HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 11, THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. 1111 1 MtItn rsun. 11 WE ARE READY FOR CHRISTMAS Choose Your Gifts from This. List FOR "FATHER" Pocket Natch Cuff Link. Tie fin. Watch ('baits. Emblemm Ring. Fountain Pena Signet King. I'enril. Belt Set. Cigarette ('ase•• FOR"MOTHER" Wrist Watch Pearl !Necklace Bar fins Brooches Mesh Bags Bracelet. Tea Set. Cut Glass Silverware TOR "BROTHER" m Fountain Py Belt Sets Cigarette Case. )(loci Ring. F.veer.harp. Perils FOR "BABY" Itr celets Baby Ring. Necklet. Bib Sets Baby Spoon Baby Sets Broady Pim ('h11.1's ('up. Nrrk Chains FOR "HIM" Walt -hes Tie Pin.a. ('uff Lim Fountain PensCigarette CabeCigarette Holger Signet Ring. Emblem Ring. Belt Seta Writ Watch Sibert Set. Fountain Veen. Pendia A full -stork of ('lock.. Sil- verware, ('ut Glass. ('ups and Saueerr. Candlesticks and many new Neveltles. FOR "SISTER" Writ Watch Pearl Necklace Bar I'in Bracelets Brad. Itte•artr' Siltrr \a1.e. Toilet Sets Mr.h HagsEarrings E. C. FOR "HER" Writ Watch Pearl Nreklaee Diamond Ring liar Pins Toilet tied. - Mr.h Raft. Fancy Rings Earrings Fountain Perm Perch. Siker Tra Sets FOR "BROTHER' Watch Tie Pian Watch ChainsStrap Wetted) Cuff Linke ROBERTSON JEW ELLER Authorized Dealer in Genuine Orange Blossom Wedding Rings East Side of Square Engagement and GODERICH I Pater. "NWe're at roLog a tb s on ort• inn Wanderer grandmother: that's a11." I Su tall Uncle Peter and the little girl Elgin-°wue.l by ('syn. Lawson. 1:. X. Carter -owned by Tht.:walon I in the fur cont who was lust Addle's IItlls. 1 age left the toy department and eu- riaribaldl--dw•ned by Jas. Parrsma.' tered the u%otor:u• 111.4 were wool' Niii int ra-.•waned by ('apt Mel,o.l. I whirling trireme) thio east skit. streets. T"d111 n-nn•nw1 by Al". l.aw.00.: Tbeyfound grandmother almost bells J: 4'. Ford -owned by Wm. le.,nar.l• lege with crippled brads and feet, but M-'(ir%Ih--ow•u Erie). by Harte Dunlopeven rbeumatism could not prevent her Vanderbilt--uw'ni�dby 'Hawley. y. fru bake' Erie).trove waking tbe r•'uw .lean and nest. S44atn !UrgesRut there were no idols of Chrtatutas. • ' Nlary- Robert son -ow'nisi by Fred;' "Addle will be half dead with wined. 'Robertson. /' I tees after this Chriamas rush," alghtd Passenger Steamers / grandmother. Kolnln - own. d by Vanive'r and I 'And how about Addle'a Christmaer ltutltiwll. naked Uncle Peter. 4'nusdlun. /t Graudmotber ,book her dhelry bead. Valley (11y-ownid by' taliEvery ••Re are thankful If we can keep warn) and RumIattl I name/ etwBgel to ,fur Christina..." rbc sighed. "I wanted Ronny Boat). I to get aumethlnt;, but 1 could not." 1 Bruer. ho you mind If we help?"naked no• Tray. steeled tri lake by I.e !nm de Peter. • and sunk. ' jBina your kind hennas 1 shall de Ix I'roprllnt' Ylugarr -owned by Joint I Ifahted:" A•ad graudmothcr smiled so into k ('o. • I'r.ip•llerr li.•utle--owned t.y- - Kidd, I beautifully that Et h.1 could not help i Propeller $eywaur-uwa.vl ' by .�+t t.iek that Addle Simpson was rich iIleymottr. . ' In lust having such a grandmother. Passenger bents made trimas deny, Uncle Peter and Addle had such a Awtween Goderich and Southampton I th busy hour after at 'Phi• big auto and one. day per week went to Sar took In tine queerer[ loud -r small ala. • i Christmas tree and a box of urnameuts Steamer Clinton ran b•twecn Cod- -a .big basket of rtr°d tblugs. a chick. Thereand Rat draw twice a week. I en and °rouges and nuts and raisins Ther.' wax also: it line of .evefl ' propellors running between Goderietf i and candy ,dud vegetables. and back to THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY - ITS WORK AND OBJECTS I're.erv*tlon of Loral History One el Its Chief Aiwa (Contributed) Since the (lode•rI.h historical $o• .h-17 lila organized on November 12th last, the question has frequently been asked: "What err the objects of 4111. S.oe'1eiyr All local societies work In eonn.'c- tion with the ($4tari', pu{.torl.al $o- .-l"ty and their constitution defines Lite object as follows:- in the -The Society 'shall engage' ..dl.rtlon. Tweserratlan, exhibition. and publication of material for tbe study of history. especially the hire tory of "Dlooi.ri.114- Acquiring docudocu- mentsand mnnuseript.. obtaining narratives and rw.erde of pl.rne•ere, ondycting to library of historical 1r- f,.•re•ne•, maintaining a library of tole- 1••ricnl portraiture, and historical museum. Publishing and otherwise m diffusing Inforatlnn relative to the lc history .d (Goderb)." To torahs.. shim we hare inserted the word 1:esl,'rllh where Ontario stands in the original. Ontar- io are very few towns In ntar- lo where thethereare still living too many citizens whose memory can take them hack so close to the found - Ing of the town. in a few yteers we Khali be celebrating our hundredth birthday. We have iwetwee'n seventy- five and eighty citizens all over eigh- ty years of age. whose memory of early events is still very ...leer. Get them to tell you about early events and write their story down: don't try to memorize it. History is not ane• dry subject our schools sometimes make it. but may be a eoll..•tton of live personal nar- rative that will give 1.w an Insight into living .onditton. of fifty and.l sixty y•rs 41(0 that should make u. all a.ppreeinte theluxury w. en - 1 Christmas Joys at ROBERTSON'S Oranges - Oranges - Oranges Ripe,"lweet and juicy, from 25c to 90c a dozen Nuts Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, Brazil, mixed or separate 25c a Ib. Chocolates 40c s lb. -s 5 -Ib. box for $1.75 Christmas Candy 25c a ib. Table Raisins 35c a package Olives We have them plain or stuffed, all sizes and prices. Special Christmas Bottle of Olives, Celery, Nut and Pimento, stuffed, for 50c. For the Kiddies A truck loaded with Kisses for 49c The all important The Christmas dike Yid Pudding Currant* 2 lits. for Sae 1 Needed Rai eine 2 Mi. for 2.341 Mixed Peel 344. a lar. 1 Date.Ihe. for tie Shelled Walnuts and Ahnond4 See a Ib. We solicit your patronage Follow the Christmas crowds to C. M. Robertson's Your Grocer The Square, Goderich Phone 164 and Chicago carrying flour for the the big drtwrtolent store where they Buffalo G Lake Holton ItaiVray. There that had here and ilea and tu.mwrae any part WOK a passenger steamer boilers on deck. ran b.4weetl Sarnia. ('aught In a rough rolled loil.•re overboard. Can give name of thin boat and leular.? litasiliz Lezmn By CLARISSA MACKIE joy today. , Try It ont. See how readily your old friend. will talk about early times --when fife stew•k market was opposite the present Bank of Com- merce -when there were no trees around the court house. nothing but gray.•I t•1 cover the mud of the swamp -.when they used to skat.• thr.sigh the cedar swamp hack of the British Exchange hotel -when the po'stink's' wan on ltritannia road near the Sun- set hotel -and hundreds of similar recollections that will interest you. Yon will 444L wurprieed at the in- fnrmatlon half-on-holr'. talk , will bring scut. Writ.. down what they tell you. it will all help later on, to verify some other question that may (..me rap. and In time give the material for a complete hi.tory of our town. 15*n't put this off until nest year: do it title winter. it will help the odd folks to pans the time pleasantly. and you w111 be m►rpri•ed how mach 1? will benefit yotlrwelf. Among the committees yet to ire named by the Hintnrk'al Society are one to interview and collect ,lata from our older residents relative to the .nrly activities of our town: an- other. to arrange n history of sport in 4;od.ri -h. What , cricket, lacrosse. baseball, hockey or curling records ha yr I% I.' IV 1111 sporting records, trophies. .111*.. medals, Mc.. can b' I • Third. las one of the most Ins- t prrt4ut lake porta. the history of our navigation .hmtld are collected end preserved.. These nee only suggestions rat the 14.tiyiti.•• In which the Society shodd engage thin winter. Are I you Itfterent.si in any of them? ' I. there tiny other snhjw4t you think would be of interest? -if so. outline your plan. and prettiRtt It to . the next meeting of the )toelety. bought ,uwtortable clothing for gand- Imother and Addie and some books autl toys and a Lig doll. and back to the teuement. "Now for your gold watch. my dear." said Uncle Peter as they weut out I "Please, Uncle Peter. 1 don't want the watch," said Ethel soberly. 'Take the money for Addle 8tmpsoa' JIVILIOW.44-4-*******4-21-11144-411441 • A • Song of Christmas • e► a • • Bl JAMES 1111i110M5 Ref Y le T was the day be.; fore Chrtstmna, i and the big de- partwent store wan croT'diedl with people bur vying to buy gltta at the very i last minute. Ethel Mason; and her Uncia Peter rolled up to the store In n beenttf'ti motor- car. otorcar. for the Ma- dar sons were very wdopfrich and tired in a marble house up near the par►. Uncle Peter bad promised Ethel a gold watch for a Christmas present and now they bad come to buy it; but. first, they were going up to the toy department so that Ethel might see all the wonderful playthings. Up In the toy department little Ad- dle Simpson ran to and from bundle counter to busy clerks every time one of them called "Forty-three."' Addis's number was "Forty three." and every one called her by that nom• way*+ IsA NT M. • rim. of l'hnalmae elor foe r )0'. al a e,ft And. I'.'mg II la ailed leas' .rt Owl 11 toe pure and •Vunr linas of the heart. brimmed overt filth U.a story of the .lar. 0J1 the ec.:o ..l chi:di.h ,niece That will nu4-0te awry. Ot the 11..re of the teaseled 00410 And the timeline clatter and beat Or the drum that ((oohs to muster Squadrons of aoarnfwring t.et But, oh, let your voice fan fainter '111. b1.nt with a minor ;yrs. Too teml.er your pone with ahs beaaty id the pity t;hr..t nein ahowa. And sena one verse for the voiceless And yet, ere the song be done. A verse for the ears that bear not And a verso for the sightless ogee !or. though It be nose for singing A merry Christmas a1ee. Let ■ low. sweet voice of pathos Hun through the melody. RADIO PROGRAM VW.' proem proeut to brief, week of l ie sca. n •r 14. 1V(4Y. Ite•liene• ,.c. X. L'.. °,•neral Electric t'om ploy. Taal k11(wyele" (3S0 meter.), I:4I•lern standard time. Sunday. December 14. 10.90rye.141.- geie• of Etc.. ilutrh Reformed shun 11..f.lbuny. N 1 . the Iter. It.rtw'rt Wy.koff. pastor. 333333p.m. Pr...raw by 41'441'4411:'(.$)in- phont' Orcheetrt. Leo Killeen. eln.lul tar Murton Brewer. woven°, soloist. 5.04 pm. -.organ recital by Ile. Frank SIII Rogers. from St. reler'. Episcopal church, .Albany. X. Y. 7:to p.m.-R.-ryie• of Fir.t Dutch Reformed (doing., Albany.. N. Y. 9.(5) p.m. - 1`t . r.nu o4f ymphony musk. by Wy1t1.rf .tstoria (orchestra. New k'.rrk, also bruaek•a.t by 337%. • Monday. Ik' .•mh.•r 15. 7 15 p.m.- Program by Walter lte:IL'b•.. tenor• Edward A. Rile, 4101i14 I:fuyacui Trombint. cello: and Will 41reh. tr•t. Tuesday. 1ti..•luls r 114. 44.30 'p.m.-- Prrgram by Rotel Ten Eyck' Trio, Albany.. N. T. I 7.45 p.m.--conneTt oP .Ubuny ('um - wonky ('hues. of 111011 roh.•s frofromElmer4'hll la'ellor'w Ilall. AlbanElmer llama rsh. dtr.•tur. 11.20 p.m.- 1rgau reh cital by $teg- eu E. I J1.-Iiir. fried I'ro.•ttir's liar- ' mann. It'•..•ker IL•all. Aitken?_ N. V t\'wlnewlay. 1h..•ndw•r 17. 6.330 p.m. .tdv,'gtnr.• -bay from . j.ruth's Com- panion. 'om- p anion. Thur'.lay. I1. c. mb•r 1•. 14.30 9.11. Mu.i.• by hotel Ten Ey.'k trio. ,Albany. X. Y. ' 7.43 p.m.- A Few Moments with New hooks." by 1.. L. Hopkins, aa- sistant litirarion General Ele.'trle 1 „mtly, *MOfrau.-Tst11--..---"lt,+(dsr - lads," to 1)r. Charles Alexander Rlchm.iud. president of UnionCol- 1I lege. S.•h.ne Lady. N. V. . 14.1:. p.m.--Cloonedy. "Wwhlilog i 11441.." dry Salisbury Field. presented by 1\'I:Y ('layers. Edward i1. Smith. dlr..•tor; music by the Wirt' Or- .•heet ra. •es 1 to 8 • 11.344 p.m.---ttrgnn recital hy Steph- en E. Itois.I.ir from Proctor's llar- mautts itle,ek••r Ha11.` Albany. N. _Y. Friday. IN.•..totter 114, 7.43 p.m.- Health Talk. New York State Depart- ment of 11.1.111.. (.4.4g) p.m.- Address. "Religious in- fluenee• In ('oll.}'ew," by Wafren. C. ens Tnyler. associate profit -Poor of ('Ivil }:nglueering. Union College. Weheno.e- turfy. N. Y. .y `5.13 p.m. --Reading of Dk•k.'ns' I •Y'hristnm. ,('arol." hr Edward 11. Smith'i mush' by the WGY Ors. wutra. ill.:lll p.m.= -Program hy the Blue Bird Dance Orchestra. Kntur.lay. f)..emb'r 20. 9.30 p.m.- .: Inure musk. by 1'htl Itotnano's Or- . hearts. from the Noisy K••nmere Motel, Albany: popular .ongw. No Hurry The telephone bell rang with anx- ious persiste•ne• The doctor au.wered ! the cull. "•Y.•••?" he said. • -rah, .1.s•tor," a•Ild a worried voler, ••..tm.•ttoing ho+ happened to my wife. 1fer mouth seems set ami she can't `ay a word." •'I'erhaps she has loe•kjaw?' said the m..11esl men. -1.t you think so? Well, If you are round this war some time next week I wi.h you would look In and see what you can do for her." OODERI('H MERCHANT RtARINE A holt-hour's talk recently devel- oped the fait that the lake trade of (iod,'rieh hue always lesp of e•onsid- - er'sble importance. The following list of boats owned and fronting 0144 of Goderich is not by any mean.. emlplet and h publlahed only 1n the hope that someone will fill, out the missing Information, correct any .rrnr.. and gin.• any additional Inform ntlen he may have: Sehoonera Mary Wnt.on. Two Strother.. Levi Patton .Capt. John • Spence. Joseprla WIlann--a'apt. I.nngdon (3.000 btshel's1. Nemeala-owned by Leonard and ripens. Lily notary -owned by Capt. 1)n newt'. - Annexatkln--etwned hy Christo- pher ('rahb. . Tecttm14e•h---0 rn.fl hy il. Horton, Rnmhle & Co. (12.000 bushel.). Jennie k1. halt-- ownal by Van Every Ind Rumbalt. Ontario (built here( ---owned by Seymour (captclty 11.000 bushels grain). ltathburne-owned by Wm. 1..' KoIfage-owned by ilicLeod and M arl'we n. M. C. ('emeron-(rwned by Win. Les. •. Sophie (built here) -awned by Marlton and Jo.. Wllllstn.. Maitland awned by (lnwpany. Evening Stat -owned by Tborhnrn 1t probably never will he known %lint became of Ambrose `mall or who started crow -wort puzzl.w. • Kit- chener lte-ord. • "t1 1 was XT JOB TUNAS wits. ea no culla • O'rLxa Casa 01 OaAZDSCTICIIIL tier. I don't think many of then knew her real name. "Hurry along there. Forty-three[' maid the cle'k. "What's the :tatter wttb you tonight?' Ethel watched Addle go to the bea- dle counter and cons. running back with the percale. and Ethel laughed. "What are you laughing at. Ethel? sated Uncle Peter. Ethel told him. "She jump like a 'act -lin -the -box. Uncle Peter." Bet Uzbek Peter did not laugh. "She la very treed." he said gravely. "Per- haps she wishes. that she was going to have a Christmas tree In the moraine and have a nice dinner afterward-" „Perhaps she ta, Uncle Peter," said Ethel, pouting, for she did rat like W be reminded of poor People. "Beall we and oat?' be asked. and be walked right np to the bundle mew tar and asked Party -three whore she deed sad what was her real mars. Addie looked (rightened. "I \av(t't Gena earthing wrong." she said tia. fitlB7. "if 1 bee my )44) there will be aaa so a(to tate ears of gresrdieMhor•- 'Tfaa't wages. Addled aw11 d Cads .'►both Fowl Supper's Tow'nsp..pl. are I.•.I rning more and more to appr.e-ins.- the fow•1 sup- • p•rs which are Ming proylded at many of the country .•hiire•hes dur- Ing thin Nelsen, and as she ear has. made distance n small eon.ideration one fin.ls them often far afield swell- Inc tit.• erredm anal helping h, make 'sob on., a real .in..•... To some of those who have er(Joy.d the ab►n dan.e of good thing;'at flu• .uppers it may be Illuminating to learn what each family .um asked to donate to One of those re'.ntlt• held: four r•hlekena dres.e.l and cookml, a big pet of potato.s well creamed, gravy. battered bread. cream. milk. butter. cake. pies. tarts, jelly and pickle.. 771.• t..wn women may nay. Wl ycy1, but three have only one suet, call in the year. while con,. of um have .e•1, eral smaller ones each week." True enough. irn"Ibly, hitt the print we wish to emphasize 1. the amount of labor involved in preparing theme stopper.. .added to all thin one mast consider. too. the distances thee... things must toe token, and In male .n sew fnnd.gnat. faeilitb'- for nerv- ing as cemtaret with our ,'om- 1,1.te kitchen e.tulpmente In Sunday se hoods. All honor to the women of f]NITED, 1'ublIsbers. Reaa- For Christma Our .tock of Groceries. Fruits and Vegetables is eomplete, really for -the Christmas buyer. ORANGES Fancy California Navel Oranges in the hest brand, sweet and juicy, from 30c to 60c per doz . GRAPE FRUiT Large and full of juice, at•3 for 25c GRAPES Almeriu'S (Spanish), Saw ('alifnrnia Emperors, at.. 250 lb CRANBERRIES Eatmor Brand.2 abs. 25c VEGETABLES "Ice Berg" (lead I,et- tuee. Brussels Sprouts, Cel- ery; Sweet Potatoes, ('ab tinge, Carrots, Hubbard Squash. NUTS AND CANDIES We will appreciate your Christmas order Schaefer's Grocery 14,011.• _'I" \V. Deliver our neat commnniti.. AV 410 ..o gener- ously ere of their time, energy nnd rtnlr}taue.• for the g.od of thri' .1.I ch. Rmau«e• their churehe.a are smaller does not mean that their labors are tem than those of their urban sisters.--Orillla Times. Gory For Good A entered the vestibule of an hotel and .placed hi. umbrella In tit• Mand. but before going uprtalry he tied to the 'indwells a card on which he hail written : "N.B. -MIA um- bre.11a below. to n champion boxer. Beek In ten minutes." in twenty minutes he returned. but the umbrella wa. gone. The earn, however. waw still there, and on it someone had written: "J'.S.--1'm- hrelln taken by a • hnmpion long dis- tan,•. runner. Won't t..• buck et a11." Christmas Gift Suggestions Let us help you answer the worrying question, What Shall I Give? We list below some items from the largest Christmas stock ever shown by us French Ivory Parker Fountain Pens Cigar Cases Razors Brownie Cameras Narcissus •Bulb Bowls Perfumes Kodaka Chocolates Pipes and Cigar Baby Brush and Comb •Hot Water Bibles Trays -___ _- - - -- Powder Puffs Stationery Greeting Cards Tobacco Pouches Thermos Bottles Shaving Mirror Compacts Shaving Lotions Ebony '1 Snapshot Albums Parker Pencils Cigarette Cases Toilet Water Shaving Brushes Snapshot Calendars We invite your inspection and any article chosen will be put away for you until required Your 1925 Rezall Weather Chart Calendar is here for you. Get it now. H. C. DUNLOP Phone No. 1 THIS REXALL DRUG STORE Goderich r...e...a.n.