HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 14•. 4 • .4100 1 1 1911, - THE SIGNAI4 -r.. GODUICH, ONT. • BEAFORTH NOW ariungeweuts for the formal prewu HAS A LIONS CLUB nation of the charter. Members of [tie tioderich tins Club were iu at• i tendautr at !his meellt14 and u Wirt' (lltwforth 1:spoeltor) , .d congratulation Nati cucuuriegemeUt • •ttua rtreittd from the Winstep' Under the dile. :ion of Mr.Arthur Lions Club. Hearty volt's of than' Ifeookwell, rape-.utativc or Ibe In- , were expre•$ed to all those who par tersetlonal t1+- ^ Lal ..n ,•f 1.101111. ticlpel.rl iu making (he evening one e• thirty Ise y*l tIU$• andpro- of flu- moat enjoyable ever held i1. feasiunal mea nlet 111 the, tjuevil the towel. after whleb the Natiousl hotel un th.• .• ',ening of Tuesday, Lte- Antheui was rung and the me.•tin;:. member 211.1 1 siQeu.Id suppler was adjourutd. Period and • l: malet,a1t*t y singing, to• ,--------- ,tether with ,e,•mr fate selection! from 1 'Chrlstl*n In Rsthlehem, chi• tit•sfortale ouei•tette, resulted t aa' a very raj/ri i .• eveulug. - Cot..1 Chrtatmas in the Holy Land is an tn- j Charle.. M. 11. At:tiham. D. S. 0., of c ferreting experience. Indeed. It 1s one lenelo . Out„ Immediate , pest dna- i never to be forgotten. Rod every Chrlat- triet got error for tie Province of I Inas thousauds of persona from all over Ontario. Rave the principal address 1 the world make a journey to Penedos of the .evening. Ile uroused much In- 1 to order to witness the various cers- lereet and enthusiasm by dwelling on i moeaaon olee heldery then during the festive tYc international aeltxrts ofl.loulsm tlvone almost puts up ■t and their ultiawte and inevitable re- it.. t I Jerusalem and on Christmas rimming in the lie was makes his way to Bethlehem. which fsIluwod by Mrr.. Arthur rthur Itreol'well, ltd almort due south. abut six miles • who dwelt on the ben( sepsis. et a as the crow dies, over a range of hills. i.lou- ('tub and outlined the method of prs-.•dure for ierguuizatlon. Ice- No highway the world over presents espouses were mode by- the following suet a motley crowd as may be sees local men: Rev. lir. Larkin. Reeve streaming along this thoroughfare ear` J . Wesley Beattie. W. J. Duncan, Ret• ty an Chrtstmas mooting. T. H. Brown. Dr. Mackay. and, upon motion by Mr James G. Mullen. ser- ondtd by Mr. John MacTat}ialr. it was • In Reston. unanimously decided to go alited and Teacher—Waldo, name one of the yerfect organize tbin et the earliest beet known characters of detlsa poselble momenf. The charter quota Waldo (aged five. •upsrdWaaly) ' has already be: -t secured and Mr. R.Banta Clans.—Pact , hfurless Jones appointed temporary •--Merretary-trasurer, to Kerte until such time as permanent oltleers are The first sign of Christmas iv when elected. lire Club will meet spin the bey would rather study than in the very near future to eomp'ete work or.+*word pui.rl.•+. --Kitchener orRaulaation. elect odeera and make lt*' ori. The Management of The James McManus Pasteurizing Plant wi'h to amount.. to their ruetnttwre and the general public that the.. are now carrying fret.h 1)ntr-t anti Creamery Butter and also Rutt.•nu;lk nn their regular milk delivery rigs at all times. (Sutter. Milk and Buttermilk 1 c had at the plant on East :4tr.•.•t -1t any titer,. between tl a. m. and 6 p. err. HEADQUARTERS CHRISTMAS MEATS staid POULTRY OUR MOTTO "CHOICEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES" D. M. O'BRIEN'S The Shop Around the Corney' EAST STREET PHONE 31 Order that Christmas Present AT THE HYDRO STORE North Side of Square A PLAIN CHRISTMAS DINNER. Cream of Orstera. Rochester caters. Long Island Radishes. Rosei Prime Ribs of Beef. Baked Sweet Potatoes. Bolted Onions Cream Sauce. tirspefrult Chicken Pie Lettuce and Tomato sated. American plum Pudding Hard and Liquid antics. Ice Cream. Fruit Herkimer Counts Sage and bream Cbeeen 'toasted Wafers Bonbons. To the invalid it is a distinct aura - eaten not to be able to have Cluist- elms dinner at leaat with the family. But since that is often neceasary a little thought will bring much cheer with each relay a the tray when well arranged little dishes appear in the place of the usual portions which greet the weary eyes. Only an Invalid cle realise the joy ot seeing a whole piece of roast beef earTed or the scanning of a whole tur- key or fowl, realizing one can select the extra titbit one prefers, instead of )the everlasting samplee of food from the regions below. But a naiad dis- guised as a Christmas tree and other individual dainties which say right out to the listening ear as well as to tbe eye, "I was made for you alone." will bring much joy to the stay -abed_ le'or the Unit consideration it is well to consult the attending physician be - CHRISTMAS COOKERY. Turkey and Its Sauce In Dillareitt petizing Ways. Variety as is-ilittice seems just as de sirable In the cease of the traditional chrustmas turkey us in the other at fairs of life. 'rills fact may recom- mend the following dlreetIone front the Designer to the consideratiou of pro gressive cooks: Lard the breast of tbe turkey. with strips of larding harken is regular lines:then eover it with this slices of letpon. Butter a sheet of pa- per and wrap the bird In it. roaating it for an hour and basting It carefully. After this remove the paper and lens on and roast again for half au bout or longer. according to size. AUow it to brown nieely and nt last baste it with butter. To make chestnut forces meat peel two dozen chestnuts. throw then] into hollinz water, boll for tee minutes. awe which drain them and take off the underskin. Return them to the pan with sufficient .tedlk or milk and water to eover and simmer them till tender. Have ready a medium sized onion boiled soft. a tablespoon- ful of chopped parsley snd two ounce+ of fresh butter slightly warmed. Drain and mash the chestnuts; mix with the i other ingredients and a plentiful sea- soning of salt and pepper. The onion should be chopped. Many people pre- fer the chestnut foreeneat mixed with pork sausage meat as being more tasty. When this is the came take equal quantities of each. As sauce for the foregolag prepare about twenty cheetnate, as befors, roast them till tender. If roasted Oa - rinds and uriderskas are removed aft. er cooking. Mash them and mix with an ounce of butter, a teaspoonful of granulated sugar. the 'trained Jake of a lemon and seasoning of salt. pepper and grated nutmeg Put this zatictieri into a stewpan with one-half plat oil milk and one-quarter pint of coons. Stir till it thickens and is smooth: them serve ln a gravy boat For turkey in Turkish "tile wait well and partially ooe cupful of rite In boiling water to which has beat added salt to taste. Drain off the we - ter 'rhea the rice begins to mottos mid nag with the latter twelve Preach chestnut! which have teen bianebed and chopped, a quarter of a pound a currants end two iostoces of aloseadam also blanched and chopped. Season till taste with salt, pepper and a dash a chanamon. Now melt half a cupful of butter and sUr Into the mixture. Vol this tei stuff the turkey and baste of- ten. floirve with brown gravy or the chestnut sauce described above. To make celery sauce "ace the beef part of four beads a young celery he small pieces and boll in salt and wa- ter for twenty minutes. Then deals and pat into a clean saucepan. covsis log them with white or vegetable atock. Add • teaspoonful of salt, a blade of mace and stew all tea -edam until tender. Mix two minces a bat. ter and a deneertspooeful of Some. When this is quite smooth stir into • cupful of good cream milk (milk may be wed instead of cream) and mix the in with the ceiery and stock. Maks hot for about • maerter of an boor. , flee soaking the menu. so that there may be so heartbreaking denials, for ; to the m000t000us Ufe of the invalid. especially the slowly convalescenL every disappointment becomes magni- fied to a mountain of diatrese. And It Is surprising how • very simple menu may bold, concealed to the layman, the moat disastrous comblnaUoas for that particular patient. 'The edge a the tray may be dee- mated with a garland of green and a Christmas nosegay with • bit of cherry =ribbon laid heckle the cover, and may be • miniature forest of Christmas greens. in which the orange sr erspernsit Is Oared - One great advantage in the individ- ual dinner is that the invalid need not wait and may be served without wait- ing while others are enjoying them - *elves. A plump squab or young chicken. already sliced, hat apparently whole, with dashing crimson hews op - its leg, may symbolise the turkey. The cranberry sante may appear as a star In the center of the maahed potatoes. and any one who hes carried trays Will appreciate the space and the iiintaimi of one dish leas when two ran be oath It la an excellent plan to have a small sized table, covered with a whits cloth and decorated with tbe greens, en which the presents mey be arrang- ed for Christmas morning and later in tbe day used for serving Here should be placed • supply a table silver and extra plates. so that everything re- quired will be at hand, and. again. the tray will be lighter. Nach dish should bear a sprig of hol- ly. end the standwich. with any par- ticular filling should bear • star of eurrant or cranberry jelly. This same idea may be need for little Christmas eakes, with a filling of jelly and a jelly e tar on the white frosted top. For the salad there is a tree of crisp lettuce leaves, through whirls is thrust • skewer (stained with brown gravy or beef Pike, as the tree trunk. This tree trunk is !supported by two slims a toasted bread. with • fitting a wata aad mayonnaise. All through the tree between' the leaves are bright bits et vegetables, sects as carrots. beets and peak to form a vegetable matt or, If fenft salad is preferred. bits of apple, halved Ifrdlwe and ants and calm may eureka the deeorations of the tree. Frew* sr mayonnaise drama' may lie served sepirrately and the Sang mated troen the breed Iltuattated is e pretty salad far Oa havalid tray. Preserved cherries ass 'alerted and poem throat tate Op Mew egieh one when they are se. reseed temptingty upon • olds. MY OLD TIME DINNER - Grapefruit •nd ltaraachnto Cherries aerved Glasses. Cream of Tomato Soup. (Oa tech butter plate were two de - new Isecuits and butter ban. On 'snail glees theism were black calves. cranberry mood and Gaited nista.) Roasted Geom. Browned Sweet Potatoes. Mashed Irialk Potatoes. saint— Ceappie allow ce Wham Waves. 6 (mouse over the fruit sod meraschino cherries on top Cheese crackers are weed with Moak Mince Pis. White Gape. Red and Whits Mimes. Slack Oates. MOCK MINCE PIE. A Tasty and Inexpensive Christmas While the compound Is rather us- usuaL it is extremely "Meg" and pot expensive. To four quarts a great tomatoes. chopped doe, snow three pounds of brown sugar, Use jutce ot two lemons and their yellow dad. frit, ed; a tablospoonfui each cinnamon. allspice and salt, half a tesaap000ftil As the Chtistmas Mrd par excellence is the goose. sis erestions for its oder don and cooking are now in seams, U fate be kind and you can get a "green gems" from three to tour months old you may count yourself tacky. for it le considered a most deli- cate dish. It should hang up at least tweritydour hours before cooking. A gree•n goose should not he stuffed. hot treated like a game btrd. Simply season it inside and out. Singe and remove all the pinfeathers: then scrub the akin with warm soapsuds to epee the pores. soften the fat and draw out the oil Cold water would be useless In this case. Rinse in cold water. artpe dry, rinse oat the inside quickly wtth clear water and drain Seams!. inside and oat. with salt and pepper, pat half a white onion inside, dredge thickly oe the outidde with flour and roast in a quick oven for at least en hour and serve as you should serve geese atm, age, with boUed onions and appte A goose over • year old becomes strong and greasy apd is only fit for boiling or steaming. In selecting a goose see that the fat Is soft and white. The fat of an oid bird la dart. The feet should be smooth aod yellow, the wings supple and teoder at the pinions and the end of the breastbone Ges1- , hie. After four months of age • goose aimally stuffed wtth potatoes and sage. potatoes aod chestnuts or whits apples. In the latter case tbe apples are usually Weans itWay after the btrd le roasted. their peewee being to ab- sorb the strong flavor. The is espe- cially adrimble witb an old goose A goose. of all birds. requires long, thorough cooking and frequent beating, basting and dredglng every ten or fif- teen minutes. To make the sauce for the goose turn all the fat from the roasting pan except two tablespoon, - (Ws. Add two tablespoonfuls of Cour aod cook until frothy. Then pour in • plot of boiling water or 'Cock Whoa tbe mixture boila up thoroughly season with salt and pepper, add a teaspoon- ful or two of kitchen boequet and • Uttle chopped pamley if liked. Gar- nish the goose with watercresses and serve with apple sauce. Fruits, Candies and Nuts are as essential to, your Christmas table as lights are to your Christmas tree. We offer you a choice selection now at most reasonable prices. Oranges, Bananas, Grape #ruit, Layer Raisins, Nuts, Dates, Figs, Olives, Christie's Cakes, Plum Puddings and Candies. Head and Leaf Lettuce, Celery, Canadian, Swiss and Roquefort Cheese, etc. dfkash Grocery • "Everything dood for the Table" POE TES T17L/fIDS DOM& nutmeg Put Into a porcelain lined kettle and simmer gently until reduced one-half in leek. Now add twe pounds and one half of seeded raisins or part raisins and part currants or chopped prunes end a cupful of boiled cider. Then cook an hour or two longer until Yuletide Recipes. For tasty canapes anchovy paste. which comes in tubes, may be utilised. &aeon with lemon juice aid spread the pests on piecee of bread that bare been buttered and browned in the oven. Split two anchovies leagthwee and fay them diagonally across the canape, marking the point where they emir by R 111(10 pyramid of reed yolk of hard boiled erg. Petal shaped pieces a the hard boiled white of egg may be placed radiating from this cabs - Crab Flakes a la Newburg.—Twe tee blespoonfals of butter. two tableapoon- fnia of water, oue teaspoonful of Seer, oos pint of crab Sakes. yolks a tan. eggs, one pint of boiled milk and °be- half cupful of sherry are ties M.. gredlents. Place the butter la the Name of a chafing dish and stir it ag It foams_ Rub the flour smooth with the water. add this and the salt sued , pepper. then osehalf of the milk. Wio ring all the time and being careful that the dame is sot too bet. Beat the yolks d the OM arta toothy, odd the remaimiler et the ndtk sod alle ell tate ths Meese deb. Wham the is et the wassisteney ersom see 1610 sherry, dos ersb &dm sod yam Mareihm•Ilow Pudding. For this Christmaa dainty chop one- fourth of a cupful of candled cherries and soak for one hour in enough rum or "berry to cover. Mix with one -halt cupful ot not meats and one beep- ing ruptal of marshmallows which L,Ifirs)itaw , . 1W SIGNAL'S Clabing List • The Signal and Lbridon Free Press :.....$6.75 Signal and The Farmers' Sun ' 3.40 Sena! and The Family Herald and Weekly Star „ 3.se Signal and Saturday Night Tlaii Signal and Pm/Aquarian Witness Tim Signal and The Catholic Record 1.50 3.75 This Signal and McLean's Magazine mane 4.50 The Sighed nod Montreal Witness rimareal 3.85 n ew 3.50 renewal 4.25 n ew 3 86 Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May Be Had on Application LARGE AS You' hove been cut in Mts. Whip one and one-fourth cupfuls of cream and "west - en with two and one-half tablespeme tuts of sugar. Gut in the fruit. nuts and Marshmallows. Place in • Moil and pack in salt and ice for oese hoar. Servs in parfait glasses or in glass sherbet cage. Grapefruit With Aprieet Wipe grapefruit and cut in tudvas tronswies. With • small sharp petaled WON maks • cut saisnwhtlnit pule from skin around entire cireuniforenee: then make cats separatist palp from toegh Veldts( Refieve bragh parties In one pees! by cutting with Delmore at mem or Mosso= and close to akin. lager. Let stead ten =haute, mad opened st spriest broadly Ss sod pos. "Eczema Alt er Arms Suffered foi 2 Years" Mrs. Murray Hough, Wiartost, writs's: "I had eczema for twelve yeara. Evety once in a while it would break out Env spread all over my arms. I tried. all luncis of treat- ises:Nib to relwve it. but without success. One Spreg it broke out and nothing gave me relief. even the salve I got from the doctor did no good. At last 1 tried Dr. Chase's / Ointment and it healed the eczema in a short time. That is over a year ago. tho trouble." Dr. Chase's Ointment els. a hes. dealers or Milleammem. Sows & tam. loom&