HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-11-20, Page 2l f) r 0 r r t• 1 • •! F. Ig he a t1 - no es la 11. 4)t to a t en •k. by 11.1 ..t 111 Int h.- of rof fir to hit of rc. rk. e t•- nl• 111 - an •11- A at sr- R- { • 2-Thuraday, November 9111 L1e4• 1]STABLI®HED 1848 GOHERI('H :: CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association Published every Thursday morning Subscription price 12.00 per year. To United States and Foreign Countries. 62.50 per year, strictly In advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telephone u :: Godrrtch. Ont. `v, H. Robertson, Editor and Manager Thursday. November r :4'. 1!x'24. EDITORIAL NOTES None Will Satisfy re Mlle pure). delicious LAD GREEN TEA THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. RADIO PROGRAM 11.1:1 program in brief, week 4)l November 21, 1924. \\'•:y. Schenec- tady. N. Y. 'General F:ler•trle Comu- puny, 7911 kilts•y(1es Ian meters).' Eastern standard time. Sunday, N',,tul,er 21. 11.414 11.111.- S,rc ice of SI. Peter's Episcopal 1'hurch. .1IINtuy. N. Y.. ,N•rmon by the It. Charles 1'. Harriman. ::.40 p.tu.--l'r.Igr:nn by WI:1- Fyne photo l rch...tn., 1.,, Klittet. .'endut~ .r: .\. 41. 1'oggesliall, tenor. soloist. 11473 7..11) p.m. -Organ Frank Fill Rogers, playing at St. Pet. The finest green tea produced in:i+1'opal e•huro.. the world. Ask for a trial package. I ' 'al p,4),'- t I. a of Pira ('hare. e P � I.f Christ. Kl•Ivuli•r. 111'.1/u.,•huly. X. FREE SAMPLE of GREEN TEA UPON REQUEST. "SILADA,'• TORONTO 11. I !•.4441 p.m,-bHru4;ram by Symphony - i 4 tri li, .Irm Joseph Kue•ilt, emidn•tor, It,'fure the gats of til.• )s•i.,t.•IL-1 111•11111114. 1d' 1111• recent i.al..r 1•:0411141.1411.1114.11.1',111114.,11\\'.1'/., l'at•W1111 791.• Detridt city council has made ?111111), :Et uaa s , ur !4)u -,.aro d 1' r 'Ail.. flow the 1\'nldur[ Ast,,rla ,Hotel. Xrtc Bary cls -.,1 spam Ids, Peter 1•' ,, -:rete pt•twt agleln.i til, d4t.a.1"n' 411 1'11-.ia, (lou/ Width 41" 1',l+ ,jun•; York. ton Turohto Ilett'.pN1),•r relsort4.• "t'1'- \land:,}'. Nm.•tul•.•r 2d. 7.d.ip.n..- .. . m - of water fri,ib-..the e:rrnt L:Iko- ut 1 ten•ruel, -.. rated of her unf:iUmtl•m I . • Leuu•nt1 :1111) 111..bwah47 affirme4ll1111.1 Nhc 1.44. to he :*11uW0Y1 la r.•: S..uig r.,•itul by .141111 1.1..y,I. tense. 1'hi.:e��.. 4).•4.1.1 by 1:.111:ani Itier. yioLlnia, • • �• , • his inu.s,•uc1." 141 err the ny'N'rt•r. nu•l;l 1111 I,t-u ish ,1141: ••tea uudrr •a Premier rerg11-en pr')N..�e•.: to give .o1"u Word,+. jt Qtr. Smith has been rorr Go4,'•1:1444111. 11••L. 'Uala'•I ' to and utile 4:. Vet tri, pianist. 911, cabiurt )llni.t'r- a fifty per relit. flu• flat*• of uther5, who have run off (:11111! 1rw11t1o► 1l L1144.Ptfe�1.-til.•+ rl::ht.l 1)rewr,htalk\ov`quh r 2 •. 7.45 p.m.- lact..w. ..• 111 ul:,ric:1. %'. •• inuier.t,'„) WW1 the bag and left him to stiffer id nsyluw---i. 411,• uw•:1.,'r. o: her i;.:ur p.tu.-Dinner M111111. 1.1' i10t01 ilii! rail/411.oa 4:oyerliuo nl '(las to the penally of their thievery.W11y, disappoint Meta in .t:vs R.1.h4.rtst Ten Eyck Trio. Albany. X. Y. were not the circus-la4,'s brought, rtupia. The •••oryre:.ed lass•..,. 1.f F•IM4 p.m. --Program by Caryl Mar. 1•.'euowize. ltu..ha" 114100 take the pins iu ,ll. r edmlh .opllal,n. fwd \\'I;i 4Irclr•-test. cut at the trial. If Ihere is auythiu0 11.`14 eta-(tr,:an r•..1'.11 fie Fre h- • . • • rhetorb• 6•ran•rlc occupied by _:.t1k; I' • I • D V ,, 1)1111) • i \ i h wI a wa Wt Bolt... lair. rt n t 11 - I r . E. tel. , re 'Por or'c •...._ __._,...• _....-..-.._.... ..• Rdwrt down-trodde•q War.• sl:n•,'. .'of the n 1 Inlr. f m 1 r fin-• r 1141 usual protestations of a (nrcicl.,I 1'uired Stale.. i11 *ay. (her.. ay..' day. • nn 1C44w.l.u 1ewille1ar)ke'r JvTr:1u1l1I.N•rA124,2141 .•},14. 0N.p,m ' p-:nnAtduvnrhtnre .tonfrom Youth'. Co.n- sid afro ar.. atNew•"1111. U„ xlbli/ would like ten much thorium.. priso nsal ra, 1 Ira to kuuw' all aft.ut it. Iluu camp. in 1111 1:, not ' for op - 110411g $10,ny11. It would he interesting 110411g the Government• lout for mite to kuuw• how mail It. L. $'t for It • • • tun'. ..Ike. 131e v,•rhal , sle.,r -form. Thar -slay. Nuvem).er 27, 1.45 'p.m. - 1u the flr,,t place. . The Iktaw'II JJurnpf s4r.eegh 11rg'+ ,•rlv .•wp1.\wl ngnhi.t 1:Iptt:111xor .h'• r •otbull game. ('nruefl vs. 1'oh'.•rslty .i Pennsylvania. I'11i11idelphia, I'a. • ••1 • th,• clew that the -Armistice 11•'y ,:u.• tow Illreet. at the Soviet . 44.14 r4) tin r+ori should tw 'kept 1plit• di.... 1111'.111. !!4)d 1111.11 a. :e irr, t.•.�er..a I:.al► p. m. 1)1, , • r uua•4. he }{ctrl ' If fossil )►Ryle want, to get soil.' 111' the legeid'that It It i tA.rke•r• Ten F:e.k Trio. :All'tlu}. X. 1. Cw:nw. Ith�.'ker ffIt111, All.uq'. altdrlse "Strlumetz I4Luu11„I Tw.lnty. Priority tin•: frotu Thank*ttichig lh,y. ":\rna' 7. t5 ,un.-Itn1.k Ndk he \\'. F.14 . Ja1- Prldn, Xorrml*•r hr1. 7.15 ion. 111m." Lc 1'. )1. Itlpl.•c. thing really worth while from til .•xperltuent. _ I';,ii a'« .14 Ilo.14.11mrut i' I "'alit' Udl. - 1 "w'be. ha• .1"u 14, 4 111.• spirit world, let him listen In and islh t•- 1M.' 1 4)d T11onk.y icing 1h4c,:'. tt tr„m. h. t5• oh. librarian. I:rinrf9l F:II, trir roue Saturday, XocrnulN•r 2•!►, 1.15. p.un.-' inskel a tp.•ian+t sticking 14:71;.I......; I".Irl hear w'hnt ♦1'.eeln•ic l\'ilu•u says KI}".. "err two eery d3Rernut thing+. Tlu• rw+lrt1711.11111111;";.1.; •1•„•••a \1'.•rt. til.• LWlnr. p.ul.--Radio drawn. "The par. F1N.tbNll cnuie•. .\Puny c., \ac;; Italtl .41111 of his otN•rutilig r4.ut 11 111 :1 and should 1N• ob..rc.,l ..•)ra:at'•:�. author.-tiltrr-HumWith'. frh•:I1 `•111 1,41, -Joint recital by .111i•rtn 4 11 1 f4.'st;' by '4',4 '(• 1'1444 1.: mush' 1124411*. t11Iresing a '4oraIof L,Y•plc fire he w.,•ti Il -.4: 1thert Lodge The fortm.r 4J1 1411 h• .•l.,45, -- here ."1'r.' grateful to t!u• Ildte.i Stu . •.Iinerr,ew.. 1itt,, t. and Ferdinand Fit- by the \CI:Y Im•1,, 144, 0.:111 / gond.? h) Ph111 "I have,- roomful uI roan pnaopr!. for the lira time ".Herr there.- for the lean .d M,'r 4s• a touch of Tien, y4o11ui„1- 11'14) .p. III Program 4o11sisis of p.m.- • • s n+ ,t 1+ uM.+•rc.Yl In F: 114 4 f nn „au',I that will Wilhite our Amer.- 11.:10 p.m.-ltr.nu r•,•ital. by �t••ple, N.0141111.111,1.1......"....:417' 114 11aymund iI. Romano'. lircii.tra, New. Krnmurel"Yurt invoke,) to I'a aria pl11114. : • our friends the t' 144rrvatti.4' ore November 11 :111.1 all no ..tie {" slat': Mali IYrdslita. who are .lust.• N11411g to 1.11 E. Ili I flair, from Proctor's gar- i:••t.ti. by 1\'GY 'Ire1,1.4 rn. hot.•I. \141111', N. �.: popular -. tut.. • bill e( mine 111 rte 44•�. 4)l:•' •' bottling a eoaf,'r,'w'v 4)t 7h.rv,uto 1111• TInlik.tuichrg. a• formerly. by ..pest mike a gift of her. Iterrrnnd It,1--1� w.Y•k. stud 1111• titillate Gab. a ciNkw ''!Iiuttioi.. 414h.•rwl., Ue• .11,01 Mace sell. Oil; Itrtl+h philu...ph••r. ....MO4)l+.. of success at 4I144w•a. 79it- ought to til, eoufuaoh that re,otlte,l .t:o. year• It.1 pt)INriq and .'8me 1.1.. .eider • � wi.,r, filar. tlwt til. I I ..� I:ri ' GREY FLANNEL -39° GRAIN BAGS \\'i11111 : l) -inch, ..up.-riur quality, an over -plus :14 the 111111- bought very touch under value. Light Or dark gr. y. heavy and tine. Cheap its risme. tt,• IG•I:nlar value IN)e. At per ea,. yard J.77 YOUTHS PULLOVER SWEATERS for ..port --,:skating or wear tinder a coat- Fawn,, blue and Whitt', 14111'111111 green, etc.. (•rn11bitia- h tion e4)lort': fine, pare :111-"4)4)1; ,,izl•eF ;fr•7� :pito 38. Regular :?-4.1111. Each., f• 5 HOSIERY II Boys' or girls' .extra heavy rib, pure wool worsted Stockings. Sizes ; to 10. .%t 591 per pair • ' 1 • :U) 4)r"-a1uplr Coat- just arrived. \•cry stylish MENS NIGHTGOWNS 1111)) W, Il made, of all fashionable materials, fur -trimmed many :ire and -ilk-lined. - lender regular value. :1t each Heavy, neat Arilav new colors, flannelette, (Gowns well -made and good quality. $1.49 $12, $15, $18,$22, $30 and $35 Sizes I:1 to 1 E:i1h ... Extra large size, heavy, •'R" or \," $6 imk standard Rag- Special per dozen • VV DRESS VELVETS Aleck or hr.ltn,, ::G inch,•., wide, of exquisite quality -ilk velutina.:;peially priced, $•f•�C Yard L. J BLANKETS Largest ysize double bed, all pure -wool, grey �lankets, ,oft au,l well rx)ured, whipped ingly, fancy border. Regular 19.00. $6.50 t pey pair ... . ... ................. WOMEN'S COATS W. Acheson & Son ems' w;rke Nr. Melia/ell ,'l,,.rful;�but ps•r• 11"111 the ol.w•r1":4)urt of '4rw1•tl;,' fish. vern e'ut. will .lhrn't , Emma ' hap. he lamas better. • flay 1N„a -14.14. azul )cess -.--1 ,, ilh alit of -the .,21mtrv. - It s.,•::i. more 41411,. •' ' probable that the British •nit.hortti.•. • • . • • i , - Will tenor.. her. .KIM• would then I.,• The Toronto Star sir. that -Pres- • Vfree to talk her...1 •tnr!rse rt 11. )dolt 4'oolfnge J. pr.•latbh ruse Incest lE•tend the 'Enquiy - . Turk +.,'ricer, 1 -very Smoky' motto. - ur.11uar) Main ever «le, t.'d to the 1.11.1.'The Farmer.' 511114 .. • That I• how Britain flea1s with rev. S.11/0` .t 1t,. esidemy before Judge lutho,i=t agitntor4. .•raoL. 111,1 !wt..i Id.11cy of rile 1'1111.,1 Slate.-" BM' S i.b•r 1311 tonne •tion With the rte ,41114•10..- rt 4..af.•r andmor:• «h�,•r 7"le Star 1111154 111111111 tlitit Mr. 4'..A:• gljjry Into five $.•i1,lt charge-. Is runt - WO. than the 11,•_11111 •n,,lli'N1 1d trt•at- 4eIK,' 4. cherer t11•lnttl 1a k.,p quirt uuiiriz.•1 on fhb. lN,gr. ' Ing rho-. who :ire -azill the 4:.a"rril- uhon. it..a , 7:.wnld 4., IImproperor at this shim. I!L' a,nr " • • • ' 1.1 4••itr11n.•nt at length on that e•i- • • •• de:11et• .4 til.• Impli•uflnu, 44111 1/1 111141 Red land (itis In ('snails LI 11u•r1N•y declined In eniliid'4 1•"on► th4-n•h1, 1111 it may tit I..%1_IN• said l I.at per ., l in 1 44.1 and .•c. r 111 that til.• 4.10*. hrohtJri oat 11huaiont- anneal' of interest n. every ,yN.rt.- !t• justify .h,• :.P11;1101r"I .d the .•ul. man ;Y the 4'al t,I- 1+.4)r .. )ted p•r••••m'. In 1911 to 9.2•. iter len1..in nhd /:1111 lu 4':uula. T1.4:4.1.....4 wo t. er•irtllt )nhik•n e( .•11gn4n'. Ttl,'y ll (nor.• 1 1:'21 l►ntarto 1144 the 141441 I.•r:en• tlnui til, \Thal M,1. 11'•.11 di4141g'i•,4 ='SNI stories aly1 Iii 11:4 first- *.,•- rage of illiteracy in the i',,miniva, 'Mow. 11g• im14•nn4',. 4)i.„•ssity-uf ex- ,tion. -rte. Wandercd In the Village. ':.17, and Mnnitulln the high. -.4. '4.441, te•ndhng-the .eo)N' of the hi5rs1I 4l4ion T"�' by Georg.. 1:. Helton,14will-town :I. -cording to the figure -e of .the 1!421 I-%nud what f. e.alt`nbu,E 141 Ih.• $. '- a clod of .y 1,. 4.l y in•u' town • win. • tell tin'rg•s'- Not'hlug l.wt tlwu r4 loos returned to the I . y. fora ni1'.. 11411•. _ .--- yrnr; ..f ah..•11ee. _Th.. Y.•llotr \fink.'. thorough probe ill! hen. •strip.- the • -• • Is a thrilling mystery ',tan- in Phil 11. ocaple of 1►nh,rto. It is not neer' ).,.4)•'s hest .telt. 14.•nncca.tle Irate 1111ron -...Minty... mil j..ri ty of 1141j5 Nl ry to ile,lr arty tneli f"41*411.4. :15 uphold.- Ill. reimnitloh 4).:e seller of for the (Ontario Temperance .Art, nos t11carr•., 14)• the 4:nR1'ry 0 .nu ten" interesting wild animal and will mi..ioa, .In41 r Snider and ,Int. legal 1'11141 8.11* NOlMM11"+1 to (*•'til.• largest bird .lade. 11. -The einadn Grouse." ...hew Ii,tr ,,r. rw for•the purl...e. ..1que•r.l►u'1..r by .l'. W.ll'fn.uI the cLliftt) misiority hr tit' 1'rvrt•im•r. it btore ot If they - to perform the Hsi: exceeded by 'tlnet of lire,). .,man•, .1111141 for 1h:ar authority nowt he last of his wrier. ..f dank ..vett.. 3• side!' 444(5 121.4 Iii Sinw.e• vomit): al- ••xt•uded. and the Gover,ilu•lt .111'1/111 'le 1d,'dt, one of the best. it vont On - 40 11111 led n 111rgr twljorly for the 11111"4. 1)o he•sih.t1o11 111 giving 114• ur- infortnatio11 oh 1114. 0111).10.1.1 of tl:,'..• c1' -•try exlrn.i+•tl• wild fowl not often available, F. V. Act. but w,' 11114,' 114/11 'well the uak•iMl Williams and \Gnrtih tinnier,. other Better Ker4wwhkr, Mr. FerR+tasn regular rourrlbntor.. have, (tori I,gnn•s• 1that :ere worth)• .tieesslr' of • • • .'1') r:.rm.•r.' Saul It 4' 1411141 argued h the Ind 1'r- It ha. 1•e•u 4/.11 ,tfl. Tally ,*sham*„I Inter pr1•ciou4 on:w. R.••id.w 441.114)r'. y iii hrf.•r••ting 111111 fnan1.'T14,' ar)h•h•+. rut cuter Ilan ate vote more or less that the Legisl.ltlr•• will Is• ...kelt t.. the-rt.rlllar 1I4.)•Irtnh'nt.,nr.• all up to the 'lark. '•1:11111- ,11,11 -\nh1111uth•n,- "ewLeri.r._n number .( extremely In- teresting' ,rtf1.1,•. on n varlets of sm.. i.s.t... In Addition to the-.• feeler,-; the whiners of the $5111 photo .,4)e test. which has aroused stw•II ludcl•r- snt Int•r,.t are analuncr.k 44) 11:44 -l:".'.1 el."'" 4.r it 11111 Jori n' oL.''"' ,.f $1.4444, pills free ton)4 -'r,ntion br 1.4111. • • • rail within the 1'ri4fue.•. The Progressive toarty ..f 'lulnri.r Ten �ho natal four hundred dollars. 1'rolertlnR the Inrestnw'tN n year, -with ps•rynl-Ire. add.,I. 41,14' Ahrahan1 1.1111 4.111 hnuarrou.l - said 4414. I:nuu•141,1 at J e,an'.4rtinu 1.4'1 nOt he More than these )linleters- of n poor neighbor's assets. ':f t• h4)• ter T111'1111 t1.1 .111 T11•4.L13. it 4. the could earn in private .•ulploement: it n w"I41' and two altlIdreu whieh i 'aincee-.or and Iwir of fru• runner may out he more than. their 41.1'011'4 4 41.11 ui- fi) think .r.• worth thirty thou - Farmer,: err. with til.' .11+11 di.- are worth to the l'ro1"1i '. hut f1 1n sand dollars to any Man.- 1'' More thrid the people of 1ohm no A family 411 11141..41 a golden tt4e5t- t1net4.nr- rug ant. s4, 411:11 na•n :i1'1 should he ell 11141 n)un, 4' pad, 1\'111.11 mrnf and 111441+ the 4anl,' prot..•tion Wame•n of all .•4IMW1 4)1 I .4,141114444 h.414 all ,In4s,'. In the enunnnnjry are feel- and eon' that any 44141 -tumid re- nity hare full m.•nh.'r.I,ip 111 it. Mr. lug the 11114.1,. 1,11 when r.•II,f 1111114- gnir.s. 1►rnn', the fonn.•r 1'r,•l. f.•r, w4). ..ego --urea for unemployed an. being eon- Forthree generations the editor. • -.Meted. ,1".•n 421 advance of .nnwfall. of '194, Youth', ('ompariion hate 44.11 cu .4. leader of the patty. It notion• f..,- ah 141,1,:i .l• ha 4nlnrie' the 41.1.1,' responsibility to the families. • .. ' of public ufneials. of .11bs.riber. a. If those families If there were so many irregular- Premier Ferguson will not show the were their own. in tnl.ing n nub - hi.. 4n lly,lro chiles, w-hy didn't 1..111 1.111 44i 9101,111 he. i. generally .'red- s•riptfon they have invented a trust: that highly -1.40,1 ':rrtt,ry 4'(rmu)l.sinn 41.41 with If he bring. before the 1e•g they Ialc, don,, ,their part to $w• 111111 find .W110 of thein'' -Clinton News- 4'11,1 lI ' "11111 ha. b.• •n M111111441 111 the family Invrslmtnt increased in Rees .1. Ila• pre.., valor through the development of We ore under the impression that cnnracter and a tont... for the good the 4; r. gory Commission did find n Not Wanted in ('arida thing.. of life. 11' lee ley F;Merl 4.1.1 ' Thr fifty-two issues of 19:5 will be number of s',1o,i. Irregularities. and The fiery eros. in the highlands of crowded with serial stories, short reported upon dices). '19icy we4e not Scotland as it w4)- rarriwi by 111,'74• stoN,'m, editorials, poetry, facts and floe kind of 4rr'•mllar414e. that S,1 .seltzers from clan to chin-igni(4,el fun. sideicrIhe now and reelve: tell has revealed• but were muchthe nnlhr.ak of war bow 14.11 tier '4.14• 1. The Youth's ('om)nanlon--52 1.suen more important. and 1h, 11nel. The burning of :1 1/11921. • •• •• I''4o.N 4n a 4omunlpity 4n invited 2. All the remaining Issues of 1024. Stat,s these days 111,1111. til,' Ku 3. The 1'olnpaniao Rome calendar A new industry in Canada is the Klux Klan has come to til, locality. for 192.5. (Sent only on request.) manufacture of macaroni. Tf.ree to bring erred warfare. 'Phi. .,,T., 1 All for $1.501 'ear- Ngo t)" 11..toinlon i'.1.0114.d organization of ...sled knight. 1,s. 4. 1)r tn4111de Meral1'. Magazine, the /1 ,1%1.11 million )rood* of n,,.-araeul, ).come .o -strongIn part.- „4 41,it.,1 monthly authority on fashions. principally from Italy. lass' Year um States that I. has to 14- re -Lotted Roth pnhllcntlon., only A4.11). 1 I with In Presidential and State eler- THE 4Ul'Tll'S ( ).1I'.\Nlf)N, 1y n few hundred p.nmdo were Ira- (ton.. The burning ..f the tt.eol,n t',,,,,,,,,.nwralth AVP Jr Kt. Paul Kt add 448444114 to the salaries 4)t present 1,111k•• w4 diffi•r4•Ia,•, '1'114 Strut- alms„) ,neb ••f 1'r,•,, ire r.•rgns.'11 ford It,:.enu:Her,ld points oat that ,.,•1l1•nlpo••. Thi• would bring (lir n• - sometimes one cote makes all the fltf• nnu).•ratian pf these Nliui-t,rs 4)p to f.•ren,• 'In the World, '111 1111 el.,•tinn 14:1,144441 '0,14. ID addition to the .a1• in Indiana. in which over 1.4144; 4411 ray allowed each Minister. In e•onlnum Imes were cast, the Winner was ,1i.•• with other un•n11N•r- of the L,gtaa- iarl•, rw,•l"er hi. wssionnl 41M,'ntlit)' pnrt.,l. but teen:rife In ('ntlw.Ia ,r4.... In border town. 111 C'ana'da Roston. Maw.. turned out twelve million pound. and would g4) to "114 44 til, Km Kane ):)1111 Snh.'•r)ption. Received at The Signal over TWO mllliatt {*land. were ex- h4)., temporarily mt Least, 4,n'aded ()Mee..','rtl)4 4 1Aeh•. in 4.'annda. '1^14, or. Ported. .A rather non wheat .Is user ganizatfon I• alllyre.l to he he in - in the making of macaroni. 1 Thornier at work In burning -e inany Sweet Charity • • Roman Catholic chnn•hes in •ineal'. .\ hlg bnrlc man .'shed at the r.•c- Fimtlul 1:1'1 )noun. the nnnrchi.t, and recently the elle rently burned at tory. and whet' whet' the door was opened i(xwkeahnn• In i'r.-.olt ''ant %.' n..,l 4'' m,4' the re•tM'+ iwl(e, n spent two year. in Ideaia, where she which 14 n.'ros. the 1►ttxwa Ricer from woman well known for her charitable • espeet.•4 to find freedom under the Quebec. night-thlnkh114 4':oh••tant. Impulse.. 5041,1 regime, Instead. .he mays the deplore the coming Into 11,1 county 1 " \lxdam." -he addressed her In a 114411)14. are oppn.wd am they nevered any society w'ht,h adopt'.n mcg- broken volts.. "i s•Uh to draw your tem ..f church-htrrnlne n. tart of it. attention to the terrible plight of a were' under the ever The Rol.he- program and entourage.. rsllrlo11. poor family In til. district. The vies, .he say., an. slowly undermin- strife, Wr ,in,•rely hope five Ku father is dead, the mother 4, too III Ina all the hest in horde. "Remem- Klnc Klan never get• a foothold In to work. and the nine children ore her," she de•Inr.d at a meeting 411 this country. 'lmndntl, where she had nought the lvrlamIen Eye44 Opened eglum which Britain extends to all IToronto 44)o)w•4. War -Ing. They are A1101l1 to be ttrn,d Into the (old, cold 'errata un - Imo. ...me nue pays. their arrears In rent. which amounts to fifty dollars." 1kInM of 44.,sple. "it flee,* not require Emma Goldman. de'..rte) a. an "Ilom terrible:" exclaimed the lady. ttYlay propl•• to destroy thing'', but it moleslrable Alien In I'l14) fn,ni the "\ray 1 ask who yon aver takes a great many pergde to build 1" tilted Ktremt. .s -herr .a;had .1,.•id The .ympethetie visitor applied his much of her life. Mix been the dinner handkerchief to Ills eyes, Mingo up." guest of 300 Itlltona, Including.,aJ "I'm the landlord," he sobbed. rices That Talk --- Quality That Satisfies The Crown Tailoring Company, of Toronto, get together. and Martin FREE PANTS SALE "They tailor the Suits and Overcoats and together we give the prices a "Jack Dempsey Wallop." With every Suit you get. extra Pants free. All Overcoats ro per cent. off regular prices, and a Cap of same material free. SIX DAYS SALE Fnday,21 to Wednesday,From Nov.N Nov. (inclusive) Never before have such high-quality clothes been offered to the men of town and vicinity at 26 $28.75 to $44.75 .r With Two Pairs of Pants --One Pair Free. Blue and grey serges, blue, brown and grey stripes, tweeds, worsteds --everything. Make us prove it. Every Suit measured and fitted by Martin. We have the agency for these good clothes, and we each part with profit to give men good clothes at low and medium prices. This sale comes at a time when every man needs a Suit or an Overcoat. The fine weather lasted too long for the big tailors. You get the benefit. Remember, for the finer clothes we'll tailor them in our own shop. Make This "Father and Son" Week at Martin's. Watch the windows. Open evenings during the sale. Every man who values money should see these clothes. The Phone Number is Four -Nine. FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR AND HATTER McLean's Block, East Side of Square, Goderich TH FE The of 22 etch, Mani Weil of her • E. • Asti' East 11 MEIM • i