HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 8S Deo:tuber It. leel,
tOt NT% COI;NCIL, was. cie to the responaibilityqor stock change in the law regarding die mat. mated, which we find correet. ported as follows t , County of Huron is an smear eagerly chair and the Warden, having results
running at larg, on county designat- ter of High Schout lessee. The clerk We recommend, on the advice of First. We have inspected the office sought after by all members and we ed the gavel, made a very feeling a4
• (4 sal; iiiiied from page 31 ed roads. It was pointed out that a exelained the change In the Menne the County solicitor, that in future and vault equipment of the local congratulate you on attaining that fitting reply, thanking the rnetnbese
township bylaw forbidding stock on of making the requisition as per chap. all payments ori Continuation School court registrar, Mr. D. MacDonald. coveted position, and we wish to ex- of the council for thou: kind words 01
avel suitable for mei purperiea
d there has •a r road cell- township roads did not affect the ter 'n, sec. 16, Statues of Ontario debenture account., amoonting to 80
e of stock on a county 1924,\which reads ae follows: "Tu 80 per cent. &cording to *e Act. be and we find that the vault arrange. press eur appreciation of the courtesp appreciation and spleneei gift.
been fairunning at larg
ments are lamentably Inadequate for you have always shown your fellow The work of the December -mete
•ted to the beach to haul this ma- , deeignated road. Mr. Robertson said per celetum of the total amount ex- made payable to the treasurer of ths the filing and storing of the ntany members in the discharge of your du- ins; having been concluded about nose'
our rgiunty roads. he object in bringing the matter tc pended or permanent mprovernents misnicipality affected, and not to -the valuable legal papers, book* and doc- ties as Warden. Friday, the Warden addressed the
re went out to Salt-, uniformity in the county. The aues ins for theeenterest payable on suck We recommend the adoption Of the ing for vaulty years past. • , noticed your faithfulness in the dile
During your term of office we have council thanking the members for t
courtesy extended to him during thIll
'dee- Abutneept* Repointed ' the notice of the county waa to secure lincludingesimounts expended in pay- secretary of the school- board. \ uments which have been accumulat•
' b H 1 • Sanders Middle- cost of maintenances Or the high county as, with a rew changes,
• bl t Huron 1
OM uments coked never be replaced, and good fellowship, which has gone fat Prosperity and a Merry Christnial
In case of fire, these books and doc- charge of your duties, your unfailing Year, and wished all good health and
d in•onvenience in such an to make our meetings both pleasant
and a Hapdy New Year.
. The council then rose and sang the
he county engineer , tion was further discuased by Mes- debentures Wien be added the total forma eubmitteti as used in Oxford
st r
On the 2
\ford bridge.
li * had the abut -meets all repointed, • . . ,
'ars. H. J. A. MacEwan and Neeb. that *um* received for fees stall be divid• plify the accounting re continuation , and profitable. While t s ye
National Anthem and, on moeoe ol
ton, H. J. A. MacEwan and Barker school; the amount apportioned ou would be very app
• cli:s. vondition. county, and, if adopted, would sim- event would be incalculable. .
• We went' out to NalNeN'aed then to
the solicitor be requested to report at ed by the total number of days' at- schools, very much., We v..ould re- 'We therefore cannot too strongly had iio great difficultiee to be contend -
Messrs. Hays and McQuaid, adjourn.
an these•abutmentiKire now; in first
, and it wee decided, on motion of Mess of the legislation grant and any
Kite mt. ir.in i. claiming damson, the January meeting of the council. tendance of all pupil* •at the school ,commend a universal form for all the urge the council to obtain the advice ed with beyond the ordinary routine
of a competent architect or expert in of the Warden's duties; such difficul-
fourth Tuesday in January, 1924
ed to meet as per statute on the
d the resulttng amount ehall if universally adopted. vault and fire proof equtpment, and ties as you have had have been dealt
Aitingan on. On thts road uorth of
""' .•oent, ' In response to an enqu'ry from Mr during the next preceding three schools. as this would be a time saver
l'have plane prepared for iucreased ac- with in ngentlemanly manner, and
• th -our administration of these/Fairs of •
*mounting to $3, for
a car and also on behalf of Rise C. Pent- Geiger. Mr. Coates gave t e inflarma- year*,
land. We ft this road of an aver- be multiplied bs• the total number of Special Comnuttee commodatton pe
age width ove culvert and at both; Roads Commission tor the year days' attendance of county pupil.
Thr special committe, reported as earliest moment possible. the county has been marked by
cl. t net. I amounted to $479.75. during the satne three years; and to
the reeulting amount there skall be follows :
R• resolution from Lincoln courty children', Shelter for seine addition- commendable as the head of our resin- and friends he a portruit of the little
I Re request from the matron of the watchful care and faithfulness very Eit )•our Chrisimae gift to relative.
cil and in such a way as to meet with owe in whom the, are .41 interested.
tion that the py sheets of the Goof
*ides for a cone
We examined
field. and would
niairitenance if the e
slue over our estimat
tion ot count) pupil, *Inch the wen al linoleum and needed repairs, uL
ad No. 27A. Ash. , District Engineer Ire in Ade tees.
added the Miens of the coet of educe -
More Attention to m_alettenance . asking that supplementary grant,
eonmend sone
penditure is not of Road*
re teachers' salaries to urban schools cimimend that the request be granted, uniform approval and praise. T.. secure the lwst service and adieu-
' At the Thursday afternoon session the High School district paid to the
village or toss nship hire con,titutes
and schools in town and villages be we uould also commend Mrs. Wilson . As you retire from office with all lion to detail coow tom 1,40,..„ the
k w • No Irwin. district engineer. was.pre- County during the preceding y tea- as
• cuntinu1d. we recommend that this fot the splendid _condition in which we the honors attached to such a ()seri-
councd concur with same, and that found all matters at the Sh-afele Alois yeu-ritrys with -Teel our respect
d claieretion is and best wishes for your future pros- rush.
.. •
and user the new Provincial County
council. lie said that mere money c•ncou•beeoes. an the rates ,esir
acCording ----------- the grant shottlea, include towns o lier ju g
and under. much appreciated by your commit- perity, and yeti may rest assuied
your fellow councillure will always
W. went from the o sent ird Wa8 asiked to address the :
Read to Wingham. En
ineithe bridge at the foot.
Hill: We would recomme
((secrete arch culvert or bri
feet long and 12 foot span an
this hill be cut down ano widened.
if found pracocable to more hill -c
exsia e se I, arst attention It was a serious :Ms- "want so ascertained shall he the
A. RobertsonSthat this county councia Re report of the jailer, we would cherish the warmest recollections and •
a new tIse roads and that this shotild receivt
of .tive equalized value, and the 10
Re motiens of E. F. Klopp and tee.
u e
f Dickit should be spent on maintename
tak • t ail th •roadst ' hoe pgyable b) the council to the
pass a bylaw in conformity with R. 5 like to express our ippreclation of appreciation of your serviev. Wt.
ne surface worn too deep or broken up.
new amendinent made the Last session O. 399, s. ;1. 72. regarding stock run- the erre- satisfactory reports which extend to you and your partner in life
t 0 0 t Isalla
that I board. The part in black type ts the
ed The grant, to towns and villages he nt. parliament wet it ,.:11 apply thie ning at large on public highways WI has been presented and the economi-1 our heartiest best wiehes for contire
thought money well spent and that recommend that this be done, and the cal manner in which all departniente ued good health and prosperity, and
I clerk has a bylaw prepared to•pregent at the jail are being managed.
as a small memento of our esteent w"k of
Dec. 15th to Dec. 20th
d a very thor- and isood wishes we ask you to accept
tires commenced wing ,
A narrow strip of land will:have to
be bought on both sail's over the hill
top to get the required width to
grade. We would Ask the engineer
to - • this matter. We find the
nev. road constructed la,t year be. • Me -
teeen Whitechurch equal to or super ;
for to any road in the County of Hur- Marin .
of M
event rather fully into Highway De- Tura Dssu at the January meeting. I Your committee ma e
Igood results were accomplished. , He o
Claims of Londr \Colle-
slt•pment in Ontario since its itlicep- giate for Huron County upile 1
Finance Committee Tough inspection of the building and 'this cane, which we trust will always
tion and marked the great progiees Attending( There •
The finance committee recommend- find everything in excellent condition , remind you of the excellent feelings
made. In answer to a question by The edueation committee reporUedI
, ed the payment of a number of tic, The rooms and cells are spotlessly ye have always cherished toward' you
anley he said that the grave! as follows
rre o oa goodbye be assured that --------- ve
clean and the heating and coeking the roany years you have sat at the
ter privileges on the lake Re request and accounts of Central 'hite
counts; that the account of A. R
re vested in the Depertreent Collegiate Institute o side for telephone exchange. amount_ arrangements are particularly good council board in the county of Huron •
in 27
. •
on. ' chased by
We visited the Prairie road. This; oic
i the Ian
work has been completed and is, it e me. Johnston
our opflion. a firstelass job. It the most teas
would. in our opinion, be advisable
tourist traffic an
beet year to widen the culvert. ano' the opinion that
h ••• this is done it eould be a per. would *erve the pur
feet road.
The committee recommended pur.
chase of gravel pit from Mr. II. M.
Young, Colborne: for WO, and re-
potied :
Vie recommend ti:a all accounts
--, on ount). roads pertaining to the
Workmen's Compenea10; Act or
while the satisfactory ventilation it , In conclusion, as we say to you
f London also be f d t th• rd
11' 11 and Tuesday
Oreoeli: Sydney lemisre
Fuseless Ewen,. Itickon. Feed Merle -•
int: and a host I.1 other e.utely Ines
.rt 1,-' in Ills -greatest n al el, log fare.
1 tir• South •London account, for Huron
tofgCrimina'l Aure'clite; and that the ac.
letter from the Red Jacket Coal , many opportunities of meeting you
• •
• • . • eferrivi i•i eened v - •
• especially noted.
e farmers or those own- County pupils amounting to $860.53. count of C A Reid for stenographe
an .
n proximity to the lake. we recommend that these accounts be service amounting to $462, be refer- and CggKC Company re supply of tees' again, an enjoy ing you
asked what would be not paid. as our solicitor thinks the
redisaCic and that Mr. Reid be asked to ,the county buildings here, we which has always been much apple -
le plan to tax Ihe Act was never intenaed to apply tc to furnish an itemized statement nf would recommend that as our -tor- rioted, and as you retire from the pc).
Mr. Irwin wt s of the pupils passing out from their .ad- the work in ins department. ; age capacity is 80 limited. we con.' sition you have filled with credit and
tax. on gasoline jacent High Schools, and as a matter Account from Mrs. Griffin as Jail tinue to buy from local' coal ieri.h• honor, we trust your future life, eith-
ose. In answer- of convenience going to High Schools
Matron Sent to Provincial ants so long ; • d i unlit • : er private or as a public citizen, will
questism as to in' adjacent counies. We further re- Authorities are. satisfactory. i receive the same eommendation a•
at large on Commend that, in case these outside We would also ask that your emt. you carry with you from your fellow
I the points are upheld and that parent- The executive committee reportd mittee be empowered to make some members of this conil.
•ed b the Act to select Si as follows needed repairs at the registry °eet Sig on behall' of the Collets
ing Mr. Robertsuns
controlling stock runni
the highways Mr. Ire,
municipality should pass
-ary bylaw.
Moved* by Messrs. Johns
(sttee that the county engi
requested to furnieh eacti mem
b th ins etor of re. Council
costly highly equipped Collegiate or Re request of Mrs. Griffin. olV., reqtrested y e pe •
the roves- are alloy. y
n and High School and charge this up to 26th. for $510.33 we recommend no gistry Mike.
•r be the county, it becomes high time for action, as this matter was fully dis-1 Also that some small repairs te
r of this council 10 memorialize the Leges. cussed and disposed oe at our June locks and furniture be made in the aThe Warden asked a little time toC
• collect his thoughts to make a euit-
ally other account' per,i the council with a statementeof he lature to have this act amended, as session, and that this account be eent ' fiee of the county judge.
We also recoramend that all old able reply, and Meagre. H. .1. A.
Ewan, Geiger. S ger. Anders, Inglis, Mac-
Roads ehould go through thc
se_ amounts expended on. county des we contend the act is only applicable to th• Province with explanation.
Onutty Read Superintendent's '''''' nated roads in each municipality u where a pupil is more accessible to . Re motion of H. ..Y. A. MacEwan chairs and junk be removed from the
stronso Johnston Robertson Beattie
• Id be erifie,1 and 1924 the same to be sent \en outside County High School than ..afnclebMr.tbbIctKb!bbochnii,dfraesb•,osrisnghelate:%rawnet petit jury room and that proper ven-
tilation of thes room be arranged for and Backer all im. ade brief ;deb-ases
11011 411118P this pren' ni
...lay and
M11. MIA
in l.- WIllia nty.1..rri
t iller
I in is reit 'ortiedy
"TIIE MONK ' jrAtcm-
Frilay no1 ratio s.
the thrilling Boston Itiasete et••ry
.,"FLIX GOEs .-2.418"
fire that the eou to Dee. lat.
the eta•etors grants obtained °Is out on or before Dec. to tO one situated in his own county.
recommend that • grant of $500 be
'Moved by Messes. Robertson and We recommend that the folllowing arden Irwin Presented With Cane expressing appreciation of the R ar-
. riven.
I°r palm". Disslusued (Sf Klopp that that Good Roads (mulls- P
he had filled the Warden's chair
. Re cleim of Geolge Levin, Dungan- sion consider the advisability of tak- Fermweent Improvement debenture.
that an allowance of $120 be made to lousine-,s at the Thursday evening ses- 1.
non, for dameges to care clothing Ing advantage Of the reforestation,80 per tent., $701.32, to village treab
the Mothers' Allowance Board for sion Mr. Hanley was moved t•• the
d Btyth Continuation Shool: - motionRe den and complimenting him on the
f 0 Ginn and J. HaVeP On ree.ching the head of unfini"ed liftable and ffi
• e cient manner in which T1ggir,1..y :gt 4 15
medical assistance. $40. we admit no echeme with the view of reforesting steer; maintenance account. o
•11:11 le Huron Cunty, to be divided as fol- chair and after a few well chosen
liability and take no action. .our waste Filets in the county. Red ------------treasurer of school board lows: chairman, $4;
Ile claitn of A, H Graham. llow- ferred to the Good Roads Contmisl $1,711.56; eintenance, total of $2.-
k. for $90 damages. we recommend 412.8.
secretary -words with reference to what he
$30, and three nsembers $15 each, eve deemed the duty of the council at the
recommend that this allowance be closing meeting of the yearhe called
act ion. • I At the closing nu•etTng of the 8r5•1 We recommend that Clifford Con- gie,. upon Mr. Neeb, who read the follow-
- f John T Lennox. Wing- sion, on Friday morntng Mr. Patter- tinuation school receive $607.47 pro-
. Re motion of A. H. Neeb and W. D. ing complirnentary address to Ch.
t ndln mean-
Re r
an. Ashfl
Re claim
in regard
coerty road 0
riot approve of
on roads, and wh
moti•e with the n
wheelid it, we will t
_. *aid nuisance remov
Re claim of E. Phdt
to buggy end hintimel
br'res,• we recommend no
anderson, that the warden and cleik Warden,
having attended the Warden's confer- time. The address was accompariedl
ence at Toronto. recently, be paid by a beautiful gold -headed ebony
the same be paid. I Warden County of Huron.
their fare and expenses, which cane.
amount to $35, we recommend that To A. E. Erwin, Esq.,
Re motion of .1. W. McKibbon and Dear, Sir.—We cannot let this, the
Thos. Inglis, that $100 be granted ow last meeting of the year, come to an
county treasurer to assist at thi, end without expressing In a tangible
time in securing extra help required way our appreciation of your services
we recommend that $0 be given. as warden during the year now clos-
Increased Vault Accommodation ing, and also of your many years of
Needed ia Mr. Macdonald's Office faithful service as county councillor
The county property committee re- The position of warden of the
gave a verbal report of the work,
for, broken spring in automo- son eciding the list 0 uro
ewed claim of Potrick Mor- year. . - • s II•s be furnished and that this amount
• i is found correct after list of pupils
of his department covering the na t
/45. we recommend no action
Id. forbrken wagon reach Educatimsal Matter; is received by the clerk\
ommend no action. •
The Departmental grants to the We received the clabileof Lucetiow
f Ernest Blake. Ashficld
various High Schools and Collegiate Continuation school for /4453.11 but
dumping rubbish on
l‘nstitutes in the County as reported the report has failed to -.how the
site hts farm. W3 do
the Education Department are as name-, and number of Huron County
I follows: Wingham. 11,533.17; Ere- pupil. When this is furniehed, if
bbish being dumeecl "Y
me of the partyter. $1,399.05; Seaforth. $1,574.50; found correct, we recommend. pay -
he furnishes coms
Clinton, $1.4150; Goderich, $1,338: ment of above amount.
e action to have
I total. $7.336.22. • We recommend that Wroxeter
fir damages', On Thursday evening a session wa- tinuation school receive a grant of
at Aubure Ihel. Mr. Robertson spoke of ths 81.e,4.23 according to report sup-
itp drain assesement Comity
Ro:•! Ni. 14, McKillop. $23.60. we
tecotemend the this tee peid to th•
treasurer of MeKillop.
Re drain assessmint on Road No
22, West Wavranosr, this account hat
been paid through Perelman Gilli
Re motion of Messrs. Middleton and
McKihbor ariking for a supplement-
ary grant for Clinton of 11,4 191.91 for
Cour.ty Highway connecting link. we,
recommend egad grant be made.
Re motion of Misers. Hanley and'
Hays for the nioney received for old'
timbre of Bannockburn bridge. Aced,
to the county treasurer to he return-
ed 10 he tredsurer of Staley, we re.'
carniiiend that this be done.
Re motion of Messrs. McQuaid ar1
111eCuteheon that the boundary road
between MeRihop and Grey be deeie
rated as a count,?-- rond, we recon
mend that this be granted.
Further Grants to Rrussels and Blyth
We recommend that a furthei
gfant of $1,275.60 be tnnde to the vil-
lagr el Brussels and that an *glee-,
ment be entered into with the village'
hereby they re-imburse the county
to the extent of the amount not cov-
ered by the Government grant, viz.
We recommend that a further
grant of $2.205.50 be made to the vl-
lage of Blyth in accordar.ce with'
agreement entered into e ;di the vil-
The road from Amberies to tee
• easterly limits of Grey has been ap-
proved as • County Provincial road
and this- bas been the only county
Provincial road granted by the Hisao
wag Department in Ontario in 1924.
We recommend that $9.57 be paid
• en the acernmt of MeKillop Telephonc
System of $18.45, for wire and mov-
ing poles ot Road No. 12. That $15;
be paid on accnunt of Crediton Rural,
Telephone Co. for moving poles and I
wire,. That one half t.he Hay 'IT
Telephone Sroom's lent of movinel
polo, on Lake Shore road, be paid.
And that the county pity 40 per eent
of the coat of calOam chloriding and
Oiling Oh county roads in hamlets end
Responsibility for 'Wick Running at
Large es Designated Roads
At the Thursday oic.rning SP81011
Mr. Robertson brought up te. sat_
le • of an archive which oecurred in
the Toyrnslie, of Colborne on tee
county road. The guettlen involved
the past year.
Th h ted
e chairman t en yea the
(41111r11 \ lit 111
The Enpin• lefi• Inotrative Company ha, a mien and attraetiv.,
plan for Children'Life Ineuranee that yon glIntilil knnw about
Low Rat'--
SeeBeninger Without Delay
. . General' Agrt
. .
The Empire Life Insurance Co. - •
West Street gs
Goderich, Ont.
For the Men
Overcoats, Suits, Hats, Caps, Sweat-
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For Girls
Coats; Dresses of serge or flannel;
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For the Kiddies
Bonnets; Caps; Scarfs; Mitts;
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Sets of Sweater, Pullover, Cap and Mitts,
at a very low price and in assorted