HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-18, Page 6ri rz .pi r;. • • • kens y,' December is, 1924. • • ,R� 0. • • THE SIGNAL. • :frip. • r5 RR•r e• • 4 r*(P: loves w r: Wool Gloves�.,�..� a+ a a Grey, fawn ur white w ith large e Per �ir INIC :'� loves , ,� t•, , ��, ..;«- .�,,:. Chamoisette G Fancy ohamoisette gloves, shades black, beaver, mode, pongee and brown, best quality $1.35 or 95c 59e pair Plain two -domed gloves, any shade Silk Gloves s ..: - , ; . ;,:• Special line, in shades pongee, brown Or silver, fancy cuff. Per pair Silk Lingerie Vests, bloomers, princess slips and silk brassieres, neatly boxed. We have a good stock of the best shades. Silk Scarfs We have dozens of Scarfs that you can choose from and this week we are offering a special range of pure silk each .otitis for Velour Kimonos In full range of sizes and shades, made of Lawrence or Iiea,•on cloth. Priced at •....• 1' S0 sr $1.25 •. t'i • . • ♦-• GODERICH• ONT. Boxed, Handkerchiefs Ladies' Bused two or three to a with dainty corners. 'I er box box, ntac:e of the finest lawn . 50e, 65o, 75e, 96a and $1.25 Children's Three to a box with nursery rhymes printed and. illus- trated on the box. These are. a box ....... Or best quality witk tittered corner, per box ..... >� owels Mt They are always as a gift and you will find that we have a !'sage of patterns. 65e 76c, 96c and 51. 5 towels sell for Po Lingerie Materials Tubular knitted r to mss• in stades white, orchid. =1.20 per yard maize or flesh Lingerie Crepe with dainty patterns or plain, width 30 itches, shades pink, or'c'hid, white or sky blue. Per S9c yard Wool Olankets Make a real gift. You can buy them r hits with pPriced blue borders, or we have them with large e�� t* patterns. t ern per paird from . .. �1�L_ Sweater Wools 1101.9!- =`>•� 'IW11 In one-ounee ball ling range of shades t•��'e��- t tM Per ball '' " �� I 15C• .mom t :•t'3k'1•t'itb'� I'�E'.r taaana 1 Wool Bose Special In hlaek only. Any size and splendid quality. Thee are pure wool. I'er pair 95c. SPECIAL Silk Bose Pore silk of exceptional quality„_ with ;whited heel. Sold regularly at 31.75, any shade. Special this week at $1.50 per pair. Chamoisette Gloves In +hallex+ heaver, pongee, black, brown\\ and grey• Per pair 59c. ,, H° L E 1? R•o° F HofIERY RE M EM It E Il your friends with Hole - proof Hosiery this Christmas. it will keep reminding them of ou for many months. le proof is beautiful, and wears as well as it km. :tyles for women, silk or silk and wool,/$1.50, 11.75. The S. A. Gray Co. Botany Wools Soft Botany X1'001, 4 -ply, in shades black, white and several heather mixtures. Just what you need for knitting wnrm hose and mitts. Per one-ounee skein 21c. Towels Of terry cloth, for .everyday tate. Si/e 14-41. x 31 -in. 19c each Wool love Special Children', oris ies' sizes. Sold regularly up to 75c. Clearing at ZIc pair • SPECIAL Canton `Crepe Dresses Sold regularly tp to 1120.00. Good rang' of styles and sized. Almost every one brand new. Clearing this week at $13.95 Ladies' House Dresses Made of the fine'rt Englisch print, good loose styles and guaranteed colors_Clearingat $1.35 each E$EVEZEE Au rntcrtait.ment and c'hrietnuts tree will be held at Kbeneaer church on Friday. December 19. Admission _:•• and Vic. "tom^" i•z-Eflil' lt- LE}atl'KN. Dee. 17. -As there was no church rerrke haat Sunday on ac- ,,.tint of the storm. we should like to :utnnune ' that there will be a special Christmas .errtee next Sunday and if po.rltde Christmas- d,rorationr and l'hrtrtma" musk, Several of the ladles In the neigh- borhood were able to Kell a number of their geese, which were shipped ;talky to 'Toronto. , acini lh,n't forget the Christmas TLIs 51 the chureh Monday evening. gathering is to take the place of R 1, Chri.talso .tentertalnmeot. Parents land an interested are Invited. 4 4I1.114011N K. Dee. 16. --Mr. I nk- ster. of t:oderl•h, is dkitine his daughter. Mrs. E. Mitchell. for a (rw- days.wintry Op ae,.ulnt of the cold, weather on Sunday. there wet. n ' church Seriit'.• at North Zion. TO -member the eon,r•rt to be given in S No. 8 school on Monday af- ternoon. the =end. A good program is heiug pre %td.si. Mr and Mrs. Col. Stewart. of Nile. visited the latter" ateter. M r • Jelin Treble. oar day this week. We are pleased' to see Mrs .1. 1_a- itoeryue. of McCraw station. around again after • week's illness. Mr .:es,. Ryan ban let the contract of the cutting of a buudred corns of w-,•si to havers. Ilerman Madel rill Jonathan Fisher. 1 Pongee Silk iti natural shade only, width 32 inches You can make dozens of dainty Christmas gifts with raw silk. Per yard .. • • . ,riiit ' t eee77.• 69c. • Specs S 'el Clearing of Brushed Wool Sweaters n, just the thing for cold winter days. The shades are grey, fawcamel and bug. Several different styles. $4.95 Sold regularly at $6.75. Special this - k. each ,, ti t n,: Prices on Coats Reduced to the Limit This Week Special Attention to Mail Orders and Phone Orders 11 S. A. GRAY CO. 4. Phone 56 e • 1_t\BS LANES. Dee. It -Fall ploughing hes stopped in this locality_ The W. M. 8. of the Ashfield (w ait he4,1 its meeting �ttackettA 1 eburrb on Thursday afternoon. ( N good adelre:s was given rte. of I w know A Ie of 1, 'int inc and a nog of appl were 'ioronto for distribution among the needy. , ro(tnurir's Co•- The young people nets •re prepliring e play to he given to the club room during the Christ - Mat holidays. Mr. and Ifni. John Jamieson vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane on Fri- day afternoon. Mrs. Jno Little. Mr. Ewart Jam- Iieson. Mrs. Thew. Ferguson. Mra fast. lene end daughter Winnie are -peud- tng part of this week in Toronto. ti,•rvicet in tooth Lines and liack- Mee church••$ were withdrawn on Sunday last • DCNG.%NNiON ' .w DCNt:ANNosi. 1).r. 17. The ser , i,.,. were withdrawn in the 1'racby• te•rlan and Anglican ehur,tWs un Sunda), owing to the severe storm. Ore. -There will be • )fe{ytrtby. Miss Iva Carr ham resigned as fawn I Christmas ...♦ ,•e for the This store Christmas. over �with :,•a Choose Make ita ,�• '��; 1, Merry Christmas is all set for an old-fashioned Every section is brimming fine things for gift -giving . the gift he would pick himself Just a few suggestions Neckwear 1 A wonderful variety at 50c to $3.00 Shirts `- Forsyth's Guaranteed Shirts will make an cellent gift. Price ex - $2.00 to $5.00 Mufflers Scotch Cashmere Mufflers, new and very attractive $3.00 to $4.50 Silk Knitted Mufflers rich designs $2.50 to $4.50 Wool Mufflers $1.25 to $1.75 - Hosiery �I English all -wool in plain and fancy colors. Price 60c to $1.85 Gloves Fownes' French Suedes, silk lined. Price $3 -OJ others $2.00 to $4.50 in Sweaters Jaeger Coat Sweaters. the world's finest makers, also the best Canadian makes. Prices $2.75 to $8.50 New Lounge Robes House Coats and Jackets' smart plaids, shawl collar' silk cord edges. Prices $10.50 to $15.00 Other suggestions - Pyjamas. Night Robes, Under- wear, Suspenders, Armbands, Garters, Cuff -Links. Tie Pins, Collar -Cases, Umbrellas, Hats. Caps, etc. Overcoats and Suits in great variety, good quality and prices right. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON a Phoo 57 . Men's and Boys' Wear Next to Busk of Moatraal Detroit. were cal'ed last "r in S. ti. No' 17, West W.nwauoshc. special ttrlstmas service week to for abide of their father. to take effes•t at the close of the Sabbath schnrd iu the Methodist Mr. Florence McCarthy, who has leen Sunday morning. The year. church ora unda. I seriously 111. Mr. Jacob Reed has gone hra.l will meet at 10 o'clock .ts un- &nor •h tri Toronto. We are ;Seamed to know that Mrs. Andes- Stewart is steadily improving and able to leave the hospital. she id at pr•aeut with her daughter at Stratford. , ♦ children 1 born In Ireland and came to this Bev. J. If. Martin. M.•s•r. Rohs di-trihutesl ortw.ng ) e'd• a Dacidsou. Robs. McKenzie sad R. 1 w hos.. c'hri_tms• would be country while quite young. Vor Mme Duff attended the union meeting in great disappoint [nen 1 unless others years pest he has been invalided um - Knox chlrtl, (n,I.-rh-h. Monday- rye et try to make it a happy oar. Artl•t.•s der the tender care of his 'laudr- ing of clothing. toy-.. fruits or ♦egeta:A.s ter, Maw Annie Bowler. Mr. Bowler The t'rshyt,•rlan Sunday: mehn.•I will he gladly 11' 1nwt. I'Irat leave lea, e.. to mourn his loss two daugb- aoxl .onarogatton will boll :1 social them wrapped in white paper, if pr's" I hers and one sono his wife having pre Ievening in the arb•embly room an 4111,,. s1w•ctat music by the Suoday , deceased him by .w•venteen years. The Monday evening. December '22. All the as ti0.,l choir will be given at this funeral took place at St. Joseph's congregation are rcekome t.. gland An s,•rviele, .nut a Christmas address. eliurch, Kingsbridge, December 111. I.,ening tnge•ther. The lalib•aren. were Messrs. ]obs 791,. W'omen's institute a i 1 1 meet I:ODE111('H TOWNSHIP McNamara• Jos. (Y•Inughltn. J. tit the home of Iles. itr►bt. %tsKen lir. sod sIr-. Alex Madill. of Ken- Wallace, Timothy Griffin, Jas. J. zie• on tttrsdny, lkcrmb.•r 30th. �" 11.41y: Sask.. visited at the home of Bowler and Ed. Stennett. tople. -The Other Wis.- Man.' Mr=. Ibrhert .1. Thompson. G,at-rk•b t Ind dr The (9tristma• entertainment of the Saltford Sunday school will be held rn A u11 a trip nal for a short servl.s•. a n•r which the Whit.. haft., service will he held ill the auditorium at 11 o'clock. to which all are invited. Each child is asked to brine some kind of gift which will afterwards he sent t.. I.e Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Boyle. of Gndr- rioh. visited friends herr. Death of Miebae4 Bowler. -•,At ble old home. on Friday. I e.rmber 1201, there mowed away one of Aahfl•'Id'+ oldest residents in the perso.t of Mr Michael Bowler. The decesse•i woo 1'?. library r•pt.•rtnlnrn u • to late, which was announced for Fri Don't forget the Christmas tree at Fri- day evening. December 19th. is post• 1 Tpyhzr'; Curm•rs w hocil house ••n at the Saltforl hall on Mozhlsl ec paned until early in January. eery I►.remis•r Ing. December 22nd. ger. J. R. Peters is giving a )Ir Ir. w !task.. las e at .Mrs. R. A. Thomp- ext 1 the .ubjoe Swallow, of Wilid tLnr.t helpful teras of Sundry seating ad- 1 left for home after sp••rwt- n,'nI.A on The T,•n , .iibnd- ung two weeks t will b The Sabbath Q ial tam's home. will be "Tile Sxbtath [)lay." Special I On Sunday next n special service. music will he Riven by the clads, be- appropriate to Christmas, will b• ginnine with a bright song Tyke. glad to learn that sir has so far pro- held Union 1'11111'011'11111'01 at p. m, Fcr•rp- The friends of Mrs. Staley will he body atweleoPUnix r. gee f..•d in her newline of work am AUBURN to be able to present for sate a num• i Cruig her of very pretty haskets. Consider- AllirRN, Dec. 17. 'Mr. W. log her handicap of icing deaf. Anes family tooted .into their new rr•s1- dumb and hlind, much credit is eine dose, sl stFwee r to the patience and persistence wield aIsaith'hy, she, has been in Guelph for te which she applied herself to her with her brother work. These are on exhibition at pair le w months. returned home on Mr WIII .prnle's furniture stornlrr-, The ltaptlst Snud;ey school will The date of the ('hrtstma• hold their annus) Chrt-turas enter - set in the Methodist church is talnment on Thursday turas g, 1)tv- set for Monday evetring, ihst•em er 29th. not on the 211th a• announce- ember thetrth. s on The eemlwrt2lsti,tandwill the lava wee The program will be high- 11,r,.shrteriau•yn December land. ly entertaining and all are welcome. Mr. Mate Beadle motored to wing MbsMormrl j;artgtxt.-A missionary ham on li Ise xy. but owing to the banquet was held in the Methodist hSaturdaowstorm was detained until ehurrh on Wednesday evening. Ik;" M.►ndey. ember 10th. A large number from !several from Auburn were at Myth this district and from leasee tip' con several r to sherd the funeral tieintmrrlt embraced the opportunity of tient Plataer. who was killed by to hese Rev. W. J. Mortimer. a n•- i A freight) train an the C. P. R. east horned oda. de c from Sarhuaa. I of 'Myth on Saturday afternoon: Weir Chine, der. ribs and pit•;ure I Mt.. Jas. Carter. fuss Sadie Gar- vivdly from the moven wanes stud ter and Mr. anti )its. N. 11111 visited day. Mns ■s they ,,slat to tik to- I Mra. J. Nenl.nn. formerly of Auburn. dap. Mr. Mortimer has had twenty at Stratford on T'hurttrhy char fsr- A large audience gathered at the throe year.•' etp'rienc•e In away land. and is now home on fur- s for the third time. Iiia birth - plass. Presbyterian church on 'Monday a tereonn. to hear Rev. Dr. Masi;r*lenr. This will A Merry if you have some Photographs trade while ,he folks are hotne for the holidays. J. T. FELL Teleaheee 1ST qn e 1'. Iona mlmnRly in waw mn. younger da hitt hr +pent of l.ondon. who spoke iIs of his pseser10 r F:ce•.'r. favor of union There are still s bat me b e resider . or ime 1n will return but I here who are opposed to union, ( end Mra. Mortimer return to tb..tr number 1s becoming smaller. Chirp After . w e: ethroe of • A Christmas sen ice will he held dear's furlough, while their there Mill- in Knox church nest Sabblth a w111 1011 their remain below! her*. to tier Ing. i eeemher 21st• The IAh rd in the here. AapoIDper render Christina' *tisk% wsm nested In Atwtr•mMy room loot of tsr from 7 to R.SO o whk•h the andlen.•r• repaired to the audlori,rm. where the f. -11s ng pro mem area carried eat: PrayerRe♦ .1. Ir. Martin: foto* by 110.tern Klllmigh : lretnr•. :id ed b�1 M rich Inst Ir••r•. tildes, W li'' w uartette. Mr'. 1 Dams sea 11r. 17srsaes Miss as : focal nude b7 4 1KINGSIIRIM:K errFN41RItufirr:E. 1•s 1d' Mears. Morgan and waiter it)ilton nava tR turned from Detroit. lira. J. C Dalton visited In Gods - Christmas Suggestions Corsage Flowers in the new glazed and metallic effects, lovely to brighten the mid -winter eostunie and spread Yuletide cheer. Dainty accessories in nov- elties, gifts thatwill make Christma$•merry. New Satin and Silk Hata. 61 dY1 14.".e4 Miss MacVicar Kbytes St. G*•*evsw r ti • •