HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-11-20, Page 1CHRISTMAS SHOPPING
Goderich merchants tate preparing
well -selected stocks of 'goods for the
Christmas trade. Do ybur Christmas
shopping with the merchants of the
home town.
Clubbing Rates
The Sign4 Sican save you a little
money moat any newspaper or
periodical. Take advantage of our
clubbing rates. Telephone 35 for
Interesting Program l'arried Out
at "Commencement"
1.0M1114`114•4•1116.11 t exercises of
Vit.torin achosol, held on Friday hulls
proved to be a Itt.114itful is:slalom: A
large outulx.r of itaro•nts of the pupils
ere present. and the program pro
violist for the v. -cuing was enjoyed
by old and young.
In the alsence of flee chairman of
the school beard, Mr. Alex. Saunders,
who Is in the West. the chair oe-
toupleol loy Ito•r. .1. IV.. Iledley, who in
his openiug remarks expressed his
pleasure In being present on an oc-a•
tdon 4of this kind and lu joining in
reeognItioon of the work that the
school Is doing. Since he eanie to
Goderich lie had Hiany, admired the
appearance of Victoria ...hoot and 14141',
grounds and was proud to show- them
to visitors, and 114. Wa, 1li1erP111101.41*()
REV.1).N111.4:11.1.1Vit.tY. D.I)..1.1..D..
In the work done io The ":-1149. The
teacher% wtore hearing a great .,ye-
sponsdhillty laud parents shoidd
operate with them In every way!, pos-
encouragement for those who had nut
In behalf of the Daughters of the
Emigre, Mrs. lones-liatimaii presen-
ted to the school a series_ of pitotores.
nine in nornis•r, which ant "p('a of
paintings hangitie in the National Gal-
lery at Ottawa. They are niontly
way pictures. and Mrs. Jonem-Itate•!
man IL' presenting them expressel
the hope that they would be au in -
* Oran") to the stiolo•ntee to snort by
their country as Canada's stoldiers
bad dom. •
Principal Stoneliouse on behalf of
the school tendered thanks to the
Daughters of the Empire for their
gift. and the chairman also ,addell
avow words of approciatIon.
Miss Mary Robertson presented the
prises gireti by Miss Sturdy for peo-
ns of the third class. She said dint
the SChooln were sometimes criticized
Ise4atese. It was saidthey took up too
many subjecta In tho' curriculum. The
object. however. was not No much
that the atudent should remember
the lessons as that in taking up the
different subjects 'him mind was de-
veloped in various directions. Those
who excelled in general proficiore y
lenefited most from their atudies, be -
ea 11AP They had iwofited from the
training In all the stibjects.
Mho Wigglos' prime were prawn -
ted by Rev. H. C. MeDermid. who
a (lotierich Isoy who is 1146W 4.110
04 ties grout men of (lame.
won prized'. Nome men who had nev-
er. been orig.-winners at shool. had
been tlo• ont-tatolirtg up -ii of their
times: and so it mightbe nItli some
of the pupils of Victoria modest( who
had not received
Interspersed with the 1 orenni t .t.
thins were the various number,' of .t
program as follows: Vogul solos by
Miss Bell and Mrs. IL ; vneal
duet hv Mrs. Hombre and Mra.
(tier.) Elliott; a "Dane of Wel-
come." prettily executed by twelvio
((chord -girls. and a elerer little spee•le
by Mint Ivy Clark on "Thsoetuter."
The accompankts were Miss lire:
Donaldtren and Jae* Melhernall.
Principal Stone:house gave tbe "in-
cluding address. thanking those who
haol tako•ti part In the program and
those who had gtv 1 the prize*:
Hearty applause front the isoys and
girls expresaeol their apprecia t I( m of
the gittn of prizes. Mr. Stonehouse.
hoped the twos and girl+ who had
itarse4 out of the so-hool would hare
eontinned stseeeas in their work. Fie
hoped. whether they continuos! in
64110441 Or 1144, they would have an
aim in life. -Don't drift." we- his
!art ing injuncthm.
The proceeding" concluded 'with
the singing of -God Mr.. the King."
also spoke of the 41542511414 04 ill -round
Instruction. It was the all-round boy
or girl, man or woman, he said, who
took the greatest plaee In life He
congratulated the boys and girl ,tst
the mehool and shoo the teac for ,
the work being done by the *odefltii
reflected back upon the teachers. I
Mr. J. 1'. flume, principal of 1-116.
Ondleglate Institute. presented the,
high school entrant's diploma. In
his address he emphasized the fact
that. while all the atudents receive
the Marne Instructlon, It depended np-
on the individual student. an•I the
way he set himself towards the thinga
set before him, horst much benefit he
got from them.. De WP1...111114.1 the
public action] graduates to the Colleg-1
hate Inatttute.
Mrs. Redditt presented the prise
eontributed by the Dome lend School
('lub for the highest markIn eompo-1
altIon at the entrance examination.'
arid remarked that in doing so she
might be presenting It to 11 future au-
thoresa. She hoped It w01111 inapire
fhe winner to further entrees. Mrs.
%Arlin also took the opportunity to,
invite those present to take an in-
tereat in the Home and School Club.
Which is doing a needed work it eon-
neeteon with the !school.
'Mr. IT. R. Long presented the geo-
graphy prize and recalled the days
wW1.11 he woe prineipal Vktoria 1
school. He urged the studt.t04 to he'
careful In choosing their life'st work.'
Too often it wan the poren:a who
chose their children's' lifework and
sometimes they did not choose windy.
The prises la drawing were presen
ted by Mr. Jolt Carrie. of the try/RW.1
IMIqaSalkelA presented the Wo-
nnon's Institate prise In literature and
Rev. H. M. Hardy gave the 14411•9444.
emphasizing tbe value et the cultur-
al element In education. Literature
gave to those. who would have It that
touch of refinement that is altogeth-
er denirable in rnif..14 life.
Mr. W. H. Rebortaon prmented the
prize for grammar, and told the
teachers that In paying special atten-
tion to this subject they wonfd he
lightening the editor's burden of
Inetpector J. E. Tont preaented to
Mho Wino Ilosy the Robert Part
Memorial gold medal, stating that It
wax the second medal that had gone
to the mime family (Rom Hoey har-
ing won the medal two years' ago).
Mr. Tom mentioned Mit when he
conciedea tbio year'a work he will
bare *pent fifty-three years In teach-
ing. and like, it better erery
HP expressed the regret of the giver
of the medal. Mr. Victor Lanriaton.
that on account of preasure of work
he could not come this year 40preaent
the medal Ihimitelf.
kfr. R. R. Hallows presented the
reading Prise.; Mr. J. W. Vanafter
the prise in arithmt•tie, both 'awak-
ing ballefly.
Rev. . promented the
dory prize and (teetered it woe a
"ilithtfol PrIvflege to he present and
a part in theae exereifieto. He
Vangrstelated the temp on having
sorb a whet* and olan them who had
antithrrd to show their Interest In the
eillimatiassal wort of the town. and
MI* mom the tereasere aftwelated
with the aSboot. /lb had a word of
The Prize-winnen
In addition to the Robert Park
Memorial gold medal. "given hy Mr.
Victor ionriston, of Chatham. and
awarded to Mbee Willo Hoer. the
prises. their contributors' and the
whiners are am follows':
Reading prize, given by Mr. R. R.
fellows, awarded to Dorothy Steep.
Drawing wis.,', given by Mr. Jame,'
Carrie. awarded to Ifarie Bell, Dols
Cheery!), Ilconna McClure, Florence
Literature prize, given by Women's
Institute. awarded to David Wenger.
Arithmetle prize, given toy Prinelp-
at Stonehormse. .warded to Della Ran-
Grammar priste.,gfren hy Miss Le
Ironzel. awarded to Margaret Ruston.
Dietary prize. given by Mr. Jas.
F. Thomson.awarded to Charles Nor-
Geography prize. given by Mr. H. II.
Long. awarded to Ilarvey Griffith.
Composition prize. given hy Rome
end School Cloh. awarded to Wino
'Miss Wiggins' prizes -Si -AL gener-
al proficiency. nwarded to Elide Arm-
atrong: Jr.ii., ester:II proficiency.
awarded to Ra. -mond Lawrence: Sr.
and Jr.H., writing. nsorded to Joan
fes Stordy's prIzes-Sr.111.. gen-
eral proficiency. aworded to Adele
Brocklehank : Jr 111 . general profit.-
lency. engirded to Erelyn Damilton;
deportment And application,
awarded to Ivy Clark Ir. 1 1 L. de-
portment and Arlene/Won. awarded to
Gladys Shore.
The succemsfill entre nee pupils
were 4 f01104411. A Indicating first -
clam and 11 seeond-clams honors:
Gladys Alli. 'Myrtle Bell. Marie
Bell. Lois (Inereh. C. (lark. Mabel
Doak. 'Helen Drennan. Harvey Grif-
fith (R). Eva Grindrod. Viola Gat -
mon (11). Willo Hoer (Al. Plano Lee
flfl leen Ifathesson, Geraldine Me -
1 Ewen1,4.) Flnrenee MeVit t I o. fit I.
Jean :McLean, Donna Menure (Ti).
Kenneth MI -Miley (Al. Allen Mc-
Lean. Clayton Nivins (11). Elwood
Nivina (A). Cherie!. Neftel (A), Del -
Oa Randall. Margaret Rnston (A).
• Dorothy Steep (11 1. John Sproul,
Edith Weird. David Wenger (.4.),
Lillian Whiteside.
The ,News of the, Town . •
The Hunters Return Read It PERSONAL SIIENTION
. I
11...t of 1 1/.• huoters retOrne I from I Ur. Frank 11. Martin has made ar- --o---
••• ': t .' ratogentetits with the Cr00011 Tot 11/11.•
(leer plentiful. and thi• (.od( r...11
got their full eituideinclit.
including some partkularly fine sips,
intions. Friends of hunters have
been regiling thenotelves this WIWI,
011 (4motbmtine venison.
Maple Leaf Rummage Sale
The rummage SOP held on Friday
mot kisturolay last aider i the anslokm.S
or the Maple 1.4.af (*flower. I. 0. 1).
I.. was quite u sUCceSsIlli Prete, In
`11116. Or In. fleet that the preparations'
for It were hurried and only u abort
todit-e was given to the public. The
proceosis were about $110.
Notes front the Harbin.
The grain boat arrivalm at the God-
t.rh•lt elevator the past week Inettel-
ed the l'itnaoliatt Warrior. 104.1100
bus. of wheat; Maplecourtt 140.000
bus. of wheat, flax and oats: J.
Fritter Tuvior. 190.0110 bus. of wheat .
Mateloslawn, 145.000 bus. of wheat.
The sunnier. Claremont and Maple -
court aro- thee at the elevator. 'Phi.
steamer Bayou' utolomieel a cargo of
2:so.(Wt) of wheat at the Western
Canada Flour Mille elevator.
•'De tug pr rev( t arrived at this
port and A 11 remain here for the
TI,' dredge Goderich has been
plaeosi on 11,.. island and will be over-
For Hospital Building V'Mad
Further eontributione to the special
building rondo of Alexandra hospital
are nooknowledged, 1114
('has. Mellartly, Elgin ave.,
Goderich 8 24).0
,Miss Katharine G. Straiton,
Itocheater. N. V. 5.00
Mrs. Ante M. Galloway, Bal-
timore. Md. 5.00
Grace M. Strang.
Guelph. Ont. 10.40
Mrs. C. E. fleetly, Ilinoespo-
110. Minn. 1.00
Goderiele Elevator k Transit
Co. 500.00
$ 545.00
Previously acknowledged 1998.00
The Ia1 Revision
Althouvir-it -was
the munieipal court of revision bad
eompleted Its work on W,sinesday
night of last week. a further meeting
WAP held on Friday night. when the
matter or the income assessment of
the beneficiariep of the W. 1.. Horton
estate was re -opened. rpoo Capt.
11111'0 representation to the court that
the amount received by each lby
Elevator ('o. .roek bonus) waa
54.500. the assesstnont Mrs. Gant
hie, Mrs. Baker and Mr. G. C. Hill
was amended aecordIngi. The ap-
'enema did not admit lialuitt: to as
...element upon those amounts, but
the eintrt. fn pursuanee of its deri-
sion at n previous sittingplaeed the
amounts on the assessment roll, This
eoneluded the recision 11f the rAPAPPS-
inept fur 1924.
•Mts. T.. 1.. Knox. Neirvon street.
will receive for the fir* time con
Friday, November 2,401. from 4 to 44.
The Gorleriele appe
le vaporator. op-
perated hy Messrs. Cheer & Mumhy.
w.,, deatroved hy tire early Friday
morning (Nov. 21.4).
travelling goods. Made right, bought
right, and see 144(1 right. SHAR-
Mt you want five or ten dollar
hill? You can 3.1.411141VP that by buy-
ing role. new atter.. at Blackstone's
Irnenitnret Erchange They have the
biggest Assortment In towth
littirdy'a grocery has on exhibition
a potato whieh wrsoighs lb. I OS. It
was grown hy fittlsen 1'. M. Davies
who thine adda additional Instep to the
tame of North at mei.
Ing Cowponyof Toros to, to pH: mi
a 141N o1/1)S• side of sults tool -over-
osoilts from Friday, N....oul000 21. 141
Noventher Tho• nu -
appears on page 2 ot
Hockey Reorganization Meeting
A hockey reorganization meeting
Nan held In the British Exehange
hotel on Friday evening and the fol-
lowing officers for the .A
coming 1100
were elected: Honorary presidents.
Dr. W. F. Callow, E. R. V.:isle. 1.
1'.; prealdent. L. G. Young; *tent, I". L. Jacluon: treasurer. A. L.
('014e; secretary, Wm. Sturdy: Ma na•
ger. A. Turner; executive. Dr. A. C.
Hunter. Tir. J. A. Graham. W. W.
Sault.. 0. Sturdy, Wm. Rime:,
Capt. C. It. Robinson. O. L. Parsons',
W. Somerville. W. J. flnohanan. Chao.
C. 11,,PP. Fred Crolgie, Geo. MacEwan,
JohnWiggins. J. R. Reynolds,G
T. G.
Column and W. Shipman.
It is expected A fey tm will loe en,
tered in the intermediate 0. 11. A.
and in the senior N. 41. 1, I^ractical-
ly all of last year's players are avail-
able and also none 11PW players.
1114 issitt.
Huron Chapter Eleetti •
Dural Chapter. No. 30, G. R. C.,
held it. election of tinkers ten Tues-
day night. with the folloOwliag results:
Z. Ex. (*.pulp. 14 It. Ticillsorneo: 11.
Geo. IltreVionr:
Ceopp. 11. T. iturko•r: treasurer. Ht.
Ex. Comp. II. C. Dunlop: N.. Comp.
A. J. Melia)" : 44. I'., ('omp, 4). 4.4.'
144 P. S., l'onip. J. 44. 1'roomon.
The Carter Scholarships
Once more Goderleh Collegiate In-
stitute ham scored in the award of theCarter aeholarships, two of the
three seholanthipe provided for this
emonty coming to G. C. L pupils. The
/6 we rd as follows: 1.4, Mime Doris
Woollemnbe, Goderh•h: 2nd. Mimi A.
Mande Dowell. Goderich; 3rd, Wes
Car01111P M. Webb. WInghom.
These achoisrphipa are pmritlosi for
by the will of the late J. I. flirter
of Sarnia anti ore awarded to the
three eandidates in eaeh certain
counties' vrho ohtaln the highest
mark/. On not wore than ten papers
of the annual upper Reboot examin-
ations 171ese ten papers must in-
hode F.nglish literature. composition.
algebra and geometry. The 111442,'. (4
the scholars:Mos fere as folklore: To
the competitor who obtains the high-
est aggregate. $100; to the one who
rank. -uscond on the aggregate. 145);
to the one who rank* third on the
A orreente. 840.
Goderich Collegiate Inatittete ham
remarkaloly IMPCP1110111 evened In ron•
sect ion with the Carter scholarmh ip
competition.. having In the teat ten
yearn won Morton of the thirty
meholariehipa awarded to thia erennty.
Of the fourteen erholarehltri won five
weir firsts, five 'monde awl four
The Weather
.t ?ter a brief touch of Winter. the
weather has again turned to mill
114'$4. • Sunday otos a very r(vugh (WV.
and some apprehension was felt COO -
Periling NAOS 4411 the lake... but no
wrecks were reported. There woe a
light fall of snow here, but farther
it is said the snowfall ores much
heavier. Farmers are still looking
for moisture to make the land fit ter
Don't tilioNt Pheasants
Efforts are being made to introdnee
pheasants in thin part of the country.
Several Hocks have been started in
the vieinity of (loolerieh, and there
would Is. good prospects of stseeeno in
tho• undertaking if thoughtless or
greedy ileople would refrain from
1loothig the birds. Pheasants are
protested by the mime laws and any-
one killing theni Is liable to ;woe. -
(litho]. 11 anoWes1 to grow and
propagate. they hill in time make a
valuable addition to the game birds
of (lie country. but for monk years it
will tee necessary to give them pr)-
Mr. "Mac" 1:111eaple. of the C
of\liarunicv. Torontois
thi week.
ossrs. E. H. Wigle.
A. Mao-En:11i and It, k
are at Torosato attending the Consuor-
vitt e conference.
Mrs. T. G. Coution and Ills- Geo,
Comma left yesterday to spend tile
wieder in- Cant mitt They will ohs,
visit Ilexioso .114,1 cotho. home loy '.'.lt
of Portland a 1141 I'aletloteVer. 1.110
c41414.1 1) 19' awity bout stx months
Mr. J. (:. itobertwon. 'of Iteginu.
14144 111 too n this week on a brief
visit to his cousins. the Misses- nob
t•rtmon 1141 Mereers. A. M. and W. 44
Ite11140r€447 Ilr.\ Hobertsoon
Stock ConimisahMer for the Province
a Saskatchewan and is attending
the winter fairs 1t Guelph and Tor -
(who i,i the interest of his Provinee.
Christiania is Making its . Way
Surely in China
Itev. Isonald. SlavtlillIxray. D. D..
1.. 1.• IL, of Shanghai, ('4114242.011'
(04144 clipiesi the pulpit '1! Knox ',hutch 'on
P.. 11. 1.•
..1.4•111- his life. since his ...liege Ilium,
; Stitoloy inorniug Dr. Maeilillivray
is :t Kio:x church d hiry" V1 110 1111.4
111 1.11111/1. as a missionary in
Holum awl for the 11...1 , twenty-five
years at Shanghai. his 'out-
standing abilities- as (it:hitt...a. at•hol-
ar have been inestltuable value to
• the missionary . C141II14P. As writer'
translator. lexhograpiter, be has bee',
In the giving to china .4,41
l'hristian literotore. His tiohlrese:o.
give ooviditoice of him faith in A .gicat
future. for the ...wintry for which' ne
has labored so long and too aissidti-
ously. 14114•11 it shall Iii1V.• s1431•1•11 otf
tithst:40%d owaken..,1
t nk
n strength
11'il.iti.:oi.. Sunday -
4', IS designed to Myr his hearers a
The 'Turret Crown Ashore miiss DORIS mypyi,/,comity; lit,olerstanoling of some
The fredgitter Turret Crown, well
the claret 41' C' studctit vibe won' .21poklje."...fi'brin171!;errfutitalisinte.he.: iordoti 4!..1
known at (Id s port and owned 0/. the first Carter 14(1101er:4111p for 1924.
the East. destined to he 41114. of the
n comPsny of which A. M. McInnis
, 0441 14•14? .141.". of the world. De told
oof town is a tuender. went attore
CANI/IDATE PURVES' its harbor, with the shipping of
during gale two week.: ago on Mei.
all nations. Do cronvded rtreets,
drum Hay Point. off Ilanitoulin Is- ELECTION PLATFORM
creat nierose tit is. establishments. Ire
land. The Croon N85 bight at Coe
institutions oof learning. and • other n"' and W" II". W" t" Fer` What Ile Proposes to Suppm-t If (.41)41449. of a great Metropolis. There
William from Midland and was takinZ
1 la. 1TIP1410 4.161111114.1. In the gale the Elected to Boys' Parliament I Wag a darker Sole. for in the great
mill district!! %omen ano ,childreu,
boo went hard aground 1111) the 411.1114This week wee publish a brief out-
s. c10144. 40 MP shore -that the toren line oof tile platform of Mr. Jack !ti' 111li4 11204'" than
were able to go ashore by 11”.1 no: 4 Purrea, candidate for North Huron.' or Y,.Ir* 01d., were
ladder.onAllaristian n
for the -Older Itoys' Provineial Par,- '",1"1"ite.1 by n
Th.. Turro Crown la in elutrgo of isigolit, to meet at Toronto. Dotson. tef,fenione.tesia,:',;:ilerloosiiiison.-„,,fr.teomthteheciliii3f.,4..it,iorkon
(*jovial!' W. A. Jorellen. of Collin:- her *
WWI. who 14' one of the prineip.il 1411-h -1era. was prevalitenf.' The so(•ial evil
ng ST
stockholders of the cowpony owni. ,11,o..31114) claimed Vi
its ctims
Nona: .. . . 1"i 6.1,1 ' that 1444mq/try he
Water and Light Conimi4sinn
.\11 the member.. were •nt at
the meeting of thoo water and light
COMM1116110111 held on Thursday night.
The application of J. A. !ninon. Nel-
son' for PIPPirii• range 614•71-lev.-
application. of W. Jackson. North
street. G. P. Goold. Elgin •renue,
and P. J. Ryan. Anglesea street, for
water merrier... am well as n number
of applications for electric light ser-
vice. were passed.,
enrol r'repofteir
coat approximately *11'.3 to install
three additional street tighte on
South street as reqnested. and that it
would cost approximately 1:45 to lay
row) fret of 2 -in. water pIpe 011
land road to Mr. Ilucklree dwelling.
Roth these matters were' left over.
A letter from '0. E. Fleming with
reference to adjustment of electric
light rat.'. for Ridgewood Park WAR
referrel to the Fiydro-Eleetrie Power
Commission of Ontario.
A letter from 41.' 11. E. P. C. at:i-
rked. in reply to an enquiry from
the local commisedon, that its
per. and auditors' would investigate
the torsi waterworks department and
report at to "vviaton of rates at an
•toeririmate coat of $100. The offer
ware aceepted,and the 11. E. P. V. will
be stoked to do the work at once.
It was re; • thatte rov nett
11Ighways Ihpartment had pnid 152
for installing two Welts at the rail-
way crossing on the Hum. road and
1404)1.1 pay Win per year for the main-
tenance of those two lights.
Accident to Miss Rogerson
GALT, Nor. 14 -When the ear In
wjieh ahe was riding from -Hamilton
to Waterloo went into the ditch a
few miles from Galt thia morning.
M4** Rogersvon, a school tea,dter of
GoderIch. foil' ribs broken. She
/FAA attended by T/r. J. MeQopen of
this( city, who remored her to the
local hospital. P140pante of the mot-
orist. a Hamilton man, eoniel net be
ohtotsl. Mao•Lenn and W 11 Rintoul
the boat,
1 sr..tired to help in the (orgunization of
hoodred tomtit: people were being
Iii Shonehtli Collette three or four
Turret Croon High and Dry - new Tusk square.. As North Huron trollied to, 1.4-441iie 14.1141crn and teach -
has N..% very hock wn r't In Tuv..
yr.,. 14144 th.......,11.1.•tats went out (091e
S -N1.1-1' Sl."E• NIAIDE. Nov. 13.-- work. snot there not )sins ntany! ".11
NV. ('. .10rolan 4. whit* ran aground. is a great nee -el '*44)1 only in North
squares. the ennelidate fesd. that thOs igem n" t"'re 1)4' 1""sage ' of
ly (lays the noorcluitit prinelso bud no
The stenruer Turret ,Crown '''' (Capt. chriatdanity to the people. lit the ear-
ns Mo•lointra Faint On the morn-
uso for the Christian mItislonariev.blIt
it. still hilx,h and dry on the reef. and outstanding olank. 'arkinc'grnt'l:IstIliTile:
' now they recognize the rood .they are
the Spanish River •I'tilp arid Paper to eatabliah a loot's' ..amp On Th.. abort"
The i'hriatian chureti In . (idea iv
Ing of Non -tuber 2 at 2 o'clock. ,1.1bIsirpannotbnits 344-0 40
(1014,5 and subseribe liberall) to tileir
the tugs Gareantua and l'ockasaw of The second plank (of Ida platform he
('''. fleet have gone down In Rosser of Lake Iltiron. where The 41..'.. of
now to a large extent aelf-ecentreviled
14. a WIrPii.1444 MP's, go to help 1 114. 44.1.. elistriet who live inland may toe
: stud NI.If r.r..pacating. ,Native C.hrkt
uase -
tgs front Midland to releher. 11114.' 40 "P"Inl a "°1P1' °1 "..- ,1`' '41 4t 4" are taking 11..1.1 of tbe work
the .,11t-OI41ool, H1111 enjoy such prl- "11.41 '.411" „omm.,,a.od br It.
Gales Hinder Salvage Operation.: I viionesi as swimming. boating. pt.... '
slonaries. and they .an Thecompliedi
PtieRT AitTIll'It. Nov. 13. -The en- • which they would otherwisesnot have.
mach more among their (own poinpre
tire fleet of the ThIminion Towing There have been several such rouni). than the missionaries emit,' ever +Io.
and Salvage t'omiony. which has in other part. „of Ontario and tlicy Mention ua4 triode of Mrs. .711:1(4111 -
been attempting to take the steamer are well attendee! and enjoy'st by the
livray'm work ns the (shire... of
(1,1enlvon off the shoal* near Menet- lawn. "II .- el il II i. 14.. f• r.
ere ,Light returned to Port Arthur; In Ida third plank thenindl'hit'.1 ever published for f'hinso.s. chil(tre 14.thi• afternoon, unabto le make head- points' out that 'greP- h. •ater uld itr
Through this 'medium the ahildres
way with wreeking operations owing should he given too T11514 opt:item :tool
henry gales, whieheere address-4Ni. not in the old formal
held almost their work. A. this is not a secret 1 style of ("braise charaeters. but In
continuously from the southeast and society. he feel* that the piddle should ' ow lanclui.. of ..hildhoffic awl in
s o .
st. j know just what re t tho• hope a:loresponse letterCAMP tMr.Mae-
The Glenlyon went on the nu -km nn , To aeoomplish this It Is. his' purpose Giiiirmy from intereaterl children in
Saturday morning, Nov. 1, and al-. to eatablish. with the (v)llment of the.
all ports of the .nuntry.
though the wrecking fleo•t was on the editOr. In eaeh loeal paper of the coin -
Dr. NlaecitIlIvray belieres that the
work the following Sunday midnight. munity In which T'uxls square. exist radio will he a great influence In
the heavy seas prevented more than a coluinn devoted to the work of Tint- carrying the Christian mesmage to all
reMOPIIIA about 75.000 bushel,' of the is boys. - parts of ('4,408. Misoh has been done I
143.000 bus:hels of lwheat that thel Dim fourth plank Tri
i he that the lls
ship carried In her hold. squares give their support to the lo -
During last Saturday night the eal young people'. leagues. still main•
Glenleon split in •two, but appears' to tenting their group identity. Ry
have settled firmly nn tho' mitosis. It this he means that the Tiede swine";
1. !adhered thp torturers... company . 9141 young people's' league should
will call for tenders for the wrecking work in todson with Path other. but
of the steamer, but on what hash, ea(•h still ostutinsee to hare its %AMP
41.. not Ter b4.4.11C111-termined.
by the printing pros.. hut -wireless"
would (over the country with 4trent •
er faellity.
Stan k itog of his own port icidar
work, the speaker %till he planned to
make a commentary on the Gospel of
John. for th.. Chinese temple. the
crowning work of him life.
I s.
offieer., ete.
Dr. MaeGilirft- ray leSunday
after -
11444. fifth and last plank 4* that a noon to speak in the Sertforth Pres
Anti -Unionists Meet at %Ingham Torts is -incisor Iheld on.'.. erery hyterfan «14111(11 in the erening. De
W1NOHAM. Nov. 1)(.-A conven. three month.. so Mat the Timis was not accompanied hy
tion of Presbyterian antl-intlonlida ""Plare° of North n'Ir^u 111"3 "'me Gillivray on this' ceen+bon. hte it ia
of the Presbytery of Maitland weal Mrs. Mu--
Ingether And engage In eompetitions, hoped that both Dr. and Mrs. Mac-
hoekey, skating. Gillivray will visit Cool:oriel' late- on
held in the town hall here yesterday mach APM setWA II.
, afternoon and evening. Fourteen **rimming. .4*.;
congregations out of twenty in the The.e are the candidate.% malt.
I rbytery 0ud
Tt elend
gates aa
i planks; and If eleeteer In thet. eomlog INTERESTING STORY OF
strong anti -union organization has
electIona he promisee to do his hest fr. A WELL-KNOWN PICTURE
444444 'tii ng l‘
afafee..toerfl.the Tnahtiie .irolefft(a•rneo0Onn. Tipt North Herron on the num nee n
wideowake-•Trocis &Immunity.
"The Dortor" a Relative of Dr. W. F.
Terence, of which Itev J. S. Hardie,
of Lochalalt. ware ehairman.
11.'.. W. M. McKay and Rey. Dr.
Wilson, of Dovercourt church, Toron-
to, spoke 'on the varimea phases' of
the approaching vote nn church uec
n -
ion. .k. central committee we's el -
ted. eonalating of Her. Dr. DPie
D. err.
: W. T1.1111/4 W.
ftedsti-e he • W'
Southanipton'a Oil Refinery
27 yeare. and the reeorols show
m-orni Castle 1,4 Pit 1lArP61. 'The tim..
1\-exwater; and W. Con- .
b.(1CTI1AMPTON. Nov. 14 -Repre. that he was retnarkablv faithful and is that of Victoria the Coml. The
Culler the abtoe heading T• he Tor-
onto Globe today
There is -danger of grave initiation,
Clart of Goderieh
T144. nO•11-1.11.onn pieture. "The Doe -
tor." is the subject of the following
litter 'Tuesday's Globe:
Dear liomenbak:•r.=---ilere is •the
%too. of the -Minot' AA told me hy
and ernel hardship being inflieted on an „111 1,4,,otama„. an U. D.
. deterring "Mdal 1" The picture shows , in a
Prorfriee. • Mr. Joseph (4. (1rifilin hold r
toreater`a cortaro on the Tirramar
the poaltlon of jailer Goderieh for
.*tat,'.N h *re I 1
...Motivel of the AVesterto Kentucky The evening meeting, which wait
Cent and (ill Company hf IV e attired °nen to the publie, wan largely aften-
ded, Rey, Dr. Willson and Re,. W.
In town. and preparations are under
big IhoKay gave interesting whiteners.
way for the construction of the
unto:mien, are holding a distrkt
oil refineryTe work will
. hcorn- I The
men...' at once. and will eontinue this i"DlIferenee here next, Tuestiar.
fall as long a. the weather remains
farorable. The refining plant will is. -Another Seetion of Highway Opea
cupy a large apace of ground. The STrft.ITPORD. Moor. 15. -Another Huron. We do not enter Into the
company will own fifty acres of land link of the l'rorinchil highway was merits of thi.. hot simply ono. upon
which will run from the Chantry Is- opened thia morning when the road tooth parties. nod espos•inlly noon the
Ontario Government. as haring 'tbe
greater prorer. to deal with the closet'
In a broad and generous spirt., and
exhaust every poasible means of do-
ing justice to nn old and tried pub-
ALVINICIIINT, Nov 17. -Fire, a quarter thim way will he ready for
lie sorvant. Mrs. Griffin Also has
which broke ant about 5 o'clock In use. In the meantime, however. the been Matron at the same Instinition
thr''`• -1'.1 for 22 year.. and is In (lancer of be-
e dry kiln of the Asqui4 I4
on 4m' tvestion opened (444. morning In
apple evaporator factor,, destroyed the detour toe two and a -half tnlies,, .n
1 g deprived of her livelihood. with
that section of the plant And did POMP .Odell- will be uel.vune news to the I
i no reeognition of her oerrieeq. R'e
damage to the other building.. For motorist. I he k f I
efficient. Ins retirement at nearly
seventy years of age came about
without any reflection upon 1,1. pos
ie sl
qualitIsm. Moraliv is entitled to
a pension or anowatiee. hut an far it
ham 410011 withheld. There Is POMP
dispute aa ,to the respective ilnbility
of She rmvinee and of the (+minty of
land harbor right up to the refinery. from Shakempeare village WAR thrown
The pipe line wilt aim run from the • open for train'. to the mat. it Is open
inke shore to the refinery. About a quarter of A mile towardStr*(tord.
Stratford, that is to the oration road.
• Fire in Asquith Evaporator In shout W *Pk the first 11111P Anil
woman in the pkture had been au
old and favorite !servant of the Queen.
After a good many years of
married' life this' little child •atm. to
them. She was rieken b) flu t
dread disease. diphtheria. The Queen
%trod to London for Sir John Clark.
her nirn phytdclan. Ile collie, ter
ripe. loll train. and well on the child
antitoxin. then tried out for 1119 "4
the fine time. The Child ni, I
the Queen commanded Luke.. to paint
the scene in commemoration of the
wonderful rlimenvery. The picture of
the ''D'.tor" is a portrait of lir
Jolin 11, B. R. •
This 1. of especial {Meerut to
those who know that '(144'ftir John
"Clark refetred to 1. grent)Incle of
oter wortke citizen, Dr. W. F. Clglie.
Another brother.. Sir 3*011.0 Clark,
a time It WAR feared the entire piant I Work la being pushed night anti ,whieh the poord, not °nor
Viatterris. Tit, late
Wall A veterinary* aorgeore klaillbted
would be burned. The ioso on build- dies on thp paring of the, section, of of the (in
neighborhood but of the whole 1'..
Inge and sitm•k plaersi at about road linking up with the present' Ince tiol. we lir -'i (44)4' IOWA.- •
e sure. Appro. man.
wee *a pioneer Pettier In Col-
"vemettt with 8bnkrgl"" Y'4"*-1thens any red tnpe in (tie war .114 horn. twnatiii„nd lox tawi,
$4,000. There were fire furnaees In
the. hulIding, end It I. believed that (lay afternoon only Poo feet remained i4. end cave the Provinee from the inrif „tied "Grannie ("writ.. wee
the fire stirtert from theme, although to be done and hopes were held that f •• I «1
the exact entre. may not be deter-alth favorable weather it would he hare served It long and well
mined. The kiln wa11 filled with (sompleted shout Monday. The, road
stet k. as the plant was being worked !till have to nand for 'Omit three
to eapseity. I weeks, however. before it ,.111 4..1 TO ORGANIZE DOWI.ENG LE.14:17
Plana for the future have not been open for trafik When this Is con' I A meeting will he held at F. II.
made by the owners. a. the ,...son 1. plateal there remains' only the gihrort 1 Wcwwhe howling alleys. Frillay evt.,n-
practichaving been ex- pleof ee road from NewHamburg to Ins, NovemTha
ber t. at a pm , for the
meted to ahnt dawn abort the end Petereshurg and the mile and a quer- mimeos. of organizing a 'towline
of thin week. Orb, alleniera Awinith ter at Freeport whieh ere not paved, Issortre for the winter montha. .1111
are well-known reel:tont, of auburn i between ittrerford and Toronto. 1 portiere interested piens" attend
.1 •
like her dietingnlehed kinsman an
angel of merry In sway a neighbor's
home when eleitnees apd sorrow en-
SHE the girl'', floe fittlen (alone A
to 1014) and lading' felt slippers at
"the shneshop around the cor-
ner." Wonderful tralnee. PM kit -