HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-18, Page 2• $.-•Taateday, December 18. IWW. 1111TABLIIiHLD 180 61490021CH •• CANADA lfe_m •f Camat Weekly Mara- paper aw►Ilap'm Asmishitias Published every Thursday morning. it as well save his salar7• THE SIGNAL. _ GODERICH. ONT. Christmas, the Children's Da • • • '_n Old Coctay Ilishup, after spend -1 - nig a few weeks -In Canada, has ,...i.ere caro(- a :ut.• child to earth, written a letter to The Times ex- Lung ago• And the ■I K•'1• e't ,;.sl I.r.sdauu.•d Ills pressing the view that the Engllsh- spwktng people of Canada will be birth o High and Ion '• supplanted by the rreoe•b-Canadians Anel lest hive deepen the song. In the outer ways there are hearts I, that biers And hands that labor lung. • S. iho iul•-11.g burns. -and the laugh Present tby the e°13tinue. Tile And for centuries the auniecrwry And the Clarlstnl■r tun roup Dlgh. rl ton price 42� per year. To r o; that wonderful day has been es- ti. gentles. hark to the doleful sound pis* round, Saha[ ptgentleman did out consult the crocus United States and Foreign Countries. figures, which show that the preopor- ciall> t'Lildr.o,'r IMy. Eery- of the houwleao 'neatb the sky. 4250 per year, strictly In advance. Oyu of pe -ogle of llrftiah bloodla CeCawIs., nue eh1,•us•mts•rs hi-. ••ce tn., ll Is.w can *t- keep the Christman"II SIGNAL PHIPiT1NG CO.. 1.211)* ads was larger lu 11)21 than in IV1L hoot rec, all. I,c delightful thrill+ uc• tide. Y.lapb•ae 3S G•dasielk O1ttt. We eau admire the splendid vigor ofteasioued by the wyst rbua doings Or cherish lu Founder's aam e. tw w. a. R•bertans. Editor and Manager our Frch-apakirlg brother* without au.l wawa,wawa, of his grew a -ups. tht• roles that our hearts be open wlde It relay. December 1R, 102,4. EDITORIAL NOTES 11a, Trotsky got the boun.,•sly? • • • will it° of the visit of Safi - Te !lis peoples want and Meow?' entertaining the fear that Ih..y I eager ants tpn !overwhelm us. I to (Taus, .cud the joys of Christmas • • • morning, and recalling these happy 11u City of Guelph has abolished tuewor►e" lea is glad to help along the 4be °Mee of city manager and Mr•\ fou of the little folks of tesla?. George llartlugs. who has held theI The dal will have lust its algtaifi- oilee since it was created in lila'+ (-ante, however, and the children will Will w•UI return to bis former ls.sittou a+ have missed the greatest 707 u it's not too late to liar your Christmas •bopping early -In the assessor and tax collector. Mr. filed -I Christmas, unlexs special thought and =tuning. lugs gave an address in G«Ierkbt two; honor are given to H[m whc,se .v,mbiR • • • or three years ago on the subject of to earth we commemorate. Hun. W. L- Mackenzie King was the city uanaxer, and there Sas cow lhbr old -rime for Christmas" Iaae fifty years old yesterday. Ile is the sidentrl bb• interest in his remarks., e tholthe right spirit when it urgr,st -boy Premier f no longer. ( Galp►h huwe•nr, apparently has dr- -Make merry music In bower and • • • ,-fled to return t.. the old order of The total [Sino of Canada's Dein' things -management of civic affairal With.hall, Dry! for 8 day of [bene, eipal field crops in 11124 is estimated at by its 646164 repo s,•ntatic,s, the "But evasion the jest with a kindly $1141.,000,000, si=sal 11.50000.000 more members of the city council. word, than last year's crops were worth. • • • -- - The S,•ttell "chargees- agaivat the Hydro authorities', t seriously by the pttlbl'csRa,•ausee of the the policeman. "the coup was an auto- n have hot and to fool old da **bon the I youth they Is•Ifrclux the l clreamatanx•es to wbia•b they were mobile." in the old 7+mnn•' with %; thl(Ir husband- into seises. It's all •fls•re arc tunny arenU• .. through whih chelp ran reach those who are nerdy .\ud it may be well, too, to tome tr•r that the ,ueedy may nut be ,r ps.iu po�ket. Klnelneres and ttouehtful sympathy may be needed by ..„m.• who have plenty of money. The main thing is that w -e remember, and toad' to our young people, that selti.hue'4s, in gifts or in pleasures• is foreign to the spirit of the day when "lie Carne down to earth from heay.•11 Whitla Lord and Girl of a11, And 111' „better was a lushly And Ilia ,orad` wait a sia[ad lowly. With the pour. lived on earth our Saviour holy." bre to keep thin, and are dye - next • • lieu's hoarding house:' the judge ting y heir to k painting their faces. If a new t• own ball Is not to be built ► hies while not taken broke in "In this ease. i a futile effort to stimulate- the lable onger crit year, for bow many cors y shall we for without ■ smildlE enter- place coup are x!111 tai public mretitun until mildly enter- toastti wrong tvluonne t to be so ser.horses than with gasoline. there wait ,os. It bur PoorHutt. difficulty with the proauucks- ; wrung. No woman M resp' tautmrntP? toasty wrong in connect ion with the ao Indo* her Is•auty. As a loaner of • • • ' Power eomml.slon's insurance ar- tion. "yamurl (:omp•M, for batt a4eatur7 rafy(•mrotr that it ens f..und nc. e4- that most of thew cut orf nary t. \ I Figures grow mem =cages or st utrr !• locker in the vallis of Labor in the • announce to the public that syllaDlr. United States. and for many ye'ar's the Commi-+lou will adopt ta=r the head of the American Federation other method of carrying it. Instil- 1 \et • e•1laatrjeeitax Big" 1•arif the age of sec- ants.. Judge Snider's finding that i Itrclew 1 \ mw on Bever face. Thea it lucre e( Labor. la dead rt .. (lfridaeburg com-J some wo=rn think. k hung on a hair wry -tour lean. "censurable urp,tlsey laid been We met a man in a smoking • Ph ki • have been followed Dt lose out. R he n ■ Now, however. people are o of a hurry. or think ltd are. ;tact she is hand to lose it became t • time. t•krs tull�.f even the plichie•t• hair looses its .been. eye•• their lu•- ttr, neva fade out of the ebeeka and life etches lis story- of pain and so.. • • • tea pertinent of • tniu a new days ago is only skin deep. then they are ing to collocate to her husband and fns over him and tell. bim be 14 the est thing on earth. he doesn't briber she fs fat or thin. or her hair H grey or black. or her teeth am her own or ght c.f purchase Among the °t er1 to 1 Great Britain pail the Unitetd States the reeigtlation of I. B. Lucas, the wtto,aaid tchat whaus is t (-ylnatndrring big , a this week a semi•afnual instalment Hydro solicitor, against whom the he pr , ne things la Canadians use• ala tariff - for a tatift. a s,•irntifk D■1- I gree et 491,63u.00a► on debt account. Of censure Ilea. It is to be borne in nn.,d tariff. but Cwt "thun•'eare Ms huge amount *Z1,00u 00 was for mind that the full text 0 the Set- 1 ftlit A "thundering - t Gig wheth principal and i61(,f":o.000 for interest. tell cllarlt•w has lover been id Pu drereacts principally to the bra- whet)[ f I Irl d Pne•k• ham is doing p -if 1s Mr. Lucas was ra ecu tariff- hush the whole affair. The. !'tit of the already materially It • it doe. he" by materially and it doe.' '' many bbl vette well out o 1st . an that cause the loan o the war that was waged to slake the anxious to increase wag.. ffection are dlsrontent. world Rafe fur democracy. I Opposition at Toronto will be remiss increase for ...At 0 things that wage- htisbaada tt (-viiia=, hadfo its duty -if it 11„444 not bring the „times,. buy. Cato flans penalise extravapteee, perpetual "thin- ' hmtsrkeepinat lack of good eatnrrl- • • a Premier Ferguson has appoint A. • Hydro -Electric Power Commission on .\s the recommendation of the pal Electrical soriatioo. The _ler is thoroughly Minified in his tetanal. Maguire would be merely an arbo of Sir Adam Berk on the Cotn- .issloti, and the Government might C. Maguire to t Ontario nature at the forthcoming session. r •1 • A HIMas to Pronuneiaties (Stratford )(eac.n11erald1 There is • story alsout bile case that wasi4l can town. The policemanthe giving an in an automo- Ame•rf- who •'(sail). evidence "1 thought wllat a .,sap ,•a waw r a was a FOOTWEAR FOR CHRISTMAS / Shoes and Slippers make unusually attractive and pleasing gifts. Santa Claus is a great shoe salesman and is timely �l advice for you to have a look at our holiday are here The biggest selection and the latest stylesDainty models in Evening Slippers, Boudoir Cumfys and Juliet[ for women. Popular Romeo, Everett and Opera styles in brown, black and felt for men. / The little folks are not forgot•en and should all have ll nice pair of house slippers or moccasins for Chri.,tmns. HOCKEY SHOES ARE NOW IN STOCK Have you seen the new Adjuster Overshoe we are showing? it is the latest thing in Goloshes. Have a look at our windows. Prices are most rea- sonable for first quality footwear. We are exclusive dealers in Footwear. GEO. MacVICAR North Side of Square For the Men - - Goderich. ro iug ' tariffs. Immo and sympathy-ant,v ill ,me tor- B:/art Market Rule. be - ( Toronto Mail and Empires sea. to matter to the attention of the begin- themselves by nnhmlttina rrw.a.kable feature of thin ye•ar's wheat marketing is the „xnptratlee pH's* in 4h14•s1n and %Vinnip•g• American farmers have a peot,etion 1 of 42 cents per bushel agait.•I Can - adieu wheat and yet ,-ash [hent war fifteen .,•nt$ higher recently in Win• ui sc than Chicago, w1141.• there was ills° • distinct advantage it lath May 811d Deremb•r wheat in favor 4 WInnilx7.• This difference may be partly a,iolnt„1 for I.y r•• -triol marketing in ('anada. but the real le.wm 1.. N. learned is that the .a orld's market. not Chicago. in the chief factor in whew( prices. To Canada the American wheat market. until consumption ex„" -ds pr.driction to the 1'nit.rl Stabs, will not fix Canadian wheat prier Make this a "Hat Giving Christmas" Why give a man something that he puts away forever on the 26th? Why not give him a Hat that he will wearfor months and enjoy the good appearance it ytfill give? Get your husband. father. brother or son a new Hat. Weil exchange if size is wrong. All the latest shades and shapes to select from. Ulm our relining, remodelling and repair service THE PHONE IS YOUR-NUPHONE ��' FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR AAD KAT!' al•%Ma'a clock, last Nd/ r[ stymie. (work* fore the haat of look.. WINNIPEG ACCLAIMS VANCOUVER JUSTICE Fernier Gedr•rkh Stu Gives Ghees St. \marries play WI'.\II'I$•. Nov.-.ickoowl- .dged to be the floes[ ddr•tw ever delivered before the Pt. Andrew's ,Society of Winnipeg in It. fortyflr.• -!ler 11. years history. war that o .\. •Ma'tett* d of the Appeal 1',,putt elf British Colombia last night. I11\ reply- ; Ing to Ila• lomat 0 "Ilse iray dpl 1 Wha Horror 11." Ni. finer alai nee or mere graeeful tribute was er 1.11.1 t,. Scotland. and the cutire .Irew" was filled with material w e ort, remembering. Speakers wlws folk,wed Mr. Jn,.l ce Ma,rlonald gave him due credit for 1 the tus^nifte1'nt quality ut his words. Fuller invewtlgatfan hiytanded 11a{flsdawn .lkattigtsri for whiter ((ewer Brunel Tito.+) MiPLAN 11. Itis• 15 --No forth.. It will neer) more 11181) the niron; attempt to ricrac• the Mrplwlawn , res,dntion 844.pted by the Municitsll ' the Canada ltlwm+hip Line. wh1 Electric A.,eea•la1ion to so1i„fy the i eau ashore on Christian Island on he . publicl fthat urther there po b•isno it to 'Hydro. for 1: i -n-olw of \Thr..e tr,gs be- I e his worked on the there 18 nothing to 1s• exposed or ills- I stranded freighter for several days. covered. Sir Adam should be the last but have funnily been compel' by man to 18y it straw In the way et' th.. eomtiuuous Rsle4h,rttl 1 WBDr or icetine of the ' fullest possible investixatlon. (next spring. in the present temper of the (h,- winter storms the salvaging • tario pnblic, any rase to evade Io•- hell will be re"onaidend. 1 slide revelatl°ns will but, ,ante meer" The i)omtnh t Gore - suspicion. investigation 1+ doubtless and supply boat. the (4 1 vetitloo' and .expensive. hut , I' It grnimdel nese ltyng 1n1e• ,onflrms public faith In mobile oil- 1 inst., has been stripped cinl' It 1s worth all it costs. I: it [atvahhe and the boll 1 Ireveals leak' and .teals It's eortet for the pre•••ut. Pile more than it costa. 'nil 10 ice lodged of rock oltt of whk Prompt Punishment 1 slide to drew her 1 I os Angeles Tinos t-whielts-baa_atvelit \\'r serx.w }: Ithe nKllsh du i,. budays. t Tn the mon we do not do as they do. In one• the *cartwith I revert year the total ,ii, l'. roft0 pre her 1451. • der' in England was c„tt. of the murderers were apprehend- 1 ed. brought tr. trial. cony -11414i an.t ex- ,r•uterl within (In days -n 11•1 the ma- I(\It1A11V, jerlty got their punishment within '•11 nervier.in 14 dace. Sunday Ia•t/on amount of the sturm- 1' children braved rile (nturday afternoon. tom- 'waetier for their Christ- inme•nt, to he held on Fri - •t It patrol 11e, which un the 6th f everything ft to its fate (lretrvlile I. two ridge. It was Impns• uring the storm T distrit -tor she la rolling in Resinous results to RLOW hr'. la. There was nr, Ith's 11111 church on Ir Is oro' thing to find n sI remove l the cense of crime: hut it is another Tb" lltt storm on 1 and (equally important thing to cure iug nut t the ease already on hand. Sentl- tilos miterrll mentalists and prison reformers wt .ay that hanging a murderer for n crime will not prevent others from commuting murder. There Is no doubt but that we in 1him conntrc have sera how the Eng- lish do it in the matter of precrnting n high t.r•netnage of runnier ter pop- ulation: but it Is absolutely certain 11181 We lance .o far refused or failed to do what we see England cluing. Theorists and moral •ue.ionists n18y pr•woh until they are hlnt• in the fit,••. hnt they 'sail never evonvttxe the e",untrc that prompt and come Ile plete ptnishment for crime will not It act nn 11 prevetitive. lr ,. Hew to Keep Husband a large picture in color. whfeb gong (Kincardine Reporter 4 with The Family Herald thy. year. A writer In a popular ladle.' max- w ulrl help to brighten the home. We stifle makes • eery amnting .tat.- • in bear that each imbecriber Is to menu when she writes: ' TI.e only r Ice n free entry to s popular eon - thing men care for in women 15 text 111 which ten thousand dollars in lsanty. and that has become the al- .-esh will be awarded. That 14 surely lid for practically every docerted ettranrdlnary value for the money. wife." 'Rae ?deterrent in Welt 1s - ---------- horribly -- _.horribly wronf• yet It is a ettrlon. SCHOOL RETORT fact that when a woman towel her hnatal nd'a a!feet ion .he 1nye rlahly 1', S. P. 11. ANIZFtIfl.D ANT C01, attribute." It to lowing her looks. She- HORN E pins her falth to the theory that the The following IP the report of 1'. only thing you can hold a roan with S. P. No. 11. Aahfl.14 and ('nthunse. 1a a e"orart string• and s greet many for the months nt Rovember and Dec - middle -aged women are half Mervin* ember. Those marked with as ' as - day, the '1911.. Mr. Tem Wilson 'hipped a earlea.l of eattt to Toronto on Monday. Jack Weir. 0 .Auburn. Ment Sat- urd,iy th his grandparent.. Mr. and Mrs. - 3uhostone. The township mnnell met on day f r the Io.tt time in 19124 and n great deal 0 bunirlecw was tr•ns•tcted. ()RMUna* (aft fee the Family e eb•ap•s(. leaf and most np- peerlaced ciirletmn i gift would ',e a re' '. .ntrs•riptton to The Family 'lel and Wo-klr Star of Montreal. coots only two doflare and the ole family would enjoy it. The titlful art calendar for 1923 with e-1 • 1 f 0 1 4 . • Cate 1' • '•y` 111111111111111 1 f�Fic��r�rtc • 101111Cilelf 1 CC' ©tiaLiia 1tr11* n cell .t HOP EARLY! A Very Desirable and Practical List for Christnas Gifts HANDKERCHIEFS 100 dozen men's flue •Pure Linen H■ndkermiefa, hemstitched. Imported from Juba Brown & Sun, Belfast, Ireland. Reg -$2.10 ular 50c quality, at each 3.5c or 6 bur.... 1 Yen's colored border Vine Cambric Handkerehiefe. Special. 2 for 300 dozein b,•m'titl-h Handkerchiefs white, 75 per cent. linen, at each.. • - • - Handkerchiefs. beautifully worked, each• lien's initial or monogram Linen Yen's and women's IerensIng (low;1 r x. quislte materials and new designs. At $11 each *7.90. $9.00 and .00 RUGS 2'7'1 34. head Wilton. a.+tutiful colorings. .00 also In aotmal patterns,-elw.•p, shepherd $5 Jogs', etc. .\t each f Brussels Rugs. -'. $16.00 Wilton Rugs, size :1'4 x yard- $29.00 TABU CLOTIIS Purr fine IrishLinenDamask. size $3.95 2/. 241 yards. On este Tray Cloths, Carvers, Napkins, Lunch Sots, 11 new sad very pleasing, apcbtlly priced. Size 56 1 TEA colored border in choice of patterns. Quality Is fine Irish Damask andWe nte guarae colored borders fast. Regular $3 • On sale BATH TOWELS Beast British make. with fancy border. 9Q,. SI • about 22 z a` . 91.6,061, pair WAY HOSIERY \e vin's heavy Sk1Hose with the pointed *Oral eels. Neatly Coxed. Slacks, $2" 00 greys, lid. etc. K!5 10 10. At per pair. Taw Men' Silk sod Wool Rib brSox instil cksan d gTey, nit y and black, fancy mtit re, heather effects. Re191- lar $1.00• A per lair CURTAINS Q Size 40 inebes x 24s yards. Scotch 5 s in new patterns:, Regular 112.50. at X1.9 per pair NIGHTGOWNS Men's and woolen's Nightgowns of51.69 superior flannelette. 41.50 and T 59cBoy's Wonted Hone, black. best quality Women's Saxony Rib Ca -bene[ Black Home. Our best quality, $1.:0. At per pair $1 LINOLEUM quality and Four yards wide of heavy apt lady and good choice of patterns, for any room. ing 16 oz. felt for underneath lining to 1•icrw - ee wear and warmth. December wk, peke 1 WOO special, square yard FLANNELETTE BLANKETS IArgrow Mee, bat quality soil perfects, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S COATS Fifty new and of beet materials and d styles, beautifully lined. On sale. clearing ...... • •• $8' $10.$15.$25and$30 A Large Choice of Most Desirable Gifts with pink or blur borders. Per pair CONGOLEUM RUGS 2% z 2 4111.16 3z3 SIAM z 316 SILK3z' UNDERWEAR atanfi•J''► Sud Penman's, for men and-.G50Y woe mq 00 and T$cu. 1Pure�L nu+brlukablr .W wool. at r garment ... • "BITER" SILK HOSE The famous double Silk Stockings. Slack. greys. rte.. 8\a. to 10. At per pair $2300 per SILK HOSE SPECIAL -Ad.., extra quality in wameses white or hock SITk 11.s•king'. Sizes 8K to 10. Satis- factory wear guaranteed. Price. Dec- $1 ember `ate !Arms L[ s Women's. and children's', of pure all with good deep ruffs. Black, browns, reds Regular 50c, at per pair DRESS GOODS .00 wool. 35c 44 -inch all pure wool heavy Navy Bine Serge. Very fine quality. Regular 41.50. $1.00 at per pair MOTOR RUGS Motor Rugs or Comforter Relic Pure all wool with deep borders. Very betty and glee 54_ 1 74. Camel hair, Brltlwh make. Value 40.00 (&50 at each SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS Boli or girls' heavy fine all wool, in $2large WOMEN'S AND MISSES DRESSES a Every Dress bought for December 1s reduced greatly hi price for Christmas buying.;12e>� Pelee twills, ere. Raaging 45.00 10 choler of coloring.. At each 42.50 and FUR COATS _ Coate Women's muskrat, of select dark ski125 /00 45 In. long and beautifully made • Risco 36 to 44. Value 4150.00. At each t W. Acheson & Son 1. risk were absent for one or more ,'xnminnHon : Sr. IV. .\lma Johnston 77: ton Foster •*tot Pearl J441'.•' Elmer Graham 62.3. bind Jr. IV. -Mabel rooter R1 7 )rby 67.7: Ruth looter 57.7. Sr. 111.-� Dorothy Jones trr ed 7Teddy Vrntaan •6R: Marga r,al Lloyd Brindley 61.7: RichardCous- in.F001.1.1. 55.8. .1r. Iii.--Thrlrna Imam Tea rester•79.�. Ar. 11.-,rtalph lat-iiatlel Pollock; Tasty mAa. Pr. (a)-11eas GessNse,. Clay d2.5: Pr. --Irene Foster: Marion Foster (laretwY noel. E. DRIVER. Teach ••No, grsn'ma. Ya este wears 'em ' now •n•11 car swat 'Pegs In Block It. 1 sok 5i pplere sad O•loshea'.' -Boston TOME& the hr Mtsslonary-" I)atltit years we were nt the Is caw l owe white face. That .w mine." Mss, G,'1.1 'Ifo* rho fogt oniff[•red Itaastln. OM of Dab (: rn is i wit--" il• YOU waat to the Awry i 'Pass to tamer Two young automobile meehnM. + fr were went not from the mil an A. le, burry -nil repair yob � they worked oa the machine In t1'r have barnyard they eoald rag a hrittcv rouble a field. Reid for'!" he rattle( that asked one. 1 d' kne" replk-i the othev. i•arl'•\fa;l4 IMI'aw the way tM! t►/ew =Id• tu11M •ata