HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-11-20, Page 6GODERICH, ONT.
Wouldn't mono. of tib•,duly, your gilt prul,Iotu for al. le:i,t
two or three of ;y, . friends •? Then wheyi_ ot buy them NOIV
and have TilA t Off v r mind 7 lieetdee. you may Itavt• the
pledsure of reacting them 3 : tr.elf first. Then you eau. elikete•
nue to 'Hytrin• the testy (tf the. 'dent ,
'tt'ittk 'Sugar" •f ). !) tuefius
fliteller .toe" ..,... 'leatiur 11. Porter
-The Trail of 1In 4 On st(yta•' , ... bel Owl/tate
•Ked of the Its(IHehl:" Grace N. ichi1,31,•1
"'1'Iw• (',auilg of Alun." William gel: •
..The Old Ladies" Ilugh Wit
$2.00 each.
:Use tt host of othl•ri, at F2.01, /11.77,, al .01), dal
TIIP.E.utiv SHOPPER IiF:TS TIIE ('inti(*:.
Bus meets all trains. Calla made for
passengers and baggage to any pert of
the town. Prompt eervl_e guaranteed.
Telephone 51, Day or Night
Residence. Cambria Road. opposite the
Oreo Factory Office For all are brethren. far amid wide.
Shies. Thou, It (word, for all hint died;
-- -- Theo teaeli us. whutsoVer betide.
To love. them all in Th mJ`ln•
117 leAHE1: H A 311 LTOti,
Goderich, Ont.
Hospital for Sick Children
hear Mr 1•'wlitor--
Your readers have probably had
their appetite for statistics satiated
daring the past few months. still
they will, no doubt, want to know
something of the work accomplished
by the hospital to which they have
se generously contributed in the
part Tbey are shareholders l■ a
Miasior +t Mercy. Their dividends
are not paid in coin of the realm.
May 1 trespass upon your space. to.
undine what those dividends are?
Firstly, the daily average of ehfl-
n ,9ccupytng con in the Hospital
lar , Irk rbfldren was 256. e
total cared for as is -patents was
1,307. That is equivalent toe
'b*galion of a goodwlred Ontario
. And secondly, the oat patient de-
partment This la a wing of office%
riven over to consultation and :moor
figurations On an average there
were 100 young callers a day
That la where the dividends are
are -
ed in the difference made In
Use lives of thousands of children'
L 4I b the voteatary centrlbutloss
w lch ren ar it poea ttle to.
fain an InetltatIon whey.;
Cheeks become nosy and • 'fisted
Mabe arc made straight.
/ 1f that were not dividend enough.
en,. might try to estimate the
..orr*ona .alrage s4 child -life In
teasels winch has taken place since
't:adt Kids" darters and "Sick Kids"
germ*gers have been piing out through
this pcoHace emetpped with a
knewtedge of children's dilutes/is,
ratoa they could sot get except in
tome slob highly specialized and
greestnekally ettlelent ivetitutfoe
as the ffoepttat far Stek Children.
Os thts year's service the Hospi-
tal Papended $345,1!6 and finds
!feet In the hole to the extent of
11124.211 What romes In around
tTrlRtmaietirnn keeps lb* Hospital
eying So long as the word "Christ
retains its original sigattleaaoe
could any charity possibly enlist
of the rynlpathy et year
reedews or entttle itself to more cf
their support'
Faithfully yonra,
OM/man Appeal Coenobite.
Ito Miekn-••m. sorr.iv, wood . ur titre,
% tlllle'er it Ie.. '11. ours to slush..
May we. where help is needed. theta
Give help a•_llnlo Thee. •
-s:.slrn•y 'I'9ring
the mind of a Jew, wqd therefore to
the mind of this particular lawyer.
his nelghbcrr wam •;tied his fellow -Jew•.
'rimy had Ito denting,. with °there.
J4..u44 in his ausaer, which wits mire-
lollt' lu nature. set aside this 4ni rrow
414uceptlou and showed I • nil-inclu-
'Rve is the word 4* -li hlior.
Verses 30 -35 -The Parttbllr.
.\s Seel. ei,a the exaiet l04atlon--
itetw1111 Jerusalem and Jerleho---Ike
may have Moen citing Ito aeRtal hep
willing. 1t • wag to dangerous read.
(.Nhed "the Miall road" h
.,lcausie In-
f.:0by robbers alio, to st111r
, e
'their :Witty. did not .h.sltitte to com-
`wit murder. In this Insta n•e the
110141 AI:nIk1s1 low;' hamidi-tea si.tea 4.-
in:; searched and was ;eonnequently
14 111 tilt' Juuls11e11 and then thrown by
the r.:nl-.lde le ole. Ills sorry COD.
i114100 4(.00141 ,Neely Appetit to any
enr%m 31.3arTM Keprereatathses of
the taw.
.lust then 4 pd. -.t. tw• his return
teem s.rviee In the Iluly Illy, cameto this Ape! 14 WI ttaek in At a glance
the prostrate figure. look Ih his des -
per to a !!(foto Sud, thinking him
d .help. uttered perhaps a word
ul pots Abe him "Poor wre+dI." and,,
a sigh of thenkfulns'.for himself!
"I'm glad it's not me." and continued
on his journey.
Following him eame nue sulardln-
air in utliee--at ferrite. Ills 4.010iUct
w:u similar. on that 110 (*84U4i ll for
a tuiiwl•Ilt- IIB was a little more hu-
tuane, but he did not let his feeling s
carry him far enough. Fear that be
nab 1010rht 1e• 4•t up44, 4 by' the mar.
authors. tying possibly in amburt4.
made him quicken his pace. Ht•
likewise left thehalfrlead man to his
fat.. They both, by felling to du
goad. did evil And might have, by
their neglect. (tushed the ruhltere; ;oh
/mil not another u4A•n paRsd that
mettle way. 711oe who ministered i,,
the temple, the i•rlest and I.erite.
were outdone in the humanities by a
Sa nnl ritan with 14IHIm they world
11011• 'NO dealings.
Verses 33.35-7 'hue Helper.
Thi-1haatuarltau. were loot often
' found tr4.elling that read. but idtsl-
• Ih,.44 had t0kt41 him that war lea. that
particular day. When lois eye fell on
the prostrate figure he forgot hi.
I'Isine-ss, the da ng* -roue road 1111,1 ev=
erything- connected with set( and ad-
ministered first old to the nerdy one.
True sympathy •ger:nig into action.
1t wits (he custom of the country for.
!revellers to tarry til- and wine (GM.
i' l' (' iw
111101161y to Thy1 Mere; sent.
where Thou art always droned, paii-
Ini to 4441444,11 :1 Messing. and ovate,.
how fiir short ae 4ave rouse in our
efforts to i.ring ui the Kiui,•ilirl of
Jesus Christ. which is the only remedy
for n world. so fiI1.,1 with turmoil Anil
nur.st. herd Thy linty Spirit to
dwr11 i4I our hearts in clean:log and
sanctifying power. We 1le*M Tater
1 for ?1u desire Thou hast gheu Ulf to
.e.. 111.r by eers•ing our felkewwen.
FnrgiVe -our failure's.. strengthen our
Note and faith for the sake of. Thy
il.ar Sun. Our Saviour. ..twat.
R. S. LESSON FOR NOV. 30th. 19"1
Lesvos Title -The Goof Samaritan.
1.e1New Passage -Luke' 1e:25.37.
Golden Text -fluke 10:27.
TheMei/lent ot relay's le...n i, re.•
curds! by Sr. Luke alone. It might be
eolasidercd as booing the swine ranee
tier as the otic vrronmfir,t adth ' the
rich young ruler's asking what he
should do to inherit eternal life it It
had not (hey?) rlsorderl by ilk. Luke.!
'IJte scribes and pharisrst. helm;
the tern: yrs of their day, did not. as
we might uaturaity -suppose. look )
with furor on MIA ta•w tenieher who.
according TO their wa of thlnkinj, t
LNrI loo seem( trainto, . no o'holastic:
attainments Muyh as they had. re!emisidered his entranceinto their lite
nmin an intrusion wfikeh, a44 time
0 K. on. de.lN•nNl into hate and end-
ed in his Beeth on the erose,
.although neither rim;• nor piece {el
mentioned by St. Lake it is quite pee
babe that tib Ineldent took piaci. at
one .f Christ's •panic• discourses. A
certain lawyer or merit's• stn dl up and
tempted him.
Versed 25.21--A Dialogtrel,
I7hi4 eerteln lawyer wee not ques-
tioning Jesus front any 1lncere motive
hitt •to entrap btm in his replies. IL:td
141 Imam it wlneere seeker after the
truth about eternal lift. and the way
to obtain It ,i.sn. would have an-
ewerrel hint clearly and dirctly. But
.hr+us, reading the subtle thought un-
derlying the question. An*werll by
liskVog another which he. a teacher of
the i.aw. might to know and he did
know. crying A ready reply eonehed
in the lani:ua_c of fie Mosaic (law,
answer was the eessenee of •[M4-
-Low% r•gnrdeil by the Jrwl aM the
first end second tenninImllneents. Jae
nM 4.01000.01 11.1i this. answer Nod It 110-
: •'Thi% do and thou shalt tit..."
The Jew, (onsiderd fh,-n1M.ites as
M•ln;t desenola 4t•s .f Ahn11144m, heir%
of eternal life, int Jegts, in lots ne•
eeptaneo. of the lawyer's fluster, said
that (44' 0111441-o(ti, must lure, and
then eternal life would be his,
The lawyer woos not- ellrm,sl. how•
ever. Ile, now proceeded L. 'find,
by farther que-tl.111044 ('11rlet't mind
on the latter part of his answer. To
'"Eczema on My Face -
Completely Relieved"
Mm. Winifred Hamot, Bolt Mk Blockhouse, N. S.•
"Ever eisce f was a little child, i .udried with eczema oo my
face. At times my face was completely covered with Targe .seek
and i tried nearly every
kid of medieiae that 1
heard of with no malts.
This lasted for over twenty
years. uattil one day 1 asked
the advise of my drttspat,
wine bade me eve Dr.
Chase's Ointment a trial.
After using the Ointweat
far • few days, the .11w@
began to heal, and sir I
use complotely rimed tai
,d for iaa..a
Dr. Chase's Ointment
M a9a a ben. as SSmarws ar iOaatanp•en war • Os.. TAIL, 144..isia•
?h:1st, 4, 111• soli
to be honed. He
own 4ieSl11 and took
sIw•II, r and proper
work did sol atop
of it was handed
hove -ter,
11'.• uta4ye money
the 'plait• was a pi
not iv • it wa» f'are'd -provision for pr
sent and future needs, and then, lot
not till then. he remembered his OW
misalon and proceeded on his way.
Verses 31.37 -.mother Dialogue.
In tate light of this parable ill
lawyer could and tell ons* ,r his ow
query : "Who le my neighbor?
When Jeans pointedly naked hies
"WhlcJI now of these three, think
est thou. wan neighbor unto him the
felt among the thieve*?" he antrwc•red
without a momfnt'M hceitatlon, '•H
that showed mercy on him." 01e hs
taken in the lessen. Thr whole per
able was an enlarging 'upon th
Golden Buie and. Moe blowy -to Navin
been completely enlightenei. 10-441
made; tate man fit
set him upon tils
Min to an Inn for
care. Hie renew,
whey the subject
over to another,
provision, seeing
Arse Inn. and we
It isa supple
coach that you
have been in-
clined to ignore.
or whether it isa
cough that almost /nr�
seems to burst
you by the rack-
ing exertion, with
aching head and
aching body -
(bet a hex of Peps at once.
take a tablet from its silver
wrapper : and as it dissolves on
the tongue, breathe in the
that are then g, en off. Notice
bow the balsamic odours find
their way by inhalation along
all the breathing passages and
there allay the inflammation
pausing you trouble.
You cannot possibly get
at these delicate, embranes
by any other wa\m, Liquid
medicine, are merely Mil/owed
into the stomach. Peps act
direct on the affected fsssues
and remove the cause of the
irritating cough in a way no
other devised remedy can.
er isa le Meetly Iaa.rW rhe w
�.j NM N erN..t.w Kea ••a Nr
be •ale Leel se toady ben• N •11 erl.aete s
Mae .east•• o.we at ams
'OP RfDUIfDPR/1125c.
Cooking �
To make bl44.4tts
4r inner: tr7
putting an alarm clock 1 the meg.
leaf? throw away th long
e-' bride's first lalteh 0f 1.1..estt Eft
It handle. to fieri and use t for
n mallet -t.
1f peas are sl14•eb
d ••fort• cooking it
will prevent th.•m from rolling off
e oro•': knife.
n '1'o make Run- to knave rt.,. Deer-
" •!.al. tender kill the (,w *hie it is
1, yet a calf.
- 1A, net poach er try Ind ewe Your
t d.,•eptiull will 444• dia•u('erM1. 1'-,
Mein for making takes.
to ('4, 1.4,d pigs' f, -•t will tart. (*Ger
d if they err called hacks.
- If hot dogs show sign. of life whin
e cooking smother them with ml4set-
g rooms.
4 if the isle.)4Ird 114134's food turns
dismissed him and the subject with
the wont,. "Go thou and do lik.wiele"
The (:olden Jubilee of the i,ep - r
M144Mi0n was held In i.onsloh, Eng-
land. Sive. 30th. and the following Is
culled from an whir -leo by Ili. Wel-
1,-ley 1.Rey, one of its f ler; end
now Hon. Supt.:
-You quite welt under44lnnti that
my hart Ix very frill of thankfulness
today. and at 1141• Remy time it is
very trying experience for tor. If 1
were to consult my own wishes 1
wouhl just mi and sit down entre-
e -here Ant listen t0 ()there spraklm(.
and .ngage in prayer and praise for
alt ibr Ienrd's 300dness to us duNug
all th4-4e fifty year.., 1 .dprire alov•
all things that our meetings toothy
,should he meetings of praise. That
is what we are here for, and I nm
glad and thankful that that dole had
hien Ntn)ek from the very beginning.
We are here to palet. God for all the
wonderful things that He hes •tun.
for its Mirk* these fifty years. From
the very firm God Reo•mid to set ((41
Medi upon the work. and that has
been mnnlfiet In the blessing :hit
Inas resulted on the efforts 0f ill.(
servants in ministering to the lettere.
Ne thank God today for all., the
(riptide that ile has. raised up
Ihroueliolit f he world for the Mtssk,n.
We thank Ilia] today for the Mplen-
di I fellow -workers that We have had
fie time to time, and three we have
nt 4e. .present moment. We thank
Mut for that great army of misslun-
arI-.-'s ho; as is tabor of love. Neve
been, ajnd are, ministering to the lep-
ers in .fits name. And 1 would like
t0 eny how mire!) we nppreelete Mao
the hearty (o-oeeratioe and fellow-
ship of ail the •dlffer$nt Protestant
111n.Ionary *kelt-lien in thin 'our work.
For nil 'these things w4- thank and
praise lilm today.
"This M1s.lon in Lepers. i am *r-
emember' to think, Is 'a Melding not
merle --with. hands,' (toil hes barn the
11,ilidrr thereof, and the Pounder
thereof; and *ranee of that taut,
the .Mierlou hes ,game on prosrpwrinq,
and will prover. Tr His S*nfP, Ills
Nome alone. we would give all the
praise and glory f.*tay."
' Net Mutt Light
Wandler /leen A Orem in Retreat
one day a gentlemen :ase an old Irish
w'0m5n legging. ,1e. he waxp•asing
her, ahs stopped him and salt
"Could y. spua coppercopperr an
mild woman, sort•:"
Taking pity.:. -6n her, he Bare- tier
'Midi blew, y,.nsuer geld the
old weln0n, "and rosy every hair of
yet head Imo a (mole to tight yon to
glory "
Talking off hie lint and +bowing a
held heed. the gentlemen mid dryly :
'It won't he mldeh of a te►w•blight
penie•esion, modem "'
nut i/Holy serve with brandy masa,
and call it dce('il's raid
To avoid the (limign,able odor of
limburger cheese try taking' it L.
(apostle form.
If .41.• minister is coming to (lin
ner he re and have the fowl nle,ly
A good re.•ips• for marble cake b.
Portlandeeme t. glue, haul eider.
flavored with uncture of iron. Rave
it mixed by n hard belled .hark *COW
in n temperature of 0e4 below tear.
A married roup+• a ere touring in
llk•ily. At a distance from one of
the large tons. 111. elf. Raid:
77tlnk, :tll*•rt, if the brigands
Rhouid creme now and ink,• rot• (ween
"Impossible. my dear!"
''(tut supposing they did (some mini
cam' me away, what w'ollld you
Ray ri
"1 would say Chet the *.rig*n,l•
were 44-44' to Geo ton -Mess ---that's
Other Trosblas Wo..a Oft.. Have
Relieved by Lydia E Piakbale's
V.g.table Composed
Lachine, Qn•bee.-" I toot( Lydia E.
Pink ham 'a Vegetable Compoundbe ues
1 suffered with pains In my left side and
back, and with weakness and other
troubles women •o often have. 1 was
this wayabout six months. I saw the
Vegetale Compound advertised in the
'Montreal Standard' and 1 have token
four bottles of It, I was a very sick wo-
man and 1 feel so much better I would
not be without it. I also use Lydia E.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash. i recom-
mend the medicines to my friends and I
am willing for you to use my letter as a
testimonial." -Yrs. W. W. NOUS, 6110
Notre game Street. Lachine, Quebec.
Doctor Said an Operation
Provost, Alberta. - "Perhaps you will
remember sending rue one ofour books
a year ago 1 was in a bad condition
and would suffer awful pain} at times
and (-outdate! do snythln` TM doctor
said I meld not have children unless
1 went under es operation. 1 read
testimonials of Lydia R. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound In the papers and
a friend r•aormmsaded ase to take it.
After taking three bottles 1 became
anus better and new flues a bons baby
gtrt tear menthe old. I do my
work sad help a Httle with the chores.
1 recommend the vegetable Compound
to sayMam ends sod avalet for you to
AHoz iFtt. AJC ria. 0
Interesting Figures Relating to
Farm Live Stud.
Horses Are Relatively ('old -bloated
-Poultry 1..%e Highest Tempera.
torr -Hieb Icuuprr:uul•es Indicate
Fever - 11'heterin3 Bevil - Seised
takes to Give Balance.
(contributed by Ontario Department of
Asricuitura. Toronto.)
The temp, ratures of domestic ani-
mals are of lulerest, ID that eaeb
rlaas has a' normal temperature
range of its own.
'J lie horse In health will have s
tenlpereture not lower than 90.5', or
higher than 101.3', There are es-
eeptlons, ot course, to all rules, and
a few animals may be normal at
higher or lower temperatures than
those given,
The normal temperature range for
cattle is 100.4' to 103.1', which cov-
ers the case pretty well. When a
bovine animal's temperature goes
above 103.1' it can be considered
above normal, and that there Is some
dlsturbaneie wlthla.
Sheep and Solna.
Sheep to be considered normal
give a temperature reading between 1
102.2' to 104.5'. The pig's normal'
temperature can be looked for be-
tween 100,4' and 104'. Some indi-
viduals run high and others low, but
all are steady within two degrees
during period of health.
Poultry have very high normal
temperatures, 106.7' to 109,6'. Such
temperatures as enjoyed by poultry
In health could not be endured by
any other of our domestic animate
for more than a few days,
High Temperatures Indicate Fever. !�
Any deviation from the normal
temperature la taken as a source 01
information regarding the state of
health of our domestic animals. High
temperatures Indicate feverish eondl-
non, while sub -normal temperatures
[indicate decline and weakening of the
Individual to a point of brave danger.
Exercise raises the temperature, and
rest lowers It, hence we get higher
reeding, In the evening than In tb•
morning.-�. stirenson, Deyt, o1
Extension, O. A. College, Guelph,
/Ivory Colony Should Have a Qualm
-Have Enough Been -Keep la
a Naturally Protected Piece.
Every spring beekeepers end
Croat 9% to 63% of their coiunivs
have Mod during lh• winter, or are
very weak. There is no reason why
the winter lou should be hfgber than
911'. or 7%. provided the beekeeper
will prepare and peek the twee pro -
peril, So says Prof. Eric Millen of
the Ontario Agricultural College.
Avery Colon, Should Hove a Queen.
The drat step is to make sure
every Colony has a queen, As It Is
too late to requeen now, queenlesa
Weans should be united with those
having a quern. ?taee a sheet of
newspaper be top of a strong queen -
right colony, and place the brood -
chamber of the que.nless colon, oa
top. Leave them for a week, and
then shake the bees into the lower
broodehamber and remove the upper
be'oodchamber, 1t Is taken for grant-
•. that ■o American foulbrood exists
In the apiary. Otherwise. colonies
should not be united, but rather de-
stroy the qu..nless colonies and
eosins, It diseased,
Move bumcleat Bees.
The nett step Is to see that each
oolosy has ■umelent bees to cover at
least three frames on both sides, 11
examined on a cold morning when the
bees are clustered. This will insure
enough bees to come through the
winter, provided the stores and pro-
tection are adequate. A very Im-
portant factor of wintering 1s the
question of food. Many beekeepers
glee every colony tea or fifteen
pounds ot sugar syrup made In the
proportion of 2'A of sugar to one of
water. and fed in an inverted feeder
over the brood frames. This Is done
4* many cases regardless of the
amount of stores the colony has.
livery colony should have at least 41
pounds of food to ensure successful
wintering, and an opportunity to in-
crease in strength in the spring,
Keep In a Naturally Protected Phos.
Bee. should be kept 1n a naturally
protected place for winter. or a board
fence should be erected around the
apiary to form a wind protection.
Colonise may be packed singly, two
la a case, four in a case, or In any
other way desired by the beekeeper.
Three or four Inches of packing
should be placed all around the col-
ony, and not lees than eight Inches
on top. Dry leaves, planer shavings
or cork chips make satisfactory
packing material. If the beek.ep•r
will see that Ms colonies are put
away for winter in good condition.
til• winter lou will be negligible.
1eleet Oliva eo Glee Balance.
If the dairy herd is made up of
low testers and poor producers. a
heti from good producing and high
tsetlag ancestry should b. chosen. It
the females are too leggy, select is
male that is compact and elope to the
ground. It the tow la rough fn tks
shoulder and short In the lade, @sleet
a boar with compact, well -muscled
shoulder and with length and seal*.
T►• foundations of any enduring,
'enliter*. whether of a business, al
term. or a 4th. Is t►Mft.
R*Mlldlag 1a not always t.ee..ary,
te crake Moot term boa. attra.ttviei
Palet and abru►hery plaattaga t111Y
week weeders.
taloa- arr,rr
to bring you the full richness
and mellow sweetness of this -
"Tobacco of Quality"
Manufactured by
la Dittkulty
A young married wan went Into
the ladles' department of a large Doe -
toil '..tore, and WA. nolkrd 40 walk
from e,lunler 4(4 .,punter looking at
,4(!44)411 and signs time 'he observed hr
was under watehful eyes.
Nothing a smart, smiling miss he
%ria sup t0 her and Bald: "11y w•I(
-rut ate here to purchase, anti 1 bare,
been reading the signs .to eel• It I
.ould get the right word to desert)*
w9lat she wishes. It le either N t•Aml-
stile .or a
Th. yuul)ft lady replied.. "If yell
win 011Mw-Pr We one gn.a.tfun [ cal
sol r.• Ib. problem, I. ult. c'hkeea
.Lard or alive?" '
N '
We need one more law: .t law to
wake people 010;y law•.e
casts-nat. . ('an You h•10
Because it ensures
swift, clean, antiseptic
healing to cuts, bruises,
burns, scalds, etc
Because it dispels irri-
tation, allays pain and
inflammation, reduces
swellings, and kills the
germs of festering anti)
blood -poisoning-- --
Because it quickly
grows new healthy skin -
where injury or disease
• has damaged or des-
troyed the tissues.
Because owing to
Its purely herbal origin
Zam-Buk is safer than,
and superior to, any fatty
pore clogging ointment
orsalve contavr,,n,crude
mineral drugs.
For !h +nor rant;.• .1 uvf nlnry, and
it, irritant b.alinx pewee in sl..n
mene.tnd .njune.7arn 48,,4 „known
as " a Surgery in a Two ,nch
Ali dnNers. Stk. ►044. 1 Inv SUSS.
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
A large shipment of Coats, silk, velvet and crepe
Dresses, Skirts and Sweaters at the most astonishing
Coats in marvella. with and without fur collars. Frans
$22.50 to $35.50
Coats in velour and duvetyne, with and without fur
collars, at
$14.04 to $23.50
A new range just received, of heavy all -wool Sweaters.
Suitable for wear under coats.
The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East Side of Square Goderich, Ont.