The Signal, 1924-12-11, Page 9ass SECTION TWO SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. by GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSD4Y, DECEMBER 11, 1924 THE SIGNAL IIIANTINII 1924 CIVIC FINANCING I A RECORD FOR GODERICH Debenture bootee This tear Total $183,000 All the members were present at the meeting of the town council ou Friday eveuing last. The 'sexton of Maitland cemetery reported five burials in the mouth of November. A report from the tax collector's othee of amounts tau the 1924 collec- tor's roll which are uncollee•tttblo was referred to the finance wmmit- tee. 'rhe tax collector reported payment,' to the treasurer In November amount- ing to $8.940.45, of which $1,201.89 was for arrears of 1922 and 19'r•1 taxes. Applications for building permits were received from Thoa. Gundry, who proposes to reroot and remodel a dwelling on Bruce atree•t, and Bark- er Bros.. who propose to build an ex• teneiou on the north aide of their abop, 30 by 25 feet, and to install an- other gasoline pump, to be placed W- ilde the sidewalk. They also ask to have some trees removed. These applk•atlona were referred to the var- ious committees conerraed. In preee•nting tbe treasurer's state- ment for tbe mouth of November. Mr. Knox gave some information as to the civic financing for the year. This year's operatlona to financing have been the greatest in the btatory of tbe tows. The Collegiate lnetltute Improvements. the intake eonetruc- tion. the debt consolidation, and the adJuatment of Hydro amounts have necessitated the Issue of debenture` totalling $163,000. The biggest prev- ious year In this respect was 1010. when the rumoring amounted to some $5u.0110, or about a third of the amount of this year's operations. A request from the water and light commission for a further payment of $1.000 from the proceeds of the debenture issue was referred to the finance committee. A number of application% for refund or taxes were received anti refeprred either t., the finance commltt'e or W tbe court of revision. A circular letter from the Canadian Fire 1'nderwriters' Aasoclation. draw - ins attention to the cued of special carr of fire-extingutshing apparatus during the cold weather. was referred to the fire committee. A request from the water and light enmmtweslol that the public worts de- •eartment undertake to fill in. at the f the evommlaalon, all eleers- •de in the roadways for water Nino th, was referred to the pub- , i, ty was remitter. 1!0h last, the 'Ontario Muntel- �D kssociatIOn. aeking the eouneil to endgame revolutions with reference to tbe Deep Waterway. As- soetatics and the development of St. Lawrence power, was referred to the omelet committee. A number of amoonta, Including the fire brigade payroll of $ 0. were referred to the finance committee. The report of the court of revision. recommrodfng some minor adjust - menta of taxes, was adopted. The finance committee recommend- ed that the Collegiate In,tltute board be paid the rum of 4950 as Mtance in tall of the 11424 levy; that • grant of $50 be made to the Chil- dren's Aid Society; that the 1024 in- emne tax as paid by J. S. Platt, $411.75. be refunded. The committee` reported that a shaper and small burner from the National plant had been weld to F. W. Doty for $405.50 and the amount bad been received. The public work', rommlttee re- ported that the Meal improvement sewer on Wellington street from Bri- tannia road to Elgin avenue had been completed; that a portion of the .ewer on Montcalm street east from Victoria 'street had been relaid with nine-ineh pipe: that a manhole heti been metalled in East street sewer between Albert atreet and Maitland road. The committee *Omitted draft bylaw. making a special assexament for oiling done on a number of streets lapt summer. These report,' were adopted, Coun- cillor Humber voting "no" to the clamor in (he public works report re - gating to the road oil assessments on Victorap street. The ttwlgnatfnn of Mr. Jahn Galt from tae hoard of the public library was adapted and Mr. IT. R. 'Long was appotnted to fill out the re- mainder of his term. There was considerable diseumlstion as to Me needs of eertaln outlying 'sections of the torn in the matter of lighting. The Stayer Informal the eonnefl that the water and light commisa1nn 11.41 a survey of the whole town un/Pr way to determine where. new lights should be placed. and he invited the chairman of the onne11's water and light committee to seeemp.ny the eemmlawton in Its Inepaction. A molten hr Merano. Woolell and %timoings waa mooed. to the effect that the water, light and barber com- mittse of the ,+wined meet with the water and light enmtnlowlon to confer regardlag the matter of addltInnal street lighting. Streets enentlened es requiring fet- ter lighting were Angie/sea (at the east end), Talreer.toe, Mary and Watnnt, Maehonal4 anti Witatm. Engineer Keely mentlon.d that No;th *treat and RieR.tM1 "rareet• oleo were MQriy ligated. h,i The grist of tayMtva submitted by the plvite worts (wtntnittep. mating *piglet .rworsmente for Mlles of toad.. wee taken tip Ilan hylas. N. SE to g! and Nap. RA and 87 were ,rat through all their stages. Nos. 53, 54 and 55 vo rc read the first and sec- rand time and then laid over.. at the ' . reque.t of Councillor Humber, who objects to the Victoria street aamrks. ments. BJtehsp Williams. to Open Parieh Hall I Th• formal oyx•niu • or ss.. t;e•orge•'s Parish halt. which has bast enlarged and Improved, will take plays nett 'Itiu.wdav evening, December 10th. Ser- vice tervice will be held In the ebun•b at ' p.m., and His Lortbshlp the Bishop of Huron will preach. .afterwards a social half-hour will be held to the parish hall. The News of the Town KNOX CHURCH CHOIR AGAIN SCORES A SUCCESS "The Bo's'n's Bride" Presented to Large and Appreciative Audience A well -tilled audience holm greeted the choir of Knox church 011 Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this . week. when the musket comedy "The Bo's'n's Bride" 'was prt'i rated. There were two arts and the east was as fel lows : Dick Erne, The Bo'. h ' Mr. Eric Wildon Tum Tupper. Bo's'n's mate .Mr. Tom eutt Tim Shannon, un: old salt Mr. J. F. Thomson Kitty, a popular member of High School alumni -Mrs. Frank Saunders Dorothy. her best friend Mies leather Hume Mra. Brown, au admirable chaperone Mrs. H. C. Dunlop Barbara. High ie h col girl Meas Ruby McLeod Chorus of High alcbool girls and friends. ACT 1. A party of naval mem are ashore on a holiday. Thr. Bo'r'n and his state Join them. The Bo's'n is chaffed t.e•ause of his gloomy ap- petranee• and erpinina that he Is p.arehling for n girl named Kitty Adair whom he lass not teen Mr fifteen Year and whom he has been ordered to find and wee'. He dots( not know where she lives. nor what she looks like. A, party of - `shoal girls, Kitgy ameipg them, enters the scene a leearnts of the Ito's ass predicament, Kitty \s:onceals her identity. and the sailors melte the girls to festh $thea aboard H- )i. K. Barnacle. ACT Ii. Thr niglitt arrivt•w-likewise the girls. Presently the chaperone. Mra. Brown. who shad been lett on the wharf. arpp'arl. Tom Shannon, one of the older pallors, rtv'ognize her as an old sweetheart. -Kitty Adair," he cries. Dirk Erne. thinking this mature lady 1. his Kitty, tarns and [tees. Ultimately the duplication of the name is unfolded and the wed- s Mlle ring for fwo happy couples. Q'he acting throughout was well sustained and would have done credit to more pretentious aetore. while the chortler. by tailor lads anal High th-teed girls were partkU1a'lly well rendered. The solo parts *ore taken %y Mrs. Saunders. Minim Hume and Wilonn, Messrs. Thomson, Warn and Cutt. The duets by Yew. Seundern and Mr. Wilson, and those by Mrs. Dunlop and Mr. Thomprro. were espec- lalhy effective, the one by the letter two,mt y you." well deserving tbe encore It repeatedly received. During the in- termission Mr. Feet Holmes delighted the nudiemee by hie rerdmrfng of "Mandalay" and as nn encore "The Music Leswro." a humorous selection. Mr. Jenner alai* awaisted by his cornet solos and Mr. Gibbet. the mu/deal dir- ector. gave 1139113131 Instrumental selection. Mr. f'luff's Disclaimer 'With r -f -ren- to a par.o.raph which appeared in The Signal lust week, Mr. Samuel Chuff stated em- phatl -ally that he is o4` pttlty of the alleged assault and, furthermore. that he did not have any adverties'- ment in a London paper for a house- keeper. The hairnet, of c urs`, bad no lutentlon of injuring "Rr:""thntf. but inserted the paragraph only in the way of repurtlog Police L'OJrt news. Police Court Statistics During the month of November Magistrate Reid dealt with thlety- stc cases In the Polk', Court. Of these two were Mamboed, eleven ad- journed. and In twenty-six conOct1nux were registered. The total fines. for the mouth were $075, of' which. E"2' I0 were our 0. T. A. bn•acbea In sixteen ,`tars• and Kiri) 'leder the inland Revenue Act. Three Jail .entesrs were handed out. ra.:ging frua :hlrty' days to nine months. insWb Protest Agat Hospital Reguoa Mesas. E. R. Wigle. Y. P. 1'., dna er R. J. Megan. president of the Alex- andra hospital beard. aompansed a deputation whist went before the committee of the Legis- lature. witting at Toronto. to make representations with regard to an act pis'std under the Drury Government which. It Is held. bears heavily upon thethesmaller hospitals of the Province. It is hoped that as a result of the made the aet will M• amended to remove the unduly bur densome regulations. A Christmas Gift Suggestion What better Christmas gift could you give than a yeer'ssubscrtptlon to The Signal? it sent to an absent member of the family the paper would be a weekly reeninder of the home circle, and the news of the home town would he received with pleaature throughout the year. Some of our aubecrtb•ra make a praetice `sash year of wending The Signal as a Chrlwtmas gift to one or more friends. With each subscription of this kind we give a suitable presentation card. to be went to the person who is to reCeiye the paper as a gift. 1'blame me *04 Ill blarney ' The Church Union Meeting On Monday evening next, Decem• bee 15th, the subject of ehnr•h union will be presented to the congrega- tion of Knox church by Rev. (Si. W. Gordon ("Ralph Connor", of Winni- peg, ex -moderator of the General As- sembty, and Rev. Dr. D. C. McGregor. of London. Thea. two lenders of the church are amongst the ablest ezpon- 1 enta of the great union movement. and their comtng to Aoderlch will be Giving Them a Send -of .4 an opportunity to beer the facts die - The home of Mr. and Mrs. Steri- aimed sorb as ham not •Miro offered lag MacPhail at Porter's Hill was* hertalore. Of (soiree, all opponents the 'scene of a pleasant occasion one of union are invited and erpae(•ted to evening lame Werk, when about eighty attend, and the g(nersl ehur•cb-going neighbors and friends gathered to public will also be cordially welcome. present Mr. MarPhail and the Mimeses silver collection to defray mx lacunes. M*'Phall with tokens of their regard '- prior to the removal of the family to Goderlch. Accompanying the pre- sentation's tete following address was read: it was with a feeling of deep regret that we. your neighbors and friends. learned that you are about to sever your connection with your old home in which rte believe that you have mob pI4 4ant recollections. During our lifelong aequaintanee we hare al- ways found you 'root, sociable neigh- bors. willing to help In time of need. However, what is our loos Is anoth- er's gain. We hope that you will vis- it nu often. We feel the[ we could not let yon go from oar mldat with- qnt showing nor deep regard and ap- preciation to you am neighhnra and friends. We would tag you, Mist , Annie, Georgina mid ]haggle. to ar- eept this electric toaster sol Iron as a token of our esteem. and Mary. , we ask you to aecopt (his wort se ri slight remembrance of your reboot friends. and Sterling,. this sluwring set. Our teat withal go with y6u to your new home. Signed nn ltehslf of your neigf1lsors and friends. Del Gardner. Tr(d Plekard. The recipient, gave mitahle ex- pression to the surprise rind pleasure with whieh they received theme gift and good wpbs'. end Afterward's a happy social time Weis spent. The vielters had brought proviwlnl for a Inneb. whk'h was rnjnve'd by all. Mr. end Mr.. Mne1'hriil and the 14 'ogee MoePhall are new resiling In 11041r- ricb. Rev. Dr. Wihaon to Speak Hera A matting under the ailspices of the Presbyterian Church Association will be held In Knox church on Thursday. December 111tb, when the question of church union will be die• Cassel by Rev. James Wilson, D. D.. of Toronto. 1)r. Wilson Is well known In (hrderich. being a Huron old toy and a graduate of Golerirn high School. Ile has taken a *long stand against church union. and there will no doubt be great Intere.t in hearing him. This meeting has been arranged for the convenience of l'rmMyterian congregatlons in the snrroundts, dis- trict, and member. of those congre- gations are invited to be present. Rev. R. C. Mciermid, pas::or of Knox church, will take the chair. 1to8 JUDGE BARRON I BIGGEST WINTa TEI), Publishssa HOLDS COUNTY COURT IN HISTO41 Hatch Warrnnt issued for the .lirrest Twenty-three Freighters in t oderieb lambo% r ' The tollowlrg steamer,. luring the pest week with ea when for the I:oderk•b P1L:MM Vorkton, 91.000 bus.: P.itatnn. .1,000 bus.: itro.rkton, 114.000 bus.: Matth- ews. 1110.000 bus.; Winton*. 1I1.01¢1 bus.: l'oUingwo d, 210.0(0 bus.; Ra - .1 true lath was bane•. 1.'5,000 bort.; 1�arnerisk, 141,000 Ire -elected): first leeturer. Sister found by the grand jury, but the fir- bushels.. Margaret Sproul: 2nd le•hurrr, Slater fen.lant did not appear, and his bail The following %t.•ame•rs are due of 11300 was estreat -d and a beach with cargx• os for the ('.oderich limey MacGregor : D. of l'., Sister 1 . eleva- Jame.; inside guard, Slater Irene werrunt issued for his arresi. Trial tor: Reichert.. Martian. tlarnlah. James; outer guard. Bro. Joa Mc- ; wa. pe stpone•d to, . the Drift Anna. Franz, Rollin, Sierra and Reek. NrvAr; committer, 14 Skier Clarke, : Another bill of a atmtlar nature was Grain boat arrivals with cargoes 2nd Slider Riley, 3rd .'Seers Knee- l)reerd t., but was thrown oat the W y the for the Canada Flour Mills shave, '4th Sbrer Lenora Anderson. grand jury. elevator the past week were: Bayton, 5th 'Sister A. McGraw; truster[[, A. John Huteleison. formerly Wets :}40,41.) bus. of wheat : Ailew, 1822.000 • McNeevin,"T. Drennan; auditors, daps- constable of Perth county, appeals! bus. of wheat: (lily of Bangor, 215. - ter M. Sproul. Pieter Palmer; guard- from' his conviction by MaZistrate 000 bas. of wheat. Ian, T. Drennan.( Reid for driving a car while he Thr etwtmers Kenuetly and Wah- toxicatel. Crowe Attorney Kroger eondah are expected with cargos for Notes of the County ty Cou nil took ob)e•e(lon to proceeding with the Western Canada Flour Milb. the appeal on the ground that the The wlnter fleet fes th? coming The town of Wingham and the ail- I required preliminaries had not. w. Ater will tett the lar t. Ia_lhe i11a- Inge ief R'rozep•r arc ext fur the only otosrfved, and at the request of airs- required �► tory of I:oderlch. All of the fore- municipalities oremunicipalities in liuron that have petlant's counsel the ease was ad- Mentioned steamers. with the excep- taken advantage of the recent legis-' journed to the next curt. tion of the Barton.which cleared lotion under whet municipal elec Civil easels were dealt with as fol- light for Fort R'illiem. together with lows: the sh•amers Glenafton, Nortbton. n action for cert Mnpl.s•ourt and .1. Frater Taylor al- it:Rk of sole teeth- ready in port. will constitute the -This is u cease winter fleet. This make+ a total mf y inetone (Wing- twenty three boats. -It is pna.Mle ham) f plaintiff; Seager. K. 1'., that one or two more teats may rte Parr, to that 50 far as ;heap two nun -'fol defendant. Trial as adjourned up here before the elope . f rtaciga- klpnlltle. am concerned rbcs` will be to January 16111 next. wturn it Is to titan. hare winter's fleet numbered no c).ange In next year's .•aunty }x' blot Goderieb. nineteen freighters. council. ( Do v. Jenkins et al. -ten action Hospital .tssoelatlon L. 0. B. A. Election of John Dalryunple Sine:. ,the list of tuember% of Alex- })lection of oflleere for the ensuing County l'unrt wets h,•Id this we •k ;wins Marius and General Hospital year was held by the 1.. 11. 1t. A. on before His Honer Judge Itarron of .t-sra•iatiuu was printed in Thr Nig- Ttu.day evening, with the following aarutfutd, oleuiustun 'Tuesday after- unt the fallowing additional members results: W. 11., Sister Jennie Sproul neon L:n•e been received: M. Robins. Jas. ler-rlrtedt; 1). M„ Stater !'sines: -k bill was presented to the ;;r:rad Ntratigben, Fontein -Spenee. 1s.. J. Me recording secretary. Stater Drennan: jury against. Je.bn Dalrymple, of gee% J. W. Vanatte•r. Mrs. .t. Kin- financial seeretarv. Nfoter t. Mae- Clinton, for'alleged-Indecent :moult cIalr and [Mrs. Mary Thomas. Will Spend Winter In Florida The tolloWing from a bet. Thomas eorresp,ndent will be interesting et many Gotttrlek readers- ata Monxlgour West was parish priest of 81. Peter's: t;oderich. for a number of years: Monsignor West. visitor of linty An- gels' ebureb, left the city Monday evening to: Canaveral. Florida, where he w111 spend the winter months In the quiet eulitude• of the little hamlet on the ocean. front. In his farewell ....ritual on Sunday evening he re- gretted that ill -health had forced him to leave them for the winter. Judge Barren Allows Appeal The appeal of shareholders of the Goderich Elevator Co. against the as - revetment of bonus stock a. income 'WAN heard ly Judge Barron at the court house on Tuesday o•veniug. An informal argument took place in which the Judge and Mr. D. E. Holmes, town solkitor, principally took part. Mr. Holmes upholding the action of the municipal aesessment department in assessing. the bonus steak, while III. Honor maintained that the borne' The wanlenshl for next year toed for eta toss caused by a motor car. Stan - stock was capital and as such could p R. Vanatoos for plaintiff : J. G. '(tan- PERSONAL MENTION not Tr• as+estovl as Income. Iils Honor to the Liberals: by virtue of the finally gave Judgment allowing the adjourned ter\ Dse-tenVer 29th at Strat- I Mrs. Roy Sperling is 111 with a long- Landing agreement, and already bury (Exeter) for defendant. Trial appal. Mr. It. C. Hays, Jr.. Apparel rbcs` IN some speculation as to she for the appcliants. will rapture the honor. Mr, Mat For fewrplaal Building Pard The following additional contribu- tions to the special building fund of Alexandra hospital are reported: R. (Ita rtes Mclean. Prints* j Ail"'rt. Seek. $ 3 00 Western (*nada Flour Mille Co. 1 Thomas Kandy. Victoria t street. Goderleh , Thomas Aus•brook, Cburnh street, (kelerdch L. 11. Graham, Boyne Lake. Alberta Mist Filrabeth P. Redd. 40 West Avenue 14. Hamlltne 11. Ikonaldson, Hernia, Ont. hr. Wesley• J. Reid, De- t trait, Mich. ill. Grant Waddell, Resins. Sink. Yrs John Aehnam, 2/1 St_ George 4)t . Tomato thane may be held the first Monday of December, instead of the first Monday Greer v. Cart of January. In both .mars the repre- and the price of 'tentative on the• county counell was er end other goodb re-elected, Reeve MeKibbon in Wing- , from Wingham. W ham and Reeve tHennrb•rg in Wrox- , am or :ford. Armstrong, the veteran Ileeve of Hu1-' Huetton v. holt-an action to set lett, will have a strong claim If he aside cunreyanee(t as fraudulent. R. Booster ('oNltts at it Again comes back next year, and there Is , Vanstone for plaintiff: W. M. Sin - The Orlllla Packet In its issue of also general agreement that Reeve dais 1Brux's.•Ist fax defendant. Ad - last week say.: The recent article In Charlet A. Reb.rtmon. rat Colborne• jointed to December :11th at Anat. Thr Packet urging that ()riffle should will hewell up in the running The - ford. \ Thnraday afternoon of nett week at Vieteria emhnnl will AP glvels top to the pr.seantatlnn of a ('hristaraa pro gram. Melodist old M gllsh `scala, dialogue*, etc. The program ban bent arranged neder r!e auspices of the Herne and Memel (1erio sad a gen- eral tavitatlaa tb attend la pomade/1 to the pab11(' Adm•Iadoo, Ma Previously •etnawl.dgt+d take steps to have the Blue Water • cle-ear-headed, well -Informed Reeve of Pease et al. v. Alcock et al. -an ac - Highway routed through this town. 'Colborne be/One of the strongest mem- than for slander. 7..E Dancry for has stirred up W. G. Coutts. of Big , berg of the county council, and hip plaintiffs. H. B. Mor*y. , K. C. Stone Gap. Virginia, to indite a five- 1 friend,' would like to see him round t Listowel), for •defendants. The page epistle which for enthusiasm, I off hie municipal career with a term plaintiffs we're• Robert and Albert phrns.vology and typography beats i.aa warden. Pease, and the defendants nm anything we have aver seen. Mr.I An incident of the session of the Alcock and his wits, Mary k. ('ousts saw the article in one of the county eoancll laall of the township of ]Jerrie. The st week was a visit Cvoderieh newspapers, whish eopiel it, of inspection made by the members alleged slander eomisted in et and forthwith art down and write a 1 to the Collegiate lnstttute, where two meats said to have been mads by t letter to the "Booster Club. Orlilia," 1 ho„„ ware spent in looking over the ; ek tendtnt,' to the effort that plata w'hfcm was delirersd to ?dr. A. C. enlarged and improved %hoot build- tiffs had stolen a calf. The Jury Harris, Secretary of the Klwanla ;Ing. The counsellors 'seemed greatly 1 fonnd for the defendants" and the so- ('IDP. The burden of Mr. Coutta$ plater with the building and were tion was dismised with (otos. pang h that he wants Orilifa to take Another action of a similar nature the lead in promoting a great motor 1 partnt big y imof 111" with the ex -1 against .the ram.• d.•fi•ndants, with P fact, lighting the essionnotas. In ; Elijah I'.wse as plaintiff. was ad - the Land of the Midnight I;mn. :rt. of Idesmurr 1n sewing the extent and. Journed to the June 'se•wlons. has Mord of Orlllin's energy, and is thoroughness of the improvements; '''''""fin t. Purvis *loo was pea'- Kannders. quite sure that if we will take that have been made. potted to the Jpne sesalons. The over Sunda, it up we will make a xucvwso i Reports of the rounty (mmcit's 1 plaintiff, John M'Lean, fisherman, of Mr. and of it-�wpeeially if we enlist the December flitting will ire found on G(xle•rich. ones A mender Purvis, who last wee awlstane e a Sir Adam 'leek. if any peeps 3, 5 sad 8 of ,The Signal this carries on a fiehing business at Gnrr Ida, of our readers feels like tackling the week.Ray, 'Manitoulin island. for 321X1. mnntha )mfr we 'shall glad to turn 1s. over ' balance of wage+ ..aid to h.• due. and Mr. to him. interest thereon.rfsit. Religious education Conference j Grand Jury Presentment Kay -Armstrong A meeting `slid to eonalder the The following presentment A quiet marriage took place at the religious (1lnueatloD work of (tenor submituef to .lodge Barron by Ontario streetparte-mime. Clinton.ar• iiuroo was held in Knox church. n. Goderlch, on Thursday, Dec. 4th, with grand Jury : R ly 'Wednesday morning, December Rev. R. B. Ferris, It., A., iJ. I1., , Kira - four grand jurors, hr r.wrs•. 3rd, when Anne Mae, elder daughter gen- fully to submit their presentment s of Yrs. Armstrong and the late real superinu•ndent (d the Ontarl" follows: Robert Armstrong of ('Ilnton, tavam,' Religious Education Cuuneil, In the R'e ylmited the county gnml and Fetch subscriber to The Signal for th f ear 1. to reeive a 1025 500 00 1000 1[X1 00 3 00 10 00 RS 00 e 0000 ' severe- *1ttaek ..f the "'flu." We regret to (earn that our old friend Mr. W. Waroork, who haw - been In tailing health for some years, la; now confto.el .to bis bed. Mrs. A. D. Cameron is at Btyth th week having gone„ to attend the f eral of the late Mt. henry Rich 1)r. \Leonard Dunkeld; who been at Plttshurg, Pa., the la years, is ap-uding a few day parental home here, and w ly commerce pract ice at tt' .Mr. .1. C. Nelson, mane T:o•strus gni mine at Ont.. in visiting ids frit Forrest of town. Mr. Wm. entigie\, arrived home or the winter, a er sailing the a.:ewer Shenango f• the Penson. r. Alex. Siam -ors has returned fro his trip to t e 1'acifk• ream and Is awls,• again o a trip to Montreal. Mrs. F. l' . prnhn. of Wingham. Is here r iltin her Misters, the Mimeo' r. Chapman Wilt here n n.l. has two at the shnrt Ikerrlt)c. •r of the Falk lake, 1 Mr. Wm. was the rs. J. B. Swnffield left fort- Kt. Petersburg, Flor- y will .pend the wearer n thethcrn States. f. Lynn, t Detroit, is a In town thin week. . T. Pritchard arrived Wednes night from ('hicago to spend the diem is holidays. BRII2S the bride of David Kay. won of Mr. chair. Other me•mMere present were: made a very thorough lnspctinpi and r seem ng y R • calendar. and Mrs. Robert Ray, G'derlelr. The 'vs }1• ( Me Dt•rmld, R. H. Mose. we found everything In *trill bride ware a pretty gown of mid- W. R. Alp, L C. White, P. A. Ernes, der and in a most cleanly a night bine brocade, with grey trim- and Meotrs. Gro. Ralthhy, Gear. (Aur- tary condition. •Mr. Reyn minis. grey hat and shows, and a rev, Geo. Bae•hler, J. B. Orr and gaoler, and the turnkey a grey b,-averine emit with wolf trim- (;". Fre'man• matron ■re moat eflk•t mirage the latter the bridegroom's The meeting opened with prayer by 1 There are three prism.• gift. Miss Myrtle Armstrong, slater Rev. P. S. Banes. After an informal tee o4 them vagrants of the Pride, was hride,mald. wear- disc'uselon regarding the temporary ing a term for defau Ina a rose satin crepe truck, touched lame of the earner county and town - Ina fins imposed rade with black, brown marvella coat with ship organization the following resol-' ,•nue Act. The prli Russian titch trimmings, and brown ttttone, were adopted: carrel for and n hat. Alclanek'r }lagleeon was hest , Motel by Rev. W. H. Mow. second- ; We visite$ 1 man. Rev. C. J. Mooreh,use per- ell by Rev. W. R. Alp, that an (odea,- - at Goderlah. formed the ceremony.. After the or he made to have it oerls of Sunday which. as yo ceremony the bridal party dr ve to school conventions or institutes par- your ('barge/ the home of the Pride's mother, allel with the convention of Auburu reeeivr, t IA 00 its 00 Tis 00 1:114 00 81trrt1 110 rat or- ladle's' Hand Bags and t'n4er-Arm rid want- Bugg in newest and moat fashionable de the also the designs are moderately priced at t officiate. l'umpb•ll's Dom Store in the gaol, Owing to the holiday soa.on there and one sere- will he nu regular monthly meeting t> in payment of of the Ahme•k Chapter, I. O. D. E. the Inland Rev- MI kinds of tomtit*. Christmas oners are all well packngee, at Blackston's. the Ideal Ind no complaint. I priii' to 51109. e Children"),Shelter Tie. West street skating rink will t I. do [n'stitutlon I be managed again this winter by Mr. ufr honor remarked in 1Robs.. Andersen. 11 will be open for deserves and doubtless skarn s as• soon as ice can be made. Jno'st liberal auppxort of I (►wing to the delay in compleund where a wedding hraktast was S. S. Association, centering In the the county through the county (stun - served. Only members of the family following places: Biyth. Clinton, ell and otherwise. Mr. 0. ]i. EI- I the Improvements at the ('olh ¢late were present. The bridegronm'e gift tipsforth and (loderich. C'arrie'd. I dart, the superintendent of LOP So- in'stirrer. the ndk•lal re -opening can• to the bridrsmald ens a beaded hand- I 'Moved by Cao. (Atrrey, seeonded lety. iM it must efficient officer and not be held until after the Christ - bag. and to the best man n pair of , by W. M. Moss, that George Italthhy, with the protons in charge of the max holidays. gold enff link.. .Mr. and Mrs. Kay I Auburn, b••chairman of the commit- ,Shelter is doing an exeelient work NEED A LITTLE' EXTRA MONET left for Detroit, and on their return for of amrtnlgrmrnt, with power to' In the re's(•ue of dependent end nog- for Christmas? Then twee on your wilt reside on Fulton 'street. seine hi.* awardwtes it eseb lo.wl i'leetrd children. M,e-b111 by purchasing at "the little centre. Carried. We have visited the hoapltal at shoe -shop around the corner." S1IAR- Prewbytery of ietrron it wax agreed that the following Goderieh and [ileo the new hospital MAN'S- The holt regular mrsting of the I Sunday to rshoole n'sked to co-cryrcr,- I there which in nting completion, From I)ot and Daddy" --a Kodak. and the latter will In our opinion Mother is the most surprised nevem Presbytery of Huron for the yes? 111'4 At Blyfh-kfethodIt, J're byterindb• : a credit 10 the e.,nnty of Huron In the world. and pleased, ton. A was held at Clinton on Tuesday lost, and Anglieen Sunday Schools, Bel- and the town ..f Galerkh. The People Kodak is just what she canted, In Willie church. TThe Macfarlane. Acting were grave IiMr(T ballxt, I'ibytlrian ani of nderleh and the adjncentpresent : Mr. I'Alti'IIET,1:8 T►ru¢ Store carry the moderator, Dr. Fletcher, Meswrs. AngNCan Sunday sehenl's, Brlek, munlctprllties w'ho are fining such eomprletP Kudnk line, eleven, Sunmhine, Inndesaorn. Meth- , a noble work 1n this eonncHon Grant, Lundy, Mel)onald, (7ddley, ( ()diet, Presbyterian and Burnt' Mtn- ; are entitled to the highest apprmla- The Arthur Circle will hold Its an - Hogg, Alp, Fergttton and Hamilton, day 'schools'. anal business meeting t 111 , D.,- day and Messrs. McGowan. Mon and 'support of the people f .r 1 At Clinton-Ontorin et reef, Wesley, their efforts and name`s and we ember ILth, at 7.30. Note the Chau;" HhMrs, Mansion, Iilggin's. Brown ani q•Illls ReptiM, Anglican, ftalrnY.ru nowt strongly commend this in.*titn• in hour. Se'rearies,kiedly here to Roweliffe, rides*. The treasurer pr- i Army. T1trgPr'w, Tlnlmrxvllle, il11ent t10n to the very generous and liberal noel reports ready. Members nnahte tented his annual report, showing a 'err and Sharon. support financially by the council's of he ('to-Itf plrnsr ewnd r.w<'h 11 . good balance, and estimated an as- At Seeforth-.11ethodk.t, Presbyter- the county of Huron and the town as the seem is eatte ee to reach its Ferment of 1R cental per family for tan, Anglican. Snlvntlon Army, Win• of Goderieh. all(the Cl. the ensuing year, which waa accepted. throp, Egmondvllle, 1'ninn and Con- Thanking your honor for your frill Sire. Cha's.fejlkxokr• is opening r The Committer ennxitlllog of last mance Praise school♦ and very instructive explanations* to flower stop nn North next the year's* eormmiswlonerw to the General ' At Go'p,rich.-North mtreet, Victor -fl nal opo, tar the street.ttmas sea - amendment examined the remits and wa In regard to out dritfes as grand ¢ y is 'stree!t ICno;; Ilapttttrf, AngM- Jurors, we remain, Most rexprtfnlly. son. Mr.. Cooke has recentlyherf 1.' reported as fnllnww: The .utaatitute Pan, Salttnrd. Bethel, Port Albert,tnrnd from England, where she amendment in regard to the ptace, i�rtanrn. Bethany, Zion South Sun- (signed) E. C. BPIi(ViRR• held by retired ministers we. ate Foreman 'spent own months visiting her mother day .rhearl.*. and other misdeal, Her relater, Mrs proved. The remit was dkwppioved Judge Barron In discharging the Clever. returned with her from Eng of In regard to the status d rrl'ginus;Tho' (`hrlstenaa come. but ese•e a grand jurors thanked them for their land and Is visiting here for a time In The third tenet was ant 1 very satisfactory service., and for proved of in the matter of ordained a year` the address Just read, and staid that - misSinnarles as Plderw In the over- , think of grits would drive yon he was greatly pleased vowel/01y aw+nnmy. lint tam etveaet*r► did not torp of baptism. The lodgment of•T Ti tlnA we've Jaw[ the real things with their remark.* in regard to the ronelet In raving money. bus la spend Presbytery In sward to the filling of r. hare. ('biI4rro's Shelter and the hesrpital. Ing It for purpose's' tvnmftrtal to the all oblisatknna by all congregations whbh he was sled to be Informal welfare of the Pnmmnnitbma abler regnired a letter from the eonvesor Rn1lcaMa and cfnDttaga nee too dear. were liberally smppnrted by the Pmts- they r,.pnpeat, and hoptoltaie were 4 M the general lntetPewa committee. 1s. A}1Ai01WA H. I ty and local uwanlelpal eermmrtls. It a`m`enity anti of the highest benefit was felt. ; e was the ditty of s.ualetpal anthori- to the people sad wngbt M bo 1M- Tt1.. next *e.tleg of Me Presbytery le' its build roe an lye eremite Mirk . ties to give Ilberal support to stab orallywappes4M by lbs people through will be held 1a (limen em the )41h for tat party. Aseartmd flavors. Iaatftwtlows. Sometimes analslpal the �sreiapal rennet*, by wlton Use P,M•mary, is I. at 11 e'olaek a.m. Bi,A(UCft'f[)XWM. Pbwe 9M. seawalls wool to ter what is ``ailed people wee* r.prewar`$. terse A to •'• 's