HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-18, Page 811195:1110.,4 lip 0. ar ' • lia -461.1 • 140 4rt, • .ort g 0'0 4 1 7•1 ••••• • •- -.••• • 0'0'90 .ar 11'1' - Thor -5111y ir5.1.5•!olrer 1Q. 1924. "• , 44' .#r•r7 - ;'•?* le0 ,.15.4 r.1111111511111113k''i•-i i'5. llkw7-77- N10 •••,„ 4 4 r 4.° t, v, , +I.:7 444 ; , ' • ,700 THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. L 015 LAST MINUTEGIFTS In jubt, a few moments you can select a gift for anyc.ne frcfn• our RED GIFT LINE. Unique gifts in red Chriatt'rs boxes, complete with catchy enclosure ,arcla 35c to $3.50 ,•••.• i Good Stationery in Cfristinasy boxes will please most anyone, and reflects your good taste. We have a splendid assort- ment for ladies. men and children. . 25c to $5.00 Everything in Christmas Decorations for your table. window or Christnias tree. WNW ...r PORTER'S BOOK STORE GODERICH'S LEADING GIFT SHOP 5. 101 S r l4tRt AS GIS - ‘0.1.1) it% THE LONDON 1 kt.t. Piti.res • ."'!•1.` • , or of Thr Or •••••artroy t-srl. 1 wish t.. sseko teeS or- - •:. ta.• •-4.i:.!ir. made -gamier t tb•4.. Itestrituiit. as waybill* DM even a•ritiausted with tie fleets per - the r•oriereli ging •thse /nest • Oet•lude that the Free Prow inform - 111,! 4,, -Ay t.te leas! is entail' and hie remark- suislthrling, • 1 have been man, of eifimen. ot lio41. '-1 444. %V1.at •Ireut that partitive of Mr Ilriffiu's?" Thos fur the inform - n• :tear ..f *ler many well-wishers ir Mr. Griffin. ho fortified to same tr, oetitlou praying the 4 ;cot...T-1111DV' I I h:41 lie share in time gr...it of $1:-..issi v.a...I by the; Gorr ettruine in Ma .1: 104• for "officials what 14, WO nue tinder the Public - r. 1.-.- super a/nu:then ttct " (The • sine.. that date made '0,,e.1,11lionsi'gresit of lefedetn to pie ear blamed hy is. fund. ;••ically 11 the eh:nu:nen. pro: ,.nij Mistimes. men. the man - Viso III ors. end their employee, also 4,. rn- ,.• ,, pet'Werl dry the iloly Name •it. It. C. church, a • •!..• resolution passed by the' counell •,f lie:. a. fob 45. •••:.4 •‘; 4- • •,. lo 14 f t.w•-err:ANN. , • ••••••••••••••••••• - • ••••••••••••••••-•••••• • - - Ifoleforwiffasgoi y A Christmas Gift of Lasting Value )1,1.:1'ROO1F Hosiery is the on.' Christmas gift you can be sure "just what yen, wanted." For everyone needs ;Ind appreciatesaKift of . Ilosi- An.I HoloUroof i so beautiful and so, mull' mare durable than ordinary Hosiery tlikt• it ihah..s ern ideal Chri?t• . ter gift It goes rigid on giving long after other gif ate f orgot ton We provide" fln• ittritet!.%., Christmas pack.' :rg• for each pureha4e. No. 1419 --Silk 1484.1 v....I, mock swan Extraoaretcl. rib lot. Popu- lar! ri-derl 111.111) No. 4i40--Purt. thread silk, mock geom. Extra -stretch rib top. Lead- ing colors. Per pair 81.7l timed. silk, mock wen., h(-$4 tp. At op.. , colorsPet pair 81,413 The -S. A. GRAY CO. GODLRICH, ONT. I , ''3i..red Klopp, eeronded by Mr•Nabt., that as Mr. Griffin has been di-red.-x.1i from the poxition ef gaoler by the Ihitarrio tAgi•tatar.0. and ea 4. 140 it•VI• in eax.. of disosiesal of au erlietent ottit'er 44L1 account of sgo that tl... la-gislature should provide sup yr:whilst for and we request that the LegislatUre asked to pro ride the same," as well as - the signatures of tereuty-thirge of flier 1924 twenty •-...incittors (Nome were away from • 11011o: when coiled 449044 4.• Wiwi. Up- petition was. complete Mr. Griffin wn. very critically 111. and I requested th.. mensher. Mr. Wigte. to present it to the, Prime Ilinixter. itut be "did not wtak to take the responsibility." be Amid. and suggested that 1 «hould take It down and lie would arrange for en ipterviest whie!, took place ' the 19th of Noveinior.. As many • mad the l'uldie $ert j. -..pe Surannua- tion Act xinee it. amendment. April 17. lir-It, to include retired gook -Pc. the Prime ...gin14.:r l'ate',,' 'Tills 1'. S. S. .tet applied te the' inside ser - vi,.. only." The grant for °Willis who do not vome under the At.; roue me commenter., upm by Mtn. uelther was the petition -looked into. as there was front the begin - sang NOW. 41001140 110 to whether or not the petisiou. --lioul.1 Is- 14.4)1 1.. the Attorney -41.1;4141's lupe rt mem. it was 4 few dap. later ;ores/At-4 with I pereonel letter from inprelf to tire .‘ttornex-Generel espleinIng Ur. Griffin's dbar...xful squatioss. Fp t. the present time I hare not !sea :tom that Isepartnen•. The Fr/.,. l're,s informant ;tat. - ..hat **since the Province require. the 1,41i...went of Inert Airingat the sit, ....' seventy yes rs. eounty council-% 4,44. had ro • 1.111 ,,file a number of ipplientieux fur retiring allowance... %lost of thm e, so f.ir nri oug sation goes. hes-, been refueed. ttroire %as astitnted over a ..ieur of the kind ..4 lone ago. 43.1 linron coutreil. meeting this, %eel:7061u bear (nether rupreeentatii:ne on helielf of its forar . er gaoler. Mr. cfriffin- tint Inform ation from the inenection depertnieut ,. year no 1410111d ht. TA140111116. that *II reiir.ii gaoler. had heen settled . ir till ,-Xe'-pt two. Biller? tieing one of them. and 1 understand the crier -.hip or , the court. amotinting to a.".00 a ',or. has been given .hint. The Pro- i lire... le not enforcing the sereotY- i p•or age limit. The Kitchener pool- ' •5. came was up Ler consideration two year; ago nal he 4* retained In enter.. The )(Hem gaoler. who was iretired, 1 understand era"... reinstated I by the Gosernment. and others' no el. ubt who have min., attained • (lip 1 age Iluilt have DOI been disturlred. 1 don't know Why the Free Pres'. Int .rniant ehould antieipate further repo:son t nt ions : on behalf of Mr, 1;r1mn. when lir. Griffin's case filet came le•fore the einmty council in inn... 1921, the, county conned tetra the, maw view of the sittintion le the 1 Kilchete.r. eounty couneli did.- They ' were perfeetly • iatisfied that Mr. Griffin carry on a- jailer, ex 'their ref...11111mi t•rstifi..... The situation 44',, being eonopliented by myself not ceming under the nge limit and ! retelnesi as matron -1,y the late Gov• :.rniiient rr, 1111 right of resfrien..... I ' ei... trilling 1.. r. -tiro provided 1 re ",Iv.' a romunerstion. listing ...err,..1 1. ,... nsetr.ra twenty-two years. lir 1 Griffin told his porliCk.n again brought 'retorts the county croinell in Decent ' her. 1929. Itating lisel a trromiric (...n. tire Pritrie Illniateg that . 'he Goyernmcnt would not ltilerfere. and also from the Warden thet should Mr. Griffin veente: Myth he abd I svotild b.. presided for, the member for south ilurun whin addressing the ....on. -Fl -tided, ''the Prins, xisister wt.,54 oppe.ed to oiperannuntion." ' "Nerves In Bad State Could Not Sleep" E1rs. H. N. Tazden, Harrowsmith, Ont, writes: -My nerves were' in a very bad state, and for nearly rot months 1 did sof know what it was to have a good night's rest. 1 could moo eat and never fek weIl. I heard shoot Dr. Clase's Nerve Fond. aad thought 1 would try it. After taking it for a few days 1 began to feel hetter, and soon was aide to sleep well at nigh*. My aprw- tit, also returned. and 1 felt stronger and better, arid after taking ,,br.• Luxes of Dr. Cusses Nerve Food T was quite well. 1 have also given the Nerve Food to ay MS iitl, widt Pod rt`- wits." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food • staih.s,bse .140 TOP- '4170'7, Peroo-orm„ Oo. NM. Tierenile A• • BRONCHITIS • MIXTURE • 111 # BUCKLEYS wo• GOVOMS • GOLdblit aRONOMITIs AT ALL DRUGGISTS DOS:775 4. .tge doe. not alway• make for et: feury and It the tine. of Mr. Grit. - fin's retirement he eas aad will- ing to carry ou and to Ills tyrenty- ,„.„, ....rvice had nut eX• perietsced an escape. slid 'mei to his r•redit at the ,inspr...tiou department a rowed urreteell.si by .any other grrk.r in Qatari... Then vr-by should he he penalised for1 lit: mistake of others? Ax Ca4l:1.10d% Lzens we have a tiaht to Justice and fair play. edileh wither Mr. Griffin nor myself nre getting., leltS. GRIFFIN. ERADICATION OF WEEDS Co-operative Experiments Sbow How It May Be Done Nape for Perennial Sow Thistles and Twitch Grese--iron Sulphate for Musterd--Another plan fur Killing Twitch -O. A. C. Barley Popular In the Ceiteel States, (Contributed by Ontario Dthertmest of • Agriculture. Toroidal . As a result of ten years' experi- ments the following methods are re- commended by the department or Botany of tbe Ontario Agricultural Collegd: .t.0 of nape to Destroy Perennial Sow Thistle and Twitch Grass. Cultivate the field until about. the middle of June, running (Peer fre- quenUy with the cultivator /to *4 10 keep the tops down and (bus weaken the "roots.", Then apply manure at the rate of about tweuty tons Per Acre (12 good -loads). Cultivate the manure In thoroughly, and with a double mould board plough slightly ridge up the land, tusklug the ridges about 21 inches apart. On the ridgei. sow pasture rape at the rate of 1 pounds per acre. It hi important that the right amount of thPe be sown, for If too little is sown the eland will not be thick enough smother the weede, and if on the ether hand too much is sown the plants will be too crowded and not grow vigorously enough to keep ahead of the weeds. Sow tale rape when the land is sufficiently moist to Insure quick germination of the seed. It the rape is slow In starting the weeds may get • start In the rows and thus necessitate band cultivation there. Cultivate the rape every week or tea days until It occupies all the ground and makes further cultivation impossible. IT, when the ripe is cut or pastured, any weeds remain, the deld should be ridged up the last thing In the tall and, put in with • hoed crop the following year. This should not be necessary if a good stand of rape is secured. Spearing With Iron Sulphate to Destroy Mustatd In Cereal Crops. Iron sulphate or copperas can be successfully used to destroy mustard in standing Erato without injury to the crop. Preparation of Solution. A 20% solution should be ap-. piled. This can be prepared by dis- solving 10 lbs. of Iron sulphate In 40 gallons of water. Iron sulphate ie dissolved quite readily to cold water. The solution should be strained tlirough a cheese cloth. as it Is put into the spray pump tank. This will remove dirt and email particles that are apt to clog the oossles. Time to Apply. - Apply, on a calm. clear day Just es moon es the first few plants in the fields show dower.. It is very Im- portant to spray early. If the plants are lett too long the treatment is not aearly so effective. If a heavy rain 0040•• within Id hours after the solu- tion is applied, It will be necessary to spray again. Mow to Apply the Solon/the An ordinary hand pump barrel sprayer, such as is employed to spray fruit tress may be used, or • potato sprayer eau be rigged up to do the work. Many of the up-to-date spray- ers hath a special broadcast attach- ment for spraying weeds. These are excellent tor large •reaa, as they cover a wide strip at each round. Care must be taknn to see that every mustard plant Is covered with the solution In tbe form of • fine &VW. Iron sulphate may be obtained at any hardware store. ---J. Howitt 0. A. College, Ouelph. As a result depletion of our foroste. industries dependent neon wood ars already going out of bust - nem, with thin Inevitable depressing influenee on their localities. Local exhaustion of the forests is leaving great stretches of land in # an unpro ductly• condition, remittal in vir- tual Impoverishment. If not demos - lotion, of •ery eossidersble areas -•. IS 4 ita DAISY WRrIGHT YIELD. 0 H NIC, two, three,. four, live, alx. .even. " Kathryn counted twice On tier alloy brown tin tiers, mud such Utile she sigh- ed • doleful sigh "Seven unlooked for guests conoug to eat Christmas dinner with us and nut • sign of any Christmas dluuer or of the wberewith- al to procure IL There tool a thing but bacon sod testators and turnip* in the testae unless it is no onlou or two." 'You forget the squash. Kiattrya.-- mildly Interposed her brother Tom with mo, -k serious visage sod clouting "PEI Katbryn. fresh from boarding school bad attempted •n elaborate and ultra ecientific garden the summer before with tangible results In the form of a single well .grown squash, drought, 111 management- and various pests having played havoc with the other things. Kathryn's dreams of a tidy income from tbe sale of fresb vegetables and of • possible prize .1 114. tell fair van 'shed Into thin air. But the squeek was tenderly born* to Use cellar by Tote and carefully guarded as a se. mento of Kathryn's brave if futile at- tempt to stave off the evil day when the dreaded mortgage, like a dark bird of prey. should swoop down and carry off tbe little home. Kathryu was considered a very clev- er girl at boarding school and by 111 her legion friends at bonus Stet could paint strange birds that • naturalist would have been at •• toss to claming and dowers unknown to the science of botany, do fancy sawing sod mervOons embroidery and write charming verse. though, elm the editors were surpris- ingly obtuse to the latter fatty Be- sides which she was •ble to talk vol- ubly In French and could rattle off some lively two steps sod wbottiscbes on the plano-if she bed possessed such .an instrument But Done of these accomplishments were exchangeable for coin of the realm In the little country village on the outskirts Of which they lived. end Sit they had only Tom'. meager salary neje grocer's clerk to fall back on. It spin came to pees that shabby gar, - Meets and the plainest or plain, fare were the order of Use day. in their household. Kirthryn's fingers tidied to help her brother bear the burdeo Of support. She longed to add her mite :t0 U11 tangly Income. but es yet bed hot struck her "niche." 814. did not know quite emough to teach, and there Was DO vaceecy in either of Use two i. village dry goods stores. ' On this Christmas eve there was lir than a dollar in the. lion*., sad be- sides herself. bet mother and Tom. they bail received notice that eeveo guests would be with them for the christmas holiday-di/Relit relatives. who had standing invitations to "come Op to our house for Christmas some time," and who by a coincidence had chosen the same date to accept the 1:s- iltation. There was Aunt Mettle and her twin boys. Cousin Wilbur aid Ms sew wife, Aunt Sue and Uncle Hiram -quit.. tableful at any time, and cer- tainly an enormous crowd to be provid- ed with Christmas dminUes with a fund a isms than a dollar. It began to look as If they must break their rigid rule never to go la 'debt, even for the necessaries of life, and ask the village grocer to trust them, a very humiliating alternative. After Tom's brilliant remark, which As had been expected to take as • rarely humorous hit. Kathryn gated et him admiringly for • moment. "You think you're funny. Tom Wreonet, but you're not," she told W m. "Squab pie will be a grateful addition to onr boiled potstoes and tarntps and onions and other Christ- mas dainties. Surely oo one can say that I blistered my angers and freck- led my nose in vain over that gar- den. since Its one and lonely product is to feed the Christmas guest" "Never mini, children." broke In their motber. laying down the letter that bed just come from Aunt Mot- tle, ennotiscIng tbe srrival oo ma r Jiving train of herself and her twin boys. "we can at least do our best to maks our guests feel at home and try to enjoy their visit. It Is bard mot to be •ble to entertain them as they hay* nein the past but whet can't be cured. you know. most be endnred." "Mother's • brick:" exclaimed impul- sive Tom. "And I move that we ten- der her • vote of thank,' for her little Chet/emu speech." Wbersvpoo he g ive her • rousing kids aad • bear bug sea went out into the yard and down Into the cellar after the squash. When he came np from the depths of the a/irksome cellar to where Kathryn stood expectantly wilting he dropped limply on to an upturned box near by and fanned Wiwi( weekly with his old hat. He opened Me month twice in a vain and sppsrently desperate at tempt to speak and then subeided into allODCO. "Tom ',rennet" demanded his Wa- ter. giving Mw on impatient eheke, 11111rop your nonsense sod speak. What's the matter?" "Irs-frs goner gimped Tom. gals G m it 'ir bad base • diamond owe lees Instead of a warty asd plebtas Ileadiall NM OS oraOr." wt a magnUicent disregard of the Poet that Tom was three years ber senior. Tom obediently procured the lantern from the woodsbed, and together they explored the cellar. She had spent • lot of time there when she bud Orst returned from boarding scbool digging sboul with the vain hope of 'treating grundfather Kane:. utouey. lie bad cows to make bits tonne with them a few weeks previotis to tile death from old age only tbe year before, end once (be y bad caught him playing with a haudful of gold pieces as a eland would amuse Itself with a lot of pebbles. Ile bad quickly hidden them from sight, however. with his nervous, Childish laugh, and tbougb be sometimes bob bled of ble **treasure" and ,Isis "for- tune" no one ever saw them again. Once Kathryn bad surprised bins coming out of the cellar with a shovel In his baud. the damp earth still cling- ing to 11. and be had slipped away guiltily. Atter his death she remein- benui the Incident and surmised that be had burled his Money 10 there foe safe keeping It could not be MirCh, or course, not more then 1100 01 .0. but that would be a fortune to them In their present straitened circuto- . stances. and she felt tt DO wrong to the dead mal, who had been but little more then a child, to unearth the mon- ey sod put It to good nee for lt did do one any good In Its hiding place. But months of vain ward/leg bad dispelled Ile hope of ever (iodine It. If it bad been concealed there. and now she gazed a little disdainfully at the deep holes and heaps of dirt wklck marked her former efforts. 8uddenly she underwent • revulsion of feeling. The little excavatiens and correspood- ing mounds of earth seemed to her overwrought mind symbolical of kw constant effort and coestant failure to be of use to herself or those shit loved. "Olt Total" she maimed, burying her fter• hi his coatsieeve and trYthe to smoother ber sobs. -I wink I could de something -anything -to help you. Its a slums you and Betty,. have to put off your wedding just because yes have as to take cars of. and me young Moto blo ,'.'hoed het sister Ineredn- lotedy. "Who rectild stool * squash' 1.ight the learn, end corn* with me It Is never worth while tn rtno.te time • r-11. • • , IMP Iisi•Serst enns- s "siOssrt sus crat.es4ua. and strong. Just ae soon ae Christmas is over 1 am eels( to try to get a place to do common housework. I just can't stand for you to have to bear all the burden." "Iliesh, little sister)' Tom drew her close, with big brotherly sytnpethr. "It hasn't quite come to that yet and you mustn't think of leaving home You are not strong enough for such w or lc " Drying ber OJAI as best she could she began looking around for the squash. Elbe found it et lest -It had only rolled into one of tis boles that she bad dug near the wall Tout held the lantern near and she pulled it out of the bole. Ia doing wblcb she dislodg- ed 10.earth from the wall moo,* and down thme a rein of damp dirt With it came a small glom jar which bad evidently been imbedded is the welt With a wild cry Kathryn wised It and beld tt ap to the light of the lam - term. "Moseyr she gasped. "(Told piens and greenbacks. Grandfather's for- tune. Tom! Come upstairs, quick, Never mind the squashr A morneot tater she poured the money tato her intonisbed mother's lap and was counting It over. trembilug with joy and eseltement "One. two, three. four, tive, mix, sev- en." ,be counted as she had dotes ear- lier In the evening. only this time there was no frown on ber face. "Seven hundred dollars-* hundred for each guest! Barely that ought to feed 'opal Was there ever such luck/ Why, Tom, It will pay the mortgage end eve yea a ow egg In the bank. aed we can have white pie. tied sow you can mar- ry Betty, and we the have her to diluter tomorrow and • big fat turkey, and we won't have te go In debt. mad we'll stuff the turkey with oysters sod pot a new carpet In Annt Msttle's room. 'cense tbe old one" dingracefel, and have plum podding and cranberry fencer And ten she eollapsed for want et breath aad hid her fare os Tones aboriMer and burst tom taws Rut a memeet tater ebe looted op to irons trinmphently through tier teeth and sey• -Thera now. Tom Wrenneu Whet' if 1 hadn't raised that ...tar 01) • r T°11.• laen's1/41.\., iN Now . A Fruits, Candies and Nuts are as essential to your Christmas table as lights are to your Christmas tree. We offer you a choice selection now at most reasonable prices. Oranges, Bananas, Grape 'Fruit, Layer Raisins, Nuts, Dates, Figs, OliVes, Christie's Cakes, Plum Puddings and Candies. Head and Leaf Lettuce, Celery, Canadian,,Swisa and Roquefort Cheese, etc. oraleol17 ;4,444 Sturdy's Cash Grocery "Everything Good -for the Table" _,Iilltb, ...... _ . • N: • : .04 ft : .„„ ..• -- 7.0' / 11' S.,.......... 44 - ...../ A wide range of I Christmas Novelties :If at '"Iiitift1 Miss Noble's Come in and look our stock over. MISS S. NOBLE South Side Square GODERICH ..110••••• Electric Wiring oreoreeoweewooterotowtowevea We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let us give yon an estimate for wiring your house or garage. Private Telephones, Motors, Dynamos, Electric Light and Burglar Alarm Systems 11",:rk Oook, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of the best Electric Irons and Toasters made in Canada ROBT. TAIT Illectrictaa Wild St, Plows WU fn HEADQUARTERS FOR r4r 1 CHRISTMAS MEATS and POULTRY 4' / OUR MOTTO : "CHOICEST QUALITY PHONE 31 AT REASONABLE PRICES" M. O'BRIEN'S '•The Shop Around the Comer" EAST STREET digo THE SIGNAL'S !ry ".• Clubbing List Th. Signal rod Landow Free Press The Signal ead Loomis. Advertiser ........ 11.75 The Sigma/ aid The Torrents Glebe . 6.75 The Signal sad The Ma n wed Empire 4.78 The %roma sod The Toronto Star 11.71 Tim Sigma awl The Farmers' Sun ..... 3.40 The Nasal .44 114. Family Harald rod Weekly Star - 3.50 The Signal rad Saturday Night. --. 5.50 The Nasal mai Presbyteries 3.00 The Signal sad The Catholic 3.75 Th." Signal sad Melo..'. Ilaeaulas ..... 4.50 The Signal sod Rod and Gas . Tho %pal asd Montreal Wits*** sew SO The $igma end World Wide ...... renewal 4.21 new -. 1.116 3.90 •••-•,,,,ersestrer Clubbing Rates With Other Pariodkals May Bs Had on Application 40 • Ar 4,- • •".. • •Lite,). f4, ,',s --.*s