HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 12&mow 11. tuft
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This is the beginning of our series of
Christmas Sale Advertisements
Woc L Gloves
trey, 'awn or why..• with large _cuff.
Chamoisette Gloves
Pre/ pair
Fancy chaItloi'ette Ki«.ye , shade's black, Ire ver, mode.
pongee and 'brown, rest duality
%1.35 or
Plain two-.* Ani shade .. 59C !,it
Silk Gloves
11.11 Ian . .hi„le• pu.t:c••r. hro't ,i or silverl'aiie
1' $1.95
I 4k ' L:in vie -
hlo,•Iocrs. rint:esti sr is and silk '.brassiere -
1, t,C: i :, •'e a 1 •;,l st1••k of the hest shade•..
Siik S arfs
e have dozens of aria that. you can elux)se from
and, this tt.rek :•..• are of i)1t: a special rang of purr silk
•arfs tor ✓
$1.'95 each
Boxed Handkerchiefs
Boxed two of three to a box, made of the fine' l wn
with dainty corners. Per holt" • .50c,'eec4 75c, 960 and 51.25
Three to, a box with• nursery rhymes printed' awl illus
tested on the box. The..' arc, a box
(Jr best quality with l'iretred .earner, -per box. . - rt►'
They are alwa); appreriated a'4 a gift and you will
iral that re halve a splendid ran^.• of patterns. Single
t ,w'.•1s .••Il for - • 59c, 6b', 75c, 95c and 51.25
'Lingerie Marials ,
Tubular knitted silk
maize or flesh -1f.
Lingerie Crepe with
:10 inches. shades pink.
yard '
fur•.vcst:,-in;abodes white. orchid.
• • i ... 51.20 per yard
daiyty patterns or plain. width
ortflid. white or sky blue. Per
LI n one -outs
Sweater Wools
y< balls. idig range o .sates.
Wool Hose Special
in black only. Any rine au.1 splendid
quality. These are pure wool. Per pair
Silk biose
Pure silk of exceptional quality, with
pointed heel. Sold regularly at $1.75, any
shiole. Special this week at.
$1.50 per pair•
Chamoisette Gloves
in shades beaver, pongee, black, brown
and grey. Per pair •• elle
Of terry cloth, for everyday u•.
14-ln. x 8l -in..
\ ,•
I9c each \\
S tic
Wool Clove Special
Chil,lrrn'-'•r lu,li,e,' 511.4-. Sold regularly
up to -".e ('Learing at
29c pair
' I
RE Dt E M R F: It you
friends with Hole
proof Hosiery this
Christman. It will keep
reminding them of you
for many months. Hole -
proof is beautiful, and
wears as well as it looks.
Styles for wrimrn, silk
or silk and wool, $1.50,
The S. A: Gray Co.
Canton Crepe Dresses
Sold regularly up to $20.00. Good range
of styles and sizes.. Almost every
one brand new. ('leering this week at
Botany Wools
Soft Botany Wool, 4 -ply, in shades black, white and
several heather ,mixtures. Just what you need for
knitting warm hose and mitts. I'er one -ounce skein
21c. •
Ladies' House Dresses
Made of the finest English print, good loose
styles and guaranteed colors. Clearing at
$1.35 each
Pongee Silk
In natural shade only, width 82 inches You can
dozens of dainty Christmas gifts with raw silk.
yard ..... ... ... .
Special Clearing of Brushed Wool Sweaters
Just the thing for cold winter days. The shades are grey, fawn, camel and buff. Several different styles.
Sold regularly at $6.75. Special this week, each
Prices on Coats Reduced to the Limit This Week
Special Attention to
Mail Orders and
Phone Orders
The S. A. GRAY CO.
Phone 56
An enterta lona. nt and 4'hristwas
lees will Is. held at F:1•enez,•r church
n 1'riday. I,eeewb•r 19. Admission
Ir and I a•,
• Gear, ; v4-
father, Mr. Thos. Dickson. pit'. numbering about twenty, organ•
Mr. and Mrs. Grant M.'Diarmld, of lied the A.Y.P.A. at the,home of the
Paramount, vlpltrd at the home of � presId.vu. The ()dicers for the coin-
Win. McConnell one day last In yea. tyre as follows: President,
tc<e k'• Mtsu Rand t-prcaldent,
Mr. and 'Mrs. George Peutland, of Mr. Gee.. Dougherty; secretary, Miss
Lueknow, were bursts of 'Mr. Will Clwrtotle Dougherty.1'rawford on Sunday Last.
The snowfall of last week did not
prevent the farmers from plowing:
still a groatdeal of plowing remains
many 'rats of drains on their farms.
to b• done. LF:FIII'RN. Ike. 10. --Ritts Olive
McGeeBrothers have laid a great '19chborn•, of Goderlch, n4turutd home
on Monday of las vend-
Mr.week after end -
Mr. Will Foster did the digging with Ina a few days with her sister, Mr..
Ids dl1.1*1n 4,11. hiue• HomoBurton.Mr. and Mrs. James St+•veusuu. A „,•1141 gathering for the Sunday
res 101144.t:odertch, wish 10 thank *41,,01 w• 111 is. held In the baeameut of
their friends anti twiny knit! neigh• the smirch un adouday evening, the
burs in Ashfield for helping to haul L:1a i. All parents are cordially 114-
material anti all those who in any ward.
way as-lste•d In erecting one of -ter W•cPntl Iloilo,* rale uelgbhurhood are
bang. which w'aa dtrltroytd by a Ia1J up with lad solei,.
-mysterious firs -T i farm had been like Flota Horton. who baa been
leased for a term and (sw apitd ter attending
the loll gists, Is under Leto
Mr. Ashton. of loyal. and family., ths•tor's .'are this wte•k, and Iv unable,
l' to go to .,.,•howl. Her many friends
K1Ner$111(llk;l:. 1),'e. 9. -Yrs. Win.
de1`artbv is l.ome after spending a
month to i►etroit.
Mr. Morgan Dalton 114 visiting In
Wallueel'urg and Detroit. •
Mr. Ned, Dalton is home for the
w inter.
Mr. Nonnau and Mimeo Elizabeth
:lad Elaine O'Connor vlalted their mis-
ter. Mrs. G. Kinahaq, St. Augustlue.
Mr. Wilfred .M(,(larthy, Clinton.
was at his parents' home .over the
week -end.
Pe,IITFJYS HILI., Dee. 11. --Mies
Nellie MacDonald. of loadon. has
been culling ou old meed. of the
neighlstrhuud thba week. haying come
up to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Archie Mcllougnll.
Mrs. Ivls.n, t Kipia•n, has *sb
spending a few days with Mr. and
)Ira. .1. Reid Torrance.
F'rd Pickard delivered two
choMrlelf.•rs to Mr. I►. t)'Ilrieu, of
Goderich. yc,.terslay.
Mr. aril Mr.. Murray Meet/m *011
and daughter June. are standing a
few Weeks with frku,ds in Detroit.
l'.tltlAIW. Dee. 9. -Rev. W It.
Amp pr•achel to a large aud•ve•ry• ape
preiatire audience on Sunday.
There was no utwertain .mind als.11
where Tr .tan'Is on e'burrh-tmlln. 11,•
11 an out and -out nnhmtat and, him
e„ngregatloi, will nearly all go with
him into the United ('hur•h alien the
vote i. taken in the near future.
Mr. M.Rride, ler.. -returned home
list Tuesday .front an' ..tended Tialt
with friend; la 1•uckuow -.aril • vlehu-
BENMii LEK holy she will have a speedy n., every.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton and
• l EN11ILld:11. !k.•. 9. -Mrs. 'Maid ' futu!Ic have •ed (u our •u.•lghbor-
el has .4 touch of bronchitis. lass, Prow Port \Ib•rt. We welcome
Mrs. Wm. 1)ke to in Goderk•h ear- tM•m to atm mdse.
ing for Mrs. Saul Allen, who is train.' )4I.s Elizals•th Murton split the
111. week -end in Goderlih, returning un
Lantern slld"ev on the subl et of . Tyh,jtmay.
\ew 1'auatlisns' will Ilw• shown 111. .1!'11.• Work and nerve Mission Rand
Beautifier • lour41 next Sunday ey,sl• held their meeting on Saturday last
sing. service ,e,mnarm•hlg at 7M) . las the ba.ement of the chi •h. They
?In!. Howard Baer and children also pocked their bale at the home
: have spent n few wells with friends 1 '.i tl.e t.resld,•ut. Mr.. ,\rel. Borten.
-!u Toronto. \b
1 Sueeeltabit Bea BadaI% -Th“ box
social held in the Templet... Balt
last Wednesday to -ening. Imder� , th«+
are,pleet of the Orange bldg.•v.:e-
mich euley•M1 by all pre.,en, NI
Han',•, M,Gee In costume .....1.• ••
era* vocal number. f:, ht 11- ; 11
tertalping eonnpr7.411
give several encores. The %.'ewe'•
Mr. :44 -gas.. of Dnngai,non, won hear
ty"applau-e for hi- mn•ie.l1 uumla•r.!.
Iris luuu!aogx lecture ou ".\ftraetion,
+u,d Ills sleight-of-hand ts•r ,lrtuanre.
,\ humorous rwable was Kip•u by Mt
1ty. Fred •Schw'anz, u! 4ode'rleh townstdtr.
Re•metuM•r 111• tinem
nday aeh.r en- en....og
prram, which wsa under th
terrnioment and Christman Irs• t.t be chairmanship ut Mr. Celli Raster,
MM. In the township 4a11 on ,the- eve
oe 1 itt'rata•raeq will[ ..u.• p,11, of rntn� /f 11we•mis•r 10. \ good: pea- -oug. h)- the audience. , 110'..:111' o!
•; ,• 1 1,, being pretlarel•aud !vault wilt the bac. ':4•iea ile.•Ir. t\'hiem'r it was
1. .ervwL - • dor to the sxperj han'llht; of the
I31 r. Tont KL's•e..hit'ts.l .a carload , _1wdt hr ntil•t..ns•r ltnsw•I1 •,Hid.
';.f e.,tt .• and .hw•p to Tonal!" ern t hether 1t srr.% the ti'Mr, ity�e'f 1.;';‘,,,...,
I\t•nrday. or she/her it was (M' re/tensility nernnftT of
Lt.' .l. i1, 1'.+.'r., of 1M"014(11114 tb.• iw,ys present. the bidding was .. •'11
.i "n. tl!• view „t Mr. and Mrs. .1• sand th- average prhe• of tlrf• l..y1'.
! 1'Iii.:.' •.'r 11.in.Moy• w:.4 about threw A,•Ilar.. A h.,nd-
s.,we fountain Pea. the first prize
tor rip Lest i..x, _was 1w arded to
Mrs. )111r- IN. Jude,.. being. ll••-r-
S,tI',a 4 :'NE• 1h:•. 9. --Mr.. .1. , Phillips. ale... 3111,1 * "'4 n
het. soil. of S..1 .rt n, 4 tsihol friend.
t is Th tnlh r•.e•ntly. " '
air. W. Plow. of llP••helt. vlat.sl
frlead• in this vloloitc la -t week. \\•FSTF'1F1.11. floe. 4. --1: ,
lira. L Jeff""'" vl-ite1 fri, n,ls st „aa, -boast, •sls•nt la,t W,a•w At G..:
Mitchell lust weak. rieli. s1tendlap' county council.
Miss Lucy Thompson. of latcknow Mrs.• Wm. lit*te-k1'mme. and clang:.•
Iligh Si -h."17 was hoar over. the Ada. of Blyth, 'baited at the hams ,
week retell•
Nr. and Mrs. \\"w. M.1k,we'II
Mr. and Mrs. Mawweek..
ol McAllister Tis-
!t.'.l A,:lifIN!d friends on Suu'Ly, lir. Iohu F:IISs auel w,u J,w,.0 wsrt'
Snerv,. Heart e'hmeli. St. .\ugn.gt.,e• at Torvmt. attending the.winter foie.
f was the Wen.* of a gai4 1"'; ' iI.y' 'f,, young people • t the I.c'amie are j
wedding on weane•sday morning. Nor pretsrrin,K to wlr,- n ,pl:!y, entitled
ember 26(11. when EleanorI'r,yle T,e ••\isrth:r Made Ovale;' on the evening
the bride of JMIII Kelly. of 11 gh „f the 11th,
Rhee. Allsrta. The bride was Our •.•111.,1. t.•aeher, MIs.. 'S,.werhy..
.1ressrd ; in a 4"ndeei nak..HI ,'at1n st4•n: the webk-Pad at ' h.r, hum.- In
(-rept. • dww
res, ith hw
rnn marTNlla .,;,..'rich tnwnshlp.
.frit. hat. shows and yrloy.•s. Mii Messrs. Gordan .$nell and Alva Mc
Mary" Boyle. sister of the bride. acted IMwelI' are very ^atuvrssful in their
as bridesmaid nod worn dark brown hunts. They hate aImsdy distwwied
crepe Icer -trimmed dream with sand 1! nearly *1141 worth 44,‘ gni.
verse and Yet. Mr. Tom Kelly of 1111, .leiglang of the t.l t week Wm*
Teeswater actei as groomsman. The fully enjoys.' by 1411. and Wit, welli
ieronm'• gift to the bride was n mad, use a.. .:
pretty string of pearls. to the bride•- nm,' of Ills neighbors have had
maid a airing of peels and to the
sheep worrlo'l t.y (taste.. bet this M• a
groomsman a gold wntrM lain. The warning 11 kegs both sheep sad dugs
happy (ample will leave after New housed at night.
f1 Y -:tr's for the groom's ranch near happy
finials of Wentfie•Id Reboot are
High River. Alberta. bevy preparing a 0,911 program for
their ('hristmas c-ortes•r( to be 'hitt
DIJNGANNON libteember IS,
Mr. A. (lower is lst•y !llaring :+
f)t NG:\N'NON. ik'e. 10. -At n sew wall at the srbnnl.
mneting of the Library , Association w,. are sorry to . ragas* Mn :lack
1 held at the library on Mooday ^yen- Johnston is nn ibe c ek Litt.
Ing it was derided to send for 5100 , , - _.
worth of new hooka- Thaare ex- PORT •ll BF.WI
potted to arrive shortly and will Tayr
pled cat owe, on the library *helve.. ' PORT ALB�:ItT. Inc. U. ---The
They will retirement various Tranches Toting pep,le of Port Albert a1.•• very
of literature and should be an adds- busy 'preparing a ('hriamav enter -
1ncenttre to the people of Dun- talnmrnfi to to held in the basement
gannan nDd yMfnlly to join the lib-
of the Angeles church on December
rare membership.16th,
Mrs. f)nvM Glenn Lw on the mirk An A Y.P has Men'organize•d at
1141 this week. 'Port Albert. They intend practising
f:ommunion scrylee will he held In fora play after the Christmas enter -
Erskine church next. Sabbath morn-
, taJnmenta are over. The young pcc.-
Ing ant 11 o'clock, The preparatory 1
service will he held on Friday .even-
ing[, at 6 ,clock.
An entertainment will he given
Friday evening, Peeember lOtb, In
aid of the library. The program
will 111010de a debate. moving plc-/
tures. rendingm, ehortises. etc.
The baseball club is putting on a"
donee In the pariah hall Thursday
night of this week. The Clinton or-
rhe•itra will supply the music.
An excellent program, consisting of
readings, ,nongat tableaux. dialognrw,
pantomimes and Yokes,. will he given
Friday evem(ng. Deee•mber 19. com-
mencing at R o'clock. 1n Orchard Row
(iiaHies1 *ehonl, mneeasinn 2, West
tvnwanosh. No admission fee. Every
body welcome.
ASi1FtISLd. 1)re. $.-Mr. Robert
(toward has purrhn,'ed from Mr.
Stephen ,ik.yt. him 100 -acre farm of
the Division line.
Mrs. William McCarthy ham re-
turned home after n pleateant visit
with her 'laughter. Mise Irene, and
other friend,' In Detroit.
The heels daughter of Mr and Mrs.
WIII Crozier. who has been under the
,1oe•tor'•m care. is steadily improving.
The regular monthly meeting of
Crewe W. M. 4. WA!' held at the home
a( Mrs. Albert McQuaid thl. week.
Mr. Donald MrKenzle, coney*. ion
4, held a very successful nnrtlon sale
of young tattle lamt week
Mr*. ferry and hake, of Minnesota.
AN, visiting at the home or Mrs.
Perry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The'.
Mites Minnie Dk'kaon• of (loderleh,
spent fluidity at the bo'me of her
W. Price
Grocer Elgin Ave.
Good Things for Christmas
NI•te 11,1+ _• r _
1'14-1ry I':'-lr .. yl n..
Vagi, lab:1,2 Po,. ter.- ..
I It.*111, 3:.•
',: I,i torauq. -
..:... -,'. �::r• and 45c -...dozen
..... 3 for
. I, . _ "1...,r 2 11)+4. 27,
1 hol•ulalc Tian • 4 for :Se
Lamina delivered trove
luny ardent solicited.
W. Price
Ph••ro •.'
I. r • '1
AJoide 'ran of
Christmas Ivelties
Miss Noble's
Come in and look our
stock over.
South Side Square GODE191CH
or for
be oho
end ui
of Go.
eupat I.
is our
Roy. 1,
,1 W.
al t•x,
(' u
Hats for the Holiday' Season •
and Mid -Winter Wear ,
in bright colors and smart shapes
Christmas Seals, Cards and Folders, also Novelties
in Ribbon and Silk, and Fancy Handkerchiefs
This store will be open Wednesday evening, Dec. 17th
will show a full line of Fur Coats. Don't forget the
date. Wednesday afternoon and evening. December 17.
This will be the last showing before Christmas.
Universal Millinery '
Cor. East Street and Square Goderich, Ontario
or for
be oho
end ui
of Go.
eupat I.
is our
Roy. 1,
,1 W.
al t•x,
(' u