HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-11-20, Page 5aid tai faro'al anu• the f4 After spdend I, .red 110.1 r hospital +ting talk nil needs. ug awe .,u haul tug fund. rale .,f pr,tid 41 Iy of they , Nov. In very un - were mi - wing. 4. .trtIur ember 17. • , liter neigh. if the late 1. 011 Tues - '.Ile of re•r• 114y years it It cone -s- tir. Rohr. Hill ypes iLES .venty t well apply, num of could • en for t by a ' ease; ICo: :RICH is of er to ell lg gs )u ur We up tach. were dere. tach. balls. .15c. ogee, 59c. + •b "»a•'..:5'a`„•>rwv Fuer THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. Thur -,lay. No' tuber 10, 1:•.1 . Engraved Personal Greeting Cards Have You Ordered Yours? Our new creations are unusually attractive. Two large hook - Of samples to ehoohe from at utoderate prices. Order now. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL Neilson's Rosebuds, 39c lb. Neilson's Bulk Chocolates, 49c lb. lt,•g( llar Glie a IL CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 The Square. Goderich Eastman Kodak. sod Film. We have just opened up our Christmas Cards -and Calendars and if we do say ee) oureelve; We 11ave•tine mote artist ie liar ever. ('orae in tlu•l )•t•ket yours ?it•fore they are picked • over. 1iav,•,1 tv ,i,l••rtui •li-play of Pictures and Choice Gifts for v ul tl 1- t hi 144 H..,-. 1'op in 1111.1 +ere all our pretty Kift -tigge-tions. Eye,ip•etali4 HugIoon it here this week only,. Smiths Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street l sin le% are 0p1i. rtuuil l.•-: nen .•6111.- (1 oli.. CHURCH NOTES At the (1ot4'fkh Minket i tine h nest Sunday the 6tartur'x ++ll•j•,'t.+ will he as follows: Morning. ••Power for Obedience." Evening, "A Urea! Revival?' Rev. W. 1). who for ruble months Wag ill Charge of the .Leeburu and Union Prowl*, teriuu •eiugreaatlons, has been ordained and Inducted a" alluister of Knox thumb. t8keIhurne. The »ervir's In Knox et1t014•h next Sabbath will be conducted by the sinister. Snbje•ts of sermons: 11 11.01.. "J(+•ua l'r.wuel:" 7 p.m.. "The Edits.. of Faith." Sabbath .ebool and itible coxeses at 3 o'clock. At the Victoria »triol Methodist rl!ur•h the service•- nexr wla,lay. nursing :1101 erenlng. w•I11 1»• C01141114 -- red by the pastor. Rev. J. V. Reines% M. A. 1 it the evening of 1)4k -ember t; the Sunday .e•11001 will hull it, at.11081 4'hri,buut+ entertainment. Saltation .►seri. Note. A -wall boy. 1i•iug with hi. unci The n•rlt i1 eawynlgn fern( ate . uud grandma, 110110141 on one O(x•tt•011 1'u1t. 1h, v1" cunolud,el Nuwl*y_,,i tet 'that the reguhtr black t» pl"'r -hale: I Thirteen .roft•..e• 1 it toner»Ion diuhtg acus partly filled with rwl t»•tgwr.l the• raugalpftl. This aroused uo little eotueru on the. Lieut. hitig.ktn, alotlg- -with the WINTER FEEDING AND CO-OPERAIIYE SEWN3 HOUSING FALL LITTERS' . I' I"•situ t i tl 1•'711.11» Note) What Ontario May Learn From 'Phe full -farrowed litter trust be ' Ill/l11411.41 It WI fed under more nt 1!+.011 California Fruit lirowers Uri ifiehtt ..,udttiun• to th1.. • lin,,ltr durlug the winter. The rapid4• .M - Aa Inlmen»e Mange of Rttatners-'IDs %eloping Pigs demaiel ulip••ral matter -Gtr the building of boor .1111 .cl., ute11 uud other. feels lu a relatively concentrate •fore, and al.0 .,,Ian` turIu of atvuleuee h, 141"1-t 'lu the normal fuuettoning cif the digew- tlte' urgau+. (Contributed' by Ontario Ureartiment of it i re ar• many mineral feria Agric.e lure, Toronto.) ,(cuilabl. fn latch organk• 11114 iu"r The California Fruit Growers' Ex- 181hiie forma uud thew Include chnr- ", n1v11, taukak'e: w'»sl a"hes. la,ur blip k. y,mnng Ihw•"tuu . oranges. lemons add grapefruit to un.11t••r ur ».111-. ,etc. 9'h•s•• mxy Iw Market 141111 Growing - l)rganised Effort Pa>s the PIoduler-Legume Inoculation-'rhr New 1) A. u No. 144 Ont. change shipped 17,857.417 box,. of coal, tome •• e•arth�• Gloves Men's fine Cloves, to A large range Neckwear --50c to Men's silk and wool Hose in assorted Hose --shades, from 75c to $ I ,50 B.• +l, n• ..0 1 ' ..,•' :• Ila w .•t the nruutt•rof bonbon. in the far. 1'l,r etefy .ur -1+•ot !It'rr you aro entitled to a ¢'ur." ranging from $1.00 $5.00 of Neckwear from $1.50 W. C. SNAZEE t1APE.RDASHFR AND DRY CLEANER South Side et `,ware GODERII iI 45,:38 cars to points outside Call- (ea hi hopper-. or it finely ground. --- fornla-; increased Its proportion of all may he 1144.'.1 to the weal ration at 1,,,tnluncr» bits,' citrus fruit grown in the state trona the rate of a feu pound- leer Madrid ,tMllfy 141 cbvsr :p I•. 68.7 to 7-.8 per cent.; returned 856: "f tu.•ul, 1104 wane arse, -r. r, �1,,.•t. l Tta,e•pl.ice may he ruppIIP(1 to the-horrly. 223,15U to Its members, lost through 'n.g: int the form ..f roots. " *mita- ----_ failure of costumers only 86.826.1Q4 1.s•s If r.+,t• are 1101 available. Th.• '•1 hot.. 1 ,;111 •.au,t .., 'ovr .1p did all this buetness at a cost 01 1.61 I".'i.to.- give better result. when port in : •hive," -aid 'h.• :tarter per cent. of the deUtered value and, '...sled 11114 mf.k'•d filth; weal. The to the Including 2Is per ut.'''"'t• iwty to' pull»•d and unix.+1' with up. coal year of the California -Fruit i tit'' >"O°^' r t''�' rho- "1 1 Growers' Exchange, 'whose products 1'11{».d. MODEL THEATR .' weal r:itiig rotlll».+•el of „cell L'll ars best known to Canadian tunruw• ,,.ort- of -low,. mid4lGtg,t uud. fim•I> • e ce' Such is th@ "cord for Its lar( Ilnaa- 'he uu.il ration q. 41r A'1 whole. but for h be Special Week -end Sale on Saturday of CHRYSANTHEMUMS CFO. ATFWAPl. torr„ o" port u[ the lad, and. turtling t. Irl"uMkr•ra from t'Itutai. I:x,{.•r 11114 Nea- r t "II"wit next to l.tm at lire I forth: put on a musical pnwram„ut F �mm 11114... he +1.11 lou fonds tht LI t ram ` aloof u ., • lot eat ! . s . rd l.,wil Monday night.' 1 any of that red pepper. Aunt Ilar- 1 .% prominent citizen presided. a rs b the brand "Sunkist." i riot ; grandma .0117 + that rel I"'P:"'' ► scat mu•Ical trent is -planned eros y n,uug ,at+ i+ •uituhlr for 'pigs kills ants." Isumrnae'ttange of Business. . tau uud alike -half to three MILLINERY Friday and Saturday All Hats Reduced to Half Price UNIVERSAL MILLINERY Cor. East St. and Square,Goderich Riker's Cod Liver Oil and Tar, 50c and Bromide Quinine Tablets, 25c. will relieve that cold. We recommend them. We always keep a com- plete stock of all leading Cough Mixtures, Cough Drops and Throat Tablets H. C. DUNLOP The Rezall Drug Store Phone No. 1 GODERICH next 'Plnrwlay. November 'S7. at I. nn. The Loral' officer+ ,and frietrle will be wished' by visiting t>}ar.rt. .t-Ideutlld time to mak-hotted. Tho Y .i�ii 1'.+ells+ wi,rk is mak- ing be+4way •.t tut-.t1ti fits young peoprel will be hell weekly .1. 7-111 I,, 'iiueach meeting.:. K _ ndsr meeting.: Sunday ++•ho"Y, 11,000 members The locals eacpi for the .milk at the rate of a t.o 11 a.w. ; snotty evening. 7 P.m. have their own 1 ::eking house' and 1 1"'r rent. •.t' 11it• noel ration lout ty{- _ _ - are fully rrepunriute, financially and don, ; it, s -ti- u,""1 re -alto. For older ARE ADS. READ? otherwise, for their ,own local aetivi- 1 ^ are Tho CalltorGrunt-i•'Fruit Grunt -i•' til- utuutb+ of 1164• when supplewe;llei Week of Nov. 24tto Nov. 29` change is the oldest and larliert of ,t Rh about :t 1+•r • , ui � ,,f Irlt,..•l 011 r the California Co -up. istiver. lu the meal and .kith suilk. .t will dtftt•1' last twenty yearn it ban returned to ..pard pig ,if tlont ase' will coaxun'e Mort):ty u :Hid T, -,lay I tut members 8546 Uo1,Vo1 iron, Use about '1 ,..mor of chi- tue11 nlixtIie,k :8Ti,:8r. AND HU.l.$$ F\1. Let 'our ('hritdma. _ift to rola• text. and friends - he .t p'.trait '44 the little one% in whom ti et are so interested. le will be a{.pr••, ratrd. lb ,e•rore tileIw-t .retire a,.i 'all •t - rent' to tktail .ane now 1" 'ore the CHADMICK rush. rale o! their products It in a tiger- 711111 :• p,un•I+ of wink per day.C auk ation of 208 local associations with arc or meat meal w "• ay 1mibstituttvl K., K. x.11 1 URS 'hr. a anal mixture eomposett ort nes They ' Y grout/tit Into 11, due- ground 0111•. 2 part.; -bort.. 1 part:- -- ertC-- trlet exchanges. Each 'blatrict ex-. ,uid,lliug-• 1- Port Iran. 1 {rtrt : 1►Ir• change btu one director on the board' le‘. 1 sash tri,? Alt -ice -ea- 4 of the Callfurnia Fruit Growers' E. Pt r c,•nt net. 1 rr-'Into. A change. which owns the brand "Sun- int "1 n.•..I. " t:.tl. better tha❑ bust - last" and acts a' the Ceutlsl Selling 1, -iugle meal. f,. .111:11 quantity of Agency cur all the fruit. It has bust• j t-.ttt" May 6. 3.1.144t.. the .111 •11 ration nese connections with 3,600 whole- atter Is pJ W. are :t Ns 4 n11,4411,4 et ambito, who serve 400,000 retahnrs., "g'' hitt, carefully avold overfaeliu_ who In turn serve 113,000,000 con.' 'ht how -Mg, 1110. 11111i11 ft•a'unw to sumer' in Canada and the United lo-ep in mind are •J,:•UtIiner•e, suitable tort 0f the printer. flannelett.' blink- States, rrutiIttlou aisl t►1„-iipplyluR of a ,•t+ were advertised In eh.. rttanl:lrl The Market I' tine Gtvwing. :'•awnial.h. drt • eq,i to berth. 1! tit 81.47 per ptir In»teed"ref i_.t1S. Al- tai.e•I»•rth 1+ .iht..1.4 lu ai +duel' of though the advertised rite' world The market demand fur Its Deo- Irnn2ht: hniWinc a -h0uld t» •n !wail a direct lora of 61:soi per pair ale E1CD•nge.ucts is being Constantly Twenty-fivereastal by alai (hnll,l.in Nils Ih/rk! ,,(In1w1.'tp.rerI)'-rPldi1 NI- K,.33•.y deelded to fulliow hi. { of +np}»,Ming M. adc'Mtish,g the orange growers of the State were laud cremes of th.• -tall• it en though t.. the lea worst t.v, -coling then► ai faced with ' what they thought Mull I the -table is eon-ld• taldv wurtu•-. 81.17 per pair. The Mani; .so. w,•ro over -production. Since then prods♦ erup•-1 'warier+ are t0 tae avoid I r:o• dig d.:w1 and Ms •clerks were tion has quadrupled and the crop is i wL a-n.144•.•[ere:-.• 1- u" d.sirahle ' t•,-ir,s•t� 1 ud to antro.luee. ,bout to still consumed. Judicious adverttatng a+ proper lie. •ting..- W. .;: nun'mere. tmer+ but to ..•II them 1! thr.. and merchandising methods baveP-A•tsll:tnt Au':: d llte,landman.- •'r,.oreins"ltd. what war. ?he .•- kept demand equal to or ahead ut I --- - ..,:s? • By •10.1O k'rirint mowing - hi" supply. ♦levy of four cents a box 1 CI3AN(:ING SEED GRAIN'--° keto"u„p on oranges and 44a cults a box on irked that they wer. all ••.61. Mr. and dealers service work is directed' Here 1. a Merchant Who Sass They .1.r' and Has the ['roof tpelulroke standard: lio the piddle refill the advertlae• !its? 1f the t'emhroke piddle air n, :lr 1•+t hit skeptical shout. this question they w'l11 le. Interested lit Hie e•xpe•rtets- of It. J. K••neerly lust week. Through a mistake, on the Have Yon Tried It ? The New Whole Wheat Bread A medicine for the sick. A treat for the well. A Bread with a natural flavor. Get a loaf at The Goderich Home Bakery West Street 1 Phone 114 Ladies' Oxfords for Fall Oxfords' are suitable footwear for fall wear and the most satisfactory for wearing under goloshes, as they hold their shape a id do not force the goloshes into unsightly shapes. We have a large range in attraetive styles in patent, kid, and calf. Get thein at The Square Hern's Boot Shop Pi We ,.•k of Ithlrty noire wu+ 1x111 isin ml chow• woo' euq,tin•d 1.t, r ::ere lemons pays tor It all. Advertising 4Exi"•lililt ii of il•rntn Note K'nnetc «tat.+ that lr v,n:•l ,n -fpr cblefly to the retailer and consumer.] .t ,•,wtnuu flu. -titin .uk,i1 by f,I'ut hare+ add ren talo" 111 chi+ prfr.•. " lu any crostrroadatlllase fa Ontario,i • r. i "Ilse- it pry, to , 1.:11i}6 veg.':" where you could net buy an Ontario Ti.' future.'• iv tlwt alien, t1.' same apple, you will and oranges constant.; ,...1 cul" 1.. 11 ivied on 110' -ante farm "110li<e Home Soon, Mother,". ►Y displayed according to directions' for a few ti ars. It awy .1. t •rfor,ete worked out by thus' wide -awaked in 1t ability i that eon•• •gx•ratis,g a term (11::::111.1771 hn,. ser Sammy is a kern little lad He Lower Freight Bates *centred. I lard b}• rehttit.4t light nil .1.41:44 •.�k. tnm'h yuunaer that. he 111-nnly• ,, t >.,.;,r au arrangement was 1 Julien, --and he has much more win I 8 .t,h.111 els -,,.I tregn.•utl}) fern, w dam than is usual at hrs age• nor made with the rattways by which. I r,,,,t, which i- pre+Ine•d en ,oil of tato year. he worked In ■ foundry through the use of larger cars and s heavier chare•t•r. and vice ve•n,si,� dltlpt • man'• work. His, rather quantity shipments, a lower freight sume all:N.ritie+ have ',eared at i worked hrrlde him and helped aim rate wan meowed On oranges The I {, I the f4, that . dun a of -ergo i+ gees metal, bre day Sammy cum I ner•esna , . w a .ore aide but Mr people didn't 83,000,ODU a year to th@ or (41 grow -:t year after year in a di-trlet worry mu..h. -tc11 br all right In the mot7.InQ," tm,l er •.i �' g" u Ou •rr•w.ty le.,'nm4' wvIimIIt; talo a rest.' Put lit. wsari all right 1 to 14 cents a box. The total cost of ty„ 1 'um] borer adapted to tM• ...il/ in the morning, nor the murales atter. no, nor a week. after. It. war • s lit to ,roduce a pr.•fttahh• Writes Sammy . growers 1n Southern California. , env. It Is also • common belief ti ztn • study :,t rl..• mall. In anaui k marital' di•ee,r4 "W MEN 1.E.U�'F HOME" "DIKt% ILt .i»" t\ roNIll x141K['.NO .%%I) t1.NES t 1, RES ii, a -pail. -.Jit lit'....1 ,•,...;.: • , Have you seen the.;ssnrtment "DI.1 r'r"' i _ of St:)via at -Liu.. i'i..1 1',.v , •.,.n..;, i "1)1 MB %NU i).‘F1' " Blackstone's Furniture Eltchange ? rr: In-' Lo'l t.. • . If Vliu really . want- to 'save • 'IIIRt.I't NI1.11►N money look these over in.. 1.41:1. .. . ! . . ,.. , ••L111'I: LLTTI'1t)•• --anything in -new or used Fur- J\('h DEM1'tt.l I. niture at lo•vest prtct4. "WEST 01 1lI1 WATCH HI t'hPT" Blackstl�ne•$ Furniture -IFex ;1:W" Kr:ra, \o..;7' rat :;...+ -1-,,..,1,,,.. 1'!� i,.:l I,: 11•. Exchan,e . I :,mil„ ! , . ' h Massif for 1 I+1 1 \. 11 t'. 11 II isimminammer • tit! I %1.1 master the ail of pouring ,m' 1.•n Of ':• rt Th.'y argil.. that ...pr.' l of h d 6d growers of the State. This worksti nluat .d n• i i the organisaUon'r services, exclusive 1,.yttlition* .f that di -trio, h i- of of advertising L 8.86 cents per bol to say that ninny- farmer'. lull'•• Vil- thrn tint for a doctor, tri $m nine denial". The d•vtor looked him river I or less than halt the amount of the tkusge.l. the+ ads ler r0 their fitulneL►t several time• (licit 1•.nk him le a 1 reduotton. ! lw+. 1nrr+tigntl,n :end oDs4•rt.11b it • .. Lair invest the 1p• , doth held out acme It'Pt If he nu The oldest and best (o-oprrative ' h.• eure•'at ..firs. Marketing Association of California, rule a- to when -•e•d •honed . be N•mmy M quite a favorite p In eliaulnel. It I. o""" trill' "'Main �*1 1 t Co • ro - 1 atter a Quarter of a century of nuc- t , funks the Uvea. He kp Pr the other patients In ■trading that the farmers' marketing he en,. stories e. problems can only be solved through pec where fo •Pen4 tela bnyh•t,tt1 oats. D ystride•. n erup"tm.1- tw .lit hndl;..- he the fotka Illi l home swot." organised marketing effort by the I ngel ttlroygb lark "f moistnr•' -nr he arae to hla last letter; • d 1.r farmers themselves. -R. 1). Col- prnbabiy will 'be, for he 1s r klrt gaette, Professor of Marketing, U. A.1 l>• condition lit high ha- forte' vpl•ndid prezre. s. p:rvvunh•r ripwnl.g, as to .curs.• Ale The ltuaknke Hospital for Cor.- College, Guelph. I:miniatu grtlin t. is• tory tight and .umptivee, the Haven el the r af- I rivoiltint1*a,r• ruder r• - u -h ,•ircpmsttnet•+. 11 is Phoned reductlun will effect a saving Radio! Music! Yes, I've fallen for it, --and fallen hard. If you are tottering. too, just come in and find an easy place to fall. I was a trifle skeptical, too, until I heard "Pagliacci" played two nights ago by a fine orchestra in Pittsburg. The manufacturers can't keep up with the demand, so we had better do our ordering now for Christmas. H. E JENNER ,6:,, 1" 'SW' .1.1t4 .111144 r th it 11at. Roth mrdtes: men ■grand Eeort 1 a s the Producer. I I t ► I that it Ir not lib et Sammy w u consumptive and I Otganlfed ri p•fsHd t , Ivy 'I.'" 71113 ,l 'iron h•• neo. krik 11810111 ur n P e In•nnwtamr'+ may strive , f 1 i 1 till d ecu u experience, s P emus- • b tage "f -led salla lira itaperoost'. good with his pleasant ml's huttlur s and hisMt t : of French Vur ••vel t" Idle .el»Ilnl nl+---... For oil d •o n gra poo W. A. Ckarltm.. President, 2211 Gollep Street. Toronto, Ontario. dieted with tubercult.e., Is In a large' measure replant upon public generosity Mr its fund,' to carry on Ina work. Cootrtbutlnn. 11,117 he .int to Hon. A Gift inspired by sentiment and thns expressive of the true spirit of Christmas --your photograph. Slit now and avoid the holi- day tush. J. T. FELL Phone 187 Gederieh Legume Inoculation. The popularity of the Bacteriology Department of the Ootarfo Agricul- tural College le attested by the fol- I. lowing statements: During 1923 a total of 4,327 cultures of legume bacteria for seed inoculation were prepared and sent out. Of this num- ber alfalfa was most frequently ask- ed for, with 1,883: Red clover, 1166; sweet clover, 662; peas, 634; afsik 148; soy beans, 88, brans, 71; sweet peas, 38; vetch, 81; white clover, 1. The creamerymen and the cheese - maker' asked for and were supplied with 147 lactic starters, and 43 Bul- garlcum cultures. The multiplying influence of the various bacteria sent from the Bac- teriological Department during the year bad a very noticeable influence on legumes of the beide and the fin- ished dairy Products of the factories. • would. ,f •oars••. 1w• folly to think 4.f using this grain for •.•el. • TM, Letterheads Envelopes Billheads And all kinds of Business Stationery printed at The Signal Office. We will do a joh that will do credit to your burinees. Look over your stock of Office Stationery and if it requires replenishing call us by telephone 35. The Signal Printing Co., Limited .a.ara,w• Thor New Q. A. O. No. 144 Oat. The O. Y1.1). No. 144 oat was ob- tained from the Siberian variety through nursery plant selectiog, This oat, which matures about the same) time as the Banner, has a spreading head, white grain and lees than the average per cent. of null found In oats. The straw 1s strong and 1t has proven to be an excellent yielder of grain. When tested on thirty-two [arms situated In twenty-one different coun- ties In Ontario la 1623, It out>lelded the O. A. C. No. 71 by 6.7 bushels, the O. ♦. C. No, 3 by 10.8, and the Liberty Mulles* oat by 17.3 bushels of grain per acre. lb triplicate plot tests at the College In the average of the last Ave years, It surpassed the. O. A. O. No. 72 by 4.8 and the Banner by 6.6 busbels of grain per acre. During this five-year period the straw of this variety lodged less than either the O. L. C. No. 73 or Banner Oats.' -beet. of Extension, O. A. College, Guelph. • M,wrPer, i+ an extreme euw•. The problem to determine I- whether. 'n tier normal eireutn,tan,e e. one ratty ,'xpr-t 11 larger crop from the u-,• or feel grown elsewhere than int the farm on which It is intended to he Itwel. Without going Into detail, one may safely follow the rule to change seed only when seed mug he obtain.••I which 'sweet.. a higher ,*Pgr,'t' of development .nnd vigor than the homegrown. Thi+ i- a..nmhng that the home -grow. .,•ed bereave to a .nitable cart. tv for the di-4rii•f and le free from noxious im, urith•+, If these latter pr6tiston+ are not e nn - plied with. the seed, of ((tits..'', should not be used under any ein•umotanela. Farmer- who contemplate changing their tetel and whose aee••l 1.. r•:tsd1- ably good. at present; would 1.' well adv' -ed +.1 pray some fleet eta:+ registered feed through the Can:titian 1444.41 (;rOw,•r'. Afsa i.ttlno M Ottawa and test thte in comparison with their own• Tht'• 1+ a relatit'ely in• expensh'.' practice which might well lie• ntinpte d terlodieully by every former and with all elm.... of eropt. -1.. H. Newman, Dotnintnn t'eremllst. Grand lid cottager looted Salt serves es a spite or eoadteseat 1 t •,nn•tdble Oliver hart little In •111e which whets the appetite rad is- catty of clot*. bet by ptlsttmt effort creases the palatability of toad tel he finally .rr'nnd nett ary t'vtdenee I've .tock, 10 at•eure v'onvlvtiuu of the thieves. SPECIAL SALE of HATS of Exceptional Value • For Friday and Satnrdaar, Nov. 21 and 22 L ad'icr ,Trimmed Hats at.. • .... - $5.00 Misses' Trimmed 1 late in Felt and Velvet at $2.00, ' $3.00 and $3.50• Your Inspection Is Invited Miss MacVicar 'Kingston Street . Goderich a The Management of The James McManus Pasteurizing Plant wish to unioguwr•r to their eu-tttnler' and: site getters! public that they are own, carrying to -h (lett: rad (`r.,twiry Butter and al+o Buttes►iik Lou flair regular milk t.lrlivt•ry rig- it all times. Rutter, 4tilk and Buttermilk eau l e hall at tl0 plant on Erin `limit s't ta;' little lw•tween it a. tn. unit h it, 111. .;R. iIEND, Nov. ltd.--Attont twenty e, e'. on the London side of the sum•tn•i' 'oro her. hat • been ,•ut•red and hundreds. of dollar.' worth of clothing, bedding and food +tuffs stulrn. lel.t'otery of the r•b- twry west mad. 'by a Londoner who came to his ,cottage fur the week -Peal. and (nc,•»flgatl•m show'P,i that rho thieving had leen general. count t'onietable W. It. (Ifever, steamed by Provincial (Mime Albert WttIteestde. of Hehwall, le at work on the cave, and some tmptrtaat eller* hare barn unearthed. Mat fall tome of the eettag•s were ntere,l and considerable ptoperty n'ntnt'eil, but not tq the wholesale extent of this ,rear. At that time 444.- 41441111111.444,111,4414 .41444444444 Farmers, Attention ! Our winter stocks are now complete, and include good, sound, solid -leather Work Boots, snag -proof Rubbers, leather -top Rubbers, Felt Shoes, in fact, everything for the. Farmer and all outdoor workers. A CALL SOLICITED SH MAN'S The Leading hoe Store N'. REG• SHARMAN GODERiCHJ Thine 158 i t r . A.1444/14'14444. 1 •