HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 22 Thursday. Dr esSher 11. 1924.
How to Control t e
European Corn
The followin• g bulletin is issued by
the Ontario Depurtwent of Agri-
There Is no doubt that the Europ.
eon porta borer is herr to stay ; that
it k iucreasind rapidly: and that, if
control aleasures are' 1101 adopted at
(Ower. c•spectally in She worat infested
',mistiest, It will rutnethe cora industry
in aver7 row years, iu muse ennattere
o•r114{Ir in two earn
1, u y :
1'1) to the pre -:rut there has been
Co united effort made to e_owbat it+aln
any courtly; even. lu Elgin not mol'%
thou :Ill per trent. of the farmers have
adopted control measures. but what
these careful men dud ba. helped a
gryat ideal to preveut the increase be-
ing much more rapid than it other-
..:, would have been: hut full con-
trol Beano'' be looked for until every
torn grower is doing 1114 part.
. ('wltrsl Ohm* and Iarxpeaslve
to :las)' county but Essex and Kent
the borer ahoald ls• ala"st as easy to
control as the potato beetle and the
cost Meese or 110 greater. Once farm•
ers hegiu to procttse the neeeao•ary
measures ihe•r,•adUy•-•Stout lune
to do wo each y•:.%r : ,for they will find
these are riot ..i,nheasowe and that
they will par well.
Control NeaMwra
Punt reel to'o8•,, rc. are 1ryse.l '1p.'
the fa'r' that •11•. purer. •% inter '.1
• anal r•lildln until •J33w• ht any pre
of the .•urn leant ,dsiee. g., .ip.1. 11,
Ia. I1 the .•', iI.•. .'a}k•. •o.••.
stalk. and •te11 the t,b.. ... al.• a.
STs" in idisso w ,.•.?- u w ''tom'" . • .
I•lit ..•Ides. he weeds eke.. 1i r • 1
therefore. eoloakth i,, iii:: I t
I...or it the tilers pia: •••• ', • .• J11,:
4' 1.:1 later thus 111'• •i . will: I:'.
• 'oto maths wlli.•I, ;e ;11 ny
aWd lay eggs in the • .% %rut►.
Eng Way , .aednll•t,li.'• • I be a 1 •.
•'jolt( of - •ce•ral 1'
1. 1, ',pant. ' , )
.t 111:. •Mi.t 4..)*.+. r;, U•
pt'11.I I,ig dols ❑ 111 u, .1 n 'f
•• v•r R'nl rrinhatal • at. ! I r.
the eorn field. , •
\'! tiier.:r. iu .ver,, • 1'
' -11.11. also ,prnari.•ally t :e_,. ..
o':',I • ren through the vr1 n. •'! •
•• 1..iter being' .t..s rot ; .•.•. e•t.l. ,. 1. '
a' I th r.•ualndlr .I hig I ,' • .\ ' . ,'
r'- r: ,l . •I to-hI 1 ... A •t •,nr '• -
.1 rl0er 1'..-refor.' 8 4.'
• :.;rel.
.-111i.u. 4.,t n•I '• : • • I ,-
'4. .ttgl .1 1 ti1:;nr.d Itow •ver. It ,
144 '•rl, rot; elle 1 !+ '!„ 111•; 1'�
ty'\ anal AJ:a' 1 h.• •c,lJ 1• e 4:.,t 1'
i+ 1u11:'•1! •nlr o` •t ed•'.c ••t
•f•'r•• June Is;. n • 'whist t4•\ ill
pr• tae .afi.fa•!er; .
4:' rho cert, . •I!,. •,r .•••1
there w)fl Saloons' borers left in\the
mleattu 1orUuu11. To destroy th
the test ethAMl la to pile suck t. r t
lions by t em"•Ives, haul them uu
drew time a time and 1•uru thew.'}
.!turning111 outssfac Ory 1
plowing untie in this case tool also
iu the care a by suIN•rft11 corn 4
stalks' tette Ito h•• barn or flehis au Irk
•piing: lsrau.e ,these are h10 large
for the plow to urs completely. Ir/nn
If [tern stalks o ,•obs flet Into the nu . Ihb
m:11ntre haul 1411 th • on the surfaewulla•uvi
hefore .
Jute. and Itod •t
n ..r w the n
tplow 1
under, 1.1,
nib 1
e. Plowing as a fa •to eberrol I' elsews,
here. rte
..t great import auk.; t�11 r if the stn.•
4 I plow• tlfi•m uud
'.11• ..r other remnants M.• rnmpdet jt 1.. tat.. ca
tau days e•arller than the tisuuil date
of 'hawing, 'Pate malts crop h1 this
else should them lo• planted a week
or more later than IIs• usual thee.
If tsar trap crop grown[. well It will
111• In1Nd1 turther advanced than the
rest w lu•tl the moths [rune 44111 and an
V•111 attract moat of thou to lac their
gs un IL thus largelc saving the
crop. In Allgltat the trap rtlwa
cut with a his' right at
and U.1 green b t
v the borers prement
ing is llaekward
041 la•11,•fit.
71 III (4.11•
14 to d.•s
newt-%,'•, j he
'1111 crop will he
nitI•t important...I
plow• vary thoroughly 11e
1, looting no for a. 1,,.,..111
1 •o s
woods .r ret ,
' to {amts of the corn
g the cob.. lying 11rouud
1aru11rds. lane. or
to knit till these tar
a fu cutlf%utlug _ to
I of a 11otheil hat-
ing 111 use .a disc
'h Nue? uuur• 0f the
r o h••r palrts ;.f fie*kir) ap.
al plowing , and
k•G ' June 14.
tooled and tout draggki tit nand : U 1 n4,• a .lisrw sr,•
tto'ref11r1•. ;0. '11. aid 1
ell 1111)% 1.11 ,I, It 1psih
legry tbie ,,11rie'I .rubble.
'he terms h1 then' penis
',very...ste 1 flvld $11111111 be
'either ►n fall or spring to
• stubble. weeds 11W I corn re
To secure thornu.Jul.ss las
the Porn slt0tl41 he c111 as low
IVa•• 0 ai44 he drt
It';."''''': 1 To ...alph.
• . • ' ,11, 11,.'71.11n•.
1' rovi
-3,8111.1 los 14114 lengthwise or 11o•.re" • ,:,l.n., ` 11.
i,r ISIS the hill- n{..1.1 110.1 lhw•.1' 1.1,••' „t•,._ ., 1;,•,11
ll'rjal' .•f the .4la'ai le , 4.4,•1. r
slide and. •if planted in hill.. 1 1 \I \ e. I tial '1ytl.imologist
1: 1'ItAWr 1111...1.401.1•
• 44 4 ',1.
still a 'plow sttou!'t Is• rn0 h.'• A GRAND
in,t'!s•u,wth the •lubl'Ie t'. thro 1
...at. !lien the field Ila rrow wl 4111;
•', t.l„w-1.1 .!X 111. -Ile. ,1eep or .1e•14•
'l'his smokes a perfect job.
I •. ., b:••t kind of plow is :1
I furrow single :„,bore• 1' i'lesit • a
-I but -with =n ski:nlucr 114,•1. if
llbhla is 1111_ 11f t '• r • arc na!1)
L. with a tea -y
In ppow.ua run :he '',•t fntr.ot 1.•.
tar• .•ntd•te SIM 8. 'ti'••• e.: tti,•
.•.11• a• I4:al14e IV A n' .1!' no Ito• h
.•1 t: 'h.• oth. r nrr:n4.
the ,4.ble mac '.••
. 'a1N.•,I niece 't•..1't'
L 0 •',•• e0! i•
7; 1.. I:. i•I}' al.'il.•1
rl'ter w;Ion
.:uud,l al
1 a dist-
\)111- \,.L, No. 'I. Haul 1411
R , `crit.•. • • 1 • :Itt highly
nom •4 a to a Tablets. a
1414 • o•,rke•I wonders In the 1
lid w,1111,1- n.t_jet 1. *are
:oat • 1111 Mts. 1•.•I •
•••r 447 I::.br' 1►wu Tnbh•ts i.
Ih,'11•,tida of other uwtll,..
•.11 :u •I 1 '4. The Tal.h•t..erc a n„
' 1•4it theron'4II 10 cn aper• w'ht.•1 1''yI1471j 1•
tie• 1.114.•1. .•l') stomach. thereby)
l.ynia:in_ .onaiialtlon. leis.', 11141-
Lr.1L0 :n!•1 t, 11.•.1 of the other minor
81484.•,•'4 of :little o0e., 'rile
oo. Lannitllevl to be • fret'
or 'iinreotlo.p •''r ally of
1 ••r 1111 na. a 11arill, rill t1. the
14,•!• ' 1f •lc b:lhs . That•. rtllriot
•-_ . . .6, "11.11111 --th•'y ul1'ac1., 111,
4' , • are :old by 11:.,..101111`until at 2•: ....too hex -
1' ltr. Williams' Medici
•• -•,'k%Iib•, tont.
Hawaiian Chrletntas.
Birds are staging everywhere.
Happy. merry Chrlrimu
Ploweraora .t'owIng beautll
ea rarer
Merry, nappy Christmas!
Here In ocean girdled home.
Iters In pleasant tropic sone.
'Heath a spurious summer sus
Cometh merry Clnaa
Dsy which gtveth toy hrt.tto all•
Happy, merry Christmas!
rich and
areagreat or seas
Merry, nappy Christmas!
Day when angel voice* call
Prates to him, the Lord of all.
1 n
And peace. good will, to mankind fa
On every merry Christmas
Santa Claus cornea here alway
Every merry Christmas,
Sans the reindeer, sans the sleigh
Of the lane Syne Chrlatmaa
Mere la neither frost nor 'snow.
Here but pleasant trade winds blew.
liens I. paradise below
And, a merry Christmas.
HawaIr. homes send forth today
'•A merry• happy Christmas!“
To the loved ones far away,
•'A happy. merry Christmas!"
May the God child's natal da.y
Be a happy,oneIway,-
From sorrow fee and every way
A merry, meet Christmas!
-Pan tee of the Padua.
For loonoclast_
Don't let 4 our Ittle ones Into the not
cret that Santa Claus 1s an Impostor.
I.et them rig, re out for themselves
bow a fat wan with a hag part 'ran
get into the parlor grate through tie
chimney of a modern bourse beat
steam. imagination is a quality
aWe to cultivate.
lleermher qulilling's
.1' through :4141•144.r direct without
1•111t4e front Ti n,nto, 1 11 the .S. S.
"Mono lalrier" .stilling from West At.
J4,_SaIlw•r Ulha is at lr'Nvl.11-
itilk 11181 will -ale appreciated by
rat•tll.•rs Intending to visit the 1114
'o41totry. The standard sleeper will!,
1attaebel to' the 1'ali1dtall..1%orifi''
to In ,r'arltig Toronto 1 ellen apttloa
oto-1hweuhlier '11th. at 9.01s ajtti., or-
IvIng.at"the +.bilis 'ilei• at 12.20 p.m..
ltee•alleer.11tie. . The .,•r%tee ayobla
`t114• ner•s.Ity of whinging iral'e1 at
3loutrettl. 11111 111ls•1•n1ers ter. :Is.nra•1
the usual high •114aNlard service 81.•I •
. court 4..41 pttcutou.which has lance,'
.the Canadian I'asific in the f ...1•ront
'.if Iran.)w.rtatlo1 comp:ud. Iii j:;:;•
o ,rl.l. 11.Iservatb.11* , play 11/'.% he
n1:e.le ''1, npirllellhut rill tiny (',11!,-
.1i3n l'ai ific ag•utt or 118 T. NI. hi't.I.
,,,�.tow•tl ticket ag•'ut.....Ater Salle r.•. 1',•1
W'.•'t. -t reit.
Wynne Parb `
;r, , r ,t „z 1• ••' • ) 4-t'n1niai•41• obi ,;jercynlan Joel
Outer Helpful Suggestions le.-dit'•'1 tickets for the ..41•ra0 front
in. -• -. • 1 is .1'c 4 u' :1 klbQly paerkhi.0ler.
'la 'I 1 .4 4,. l'lu,Iltla that jl.• wit. 01x1.1,' to go.
rvc ,• r . ailed up s•'118' frieli t. 44 -lo) .:ti'1.
1,' otot..rI tt D• dinner enaa1••tue•nt
• hie_ front attending tile erd•rn
'light : .1100.1"3'on 11.1* tile• 1leket'or
• )V" should I. glad to.- was the
1,, - •,•;elv. '•hn; we nee your nttfonnnat:•
14 ,1 0. rr .
r, ,•l•
i.ht•n 1 --ons .,! flit•
4 1'',,04 antler , t.. battik 111.111.1_1 , '
"\le. Ur. Clark. 1 wmQ t t. ..e y••4
48,11 1•111.11111g int u'i ,nude fe r the 11'11.
111111,111 ret. 0nr- Io')Ir,•, How .111111 '4''
d.t It:• It • t.. d stiu'1li.h is • from
M,1uager 'Snpls so t4.• cal, it ''1'!
food' Mgr heir fuser'r
Some .trey Tr.gieky will auk': Iep
and • find liut•,-if 1.031g i0 .
Ihan.it 'Free 3'ros\
Buy Your Christmas Gifts at
M. Robins' Big Reduction Sale
Here are a few suggestions for men and boys
Men's Fine Shirts, in Christ- $1 25 to $4e 50
mas Boxes. �V
Men's Fine Gloves, Silk lined. 95c to $2.25
wool Tined and unlined.... • • • •7
Men's Peccary, Uncorine $2.95 to $3.95
and Buckskin Gloves
Silk Mufflers,
Silk knitted Ties,
$1.25 to $2.95
50c to $1.25
Silk and wool Hose, i'Il brown, grey, fawn. black and
blue, in fancy Chri
50c and 75c
Men's all -wool fancy
check Sweaters
Men's Batlirobes and Dressing' Towns, a large assort-
ment of high-class imported
silk velvet and shetland wool,.. $7.50 and $8.75
Silk Handkerchiefs,
35c to $1.25
Men's Fine Braces in Fancy Boxes, • •.Floc
to $1.00
Silk and wool Combinations,.. •
$3.50 d $4150
It means, Big
Shop for Christmas
at our Big Sale
M. Robins
Grapefruit With rlcot Brandy•
Cream of Lettuce Bo Toasted
Celery and Roquefort.
Roast Turkey. Giblet Stuffing.'
Chestnut Gravy.
Frozen Cranberries.
Sweet Potatoes With Sherry.
Glazed Silver Skins. C'r•emed
Stuffed Tonwtn Balad.
l'rtglish Plum Pudding, Dandy
Hot Sauce. Cafe Noir.
It is the custom on Christmas day to
present the stomach with a substantial
Like other Chrletmastokens. It should
be Well selected, not toes rich. certain-
ly not oppressively so -a gift tlat win
M "• w-a•II re•rlved on sight and pleasant-
ly remembered until next Christmas
conu•r aruun•I
Just I. the misprints air arrnn ed 1
a roma, just so should II Cbrtstwasdin-
ner be planned. Nothing should
crowd. nothing jar. Harmony In
chutes :and W setting should he di: -
played. in a room the furniture 011(33•
pies the substantial positions. those of
weights; the next strata allay be the
brie -a -brat': thea coin:: 'the lighter or-
naments ■ud. dually. the ouall ape
potnttnents to 1)11 In where needed.
A well xcle•te.I dinner leaves no one
with a /tense of flintiest.. Hygiene
gives to the one who selects 14 be it
MARINO A PROFIT farms the net profit un poultry -keep-
FROM POULTRY iug i11 ielatively purge, 0n others it
111 110111, nod oto mill others the
poultry prove an actual I,ws, The..
%unlrral Has (Rookie. fur difference"a are almost who6y due to
hlstribullon the methods followed. Certain hrl'eds
A booklet eutltlel "Poultry for Ih1• moreare, of counts., more profitable thou
others. But thou there are dlffer..a-
1'urin and House," which has fust car 111 housing, in Yredllg, las over -
""1"' 11 hind, supplies strHOluu 1•4.1. sight, It, culling, In the prevention of
deuce of . the wuuderiel wl%:uae•11 dI$,•ns• 11181 las molly other particulars
utade In retest %,1144* In stoma ib . t/ 1s• ,v.u.idereal.
IIs,' profit+ from the nt•wrwge fbr•1: All tl8+w• nWular.. and the scientific
of )Ions. 1t la prolat'Iy true to .11 ' prItielples underlyiig th,•ru, ere plain -
that no ttedrlitte in farulitig hat,: h ••,t ly deser118•d Ito 1)11s looktet, and
Lunde the subfert of so lun'•h 11.!..11•,with 11.1' advuut1Ke. that each point.
slvc study and investigation as p..111-1111 It runlets up, is Illustrates by re-
try -keeping. and lertesillly. mite• hak pr,oluetl„as of actual 1110)ogrepha. Hy
'h1 amply relaid the - application of pictures. as well as by wads, the
re•h•ltlfi,• method's. The truth of '4.4'. , render Is shown what Is right and
i• a vividly exam 'll what to wrong. what is good praetle•e
loiter slot u1,•nt I qll..
flea In 111 • preface to this booklet. 1n,d what 1;4.1111.1 prat'tice, Ito ioultrc•
1%1111.11 $tub. 1111 in the 1lur•••I keeping. ('relit Is due to the Batik
States the chicken+ggs sold slur of Montreal. from whom our read -
hot 19110. were rests chickens*
1.1,• for :10 ors may obtain free copies tot the
Iter cent. of the total lctllie of '4111' Iss•idet. for making ,ueh a vltluable
Ih•wtak products in that year. ,•%i,.sltluu of poultry -keeping avail -
The booklet lu gne1tlu4 wa. oris heels• to the puh1It. We believe that
111111y prepared for dlwributiou 111. this I.s.kle't will 141' 1 h 111..1111 of tu•
the flitted States by the ,tgricultnr-'creu-IWg.the Interest las poultry-ke•11-
y1 1h•plrtuo•nt of the It.•ruatlotaal iug, au,l of Ita•re:l-ing els., the 11)10[18
,-I lleryrii rr t°r,tnp.re{ 1111(1 It 1e •.•m , •'n 111:1114 .fa rut..
sldered of r. valudb1c ,1 ar11.•n•r I
111111, 111.• hank of Montr.nl tar mole• spta Advantage
arrangement,' for the printing of a ( •-
sr•11il l':u,alliau a lith it /1111 too. di.,. Father - • 1 never smoked when
trihlttion. -'fh,' s{e.•lal vain.. of this war „tor age. 11'pl you be able to
booklet I. that. it Is not an.igdihid say, that to your .on when you grow
at 1n, 1iste on ps,ultry-ke•pllg. but 8 heir -
es. ripth)p it. plain 1,11eglmae of the l 11'illIe "Xut wflh rw h a atneIgut
snc,r.ntul m,t1.I•Is 0f toattty- .(u,w as y'onedu, father. 1'0 t ►seat 0111
Nc.) by iuy1•s1lialurn oto then•."
iwp•rilw'utwl fartue of 1
Ii.11g wiele1.. we are
Imolar!..Exps•r'- -"•--
mew Station at Oust 1 /Ontario.
Tia' Welk fratur. alal*tt",at. testi .
- ie•utlne )'solo. on fanning 4'• , U:
tLo .dr,N at.• ne,.11uslr 111111 41441114'
n,•nt quite beyond the Int•anr of the
average Ammer. This �boklet doe.'
1/111 fall lido that 'error. The quest haat
of help., 1111d al.,. !11:11 of initial to-
ip•t.e. hos •'%latently beets.. kept 1.011.,
staidly ilr mind, w Oh the remelt ihat
1111• farmer i. .h,n%n {torr t.• Ifa4,••uar
the ,n•e'rag, pre ho•iton of tiny given
nnmtr'r •.1 hens wltfamlt sellae luta
expr•rlm.at. that are eo.t1. either In
Jame or an •y. e.r b'th.._
irThe Jrsilt in olha.t.4otto 71L1P7 loa,_• .omIne h of •ine. he .110.4pn .f
(tank of
housewife or professional caterer, a
klowledge ,ot the fitness and require-
ments Weight and lightness :ire nice-
ly balanced, substance and Guff well
combined, acids cut the sweetmeats.
and the drInkables assist all. That Is
an ideal dinner.
Celery and Roquefort.
Select short. tender stalks of celery,
leaving on leaves: wash and chill thor-
oughly. Work three-fourths table-
spoonful butter until creamy and add
one and one-half tablespoonfuls Roque-
fort cheese. Season with salt, pepper
and paprika and spread on lastde of
celery stalks. Serve on crushed lee.
Resat Turkey.
Dress, clean, true and roast a twelve
pound turkey. Remove to hot platter
and garnish with celery Ups.
Giblet StufVtne.
Chop cooked giblets very One. Spilt
sixteen common crackers and spread
with butter. allowing one-fourth table-
spoonful to each half. Pour over two
and three -fourth cupfuls of stock in
which' giblets were cooked. When
crackers have taken up stock add chop-
ped giblets and season with salt sad
Fre:en Cranberries.
Net over and wast four eropfuN of
cranberries. Add one and one-half
cupfuls of boiling water and two and
one-foartk cupfuls of roger and let
boll twelve minutes, skimming twice
daring the cooking. Rub through a
sieve. cool and 611 to over6„wing our
hair pound of baking powder bones
with mixture. Pack to salt and ice.
using equal parts, and let stand tour
Glazed Silver Skins.
Pest twelve small onions and cook in
lolling salted water until tender.
Oratn thoroughly and sante in three
tablespoonfuls' of butter. to which M
added one tablesp000tul of sugar• ua-
:n delicately browned.
The Chane .4 Christmas.
There Is something to the very sea-
son of tks year that glvs • (hares to
the festivity of (Jbr1stmas. to the depth
or winter, when Nature 11.0 despoiled
of her charms, wrapped to bee sbrood
a sheeted snow. we turn for oar grati-
fications to moral sources. Heart
ralleth to beart, sad we draw ser
ple•snree from the deep welts of hetes
undress which ale to the tsetse vertigoes
of ear bosoms.-Washtngtou ilnbsd
ke pill
the 14;41.11
the• continent,
1111141 N. 11010. 111
pans highest prices for
Horsehair and Hides.
Rags . $1.00 cwt.
Goose Feathers.... 50c lb.
Phone 271). Goderich.
Everhing Fresh and Co..
For Christmas Cak
Raisin.. Currant,. i'eel'c,
•.: 1:,I 1'•1314.
For Christmas Treats
New Navel lir:urges, flananas. 4;rapes, , irape
1'andie:t, 4'hoeolittea. \Valntit i, Almond `pitta, iiraril
Nuts, Peanut. and a fine.11st*nrtttlent of F'aney Cakes.
For Christmas Presents
Silk Hose. Silk Socks. Silk' Ties, Scarfs,: Braces, Pentre •
Pieces, Runners. Cushion Topa► Sweaters. and a fins
lot of F'aney Dishes and Dinner Sets.
The Square
44nderich, Ont.
We have a limber of used (iar.line Engines to he disposed of at once, in-
cluding 1 -2 h.p., 2 1-2 hip., :1 1-2 h.p., 4 1-2 h.p. ti h.p. and ft h.p.
Come a sea thein and we 11i11 slake pricer. and terns to snit.
Also hire lite of Stoves and Ranges, new and torsi.
Bamako Street Massey Harris Agent Phone 155, GODERICH
Pipeless Furnace, Cook Stove or Heater
you want, we can supply you.
Look 'your old roof over and get our prices on
Galvanized Shingles,Corrugated Iron or Asphalt
Rock Surface Shingles.
full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware.
In Farm Implements
we can supply, your needs, McCormick and Deering
Riding Plows, Manure Spreaders, Corn Binders, etc.
PHONES[ Dungannon, 3 ring 3; Blyth, 32 ring 12.