HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-18, Page 7f �MSG.A t 1, 5 ,�$�",' 14��' b$"! 7 :S'•. r�� uan sra.`arfi mpu�s. .7SS'+ -_. - . � ,d g•Vat _x+&x i '•F",+..w,uY ,.ttIllti� . ti rmb•k;.. b+, + arm,..tAta .. T= N 5111.3 t t3. F. 'lhylor in the report of the' m glom <•am- . produced by Knott air last R3C&MMAIMN Vjgp9 'g lietow remit fltalding, ranked:-- F.. ('lark (S) r •81.5 We . was X14 A. Yaefle (2) 541.41 ,. B. Blake` u w� taentbu of the to M. McPhail •e�• • • • • • • ••' ... SoLB L. B. Henn 8D.5 tasdvrrtcntly omitted: Y 1lorotl►y ftt0�s MfM 1 L. Bruce % or. t.awlor (1) • • t • • • • • • 36 J• $. Pate who usalsted at the ill o, I lay- (oc tlnald 4 d R• yietherington (2j credits:- Bell, . Mr. !I. Hopoes:-. U. Jewatl '641 + �t it. llruckow (2) .... •.... '3 :SEt.! Ing for ell the mels ehoru t 734 J. 1'urteaa1ti* J • .•........ S5 D. $. Orr ...... �.. Juek�t'hinm hilt r e ii•dk7 (1. Ryna °„p t'h►dcr (21 •54.41 i A B n )Ialtmer .. 77.7 F. 1tuLlurop � M. Manderson (2) a u. pl rt d who lye• be 418 Neftel ll) ...........•..•• �5i ll. Melefa IS) { ;i M. Parter,'wbo a rtM r nu Stanley I,r r Il l'rrw•ford 53.9 C. M. Humber 53 the ..horusex with the eornet. IL g•rasy ....... , • • • t:lK7 FORM 111. Jb I U. Nairn ISI • • 53.8 1J. A. McKee ........ • ... I \. hays (1) I, • sa :- 1t 1 - Sedley .6 51.8 i Below , a 47 I 1 ... M7 1. lloalon: R. Munro .(2) .. •........ J ............".: Grant 87.{ It. W«at . • • • • • • • • • t3Y.4 51 J. W. ]offence Y Mehl"lem • . • • • . • • • • .. 4,8.1 J. McDermld I S) 50.01 jr,H. Harris M 41 I ID Hruwn (1) 3 �A. cram •76.4 G. llrovrs l3) SF/Y)N1). YE -Alt COMurWIAL -- IIL Huron: H. )t/Carthr_ yt+•low Paau Standing: e JLYa ..................... 85.5 It- . Honors: V. McCarthy X. . , II. Ilonors: . 74[7u.1,b FORGfr"1' THE n 61.{ 1:. Jamvr ...... ..�. 71 FY)HM lt. +• M. Koluk-....:::.. 70 RSDA L „w • • iia Y. lull ....i, . '0.7 (' r. 13. iced mond a a 1RAry DANCE I �• JeKersom tl U. Whitely .... .l.. . 7!1..i Arerlge W. .. gy.It Y f l I. Honors- D. Plante g7•r:ttetel, Gea.ritlgcCatt ) 61.7 1•: Hunt n10.2C si` 84.2 Y. Tobin 12) 87:1Y,DEilr 25 Wr•Rprr 11) 61 Y C 1lrorea .. ( Ori.5 T. M. Vutt t 1 .77 \1'. Tobin 1:) j 11.. Itlrck aq.{ M. lt. Hunter1. Datidww .........'. ... 6l .. Wi.! J. k. Wfutrr ......::........78 111. Bonar+. .. d0.:,Blaa••t (2) 80.1 N. .Iulnpildl, l.... .. lark 0 to 2 417.7 1t. Houor% L. r rx g n Hare -M l9ark ...,... (rellitr:-•W. W. Alton ..72•{III. Ilunors; ...•••.•_•••` ...•.5Y.7 � 71.b C. An•her 13) 57 dt Ogram I1) ........1....•-' 58.8 \'. Hill 1lien K. J. !t<Lead ............•• 0! Parents of ille.'atudeuts whoarsetIL Dw--curage ......•...• ! 1.. 1►inahru 143.8 M. 1). Jrtteraw ........ •( 70act making xlit,r ShhlI work are aakodAD, ON7ohnratla ll) .............. e -...Anderson ........ afrout the starttoLudy 36e. ......... 56.6 M. tk•y;ua (11 .... to.Qnfr, with mem! ytie• , 8T.3 r Dliuce at •5i1 11- Farrow (2'1 .. . •, 01 :1 %1. U. H. Wilson 1 to safe it• by a muulul un 1. rataud- .nigh 6 'Ray (1) ,�7 1'nrlit.: -- I I I. Honors :- Inti sad i•o-operation. Ile xtupdtug $. QuaW 11) g� 1: M. F•lodd (.1 aU.7 ,:. Pellote ..�............... �' vao not be Improved itlaaoel• Mal --- lE shinier 121 52 e;, �. .9 r, F. M. I)umfp �• J. P. lll'11F:. Priurtlml. Murray (11 ,2 )II. I'eullYlwl I I1 x uk •r 87 IL rim y 51.{ A. F'moter 1 1 :..1 W. F. 4 . - IA Kupeshaw (2) - -- ,..IV7XVr- s y� SANTA SAYS.:>` e LL 1 That Gifts from Campbell's Drug Store Really of 1 m Do Say Merry C �dlw b`t5rr•+.�• � �' toil 1 4u F.: ..tj,laRt J� STORE ....� _ G 3 BELLS DCAI��-- LCho" of YtlyJetide Gifts right up to i ,.h Offer the Leat Minute Shopper a Large . 4'1 n t •, Christmas, D&1• ae 1 M Timely SuSBestions t r S 1 • K For labs 'I For Gentlemen nj• a Safety Raa7ors ( t Candies _... _ IOWA. Fountain Pens Parker Swan . Waterman i� The Gift they'll we every day and pro for Years $2.50 to $7.00 Ladies' Purses and Under -arm Bags of the latest designs. Prices $1.50 to $525 j � t The Write (lift of Fash- ionable ash- RHandsome Boxes make deal gifts Stationery 36C to $4.50 Mirror Flash Light ' t j: Dresser SetsMilitary Brushes - ho1 Toilet, Sets shaving Outfits Hair Brushes Thermos Kits ' CombsW,=V"Aall 0i Shaving Brushes Yardley's Toilet Soap .1 Soft Collar Roll l Compact Powders �:< Bill Folds -� Fine Perfumes Perfume Atom' xera Leather Novelties I Two to five piece toilet sea make charming Gifts for her personal the $1.75 to $5.25 ,. Compacts s/ 1.' "T Single or double 50c to E5.00 ThuroiI lift I'll" I-' lly- 1. i AM W1111,3134 4 GIFTS FOR THE MEN Nfen':1 Fine ?ihirt:, from ..... 8l.`/+t to 84,IV "Ile to ( Ixrgr awlortuirnt of ;�•x•ktt•ear, (roan t tl.tNltotllS.l.lfi))V limlovet•, fro ................ ........ k Hosiery, !roto ................. ............ Everything in \fen's Wear. We incite yon to conic in rand look our good.4 over and you :lore noel• r it,, nlrli lt:on to buy. GUESSING CONTEST M-nietnber that for every dollar !,pent M m y+m are enlitlrd j to a gu+'i1++ at itit• uutaher of InIttot►w in tllrjur, for,thl• •\oto Rug to i)e given away free. - All p,,rsona, holding tiek••ts for'. e Gu.'••-ing C.nitt••d err asked to hand in xatti+• bye the rvenilla of I)et•.mtw.r 24111, •whe" mnteA elOW14. -- W. C. SNAZEL HABERCASHER AND DRY CLEANER GOBERICH South side of Saar - to T 1it(1$ NOT>Eit - wl► Thr aCten,aan *aro the lw%t CHL ;fit, hfrnoul its tk.• Mnndu) w•Juvot for 3-- w.+►x curl u uwetifir at ni:•bt n-nlb.l hrlstmaa urrvlces will be .on- InY uuLlite uaurnmit Vera buyer ally n'a led in Kno% thumb beet tial► y h by the miulater. There will be off-childrr•a'• abaw and whxkl R•' . mnaie b)• the el"r. rte., the Leal t.M,-r in .barge eon tial l'hriamu• ,jests of s.•rmaIn .-The DI -1k. go Wool ileo ..f the ul. Plw • 410 rlh•n.r of l`brixtthar 7 pm.,Iur drop a line Ito It•.% 472. ]P MnItKerand the Throne." Sob. I MeetnuR.r will b hold u.•% Sunday I h xchtwi uud Bible .11115 t•% at aI fr.11.•w.: Nundni +. tr.x,l. .M) yt m., o'clock, Saoday eco cling• i p.m. _ 4ervl4•M o'- North street ,Methallat - - ireh ne',t 14111341214 : 10 a.m., den's 9'hr / atholle Women' League hove lh-arub�t. ' flow should we ole •undr•rtak•-u to)furnish a r.x.m at for •vr• chnstmoss?" to N. taken by Itew ho%pital fund at their last me•'t- M. W. Ilowell +•boob .Iu�ar•x, Ing they v•Ir t.•d u• rva.m for thio is+ion Itaud• It u.m..-"Tt+r` itee'tter 1111iIM.v. Tho pn Vent of the Iww6n1••, ruoinK ut llhrlstman.;,' 3 p.nl -Ofleu Mrx. F,:rwl Itobit •n• iiuN baa the loot of Sunday %j -boot.. T p.m.-- nu•mlw•rx bra -,t n:.k:fic the furui•h irixtmae Y•+ag and �tury. Ings. Sr•rrlets at the ilaptiat eliur.•b ne%t .a .m'Thr ., subjeO, „\'ir- -- p Rirth." 7.011 p. Il ml service, x.•r"Ion.I i � FkwaS" hristmus n. Hymnn,, Aark, lthe ernld .\i+tto•la SInK" +'hole, "Waking tit of Sll.. " Salo, Mrs. Elll••tt• ' W' iter Wrtmtll. of ull dr+rrip- A l'hrlrtmaa i.ullal.y:' with violin t.11guto. hymn, +) l'nmr All 1'e I t nN. \uy dr+ij;n or !ti2r Irl aithful." ,f'holr. "['oder the Quiet ord• r Item." Duet. -The %titrrger-dater.'• For Home. Memorial, ire• Fill. It, M". Ilnmller. 14010. Cemetery Decoration 414 Holland+ "Wbih• Shepherd Valeh Their Fla, -km by Night." Wtlt-ation Arntsy Notes cut FlowerF. n. t Inti: tma -Trow" with-ttind*, 1►y di8.• 1?u• 1'hri+trona .•ut.•rtninmr•ut will x• held on Tv+•wlay, It••rr•rnls• .3mb, I Three 11ow.•r- are n malt' lit rat 7:'4(1 p.m.. In the Ineal eitu I. Sal- Sturoly'- ry, tip Mllolr.•, i cationa.tx are. eominC to t, n from rtiftil �itunluy n,%t•.'. Order•K ath :Uel will pn•n••nt df:oL•Rl+' taken an% time tip to Citrl:l- ind tal/l.•au. Quite a vu ty of mux - 6 -:11 iustrlirnelltx will t -uxrd 'and inns. other itemx of iuterew will be Riven Phone 601 - 22 after 6 p.m• b} the Sundry A•b A xplentRol timeexiat,.d. Mrs. Cooke ' Desoto- nealher .V.IwtMoo '"' gn.xl I + in .0111p w:er.• hs d mumlay. A vier was held I the jail In the morn- ' YO yG PFOPLE,OF GIra�ODEtRICH11i1ARE YOU DISSATISFIED'? Brin6wiClt SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Clinton. Ontario, f- prfrtir•nlwr. re olaaset cru t�/eat�ier pt�phea, Christmas students Honing daily by train. F:%tra tuition Kicen ►wrnnir ..t shorter I Foot Warmers and school days. Phonographs and Records, (;ouT"-Canlmrreial, Stenognphie, line returial xnd �prial.. i Hot Water Bottles. II Winter Terraa begln Mono day, January S. lass. t" M. A. ST11Nh:, lie F. WARD, 7:iL_J,;A9hL.•. i- Principal. I t ( ran. SperialiatI ..„.. Thane i9ri I Vice -Principal. 4twlenta n,ny enter at any time .lust the thing o your -- Ohs So peliciow i goy or Gir� i , _ --- _ ]p,rney. Thr lin.wnie. loft SHOPPING ors Ko linrwnae• two rale of film• CHRISTMAS r -{Candy Kodak Fbrtrait attach cot far tale - V - Ing r lo•e-up pleturra. 1M of Kodak Photo Paste, 5() -leaf Alboul, LOve1y Gift Packages Inatriw•tiou book, and�Vok .50 riptioiu to Koday t 40c to $4 JPrice $5.00 ,. There must be a 1„ ;FRENCH IVORYWARE i KODAK � � See our large stock of lvorywlate at money -saving y on that Chrit+tmas List, Mother. prices, s>� as'" Bud Vases. Powder Boxes, Hair F Sig are just Receivers, Trays, Nail Buffers, Soap Boxes, Manicure ,, Dad. Brother, waiting for a KODAK• It will Pielxs. Electric Lamps, Clocks, Mirrors, Jewel Routes. make them happy at Christmas Brushes. Combs, etc- \4 rKodak Albums time.Kodaks $2.70 up ' ' 1 - ivory Sea range from $6.50 up. 1 $1.ZJ up Irk:. JbL 3 Browmes $2.05 t,.M. _ We Pay lwtw on all rye CHM f�DRUG STORE u"order,toUPS BELLS CAMP,* r� "W111111 ti)rs wboL i Gift shop t �► The squa*e -Me C6triatlaias Phollle t r t H ' ��~i�;• rat ,x i �,��` �" � ,UrU PIP + 8 tf r,taa�c�hCs."._... __. eo .1'Bahr''jF`Fr1-irtatsl'Pilt�k� trf°1r Can be ma le much easier if you can arrange to do it early. Let us help yon make your selections from otlr immense stock of Patent Leather, Kid, Suede and Satin Slippers, Goloshes for Ladies. Dress Shoes, Work Shoes, Spats and Overshoes for Menp� . re m.,�a•a rw"�"il� tn�'s lr.1 Felt Slippers for All Ages Hockey Boots, Moccasing, Rubbers Our Travelling (foods Department is filled to capacity. We have some new specials suitable for Gifts for the Christmas -season. - Give us a 'call nowo and we can Put aside any' thong you care to purchase 01 You are feady to tape it. , r fQ �`���� & SHARMAN � i M The Leading Shoe Store W. Rgo. SHARMAN GODERICH Phone 158 1,7t t f't$,• at ids f �'•��. +�. I