HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-11-20, Page 8--Tburedey, November•20. 1904. OBI TUAR Y THE SIGNAL,, GODERICH, ONT. MRS. SARAH ANN DU'NBAR roe death ed Mrs. Sarah Ann 1►uu- toar o(,•urred. at - -Ike ' home of Iles' sou -in-law. Gel r Cunningham. at ltetgrave,'on Saturday. •Th.• fun - end was held Tuesday from I1•t- grave t.. Wee, field. %Jeer• interment was snide. Aet. Dr. Perrie conducted the i a•rvtces. The late iM.'. Dunbar was born In Luck- rew sixty-three years 'alto. *nil lived then• until her marriage to I►avid Iirmllar et the age et twenty-oae, w heo Kll.• moved to Wesll181d. Her moist.n name was Sarah Ann Vint. O11 the ckath of her husband thirteen y1•.tr. alto: she mored to Itelghare, where Abe had resided with Iter da•Ight�r Mrs. l'unningham. She n v. A, Methodist in religion. She had, n ill since host spring. and confinfd to her bed for the last hew months. She is survived by two Ids- teeh,. Mrs. William Lowe. of Belgrsve, . 1 1• and air.. William Baldwin. of Lott:- now; ee:now; four brother,, A. J. Vint of Sfratfnrd. RobOrt of Wingbam, (ll. . te•rt of L.ui ki uw, and Joseph of Stoughton. Man.; thew. daughters. Mrs. William Graham of Stratford, Mrs. Cunningh$m of lielgr'ave. and Alar. Amita,. Barr cif Blyth. 1 Silts. ROBERT t'AMPIIk LL After an Illness of several mann.., A highly retpe•ted resident of God, rleh. In the person of Christina W. - Donald, widowof the late Itol•rt ('ample ll, passed away, on Monday at her hone on )(entreat street. l;n her seventy-nlatb year.. Size. Camp.' bell WA), born at Stornoway, Scot- land. tenting to this country-. with her parents when about five years of age. Thr famtlr settled fir.1 at HI;drJ• and later removed to (;odcrk•h, where the late deceased was married to Mr. Robert 4'amllwpt. pt ho fix Maly years was In Ot•rge of the Govern- ment lighthouse here. arae who pre- deceased her twrive years. She ' Is survived by hills. daughters: Mrs. W. T. Penne. Mrs. -J. W. Cesigle end Mier Man (uwplwll. ail of town, add ,two stns; William. of town. nu, 1 'Offer for [sale ('apt: 1Jllald Campbell. of Tnnaw•an- da. X. Y. The funeral took place on Wednesday aftertnx.n to Maittind cemetery, Iter. 11. e'. ,Mel)ermid I.e- lug the oft -feting eh•rR,t•raan. The palllwarers were the two eons and two ant"-In•latr. , FaWAltl) 11AGAItTY IOO Sham any part) The Dominion Road Machinery Co., Ltd. ' l'.t 1':T \ I r1\ s I at $54 per share. HANSON & HANSON 25 Broadway New York HAVE YOUR WAGON TIRFS Cold Set for a permanent job. Dominion Road Machinery um" BAZAAR hr Ladi-' .\iii Society, in North St. Methodist Church 01 Saturday, Nov. 29th commencing at :1 porn. Sale of-Fane'*ork, Homemade Baking, Candy, etc. Tea nerved from 3.3010 7 p.m. The Inquest Into the death of Ed- ward Harold Hagerty. who. as re- ported in The Signal last week. was kill••d while pursuing his duties as litwe'1Lan 111 the -Ch.R. yards' at Kltcheuer on TLuredes muroing last. resulted In a verdict of accidental death. the railway eompauy piing ex- •rsted of all heart[*. AtOnline to the evidence of two rye-wttweeses. Hagerty fell off the Iaddl r 0t a cttr, lust his balance end fen ac•ros11 the tracks, one wheel of lite car passing over his baly. The funeral o the late Mr. Hag- erty was lel at Stretford on Sat- urday mo a ,g, from the house of his. pare[ Mr. and Mrs. J. /impiety, t.. St. ►mph's church. shore rt•qulrin may w'aa suug Ly 1tei. Father Mac- k ,•. who also oib••iat.d at the grave. tootle tlusr present at the funeral were -railwaymen and other friends :11111 rein tlees from various- ,points, including Mrs. (than. Pennington. of e;od.•rk•h. The floral tribute; in- cluded spays from Mr. and [Mrs. 4.1111 P. Pennington and Mrs. C. M. (toss, (,i derieh, as well as from the railwaymen and many trlenda at Stratford and Kitchener. The late )Ir. ilnparty was a resident of Gode- • rieh for four years Ibd was respected and esteemed by all who had the privilege of knowing him. r their lives on Lakeview Farm. 5th etmeearluu. Mr. William \Yakefldd continued to work Lakeview Farm for a period of forty years. until 1016. when he menet to town. In religion Mr. Wakatteld. was au Anglk•*u. and In polities a l'unsersalive. For ten years be filled the other of assessor of (lode/Yell townrbly. lu the troubled times of I►lr Fenian raids j he was one of those who joined the !volunteer bands widen were forms -.1 to repel the expected luvastern. Mr. , Wakefield nater warritd. lie is tour- vh„t by three sisters: Mrs. Thomas Sowerby and Mr. Walter F. iliek, of \YILL LAM WAKEFIELD The death of William Wakefield, whieh c..'urr.d on Sunday afternoon. removed one who had been a resident of this district for seventy yearn and who. Utough of quiet and retiring manner. had always held the high es- teem of those who knew him. Mr. Wakefield was In his eighty-second year. haying been horn at Cambridge. England. In the year 1743. He came to this- country with hi+ parent., the Irate 3h. and Mrs. David Wakefield. at the age of twelve years. The fam- ily settled on a farm at Benmlller, an,1 a few years later moved to God - erieh township. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wake- field. aro. slwndtng ,the latter part of THE LATE: WILLiAM WAKEFIELD Gnderich township. and Mica Alice 1 Wakefield, who lived[ with 'her 'broth- er. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from his residence to Man- kind cemetery. Rev. S. R. Hardy, rev- , tor of St. Georyte's church, conducting the ser lee►. The palllearer- were !Messrs. John Sowerby, W. F. 11k•l•, ('hrisiopher Johnston -and George I • Sowerby. ILAWRENCE WHEELER Air..7. R. Wheeler. of town. ye.tter- , day attended the funeral of his tittle er. the late Lawrence Wheeler, who Idled on Monday at bis istme In Grey township, In his seventy -tint year. 1 The [(russets Post has the following Ireference to the depertwi one: I When Lawrence Wheeler Said goodbye t0 earthly concerns last Mon - ; day as fine a man as could be found in the countryside passed out. Hie illness was of cohort duration, the "flu" followed by pneumonia maktag short work. Few know he was 111 un- til his death was rt• w,rted. Mr. Wheeler was born In Tecumseh township and came to Morrie town- ship sixty years ago; later sold and mored two mite, north of Brox- web; in Grey township. He married Mina Ann Cole. wino died in 11013. The children are Russel. (;oderlch ; Stan- ley, Sth concession. (trey, and Augua- tut, on the homestead. Benson died seven years ago as (he result of an seeident. •Mn, W. Il. Ben, nruaael-, is a daughter. Mr. Wheelers only surviving brother is John, in Califor- nia. three others predeceasing him. Mra. Marshall Hughes, Edmonton. is A sister. •Mr. Wheeler wan a thrifty - going farmer. keeping everything In good trim. He was fond of Iwo cul- ture and took a great interaR in bit work. f.ep Sed WW1 it eonsds'ent member of the Methodist church a generous in his support and that body In.t one of its faithful ones when Lawrence Wheeler died. HP was A member o{ Bit:emelt. Court of the C. 0. F. Mr.Wheeler was at Bruaselm on Tuesday. taking 111 on Wednes- day. Funeral took places IlVedneadity afternoon of this week. With Rev. Mr. Clarke, him pastor, in charge. in- terment was made in the family plot. Bru,ueis cemetery. The name of Mr. Wheeler will live long in the memory of these who knew him for his integ- rity. Bereaved are ac.nrod of the sympathy of a wide (dole. New Arrivals Fresh Senniaid seeded and seedless Raisins ._. ._ 15c package Sultana Raisin i Sc Ib. Seedless Raisins, special, 2 lbs. for ._ 2rc. Large Was Mwcatel Raisins . 1 5c Ib. 1 SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Wohave jnet raeaived • shipment of Cream and Milk Pitchers, 4 10c to SOc each Wiwi' .. Ir windowefor special displays. 'We kindly solicit y..ur pttr..nags C. M. ROBERTSON Phone 164 "Yoe* Grocer" Ged.rich .......s LADIES! Here's your opportunity to get a Winter Coat at a very low price. Ladies' Winter Coats in Teddy Bear and Camel Hair Botha, lined throughout and interlined. Offered at greatly reduced prices. Regular $22.00 and $24.00, at $15.00 Other lines of Ladies' Winter Coats of marvella. truvmarvdla and flamingo cloths, with fur collars and cuffs, marquis de luxe lining. These are being offered at special clearing prices. A. CORNFIELD THE SQUARE LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS GODERICH SHOP WHERE YOU ARC INVITED TO SHOP PHONE 41a wises tiaalaIMwr DN. \. Three Delightful Volumes by Lord Frederic Hamilton "The dna 'backs of adtauedug years are so painfully otni.lul to those who have to Shoulder the bur- den urden of • long tale of summers that there is no need to Enlarge upon them. '.TIIe elderly hare one eeatIe•uta- Uou, however; Utej have well-filled ,•tum -lou.,•. of remin►seeueet, chest• of memories wh1ek are the resting - place of so many rocolleettoua that their ,aver esu at- Will re -travel in oil.• .e-uud a+ mueh of the verb's* of this glulce as it has bel his gloat for noir Jo visit." These words form the otiosity' par- agraphs of "Here. There. and Rvery- where." one of three charming vei- nme% of reminlwcl•ts•es by Lord Fred- eric Ilamilton. books" which are en- joyed Ly Uso,s. of •'ndt•atteing y•^,srs and by very mnuy. as well, shoes yearn have not a. yet •::advata•er' very tar. , [Lori Frederic IIaitiltoit has a won- derful --chest o1 memories" and In his thew• delightful von he has Nieto-it 0 for the joy 111111 dele4atlw of renders everywhere. 1}e had un- usual opportunities for titling this wonderful chest. He travelled touch for pleasure. and. to hes capacity of wrretry or attache with venous Brl- tleh etettamies. he was able to visit mnny untries fav- orable ciretimstaeeunder n.a.An sonllf of the 41Tlike of Alereorn. he was related to many of the noble families of Great Britain. and was an intimate trend of others. Ito Shat belt lane is liadl• ..t of the late Maharajah of (ooeashiivIk'• har; be wat('hed Itord KKitchleter's oodles at Calcutta tranmfoie • day, a field of rough tuned t a gur- lien which. If not toxo clue, vatse- ted. looked as if it had ix A e -tal- Ilshed for years. Ile talked "pidgin 1 nglhh" with the Chinese and hute- ly enjoyed the tmtrathon races of the duck.' from the paddy -fields to eh, junks; he visite! Rumala and tells with amusement the story of the de- vout (?) French Innkeeper there. bowing before the Russian Ikon. iut- preseing the mativea with hit deto- tlnn. while he vented his irritation in Scandalous words of Is Gilt Instead of prayers. in the West Bolles, wlt:l Isla friend the Guardsman. he tra- versed the 'gland that Is "a M.easd growing grocer's strop," and he dea- erlhe.s humorously a dismission in the Bermuda ['ornament aunt permitting the nae of motor.cani there. His descriptions of customs and climates. people and scenery are vivid and give one an excellent :lea of dif- ferent countries and their inhabi- tants. ,He relates an incident flint snakes one realize plow Britain ham ental,- livhed conne.tiens all over the .earth. He nays. 'II give a dinner party at an hotel to eleven people. all ',Merl-. nr officers' wives. The conversation turned to birthplaces and the anewer. given were so curious that t wrote them all down. Not only were all my Kneads moldier", and soldiers' wives. hut they were nearly all the eons and daughters. of Soldiers at well. One major had been horn at Ospe'Town ; his very comely wife in Rarl►adon. The other major halt been born at •Murat. In India. him wife at Quebec and her nnmmrriep minter in Mauritins; and so It wan with all of them. 01 theses twelrt people of pure British blood, i wait the only sate who had been torn In England or In Eur- ope; even the mnhaltern had 1e -n horn In Hong.Kong." Returning home. Local Frederic gave POMP lessons In geography In the schools of Borne of bis friends [1111 methods mutat hare been enjoyed immensely by the pupils. for they were quite new in seined experience. The pupils who gave Incorrect tun awora did not partake of the "enjoy- ment" of their more succesarful--tBflf= rade.. Hia volume on "The Day* Before Yesterday" deals with memories .1 his boyhood and youth end c.•nteing Interesting anecdotes of people and events of bygone year:. in "The Vanished Pompe of Yesterday" he carries the reader from one to an - itory A Mew Serial "Spanish Doubloons" will be commenced shortly in The Signal LOOK FOR iT it is a thrilling tale of ad- venture and romance. ether of ale r"url. al li,uruple, 1 scribing king., and emperors and dile uwt. ill his own inimitable way. .\u hour with any one of the vol- ume. from the ileo of this prise of ro„ut,•urs i, productive of refresh - 00111, t wat,•entent, and profit as well. %Ingham Man Killed \VINGIIAM, • Nov. 17. -Mr. and \ lr,t. Patrick Luttou, of this tow's. re 'dyed word on Saturday that Ih.4r son. Ions! Luttun, was killed by tie- ing knocked duwu by a Motor tear whit, entering his office at Tontine, 3liclt. Deceased was In his thir•> - Iffth year and leaver besides ids per - tee 21 uud his NV 1111/P1* several sheers sold brother. The funeral was hell to -day at Pontiac. Mich. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 'rhe t'ullw,ru.• ta,tnsltlp eslJudl met in the !tall at Carlow ou November Int it. t'euu,•III ICS igniter and Graham present : the Beeve presiding. devote. adopt- ed, as read. The treasurer reported rcrelviyt VW rent for the township hall from A. Johnstone. Bylaw No. 5 ons haesel. authorizing the collection of 5 per rent. additional 1111 unpaid taxes after the 14th of Deember, it motion of Mr. FIsls•r and ,Mr. l;rah- nw. The 1.11110W lug accounts were pail: ('. stew -art, relishing culvert on Ashfield boundary, 22.:10; Signal Printtng t'n., $6.73; C. AHIn. neurfae- Ing, 11`3.5.50; Stanley Vanstose. $17.51: (;un Vantatune, 117.110; E. Ventilate. S .:aaw wart, gravel nd w17ork.0; $:'5J.:.0; E.Ste1Krimwer, $':.;0:e 1'. Young, $22.70. work and gravel; E lounge resuin, $1a0; Aldlu -V- iln, rrsurtaeirfacng, g120(10: Wm. Me- Whinuet. $7.30; Wm. Hill. 120.00: .\. Straughan, 2'0.00; F. Fisher, /20.IMI: S Gardner. gravel. $133.5; Ham Freeman, 110; Andrew Roth.. gravel and work. $15.114; A. Watson. :t1.5.1111: (`. I)nston, $15.00; A. Good, . a64,00; C. Walters. 12.23; Ed. Hardy, $12.50: Warn.•r Walter, cement. $IT. Li ['engam gravel and worst..- 4.T: Jas. Straughan, $23.. . -W . Thom. gravel and work.- --*37.181; E. Stranghan. SIAM; Geo. Million. *23451; Juo. rowan. 121.'23; .Ino. Fowler. 1::11.00; R Walter. 121.75: A. Johnston, eart•- tnking of hall, $15.00: C. A. Robert- son. seitetlug jurors. $3.00; Clerk. tt00. ticketing jurors; A.. Fisher. sheep killed by doge. $x1.00. ' Meeting adjourned t, 10 a.m., 15.- c -ember 15th, 1924. MRS. HF.THF.RiNGTON, T•rwnablp Clerk. • BORN. DiL1WN.-(111 No/01116•r 5, to Mr. and Mrs. John S. ',anon. 1.. R. Aahflekl. a daughter. LA.NN-t. N. --On Thursday. Novwtts,r 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Lanuau. CO1OPPwiuu S, Mirfield, a .cul. DIED. YAK1- 1. 1Fa.L.-11t Gudrrkh, on Sunday. November 16, \\'ileum 'aLrfleld. to hie s2ud year. 1.11X '17ut Plitt l'ox. -Lt l;Islerlch iownthip, ou y, November 20, Janey beloved wife ut Mr. T. C. a ed 07 years. McLEW►. .luy, Nur Hilus Id, McLeod. lu Goderkh, on Tues. e her 15. Keane -the Mc sr ow of the late Donald lu er 14th year. CAMPBELL -1 day, November Ilat*id, widow. Campbell. in he Gods -rich, on Muu- 7. Christina Mc - the late Robert r 9th year. \YIIEE1.Elt.--Iu Grey Monday. November Wheeler, aged 70 y and 5 Bays. township, sin 7: Lawrence yeti , 3 months DENTAL DR. LORNE WILKEY Over [fern'', Shoe Store. Telephese 420. Ih•euiuge by appointment. CHIROPIL%CTOR A. N. ATKINSON REGISTERED CITIROPRACTOM Godericb. Chronic organic and nervous diner eases, (Lnsultaahon free. OmcI hours, 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., Sof by appointment. Residence and oilier-4'or. Easl and Victoria streets. L. COLE, 1t. 10., ise l►PTt►METitIST, OPTICIAN, 'tVs'st Street. ,tsleri.9s Hutton Graduate of the Canadtaai Opttthelmie College of 'Forman. Eyes examined by the latest meth. eels. mud the proper fitting of classed et nrek•rate prices. Ontario ltoar4 of Examlrten Certificate No. S75. EVENING CLASSES • Tli,se viatwea aro• not being 1110.1 up rapidly and. tiniest+ more of our ettixt•nts take advantage o1 the grand opportunity. the atit horitie. will have to o-lSre up some of them or crmbine thew. In ikeasmaking there are as yet only twit elats'a. Wednesday after- noon and evening. and Nath of these can aaommolate six more memht-ra and the authoritiet are prepared to open other yin Aiwa, If needed. In Millinery there 1P only one ODOR on Tuesday evening and it can receive six more. This elate( will give Inslriwtinn in making rosettes end other fans -y ribbon noc-eltlee for lent and drew trimmings[. In Fancy Knitting two elegem have been begun on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, but each Baas It able to take tour more. An afternoon class eltls•r of thea; days will be formed OP soon an sufficient enrollment war- rants. In this clans, too. Instruction will tw given in the making of wool flowers and fancy knitted novelties for trimming. in Basketry there have been began font classes', with the expee•tatdtl that there would be the former great demand for thin Instruction. There are two elawasw for beginner* Frits/ evening and Saturday at 4 p.m. The Friday ('last can reeelve six more and the afternoon twelve. The ad- vanced flange's are held on Mond ty evening and Satnrday at 2 pan. Each et these can atenmmodate thole ten members. I nless enrollment In all the (•111ases AR indicated shore takes place with- in the next week, the etatwet in Pixel' tlthJect will have to be com[tlned. The Principal will rendre your en- rollment any tittle by 'phone from 6 to 7 p.m. or at the clans rtmms from 7.30 p.m., when the email fee of 11.00 ,an be pnId. Flnrollmsnt eon alto he nude with the tevoral inntnw•torn. 'Po complete the term's inetructinn of thirteen lemons the classes will be rgnttnmed on Into the new year. when other new dentes w111 to formed on sn8leient enrollment. • J. W. FRASER. J. P. 1flIME. Chairman of Committee, Priuetpnt. WANTED WA11'I'ED.-4Ia111L1CT AGENT for our Tree* and Shrub. i.ibers1 pay; free ewpofpment. Write new. WELLAND •NURHERY CO., Wel- land, Ont. LOOP AND FOUND 0tTNn-LN GODER4CH ON 11 Thursday, November 13, a hleck muff. Owner mar titre tame by I (•latming property and paying for this Advertls.'mPnt. JOSEPH FDIHER. 4A itford. CARD OF THA. 11tH uF '1'11.\NK5---\11(44. uud d,utyhr-r wilt 10 thou: the friends sod neighbors for kindite.. .hon 11 them durlig the l .it•koess and bereacement of Ian -'cit and tether. DIt. ALEXANDER FISHER. Phone 0:17 Stratford, Ont. Special attention glen to care al it.fanta and children WM. F. K0rcALF. Bayfield. Ont. hours -2 to 4 and 7 to I. .. hours by appointment nOR RENT. -HOUSE, WITH run- I 1 e a NAI'E and every (oarenience; Orb immediate poeseasfon ; will rent er Irate. W. A(t1IESON A HON. AUCTION SALE I ET>C, I Late Ho Sur Al e'TItIN SA1.F: OF HORSES, , thalmlc and un Irl'(;GIF:s AND HARNESS. lit Mootrellel MR. l'E til. RYAN �1{dolden Square will sell by pdelk auction ----it his don, Eng. home un St. -street,'doderIet.I 53 Waterloo St, oil ephone 267. At Hotel Bedfo = `fiAT1'itDAT, NOV. 29th, Ntt temib•r 17th, at commencing at 1.:10 ,clock sharp: ember 1xth. at 1 1 horse: 1 pony; _ P.m. 1 horse. 0 years old; 1 horse. 5 }'ears old: 1 pony: 1 pneumatic lire buggy : 1 open rubber tire bltggy ; F colter: 1 hike (art: 1 Set tingle bar- PROF. W. H. JACKSON, Organist nese; 1 set - befallen; shin boot : guar - ter Director of dash, f ontE ter boots; 2 Wanks- . ; I robe; 1 rug: steer Methodist o chursh. I trtrctfoe 1 heater Store; 1 wet rte�rly new' given in Voice Culture, Organ, Plano. donbls•t reeve. TERMS. -All sums of $10 and un- Violin, Guitar. Theory. ere. Studio ani der cosh; over than amount 0 months' residence. 37 North street. Phone 384. credit will be given on furnishing ap- proval joint notet. A scouof et MACI►ONAi-D GIBB.9, 1s -r eent. alfoweil fur rashdionnt (relit i Organist and Choirmaster of Hudd amounts• .•burin. 4'00IL. RYAN. T. GT'NDRY. Ipatru tion In Piano. Organ. and sing-' Proprietor. Anetioneer. dug. I'upilm prepared for examines tdout If desired. FOR SALE For terms apply at Knot church from 4 to 0 p.m. on Thursdsy or Fel• FOR SALE. -FIFTY ('ORDS 1» day. or •dives P. 0. Box 04. Tele twrlr.-leach poplar wood at 12.71 phone 249w. per eonl. W. A. ORSER, Dungan non. Telephone 24r4. TO MINT DR F'. J. H FORSTER S.. Stratford. Tsl- MV SI' Godericb, ori p.m . to Nov - VOR SALE OR TO RENT. FOR A the sewsnn M 1921-10 . the God- (•rich Skating Rink. Tenders will i►e received up to November 22 by WM. ('.tMPBF.I.I. Sec. -Trow, OR MALE OR RENT. -4.4) 0D l� black clay loam farm of 100 acres it the township of Kinloss. Tide is it good buy. WIli sell for it sma1: cash deposit down and terms to mutt purehamer. For particulars apply at THE Si(;NAL OFF•1('E. R C. SHINGLE+,-Qarload of B. 0 M. XXXXX shingles and cedar siding at ;McGaw Station. ROBERTSON 4 TREBLE. R.R. No. 5, Goderieh. Tel► pbones-Dungannon and Carlow. r0R SALH.-TIIAT WELL-KNOWN A property, the ['Won Hotel, Code- rieh. Standard lkemttd hotel ; steam - heated; in good repair. Large ei.c- tre.-lighted tarn, would make a tplen- dld garage. Ereellent location on one of the hest business streets of the town. For any further particu- lar' apply to W. J. J..\NNA\. Prop- rietor, Goderleh. PUBLIC NOTICIS MEET1N(I OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Connell of the Corporation of Huron will melt In the Council Chamber, Onderich. at 3 o'ein ek In 2nd be an rich 1. 0.; Jas. /trains, Viee-Pre, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ' 1,'RANIC P. 017188• CHARTERED ■■ Arronntant_ 102 Ontario street. Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 1330.7. I.R(iAL PROUDFOOT & KILLORAN Rarrlstera, Notary Public. ete. Money to Lend. Phone 97. Office -The .Square. Ooderich CLUFF. B. A.. BARRISTER. Sotlettor and Notary Public. North St.. 4 ieierleh. Phone 411. DUIDUDLEYE. HOIAIES ltarrietetr, Etc. Oil/re--lb, mitten street, Goderlel. Phone 27. f• SEAGER, KC.. BARRISTER, n SOLICITOR. Notary Public sad Conveyancer. Office -Court Hoe* Godertch. Nave & NapoNapo IRrg BARRgR, ETC. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYR, ra.. B.A. Hamilton St., Goderien INSURANCE, LOANS, ITC. the afternoon of Tuesday, the McICH.I.OP MUTUAL FIRE 1N - day of December. 1934. All aevonnet S['RANCE CO. -Farm and isolated against the County 'Duet be la t town property insured. hands of the Clerk not later tin OHcera--Ju. ConnoU.y, Pea, Oodr Monday pre•c'ling the meeting Cantrell. GEO.' W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. November 13th lnttA Goakrich. • AUCTIONEERING MAR G1'NDRY, GODERICH. •! LIVE WPOCK AND GEAVERAL AUCTIONEER r Telephone No. 119. Baler attended to anywhere and every effort made to give aatldacttea. Farmers' sale notes disconated. 1 M. HTAI,KER, AUOR7(H•1R8R • for household effects farm .$sok Me, for the County of Buren. Address an coeamndsattoss to J. 11. STALII:DE, Auburn P. O. 4441 Beechwood P. 0.; D. T. Rearegor. Sec. -Tress,, Se•torth P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot. R. Int. No. 1, Seafortb r John 0. Grime, No. 4, Walton; Ttniam Rinn, R. R. No. 2, 2, 8eafortb; John Bennelwles, Brod- hagen; Geo. McCartney, R. IL No, S. Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Harloek; Murray Gibson, Brtwetleid; Jamal Evans, Beechwood; Jams Connolly. Ooder ich. Agents -J. W. Yeo, Goderleb; Atex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1. (lintata; John Murray, Seafotth; 11. Hinckley. aeaforth. Policy -holders can pay alb payments and get then tarda reeelpt- ed at j1. J. Morrlah'k Clothing Storey Clinton; R. H. Ontt's Grocery, MEW ston street. Goderieb, or J. H. Hs111$ General StoreBayfield Steel's Christmas Opening Sale, November 27, 28, 29 Sant Claus ` 11 Be At Steel's on These Days SEVENTI 1924 CI` A RE( Rebell urs A11 the the mtetiu Friday etc The sex reported fi Noretulwr. .t report ,thee of a tor',• roll was ref.•rr tee. d'he tax to the tree lag to PO was fol taxes. Applicati were revel who props a dwelling er Bros., w traction on shop. 20 bl other gado side the to have a applieatfon isms coma in prese ment for Mr. Knox to tin•• ch' This year' bare been of the tow I mprovem.• tion, the 1 adjust mens ne•estltate totalling 1 lour year wht-ti the i $33iMO, or amount of A risme. eommissini $1.000 fro debenture fine:se• co A numbs of" fazes t either te to the el A circuit Fire Cade ins attent care of r during the to the fire A roque commitaMi tot rt tarot f t .4e Nines L tit t was 12th late, eouncil to reference ao•tatios 1 Lawre•ee apeelal ea A natal the fire b referred I The rep recommro, menta of The nn et that board be butane*. to a grant n dren'a Alt come tax $444.71, be reported burner fr been weld and the The pu ported tin newer 0tl tannin rot completed newer on Victoria n nine -Inch leen tett between road. Th bylaw, n for oiling last numb These 1 eillor Hu clause in bating to on Victor The ret from the was adt+l war app reminder There as to M te•tlOns ( lighting council 1 enm m l eai, whole to where ns and he 1 coon'•il's to amen Inapertt" A mot Mtenn Ing that the rnittee o water at r.ga rd by street HI Street. ter lien the east and WC Engineer *treat al ttnrly 1 Tint g tb• pair epeeist Made. at PI 1*, ID