of Christy's Fancy EnglishRaab, Towels: &poem wary quality, size about 20 x 38, at per pair ISa W. Acheson & Son re-nurfa.-Ing, $24.00: Ed. moot Reg. Watson. *2.10; JD. Treble. C.V1.00. • Isaac Talk. $10.00; all re-eurfaclug. • • • 4.114 With nen Karl Mart ie an antlqua.ted Moms.. In 'thinning pruning operations it said • little bear cob. "We can't make Wilton topk a tumble On the Club Fund. $25.00; G. M. Bernard Shaw haviug declared ilitit fertau, %it)) .•strly spring duties. "I don't see bow w• can belt) much." line of Morris. • Chlldren's Aid. 520.00; Wm. Mugf au .siitor esi.s. Is Mos.% atiliquatte40 might la. home It. mind that light e toys. elippery sidewalk and dbdocatts1 Did tide editor never see U14. tides& pruning pat.11 year will keep a tree in better condition than fieavv pruning • • "No" meld the fairy. but you can left sbe.ulder. Mr. 11 1111 Mrs. Peter 11.•Donal.l. she • $11.00: Wm. Vrooman. $30.00; Wm. reeturfacing. $9.00; Elfred M Ontario? reeenimerel ions te-day r4. radieally take the places of tbe iaold tie -Ir property in tOWn, 11/1VI• re - Milverton. reeord book. $20.00; Henry Matthews, Marshall, fit....'01.00; J. Adams. cemetery edition of th.• 14 441 Statutes t.f • at lee. fri tent n e • . ' in • bs toys. My plan ta for us to offer to • • • ..lifferent fnm these 14 a few year. Claus steeds.. We fairies Unt della. m,,'-'-1 to J. $31.65; WI. Million, re -surfacing, $9: Harry Walters. $9.00; /Ward Ailln. Auother last survivor" of the ago null those who are inter...tied in tor there are lots of dolls' dresses is mimes. the entn-i • m. Ira:Mining ate., $2(1.73; all for . Phee. $32.50; t Isester McPhee. , E. Miellwalti. $11.25; all for r.-surfe. - int. Wm. Ilardy, fixing ttivert. $1.00; Win. Wh•Whinney. $10.00: A. 111*. $11.50; Wes. Moore. $32.59: a. Moore. $1(k21: tlwen Moore. m me tit of t r daugh lo gh leant gale). 11 40108 road • ter. 4 11111- Blanche. -rn 'George Kee re -surfacing and grave . $34.40; Hugh P • . - • • • the Publientien. Itran.11. Department ••fiplendid!" Santa said. "Just bop en rintentient. Slueo.(10; it. M Hill. inn. Fes n. A leher. J. Grab- charg.• of tile Light 1l71,:..110. at Intim- the subject are it.t•led w rite to gante's workshop, 1 know." of AgrhatIttire. ottawit. ter n ...oy of 'award my sleigh. which Is titcbed la Fyf.• stonwrellle, of Acton. the "IL C. A. R°b1P1140 • 55° etch.11417; "18 ' 0130.0u; cresel. $30.21: 1. clavu has turned up. eine is in Somerville. yeengest 10011 Of Mr. and a hoepital at Londou. England. N• bulletin No. Is tra series; tee front yard. and well be off." marriage to take place thia month. McClure. $12.0): Hill. *12.50: wish all our friends and customers a Merry Christmas 545414*11 wonder the Ituzeians eeaddn't kill deals with modern oreiterel praethes. go the setnes ow fames and ewer?. . kt a meeting of the Literary So- Jno. Mutinings,'$10.00; B. Munnines. such sturdy stock. , ond outline% up-to-date Prunil": meth- thing else hoPPod int0 0211t2I8 gTeal leletv organised in connectiott with 57.5°: Mrs' rluher. 1/12;‘): Mum . odesleigh. beclimbing to tile Fisher. $10.00; Aaron Fisher. $7.50: The Ontario Government has at?... 04.1,4 Awthla--------------- - . inion alltcaad to bls reindeer and bade • • • 1 " • M. It. DAVIS. - stamp... Jas. Green. re eurfa..- itCt.72; Tea Clark. $Xi.1"2; Mertes• W. W. tweindury. $17 ill: 144.II4 tor :et -whiting. %learner Waiter, gratte sod 'cement. $1070; 1.:grat Fisher. @deep killed by dogs, $70.00: A. M. Straughan. valuating rhopp. $0.00; Thus. Willem, se•leetin• Jaren'. S.C1.00; 11. 4'. Weir: Board of Health. *12.00: A. Willem, Beard of fleeing. 15.20; C. A. Itebertaon. ikar.t of Ileelth, $5.3n; 11. slirIndlev. re- moving and (tiering Ware. 815(441. Wni Straughnn. work for Spinkerd of Health. Mitehell, it sal- ary. SOX As this completed the Widnes. 'ter 19:24. the council Member/1. MR*. IIET'IIRRINGTON. Township Clerk. seat. the agricultural ?Mort coupe. 4 4 -teem thee Was held 0„ the „wet: all for re -surfacing. Mem. [tethering - pointed a new ...Mel!. a -i•ontroller I HArrh.nituritst. o' finanee.- Just what his dutieet are tt to he Is coot mated. but if he gives a "FACTS ABOUT. RIFE 111SEASES" imitation of a fen...ions %stele (Ex)s•rintental Farms Note) dog he may Is• worth his salary. The.re are Irsrntit ply few hew • • • diseases. and these few unity1s. 'livid- SleMainer oletietere at Toronto .10- t i PIA .1110 two 44111•451. namely. those rented the Dental Cvdlege nieu 111 11 that attaek the adult hetes and those that attack the brood. Of the former dt.hate on. the League of Nations. In there lig hilt little known. The Isle 'tint 11fi., bovrever, it's dIllerut-you of whcht 41.411.e. the call... ot, which dt,n't dt)bstealih a ^men who leisold• , jigs been reeently found to ite a mite I lug a pair of.forefiet in your Meuth.. locating In the spiracle or breath.' • •' • 1, Inc (IOWA of the twee. Is 50 fit, 1111-1 '111/Wil MI this centinent. Par lyel. The Legielature ..f British Culutn- bia Iles adopted a reettrintion for 0 a a tuendment to the Brit 'sit .4. „Int re. pee er th.• Spent.. to defeat me is- tremble and ve a dark. gretsy ate her disease of adult tims,./..h. 1.1 1145` 10 (1114 part of the • Iters affe...ted he this 4111-; Nerth Atoerice Aet 41W:tiling ewe, „idol 14 ooknoon. tires pawed by the House ef l'ont- o tii, i.r..1. ,t.- 0., I 1 .1"1-r. 1iri• 11""u`• The Sltuutc 4""1111 I'lcin 1“ id. much ;noire veneer!) b. 111.:1sidteeps feel 11 I.i1 queer in the region of 1 IP' yr The Most Important ef these ar.•: lullar . Amerieun Fonitin.041. caused by an or- , . eattism elated 1184.11111- larrae. whiell • • • t ,, „, Th.. convention ef the United Farm- ,"" '''''unlullY ..le"lroY :1 coloillY mi- tes. 111111 II Int 4`rl'1•111.11 and treats li: ors of 4)111410o 11.'14 at T""it" 1"'" Eurpsmit Foullessstrentewei by Bae. l. week gave evi.leswe that 1114:..1.121[sjittit. pelt„,,. whi,.1, ht,,y 111, „,,,,,,,,,,t,,, Init.. betw.%.11 111.• Id..rrho.ti tivai lwery liy n strong ...deny; and Sattorood. 1 faction% 114 still 14? 1544'. Witli tile pro.' ‘1111E111 1.," nn tunkri ........ exeefslingi , gressive party and till./ • I'. IP\ 4). In 11,i/1111.4.0 r'i".."1.'11.,i'"I' . / Ifir.t tee. .lietnises ..very year grout, pulling at 4.TINIet 114111111.1..n. 1114. 4.11,,..,. %ley lienvv lessee throughout 'exert the ...untry. and it sliottld loP Parli ...Iced. that the farmer is of more ton. balance salary. $50; postage and telf.phone. $25; eemetery record book. I heneflt to humanity than the menu- fnettirer.- Y.Iva Otleer and Bertram ' XN): , Board of Health. $0.40; few. Hemingway spoke for the affirmative, r never Baxter. 59.50; A. Vanetone. 111111 Eden McCall and Alfred Knigttt, $1750: Wm• Long. $20: E. Jackman. for the negative. The deeleion was . 822.00: Wm. Turtln. $4.50; FA. Maio - given in favor of the neeative. I ken, $36.0n: Wm Walt. -re. $17.00; Ina. Buehenan. grovel and re-turfac The trouble. of counw. might be loft. A. Mulford:\ $1.25; J. Stewart. that • if the 11484-1,4 Wer54. a lioWell IO. gravel and re-marfaclng. E. ('frim - '.11 beer with meals,. the patrons mor. $5.00; G. Lamb $1.25; all might drew the line at taking meeie for re-eurCacing; R. litteClure. grading. with their twer.---Woodstoek Sentite f.-100: J. Jenkina. grading. $250; Wm el-Iteview. Daw, fixing culvert. $ .50: Ale,k A Minnesota judge ruled that cows hate the right of way. Every roo- teri-r knows that -Kingston Stand - 1 ard. I. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS -- 4, Got rEiticif Tow!k•sitir ; I The 1.011 11111 of Goderieli township 1 I met on Monday, Deeends.r 15th. to cowhide the Inertness fer the year. ethi411 (sot...hued mostly .1 gravel 110- 1•15111t5 and refund- of toilette laher awing largely to petlituasters' not re- turning their lists on time. ate S. R. If•Mtitli's Maim for damage?, to en- gine; no Rohm. 41erk W115 1 IPOT1114- Od to write Messrs. Spaekinne RYA Campbell regarding damages done to township roads by their threshing out - 1'!?". The following neeounte were or - 1 demi paid: S. 11. /Pothers. school fair defleit, $14.112; S. J. Andrew!. mil - vert Me. $40.10: R. (1. Thompson? enengli influmes. 11) 141.11rO the olkpar- iss.kei.per's business to bevome fain- postage. MAW: W. J. leo. re furiners .1 tinter ty itiar 191 the symptoms and the pr.- ItaillIAD renal WINOS .an rtsw ore. ' scribed treatment for melt. If he hnoBut they could church shed. $5: J. B. Mustard. eem- • • • 1111 literature. 011 the subjeet he may ay over the groutid. ent. $38.70: Sem Enintersen, sal - Tile anneuncement of a deficit of emery a rimy -of "Ia... DISIPIIIIPM- from Dot move the sleigh. for there was OA nry. $34: D.: Gildrimr.- tent om'-.r. eight null a -half million dollars the Bee Mt Ision at the Central Ex- snow on the ground. Santa Claus did $5: Jas. lb -Millet,. winter, Toad, $2; 111.07tt.r.J1. Riituin_lt,,vtint...4.11111171;t0re...111Plillitry7 (ititarla* • fintuwee for the ast r perirentiti Farm. t dimwit. Great eery Dot know what to do. but the fairy de 14 h fa4 • th t un 1 r l"""1" fils""'"Ing• 4g "IP ail. Clare(' that aba e°"ld az that altactlitY. Dril Cardn ti m I • $s 4el• lineation of the wrong treatment will Bile blew • little whistle, and hute ' ' ag° 1^ "Ir. • brim. to Wind t •• 11 1 l• Liberal gevernment. to enty yearn sprend 110 .1 144,840. Should till. deeds of white wild geese came flying \ :74n or'rirsinvil.41""1"4...,:::414718/4" sk She told them what 141090• C -Newton $5.110; E. J. Tre: t `tint" ago. eigTiT and 11-1151f millions would beekeeper hove (bodes. . just eib.111 cover the total expeadi. tehard a sample iof brow' to was the matter. and tbe geese, catch- titre- of the Previte.. for two years. "'I. litVI"D" f"r ""tilY"1". 111141 ing this end of a long rope In their Th..r.• is noon' for Itriistie n41'1(11011 of esseeselitures at Toronto. thus jr-Vent making a eceitly error• beaks. spread their wings and were Boa. eliwaxes are /i 1110118414 to 'WW1 off with the sleigh and Its precloua only. The organisms which enter. toed. bearing It as lightly as a es . • • • '-• nn beingn. therefore the connumer o so that It hardly touched the ground. these 11 1.55101PS 1111VO 11111 effeet on hum - A dejaration waited neon the l'ne I 1PV need have no fear whatevcr ' By morning Santa visited all t vi nein I L..% ernment last week melting h 1 1 bS Tro14.11 .1P .10.1111'n of their existenee. towns and left presents everywhere. for tlie restoration 11 the Government A. it. W. utitett, Apiarist. I, He hadn't a single thing left In tits grant to eounty hottest of refuge. --- ' sleigh and thought that lie had dope whiell has been cut off by th.• pre... Rod and Gun m Cased* I a very good night's work. The chil- dren when they awoke In the morning era Government. The reelle-t woe The January tinsetwer of Rod and and found the presents wondered fern/bill. No doubt Or 5111(01 (11 11,, irr,;fUilinit,14.1 mirtInn:118,0,:r"i'im-sPrain471 alrtl iii.'ill....riet1.1,1' where they could have come from. saved to the Provincial Treawury 1 addition to the exeellent regular .14.- Some of the fittle bears had cards will be pointed to by the tio‘ erntnent I /wiry nomtA. ..Teed.e.s .iftetpitstity,- around their necks, which read "A as one of the "ecorionileor it has ef- froni the pen of R. Valentine Gilliam. Merry Christmas." The children were teeted. It lot, however. only 44 train- la a well-written and entertalnlitz eurPrieed. bin 1070224 belie to P1111 etory. while the first installment of with their strange toya The little bobs fernier of the tax burden from the „„„i,we Ram..,, y . h I. J. Oolbourne, beers. who kept their claws curved 1. tells of the thrilling adventures of .1 so that they wonldn't scratch. were ...el hunter. In his Winter Snipe or the most delightful things. e cbIl- - w inter Oxeye." Bonnyeaslie Dale dr en were very fond of the gifts. LIIrrache.v interesting end valuithle The gnomes. made splendid elowll facts coneerning a rate and Httle- dolls. and some of the fairies were pac known bIrd. The other reviler eon- ticularly pretty dollies. The birds ft trawls:en of steriee, J. W. WItuton, F. V. Williams' and Martin Minste4. the cages sang sweetly, the beetles nphold Illieir reptation., in fine drilled like armies ef real soldiers. eta style end • number of articles on the field mice spun oei tnetr beads sad mievellaneogg subjects of intermit to 11110Pred over each other's LAW 10 MP eportsmen. indiedIng that of coneerva- amusement of their small owners. Hon. will be Sage to hold their at- In • few days. however, the children (0111 1.541* The regular department S. began tri tire even of these wonderful 'conducted by the dvseartmental edi- new toys, and the forest people said tore. are all up to the mark and min- tt was time to return to their owe oboe an unuenally run number of b„,,,. the ruagasine. Publighed monthly by When they reached hones they start W. J. Taylor. Limited, Woreidock. i " .n 1 to help Rasta (lens make to72 Ont. . as fare as they esald so that no done Pmvince to the county. The ape, er would like to isee name of the triad et eeetiomy that restive -ea the tax bill. • • • When Winston Churchill was given the post .41 Chancellor of the Ex- chequer the Baldwin Oabinet there WIS much eenjeettire an to the rea- eon for giving .0 important a place 40 former 1,111wrii I. OOP MOWN Lion en. that the Ineluelon of Church- ill. who 44420 simpered, to be devoted to free trade. W116 a guarantee that Britain's long established trade pulley would not be endingered under the new 4 Lovertunent. Development* Worn to show a very different per - pow. Mr. Baldwin is flirting with proteetion, while Mr. chard:III pro- tests that tbe Government MS no "sertoUtt intentionti* with respect to Nat attractive but dangerous proprosi- UM It ,loulot W Mr. Cturchill wartha. $17.)40; Robt. E. eolelough. • $2.50; Rich. Bend. $17.00: 111.11. Rath - well. $9.00: Ily Mweet, $10.45; Jan. McMillen. $21.50; Alber Townshend. $21.75; Mrs. W. Wesviii. $10.110: Jas. Forbes. $36.90; II y 1111Ms. $19.00: Wm. Stewart• 2:34.140: E. Johniton, $17.50; Riad. Pearson. $20.70; John $10.s0: 1'. V. EllLott. $18.50; Thos. Betties. $.1.10; (:co. 15nd1e, $13.50; lime. Wiwi., $4.20. Refund., of statute lalmr W11(1. 1410VC1114. P.M.. 2:14.50: Mrs. T. Churehill. $1.00; N. Rolland. $1.50: Alex. Elliott. 51.00: .14111T1I44.11. $1..50; Donold McKen- zie. $.1.00; John Male 1'. M.. $2.1.30; Clinrehill went... $2.00. N[r. J. E. Whitely ts closing his thirtieth year ns treneurer and has beeome noted for his neeuracy and emotive:I% Nomination pewter" ern out for nomination at 11101meaville at 12 o'clork December 29. R. fl. THOMPS4)N. t'lerk. - 1 Pireeld he Mat for the real Miami* During a golf match a middle fell The dear old map had by this time Into a pond recently in .11ertfertiabare and sank Itamedlately. ,11 is reprise?. found tut had mods s rrilstakis tn the with great preseeee of aild, divert date sea that the ettlidese weniti he In. emptied the bells out of the boy'ro =Pectin' their Millar eel teem him Porlogs jig:244 gri2ted hiss.- 111 taw emu elamo. Lontkullk y Pkq Lelo COLIndiNE T4)WN4411114 The enumil net in the township hall December 152h, with all members prevent, .111" R11•Vf• presiding. Minutes et last meeting adept. -1 as. reed. n motion of Mr. Graham nod Mr. Finher. Communkatione were reeelved and divested 14 after dilmeneslon. On motion of Mr. 11411 and Mr. Yea. the metal grant of $20 was made to the ChIldren'a Aid work. Moved by Mr. 11111, seconded by Mr. (lraham. '.that where pridte fences are at- tached to guar,' retires we ascertain If they form an obetrection on '114' road and our rempenelbIlity in the matter." Carried A bylaw was pllued appointing the hntir of nomination for 4P054IP and councillors at 1 pm in the townahlp hall. Monday, fleeember 29111. sod if • poll be demanded the election to FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR AND HATTER McLean'. Block, East Bide of Square, Oodorich "Bring me /7 a• • • • At the top Ere .4.541 (44 chefs at work on the new train which parates 144..n Afroirrwal and WInnipon nve enn•Olso Partlia Wass to 3 hours 46 minutes. daily Below. • aissiortabla towel with • landscape cho44in4 many times with each course. How would you like to be called upon to prepare a meal for 125 or more people in a kitchen 21 feet long and a little over 6 feet wide, in which four other than yourself were working, and in which all your stores and supplies were kept? You might consider it a fairly tall order, and yet day after day many men are doing this very name thing at least three titan a day in the kitchens of the railway dining cars which render travelling hotel service across the continent. In addition to the .pace mentioned, the kitchen and dining room staff have only a pantry seven feet by six in whieh to work, yet who has not wondered at the Deeming magic with which the waiters produce at very short notice the choicest of foods and drinks, cooked and garnished to tempt the most dainty appetite and appease the most hungry? The key note of 11101 remarkable service is, of move, symtem, and then training. Investigating, one finds that each class Of food has itA own refrigerator, and that Peek sauces, cooks refrigerator and ins -well, each drawer and each of ,110 generallysu innumerable lockers are so arranged as to permit of ready rook atEocirrscemerbyetihnwignitgphrholvti dat. en ddmit nii n iol nmr ut mpiase.mount of het metjon. er to avoid absorptien of odors the 'operate Writers - from the pungent variety of foodstuffs by those. of • more definite quality. The cooking ia done o5a bun/erre tpht: it:i7,6laihamtt;1 coalg.:niyprocandft itl4 v.g_areandrmr7 set of bills of fare covering 111 meals to he served on the run, are handed to the steward and ehef. They make out a requisition for the necessary quantity of supplies, hafting their estimate on the average travel, and all food- stuffs are checked and examined as to quality by she Chef personally as they are placed in the car, and put into the receptacles provided. Everything is then ready for the preparation of the meal. Tilers le, howevera great deal of work to be doine before the 'first call" is made. Stock has to be prepared for soup, poultry and fish cleaned, garnitures .it, vegetables cut aad many other things. The Chase's that •v•rything possible is prepared foodstuffs meat 6'. Prepared only ordered. AS to the divisive OPI xhch things me tout and eggs for instant* C orhdtiefres ere°npdroa.hplAaIll nbisroOuiulemedh. tatheemead,saburet qwttilii,:0101evberinprditoupttaredhime .ptrePs11114,8 toasts. frys and`grilla all meats and the work of the kitchen staff. Second all pastry. puddfnp, cakes, muffins and cook peels all vegetables and assists the • "sok with the other work; fourth rook is a gen,oil man and does the washing of dishes, pots and panic The fifth cook, eornetimes called the pantryman elite bread. butter and prepares salads. grape fruit, oranges, etc. This division of labor permits of the service of meals just as quickly se passengers can partake of them, and very often on* kitehon staff in the Canadian Pacific dining ear service will tura Out nearly 400 meal. in The preparation of the mow eard1. done under the -*mons! supervision of the OtPoriateudial and a tull the course of o day.