HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-18, Page 1010 Thursday. bets -ether 1Q. 10_1.
1, '_)our Christmas gift to relatives
ADO friends he a portrait of the little
outs ill tthom the) are set interested
To secure the best ..snit,. and Atm.
tiuu to detail corn,. 1Maw hedore the
IL R. st1.1.11WS
B11,4 meets all trains. +'all; made fur
pratwttgcrs anti baggage to any part of
the town. I'n•u•ht t.,•rvi a guaranteed
Telephone 51, Day or Night
Residence. ('nmhrla Road. opposite the
Organ Factory Otmce
Higher }:duration
••N'ltd •I 1 your l+wl'u at x111•
lege'!" asked IL.
Alt the late. slang, and now 1
moist an interpreter to carry on a
conversation with him." dlghed
rim intt+ti Enquirer. •
Minard's ta an enemy to pain.
It penetrates to the root of the
trouble, Isoothtai and disinfects.
Splendid for neuralgia,
backache and stiffness of the
muscles and joints. is
Everything Fresh and Good
For Christmas
For Christmas Cake
Raisins, Currants, !'eels, Extracts, Spices, Shelled
Netts, Dates and Fig*.
For Christmas Treats
New Navel Oranges. Bananas. Grapes, ' Grape Fruit,
Candied, Ohocolates. Walnuts, Almond
Nuts, Peanuts and a fine assortment of Fancy Cakes.
For Christmas Presents
Silk Hos, Silk Socks, Silk Ties, Scarfs, Braces, ('entre
PieceS. Runners, Cushion Tops, Sweater'. ati'l a fine
lot of Fancy Dishes and Dinner Setyl.
Tins Square
t ioderich, Ont.
Order that
/A 1
North Side of Square
" • Christmas InOM
P y% Og ma The Farmhouse
%hen ns it child you read stories of
('bristwas celebrations where tbt
houses were decorated with holly mut
By BERTHA M. MASTERS tulatletuc stud the he;ol':e had such jolt) '
limes Piffling them up. didu t 7011 leek
uruuud •your ownUnease end woudet
: how that would it sit;• if trimmed with I
DANE sat up those same green;" Aud d41u't yot
in bed and bllnl'- long t,e smell their spicy fragrance and
ed tier sleepy to have w hand In pu:Uug them eat
eyes. The nun- I where you thought they would look
ery was very
quiet, except for the hest? Aud didn't you long to fee,
the suupping or that peculiar Christmas spirit that is
the coats in the to the very air In cities and villages
grate. The tire for tuoro than a week before Chrismas
made a tuft glow l;l,v ttselfl And thea did you lull
u[ red light 00 settle back and soy to yourself: "Well
the ceiliug, and It's 'to use
ttte• fig ures on the is lung as 1 live ou a farm Christ
:l other l100,cnett+ must be just the same as It a1•
well paper seem. way's ,has been—an exchange of gifts
ts1 alive. and afterward au unusually big din
!t w'aa Christ-
mas eve. and it 1 want to tell you that you are miss
seemed W Pollytakeu—tbat you can bare just those
that she had been asleep for hours, yet very same Mugs. even to bringing In
the big clock the lower hall was We old time Yule log, if you are so
only booming eleventeventimes.
wonder if Santa Claus will find fortunate as to have an open fireplace
"I in the farmhoiae-
Luctudx's stocking?" thought Polly. City'l people pay trotfl 35 Genu to jl
"P'nps by and by 1'11 go and see 11 los fora small house Chrlstmaa tree. and
has been there." I every one who can afford tt Days $
Polly closed ber eyes and thongb: tree every year tor his children. Bow
about Lucinda Ames, wbo was cook's I often do farmers' children have trees?
llit►e girl. Lucinda was as black as And why hot? Because the patents
night, but she was just Folly's ago, I sa "We haven't gifts enough to mak*
The Highland Lassie eir1 Christmas.
Grant in We "Highland Cuntoms" tells
now the Scotch lassie ru*e with the
i int gray streak of dawn to bake her
Wrlstmu *owana. or sour s1•uues, bard
eat cakes. soft caked and Pauwcb
Aron. The day's aulu)tueut always
looslated of mala of skill nod games
and wound up with • graud evening
steal. In some parte of $outland, as
• England, It became customary to
sang a branch eat mlstletoe In the mid
lie of the nem ur over the door• and
1 by accident or otherwise • girl paw-
ed under It any young mail was prtV-
teged to give ber as many kisses as
there were berries on one of Its sprays.
and Polly liked ber. a pretty 'tee Many peoplestrtnevofer
Lucinda told most of her secreta in —e1mD17 make It •a tree of Eike the one in the picture That was Dow Polly knew that bash fort a gift nnthe children ngw sire frequently used instead of
popcorn. wtsbbonea and "lees gilded. Christmas trees for the display
gold stare --earthing bright and Whiny I,f tB
hong on a tree delights a cbiki—e bag
of popcnro with a few candles to tt I
tastes aft t1mtrt as good if It has only Ob to Have Dwelt In Beth-
oncebangonatree. Even if the gift t •
IWith Christmas cheer the hall Is bright
At friendly feud with winter's oeld.
IThere's many • merry fame tonight
Tor melds and men. and Yowl' and oldi
And winter wends its rctheir
t err son glow.
The belly
Aad talar than vets glist.nini meow
TO* mistletoe. the Inistletoe.
The mrtietee, the mistletoe'
Tb. wan end wanton mistletoe!
al evoi.
Dear Chance tecorir obreasted tbony sprite!
Thee. ItolAn. toe, the nabs receives.
Unblddea. whom our hearts Invite.
Aed. perwbed among the crumMY leaves.
He noels MIs head aid sings "Huller
The mistletoe. the mistletoe
Hamm up above, but weal's below?
Oh. west's below the mistletoe?
The mistletoe. the mistletoe!
A kindly custom sanction• 01
Tiers twin beneath Om wanton [wast.
wlw iambs so Nair? W b7. bens It lel
Look. Jenny. where 1 have you bawl
Dear bashful eras. sweet lips—* 1Wl
AL cheeks can moil the botlrs WWII
re. what's below tea mistletoe?
Aa, tial Why. n Is Cupid OI
In Sweden wooden candela- I An. ba' Belew the mistletoe
• err Copia 0, 'w Cvpld OI
mint be underwear. shoes and things
actually needed to wear, have them
come as surprises and in as "Christ -
mazy" looking packages as possible. ,
It 1s well to keep the Christmas spirit i
In the home.
It seems a pity for ns country people•
surrounded by these teeutitnl ruing+
deemed Intcurle* by our city friends. '
to make no nee wbatever of them and
to let oar lives become so common-
place. Chrlatmaa is not solely a day
for gilt giving and receiving and eat
1 tag. It b a day for doing everything In
your power to add to the joy of the
children—a day to remember tbe feeble
and lonely old people—a day tothink
of the strangers and (be poor. If
I haven't money to spend for gifts for
em you can give some of yonrself
I them
and of your own home Christmas
cheer. There are homes that it is an
Laaplirati0o to enter. because of the
Christmas spirit they breathe forth. I
trust the farm homes will not be lack -
Ing In Christmas beauty or Christmas
ebeer—that all of them will truly
'«kap Christmas." — Bertha G. Mark-
ham In Country Gentleman.
'IAlrTA CLAM . man aInar'"1""131nrC92.11D �' 1
L rinds wanted a little "white fonts'"
dollie instead of the cunning black ba-
bies that people gave her.
Polly went to sleep and woke up with 11
a start. She was sure that she had
been wide awake all the time. yet from I i
t to mantelpiece there hong a fat. belt- I
,.t stocking. chuckled
"Santa Claus has been:"
Polly. and she slipped nut of bed and
pattered across the door. mysterious
What a lovely; knobby,
looking thing ber stocking was:
Folly felt of the toe.
There was money -:-reel money'.. And 1
the peeping at her from the tot' ,
stocking was the sweetest little baby 1
doll you could itnaglue.
"Oh. dear. 1 do hope that Santa 'Claus
baa brought Lucinda one just like it:"
ttihed Polly. •'1 believe I'll See:"
Derefeoted, with Iter little white
gown treilleg on the red carpet. Poliy
{attered csliently- along the hall nnttt
she reached the door that led into tis
wing where the servants slept.
The tirat door was :Maggie's and the
second, door led into the room where
ISusan. the cook. slept with her little
girl Lucinda,
prom the knob of this door bungs big
w'liite stocking and. Itke Potty'*, tt was
bulging with knobby things. But alas:
•• 1•'rom the top of Lurtbtta'a stocking
there popped a track biby doll.
It was back—instead of white. now
. poor i.ucinda nouid ere:.
Polly's heart eat very fust as she
gently took the black baby out of La-
' Mode's stocking and tucking 1t ander
ber arm. she ran back to the 'turnery.
She had to clfutb on a chair to reach
ber own white baby doll, bit soon she
t rat her mocking sod
had taken it ou
ant ;lbs cunning black tabs In ft* pl$oe.
"1 t etex had n black dolly, and they
are so d,'hr nna , zeatin t," Polly told
uteri elf while Nile hnggcd her own prise- 1
In11s 111111y ,to tier l rr:1Yt
She bugged Ih, 1.11,e doll all the way
took to LnGnda'n door and she kissed
It fondly 41n she I:;eked 11 In the top
et M.irltoln's *cocking.
p•'.e1, .',e panic,, the drew of her
mother's . r inen she dad not !Yee four
ars , u -hine her
And 1: • .nh*t beam teed PUIrlitigeof MI
tome a or hrrakfn*l'
Polly+ ,ether fennel t+n *{seetillly
tine tea • 'ire far Polly ..ail Lnrindri.
who ern. rnry with ,lellchl over her
White lane don.
Rniltn ('baa* eertt 'nly Anew do funny
thines' (lo the ( talms• Mew me?. re
vbtl*, ,01 r doll Ire dneelillabst'Mly and
1 dont little black brie rat LsrIaAal
,.,eek r.M,,..- .. ,. ,.t... ntiw•+.
When tete dawn creeps up
from tbe darkly slumbering
ocean Christmas more and
speeds brightly around the
world. circling It with a gold-
en girdle of light. myriads of
bells in many lands awake
and from steeple to steeple
ring not the glad tiding" that
"the Messiah is kbng."—
Eloiae Boorback
; ditl l Ise rii#
A HraPPY fir..•
"Oh, look at me!"
Bang the Chrtatma■ tree--
reyA 3611y young evergreen -
1'm dressed up here
Tor a show, thats else,
And I'm anxious to be sees.
To grow 1n s wood
Is very good—
Of air you've • trifle more—
nut 1 declare
it cannot compnee
To a block on the parlor floor!
Tou may stand In the cold
Till a century old,
Not a blossom to speak of comes!.
But here In an hour
I'm'all In flower
With mittens and dolls and dram..
I know so' well—
And /aren't to tell—
Bo much that I'm Ilke to burst;
There's a mystery hung
Or a secret swung
On each branch from last to first
How I'd love to ehnut
Alt my feelings out,
Rut 1 diren't even tough:
And 15.1'' the'half
Of a great big tough
Would shake all my candles off.
Bo I have to hide
T All the fun 'hinds
Tell I'm full es 1 ran be.
Whatever folks say.
I'm king of the day!'
Rana the loll. Christmas tree.
�R, to have await In Bethlehem
When the afar of the Lord
shone bright:
To have sheltered the bo17 wan-
Oa that Mesad Christmas night:
Po hay. Aimed the tender, way worn feet
Of the mother undefiled
and with reverent wonder and deep de-
Ti have t.ad.,1 the Holy Chill
numb! Bach a glory was not toe thee.
flit that care may still be thine.
For are there not 11tt1. ones .1111 to ale
Ter the sake of the child divine?
are there 00 wandering pilgrims now
Te th7 beget and thy home to take?
and are there no mothers whose weary
heartstort for Jesus sake?
Yw can
oven —Adelaide Fleeter.
1g~ 'ngfeatsxetli• 1raaro.ms's
\tet only Its c•ualy gifts or
rleh rare focal ije• ('hrt*tmlls
' joy' of btensing. It Ices—'to
�aaathrnnnlfe title 1'au tell nt.other wbere It
11, • I be flrtdit 11 1011.1 be fur
wit 11 can bolt
gal to *II 1"1111°1117:.ldldre!),tsa11
prow neap children, to ill wbo
• ale s.•oklu( hark S* well ss to
tle••, alt, ere looking referent.
to 11.411 I can are with Tiny
,j 11.n '1.141 11e.0 you each thin
1i'liriatins. Hale." and
11 s. o would Ia. tory aura to
13..1 meaning Mat make •
rt t , li i+emu for somebody
is ... mlaht not have tt bat for
v.,1Este iAnal*7 1'lashst•
-Tissot. gar.
Try a Want Ad. fa The
Extremes 'Meet
can't ei lawsuitluculchlK a patent
right about the dullest thing.
madly?" asked one court fan of an.
•Ni t alwaye7 was the reply.
attended a else but 10114 410 that
WWI 1141117 funny. .\ tail lawyer
'tallied O.*itt w•11a reading to 1}lal0•
word document -lie called a hrtef.
Pit t.bnrc elirv„ lel.-Tehgraph.
pays highest prices for
Horsehair and Hides.
Rags . $1.00 cwt.
Goose Feathers .... 50c Ib.
Phone 270, Goderich.
The Management of
The James McManus Pasteurizing Plant
wish to announce to their customers and the general public that
they are now earrying fresh Deny and Creamery Butter and
also Buttermilk on their !Titular milk delivery rigs at all times,.
Rutter. Milk and Buttermilk can It• had at the plant on East
Street at any time between 9 a. in. and 6 p. m.
Our stock of Christmas Gifts was never more complete
Y ou can save money by shopping here
The stock is new and of the best in each and
line. The prices are reasonable and proper
Space does not permit a complete list of suitable gifts, but we give you a few of
the more useful lines
complete nen stock of 1817 Rogers Silverteare
in plea•ine Ohl
) .1011 (oI n't�fltl.rt(1 Pricer ranee
from Iron. 16.511 and 11.00. 1 to 5 year
Electric Tatters $8.75
Eleetrir Heaters $5.50
I Iertril
Pyres Hare, the well-known cooking
ware. Priced from 11.':5 to 15.00
Sole agent for the celebrated Auto Skates. See
the nen Olympia Tulle ' kat,•. friars frdfn
90c to $6.00
\ complete Zine of I' %,'rread) 1 1a.bligtll. and
It:Merje•. The Tetter kind, always fresh.
,pail )oar ( Font by harking at It
with a poor knife. See our Varying Sets with
Sheffield steel from $1.i0 rap.
The most complete line of pocket knites in (.derirlt from
"5c to 11.51)
Special 1 alucc in Hockey Sticks, Straps and Parka
Boy'* Sleighs frown 11.00 up
Come in and Bee our stock We will be glad to show you everything.
until Christmas
Ito)'• rubber—tired roaster
Phones 363-334
Wastes. $7.00 and
Open every night
.....r..,ee.r.w1ltlMt�r-tM/,•�"r"•w•' w...w
Ami..... . r