HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 10R -Thursday, November 20, 191116
. ir+er ow:•. brain) as Sir .\claw Iteek can toe t0-'
N r4rt.l at 1'.I417, a year and expenses."
• •. • •
and )Il'.. William who had lwen\fur Tht.';folitutiug statement. attrlbUted
now: Ivor brut` Stabil out r•arltiu,t to. Hr. M. J. laoughllu, sale* manager
Maid. SARAH ANY DU'NBAR I beet tof d 1.•4 satin this week kiln(' 'of the International nrreter Ione
rotu1' .
' Ft.ghtur•ank...money was subject puny td Hamilton., utak ' good read -
The death of Mrs. Sarah Ann Dunbar sirs• 1 ght dlwrnult and was asked fort:
1,111. severed at rite home of Urs
her sou -in-law. George Cunningham.
at Ilelgrsve, on tiatunhly. The fun-
eral was held 9ltosdav fr:•m 11-?-
grave It. Woodfield. where in:••r:ll
mss oma dr. Rey . 1)r. 1'•
conducted the services. The "am•
Airs Dunbar -was torn Leah. ORI.
revs 'sixty-three )ear Ra,ud Manager
there until her warrie__
Dunbar at the age
when ell.• morel' ember 11. 1924.
rusi,I»u .lame _
On ole d'othJRIAL NOTES
)'a r. ago. •
w'h,re sot
•tm'ghtor.re weeks of leap year Irft.
extra on u too row "---- tan fending business la getting
vooty too rents e i
s exchange. It w'ao quite a slwo•k, bstt,r every day, of Colles la our
but hr "Id it w•as mel) worth 111' lewd:owe we are the
• first to e •1 t::
cruet of (setter price. for the• tutu•
w4, 11,1•116, 10 know that the Canadian„r but other buduesses aren't very
dollar mus in such Imbue .sedition. nw••h bepind u 71
s. 1.• agricult 1441
• • • ' Is meeting his tooter much letter t n
1t is ,the general impression that he hos for the peat 4,•w years, au'
the next **otiose of the Federal Parl- evoletious are good all along. the
hlmbe lilll • leo• last before a Ren -e ii ... • • • ,
era' elrrlMt-
t. It will Ile whais p;v.0 the ,(ewer than fart)' l.lbenll
cativo a' flihtlt144 sesstuu.” 1111.1 the member,. •.f the Britt -Jo [know of
1':1rllutueutary gtadlatnr4 tuay la• ra`•<l•,owiyuus are divided v,t the gltrsliu,1
ported to ;pO 5t .rich other wilh•uJ.. of leadership. With Mr. Asquith•de-I
-f.v*N.yl and out of the lleeei.4, 1 L
wiJorlty chow- )Ir. Lloyd theergP ns
att. R :1!.1)1.44, t•:Ile•11 ata 0:11,11 ea 11, a .1ut-
'had Ir • • _. r:: u. r, :aid :dl 'that sort of thing.
wood• lays and girls rail almost herr Let tGrw to, to It : the pubo.• like44
44, ser R 1'44.(4 4141141.
flnRagl' of Si11u1 l'I:ul+ slelgJt Ie1M. •• •
• • •
Thr Inn 'UM. 44.111 Is' ilad to reach
their• wfatrr haven -titer a stormy
• • •
()wen Sound ratepayers aro' 1.. cute
at the January ,•lectlous "on :1 promo-
inithen fur the enslion, of a wllliou-
bushel graln,rlrratur.
• • a '
The Mllverbou Rau remarks. evi-
.letup)' with ah eve on ,•urr,lu disc
•usslons: "it would appear that the ' •
• •
m,. -t sar:lge matt to the re•IIglows
l'erth county council has rofus.sl u:
chilli:e the 1144we •of 1111' ,v,uutr he,IIWi•
-tot refuL't• :wd cal! it instead' ai :••home•
for old people.- 'I'4,' lultn•• dr.:•. WI!
urlkt• uua4l dlf4erenre. tf't• •144•Ile
leve Ilnroq vumlly cun11•11 s,r n• ).•ars
1*'.A.e:(4,'l ter Cate the. ltistltutloll
at 4'liutou by soave-hername, i.a!
is .Lill o..mluea.le, know,: •e• •'. •
- I •,n-,• of r,. -ug,•,'- •1111.1 w'•• do,:•t
4lo•ir 11ou++•' 'leader, bat a nnmlwr
h„ye .•u1po+44tlrallc r411748e1 1,. r4,. .g-
uize kis eleudership. 1.141r 11.e1rg'
••i4, -t ousts' w'Ith many 1.1144•ra1. dur-
4IL: the period 4,f his I'I'ewl••rslli;.
and until soave- home 14ri4.',. :o bring
4,14. I:iv sixprewr fighting gttalltlea lot•
l itl t: -'t be able to unite tette.. Llbertel
a:ca,ks l.i•t,iitil hint
• • •
)Ir. e.. N. •torduu. 31. 1'. '04 Pete!
her... stare: that I lie 4,41, :•n: part(
Book l:evtew
A notable contribution to the his-
tory of 11'estefu (titlark) i. Miss
Mabel Dunhdw's ?wok "Tho Trail of
the 1'oner414414." 1t relates, In story
f,rw, the coming of the Memo:mites
Dom 1'euusyhuuia to Waterloo coun-
ty. over u hundred years ago. Hess
w+luuq who Is the librarian In
• public library- at Kitchener. Is
he elf descended from these Peutulyl-
%anl Dutch. as IN set '11 by the de
1111•1141 I of her book.
' The •Ii4M11 of the Me.1uaelter for-
bids wit an.. even le.gai warfare, and
therefore t the time of the .American
I lfevulu: ion the*. 1119.4)144 would not
I fight on elt 4-r- side. and at the clew,
lot the'strum. • found tlaewselvea d4a-
trtutd,l by 1,11 - yi,t1riotas colonists.
1111111,1" of theta, •wlgrsited to Upper
t'atw.h( 31111 111444 • homes la the for,
est+ which then , v,r•,l the country.
Net illi were actual •(4 h)' purely pat-
' riot l.• motives. Wh. Isnan• Itr'•k
talked ` with Inkiest A m Itrieker. he
{ said. —Von said a oto eat 111W taut
l our lila: had always hi rte yours. Do
!Jou Wean to say that tit mare perm,
t pde in l'enti.yll'uula who tare boeu
loyal to the British 'frown :t11 these
rivers slice lite a (10111es br a from
.0 the MA' 4' Io'Ii w111 like;' as oir Ise Ohl Country?'
suytllipg wrong with 'he nnutr• of t4:.• tet;ntl,' Is Its ida:for•:u a def- ••!taw nodded his head.
• to • 1.1:114 for :It., . nrtai'na-o•! ,d ' c knowingly. P z •
• I.nv• r .•1 ;lit. ,:.i1' '1'10• .:w , "'•11111 1,1 that why you are 4-o
711e,hr:iii a1 • a uw41 t; A'usha': I' to Ivry
ion that 111,• gno14* Ti9 r'_aril1byt !Al' 1,, ti. set 1 proft.:on' • similar \ell. v,.• once all dlfrorrut e
I•::grW ioq. front mill 41 canaille Itas I i ,,.r. . 1'hs-t . in 4:1.:e I 1'i, la! It ,•,o;;;,...s.' Far hod in confers. 'FOwe fo
'far t,e,•11 exempt.. t.: info', aplpdi• ,•.7trh :illy uosas11.r.• pot,...• .1 •br+1a*t?,. i and seine to• get laud lhwipi.'
:,ode h. . s'ul'try. This wnnl.! I.:.1' 1,:,11.•• I.; the Dons,. I'.•tnna•es •.,. "170• story -4-f flee mNtratiau' frim
- t!•eir '1,1 hares, the pouting from
❑I: Ion ..•rt lin-nntnl.er'o4 •'itbvdinn. c4,111,,, Caev*withsolt 41.. ,, • t,t
heauuiiiar Icons and 41..111'friend*.rive
.a. :v.-- • the 1'IGte•4 Soli.... 4,l!• a-•• .•f 1.otds. 1t ' ' :.'- '•t;- 4:tficn!ti,s 11114 d:utjero of the tin-
s..!r.•a ,. :`got !s. 4,u•• uu•• . heart•• of {,curt -.r•. '. ....11-,llnown. trail. the firelt view of the
.0 'h.u._ ,...11:.1 li.i13,11.. to •.' •,'I'! I:::: tiering - 0
''1- ,..Iii; . : o.'n.g 1'.1:.:1 1'aos I': • •. by the s'leetiv... . • :u..
•• _ to .. ., .. :L, :r eon e•rnlrr _. ..:: ----
• • •
lValkertuu has 11144 a $u.ev"4sfnl
sinter poultry ..how. What has be -
...me of the etothleshesul that :t.el to
manifest itself Ito the Isdding of the
duue•r poultry 41owi in 1:.dere'-'i
• • •
t'unadlnn exhibltowe'did well at the
u,t ertla dear stork and "rest 44tsou 441
l'bi.ngo, 1'14114-41 Stater - visiting the
s!n4w• wultlit have num., of their Se.f•,ot! -
teak tmpm.sluUs i 13144 oonu!1)
t.adty jolted.
Tile last our) Ivor 4 the
Light Brigade 144 again .l.•ad.. It
is seweut)• • retr. shit•, 111. 137th•
.f •Itslaelava was 4411141ht. a, -.these
6 i44$t Rurvlcorn: mu'l'rhay. had,'1p1en-
6ilhl ennstjtnt Mar.
• • •
. Jain»'• )1411'., 111?141 dk•Il at 1',•
144 e: lust a eek. at- the Ise of elgh- letter- tj::tf leis .no..•••etr Mauuld t4-! :;.;it Mr. Griffin ,Imo :Iver r.•ttw1t:- "us ',land out tot tit.
f tit t ts• s
I'1 , 1'h.• -t4- y '4,:::' ,rise I: t.' ,v.,.-
r'.-4...•ver the Jloeght of Sir .'01:1,1
1:•- I,'s tlir. ate.1841 resiguatiem.
oboe nes tont •In all history. thee.-
e1' hos l'.- i- 'n gnat h•4-•!••'
state.:taun wes
h..' pl o 0
•' ,4114 too' . r •
filled. "Sid Adam Beek Is no lob.;rr
a paha wait, Ile ,vas the i,rianat .(
of i,ydro 4-!1, •14 - 440%. r 111 11pt ,hr.
:ad has g:v.n 1h.• jntb!I.-- splendid
.«re'he•. but M4in,e.ar will hate to tnk.'
:.4 tees.•.. -nine day :ant Jt would In•
111i;:111,111i;:111,I,ty '41turne1 of Nhag'ar11. 'the hew -
,alt 44 hqw,. Irl ttie wilderness.
t Le' atlendiln1 tr:lg •di1•. 4,4 hi
privation' and 411.4041.1. ante.
tu:•4t ItlnTest ln1t tale. The 14.411i•.t
f this simple people. their hospital -
'I'.. !".1 •• .,• . •,t.••:,• •' I•, • thelr•'Iwm•+ty. and withal their
•1', I .r 1,4-: v _
el' , :' - i h ••eat ilUmal,1.'s44 are vi)'i,Ily poor-
; ;rayed, 1
uh ,1' u.. 11„• . . :..11 . Young 443 Upper ('anada, was. then•
te.,•l.r. reefer t.• •, 1'i already ra,a•nls amotz her small
t wlrel J i111uk „ !^ jruritlo❑ Ntadv to take advantage
•f the um n44N •blas:. TJ+.• Iion.'at
a:h l'i••Ii Ott .44,.e• ry•rt of•
•.r I'mvfu: lift' :author:• . •. • ..l I . `.lenn'nit,r h•I? e.sC victims to 41)1 44
..11.. Joseph 1' I:rifttil . .• tJe• Is. : 1114.'' wand.' s . -to
ial It seemed for
-:,lett 4,f jailer ac'elmi •rico foto tw.•nt, ,.:• time fleet the; would • 144,01• !ha it
s, rpt) y,strs• mud How the :, _•• ,,t ` tlew houses and everything t1 ,-y
••nty hr Ii•:% h. retire w .01 i•.1. IS111, thanks t,. the rel 'betel
' The_ ret•d
..s will .1,•,11, :. 111 v "t Sam Bricker and the help of
• an be searched it anyone is in 4,04.i tri,ods pus Lonea.y hot wen, a way
q.fg yeal•s, was fur it. quarter of IR. *tart while Fir .%•lam ..an isci+1'..11•' g,.4•i Serrh-t. ail thr,.tirrh thesely " ' 13 11
urs. Thier+. Cs it"; a ylli'k 3113:1'44: 'tit,• stony torr weil knnw4
a eentur s, the heli' of 1110 emtatiotin dlrntlug 1111• :rut hydro 4-•,:••r 11.4 t.. -day. "tor one in 7 y 'Iiu1 1"1 4,a ,cuuut of -his 111•• II" .....
lgrirnitnr•t• C..ltege nt 4-:n •LJI. ,ei,1 pals. ' , Is4f.•cr a ruga Pt t
Itf ienitr.
fatullles Itol
and hon- l
district i
14111 is-
'' through_. Ir w•ewii 4,' 111.• teat t:'4.,• where these "p}•ople settled
1shuul.1 hi some 1.rorl+ion inn•he i• a gond it. though the present
4.1x, , f the44 kind ill te ("rill orm
Shoes and Slippers make unusually attra:tive
pleasing gifts.
Santa: flails is a great shoe salesman and it is tinsel'
a.lviee fur yon to have a leak at our holiday ',,,twear.
The biggest selection and the latest styles are here.
Dainty models in Evening Slippers, Boudoir Cumfys and
Julieta for women. Popular Romeo, Everett and Opera
styles in brown, black and felt for men.
'1'ht• little folks are not forgotten and should all have
a nice ',air of hoose• slippers or mo(•easins for Christina...
Have you seen the new Adjuster Overshoe ice are
showing' It is the latest taring in Goloshes.
Have a look' at our windows. Prices are most rea-
sonable for first quality footwear.
We are exclusive dealers in- Footwear.
North Side of Square
For the Men - - -
Make this a "Hat Giving Christmas"
Why give a man something that he puts away
forever--- on the 26th?
Why not give him a Hat that he will wear for
months and enjoy the good appearance it will give?
Get your husband, father, brother or son a new
Hat. We'll exchange if size is wrong.
All the latest shades and shapes to select from.
Use our relining, remodelling and repair service
McLean's Block, East ids of Sgnar., Goderioh
.1f .a • 44 11 a 1, , all • 11nr 1" tele )1'11
petodau. 11has bac. 7:,1411 4 of ti'-- 'attn.
yueutly. but •a far notbhlg has 1•'1':. The roue. "e'uwrtoga:' In the
gone 1114.111114• torr.• i.e. Ise•u ,1, would .ta•lu h• ire the name given
;ogrw•m.•nt as to how 4'.,1' the roni,:v -the IMnitllar kind of w'nit011 time) i
I. liable :old how •far the 1•r4l441. • the "Irak." ' It rot Its.name from
stand.' goo In the nutter, all ,$ whlrhl the dp.trirt In which. or the river
111.114,. unt1,h,u at nit to )ft. 411141tn. l near w'hh.h. sada wagons were built.
II' 1f f ., and the name was giriir)by_the
N' .... was tuttr.,c. , ^!,1. ani
i::stitntl..n for twe.t,•too years, and i tiers to n stream w-hi,11 flowed through
has 1, move ort a.. w,•II a4- h,1' 'ate. -The book. w•ho•h hr.. n '•foreworM'
uaUd. It ..•,•nlslthat there should Is•;
their new land
fitting reward for stela signal sera{•• • , I')' Kt. 11.m. 11. i.. 3fa1kenzi,• King.
as. mix. withmarc and l'rovirn•.' ruay b•• 14411 a1' Porter's 1t,s,k Stor,:
should get together 4,u tills IN.ltt atilt
oto w4, at once in fair Pistlee to Mt. Free and Equal' '
:tad. Mrs. Griffin: who hove given { t'"e"sklw•k Sentinel-iterie•w,
years of servhv• and uuw• find them• I •% no•mlN•r 1i n wealthy New York 1
*lees 'eet, lours for fair play.
. Huron ('rhuity. Nov.
family is ...eking a di V(11,1.1. from the
wunioit he married 1t month ago. ler- I
env e•, he sa)•sshe liaa negro blood
In her reins and ecateral.4 the hog
from him. It will i.' Interesting to
GODERICH IN PATH - tee. the r'-'ult. It may not, seem to
OF SUN'S ECLIPSE 1'4- n very s•rinu' oftener. In n ,hem- -
es•rauy where all are sup1p/ae1 to IIr 1
Period of Eclipse as `ern Here Will INrnl free• ti ,.pial. far n woman to
1 tiny,,
Be 111 Seconds
Tot:4'Niro 1, Dec. 10---S v..•pi 1'g fir -
mat - Southwestern untnrlo at a
sped of 1,".AO miles all hour, the
mean's shadow 141st -eon the earth dur-
ing the next total a lipse of tit' sou.
on Jan. 24, 111'25. 1)111 cut off 11 II the
sun's light from Toronto far. a little
over a minute at 11.01.0...., a.m. The
v, -hole Inc.' Ot the stun will he blotted
out nod stars may be 54111 in the
sky. i-rsa Major. the great dipper.
will probably 1w visible In the north•
western sky: mo Prof. R. K. young.
a,N•fat1'- in astronomy, last night in
the Physics buliding, de,s'ribel the
Ln Toronto the eclipse may be
lest nl.served from tall bullding44
and from the *hilltops. Astronomers
do not recommend observation from
the lakefront. as mists will prob-
ably Interfere, About R a.m. the
first black mark, the edge of the
moon. will begin to eat slowly into
the sun's surface. until 9.0(Di the
sun Is black. framed In a circle of
flame. tbe corona.
c:od,•rkh will he the first town in
Ontario exactly in the centre of total
ecllpm., and the eclipse win last
there. as in Clinton. Waterloo,
Guelph, Galt, Kitchener, Dundas,
Hamilton. Welland. Thorold and
Bridgehurg, for 1 minute and 50 nee -
fonds. while In Toronto it will last
only nae minute.
Just outside the edge of the dark•
coned area will he Port Elgin. South-
ampton, Whitby, Aurora, Alliston.
Forest. Waterford, At. Tbomaa and
London Is well intdde, and so is
Tillsonburg. Orangeville, (Th*sley,
Hanover and Durham are also Jest
within the edge. Prod'. Young says
that an error of SUMP two 111 three
miler may he expected in making the
calculations of the eclipse's radius.
Opportunities for ebetervatlon are
unique. he Rays, for the great balk of
observers will not have •n oppor-
tunity for the next twenty -fire or
thirty years of seeing a total solar
1".'! I pe..
Women are taking men's plsem
everywhere --particularly In the Aar
her shops.—flan Francl•oo Bulletin.
blood In her: but
there are people in the 1'110e.1 States
who are as latrtl'ular about their
biose as the members of titled ■ria-
t,enl.y anywhere.
(BELFAST. ion. 9.—Owlr•; to the
thaw and rail the farmers '
are able'
to finish their fall plowing.
Mr. and Mr.. William Sherwood
44101st ft day reeently at ('onrle'n
Miss Eva Gardner. of Zion, visited
with Mrs. James Cook one day Inst
. ,Messrs. Prank and Roy Irwin are
busily engaged at' pressing hay to the
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan. of
Crewe, vtalted at her former home
here on Tuesday 'Lat.
Mr. Glenwood Campbell mold n val-
uable. hone to Mr. Palmer Irwin
last week.
Mr. .Alex Cloakey, of Morris, !pent
a few days r.s•'ntly with friend.; In
the burg.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and family
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mullen.
Mr. and Mrs. Thom. Ferguson spent
a day rcontly with )Ir. and Mem.
James Phillips, of Mafeking.
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Hackett anent
Sunday at the home of their daugh-
ter. Mrs. Ewart Taylor. of Tao -know.
MIR. Tillie Sherwood viklted with
her sister. )irs. Leslie Ritchie. of
%Inn• one day 1114..1 wee*.
Mr. and 'Mr. George Hunter sed
family spent ThnrRday last at the
home of Meters. Thos. and Robert
Mr. and Ura. WiII Lane and family.
of Ripley. spent .Sunday with friends
Mr James Alton made a hualn'a*
trip to latnrl'r one day last week.
A large number from here attend-
ed the Lts•know M'thodtmt church •n-
nire•rsary cert-krm nn QMndly I•at.
Net Fair to the Merchant.
I London A4-ertlmer)
1. there not a poaslbllity of the
bazaar tmslneas !rein¢ overdone at
thea season of the year/ Church or•
A Very Desirable and Practical List
for Christmas Gifts
1110 dozen met:: fine Lu _e Pun" .• 1.:ueu
H+u.dkerclaefs, henwtB eget!. Imported- from
.14,1,11 Itrowu it Soto. Ieif:est. Ireland. Ite.g-ef//
1118r Tee quality, at 1.8,11 •:1:e kir 0 for. :..•$•'t•,
Hen's endured' -border Fine I...umbra 250
Ilandkerchiefs. Sp1.•ial_ 2 for G
5410 dewy hemxtit!'h ,1L1u11ker•hh4s, It:_
%011i . 75 per 4 eat. Biwa, at each J({;;
H1•u's Initial or monogram Linen ., [A_'"—
Han4Fen•hh•fs, Ieut:i4ully ivurk`d, eneh. t VG
Men's mud wane -4,e'. 11n-saint--(:onus4 4.1.
yuislte mat,trlals anti new' designs. At $11 00
" each $1.95, $9.151 atoll • t •
_7 x :.k, I.'-.. '1.. Ito, b,au:iful _
also In annual paiteru'. sheep, Shepherd $5.00
dogs. rte. At .-,,.•11 . , 7•"••••" .
$russet, Rug.. 2', v :1 yard* $16.00
Rags. Ni/.e .1 • a :: yard •
• ,
1'urr file it:sit 1.itou11 Dauui-k, size 4-Z
2 1 '214 711rdq, Ott *ale
Tram _e lotb.,.e'ar: a 1.. Napkins. Lunch S •t •,
oil new and very pbtisiug, stsciull)• priced. ,
:re: x :a:, with colored bares. in ch!lice
of is teems. Quality t. fine Irish Damask ,toad Ne
"uara • 4-e colored linrdt•rs fast. • Itegular ti 95
sale .,fit .,
Best Br eh make. with fancy border. 9$c'
Size nb,it 22 :s. Special, pair•
.7V r
1''rrin's • heat•y '4ilk 'lose with the printed
Viral heels. Neatly boxed. !Slacks. t'
greys. sand, etc. y t 144: At per pair, lila•.
Men's 441k and W4 . Rib Mx In black and
grey, navy atilt bloc _ brown and a and.
fancy mixture, heather ea •t1'. Regu- 75clar $1.00. At per pair
Size 44) Inches x 2", yards. : •arch :Nadraa
in new patterns. Regular $2.50, , ;1.95
per pair
M'i'n rind womcu's Nightgowns of
superior flannelette. *1.141. and '
Boy's Worsted Huse, black, new
Women's Saxony Rib /'a-hm're Black Hos .
Our test quality, $1.50. At per pair $1.00
Fifty new and of lest materials and styles.
beautifully lined. On rale. clearing at
•.......•. $8• $10. $15, $25 and $30 >,,a
Pour_yard• w. I:•. of heucy sph'pdid quality and
good .haler of patterns. t'ur'anc ro,ltn:' ,Ineludiuz
114 0i, felt for underneath hilus. to increase
wear and w:ninth Deeemher sale. peke,• $1.00.
yN•••ial. .guar.• y0rl
perfe* I
1 arc' -' seer... h(•.: ,ttalltty and
'41111 ].ink •1r blue boarders. ' Per
Pair .. ..
to12 v :I
{ . .S
S 1 ..4.
Staiifi"ab and 1'lgllaa' - 1 •`
men. Purr we.hrinkable $2 00 "•'t $2.50
weal, at per garment....
Tho fumutas ,10111ile ::ilk Stocking.. I:Ia,k.
gee).., .Ice. "12 to 10. .'t ler lulir
"Ada/111o' extra quality in 44-'rttlat+ s 141:1!11
our l,,.k :1144- Stoo•kluga. lihtes.1(1.4 t., ;o )atia•
1gctory wear guaranteed. 1'ri„L lite- $10
.0 ender sale VV
Wom.11's and ehildreu's. of pure all wood.
w'Ith 440oel deep culls. ItIack, browns. reds. 350
*Regular 501•. at per 'stir
44 -inch all pure wool heavy Nary Mur
Serge. Very fine quality. Regular $1.IWI, $1.00
at per pair s
Mutnr Rugs or Comforter !tugs. Pure all wool
With deep borders. Very heavy and size 5.1 x 74.
1'a111e1 hair, British make. Value $0.00
at let I.i,h U //
I1oy or girls' heavy fine all wool. In ta'rrgl•
choice of colorings. At each $2.50 $2.15
Every press bought for December la reduced
greatly In price for 1ristmas burring. $12.00
!Noire tont., etc. Ranging $5.110 to
Women's muskrat, of select dark skins. Coats
lung and beautifully made. $125.00
to 4.4. Value $130.00. .1t each j
A Large Choice of Most
sirable Gifts
W. Acheson & Son
gantzmtion44, aocletles and various
ether bodies are all at It. The Idea
i. that Just not,' people are In t1 •
mood to bay a number of articles b•-
cause they desire to have them for
the Verp0Se of making 1'hrimtmas
glfna, and far that reason all these
Fates are put on Just within tit'
reach of the ('hrlstmaR season when
it be posaible to rater to this w• otonal
Instinet of giving.
There are stores in the city. many
of them, which are depending 014 10-
. reamed (llriatmaa ba.lnPl.m to make
up for some of the dell days ,that
hare gene before. If they do not get
this 4ner'aae they are going to find
It Jnst that moth harder to follow'
go441 merchandising prn.tiee.
T1*.*. atOre• all pay rave. on their
premisem and on the turnover they
handle, and a tok at ew.m" or 7 b
tae hill. sh-,w, that they make n very
1uhatant?Rl contribution to the total
tax eolle•tions of the entire city.
('hutches, with one or two Pxeeptlona,
.M not pay taxer. neither do the other
organization,' which are going into
the bazaar boohoo, with the Idea of
getting a share of the ('hrf,tmam bum -
burr. They are granted eiemptloD
from taxation use they are not
regarded in any me aa being hoed
nem estahllahmenta, yet they .,r. -r-
10041 this fact 'ntlr( v and torn to
mer•handleing Just at he 11111,• ,.I'
year when the stores w eh are pay
Ing taxes have every n to to.
poet an Increase in heal from
('hrbetmis buying.
The thing Is net fair to the aes•tl,n
of the e•nmmunity paying its' full
share of taxation for the prlileai, of
carrying on hnalne4R. The more btue-
inetls the atom* do the more Pmploy*
went they can provide, and ,.mpley-
spent la something we Deed in Loads.