The Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 16IG Thursday. lots•emh.•r. IL 1921. THE SIGNAL, - GODEBICHe ONT. - ser. CHRISTMAS /hy Not a Reedcraft Christmas Gift from our line of Chairs, Rockers, Settees, Ferneries and Lamps:' See your local dealer and he will be pleased to show you these goods pct his floor or to arrange to have you visit our factory \ . Goderich Artcraft Furniture Co., Limited - -- - a '140• Stgnat has a large and 'hand- some line of Christmas greeting cants ibis year. Many orders have al- ready teen taken, and patrons are ranch pleases with the. finished pro- duct -Switzerland 'hes 'Fewer and better law:'--becaitse 11 eaves the bole* for the cheese and does not shoot the saws full of them. San A.ntonlo Es- prees. • The eminent Dr. Maio. 6f Roches- ter. .Minnesota, says nity is in- creasing and yet the' newspapers continue to publish these cross word puzzles -San Triodaco Bulletin. A$HYIELD ASIO'IELO, Dec. 8. -Willie John- ston and Addie MacAdam were home tor the week -mud. Mr. Bain MacDonald-, who was here for a few days, lett on Monday for his home at Senile. Mr. and Mrs. Ilurdu .Mat4iregur and faintly have moved to Khalil! to arum• the house of Mrs. Johnston for the present. '.V,• are glad to report that Miss .male M.•ia•auan 1.s holdipg her own. Mr. Tom Juhtjstou, we are sorry to, report. 1. not Improving. Mrs. W. N. Johnston !s visiting friends in Goderich for a few day+, over the it eel -end. Rev. J. S. Hardie will attend the 1'r,•-bytery meeting at Wingham on Tuesday of this week. School 54(11on No. 3. Klntal!, is busy preparing a concert and Christ - tun. tree. which will be given in Kin - tail hall on Friday. 1►e•emlxer 11811. The Ashfield alissiouary $oelety will -hold it. regular monthly meeting DI Ute bottle of Mrs. N. G. MaeKenaie. totx++,.ion 12. on Wela•+dao of this wick. The Kintall Women's Institute will hold their regular mtnithly meeting at the home of Mrs. 11. Bisset on Fridde of this week. The test of a free country Is the privilege of teeing unarthoduz with- out dodging bricks. -Duluth Herald. t.15:17 Li 4 CI ta Eng Our stock of Christmas Gifts was never more complete You can save money by shopping here The stock is new and of the best in each and every line. The prices are reasonable and proper ' Space does not permit a complete list of suitable gifts. but we give you a few of the more useful lines 4 eimplete new stork of 1817 Rogers Silverware is pleasing Old Coionp design. Prices range from 51.00 to *10.00 F.leettir Iron, *6.90 and *7.00. 1 guarantee EIestrir Toasters $6.73 Electric Heaters $5.50 to 5 erne Pyres Ware. the well-known cooking ware. Priced from $1.15 lo $5.110 Sete agent for the celebrated Auto Skates. See the new Olympia Tube Skate. i'rices frees 96e to *6.60 IMMO A complete line of Everready Flashlights and Batteries. The better kind. sways fresh. Des's spoil your Christmas Fowl b7 beetling at it with a peer knife. See our Carving Sets with ' Sid steel from *4.00 up. 4001111145211, The sated restplett line of potkC tree In Gederith from t ,pecial'.'aloe•. in Hockey Sticlu, Straps and Puede mitiO Itey's Sleigh.. from $1.00 up Bey's rubber tired roaster Weenie, $7.00 and *7.50 Come in and see our stock. We will be glad to show you everything. until Christmas Open every night JAS. C. CARRIE Phones 383-334 Goderich AROUND THE GODERICR TOWNSHIP C.ODERH'H TOWNSHIP, Dee. 9. - Quite a number of old aequaintau(es and- !Mends attender[_ the funeral of the late Mrs. M. Knight. of dodel'ich. oe Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J. Wilson. Loudon. le here of a• visit. Mrs. T. iibwerby, sr.. spent last week in Goderk'h with her slater; .Miss A. Wakefield.. Remember the Christmas entertain- ment. December 22. at Union. Another little girl ha. arrived to hiss the hexes• of air. and Mrs. II. Powell. Congratulation++. Mr. and Mrs. Coehtane, Mr. and )Irs. T. Carter and Mr. Raymond Carter. of Clinton. were Sunday vis- itors at the resldenee of Mr.. D. Ben. Miss E. S. Sowerby was home from Wewtfleld over the week -end. Mr. i.eo Chisholm has returned to I)t•trol(. Mrs. Gord.ut Jackson. of Bancroft. who eame here to attend the funeral +•f her mother. -Mrs. T. C. Cox. has returned home. A Christmas entertainment will be held at Taylor's Corner school -on December 22nd. 'Die program will mene• at 8 o'cks k. Everybody, wel- mm e.. Admission "-5r. 'Cbildreu free. CiTY HOG. GRAD t ' REPORT for the week ending Dec. County Tokil 1597- • Selects 532 Tltk+k' smooth 9447 Heaiiea Extrb, heavies Shop begs Lights and feed qrs Rough.N Sows No. 1 Sows Ne. 2 Stags The folios ing figures show a larg percentage of -selects' shipped from the stations mentioned: Clinton • total 122, eele•ts •' luudeshor4, .... total 72. selects 39 Brumfield t total Ai, selects 4 Gerrie total 73. *elects 36 56 74 3 2 19 4 A6 12 21 Et 53 5 . 8 4 ,iet11II1I, , C ARISSA HACKIEE- . • CARD OF THANKS COle THANKS,--•l1Ra.I NOR- MAN Maelt)NAI.D and family wish W thauk the friends and neigjtbore for the kludtiesa rhowu them durtug their receut sad bereavemeut. LOST OR FOUND pouND.--TWO KEYS ON EAST a street. Apply 'at THE SIGNAL 1 OFFICE. 1' was the day before Christmas. and it bad been snowing s" the morning. The Marsden chfkl'+te sat �t t:ND ON HAMILTON STREET a -a gold _ ring • with Wow's; in. W; K. PINDER, St. David's -street. STRAYED STRAYED ON TO THE PROP- erty of the undersigned oboist, (k -- around We living room Are .nd sang toter 1st. a year-old steer. Owner Christmas carols and talked about the will please prove property. pa) ex Millions of people who were sending rifts to loved ones, just as the wise then brought gifts to the Christ Child ander the Christmas stars. Suddenly they noticed that Clarke Vas very thoughtful "What is the matter, Sis?' asked Gordon. the oldest boy. 'I am thinking of our dear wooda people and bow the snow has covered their food so that they may starve w death white we are having a happy Christmas," said Clarice. • Gordon whistled in dismay. "Ob. 1 never thought of thein!" be said. "I don't waat my gray squirrels to starve to death!" said Paul. "And Mr. Rabbit and his family, added Nisbet "Or the snowbirds. 1 sew a Wilde Sock yesterday!" cried Gorden eagerly. "Or my own dkckey bird!" lisped Baby Man. polating a fat ager at the ca- 'sary's care la the window. They W laughed and kissed little Rae "And what about you. Cousin Mar- isa?" they asked of the utile girt wlso was visiting them. e "I'm thinking shout Mr. Rabbit, too," said Marlon. "I was thinking 1t would he nice It Santa Claw remembered him.' Gordon got rip and danced a horn. pipe. "lees have a Christmas tree for the woods people!" be shouted. What a racket then was as they all rushed tato the hall after cape and cloaks and overshoes! Clarice and Gordon disappeared la the kitchen and were gout a long times When they cams back they carried a little beaker Baby Nan was taken to tier moth- er's room, and the merry youngsters ran .houtiig across the snowy garden to the path which ted to the woods. How quiet the woods were when they were !n the shadow of the pines sad hemlock! Suddenly some twigs crackled. and a beautiful deer bounded lightly away and disappeared among the trees. "lie was hungry," said Gordon. "See how be has eaten the twigs front the hemlocks." All over tie sow were the foot - ;senses and take the animal away. .1. W. MILLIAN. l'otse,sion 2. Colborne town ship. It. R. No. 4, Goderich. I Dlt. I.ORNE MIA 7Y Phone Colborne munleipal No. 1'2;13. Over Hern's Shoe Store. Telephosa Evenings by appointment. WANThD WANTED. -AT ONCE, yS ICRGIt1T'IC man for steady war:: in iuderleh itnd vicinity. [/rite l)kk'il. 1. WIS. Michie 52 Mowat street, Stratford. Ontario. WANTED TO BUY. --A 1101:81/ with, or without garage or stable ou lot. (sive full description, toes - tion anti Meat math price. Address Box No. 17. THE SIGNAL, Goderich. WAN'nD.-TF:Al1HElt FOR UNIONtiff School Section No. 17, Ashfield and West Wawanosh, holding ,iecond- e la certlfimate, eatable of taking fiWUtclass work. Duties to commence January 3. 1935. Apply to under- signed stating salary mud expel'. Ienee. JAMES SPR,OUL, It. R. NO.. 3, Auburn. DENTAL AUCPIONEERINO THOMAS GL'NDRY, CODERICH. LIVE STOCK ANT) GENERAL AUCTIONEER DR. A. N. ATKLNSON'= Telephone No. 119. REGISTERED C119ROPL4.c1 i Sales attended to anywhere a.nd every (iodertch. effort made to give antitdacthis. Farmers' sale notes discounted. CLARK. -la C.oderieh. on' Friday, December {, David ('lark. age'! 7t1 yon. McONAI.D.- i)is Goderich. on Tharp - day, Dreember 4. Lorne McDonald. von of the tate Normten McDonald. Quel.e• street. McAVS)Y.-In Goderich. on Monday. I►tesember 8. Margaret ('hl+bolts, w-tdow of the late Michael McAvoy. in her $$th year IN MEMORIAM. ('.1M1'1:1.11.1,. --In boring and faithful r -membrane of Drina Thain, wife of R. J. Campbell, who fell asleep Disettiher 10th, 1919, in her 2.3ret year. Sadly miser; by her loving mother and brothers. it. R. No.7. Luck now, 4Mt. May Gest, Who takettt 'Hoot of a11. Whom eye doth never sleep, • Beneath lila own almighty wing Our dear one safely keep. HAVE YOUR WAGON TIRES Cold Set for a permanent job. Dominion Road Machinery COMM, Gi cs Y the Whole fad, AT STEEL'S 420. CHIROPRACTOR J M. STALKER, A:'t'TIONEER • for household effects farm stock. etc., for the County of Huron, Address all communication to 1. STALKER. Auburn P. 0. 44-d FOR SALE FOIL SALE: OR RENT. -GOOD black clay loam farm of 100 acres in the town+hip of Kinloss. Tleta ts a goal buy. Wilt sell for a small cash deposit down and ternis to suit pun -hisser. For patrticulars apply at THE SIGNAL OF'F'1•'E. LV tit SAI.F:. -THAT WELL-KNOWN I property. the Union Hotel, Gode- rich. Standard Ik•enbcd hotel; +sresto- heated ; in ga„I repair. Large elec- tric -lighted tarn. would make a splen- did garage. Excellent location ou one of the hest bneinpss streets of the town. For any further particu- lars apply to W. J. F,ANNA\. Prtj,- rietor. Goderich. Chronic organic and nervous dM. eases. Cunsultatton free. OtEea hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., awl by appointment. Reaideoce and office --Cor. Mast and Victoria streets. . OPTOMETRY ras1. COLE, 1t. 0., OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN, Went Street, (;odt'rlch. Ilonor Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. )yen examined by the latest met oda. and the proper fitting of glasses ■C moderate pricer Ontario Beard of l xaminers (7Prtifleate No. 815. MEDICAL RR. ALEXANDER FISHER, " Phone 997 Stratton!, Ont. Special attention given to care of Infanta and children. DR. WM. F. MWPCALF, Bayfield. Oat nt. �OTICl4 TO ('R}:DITt1Rd.-iN Office b nn -2 40 4 and 7 to 8. Other horn by appointme THE ESTATE OF' K}:NNETHA ►D. D}7l'F:.ASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS McLE( . Notice Is hertebygiven that ■11 persons haring claims against the es- tate of Kenneth's McLeod, late of the Town of Oodtrtch. In the County e' Huron. widow. who died on or about the 18th day of Ntnctnb'r. 1024. are requires to send or deliver to Mr. John Knox McLeod. 01P of the exec - unarm of the will of the weld Kenneth* McLeod. or to the undersigned. their namta and addressees and full partic- ulara of their c•laim». And take nottee that after prints of little animals-nbbita. aquir- the thirteenth day of December next eels, even the trail of a tog which the executor. will prone(' to di.trl• bute the astetw of the laid deceased Gordon and Paul pointed out Aad threading In and out like a pat- tern of lao.work were the dalaty toot- priats oe birds. "Poor little woods peopter' sighed Clarice. "I'm afraid the mow has cov- ered all the seeds and pine cones." "When shall we have the Christmas creel asked Mabel. lumping up and down with delight. "aster cried Marlon, pointing to a small holly tree. "See. It is already trimmed with red ber•riesr' "Just the thing." said Gordon. opan- Ing 00a basket. "Now, youngsters, step up and help yourselves to goodies h put on the Christmas tree. "Here are nuts for the squirrels, bits of suet for the blue jays and the snow blyds, some lease* and carrots for Mr. Rabbit aid his family. some canary seed to scatter on thin cloth and apples for everybody." What • wonderful (Airistmas free that wast Everybody helped to trim it, and when the lettoce and car- rots arroti had bees tied on to the lowest branches eo that the rabbit f a m l l y could reach them the young Marsden all drew away and kid behind a clump of hem- locks. , Bright eyes mast have been watching the hol- ly tree, for very soon the gusts began to arrive WWAT •a W0NDfl7VL at the C b r 1 a tt auanTtau rags aye party. Bach and that, the maid executors will not be Mahle for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they "shall not then have re- ceteed notice. peted at C.o'lerk'h this '22nd day of November. A. D. 1924. HAYS & HAYS, Solicitors for the Executor. MAT esu! a twittering of birds and cracking of nub and crunch- ing of carrots and crisp lettuce! Don't you think their little hearts gent up thanks to the lovtag Father. who had reminded the Marsden children net is forget hit little woods people? And ea the children raced across the snow toward home they sang Christ, mas carols until they were overheard by a great sleigh load of people coming from the railroad station. "Merry Christmas!' they relied 'Merry Cbrtetmaar And the sleigh stopped and took them all In, for they *Pre all going to 'pend Christmas at the Maredent. There were Marion's fa- ther and mother. and there were aunts and unclog and grandpereata. "Merry Chrfstmsr they ail said to each ether. ter they were happ-. And I'm sure if you meld have mi derwtnod ala the twlttattag ea/ shat tering areaad the Nay tree in the weeds yes insight have leareed that the weeds people was sayer "Merry wP tate AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF FARM !STOCK n AND IMPLEMENTS. The undersigned auctioneer has re- eeived inatructtons to sell by public stiction at lot 79..Mnitlan.I concession. (odcrteh township, one mile from Holmesville, o1 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 eommeneina at 110 tit -lock sharp. the following : H•rwes-Bay mare. 6 yrs. black general purpotl• mare, 8 old: 1 driving horse. rising it quiet and reliable. Cattle -Holstein cow. 7 yrs. old, due in leek : red cow. 4 yrs. old, due in Jan.: rel eow, ti yrsold. dot• In Starch; man crew, 0 yrs. old, due in April; rose' cow. 5 yrs. old; grey cow. ero old. due on inn. 21; white cow, 6 yns old, etue nn February 2'S • caw 6 yrs. old, duP In Jan.; hlnck cow, r HEAGFR, K.(!., 14-ARRiSTER, milking well: Palled Angus heifer. in twWPO 1U4', Notary Public stint 2 yrs. uldfreshened 1 month: tyro Conveyancer. Otmce-Oonrt Hoaus maw, due two km; crew, 0 era. old. milking: purebred white Durham Goderich. cow. 6 yrs. old, due in April: grade ihurham cow. 4 yrs, to freshen time of sale: part Jersey cow, 10 yrs old. calf at foot; pert Jersey eine. 4 yew., due to freshen 1n Jnn. ; Holstein eow. 7 yra., due to freshen in March; 2 -year-old Aberdeen Angna heifer; Durham relic heifer, 4 yrs.. farrow: 4 Durham steers. rising 2 yrs.; 3 Aberdeen Angna steers, rising 2 yrs.: 2 sows. to litter April 1: Mout 1011 year-old hems. mostly arrn Hoes: 4 white purebred Pekin ducks and drake. implements -.Mower, Maasey•ITarris hinder, 6 -ft. cut; Ma.sey-Hairts rake, 10 -ft. slit: net 3 -section harrows: disc c harrows, throw -out dime harrower; Bain wagon. box abetting and spring meet; farm wagon: hay rack, 14 ft. with ladders; 10 -hoe drill: cutter. with pole and shaft*; Bain +sloop sleigh, alrnoet new; Verity walking plow No. 21, oilmen new : set heavy team harness with breech- ing. new; nice in -inning sleigh, re- built; double light sleigh; 6 wagon kinsmen. white soh; hay fork; car with pulley and atop Uoek ; 20 Aran saekm: 20 shore mettle; 100 bus. Renner meted es d oats: 100 Imo barley, fit for meed. and other articles. TERMSTRMS OF SALE -•A11 *tare of *10 and ender, earth: over that amount. 12 months allowed os ap- proved joint toter ,or s dlaeeest of 6 per rent. allowed for cash. W'PINL8Y YkNT)11RDTIROH. Prep O. H. 81J.(Yi1'. Anetioeeer old: ere. yrs., DR. F. J. Y ITT, EAR, NOBD. THROAT Late Mouse Surgeon New Tort Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, &adstand at Moorefield Eye Hospital awe Golden Square Throat Hospital. Low dos. Dag. 53 Waterloo St. 8., Stratford. Tel. epbone 367. At Hotel Bedford, dodericb, en December l.ah, at 7 pm., to Ircember 16th. R Fv )RSTf1R at 1 p.m A. MUSI' PROF. W. H. JACKSON, Organlat and Director 'of Music. Noris street Methodist church. Interne-dos • in Voice Culture, Organ, Pianos Violin. Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio sad residence, 37 North street. Phone 361 CHARTRRS;D ACCOUNTANT gaiNK 1'. GiBBS, ( D' HARTMA as Accountant. 102 Ontario street. Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 1330J. LEGAL PRO1rI)FOOT & KILI.ORAN Barristers, Notary Public, ere. Money to Lend. Phone 97. Office -The Square. Goderich D A. (MUFF. B. A. BARRISTER. Sol eitor and Notary Public. North St., Goderich. Phone 411. DUDLEY E. �HOLMES Harriette -,Rte. Offlcee-1ltsnSlton street, Goderlch. Phone 27. Have & 'taps BARRITKRa, ETC. R.C.IIAYS-R.C.HAYS,ia.. R.A. Hamilton St . Godericn B t It k INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. 1sT OP utrrtrA1, smut IN- STIRANCD 00. --Term and !isolated town property insured. OfSeers-Jam Connolly, Pres., Ood'- rkb P. O.; las Dvaat, Vice -Pres.. Bee bwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. flee. -Trees,. Seaforth P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot. R. IL No. 6. Seaforth : John O. Grieve, He 4, Walton; 'TIlilam Rine, R. R. lis. 2, 2, Seaforth ; John Bennelwlea, Brod- hagen; Geo. McCartney, R. R. NA, S. &rfotth ; Robert Ferris. Harlock: Murray Oibsen, Arncefteld ; Jamas Avane, Beechwood; James Oennolly. Goderich. Agents. W. Tee, 0odsrleh: Alex. Leitch. R R. No. 1. Ciliates: Jobe Murray. $oatot•tb ; 10. Hlncide Segfortb. Polley -holders eau pay ad payments and pet then cards r'eedpb ad et U. J. Yerrlah's Clothtng Sheen ClIntna ; R. H. Ostt•i Orocory. E1n!• sine Most. Gederidi. or 3. R thsbf s General Work Baltflel .