The Signal, 1924-12-18, Page 1arden, having reautRr [da ds •very feeling aa# enking the membess 'concluded r thou kind word, dA aplendlu gift. the December inceto about noug rden addressed I offthe members for t d to him during the all good health and Merry Christn ag w Y•aar. en rose and sang tb@ and, on motio', f4 and McQuaid, adjour•isl, as per statute on th/ BY in January, 1924 ri.%IMAs gift In relalitas a Ioortrait of the. littld flip) are .o Intrrr.te& l,rsl .rnicr and attwf. ftmw 'toll Wore the R. BALLON., - - -11- - L THEATRE tic. 15th to Dec. 20th I,Inr and T1W.,Iay HOS. H. INCF y'dhe•y (lruplit: J,,.ui-q 0III• Itie6."u. F',.r,1 Nr• rt. run „f other ,-,�uwdy too. •-gn•alest ru1)i,),igg L,r, e (i.UJ.OPING F LSH" ermn1.1 Copndy •GH AND READY" prism this program •'' '-,,;It utnt Tlwr•dtly 'OY 1NIJ GFOR('6 taWE= 'illin ile•Slill, my•t,,y. t Ille•r RF:bR( N 'WINDOW. - rut% riot? •^maty : NONK , ' YAk.N" May and Sul May WOM0 AN ~ BOti1'<ORTH . lR,t Hing. )iostr,st RIR Me Story ('GH THF, 11.%RK. I A. RO(;FRh ON ' GH BROW BTI Fr - , LI\ C.OE,Y SO•;,d" nles,bll. 71111rsdny at 413 S,eturdsy at 3.(a) q)R- C1119L4 mors SM. ALL NEXT WEEK .\ 1 NSURANCE 11 r• n uetc atr,l ;rttrar ti,•. I'll III-11le1 kntm a).nnr ut Delay General Agent ice Co. Goderich, Ont. Wiles lata. Blouses, Silk e silk, pure thread rid wool; Gloves, ltleta or Without, ntlets; Boudoir Camisoles; Silk rid Leather Bags; handkerchiefs, the ever had. sold Dxes, from 20c to sages iddies Scarfs. Mitts; Bonnet. Sweater or Teddy Bear Cap and Mitts, rid in assorted ;y 110 nstmas Shopping Your Christtria4 "hopping at honk, so as polwible, 0,oderich merchants have :[did stooks of goody and when you buy 1 thein you know what,you are getting, "' , 2U3 11. , e - ,� . Ajik I,, .,I- I I . , I I . I , ,� , , : - L -.l �If . l,l- ---.,P - '. - �_� Clubbing Rates C The Signal can save you ., a little money on almost any newspaper or • periodical. Take advantage of our clubbing rates. Telephone 35 for information. eavtt�q YtSAfI No. sl GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 1924 Tm SIGNAL rye DO., LDQTXD. rubtlehiom _ . J ► 0 STRONG pointing -- ---- --- --- - __ - ADDRIESSES ON !sod pr out tUn ob11pt1oa to .eek -FNTYFOUR BOA'S 1 and prtrarote on Ion with other G.C.I.(i.C.1. RXAML\ATiON RSP(1R'I'8 eharrbea Ile News of the f 7`bore oDP"eer+l to rLurch union Pre- r Town The following Is the standing of the, feuded to belleve that wish leaden of Colf('Rlatr luatltilte sludeuts In tine i AH TO UP jI�pp(� CHURCH UNION the Presbyterian Church ht Canada -Wbw Nilobed Fltabaa Grathtatee ! c=Iattlmts ending IA,eewher let. VIIDERICN i]MDVR as the late Dr. Gratz slid the Ute 4tise Mildred So,ke•, of tuwu. was fHRIBT�L1ti 1iCKI(' BRIEFS The flirtires In brackets atter some, Principal (`sero would Oppose Union u i names Indicate the number of sub- i were the here toda of tLo Rradnaltrsnurs.s vt for Knox ('harsh jetita below• yes. staudins,-`r) peri _ Dr. Charles W. Gordon and y y Dr. Gnat 111 Iltratfotd general hospital tvh re- Special Christwas mu,.( will ),r A11 loud, of eaudie�. Chiistmas 1b74 when the unloa of Prelebyterlan strived their dildumas at Uw gradtut• re•udered by the. choir In Knox chun•b stackaR,.. of ltlaekM(one's, the, ideal y*°t' Records of the Port Are BIIO$CII Rev. Dr. �C(}rilgOr Speak eburches was under dlw•um'don, said, tag exen•ises held ^n Monday night list Sunday, Deremis•r 21, and Sun- liar" to sn)p, 1r ORM 1. A. -P rIt-ST YEAR c(f%t in Knox Church It 1s wrung to blame the liaplJst last. Mrs. Htokew, Mlaa F:tI1rI Stokes 41 Y. Dpepuotw t1( Thr music at liumr rxtn spciala 1n Clot,bags• MICEWIAL by This Winter glee's a balKlras and the Angilcan and Mr. }•rank Ht,kra went to t+tlit- the• services next sunday wilt he as "uitcawr• etc•, suitable fur if bristmate Average .% per Cent. gleet virwr of the hllitoric eplacopete for fiord for the oc•(wsion. . r„110ws: gills -the kind your friends will ap iI. Honors (418:-- e snbjat of Church Large was aur ire at o an for eburcham MORNiN(. pre'kete. H1IARXIIN'S, I H. Mathlew,n ................ 74.7 Navigatlnn closed here this /Thar,• Ugly Knox ed tteforr a LrR" aud- that are at oue oq these points tiatte Cederiork Poultry at (thalium Prelude --••Jubilate•' , Aram. l VINTY CHRISTMAS til}'TS.- t B. Tobin (1) ...... rill day I morning with the arrival of the ex to Knox church on Monday it 1* waste of time to tall[ taut , •.]la J} U Mcl►a Fl.•colory--••Finis" G,x1 frau( whom Sp"Tial showltlR o[ [say work and I D. Bei-mwu (i) K(!.7 fw "nd L"thbridg.•. st.mmrrs Kamloops It. The a}trakrrr were 1trv. D. C. afsnit union. R'e• must takes otur ate F. of tows, cleaned Ill. Honors ". I with oarR^,.t nt grain for the Gods - me uU a gh„d numis•r Pt; a "!fs the all biraaingul flay ." children's woukn goods at the Cn,-j%. Fell C., 1Gi7 ff London. and Rev, Cb of ata time." in ltsth Dr. Greet arA, poultry classes at the P"niusulur win. 1'.a)m HrIeketlon 1•« -'tie awt«a, lift vernal. Mil)Iner,y Parlour, Emmet sleet. 1 ri.•h rh•vator. Moth lb.,e steams» Gordonordtr("Rattoh Connor"). lit "At a mw•Nug of the EvyrDgrllral A, poultry ter Fair, ('hathnru. 1S'tth four ,•ntrh•a up your brads On high.*' T. Tteidt {141 ,................ igen I,.tr Fore \\'itllnm on Friday tont and Innitag. The• Pastor of the chttnh. lianr in the city of Moat real many in Nulo-'eta Old Jadw[." GSPt»l. A. F' Bradw!°,'[formi•rlp of Riyth' V. Gitrt^n (.'1 61-41 On Ibis, f1wir final trip of the .M- . R. C. 'McDermld. acted as chair- years ago 1 read a paper entfUed "Ra golden x141tgie,) Hnu+burgs hr •tnd Goderich, and latterly publisher T''. Jlurray (1) .... e......, .. tgl l sou. .•vis.riene,vl (alibi" in battling t,s,k thr.•e ffrst. and line third; with MI" Esther Hume of The Aroprlor watchman, has r ('ndltR:- D. Claulech of Canada -ran such a thing six ratci,•s h+ .liver s Ftrmn Tom- Away Lr a msngrr, au Pu tb.• ser lu the St. Man's River. The McGtrgor tit the outset said It looked utopias to look for spangled Ham- chased The Herald, puhilshrd at Si. (`roar 1St 57.1 tlgs Alalamu and Sabi' Of tA" Great Duras AP souk four rew•onl., ,mr first crib for his head." ('"Miley, ksarx county. V. Bellows ( S 1 • . • . •... • • ..... �,fl lerur now <o be [aced was not a national church then. it does not sad one third; and with rix black Otferfoln--Pastorale---'He *hall ftrd • • • • • • • • • • • • • • }ekes Tuwfug ('om}titn. w,•nt to th"(r rely uslon-that was already art` look to now. Caton Ia in the air, Hamburgs be, won four firwts and two hit, nue•k;' from tltr "Makin!.•' Mrs. Cookie, who last week an. H. Symonds 1.11 ............. 641 re.amr and bn'nght them thnno for so tar u file Pn«bytrHaa Muren and we all Drenthe the air." Anthem• -"The rlrat Christmas nuanced the 041011109 of a flower ai)op L. Whiteside• 14 t 61.5 U'r with ititle e11Qk ulty Canada was conee neat, and the In the "eenad` Goederia•h has some enter. ,in North street, has made Other ■r- i F- Mevittle (11 .....34.3 C oderch has the la year 1&12 Prlllclpa! Caren prialue; poultrymen, aud Mr. JJeKmy Morn." I` \thful.. ".. • • • •' • • largest a Ili ter ry cnaLilnR lrttlalaHoa bad anted it, the 1;«Drral Assembly, .c: is ,in,. Of the M,„t Ruccrasful 0f Nlplu. Hcma 174 "u rugae all yr faithful." ran9rments and has her flowers nu F Horton i3) 32.7 fLrt odw has #-ter ha,l lit her Passed by Parliament. On June onded by Drs 1), J. McDonnell: ,-In FVEMING sale this week at Sturdy's grocery. , It. Thompson (31 ............ 52.2 hlptory. There err Dena twenty. h next. tbere,lbre, the Presby(er- to -alimony of the importance that i Hann• SRW r11a/ Prelude --(at ,'Christmas CMmwt" i The statutory meeting of lbs lown M. Hell (3) 111.411 four ttr(Rhter" iu the harbor. n Cinteb, 1a terms of Its own re- tbla Church ailAchas to the more I / -Arnold. e,)ufefll was beld`on Monday evening, f J. Sproul (4) , 51.4 which snrp(nwit, the n•e•nrd of ifattmr, would go Into union with eo lrle maalfestatlon of unityIn Th# Marine Social flub has reor- (b) "Paartoral B m y„ E. Grindrod (3) .............. 60.4 nln.wrrn last year. 9'h.. rnilowiog 1• raniawl for the winter Reason with S phOn I and fustructlnnr were !wort! for tl:r I YrtJ..udist and Congretitl^nal the Rwl«rmer'R body, the General As- the "lowing of6„•r, -f1'om the "Me•asiab" preparing of the financial statement Below Paas Standing, ranked:- the Its[ of (sort. naw in hnrlk,rt York - not t Any Cay expt tionress which $0-ne4y appoints w committee oD the g "letting at a Chant -Thr Lard's Prayer. � for presentation to the ratepayers be• F. hard !4) ton, Easton. Itrokhat. Matthews, not "nave may rxpreer its non- ideating fav[ Saturday evrDln;: Prw- M. }look (4i Wlaona. CiolllnRwood. FtahanP, Kam - similar Bacon of (taloa, with Instrtic- it'«nt, Malcolm MaeDotauld; vle-r-pies_ ted lTr�l oto to the World, the furs the nomination matin;. J. Church (2 41 ticnrrence• at any time from il"e"a- tions to coDAr w►th an similar ide,nt, John Na.•Kay; w •rrtar treat 0 ••NI ht of Nights" The Inewbe'rs of the hewn cal J. rriw 1ie•Ichem Martian. Atirnlan, r 10th th June Will. The contre- body that may be aPPolated by any y R 1gg and of the water anti 1! J. MatbLsua (51 Frena. Bnsliu, Sierra. .lila, (dry of user, .,a,Mr S[aclenlald: .•J+occupy, light CtMmIR-IC. Nivina (31 Bangor, Keune.ly. Waha,ndah, e:len- tton w0llld not rota On i•bumb un- other chuMh or CDurchw. should the S•m, ('umPtk•11. The t'Atb i, occupy- -Vas der Water.'aioa, with the civic olbeials, weep rn•(J. 141. Harlon 174 n, Int to al conr the destiny of way l,p Measly op•u for sueb a can- Ing rooms on ihr strand n,ter of the Anthem-".1Mr1seFKblDCfl� r shy h►Rht+ home oil onMr. Tuesday erpning wt the Raton. N"rthfon. Stand 11..4,th rJ.i Prater Individual e„agrr9etlero-whelk- fen•I"v.' 1'rlD,i)at Caeca war chair- H Gri t0) Taylor. K,unlouls tut,) 1,•thhridg,. k would R^ with tl>p taWbcr Church man of that committee from 1�4 to i Ubu Bunk Dha•k, with entrance a Is Come." Dudley Hack. I and Mn. D. I . HWme.. 1 H.. (:ritBth (til from North stt+e•t, ill nwrinrrn !n H y + The "Iealnery which arrived sine" to union or would separate ffe/etf th. time of hi dear la 1901. Dr. Hymn 170 -"It caste upon the mid- -- O. Ltunwey (71 Thitradsy lnst alth „srgo,••, fur the h town are ,,,pprialty' requested to meet night clear." BISHOP WI A. McLean (6) om the mother ehn:'h and bw•ome Gragt and Pritwipal Cav"n were pio• at the ('IUD m„ms tn•xt Saturday er- ORertu } I I'�A� --^• Gt>,lrrlch elevnter un•: li.•Ich.•rR, with n IndrPrnA,tut congregation. 11 the Urges In the great union muvrmFat, y ry=I'raarrtition of (kris-! AbM•nt from must or for exams.I 1(1_(1(1[1 1„t.. of wA.wt Martian. 1A4.- nRregation should deride to o Into eDin9, at v Wo-keo-k. mus Song. 1 I AT ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH through Illness, R. Freemen. R t I'areb it continued the speak- t llll(1 bps. of what; , 2M.0 , 14d0pp Ion It Would become part of a great 1 "r, are a psoPle who lu►e roluntar- - -- - ----- Anthem-"•Chrfatmri" I ! FORM i. B + hna. of whefit : Franz. 30!1.000, bun. of tiRlAgn Communion which would be Ily 4 rad to be A Delightful Trip(lorry Rua" Shelley Coderfth Atlslleans Obsctly Nine- . .Mersa•• fire per cent. I wh,n+t : Merril. iyts,.(s)fl Mlp. of whe•aG .•rented is "resy Part of Canada governed m a err• Th" I„ -tune r,k,a Hymn 171 -"Hark, the Herald An- I. Hory.rs:- and rya• •ltnelln, wtrh {A,(100 hu,,. of win way- Reesfona, by PrnmAytrrfee, lit 6nox church IId4h rlrttdveaxary i Rot whlett world t>r able 410 fhnnrnce by r bods, h was well filled ,In Friday "venins grht Sing." ' !t. Sfu,•llftirmi,l RIA s(reelling. anti �ljlt i bw.. Of wlwvt. 7 T gene nut thateit i'erstlutMrtm aud Tttnrefiction. St. (:gorge's shank wsn well filial ( illtnter ......, ..... 79.5 Srrirels ..f srwtmer, with earROpn e - We of the nation ss It grows, alt i and hr went on to point out that I: laott, when Captain J. MIlton State, nt ..- it believed it would stow, in the teas through then(• birdie, the dMi. th.• Canadian National Railways, MRcdonald Gibed, Organist 01, Tuesday evening text, on the of.- it. Wehsth•r .................. 71.41 fnr the We.rent carotids )'tour Mills it tw'eentytive, the nest fltty yews, don to proceed with union was gave the tray"I„gu" "England the a a a cnsbq of the dedication of the crw - F:.4na • • ..... , • , , , • • • • , , .. 75.1 lelevator tit,, inst w...k w,•n Krn, d to the future. If the eonsrP Irinwhed. "if I do not la4irre that Motherland:' illustrated by a large North gtrert Uetbediat Church parish hall, it i,eing nisu till• lite<•tlet'IiLHonors: - nw1y, with ir:al(1 bus. of wheat gar! anion decides not 410 go tato the un- , dot -Won reached by constitutional °Umber of M•nutirul viewt� Thr event MORNiN(' an tivermary of the Anglican chutcu (/• 1C."'ae, . • • • • • • • • • • ...... 74T the Wsh„+ndnh. with f►i,00f1 Mtx. of oD, jt would therrtoy r('twtntP itself means is the will of God I cannot be- was under the%luspdeen of the }dons Anthem -And theft were Shp),htprda" to Goderle•ll. V. '('ran tor,! 727 • wheat and (ata. from: the mother church and become I liece in my church at all. I1 I re- Cf13D. RomanU. and blsturle After th.• formal dedication of rhe it• Alllu I i) ............ . .. 72.5 n property mol congregation o bolding lure to recognize the findings of my metropolitan and rural "pelle•a,fa b- ?help chorus jte, ,.•• tPtlaon. hull Bishop Williams preached all e+ L. Craig 1 (1 ... • 71.9 C$ITQ�Y it Property solely for its Own benefit. ,•hur,'b I am hrt•akin awn from 1411rals, gnrde•gs, evtstles, hart ` Ler•msn 'sllumt se•rmnn, taking for his fret I). ltuttrrtt*tn • • • - • • • 71.4 __ g ............ T ill [errs, F SIN(` a , ter !t might decide to quite with i'n,.byterfsalRm." it -it an tliumlDatitlg commentary by Prelude hat "O (bar to ISethla the Inst two verges 041 for G(atx•t a.•. f'. Sale Ill ................... 71.4 SIRS. FlFatlt};RT M. JOHXt•(ON would ant br strongly r "dame I The s the lecturer, weir cording to St. Matthew: '•(•o ve there it. KeCalw (1) 70.4 Mhe•r n0nrotw•urrinR CopsreRatlos speaker then [need the ceutvr pieturM on the hem" Wilson hue, lend trach all nations, baptizing IF. Davidson (1) .,.•... 707, The destf,(tf air. I!"rlw►t M. Jortn- n a new church. This new chun•h „f the union movement lroari the )fair as°vas- Th,• glean este beautifully (b) "The HhOPherds in the the ' fn the name of the to. ba t. in� . • ........... •.. •. • • 70,1 1 "O° otwureal tit her horn.• at Rtrat- `eF when the auRg"aNun we meek! `r'lof*%l and the whop series gare a Fields" (. Nnfre•1 ,?.Ip +' Mnr.Uall F Mallough . �.B I,tonl nn Sunday lea. SM• � as the est m Lake Ices, it nor to the d,, through i ami lnezlrnnlve trip Hylton 118 n( the &ro, and of the -Holy Gba.t: 1MorAer of Sl r. Nydn,c M. J.,l,n. ,, aNtlme Provinces, it would exist by the hums ml.nk,n Lard that stppa through Ohl England Prayer tcachlnR them to oDaervP all thins, D. M`F"ly. 87.4 Chiefly. in thr� small .ectlo of Colo- should lit taken to remove the scandal y whatsoever I 1 II+,hIe . .... i+'fell enginw•r. who for seterml year+ Of divisdorn and competition in the Anthem "The Hta� of Bethlehem • fere eommandwd you. • • • • • • • • • • • • • , , , 47.8 lids acral ns rn sneer Ger the town ado[ from Windsor to Montre,t►. In I Roth Wrists t And, in. 1 um with 7013 alway, ergo H. Ftushlro (d l ......,..... 47.7 i or G20,41•h. g R'e.t, The speaker himself had had Tmetaeed Wilson unto tL.• end Of the world." (%• S1cF,rlul (11 87.8 by eon lo; years these would ta, n ' Bolo and chorus [Message• ,w, won• ' ' ' ' • • • • •• trrmendotu lKoblem to he met In I an ,ezpetetene In Western CaaMt lir. )11 ))a -.I 1),owlcg.Ji,jald UP as He Fal+l those were the marching (' SS'nikrr .................:. 413.1 I which -ad*' him seer the ne,i of un- the result of a paiurul and rwrsrtng droan aw,vt" Nolte nnb•rs ^f the ( war In car Lord's iii. Walker ri;-- )TICS. s: it.\('F. F'It1DFLtSt tern the rrll oue nerds ed Nes loel, }ulluwlag trD the auto;e+tlOn of a('1dPM whie•h M•feil him on ay Yrs. I. Johnston fern Qana,ta. Was Knox church wilt• rune, nal rh, r stilt are. This text, I K, FTooy (1) 4S 4' Atter u llpgrrlug lllnenn of tunre the home mission board committees morning. He was working on the. Eicripfnrr Reading 11, sold, wn, very setvbm pnaehwl F. f(aL' 111 � Whin a .,•:iris durati"+,, the- latter part IDR y tett itself Off from an Oppor, o/ the MethOdlRt Conference and the rOOF Of a house nn Brume street CJorne "A Candle in the Window" •''„......••••• Bti.t,.,f w'hhh alt. retten,hM by much rnlC- tun[ty M help fD molding the lite , Presbyterian General Aasembli, art 'formerly o(rn ed by Wilson from etnl'•vR on ,x raftlnnft lir mi«alone f J i(arri,eun / ! )' .............. 81.1 tering, char,• 141%1 -1 to Far crw at of the naCAel for truth and righteous- V1 tJ>r Ittr John err .erviee•s, but thee,• war I lkwn (i i ++ 1'r to discuss means of avoiding vomper- Maxwell 1, an whit he has M.•n mak Junior Choir just &a H. lition ler I11 IRS 1 the home of h,•r dalight,•r. Mm. .lo I �'? IIWD, mud from this the union finally fair Renwat Duet "The Lord's Anointed" Ashford much need here in tills country for • •' • • • • • • • • • • 42.1 ( P. I.inneld. In (iolh,.roe town+hili, y re'Patrs for the owner. Mr. Messrs. Wheeler and NPwtOD Winston work as there !s in Africa and ! Il- Steel' 111 F►nemb,•r 11th, Mr.. Mary (gra ir. ted• Curefgn mission tieeld, too. resulted. Tboaws (;unary. in some manner b:• O. Xet'hrskey /U 81A the Church must act away from Its It was Bald that this was a Mort` lost hi" footing and slid does the Organ Pastoral Symphony Hnodpl China. .• n'„t more Christianity, I'ridhan. 'Che de•.•ua+,1 tad come t ,thetolmoos. l'inPtyNvP per ,evt. 0f roof, Alighting on flip eboras "What mean t w• )M) In our Ilf{cs. In Our industriat fire IF Bosnell IL') .. (3(1.41 h,, known by many re,identet of 001. the tion ofiNeR had rx,rdRPd thele OtPw t the ministers of rhe chs, by a ground on him " y good even in our churches, for all whA L. Hard ............... . J hands and head. Both wrt.ta. were voices?" Lorenz T 111 txtrp,• township .l nee the tine• of her Intention Of going Into the i'n stood re was of their that the ministers, by profess to raft themaeivps Chrintlags T. Crifnn (2) M mains to grad,• with her (laughter. meson of [herr tnlning and ezpr- broken and h" r,rCfrel Forur fOjnry Annonn(omemtF and f/Rrrtorc Church. 'ibP e. union won't' RffoM Chorus '•H1R Lial b xr+' mot neer«sadly so. Every nation,' ('►"Alts;-- fib, ken r, shoald De at the bead of alien M Rlb head. Til" acrid,mt will Piot h T" Freeman no matter how rude and Ignorant, has E. 1.Oung (2) - had many warm friends moss theta one of tlw• great won't' argument movem.•ats. What would the people him on the shelf for se•rpral w(ek.. Junior Choir .slap aOrL ul X. McAtMatrt (11 I her mequafntane,•.. BhP ass taking For lawn-hChristianity. for the dlviainnn of may If Mr. King or Mr. M I a _ Hymn 110 god. Their R(x1n 1s1nR (;. JO►+naf0n (21 'S in erPlrit find the,nght, and promote ti tar chump lord Igen r great hlnt'rRner should decline to give his r1rw�� � Heekey sat t)etlt tdA^'vc 'Plein. J. F:. Holme. mostly Of ted lowest and most cruel ii -I.''! the virtt..4 which make towards lege In minion work. if ninety --five per the tariff until he knew what the St. Mar s, Anthem "Pilot Of (;aHtee.. tTP", evonsrelurntly their wornislp is if G. Horton til+ -U.R trhwdship sn,l fellowship. fi..va at T Exeter and (:oderich Organ Too -rata in F'. 1F01tnq the- most d,dasing and cruel Ordpr. F• h•we41 (3) ;,y rent. of the mleaionarL•R doelarp that people thought about It? MIRiaters form the (1. H. A. Interm"diatP grout. Those who if. Drennan (31 I Rowtnnnsille of William AMn and Nand have a kind and Irwin ..37.:1 church union would help them, nhoulA erre not actin; selfishly in the met- in thi+ district, with lir. A. 1lc{, wnr �1ef( I. s happy Innd far R 681 Mari, ranee tt'nde. Scarearner Allin that h• denied the assistance they(:,„1 shnulrl teen to ►s• Ilk" film. Si. Raker IS1 ter. Some u[ them were making de- Of S.wforth, as (vmvener. A meeting Thr Bishop spoke ter eerth,:tl J. Salkeld (1) N5.8 "/lent the early years of* her tiff, near atked7 clsfoDs that would levo;^. the lepeet welt toe•tA al 9 W. it. Javk•eon, i y l+. lte'Clurp (3v ....... ..... �� i,ort ferry. 1h)inrio. until her mar- TDere were four gnrRtMnR, Bald the 0f thp1Y Seaforth tin Wednwrda Sfes(lamwl Henderson and Jackson o° the duties of larrntR in regard to 3- ' rlalt She wan married twirp; tint Pulpits, but they were IIsaM- evpnlDg, to draw UP 4 %irhMulp, ClwruF 'JvauR came to save" teae•hing their children tar ( 1'i(Heh' x'131 .............. onnerr, which the- Its askew! to Ins the decision heroically aud in- 'W_r8-.I.. G. Young and E. Swart, 'o 9'41 �4 It, Hobert Skirting. of (t,tumbuR. Ot- eonnecfion wkh the movement for selfishly, r rraentf Rainier and the a(rreslty therp Is for mnrc sa, rankrel:- tarin, in ISS s -h Ar ng (ie,rk•mf lows Too• rs•ligious Instruction than can br gig- M Dickson ,4. Ns. Sk rvi work ear• CAumM unionwith to Church nn Ch to Aft" two lot" of the it on s''1+Mal" jrran d is alt follows: Ilmn 12.1 Male t'h`eir en by the Sunday school trsehprR iq F. Rrwl vied Mr. and Mrs. Rklrving to Wla- harmony ads the will of Christ? the question of union. the Ra�ond vote Joe"'. 5 --St. liar • r One hour a week. M. Ii,•therinRton mines and afterwards to MinnespAih. Iklen Canada nerd church union? „ a at ,Exeter. FtrnMletle>o ' Tn them nese ChIIA was Dorn, hG1ry v showtag Bl per rent. for and 30 Pe: fi F.x►trr at OexlrrMb (bstiu,P• (:rani ('hnrna la E flat Archdeacon JonwRatrinan ant' It NacAuley To thew. SFr. hild wg died i. ary Does the world taped ehnreb Defoe. cent. spinet union. the Prentlyteriea 12-GoArrirh at AL Marys (aeon H!!! assisted the r,rtor in the Fl►1dM tl. fires Church union igTrinc the Uncal• hodthe voted S3 to 13 to go ahead with ]O St. Marys at Goderich. Organist Red dinging of mum Lacey API'vices, The Choir pang appropriate t Av''rnR« 59 per vont. !aft"r wRlch Writ. AkiMng rehlrnpd fire of any rRRrntial principle of erne the .union• and in accordance, with 1.✓" IB--Expter at St. Ma I to take up reslden,v. in Toronto. Her Mary, W. If. Jackson . hymns and the offertory;, anth,•m, "O ' 1. Honors: - """"al. w.on I marriage wa. to Mr. William faits? thlal vote the General Assrglbly of „ '-T--Goiderkh at Exrtrr. to • • ve all holy and humbl, tnt•n of }t T,avitz k2.1 With regard to the ftrnt of tb"n" 1916 made the Aerialon which stands When tbP scheduled ;heart," was It, Sandy .••........"""•' Pridham, et -M. P., of Nleh«II, (hl- RaeleF have ST. (;EORoE'It CHURCH beautifully rendered by 7S tRri,.. In 11911. Mr. 141(iham died in y13rstlonn hr gtletcd fled aprstM PItUI today. The Proceedings had barn be Pa Flared for firmt and srcoai I the hays of the Choir. 1 P. Wipardown ................ 76.7 191(1. in ifr2l Mr. Pridttam Cameo to (1 Cor. 3) - "Foy whprcas there, Is taken In aceordanee with the consti• teams will Play off, hem(• and home Sets•!°! Programs of f Rrlvtmas mu. r At the coneluvion of ted• m,•rviep A i IT* FIOnln"'! - among you envying, and strftp, and tution of the Presbyterian 0hurch. ;amen, for the cham lonsht "' will he renlerwl in St. Car r R solemn Te T. SVnllnrr 1 real le fill her danghter. 'Mrs. John divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk It waft snbvrnire of all P P : gro1R to R Ileum wan stung. After- ( ) ' • ' • • • • • • • • • • . 74._ P. 114XI'll of e'nitkorn" township. In principles o[ count. Churrh ten Stain lay probing next and warded all adjOurned to the new G• Fti(ncke as men} FOt while our Mlth, J am delpAtratk government if minoritiPR A tdMn is also t,Pfag entered In tar On ('hrifttmna Day, at 10 10 s. m., nn• lsh hall for a R(a lel Anur and Pfnr r. Btnack I l.t.... , , • ... • • • • .. � RR refig{ool .he wn. n Merhodi.t. and Northern iwe der the direction of Sir. CMR• A. !t, fns S. M. JOhnsto Ofl-T drrrinK her xo)msrn In ('ol►rOrnr tnwn- Ot Paat, ant' another. i am of ApOI- were to rnlp. TbOar who disputed at+e mentor series, but lw•tian of ihr reRtdtR of ihr ,•Cfnrt. ' (1) OA.a ios, am ye not carnal?" the decision of the General Assembly 'districts will not by arranged Wilkinson. Organist and choirmaster. of rhe building eommJtt•p. TT' has V Ombaldeeton F1) eW,7 "hip she• hr, •a me a mrmhr of Ndla y Rvd until Church. ThP fllnern) wprvlee wall Redd And (heist preyed (St. John 171: erre rrPuAlating the whole Prraby • lkrrmtrer 23rd. --- -- , is complPt" to every department- anti J. GrnrCn Wd.1 at her 'That they ST) may RP on"....that terian system. 1 Crn 0'0011 has first-rate n•npcta 1 Abad daughter's11 home on T eaday, ProRpcis ii'BgTFI$LD people in credit on the rector and ; 07.1 December 10th. at noon. by Rev. H. the wr)e1A may bpifrvp that ehAq bast "Why riot have another rote to f.l hockey for [Ale winter. A numiwr bin pro r to thus Commpmorxting tit,. }" inn • • H7 1 ROylp s !Drier pastor seat ss*." 1102;1?' Believing that the OPnrnl Aa of new players are atailable, and ilii` 1TF'Itit.I). Ike•, ?6.-A number ninetieth annivrraary Of the chumh..1L long (li ............... 08.1 pa or at Nfie, now thpop, wftb Isvrt of th,• ch,i,in•n fntttr the., Westfield Ill. Hoorn:- ntatbn,d et I>Qlawaro, Ontario. Thr He (the speaker) RritrvM thin re- srmRly meant what it said when it make a Urn lrar ■ talent, will Refreshment. wrrr served end an op- ' ` 1)nnin b,nAy wan Come I'm to) a visible. unity as well alt decided for ublon. three thnnaand coo• ng team. Hockey "fans" nrhek,l section are down with chick -pal P"rtunity given for all tO mePt the p fI, { yrel to Godprich. M. J. Johnston them by ell to htrnrt Internment 410 a wptrttvat v°ity. A �Sn► York RreRttlons tD Canada bad adopted Q11T ook for hood short this winter. sox. F!lnhnp Actor" dtxprraing• IJ Ah"11 (21 ,, AS'2 tOen byplace the following ria at the paper had stated rvcwntly that there Rome totem of union. The only thing (In account of tap epldrlrrlc of ( iA tnllpr orf"rMcp to the Im rnre-! '' '' • • fkt•4 F' * hewn ollowi g day wpre 257 varieties at Prntexrtanism In the People could lure retrd on in AT72ACTIVZ C chickenpox the- play which was to by m"nt# In th" p F'. A. Robinson (1) (}3.^ TAtys the rafted �Statrs. FFot► mold the IABtivion tatri.h halt will I. n tele D. Match (.1 ' •' sheet, Toronto• Flecesspd is Rer"Tpd Ifni was: "Will the Presbyterian DISPLAYI$ will on the 19th has been Postponed lu a later Issue.) ^ 82.3 toy her sister. Mrs Jeine Fla OC Owworled IpMas the,aA dlvidons, be con. Champ keep her word, Until a later date. I'H. Steelton (3) ............. 824 ZIRr rinced M apiritoal Rall. In the Partially, the The ntOtrft At 41;eoelPrich never MerarR. Fred Cook and Howard I J. Walter (2) BroOklin, O°tarie; her d inutile, Mr.. v oflpOneote of unto were IontM " ".. • • • • • • • • • John P. Linfield "f Oo (\DntKeh, snkrd: It another rote of the people Prettier tMn they do this (StmpMell are e•rttting wood fnr Sir. PERSONAL tttENTiON- J. Andrews ill 81.11 1bArep tnwn- A 1 (:e or Conk of }iPl j F. R'arnnck (23 01.7 `hip: and her Rranrhw,n, Wttfrwl Rey- apaneae commission which halt in taken, will you abide by the re. ChAstmam. A trip around the Square, R" gray*, i • • • • • • • • • • • • "mond, of Toronto. FrlPndw from a romp to CLneAa to study the life of snit. The Mr. B. H. Taylor of CnAerkh was S[r. .Tames lta+Vicar, jr., DaR re -I Cornfield (e11 Ol.! ' reply was No. TbP anti- one to oevasleroal ereurslon down Alstence Inelu,iM . Rev, 11, Royle, Of this country trpe)tted that there was union lPedrn Aad no Inte'rttion Ot one Af the side renewin old ■rgvafntfu in this turned from a (rill to Toronto and T•• Slimly (21 0(1.7 Uelawarr, Ontarho; Ase tall t R alt they e,evld not ngdantatxl: abidbns by the rPault 0f another vote. pasta. g"n"ats vicinity last week. i A. ltawlel"r f1} Mims ltynb• ft0me [prr atiractivp window die- I Buffalo. • • ' • • ' • • • • • • •0 Petite, of Mile ; anA ltPwr.. WI) this step the oumRrr of pPt1nR iD w brit whkh had Men !tenet} Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor aper � L. Fe►guw,n 41'11 .......... ... On.O Dv g T !n (30t1"vk•h one eh r .lyra. Dnnafd Me•Npvin was Called to Co. f;, (3oldthearpp (_) .... M.0 fre,l Rnynsond and C. IL Weir of InstltatHrAs repnentin ihr me re- at OsnRoeslP 11x11 at the Instance of Pla n, aria 1nnldP the atoms IDA Ing the former'R y hat week, ,of + l.rsknow last week owing to the I n•ditft:- T,onroto. iigtOn 1n Ratan e•Ommunkleal. Jpmus the dppouento of notion the 1pidpra of C-hrlAtmaR apprarstrp is still more grandmother, Mr..' death of her brother, Mr. D, Ft, lrnyM that tLe world mteht twitevr the church wrrr ad•(waM of Ravin; do In C►it'(mcr. WhMhPr you Tarr an Mary Taylor, who, It ban leen re-' AmeltWr. P, S►,'},wpn (1) •.1,,,,,,,, •„• :,41,.7 - -- -- t1M Hip thnn•h was OUP; how eYrnld Farted from C'rtUn tunAamrntal ten• y ported, has been very Ili. Dr, and Mrs. A. M. Hoist have re. J. Allen 12) BILYHiLiZA Presbyterian chnreh. TAr money Or net. I ('. VAorow (g) ttS.B ch wotdA 1+rltPt" this anima ihr res of for y tlme Yon Can have a tine On on Sun of the Revere nmow- moved to Oshawa, .where Dr. Heist """"" •2 RflWMTT,T,RR, J1rr l9 - Apttita! sate a viwiDi" Pzpraai0n 0l were aerun"d of baring alatndone•f "j(Iat looking aroent'," and it storm on Sunday there was no church ' w-111 continue him B. illack 121 Cdt.I Unit the doctrine Of election. the deatr'ne Torn hay* a bit of Smelt to you Rervicp. I not teopeth. Practice as an F GsnHner (2) . • • • • • • • ..... ('Aristma. Pewits. will M held at ilrvwl)r who T rrpr°t' RPPVP Rgchanan att0 ded the last X. R. Johnston (4) .. .•.. RPthel and neemlller ann,lay scboolf mred church nei,lu that God hon predest.lnated t Certain can make the ( riotmta Rho a township council mpPting of the yc•nr, I . •. • . weal, seraae,l n ( F. Humber (3) 61'Q on Sun,lay morning t>rxt Tnntrrn aamlifn the West- Ogmher of men to Ptprnal lit#,. ■net delightful adventure. fftoekn o[ CItaWL 54.5 slide. an the Rrtb)ect of "New Ge- mtrnapr Cbaf"wnirnl of ylrttb. The, that those who are asst of the rl(rt Kitt at RPlRtave, 0n XOmiay. t C. Jewell (31 ...�........... 1345 t Wrstmb"at" f)pnfraatetw Ronda and 0tbpr Holiday enpptlpn have T`h(' -hoof Concert and Christmas E• (inert" (2) artfasn," ail. he Fhown at nethPl duct of a eontrrcnro in Whisk' prs- II" Passrn by. See h doctrine. &aid i CRF:WI;, Dw•: S.- I . • .. • ... • ...... 63A hely h n, st Snnday rc,ming at 170 e11s1, tiller" the apMW. bad not Men iueachPA � handsomely Prhtidool A the it" which wan to hp held on the 1• Wra, R. Higginn, A, Sturdy (31 wptr only N t PrerR 1 F'twAytP T nt Dungannon. vloltM at Mr. Nhacklp- F. Winter �.R ^'rb"•k. } y On. and toy elan ministers !n many G(aprrkh merchants, and Ar lath has hPPTo prtwtponM on accognt N• T Itrnr t'nn.Fune Asa .Ata his stattt alefwfy Anglk.eD.. tine dt fnr she) tion'" Ian[ Friday. f4i „ !122 tl►e yran. 1141 dM nOf ArFipvp it. if must bs• Indeed hard to °t 'p mocR cAlckrapox ID the com- Mr. slid Yrs. H. Oomtort, of H. lie,, (, A 13) ............ !Spy „ , , hr Irl„ •r. Mr. Ami e ApcNntieate At the Wewtminstrr c�. plwltep who munity. Rt. N. ftril (R) farm r I ' tltoaal" wine (hail: "Helahr by pr 3't theOq, whO refused to enter un" or. cannot find hoe, r t Rthsrlm,ee. are visiting Mrs. Comfort's y. J. KtIrHnR (41 ............. IgA11.2 Va"Wone. I•".F.•wfOn will be feta a new church. they wofild. Igbt artkir h one - la rents, Mr. and Mee. IT. J. Rieke. In April, whim err bound to asalatain an holy ltava to Ot Lha town atArpa. IIPbw Pana ranked _ frlle+•allip and mm[aeelOn In the wore "rftd hila WCAt),oratr In tbwlr ABHPIRjD Writ- John lied Mrs. Jam,.s T.Ittfe, F,. Porter ss - - dtip At Aad. wY1Ch m If th ss anA AafwArn belief. I hat t word about tar Clerks, TM 1iExY' WEEI<'s BIQii�j. aloe( tato to M , w+" a � h of Lothtaak attended the R. M. S J. Room (4) Affrrpth opportunity e0aelstenf. ,'Would wNt An Ov anti) the Aro Tile K►atell Farmers' Club held a t m"pting at Mnt. A. McCluold's last A. ylnnigan flportndt h ti be tae (oeel"f 1�.. y T Dfy'd' Pq+"rting In Klntell school hours:• an Turratfty- t�t(11�) td!♦dlrl unto all Maws she le wtKpr Ria 1rd!(irf flint to [ba r eleelated fie, bo mnslArratr and good-natured. Friday evening. Although It was s ( Mr. itaymnnd F*InlRan ♦tatted U r� m...tW. Tanallrar,r tSRlorsom Mm artrr A. th" helliday ar=t week connote OR s141111w eels npnrt flap aaff�' K t1N Lord oftoothng, ld the fawMfaasy Ptul, and help them through the coming stormy night there wan R Thursday, Thp Signal will Rr hissed of the Rai(MnC" art Patel, Wood at• frirndr at N ntollaxf last SatgrAay. �tN" Ill. R. ion 1VednwMay. Adrprt(sers ere lige reds►► 1letatlss wu /aa� FsWrra Al Artay v►rek by AAing as tnwh a floe- ttrnAan,r, and a ftpleesAtd mPpting. ( TtrOrr was it eh reh,spot slrt r y. • fA- the rhlfrvA and Ot }fj adW of our , t' worn a ntpd to atto"d last Monday on act lot w for a bee.! I. 1ioRDrr.y, Pa rent. rtgPatrd to send in "too. for eb�t* et4lwfa{iM t1► tA►earrh of ad. (COadened on po of 7 aM)ppinR Pa y In flew pDel 1 day, the annual aMcentlpn at Tornado thin Neithe'T .t^r nor I Ot sAvrrtls0m"et as cart as , treett :' Attl� Ing out in mtx•h a l+toza• !pit 11kP go I M R (twilau,rl no Poe 4e 7R I and Roof later than .Moeda , afterassa. v I, , .e s . . ir 1 - �,e ,,* . , 6 , 4, F,