The Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 611 1 • a ---Phnredny, December 11. 1924. ay f ternoon TIIE SIGNAL, • GODERICH..ONT. (t1e•rience httl'ror. ,augur. love, ftrtr ..r :lily Plant 1.111 .wit Item itslug N.me tot '1L0 iuuuweraule talo• urtl.,h't to raise or lower eyebrows of eyelids. move t1,. lits. pti.04e a wt'inkle or a dimple. or hritghlg-alooh some de- nial o-tial elan..•. pt..: if It 4.4 III -4 e' dil:11iou of 111.• 1)111111., 1.:31011 also;;, tell. .a .401'y t.. 1,110 shadeut. i:Spr,•s1Ua h+ part ,of the lave, though it Is filetated by the tonal. mud phi Lace eventually adapts Itself to the expression most fre- qu.1rly *Md. If a •wail& is bora an Adonis and goes through the . world 140044111111, tile• wont will b• part of his fav,• when he die-. null his chil- dren will very likely start life with all inherited sl'ylwl. \Flea 1 .00.,therefor,•. latter 1...k- ilt:: 1111.11 Wilt'rrotn1.1. :dont We•-_• � know they art• inspired with bet te.... thought,-. and that them. will Ie• tau• I led oil t,. :41111 1111111111111.11to our gre.lt- gr1•at- grandchildren. Mn. Seddon. and Miss •111:1 1f we cannot look lut,t the faces f the futurestomake sure ,Lar the /w is imprn'.Mg. we Coo look at th •' past. (',,,t oder the good old [Lay of 0110 tot two em1Itrits 11110, 111111 4~.1111 an• 1111• frees with those of our own, y. We have the ex.,•Il•ut evi- dence of liuinslo.r'ugh, Reynold-. tasty anti oflu•rs to show a+ what they looked like. lolly's pictures. for all 1 know, were not very 1ik.• hi+ .sitters. They all look very wash alike, but we may take 11 that he taintwt the type of hi. own ahoy, Mud from his {popularity we may 41-.11111, that he was flatter- ing rather than the reverse. Yvon so. his pictures of the grace- ful bulks of 4'harless Court .ompare badly with the avers a strong-furel. wpmre-jawed nitizen o 1111• present ally. Without' the curl.. r R+ and trap pines of the Restoration. he aterage toot of 1924 can loaf hl. a111.1•a.r11 hollow- for looks. physique nil man- Beauty :tverage Rising The average modern tau t snot fi.luteze IWWWO the largest sizes of me- I 11i11etal eat. ..f wall. :uta 1110 naval- end girl would find it even more dif- ficult to wear an t:1i7.0.4. 1ton slum- rnher. Wnmt 11 has not been heft 1.•hlnd In the rale. It troy secru unfair to co w- ioer anoutstanding beauty Ilka Niro. . Iddtou+ with the 1110410111 girl. but Miss 114_-4 does not suffer by the com- parison. Mr-. Siddous' beauty was faua.tt• 101.1111.0 beauty nils rater in her day. I n11n readily think of a dozen now p ho would muslin', her. 1 se rival. for most of the other can- v,s beauties daily. The average of beauty Is ri•Ing. and It Is rising 4ecau.,• there Is going on n ateadv rise in virtue. i do not use the word in any priggish .Prase, but for wont of a better tern) to describe the inherent d..•,tlt•v of in -tinct and goodness of mine! which are cadent all around mt. 1:xet,-iso has improved "fir !sane... but 1t is the -healthy mind that pats m1• hulw'' .. the 14eri a tied i. dr 1 1111arnr sen, in the Sun- day e . .lay Pictorial. thouglu but contempt for 7 the out ea Jeans spoke his tams, which wilaralrstartle Zanttaeu. almost into exclaiming. "lie knows my name!' 'What would he too'! h'•.uid he drop down and he lM' 111 the crowd? No! he Made haste In maim: .11.811 hilt it was in order to tale tht' Out. who ' Ity iAMII'TO:%, wished to slop at Illsitouse out of u)•• (bitterly. , Out.crowd to his own toque .11 was al 1 most tat wonderful to be true that tlik stranger, whose wonderful doing, tr ,jar' had {tune far and with., 14110411,1 invite r'kW1 betgre, l himself to be a 3111e14t wi111 hie .. pub - g at111 t 1k•an. It was all in definite.. of polpnu- ao 111.• lar custom. No adf-ri•spss•tiug Jew had ever crossed his threshold, yet Aim!! {tial for 1L,• human resat now the great rabbi wasted 40 aLide Veer en',rwlued sol kind a gumst. with tial. The feeling of odium that mortal tuupnl' their joys can tell hail previous to this rested upon 'hie W'i whom 11e tondescenda to dwell. cltaettit was wow turned against ,less., and the crowd murmured, "That h• Katse.•ig,.k souls. Thou Prince of I woo gone to be ga•st with a eau 411111 • *inner." ' . way Thy geuQr reign increase; I Verses. 11.11)-Zarnhaeui Profession "Throw wide the loot~ each wtlllug and Reward. r.'ttd And b•• Ili- empire all mailki(td. Itefort• eutor1111 his house Zaaeliae- --Jowopb to paused, and lifting his 111111,1, as it new., to emphasize what he 114 about 1'K.t EK 1 to say. be aeknowlelgestr a new rely tlouskip. Je.us is non his Lord « himself out • .t - v • e made him a fun • 'Alntij, uy_G,1al•..rwdto_e• all +ee`iug eye Hithrrtt�lt ,lad testa upon and watches over the refit by hccupting . Pose• under children of men. let thy spirit. we alien government and bad used his beseech Mo.., attend our prayers. position tO 11111 worldly Guide us out„ thyself. and help ns to wealth by false dealing. It w -a. true bear torp saying. "This 4. the way, what, the crown had said. he was a •walk ye 10 it," and we shall give thee sinner, but he is 41111 a N10'1t311t sill all the glory. through Jesus Christ ncr. 'Tele half of my goods 1 give oil,g Lord. who is the way, the truth to the poor. and if I have taken any- it11R the life. AWra. thing from any man by false aerusll- __ tion. 1 restore him four.foll." S. S. 1 ESSON POR DIF'(. °IA, 19"1. Zarr•1n,en. th,•n g:1t,• pr..of of an ),e.snn Title -The Conversion of awakened eonst•ieuce and a Chan P of 7actImeti. heart On coming Into personal 'eh I with .1e+us. This 114 f,11owe1 1. Je- I Lesson PasaGr---Luke 19:1.10. - (.olden Text-Lui Text -Luke 19:10. - ani approval. for he say. "This day .ler , n'' was a city of renown in Is salvation come to this house. foras- Rihdi. al times. It was destroyed by Much as lie also Is a son of Abrs- JoliLun and a curse was spoken ham - spans. the Mali who should rebuild 114'. .rluvl•r)iiou woil,1 Is• a blessing It. 1' was r1•luilt by the wicked king not only to himself but to his family, Alta! and at Ile time of today's les- for like Abraham he wuu'l tenet' his son 1• was n city of eommer'lal lee' household to keep the 1111y of the , ttOrl.ner and was thronged by cart- Lord. Precious 1e this 11e was a (- tau• passing through to the feast at troubler to hl. family- for "lie that Is 1pru. nl•u1. greedy of gain truubleth his own ttw. I.1-Zaet•haeu' Rrwhe. house." (Prow. 15 :27, . Word leo, 1111....01 around that In In the,pers0aw1 interview I.•tweeu one of t!'' eougclnies was to be seen Jest.. 1t'd 7a:eeMarie, Ju• tVat, •h.:- 41114 ebe "won'l•r-worker.•' and this gave a .ont.rslopt Is not sunething to 114• ex- ' , .1 t is a onlooker. -.•r r R 11 1 Irtr k p•riruc,'d µme fa d hp4,•ial interest to the (n I y They thronged the Way on either -id '. present blessing -"This day is salts- SittinL in 111. ottlee. the recelp' of tion come to this Ionise" We also ,ustom, Was one who no doubt had learn that the Savia•ur notie•s eery hoard ref this man and of his having seeking shiner. it was not for the Paten with publpean$ and ha, ingcalled muttitudeintt for the it,ditidust soul an,' or them to be to follower. At that ,1l3'.$. died. "God so loved the -hiss de.:, we can pl.htre him growing world that lie gave his only b•gotn'u rtalles, and at length, throwing aside tion that whosoever•believ'th in lion . Lia work. he rises. looking the door should not {erish ,tit have ev.rlrl•t- and passing out into the crowd Ito, ing life." (John 3:101. he Was 11141,' of stature. and ,'.,,i i WOKI.1) MISSION. TOh.11 - Wilily 1111TP levo "jostled aside by the 4Ity NI.1111.11. 8atas..44, 1). I4.1 crowd. K,,i.wing tele roadover which No loving word calla ever spoken. 3.11441.• w'n" to NOW. he edged his way It''. goal deed ever done "tomorrow. - in and out until he reaela(d his goal. We can not set In the tinhorn future in doing 1+. he violated the Eastern nor 111 !Ise dead .,pnst; only in the lay ide., of deordm the influential. the 1144 present.. rich 7srrhn,'ns and climbing 'Mat why "every day is downs - in neer that he might secure n plat.. codo )." for today holds life anddealt so i hand:. of vnutnge in the r•rowd! Ify ehnraeh•r and destiny, in is doing. be made ttllm"r•lf n target for opps.nunity says with J, sus, "Me ye the jeering crowd. 1.111 for all time an have not always." noht-lilting figurt- In history. ile , We say. ' 1 will take my (1114114'(,:. sought to see J+•.ns. the wonder- There Is plenty of tam'•." Ah, how worker• and h.• slaw' !calk.• the Saw- often do we say, "snme nth'•r time." to 1011r. 'find that tier,' is no other time' Sere. 5-7-1hr Indtalion. Some things we est du "nest al - Ti.( 11111•1r•au'" 0n,• thmught 1114+ to way,- Itnw shall we find out what .ee. Int n far mnr.• 11on'lerf,ly thing thine- earl be done tory tiro'•, attd cam( 0. film. ile was singled out of what things now or never? all that • mullitnde Jeans looked. only by living in the faith that to - saw nn.1 said. \u (1011bt 1110 crowd day is the only day we have and chat did the same. bit` -t1 ith nothing In their lengins; 4-'. ry opportunity for Its llchul t ,a .4r,ulger at Ste e••o:ll& ku.s•ka. Ito.. kl Ila' w 1.l..41 lung, is wait )'al tr•It no other friend. You Will Enjoy LAD GREEN TEA The exquisite flavor indicates the perfect blending of choice teas. AsK for a package today'. FREE SAMPLE of GREEN TEA UPON REQUEST. "SALAOA." TORONTO weau1Lr. Esau filled his lit.. with regret for 4rfliug one day; Esther's was full of glory for one drys courage. ' Peter slept one Lour, and lost a tuatehle.s opportunity. Mary'- flame 111 fragraut forever for the loving deed of a dry. l)o your bast uu.1. TOO WEAK TO WALK The Sad Condition of a Brandon Lady -How Relief Came. "1 oat• cny present good health to 1)r. Williams' fink Pith.," says Mrs. Annie 'rr,herne. Brandon, Man., who tells of her newfound health as fol- lows: -"Som,• years ago 1 had an at- tack of pneumonia and it left me in a terribly •weslkened and run-down state, 1 NI). unable to walk fur a 1(111g time, 314 1 had practically lost the use of my legs, and had tb be earPhrl up stairs, for I had not the strength to I;o myself. I became despondent over m) ,ondition, for I had tried many ream -die -S. which failed to help Ind.• While in this wretched condition a laity' friend urged me to give llr. Wil- liams' fink ,'ills a trial and 1 pro- cured * supply. After taking th.' pill; for a while 1 could 1400 that 1 wits growing slruhgPn. and 1 gladly (ontintied their use until 1 had fully regained my old-time health and strength. r s Now I ft - el l a all run k^t 1 rtake 1• . )r. t on, down lin ti I a n a t y ,' Williams' Link 'fills, and they never fail me. I car therefore warmly re-. commend !hem to others who may 1•e run down." There la better toulc than Or. Williams' Pi k ,'ills to improve the blood and bong [pack strength after neut.. dis,•a •s such as fever,. pneu- m mini... info euza, Pte. (liven a fair trial 1h.y ill 1101\disappp,int you. You ran get the pills from your drug- gist. or. tl y swill be emit by 'mail at :A cents Iso by The Dr. Williams' Nl.dicine. ('0., llroekt tile, 41st. BEAUTY ON THE INCREASE A rewere tr or so a n critics .>rn. when g In folj 1. the world how tongue telling much it had deteriorated since' the eenttfy before, 1 v0ic•,1 the heresy Mit men and women were riot only tetter looking, and therefore •better minded. than they had ever been be- fore. but that they were steadily im- proving. Every day confirms COP ill that belief. 1t be my business in life to study fav, it is also my lot In doing m7 job to go! to know automatically what is in the mind that is behind the face. and 1 do not hesitate to say' -11011 then' i. :1. ..tell, thing . as real lelltlty of fare without leant y of mind. And there i. a lot of bot" klull. of beauty 11iotut tt'luy. I am not a auhsa•rlher to the clew that beauty 1s but skin -den., nor have 1 ever' f, 1 "a goodly apple rotten at 411r heart" that did tot show some 'blemish on, Its.. rosy chw•k 11, .110W whorl• the worm gut do. Beauty istwore than it rt-guL•Ir bone structure covered with healthy flesh and ship. and whether a face is a fur - tune or not. it is always a hallmark. It is nc.t by sheer ,uineideno•t• that you find In one profession hundreds d falces that look as though they had been turned out by the saute mould. It is not salt water that shapes the sailor's face. or court room. that shape the lawyer', or preaching the parson's. A criminal',• turn proelalws his vice, whether he likes it or not. us clearly as an honest man's proclaims his worth. Tihis !s no more it 001111:1 deuce than the fart that pile•-suok-- .'r., from Mr. Baldwin downward, caunot keep a crease In their trouser.. All faces and all appearances are shaped through as attitude of mind. As you think, so you b,,,,M.•, natures and Expression. Do not suspect me of ,v.nfu.ing features with e:presaion. Expression is a physical change and not smut - thing behind a face which shines through it. Xo one can sneer, smile, • _ R FOR THAT ad Cold YOU MUST TAKE s 4/IVf?EDUtfD NY( f 25, r t' Long Seidl -ewe "(lace you anything to sly "i haat.. your lordship, most a.- ,urlrliv it desire to state without re- serve or eir,•umlrw•ntion that the pen- alty impase.1 1.11.1111,1 b• In keeping or. as It were, commensurate with my nation in life. which has hither- to peen 0110 of inc0n•tdefIt,1, im- portance." y'.0 seem to Irate a liking for lung +entM1111'a. Ten year.." THE WARDENS' CONFERENCE (Continued from page 41 Road' Purpose w:1% discussed by the Wardens of Bruce and oxford coun- ties. Warden Siuelair of Itrtnr• t•laitued that. though In 111e 4,11.1 the burlou {,Meed on real estate for Ili•• co1.t rta-1 atoll Of road+ wa. peril •los justified, the -wheat and rapid growth of the motor %,•Riche no lunger Justi- fied a tai 011 real rstale. estrpt 40 the ,•ct 111111 the owner Is .bene - flied. flo11,•v,'r. lu 1111.1• the entire burden ansa, the user. of the rood air p,'ar. to lie unjust end fwf+lir. 4'apI- tal should pay part of the cost. .Agri- t culture should pay but only in pro- poortluu as it i. benefited. '1'ht• Mau- ufadnr('r, the werclurlt 11101 the farmer, and. 111.'ve *11. those !hilt are tvowmc9viaiizing the Wads for private gado. stoup all boar their part of the cost. The railways pay for the con- struction. nuahut•o:atce and IMprove- Iu1•ut of the highway over w•hlc11 their trains lass. large number of tumor vehicles use the highway's for commercial purpose.. nod the amount which they pay for that prittlege represents but 11 small fnaetiou of the .cost of OW 1 Iglnvays wh401 they help u destroy. t Warden Pet•rwo of 4)4fonl said that he w1131 1101 111 favor of Issuing delaerturl•s for road., except for eon- stra-tiou of permanent work. When longterm dels•uhsrt•s nn. issued the roads would be worn out before 1110 dela ntur. s are laid off. Ills advice would Ie• to "build less and pay as you go." Ten-year det'•oturlr for permanent roads, where a large mile- age of t'n,vineial highway has been bu111 In any one rear. might be a feasible plan. bot he .1''111.1 out It eves then. nude•.' the twenty ps•r cent. the Goternuo•nt asks the comi- ty to pay eteeds f7 ittul) t0 $11al.- (111111 1,, nay on,• year. - 111 41Ife.,1 county the P1'01'1130111 1110114'11y t Is t•.nlpl,4ed thi). y,•ar 11111, per nulnent eo s •ill o eo 1 ' v . u tads l n f 1. •rel • ..r tarvia a {penetration. 11nil riot one dollar tot dc• Ie•uhnn s has leen issued. Collett'', Buying sf Highway Mat• quality of. material. The! county of 1'ambtof'. operating five necks, .10- gilded to have a s,•rvie,• station of Ila own and 1.11y gas In :Aad-g:•!lin lett ♦ great sating resulted. flue of the biggest problems In his cuunly wee the buying of Krav01-pots. If the Department toi.uld take over the buy. Mg of pits throughout the varlot2/ townships and counties, or lobose some parson or persons in authority with power to buy at :1 fair prise. it would ns+ore the mtioicipa111J1•,4 of a1 supply of road :material which under the present system L. difficult to obtain. Crushed stone, cement. road oils. chloride, steel for bridge., and road machinery were other things in re- gard to which the 10110'11 4e of eol- le•livt. buying might be applied. Separated ('Ills+. and Highway Ex- penditure x•pl'ndilure "Should Separated 1'111. ' or Towns b•ur a greater share of the Post of ilighway Construt'tlon and Mainten- ance limn they do at present?" Thos 1 was diaeinmeal by Mr. l'harles Talbot; Middlesex ,tuuty engineer. W*r,i,•o Grrdhouse of York. and Ward••a i Woollatt of Essex. it was the gamer- ' al opinion that separated cities and I town* should bear a greater share of county road expenditure than they Isdo at the prl•nt time' - a eriala Warden Harkness of 1.8nlbtun county Int r..tu,wl the .ubj..•t of Cod. le. tire Buying of Highway Materials. He claimed that the grouping ..f ■ number ..f ...untie. and townships. or even placing the hny lk,g of nod uta- t.rial. for the whole Province looter one head. would result in a saying in the ....t t111.1 111., n.•ur.• 11 I.•rt, "She Was Too Sick To Try Entrance Exams.° Jeanne was one of the many chit. dr., u, sew untarlu Who tralel anile* ea. -h d•y to A. hone. Yale weather or foul, they trudge •1111.44 the roasts roads for the little bii of ed--. 1•llun p.,et her for the1., }Waren years had passed mince .I..t.n✓a birth end she had never enp,y•d the brat of he•Ith during that time :aa these years ■h. had spent In goon: 1.. ea hone h.lpinil arnuud the• hou.e •nd at •dd tune• working here and there In earn a little money ohne day she was ..ughl In • sleet aurm on her way hum. front arhnol. Il•fore long . Ierrlbt. • ough set 1n, which nnally ended ,n .•nneumpann. Of course. It woo impossible for her to lrf n the enlran,e e•aml •Unn. ".in- other year, pr rh•p•, but aertalalY not now." ■old II, doctor Now •h• t• r.•ting at the Ilu•k•.k• H"•pltai for ,'nn•umpllve•tier pleas - Ing ■hyne.• ■loll remain., her curly, fair h•!r refuse. •n behave, while Mr bow eyes with the •ad of her Ilya radlate cheer and hope "Pure." 'aye .Jeanne, "I'm going to High ltcho.ot. Why sol"' and w. echo, Why not and the doctor •.y "Why not." be- e.u. Jeanne I• on the road •e We1lvllle Wile you help her and others in reach the goal, by contributing to th• ho.plla1 hook' .tats may be ..nt to Hon W. A. Charlton. Pre.ldent, 222 College atenst, Turunda, Ontario. • .Y s., ' • I. . la - 11..• ..s . - II +W' a.* "' • w r r� A ♦ • ' ". l>m.4/' `tt, e - - �Y• W., ♦ f ' 1) • v • • • w ., • e Ilk • • • .. • 'i a . a t • 4. % Gifu r Men Eversharp ' encils Parker ►• uo%ld Fountain Pens Cigarette Cases in metal or good quality leather Ash Trays - 75c. up 25c. up China or Brass Tobacco Jars $3.50 to 6.50 Brass Smoker Stands Book Ends $3.00 up from Goderich's Leading Gift Shop $2.50 up Key Containers - . - 15c to 75c Combination Brush and Coat -Hangers $1.00 and $2.25 Large gents' size Club Stationery. Diaries for 1925, Memo Pads for attaching to desk telephone, Pipe Racks, and of course BOOKS 85c., $1.00, $2.00 up. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! in our upstairs department. We have found it impossible to display all our Christmas stock on one floor. It has literally overflowed. So we have opened another department on the SECOND FLOOR crammed with Goods at Bargain Prices. China -- --- Purses - --- Books - - Ivory - --- Games. .« w M. FOR almost forty years it has been our business to supply the people of Goderich with their Gift Merchandise. This Christmas finds our store overflowing with Gift Goods of every description. Everything in our store is always of the Best Quality w at Moderate Prices. Drop in and browse around to your heart's content. Compare our prices and quality. We know we can solve your Coifi,Problem. PORTER'S BOOK STORE Gifts for Ladies Best quality of English China, Coalport, Royal Crown Derby, etc. Salad Bowls, odd Cups and Saucers, Vases. Fancy Boxed Stationery, from 25c to $5.00 a box. Dainty Fountain Pens and Pencils. Leather Purses and popular Under -the -Arm Bags. Best quality at lowest prices. Mah Jong Sets at bargain prices. Fine Silk Hand Bags, regular $8.00, for :+5.00. Framed Pictures, 75c and 90c. Candlesticks. Brass Goods. Dainty Key Containers. Gifts for Children Excellent assortment of Novelty Picture Books. Books with movable heads ; with wheels ; with cut-out animals that form a Zoo. Plasticine Seta, 35c. Leather Pencil Cases. Fountain Pens, 50c and $ 1.50. Automatic Pencils, 25c up. Blackboards. Rubber Animals. Santa Claus Dolls. 1 5c. The Red Gift Line It is easy to do your Christmas Shopping from this one line alone. Each Gift Distinctive, Exclusive. Individual Boxes in a Christmas Red, with catchy enclosure cards. Gifts for Ladles, Men, Boys, Girls, Children.