HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 5r 4 _r•iS' is 1!'G r:. "'^'-', [.ate ^:#•'x5 • • ;r•...;..,..:-vm. r *"k'.'�"i;'i, t � '" « "f'tt�,.'' .' k t pr.1t'.5i ,rv.'»► ^;.,,.,"a,'d�• junfi,�. 1, �'f,ga_„h¢��i `•rr `,-�..,u-•.,.,i. •1.f.EtA t.,el trfi �,..z, .,y, ' 'tr�u''s,4 •C.+ �$ 1Vi,:n.". .�. 'r.- . § " �f, 1* �+'.w�t< �-`'�!,'''�.;�°"*.. �y"c,.y„'N,•"r' �•!'- ILe1WP"ein, n'a�N+ i"'®r. #wa:t"�T�w"teiF,l t .. �r �... J F.wy,t,.O�'; `"°�ap- .a p • . .,x :..+, tE '1,t,� .,..� , � ,F-� s ..rt, ,IIIa,?� ap;l..)n. 41' :'dasa•ri+K+ J a r✓J ���l•hr 3�. , -�.. �7b :�r ,.. i- , %- .k 07,•, rt,. I4..s 1p THE SIGNALGODERIC$, ONT. �. l a ' in the province 3870. from Portland. — jurlsdiction of the council, and her Huron County Council IZI. 'arden Willett Addresses lM ' remedy is a suit against the relate , t Ur. Miler, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. 4ei• This bring the situation, Mrs. Abra, " • Council ger, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Armstrong, ham thanked the council for the pal On Wednesday morning Mr. G. U. Mr. H. 4. A. MacEwan, Mr. Mun- tient hearing Riven her, and Mr. Gei- ni \lir. Robertson, Nr. HknlPy rind F.Iliott�tddrrssed the council, giving a ntf Ker for the kindly intrust taken it,. Proceeding# at the December Session of the County very full account of his work- s Xr• Neeb; spoke on the question. I her case, and stated that, on the ad- Fathers, Held Last Week in Goderieh county Superintendent of the Chil- The following motion was present• vice of a solicitor, she had withdrawr m, dren's Aid Society and the work of cv sed aduptt•d: an), 'claim made on the council and the juvenile court, of which he is themeMoved by Mr. H. J. A. MacEwan would resort to legal action against The Daeetaiber sessions of the coun- Act is intended for those only in need probation officer. ` . xeconded by Mr. Middletoh;- that the the estate of the inmate in the case ty council were concluded shorty af- of help, hence all the more reason for I The Warden expressed his appt•e• matter of the claimof lir.. Abraham I It was moved by . Metfsrs. Geiac, ' ter noon on Friday last. All the those not in nerd to help enforce its ciation of Mr. Elliott's work and of (cit ntoneys in possession of the cow,ty ' and Armstrong that in the case of all membertt of the council were in at- provisions. But we have found that his full report to the council, and a: k- "f Huron in trust for Mrs. Tho.,, .el persons admitted to the House of Re- Kay,tendance. there ore some still who, putting self F:x-R'ardrn W. R. Elliott, who was art inmate of the county home, fuge having money or estate, an ad - The jailer, Mr, Jas. B. Reynolds, re- before all others, try to crowd out• warden during the year the Sh-her be r'efe"rrd to a commirtee of '1•a +.r.rtisement must b'e tusertpd in the . ported: Thesis have bre•n 46 prison- es ,ets whole ,council and that we ask lit. papers of the county at least three iu- ers.,committed, as follows: O. T. A. It"may be throughignorance of rtunate than +the il. MrinsltElliott texprree. sed big piesis- . Petty of Hensal1, the in,pectur Lind certpi!+ns to.the effect filet all claut:•• � 16; theft,. 9; vagrancy, 4; breat,mg sc„pe of the Act and not sellishnes, ure at meeting the council again and' (lull sohcituri to appear before. the and accounts against such parties and indecefit Ikevenuas Acct, 2 many act and through s belief that all reviewed big work in connection with council tomorrow. I rltatt tw.irnt in or reported to the in - 'n 3; -i-1 widows are equally eligible to sip►-I� the institution and his mterext in the This is a case N'hrrr a lady having Spector by a certain date or they will common assault, Y; recxless car oris- 1 would like to enlist Me county coun• same ever since. some means was Saken in the, Cuun riot be considered. lugs 1; seduction, 1; insane 1. lust cal in helping to overcome the w•rorr Home as she had nowhere else to go,' This million was debated at sun•• P K On 11'.•rinrsday afternoon, on mo- anal her money was taken over b the u[ daily rations per prisoner, per day im pression. There is also one w•a y length. Some claiaaCA that the pax• t,�tyc, I y tin, ut Meuncil adjourned and Beat- count for her keep. The solicitor's sing „f such a rasolutiun would have to prbi•rv(1 to Rt•t the mother-' alle+v- tie, the council ad'uurneA to attend y Dlother+' Allowance Act intended for ante and that is by -Submitting an Pp. the funeral of Mrs. Knight, wife cf advice was that the county had no'h- no hvill' t,ffec•t and that the council Those is Need plication and fulfilling the conditions ex - t nutty Couucillur Martin Knight t,R to do with such a claim as '•ars. would only he making trouble for it - lir: (;. W. Holman, chairman of the therein set out. These appliention-On re -assembling the Warden, on the Abraham's. It was conceded v chi, self be l,assiug it. lir. Geiger asked Dtothers' Allowance Board of the forms can be obtained from myself at n.luest o[ lir. Knight, extended his c'Quncil to be a just claim again) -it the �or th yeas and nays and the motion i Mr.Ik thanks to the members ,of the council estate of the inmate, and if precentral was defeated 1”, to 13. County. Rave quite an he sir td cellon t o Fal or those A. T. Cooper ('lin- before th8 estate was taken over by • Mr. McQuaid then moved, seconded r of the .operation of the act both is ton Fill those out in rtuplicatr and for the rxpressiun of sympathy in at the count hould have been aid. tPnc�inR the funeral. y ` p �� re Mr >tio then, that the motion be' this county .and in `the prttvmc•1• in send titan to me with the crrtiticates a matter of fact the ('noels Home ' \ refPrr+•d to the county solicitor lot general. Of the Act. he said: It If asked for. it is nut necessary to •-m• The lase of 1'ayfnq Patients st.the ,lit intended for persons htninL nion, and this was carried. one of th6se pieces of legislation that ploy•a lawy, r. The investigator vis. ('noels Name t'au++es ;means for their own support, but ,r• fit, op tnuat be administered firmly but s}•u,. its the home of the person applyinT Complications Huron a number of persons have been •t'I;reat Stturcr'ot Revenue In Apples pathetically, with a due ;erard to the a d makes a retort. That report iv lir,•' Abraham, of Portland, ore- accepted as inmates who Aad 'so:., 8. B. ,,others, Agricultural, etnaltlt•e nature of those women }+tin set to Toronto end the allowarcc se the majority of cases find than• greeted or refu:"d. The inestigat- gun, appeared before the council with means, where the County iTunte made Rept, sehtative for the cowtty, Who I th t •A pr s work a segs important both he- referen •e to a' claim against Mrs' a cony, nient place for thein- to •tn b' was preselnt , during the session. Th, s asked to add,rss the council I selves as it were up axa Pat rt • r( t; ito fault of theirs. -,To such we n.gst fore a d after a grant is made. The TIv, . McKay. an inn a of the House spend thele derhnmK years.- wa e end our sympathy and help ++ith numMrof mothers reccivin:• •he al• of Refuire. forts attendance and matter of adju+ting such a claim a 'H e saiil the srh•al fairs this year had in or fault finding. The lo%%amele Hurn i tnt.a r :fele. r:r:,t'.,❑K «opens of se%eral trips Mrs. Abraham's is n,iw beyond th. been a gr.:c <urce<s. Thr ,fruit orf apple ne \grodg. R ulna arrant on.. • sect t Read tt i ,•niter, en filar I2 \1A way ource of—_-- -- --- -. -- — n grevtt m:tt et, e ( ata t xv. •t t,; r. . ---- - -- --- sellirt►C R. 11% a,:q,'.•- L d+y :n I/lit u'.. t #' a t•; ,, :Y „ ,\ . \ 4ontP'f`mtrreso ha+t F • , n ,t•:id 'Rt, •` r � •, flit • , t . + \ tr pb•ing the demand for labor fur Itav :• '•t I %,• farms. The con h nh .sure pr fn s th tl,vn•.4 att•ntiop and 'he.fanr�.r I+ci❑ ,. WA "n ular4c,I � � `;1111 l ' � 1� � r , '`,•r � � ells• • r. .1� a : w TO'Friforre %lor.r Rtnrtls 'culaiw at, to Trnek Loads in Soft �I I Weatherly 4i 'a I �tl ' �` �' I I 1 • r ' g� —,f +l;?1 hr'ubb sy h t hell � I Road +'STtd bt i.1R• tvat'cl X411. a ; • r ` u•w t o ° • elf k up a (;npd''h!ue of safeties: ! rut cfp,.it t t cllir, utd`r tt, council. t - F the -b Ii P. ��s_s.•s. ' t 'one ells usce V!pu h .t tilt, re•pe,. , all x 01 utd cid c,+wets :el these 1 h • ' Leather Goods cram chlurid f ..+r.+':ls'attd the oplu'• extcmled to amt .I{ th tt. T e sDrug tore . • , • mar 1 1Are• The Write Glft a mion pr'he n.f , e 1 way e r of tt +in. n: l upu r + ly ori the nit n. • and e•�nditi,•• � read at,d both depended- ell ho Fi%e cal+• • ^• i •' •'(t•d be- w•h• to and +h«n applied, r^ . o1a tweet' (? nice r !. Amh'rh r thew= Fashionable OFFERS Villages sip{dein$ fur ,pli v'ale't .ant et,, all c clic rl •tP t t Handkerchief Case..$1.50 hl,�ride•Ctad been and th.• used. •!t+• TM` � • ,`n r� i+ in :,bout the pereentaRes were -paid ns for oil., same condition as last' sprtr'ir, but W Gift Stationery • f.'ocket Purse$ 25c up Wf-yrs. xInpp and N,-]- cinngeron- 'lir heavy lo:+drd e of Holida .. mmi-q byan if is that county mad and tn+tn hip PavPmerr at Rlv•h T'cr«Itrnt 1'iecP of Big R �r y Collar Bag $1.50 comms-sinner=and forcv the eta !cs \CorkThr most popular Cab- be instructed to enforce the h•.•'+y' Thr••+v nner',n.-nt at Blyth is art Book and 85c trig{,. rnotor lavas more strictly a` t" excellent piece of r,•:.. .;ar,struIV('" the capacity Pf loads .darling t! f.pll inets containing paper, en t Smoke [ s . in a++•rc �sp.ct Ups wirter and •print mon h 1Tn The Vrairt 1,i.1;%• 1 • new" .almost e\�cr� \\'here ilii 011e Store � 011 \\'illi llllll (lila )1a II°( :I 1 85C reside iPad;rq thrnu¢h Stephen, Hoy. VCiOpea ,and COfreSpoR- - that P is underlining w ulenink. a are , t mR �rl'at \�rlety of Yuletide (sett`. J lest the very things • Tie Racks . .. 75c Stanley and GnAPrich township At GnrrlP a enU''r•1tr j„' dCRCt cards, to beautiful ahu«d by the heavily loaded 1Mh been put .n nn th• hrp.lq,• �thutments int Mcmo Pads . ....30c truck, using th roads•—Carried. A gravel nit w•as hough- from tV gift packages. They range help fill in' and conlip"Oe that 11St of presents you \V 111 \Vl Mr. Hanley hr"•;�ht UP the matt”? G Strong, Howick, for 5200. Novelties 25c up I as to who owned the gravel on !h: The work. at -the sink bole raa "I from to give. N of only have \\•e a great range and var Pty of . pointed out that !,tSoft Collar Fold... $1.50 lake beach. it wa 1' tom let . he No, 40 eros k++•••n 35C t0 s,4.25 r- the RPn"rel practice wa• to pay int, completed. The methrnl vm{,Ioyr,l Such gifts to offer, but we have them, you will find,/ priced --- -- - right of was to +ecure the gravel ar•i has heen to till in with cedar rails right some cases n:ty. r for the gray".1 with shout 10 im-hes of ¢rayl rsiread lit'\'.hues. which should prove very attractivq but not the right "f way- Mr. \ern nut to a width of 20 feet, Thos is gave the npinion that the party own- about all that could lw Ann.• until a K ina the prnnerty abutting the Ink( drainage °c'h..mv is devised. and tht COMPACT POWDERS Ch stmag Var� own the RraveL work, while expPnsi+P. is an Pe der.'c �i Committee's lte(tfprt j(lh• store j (� Q pryA� Road and Brid'Re The "ommitte•e met at GodPrieh r t f'arw'441I'. Urn$ PRICES 85c TO $5•E4 +�+.• tole fife ,rw•t•••1 d,•slgus lu flout- The road and bridge committee re- No+.• 20th, went to Rayfield ul"re the {s.cM" (lc!•r twenty-five de- � Booklets - - ported as follow= : widening south of the lormeet was, isn�+ to rh.spse from. L etas ``�� On (1ct, 10th the ehairman of yo»r completed, a big imrrn% road, ' " to $3'N #fair Brushes committee- met the chilirman of the The county provincial road south Military road and bridge committee of Perth of Tlayfirld has been wMened for one We have a vis fine aa- (•aunty at Hanna's bridge and let the mile to the rPRulation width slid te- DOMESTIC AND IM $2.2� to $s.2s o•(ches r„ntraet of filling in the apps surfaced, an excellent ,lob. .� sortment. Come and pick I Heyr•ock hridgf has been romplPt- to this bridge. PORTED PERFUMES them out now. (� RP the communication Perthrregarding from the PA and is one of the trot stand ou• III handsome h.xes SHADING OUTFITS County p Perth hold? bac the Part in o the engineer of Huron. and our of the payment held hark by lh• county enkineer is drseninR of great Ise to p.ss Leave your order for praise for' the way he has handloA \ Peltas ....... county on the Hanna bridge, your lucludilig Golil.Toot to Bator, one fully into the di Personal Greeting Cards / committee, having R this work, We world in the eat NhavinR Cream, Tooth Hrush, matter, would rernmmen.l that no furl that a tablet be inserted in the reit- TOILET WATERS It i, not r,so late F. -t. Tooth Paste, Atter••haring 1.0- then payment he made on this hrid¢e inir of the Heyrock bridge and also tion, Aftershaving Tak•um. Com- The Rift theyfl use every day slid as they ,find it was not done accord- on Bannockburn bridge. In gift lu.ckng••s pled• for- y3.:po. inR to contract. 1 The road for a mile north of Grnr.ry prier for years. Re claim of Henry f•orey, Clirnton Bend has been widened and the cut. $1.00 TO $3.00 GIFT for $165 damages, by car jumpitllt vcrta rebuilt to regulation width, tilt frbony ToNet Seta range frau / PARKER, SWAN AND neer wing of i bridge on eybt�to n• resurfacing +int ephen,complet'ha ' Combination s„,,, a*are PL.y�iC between GndPrich and Stanley tevrn- I ed No 4. Stephen, has been Viet- Combination ad jirC ��( L1�WW • N.N � ship, we would recommend no action Plied at two culverts and orale e CANDY WATERMAN FOUNTAIN Re account of $25.25. repair` dont straightened to bring the eon oppe- Toilet Sets $1.00 TO $5.00 a Jackson bridge between Gude or , site the culvert. • Kodak Calendars 1 and Stanley tnwnshtpa. this work We inspected the beach in BayAeld What would Christmas PENS was done under the supervision of at the north side of the pier and Mr. Hnnlev. of Stanley. We recam• found immense quantities of excellent (:old Erersharp 1'encll in, be without the gift, of ISc and 20C PRICES $2.50 TO $7.00 mend that this be paid. e'nnrinn.•,I ,m tut_•• vl krom two to rive pilrc•s of Nin- c•hriiitmak parkage with ('hat- Candy? Lovely gift pack- Re the imnrovement on the north halls, 1►G NPlla, Violet loco Yard- Bion for ladles. at JL5.00. of �.ON►rtey's and side of Brussels bridge, ammmtinR V. i @; Ipy's, Mary Garden. Three Flowers, age^ this b0, id would recommend that Ra Auto Strop and Gillette Neilson s. Prices from Ask,to see the Brownie Gift �,mrly 100 (ales to rhrupsP freta• thin be paid to the treasurer of Arus- Boncills, Mavis anti Col tPs Box containing Brownie Cam- combination :4fcts of i'nrker Pau foul Bela• ( �# p� Gift Shop Piric�a =1.75 to =b.Z6 Safety Razors 50< TO $4,50 era, Album, etc.,' at $5,00 Pencil itatke Idea► Gifts. % � •.-(+,cod Reads Commission *° 88C t0 � * _ �. The Good Roads rinmisston revert - 96C --- -- — -- – you may select an ”- _- - TLN>dLY Sl'Ct(iLyiTiON eel meeting at Sent. 11 b. re farm y y k •t,'4 —__ Tuckersmith. Sept• 12th, n pnmh"" inexpensive pees- Kodak of gravel pit but did net think it ea- ent that has artis- French Iv�oryware .... ....manicure.. yes same a to buy this rte Under the } • • • , • . , • • • F , reported ;n rt as tic distinction Yardley's Rhampoo 1'owdf�r 75( I same date they repo Pa ....... � follows t • / The Provincial ('nrnty road he Thernfos Kit (Kenuiae) $3 5O A gift for years 9f pk•asun•, 4. T twPen Rinne" and HPnsall and xm•th I1ParttHul PirturTs. Sfatuan• We would like you to see our stock of lvoryware ...... . • • • • . • • • • • (, 14urely life, is Incomplete with- of Hensall is in need os resurfacin7 Candlesfil-ks, Hook Finds, Pet- Stftrarate include: Bud Weather t'ragrhM* / 49 and we rPcemmend tLat nnP of the feel. Mnplish ('bins with the new prii'e& Hoc pis ¢/$6.00 out fhe picture record of fan? Fri. Vases, Powder Bases. Receivers. Trays, Nail ieetn�r l »sl+hm Oov rs n�, rrb•mh, rr.rels, and recuts. county crushers be placed in this pit Lovely Hf•fadIMH41f" and VttAc BUfftp. f:5.00 and for this work as soon as deal it put Picture Frames' Soap Bows. Manicure RCt Chlldrrh's PUMPP. ROC unit �nl what plPantr•• the hltrpm will through and agreement signed. F mArrtidrrPd ' ('ushlaa and Electric Lamps. tlo-tm Mirrors, o(X�r tom• / W The bridge on Road No. R at tht ('PntrP+c afford in slurs to softie: Brushes, Cornpact Molders, etc. 11,t Crater Bottles) rang• Snd drain. lade ate, is falling down (tlristnMs'('s0] and Call olir pec =125 and a new bride i• now 1t' cnarsn sett }(ln all our into from Q Kedsks .... .. =11.70 up Fait Warmers, 51.+26 sod iL.� constrvetMn opposite where the Scetf pectic thingrt i a>A� B_-_` + �ni„a !,N up drP%n strike- rnad nut oil Hihhert. and Int one in and see. 9t costs COIIIbIrI<tlarl OE C01N Mirror. rah + lAdics 'Hartd Bags. >fl:A "' a 24 -foot strip of land has leen per- twThinR ...., a (� 7"•`t," Aima. _ I chased nA the /Tack„ev farm. the rur- in HeiMbe s� $•50 up fo Were MtPn clary tdgbt _ _ ___. __,, -- - chase price' trPintr t1fN1, and the m •r t° - -- - - - - "THE H E - CHRISTMAS GIFT '•S H C P" ty road win wIt* ceased of t*Ts ennn- CA M P B E L L' S DRUG STORE ty read cone oto, I Smitfi's Art and hitt Stere :,;itratu Anew renrrPtP culvert, 111 -ft. •pan 5tfee� has been eroteW on chanty pro north sal rho" 198 FAA t. roadway 1 I teph }eat north o ' n .r . 71, OMI . a4"; `; " ' .E"T(r.� cit i, aiq • ' xiI&EMMA rim t it r It .,...„,r