HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-18, Page 4• • 4 Thursday ins -ember 1v• 1924. THE -4IG1'oAt, I.. 'Sunday IAfternoon 1--, By ISA1 ELIIt1M1l.TO11, e;oder ich, 4 Int. It Bias now t nit.. to give sa f,e147 -Why are ye au fearful'! they that ye haVe no faith? haft .10110 en wl w 111) previous out -a- pes. p I- a Sermon Nov. 2tsd-Tote Prodigal Son -'Luke shuts. lust a greater work was to be Ostt aft II 5- hiermeo els the meow 15:11-24, a+runliai-old us his last utkaele- owlet. having The ytuager of two sous of a tor- the dead was to lie ral.asl as a sync to 4o st.wa rfollow to y mous• faun to rest, was followed h)' his d1e- tela wan, having asked fur and re- b.11 of hIs kingship ever (hath. At elphs and he there preached to them hired his portion of tlp• homily Rld INs, the grave J1.111111 01.11/1 in scpt{ath • a wonderful sermon. In It he gave art off p1 see theworl and It was out with the sisters and other luourners: them a model prayer, teaching them long aunt -he had sheat it all and was then In0 prayed aloud and afterwards how to address God and what to say in want. 'Chen his newfound friends called at. lotel. "Lazarus. re Luc fin -tit." when approaching the throne of :Wore nut at hand to sutror hint, set he and he that was dead came to lite grace. There are in It sit petitions• sought work. The lowest occupation ngnln. tl'stlitr Iu ht:aven. to Thee are kuuwn three relating to God and his honor on a tarty was glyen W him, that of Dee. 21st -The Conversion of Zae- and three ttnicernlng the human and feeding "wine. lie now had time for ehaeus-Luke 19:1-10. tour• 4%y belle/4 and trays. ',Orbital needs of Bleu. They were , thought and lie used it to aurae pur- There was one tout in Jericho the (Mr heavy weight of mortal toll.t; present their requests to God with ' pow'. -fur„Le decided to return home. day Jesus pa"std through It on his ,►ur bfttornt•sa of tears. cartes" his mhudeetia and ask for way to Jerusalem who was portico - We and 'slneerity and not ad the work ,bog with her tether's hind Indy anxious to look u{ain this man N'r brills to Thee our hotpot anal their rh mindn with the thanne of man If I servant,. His father had been silo) did 1o1 despise the class to t hears, thele rather (he eye of earning over the boy and he, of see• which he belonged. Iie therefore And at Tap Gu..tyt 1>td lay; God. yearningug bblurComing lack, went to meet Made an effort to see Jesus and wits And rather. Thou who byest itll !Ott. 19th -The Parable -et tbe Sower thum and gave lura u father's wel- rewarded by beim: noticed and Wilt hear us when we prof. -Mark 4:1-9. I seine. Ile listened to the sun'" con- spoken to, it trail not Ju'st a Noosing fesslvn anti, turuin to the servants. I,s,k and casual word he got but a re- - Ilcwn of the t'alabrlau Shel.hrrl"• ells Used u.std his tfor the alk lu first Btime 1 n 1 style I. y ordered thew to prepare the last of quest to ((nue and reale,. him Into very frequently used by the Itahhis. I everything for his reception. 4o It Is 111/4 honer. From that day he was a i P .% E11 Ile used language borrowed from that our Heavenly Father rteelveth follower of Jesus and 1111/10:011 11I" al - earthly thing" to describe spiritual repentant shiners. "There M Joy in lmglalwr ens trop, for hr declared he el Thou. who art the Way. the and - heavenly things. He ((inlet Hevtven' over one sinner that raped- would make good tile! things Ile;l1ad eth: done unlawfully In his bus111Psa. His 'Truth Bud the Life. grant unto its their attention -to a sower stuttering personal Interview with Jesus hrmlght clean hearts and reuvw fn us right' seed of the land to ►lluatrate hi* \oY. 9th=The Feeding of tate Five salvation not iew i him nut to his spirits that we may serve Thee in preaa ting. The sower 1a the preach• .")...11-.hthn 6:1.15.. whale -family. siuerrfty and in truth. May we .jt'r ,•r with the gospel message as the, I Thr b,sat in which Jc"11s and his s, hear The 'rider calling u" to urwm•n" ,vel l.•ttiug 11 fall into the mord and dE)uciplew were crossing the lake to a ai lite, which is rhe• if of ,:est heart as the 'sell., Hr wished d 10 secluded ,put on its north-east earn- ' through faith. Fur Thine „wen teach them the neesglty there ' was o•r was spied by some of the pilgrims t,awr'" sake we ask it. Amen. 1 for thew to give good heed to his ou their way to the Passover at Jer-' +�_ I wont's that there might be. profitable : usale•nt. •They turned out of tpefe living. euurw• and sought him out and• In -- S• C• ►'ESS' /\ FOR IIF:('. 2844,' 1914. ;tandxy at"-,Ymlritr`.-Cltllt)►`-twv► T -� mead of rest he found fresh oppor- Rev len -('entnil Period of l hrist'a (kt. '•6th -Tate ,tilling of the StSSIA' tunnies of teachlug and healing. - Ministry. I -Mark 1.35-41. i The night came on and stili the crie4 Testi" sue-ee"ted t0 his diwlphs rvmuineel. and Iota it was Jesus had Reath -)lath 2:r:at-a6. that the ' the lyls" aver ri the (di- -MAL on thew and fed -five thou- sandIht. "all=ihe l'hoiee of the ftte4ve ry side �.1 the wen of Tiberias to be well, heal/1494 womI•1i and chit- Oct. 144:1-8. - :a v from the press of the people I dren from fire loaves and tw-o "mull Jrsu" 11101 4•11 11141 1w•P1ve me• to be for time ..f rest. .Lsnr after they fl•lrr- „1 nu -n and the t11110 has come ; start be fell asleep end w1114 all un - for their lariug scut out to,thelr work. cunaciol .of the terrible storm that Ile told thein to wllenu they were to ' had trouts upon them without a mom • pr.mch an l what was to tae_ their ant'" notlee. At first they hesitated - theme and -then he endowed them I to disturb lir rest but they ioonme dish hls own power over evil spiritsafraid the ship was going to sink. and all k4tsd- of diseases. Ile then I Then they called o him. "Master. ear- Instnu•ted them to •1* faithful in the i est theta .ant that we perish?" Jesus discharge of their calling. They laud i awnk,•, and. In thrl words. pr.)dI1eed received much from him during the , :1 N.crfe"•t 'a4In. ' 1' re. hestill. " time they had 1 .ked into his divine I Ills Trower over the wi 1 and waves face and list.► to his graetona ; pmthllr4I another fine in. his dlsTt- t.achiiig and '11 11144.441 hi" powers. pies Watch he also rebuked, saying.. GODERICH, ONT. •!r 11 let him to cure the skkuess as he A Merry Christmas The same old wish, In the same old way, To our Patrons and Friends • On Christmas Day. ROYAL LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CO. East Sif Square GODER ICH fishes: 1111(1 more r.uulin,'l when all had been fully satisfied than there was to beam with. They all then realized that • he must 11141.1.1 be 'that prolJ.et that should ((1411• 11110 the wend." Nov. 16111--PeteVs Cootess10111-Mstt. ] 16:13-26. Jesus had ••t'itlulrawn - hl* little mpany to a quiet retreat in order to more fully reveal himself to them tui by quewtiening them as to the pull • opinion entertained as to who he w+ supposed to be. lie rot from *Peter the spokesman of, the disct- Ilea a eclaration that He was in- tt .Beed the e,siah. Jesus then told hitiu the ( Gotten Church would be founded' an them and whatsoever 14tes ad co cinemas they permitted or for de wo W have the sanction 111 `fit He further commanded them in ell no an as yet that He ens the` ensiah. Nov. 23rd -The \ T'raltsAtt elltlon- Luke 9 : 8-35. is of when nus \with habit •H the rest crisisof i 411s life. he wen Int the mountain 1 to pray and, wh a tbtle engaged. 1111 c.,ntrtell Mare WW1 •h g • and the three disciples w a romp» rid hint saw his figutre. hls net and ht" dress all Isrome wh to and \gllsten- ing. This was in 140 a v,terious iva}• God's answer to his prayer. 4'hev saw also tsar heavenly '1.14ors alkiug with .l. -•us and their to . wail Christmas Goody at Hill's Hardware We Have Christmas Presents for All of the Family Safety and Straight Razors. Brushes and Strops, Lunch Kits, Vacuum Bottles, Foot Warmers, Aluminum Ware.' A complete, line of 1847 Rodger Bros. Silverware. Also Adams design. Gasoline Irons and Lamps, etc. HILL'S HARDWARE, Auburn. PHONES: Dungannon, 5 ring 3; Blyth, 32 ring 12. Serviceable Gifts for Christmas Shoppers New Quebec Heaters ,, f New Quebec Stoves with Oven New Springs New Mattresses New Beds New Fumed Oak Armchairs and Rockers Kindergarten Sets Dol? Carriages Kiddycars Doll Bassinsttee --and everything for the Kiddie* and home Shop hare. We sell for leas Blackstone's Furniture Exchange ''(in the Itroa.lway of (lOd.-rich'. • A .,f his conang erueifixiun. .ant no doubt to hearten 111 ..rdeal. The .1151 pier. were ion then what they had *ten. remelted 111w'lty" with then► and •.roof o1 Ills divinity. NOV. 304h -The Good - Samarita Luke I14:25.4. • - 141 this lesson a Bertin lawyer Ia Ole nudienee sterud np and asked Jo- -tis it qu sties as to what he shonl•t fol year. -lei to Inherit eternal life: twit that he A breeze of morning breather about oar her td the kindest people In the town really w•i"hod to know but to entrap breeze ; Ire ►new. hlin in his answer. tint of this eines tale horde chs rid�m and sunshine, Cala/ Atd there was some money to the ea- ti„1! err''" the question of "1411)1 4. m}- and tear. in-Ighlw.r?" Jeslts proredt•d 1tn` ell Blob In nand troll upon the Cendtna �e1ope, all who very Iltttr father cuuld 'wItl.-n the lawyer by a )sores- 4 in she brings thee gats. What blessing wilt ••Shall we keep beet" asked Ur. Judd, whisk only one m,u, out of three who another in 1thou chows' for the were quite poor and 4143 ill. above •lnuk the trouble Lute's crown of good in earth or heaves y to help hum. After relating 14 .all the above nes" bad brought many heavy bills to air titust Ill is Jesus asked hint to de• The one immortal joy thou carat not lose pay, whispered Iles eide for hltnrtelf and he refdl'd. "11.• L love: Leave all the rest and choose She clime. to us,' pe thou lova that shi•wet merry on hum... •Iln•u -Cella Thaxter. .lt•su- 41t.nt4swr11 the nein and his stile Uri ht ""rung. tl " 11'k DANGER FREE TREE. dnE SN0W BABY by EDGAR 17ACLANE A In Judd* lived in a little cot• lege at the very end of the ATHOUGH we live in Gust,- wamp Which hart on the map though our town hes settled down 1 town. Mr. Judd was a carpet' To take its winter Dap ter, aud lug he had plenty Oar thoughts go out to friends ivy of work there Were light and chert and Friends north. south, east ale west. warmth In the home. But after he eau We hopean' pray this Christmas day fulieu from a ladder and broken hisWill pr this Ch leg bard times came to the faintly to It st the cottage, and the two little boys, Ns live hen quiet on the faro, ltltbard and Robin, wolaperedl together that sm-ely Sautes Claus would not dad Irene an ma an tale: them this year. In former years be We have two pens uv noise b had been good to the two little boya, An' uta, no leaa'n thteel b this things wbuld be different.w garden sap an' shah, Make cider ev'ry fall. boys bad gone to bed. Mr. Judd wkly- ,pered to his wife that Santa Claus Wish we could git a cask uv it might tease Bothe nuts :old candles for Out to you one an' all Itkhard and Robin and that he himself bad whittled them two boats that were We ain't no hands fur style tO t1b - handsomer than those In the shops. and lura. Judd had boiled some molasses • 11e11 aft you whit but year a raise our On Christmas eve, after the little But we jest winter say e byday or d made a big panful of walnut taffy an - from the adore of black walnuts in the night attic:- F1 you should come our way Just at that moment lir. Jadd stew a Accept this pectin' which is full Uv good of Gully cheer ins It was w'ritteu in the 11tt;e lads piece of paper pinned to Itoblus 1410 k bug round handwriting. all most call "What 1s that'.'" he Baked, going to We sss y_y Crile .."4".175 Au' peace good will ao' Joy until The Order you k st -Who gait it? The uppurttutity was Caere. 1)iet your competitor call tip your custot••Uer by Long 1)ts:ante, anti Fen lin? w•-.- 1plwrtut:it" knocking at the- don'. \u•tarla>a eul.etl•te' t • • to Meet then h:ilf-tYAy- 1N Lung ristoms 11tey tell us that Ai out 4.Mio • of the Kaki( opn..rtlUutkW they go after l,: tel ,1rl:•nu prove pr.fital•1e. Stich salesmen an' 1 aitl t i _1 at e'telephune iui'uttive•'• ° A well -.n -tined plait of es' l • by Long Dist: ^ce, $:tl,• m4fl with 'telephone initis:tP'e•' 1 n.11utg it, may lee it -' :.••t T.',•'' to ' inerea.-.• .:•it's. neighR-hvat::gir*isushctri..•' the mantelpiece. "[Lubin's letter to Santa Claus. 1 haven't read It yet. What does it say?" asked Mrs. 3041.1 as she cut the taffy Into nice squares and prepared, to wrap 1t In the waxed paper. Mr. Judd read the paper, and his eyes twinkled. "He asks Santa. clans to bring him a little sister. He doesn't want anything else. Ile says he can be happy playing with her all the year around." "The dear child!" sighed Mrs. Judd. "What Ls that?" they both stoke to- gether, for from the porch outside they hated a funny little sound that sound- ' ed strangely like a baby's cry. I "It sounds like a baby." said lfr. Judd, going to the door and turning the knob quickly. - "it can't be!" said Mfrs. Aidd, foilow- -. i tag him. Wish For the Holiday When Mr. Judd opened the door the snowstorm tried to enter the walfm Season room. The carpenter peered out into tbe whiteness and then down and 11ft- fil?fE own wish wish 1 thea to ed something that was huddled against every place, the door. The Cnrt.tmai toy. the song, ne trace; "It's u basket and there's a baby lu • Thine be the light of love in every side!" he cried as h cloyed the d wt •y ser'• face and art the basket and Its couteuL On for the That looks on thee to bleu tby coming t to the table. Year. Sure enough, in a nest of warm clean U Was Kg own wish wish 1 thee -what dos[ coon blankets was a six mouths uld baby wxs mays? All thy dear hopes be thee, wnate'u girl; blue eyed. golden haired, dimpled. they De. •.,arlah fulfilled may make tree long or pinu d to were et/one white frock lwasau nu to stave wish tree wisdom's eyes wherewith M "aquas that the baby's mother was , Bev. _...w dead and that her Luther was gulag to old. site stands and waits, tbe - a far country sod made a preseut of Helping lash Luck .\ bras o1 gnril without yard ,.r Imo/ lals•I arrived at a hour•. A. the re,- q► elpteut .1i.1 net knew %hum tn_thonk,: . for the the gift. be w rot.- to ell hie Dieter+ who were hauler.. asktite mold if he was the ile ulfl{tial donor. ' I ,Belt reply tt e but 1 w Very Y „ ear and d" `THE "-. Al.. w happy to bare her!" Dee. 7th -Tho Man Born Blind-- - s "That settles 11!" said Mr. Judd, and -John 9:13-17, 2$.36, How Eletetricity Provides rho Sparkling he went up into the attic after the lit - this was the custom of .be,nlC. he n'sm'A Cheer Without Risk of Firs. tie cradle in which Richard and Robin thin miracle of curing 11 11111 born Nearly every 20th day of Decembee uee,l to sleep. blind to illustrate the face shut h0 we read In We morning papers the pa• When Christmas morning . dawnd W11/4 the Light of the World. Hay- tbeuc stories of Christmas play that Richard and Robin crept out of 11 Mg satisfied his disciples that. in this cane at least. the trlfrrin,as ends to tragedy. It is the annual toll and tiptoed into the sIttlUg room. The of the Christmas tree candle. Every allays did th on Christmas) morning so u ,pot to awaken their parents. It was barely dayllgbt- They could see their stockings hanging fro m the mantelpiece, and out of the tope were stick- ing two red paint- ed sailboats Just alike. Besides the boats there were warm red mit. "sax centr TO as," tens, knitted by W11!SPaasa nen• loving fingers. JUDD. and there were 1 dettcioas walnut taffy wrapped in wag- ed paper and some red apples. And hist as they reached tbe red ap- ples the ,little boys looked down and UMW the Jold cradle with the snow ba- by's bright and blue eyes staring up at them. How the cottage rang with their cries of Joy! How they hugged the now baby sister, whom they thought Santa Clams had lett at their door► But we all know that sometimes when Santa Claus is very bogy be has to ask grownup folks to help him distribute the good things at Christmas tide since be rennet get around to all the homes of ell the good children In one evening without tiring his reindeer too much. "lrnrrahr' crtvd Richard and Robl4 rmnntng to awrten their parents. "Merry Christmas, father and mother! COMP ort and see the beautiful baby abater Sante Clans has brought nsl Why. this le the best Christmas we ever bade Judd as she bugged the baby they had found in the snow„ -We can spare enough for her. And the boys will be was not . the ontt ora,• of Biu. Jesus city has dozens et such cues each year. made clay 4111/1 a 4(1ntell the blind eye's' The candle game feu are to the tinsel uud ton -ant Wm to complete 4111- trimming, a curtain blazes sip. and the cure by a in t e. the {end of 411• day of festivity ends In sorrow or tome nem. The n.an bons n111141arla isea• tunnel by neighbors and ° Pharisees member of the family Is badly burned. about the methal of the purr and the • The: little electric tree lights are deo maul who .1141 1t. For ha. ioldtiesa tn' oratve» d plsafe easing goovenlto children.and proclaiming Jesus no one sent of (:•sl they e Thay he was turned out of the 'synagogue. lamps, fruits, roses, doge,birds. irds. snow but only to lie sought out and re- I men and grotesque c,44141 of ,le -ns, the great head of the all strung together on fine. silk covered ...Imre!). I wire and may be readily connected to lhr, 1401-1140 Ralahlf d Lassen"-• any lam) socket behind the tree -John 11:31.41. e 1 The Battle Iampe sparkle and glow. When Lozano took 111 word was They are the most effective Christmas sett to Jesma by the slster-. The tree ornaments ever devised. and there ,1144nuc0 wua not ter great hilt that he V hr more fun for the Whittle, because alight hove reached Bethany tw•tore death entered the lora.'. but lu.. par- 4s,w•ly detay.s! -,fled he Men pr•s- ent. their trust in 1.11)1 would hart Mothers Treat Colds The New "Direct" Way No Longer Necessary to "Dow" Chil- dren With Internal Medicines to Break Colds. Children's diges- tions are easily up- set by too much "dosing:* Vicks VapoRub being ex- ternally applied. dors not upset little stomachs. At the first sign of Crimp. sore throat, or any other cold trouble, apply Vicks freely. There is nothing to swallow - you just "rub it on.' the lamps can burn as long as they are wanted. They do not have to be watch. ed, and the little Ismps can, be used year after year. They are suitable far any festivity and add gayety to every gathering of children. An Austrian Christmas Delicacy. The Austrian affects at Christmas time a delicacy known as frucbtbtod, made of raisins, currents. figs and chopped dates. This constitutes a sort of cake. baked hot Mane/. Question • Mashing. 4' 11114 her fee.• on her f1,th,•r', shoulder. "11c love tar•" she said, -chili 1 silo 4l r he a •1411+ 1t• nn tr- ry rent?" the old Mau grllnte 1, •.y. -s. aro.- Wlint's his income''" She atmrttd. .•I don't know,.' she mnemnred. hat Ole rnhiNdener la very strange•-•• -What c,iteidene•?" asked her hither. "Md ainIen;' she answered, the very sante queetloe about your Owe nM/ow.lav Usse Nu"? ' incvme.- ease the •111 not fo-rget stxm lir larder Dame: con." was (1111. Brophey Bros. THF. LF: \I►ING Fl NEK\1. DIRECTORS AND EM11.\LMERS brders car ffCY attended to 'at al' hours, night or day GODERICH fljieier f Fotrersl Director ad Embalmer III calls proulptly attend- ed to day or night 1 PHONES Store 335 Residence 356w Hamilton Street, Goderich HERE IS ANOTHER CUT IN PRICES AT M.Robins' Big Reduction Sale SWEATER COATS Men's all -wool Sweater Coats. in fancy checks. All sizes. Reduced to e $4.25 CAPS Men's and young men's Caps, in fawns, greys, blue, heather and velours. Reduced to $1.45 and $1.75 JUMBO KNIT SWEATER COATS Men's all -wool Jumbo knit Sweater Coats. in brown. greys and heathers. Reduced to �. $4.45 BOYS' REEFER COATS Boyi Reefer Coats, in brown tweeds. Sues 2 to 6 years. $2.95 M. ROBINS • South Side Square GODERICH ss•