HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 4GODFAICH,
'T tr 411
When Money was Scarce in
Olden Days Playing Cards
Took Its Place. Some Strange
Coins and Tokens were once
Used in Canada.
tier Intention of n Measure tarried In
1t4A3 and pniviillug for dor1111111 .'itr-
retie?. whit a dollar equivalent to the
Amerleatt dellar. W141 carried out. The
British sovereign. which hills always
held its oa n pretty Well, - WWI at the
pa tar t law tali tip legal lisider at
$4.sill2-3 II A it I. to -day when At par.
It is n singular thing that the dollar
introduced by Stiehl to thiw ronlinent
Iii ve held its nisfee of honor'.
bile the glory of Spain as a Colon.
trill( AU01 cotionering power Wes
only hi the vac.. of litstory; , '
Perhaps the first tonna! mud (444-
t -hal attempt t.. syatetnitt xe,t P
reney of C11111011 Wil* made after the
Imagine paying ,foir a new slat of I and heaver skin etirrt‘4 titer often' ""Hillemi hY the Brit 1,411. when ilia.
t meshonored (!neettlant of t,:aptitin liene•ral and Governor tee
ilie king of clubs! Picture , voursolf ; their hubbies. -he thie allr Wei was James Murray. In 1114
clothes with the ate of amide*. or t, askod. Hutt t
nonehalantly Intuiting ytnir wife the I order dated at 'needie. Sep. IL
left Of diamond... the Kee of lieurfa in thisae days wen tile cliniottAn Iliad., lie eltes the %mimes kinds 444.
----, •
anti a few oilier assoirded idayiug , dollar IN quoted Oh a ParilY with tole& in use and fixes their value.
VUtiltti ag her *hare of your wages. that Of the. United Staled in [10 tat• The list .if the 4•44111,1 1.,4 Illuminative.
salary or income for the week', v,./. ter's own looney markets. it is not It int•Intits. the. Jolipintes 4 Portugal•
something' like that was done IR the , "sr -to v bit."' 4 (I" a- makeshift Sloyilore. Cardin of Germany. the
long, ago when Oanitela was ,..m.,,,. 1 currency. X. .r Is It eagy fi! reeon. Mitts!' guinea. and $11411inx. . onto
Frame anti 111e -Intendant one .a 1 elle that remote ts•rio.1 with those 114ir. Spanish or French platole. Ker.
.iochty 1.,,,i,"1"... %Kiwi, ..,.m,n,.,.. 1. limey elf hank abseirptions kind 31...... ille, MeNlealli I Pillar dollar. "'retail
ran short decks of eardii. the %velvet Mos. ;with their capital and gen-. trowel. 'delete's.: Pillar ninepetney
for wear. tisrli its pitel• on-saeeosinn.•eral huisliesoi lot.Ing..tnensuits1 by WI- 04,4-.1 and 111111$11 4*. norwrs.
The eards were stamped with thettel thites of 11.11111111s, and their liedIspew The *Holy Dollar"
respect Irv, values, and bore tho..1.1,,.n. sahle place lt1 the life of the nattier. In General Murray's ...alor the i
dant's silpentiere. It was not n col, canards' has too Minor position he the twactle.....f 41•11111111: 41411111r* '11141 likp141.
satisfaetory lila 11. 1.1114 it had its 1.' iv, ' 'l 14 'inn"' "" 'lb' '"1-1- 0! l'''`' 41sir ,h.. fRign"'"is " "11411 "1914'.
in the New York tiearket :it iltis nu.. Rua 1,'t4 T. •itut ii exi-te.1 in what ;
• e r-
,..1•11 II bearer 11 4)ther furs, tothie...• ''''I'llhr1"11 T1.- •1.....11,4 '11"thir 4. forbidden as liable to .ntise trend
illnIg of purchase 111111 Beaver tip'm is '1.'4 that 14 is n'i"' rhostlit• lumg aft"" 411. "'
•ii.I wheal. all of which a or-• 44 Isl.
was for n loin: time a ,111111111ird a einpleasIxed by the ...nielti.... of tli':.,:iiiii by authority. toe. Priti, I'd
exchange. part icularly ill file 1 erri- "PY market at Mimi.; iii.,o1 llo' TAP- , Ward 1.41:11141 in 1**270 er !Iwo, 4`..1,-,..
,-' with _WilletThementry I.' 111.- had th.• adu,ds 4!,,)). r." as :
orles whee tli.* litintt.rs frequented, "111i'14its "wlinitioliMl''"111°4m. laiwIlidbenme vett . .
xtendingtoIludsons lay.An-,I. siir',i
am. a .
I I beaver skin was the med. niliniciped 1.'41114. "1 1.1r. wns n short t.p. ,•
bam reCognixe.1 liy white Man and
Indian :dike ettol this and 441..1011-
jt.ttts tlalli11114.41 to 4.. the 111,1. Ot.
barter 4,, fin. biland terrItorios. noa
our , Prairie Provinces. long after
inoilvrti systems of currency 44 ere In
vogue in older N411 4011111 t111.
VV1V44$ tl:Py- of id:eying
„..ene Tinvorm ' eq.' stable decinin
•:• , .
correne7 ..f e.• tileine ii. .
1. nob the dollar as this twit. -
:, comparatively new thing. . on .1..ii
..,,,i. t. • Isl.... by an net passed .1.
-J. all, Ltovernment acontits for .111.
114•?:•1111,.....1.0 ,i,if, Cattisilie" neve ...r.1,;r•
dollar. :not 4141k...74:44. '
order in c•
1 ..t,
thin. MO 1111
.vik 4y4•oal441 11110%111g •• •
elirkt 4-11t out 11-.• 4---4
• t!. 14p1tit.11 l'Itar dounr:
144,16 %ft" 1-'111ti: I.1 1:1;044.11. a -
',oiling and • r---4 -r fie, -,"
';nas 1104 .1..1. 14
olf'11 May -1•C
The Store with
The Christmas Spirit
Ready! Our most appealing assortment of Useful
Gifts for Men and Boys
The first Christmas in our new store larger store and more
and bigger assortment to choose from. If you want the finest
the most inexpensive, you will find it in this store.
room. to market affords or
We suggest these for Gifts
Forsyth Shirts - wonderful richness and
lustre; English Broadcloth in plain colors,
also striped designs for gifts
$2.00 to $5.00
Beautiful Ties of Italian hand -loomed
Silks, in many rich and lustrous designs.
Special Gift $1.50, others
50c to $3.00
Gift Hosiery
These stylish new checked, plain and
fancy figured Cashmere Hose from
England, will make an admirable gift.
Price $1.00 to $1.75, others at
60c and 85c
Imported Irish Linen Handkerchiefs.
hemstitched, fine quality linen, each 35c
or 3 for $1.00
Extra fine quality Irish linen 50c
Men's linen lawn handkerchiefs 'with
fancy border, each 35c or 3 for $1.00
Silk Handkerchiefs for men, in fawn,
tans, white, in plain or fancy border
very fashionable for outside pocket. Price
$1.00 anct $1.25
Scotch Cashmere Mufflers, new and very
attractive, in many designs and richly
blended colorings Price $3.00 to $4.50
Silk Knitted Mufflers, plain white, tan,
grey and other rich designs
$2.50 to $4.50
Fowne's famous Grey Vrench Suede
Gloves, silk -lined,
per pair $3.00
Genuine Buck $4.50 and $5.00
Warm fleece -lined Kid or Suede Gloves
Jaeger coat Sweaters -the world's finest
makers soft, beautiful texture, in fawn
and the new check. Price$7.50 and $8.50
Others $2.75 to $6.00
New Lounge Robes
House Coats and Jackets, smart plaids.
shawl collar, 'silk cord edge and cord
girdle. Price
$10.50 to $15.00 \
Other Suggestiona- Pyjamas, Night Robes. Underwear, Suspenders, Armbands,
Garters, Cuff -links, Tie Pins, Collar -Gases, Umbrellas, Hats, Caps, etc.
Overcoats and Suits in great variety, good
'quality and prices right.
.4 ....
W. C. Pridham & Son
Men's and Boys' Wear
Moe 41111100114111..MatalgsTrsieManalM
hied. thong'. It 1111..41 01 1*44414.1. 1 .
(lir ..1/i ,11.11111g.: 441111 1111,t • :114.114 .
While Cpper and Lowe:* il.tunda
tool illvilled iu 1791. anti eacie rote-
olucted its 044 11 intern:it- tlecie•
ti tun tiers 011 W1114-11 41 M .1 tt. N • •••• 144
111144 4*. 4W1 ili,*
Tt I844 1 1 .
11111ItTi4y T.. 14t1.11-10:114Il-
ina to 11a. a..14.1 eic.Tie and the
dollar of eh.- Si,,reor
N much -onto...4m and /1•40 nos
variatime di Inc itlIftein,,* I!) Vi
1. . f in.r
,.'en 4inee Hie vollkilleot .1 lid :11.1*4
,ritinited to he (Or many yeirs. The
'!"orlry ..epferred Mom finklocier4
niereloints to tee;eke colps .or tots-
- • lute:lig 4...rtatii vainest, iii,.I ik)
-lie puller note*. which ns
• • • ittso nildisi 11 ,001411
ment or - other 'governmental'. Were
railed In and great quantities were
!44t" *2 Into' the St. Lkinrelkee Utter.
.% dearth of entail Ma
enie.- 44 log ',le
laktUril!' .ovillenee ot 11•444 , it a
nozial.er (44-4,1.4 411.411.',! freo•timul ,
1...t vierylug it, value front dire.-
'441fr" 14o 144 .1411V1111 111141 .4% 1 tilt
T114.44 wen. retarded as a a
gret eon-
• eldest... still were eagerly 14(441.411441 Alai*. this led to f.,rgeries. mot
deceits that "'could net 410'Irolerated
and a law 4441444441 !flaking it-
lega I t he general ....trent:Won of
-promise. 4.,pay." such 1'wet.. is-ati.t by chartered banks, .
14..n• • ..1.1 sitiaJthaas itatek steel- iitlie•r tokens. wlel-le
elusive of certain mom1 for mat
114et41Il141 bank. only 41111 rink llllll in
value as high as, rattlent. .4 differ•
tut -.proposition these to the military
notes issued under authority of aw
ItrItII illovertinient during the Weer
1 of 1'I.. and a bleb were 111 1•1111111144/1.
t• -e espe:Mity Uinta ri • ne that
- a effill14.41U.114•4•. M011114111 W111, 4.1.1rW441 114 lu their day. %%PT.. „wk.,. y
ierbal holds ar.. Itt •11 4o.4! 34
.mie of le, tilos' -11111One one ill
I ..f .1..pressitive itt tie.
1 States ale. refl...-fist +ill 'this
-ide of the Isirtler. In resisilea• -to
-•igg....titiats .-..tefensiees
the' lssin.ssi mi.n. the, banks 4114-
st4*1•ie. pill 711114107 ;110 paper
enrre•tecy Inset a great 1...C114., 1.4411-
1.4.1,4. .117. 4.1)1' r,. -.'titer 414,. 1117.
60111 nie n great ettilwartis. and all
"•ent•rs not Issued ley the zovehm-
ell..11:;!1 in *is 4-01111
roeetit titUeok. 111141 ,lr.
-1111 min with netautionully. 114 es •
1.Ntle I 117 private eOnirery314, 44.4s
low -wive n1f1re ratite for
•toket, tastityl by tin. N.,r,li-wes.
rettipanv Is *114*) to Ire the
Its sa
stenteir was the.
C'.•naprindt y wiet.streee44441...1 the Etmele
Fur ate.I woo- . f,.r 1114111?
n rival of the II Illiklktn
I. ' 1 tt .r
- company the fur trio*, t it n
Gift Suggestion
....intone finnIly coring damn
trim/eon. Tbe Owvm Mowry. token
strtsek in Montreal, la another rare
while many lames of paper 4414--
l'.'414'7 of verbena Made hart. nmorent- '
17 pasnisl clean out of existence.
(,timber of theta were of rather flIntsv
material. unable to stand for long th.•
',irate. i4 411141 111111 Th.. Iasi
of the. hank tqkens was made about
1s57. and the firat true 4411114 for
4'sfl*da 4414 it ver -as then. were struck
liy -the Royal 3,fint, 11404.1.1n, In the
neat year. They were twenty. teu.
five and one (vitt pimple.
. AU through these year.. British
moue,' had been legal tender In
ratiatia. and them were *one at-
tempts to make It the onkv recog-
nized currency. The KT./Willa foul-
Plarity of Canadians %% WI 11...
$ hot only by influx from the S.mth.
but through the. seaports of what
are ttow the Maritime l'rovinces and
British (.!olumbia. nullified Nuch ef-
Diningroom %idles liellroorn Suite. forts.
Even Iletter •
During .1 less. al WI 40.111.•fit ry
composoi littit. 4414-1 fol-
lowiou :T. hut- vi(ort \%)9.'4.y,4- thfoflig11‘ it would lie ism. •
-(lnee Penny aml 141:111114,4met slieh.• to )1.1,1.1 illinky 14.11111141 In toe
4,4iss•k.4 T1... Shyttliag"-lanrbi.r shop?-Nortle Kay Nultget•
4114-114441 114) It* WNW. 111 1111. r4.1:1iy :1 Ud 44,
.41111 1N41r1IN117 :
I ant wiort le a 41447.4.11 of
said the Penny. lint- even
at that I omit good let better man
you are. 1 go Sunday to
rhumb. awl you never ele•-
At the age of fifteen -I meant
, qtflts fastening ...rattails. Ile d wan t_
twain tomtit loan after 114• 1s worried.
' --Chicago \ewe.
Chesterfields Chesterfield Tattles The Britiah sovereign, of eour.e,
rem -pins legal tender in .Canada at
Livingroom Tables Wirnisor (hair-'
5.I.416 2-3 par, but the one -tins.
Iteski, Floor lamp. 'fridge 'AMP" hope that It would lie the bash. of
Table lomps t'etistr l'hes.t. lhol our currency ayatem 4- dead ell.,•.gii
r. 1101*. It Is a somewhat pining.. fea-
Carriages (ard Tables Kind('
t(14-41 of Canadian coinage history that
"tart"' ''ets ricturf' Mirror* no gold eteln11 were struck for this
Sertional Itookrases Reed ninti-
tare Table Runner. 'smoker Sets
Pedestal. Fernier. Vacuum Clean-
ers Ele. t r iv %ashen. EvegythIng
in Furniture that makes a most useful
en -
Furaitare Funeral Director
Hamilton Straat
Electric Wiring
We specialize in Wiring of
all kinds. Let ns give you an
estimate for wiring your h use
or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors
Dynamos. Electric Bells and
Burglar Alarm Systems
All 1Vritk Guaranteed
Cook, Iron and Toast by
We have an assortment ot
the best Electric Irons and
Toasters made in Canada.
West St. Moe 25U
country up to the time of the mutate
llstement at Ottawa of the Canadian
branch of the Royal Illot. In 144914.
The first then made were snver..igns
similar to the Itritiale :sovereign. but
with the letter "C." identifying them
as having been strrek In Canada. In
1912, the firat ten and five dollar
Canadian gold pieces were made at
the Mint. but not In great quantity:
Canadians preferring noteto gold,
chiefly became. they are /110re t•asily
handled. In this eonneetion 1' is In-
teresting to recall that In 4$411 Bri-
tish enlumbla embarked upon a gold
eoinage Its own. The home ante
confined to one twenty dollar piece
and one ten dollar tape... Roth sub-
sequently found a reeding place In the
ItrItIsh Mufteum. and presumably are
th..re yet. They were the (integrate of
the excitement over the gold ,diacoy-
cries in what was then a colony.
Captain. afterwards General Gosaltf.
of the Royal Engineers. wit., Teed..
eirer of British Columbia at the 011ie,
and by kilt efforts a small mint was
put tip In N,'w Westroinater. After
the two eoins Mentioned had been
atrrk. It was found that there wog
no authority for minting coin outtild.•
of the Royal Mint. and that P1111ed
the Idea of a separate coinage. asaetn
for Iti•Itiall Columbin.
l'anartie's ehanter...I bank,. had
their birth In e Nlontreal Institution
at th.• end of 1'-1 7. There have been
many a ma Ign mations. mergers and
obroorptIona, RR Wen as dlaapprstran-
eos due to other 41111.4111. In the Inter-
%ening years. and the chartered hanks
of today nundwr tenet twetve They
have done tilore than any other earn-
i•y to acenstom the people to note (sir-
rency in the place nf coinage ,Nor
should the system of government
notra he °cert.'s -Aced, with Its home.
from "Rhin-pia:eters" with their value
of t weittv•fi ye Cents. to pow. s
is vain*. as $1,030. Throe are ex
Good Things for the Christmas Dinner
Try' Our
We've made every provis-
ion to assure a successful
Christmas dinner. Never
before have we been in
just the same position to
supply your demands for
the good things to feast
on as at the present.
2 lbs.
for 25c
We have a fresh Stock
of Citron, Orange and
Lemon Peel. Candied
Cherries and Pineapple.
Raisins, Currants, Dates,
Mincemeat, Cranberries
and Nuts,
Navel Oranges have
just arrived. They are
good color and raping
to be plentiful and
cheaper than they have
been for years.
Watch Our Windows
Allen's Fresh
Apple Juice
for your Christmas
Our Windows Smack
With Goodness
W. A. H2ey & Sons
11 r11107:''F'f
4-1 ,14.iS
It ,
4t"'''4 414•
• 40,'
.4111-6 lislataricsieddireardittal,