The Signal, 1924-9-25, Page 6C -Thursday, Stp4 iubvr 21, 1024, THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. NEW FALL WALL PAPER 'Afore :041 more people are realizing that Alituuit' is the lest time to have their papering alone. During • the long Winter months you will be spending most of your time indoors. Of course you will appreciate bright cheery rooms. \1.1. are now showing conte wonderful New Papers Just Received from the ui. iiufacturer-, :11s..1 );,>,).t range of last )'ear'- -toek at ahout half the regular 111.10, Book Store HydroElectric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity HYDRO STORE North side of Square Gedericb Take Your Store Into Their Homes -by Long Distance "Don't wait on the chance that they may come to you. Telephone them at once by long Distance. Hell them, or make an appointment for a call!" We now handle coruider- aldy over one million 'I.ortg Distame messages a month, mostly fur merchants who declining to be the victims of circtun.stane es Longare making sure, by Distance, that they get the busirees. Iwo what )wines or offices could you take your store today. by Long Distance? (sods gists swbeag er odds to As mho* of YOUR Tatepi.4wta COLBORNE SCHOOL FAIR 1.1.t of Prize winnen4 at Monday's Successful Event The following Is the list of prize- winner at the Colborne school Lair held on Mouday last at Carlow: (:It.t1N AND VEGETABLES When, quart-Nl•buu Moulden. Russ.] I'frimmer, Itoy ltutledetr, sht1tt-Nelson Sloulekil. Roy Rutledge. Russel Pftiwmer. (lstx. .p1ari--44:rurgi• McBride. Wilmer Har- dy. t('ool Orval 'McPhee 1 4:or. o feu 31 1 e A 1 uu 1.w .11llhsu. (tan Id Jackson. 4lot.. .heti-- Vilme.r IIanly, Gordon M4i',sl1. 4Irral Mel'ee. George Mc- Bride. Harold Jackson. Marley, quart -.roman Shultz. Itny .Vein, Barley, -4'arwan Shultz. Roy Allen. Sweet ('urn --Frank Walters, Erie Qwa1d. Ruth 4'aldwe11. It,th SIePhee. Norma Fisher. Yranktiu Horton. Irish 4'obhb•r rotators -•No Name, Allan Currie. Margaret • Allen. R4sn Pfrim- us•r. fEris Quaid. \Aeon •Monldrn. (;ren Mountain 1't4atucs--ulhwr Al - lin. F:rie Quaid. 1)orotby Walters, Lil- lian %%low. J11m4e4 Farrisk, Frukd•s -4' hi . AI Lury. Dooley I tabes -stay Ai - lin. Georgina Hvan,tewurt Fergu 1 oil. Gordon Jewell. Assn Horton, I Edgar Bloke. 'Ml,ngolds--.-taros Flsh- l1'r, Fret Bisset. Sam. Walters. Tur- f nips.-II.•rnnall Fisher. Margaret Shultz. Marie Fisher. Ben $4rnughnn, Ilea Aril Young. Clifford -Viii. Beets Isdel Itohertsou, ata-guret 4lit- 44w11, F:rie Quail, Loreto Kerr. .Annie 1• 4lwerds, Kett!' Fermin. 4'nrrot,- Nor IJIII, (;Iadys Tlt)-lur, , Edythe Marsh. 'Mnrgnret Pit -Cando. ;Murray (tardy. "IltrI)tine Robertson. 1hir- I .nip.-Mwry Houston. Fred IIIc 4i, carman Kerr. Fern Tnuh. ('Iaarles Mit• rh,ll, Evelyn Long. 4►utous--4inrir $hields. Nu Nnm,, Nehmen ,Mofild.•n. Amelia Melhraine, Ellen Hardy, ,tot- , tte I.nwlur - - ' F'iA1WFiBN stere -Nelson 3douldeu, Sam Wal - 1 torsi, Ellen 'tardy, Perri Lawlor. ; Kelt F'aegnn, Marie M>.c4rl. :tweet Perim ,Edith 'Marsh. Phlox -Evelyn Horton. Helen Fulford. Zinnia -Ruth Caldwell, Mary Bisset. Evelyn 'song, Carmen Kerr, Margaret 1'itblado, F'r.di Jewell. Afri.sli Maricolks- Erie Quaid. Benson Kerr. (bn•opstx- Ii.rvey %G'1'hee. ('bristino Robertson. Kers F'nrrivh. talrmdula-Benson Porton. Wm. Treble, Dorothy. Wal- ters. Orval •Mr.Phe. French 'Marl- goltls--Mn,m Wolter, Alvin Kerr, 807 Rutledge. Inky Hardy, Louis Fulford, Annie !Airfield Hnipiglosim-Amrlla Mellwnin. bath. Lawlor. Verfeml-- Mari.• Shields, Wilmer Rutledge. Gor- don Jew.'U (lnmmo,►- 4)Iher Alliin, Word Jewell. Merle Kerr. Home Gar- den It4nlquet--47hrintlnr Robertson, Cameron thirst. Nelson 1 1rntlile'n, (Ben- son Vuffurd, Evelyn •Long. Annie :Nil ler. IY)b'1/(RT 4 ick.'rel--F'reI Itiissett, .1.k• Gard - ,.•r. Sam Walters. Court Ind Kerr, I.nlis Fulton!. Harold Jackson. Pullet -Eric 41arlIIer, Nelsm Slnul- den. Hum Watters. i:lelnor Tyn- dall. Clayton Mllliarn, Fred Bis- set. Wen of Thaw -Fret tiles', Erie Gardner, Doneen Millinn, 1,1111.4 Fulford. Nelson Moulden, lieu Ktraughan. White 1.eahrrne.-Nelson Moulden. Dorothy HAnklater, Norm.' n 1lrtrs f. Franklin FIMk, Carmen atm, - ens. Wane Treble. White W yandottem --Menson Fulford. . Barrel It.s•ks- Main Wolters, Erie Quaid, Beth Mc- Phee. Nelson Moulden, Ben stnnngitan, Jatiles Parrish. Any Pet -t'hnthe )til.hcll. Christine Roberti/on. Duncan Million. Edythe Marsh, laabel Robert- son, Benson Fulford. LIVE: STOCK ' Beef Calf -Anroll Fisher, Evelyn "Nerves in Bad State Could Not Sleep" Mrs. H. N. Tardelll, Hareounanith, Oat, writes: "My nerves Were in a very bad state, and for nearly six months I did not know what it was to have a good night's rest. i could not eat. and never felt well, i beard shout Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. and thought I would try it. Asn taking it for ■ few days 1 begins to feel better. and soon was able to sloqp well at eight. My appe- tite also returned, and i felt Monger and better, and after taking three hoses of Dr. Chtate's ?Awe Food 1 was quite well. 1 lava alma gives die Nerve Food Ss t4 fink with dei 1.a utak Dr. chase's Nesse FNd M oma a tin. at M ___ lrasaaa- 1@mm * Os•. "6- less@@"' Million. Fera Timm. Chas. Thom, Marie. 'Fisher, !taps Killion. halter Broken CuII 4 harts@ Jeans. lioward �. 1'o(IIIK, Gordon Jewell. Alton Currie. ! tlarkel letnde -4'1:ts. Mom, If. Hoy - tun. Fern Thom, Evelyn Iturton.• olth Young. 4blIu Young. Agricultural ('alt 1Iu,oard 1' g. Gurdon Jewell. Wilmer (lardy, A11111a Currie, ('bas. .1 Bacon li.ggs --Worthy Fowler: \VII(II,l Fisher. Aaron F'laher, Doris Itill. Elsner Fishier. Harrel 11111. Russ Flatter. Benson Horton Special Hop - Worthy Fowler, \Vntrdl Fisher, Et. mer !lather. • Fit l' I T Max Appl(•a-y\liifurd thirst. Nelson Moulder, Benson Fulturd, Christine Robertson. F'nwccs Met'lart%. Keith Friesen. Wik411 Garden ' flats-1'upon No. 1. Nu 9, Nu, :i. t\Yillle Hardy). INIMF:KTI(' W'IF\('F la'llklll 1'i,' \Ivry Redwood. Mar - turret A11111, Mildred :Ullliarl. Mildred Sri/Iowa. laud, Lawlor. Lillian Ryan. linrk anger 4'l41.0--Iete•Ila Fisher, met Ca Meliwt1111, Fern '1'h44u1. 11e11•111 Ktraugha13, F'ruut•t•s .M41'Iart.%, 'Mar - ping .tlfln, (Homemade 4'atol - l'hristiue Itob'rtsal, Dorothy Walleye. Margaret AlIin,,"Sit!.iilf' Moulden. Al- ma Mallows. Gladys Taylor. ltnrwn timed -Amelia Shultz. ' Bran or Graham 'Mtrftinte--Hrleu Ktrinlglan. Minnie Million. Lillian luso, Pearl Lawlor. Gladys Taljor. Mary Fergus- on. Italsln TIlrh4-i,largaret Mitchell. Olive 11111, Eva 1'.•ttwan, Margaret. .\Ilio. Muhl 11111. Amelia nlellw-alo. (anger C4okio---liaz.•I Lawlor. Eu- nice bong, Doris hill. Mildred Sal - lows, Olive 11111, Frances •McCIII'ty. School Lunch -Luella Fisher, 'Mildred hallows, Story Itedwoud. Evelyn Hor- ton. Nelson 'Moulden, Christine Rob- ertson. 1MANt'AL TRAINING Hammer Handle -Kenneth }'sulcate. Franklin Flick, James Farrier. Nel- s.111 3fouIden , F;vrrett Yotugllat, Murray Hardy. Wren House -Louts Fulford. Frankn. Alibi. Patch on Grain Itag Nelson Moulder. Roy Rut- ldge, Arnold Allen, • Willie Treble. Murray Hardy, Clayton Robertson. NATURE STUDY Noxious Weeds -Lottie Lawlor, ('Iayton Roberson. Harvey M.ct'he•, F:dna 'McCool. Native Weds and 1,4•11v004 -Roy Rutledge, Nelson Monl- drn, ii. McPhee, W. Jewell. Wild Pluses -Roy Rutledge, W. Jewell, F. Horton. Erie Quaid, Kenneth Farrisl.. Jas. Parrish. Ontario \1'.dds and 'Seeds -Clayton Robertson. Evelyn Horton. Ihlrnthy 1,Inklater, Lulu DRAWING, WRiT1NG AND ART. hawing Mal, of Huron -Helen Strangllan. Erie Quaid, Isabel Tyn• dill. Mildred Kallows, Pearl Lawlor. lion- Howson. drawing Map of North America--OIlive hill, Fra'cts M.4'Isrty, Edith Marsh. Anni • Miller, Ellen (tardy. Gladys Tisvl.r. Draw- ing Map of Europe-4'luytun Robert - mu. i.ottie Iaewlor. Kalmer 1►awken. Ward Jewell, Evelyn Horton. Writ- ing "laughing Itr4ok' -lusts MGi'Ile•. INorma 11(11. Melvin Good. Alnt.e K1I- low-s, Ph)•INl Horton, Gordon 1 a- Ito.que. Writing -Woodland l eyarl Lawlor, F;unto.' Y g, Mil/1E041 :.otiose. iiazal Lawlor, Myrtle. Pfrim- nter. F:rie Quaid. Writing "Lead, Kindly Light" -Olive 11111, Aaron Fisher, Eva Pettman. Edythe. MaraJh. Hllrn third7. (lhrtstine Rdw•rboon. Writing -Children's Kong'--F'rtnk F'Itek, !toy Itutlelge. Ward Jewel, Lottie Lawlor. Margan•t Pithladu, Ar- nold Aplin. ("rayon Drawing 4 f Flowers -.Ilio Linfield. Mary Rl'd- tno .I, Kolmer Lawson, i,alel Robert- son. 11011ir lawior, Hazel Lawler. Pencil $keteh of Vinegar Jug-i.ottle lelwlor, Ward Jewell. Aplin IAnfi'.11I• Mary lt.dmond. Autumn $.•ene- %Vord Jewell, Lottle Lawlor, Amelia .V.•hulta 'Mildred Hallows, Roy Itwt- lelge, Edythe Unruh. •9FHW1N(1 Onrning on Mtoekdng--•Dorothy Lin klnter. Hommel Tea Tow01-1Ailu Jewell, Isabel Robinson, Annie Red- u1.und• Llttir lawlor, Clayton 1(.4, cruor, 4.hriotIne Jtbbert.son. ('rochet- ino-Olive 11111, Annie 'Miller, Marie Maedel, Jeanie Haglor. Doll's Heart Isabel Robertson. Mildred Salman, Edna Melton', Alma Mallows. Child's h►w,ater---Howard Young, afarie Mhielda. ilemetitched Ilandkereh1ef- Elenor Tymlall, Lulu Jewell, Evelyn Horton, Phyllis 'Horton, Erie Quaid. Ellen Fulford. (;neat 'rowel -Evelyn Horton. Margaret Allen, Horde .11iehks, Patch on (:Ingham --Lottie latwlor, Margaret .Mitchell, 'Margaret AIIin, .Amelia Sfoilw3In, Iwdw•l Tyu- doll, Lulu J.'w.lt. Handmade Apron - Christine Robertson, Mildred SAI - Iowa, Ellen Hardy, F', G. Kings/well, Lottie Lawlor. COMPETITIONS Public Seeking -Lucy }lardy, Do -- ()thy Walters, Doris 11111, Clayton Rob- ertson, Judging Bare (logs- 4'. Rob- ertson, A. 4'urrey, H. Young. -.School ('@redo -K. R. No. 2, No. 3, No. 1, No. M. No. A. No. 4. SPORTS !toys' rare, 14 years rend tinder- OIraen fog. Emerson thirst. Gordon I.n Rneque. 4;irls' ram, Rurs and ten- der -Effie Jewell, Effie rut's Hog - earth. Jean ltouatnn. 14o s' met.. 10 )'errs and under -Carl Ynnghlu(, Franklin Horton, !;arson Hoy. Leslie Hoy. Ben Mtranghen, Yhnmerson E41. wards. Girls roes, 10 years tend un- der . lte(a Fisher, 'Mary F.•rgns„n• Alinni, Pitbta,lo, Isabel Robert 4011. Dorothy Llnklater, 61.3rgar,•t Fer;us- rao. 1k'ys' race, 12 years and under -- 4'nrl Yunghlnt, Franklin F'Ih•k. K••n nets F'nrrl'sh, 1..alh• Hoy. ihltcsn Mil Zinn, 4I.rm,11 Fisher. Girls' surd.. 12 ,ears and ander -P,nrl bawler. Marie Flakier, Lulu Jewell. Mets Fish .r, Margaret Hoy. Toys' ram, over 12 years --Roy Rutledge, Allan Lin- field, Willie Treble, I)unean Mllilaw, Leslie Hoy. GIrlw' rade, over 12 years .1 frivol (itskh Evelyn Horton, (tor• othy Wolters, Doris 11i11. Marie F'Iah• 11. School teachers' neer-611m Kneehtel, M. S. No. 4; Mho IP-amp4se11, Henn-011er; Miss McOnarrlc. M. M. N. 44; Miss Vnnderhnrich, M. K. No :1. (toys' direr legged rice Jame. anal K,.nneth Parrish, Franklin Flask and Arron Fisher, Edgor Bloke And 8111 ito,, Dlllenn Nrllinn end Herman Fisher 41iri.' three legged raise- Gadya Taylor And Pcnrl Law'or, Mar - 'nem Hoy and Minnie (ioM1, i.alu Jewell and Nvrlyn itorten IFeiay FOR JOY OF 1 COLLINGWOOD HOSPITAL GETS HANDSOME CHEQUE G000 HEALTH Manitoba Woman Thanks Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- . table Compound '1 Crandall. Manitoba.-" When I wan a young girl at home and working I had terrible pains, almost more than I could bear, and 1 was not regular. These troubles kept me w tired all the time that 1 had no strength and no ambition to join in with my friends and have a good time. 1 was just tired and miser; able always and life Just seemed as if it wasn't worth living. 1 saw so much in the papers about L dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then 1 had a friend who had taken it and told me about it, so 1 got some. Every month after taking it1 got stronger and I soon -did not suffer every month it stopped the pains and helped me other ways. Then when my babies were coming I was tired and worn out the first three months and ached badly. I took the Vegetable Compound right along and must say it made a new woman of me and able to do my work, and it helped me through see 1 am a farmer's wife with a big house to look after, and three babies now. I have told ever so many women about your medicine. Just Last week I got a letter from my old chum in the East- Her baby was bora fifteen days before mine and she told me sbe was not feeling very well, her back aches so much, and that she is going to take the same medicine 1 took. You can use my letter and I bope sours ere will be helped by it." -Mrs. Jos, H. L AM, Box fie, Crandall, Manitoba. C race -1st, 011re 11111. Franklin Flick and Aaron Fisher. S. K. No. 4: 2744. Evelyn Horton, Jim Parrish dud Ken- neth FarriMh, H. .( .No. ! Ins Doris Hill. IU11 IIoy and 'Jim Blake, S. S. No. 2. DAWN OF WOMANHOOD (),1e Thousand Dollars of First Ear14- inga of New Steamier The ('ullhlgwv 1 Polito in soya: III. promisee of stdonation to the i G, & M. Howling! .nj one thous- j and dollars of the first freight eaTuhlK• '•t the new 44tenwee ltoy- alrin made by Mr. A; E. ,Matlew•s, president of the ow ulu lowpauly. Ili,' St,a t)1,•\t's 144.•0131441111) 4'4„ lila l hemi fuIfI14'.i 1314(1 ackiiuwl Kt'd by •11'• Board through the .rl•re• 1.y, Mr.1 N. F. MacKenzie. This 1s an ,exceedingly a1.' gift from one whose Inferrer 1 its 11 resident. but us .1111' ' 11114 bud Jtigltlr satlsta(tory 4N•alln with ninny of the citizen's and th !town's Largest 11dnstry. the C411Ing- avkld (hIjSsdldiug 4'.'. His Idioir n,•t is fully appreciated awl Mr. moll. may rest assured that his do- u11ri nl will be. pined h• the test FM- ' .!blr n.1' Ili counevtlon with the' ad - maim of the affairs. In tunarfu.• circles quick despatch 114 an linport4uit factor sued 14A eounetlon with his dopu1411M Mr. MatheWs ev1- deattly kept this in mind. The Itoyal- tou left here 0n Monday, September la. for Fort William. On the rol- 1 looiue M.ou4ty the go..4 x1111) arrlvel j at Port Colborne with a cargo of 1 wheat and on Friday night last •the ''ehwlne Wats here. All Was (bile In lest Mao two weeks. roils � not 114 A Time of Difficulties When Watchfulness Is Needed Some giria opal the thre4lwW of womanhood drift into a d4M•line 11 spite of all csr.• and attention. Even strong and usually lively girls holm.. wink. depresses nod irritable, and Ibtfem. It is the dawn of woman- lama---mr.st important in the life of every girl „uxd prompt tuenxures should b.' taken to keep the Ir1e4.1 rich and purr. if your blood is not In a healthy condition nt this stage. 1.11,' feisty becomes" •s" _111 -nourishes and other ailments devehop. If the health is not maintained by a .efficiency of rl4i, red blawL all sorts of weaknesses are likely to arise. Itememis•r 111is. Dr. V.1111Ams' ('ink ('1.1144 have waved Gum - sands of girl@ and women from being lite -long Invalids, because of their, wonderful blood -milking properties. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink rills to young women whose health was failing hos been proved over rind over again. Thew pills ars Hu• mss.: reliable• blood builder, fortifying weak nerves and erecting the lilenel supply of red healthy blood whk•h a girl needs to euutain her strength. You ran set Dr, Williams' I'Iuk pills through any dealer in medicine. or by mail at :I0o a box from The 1►r. Williams' Medicine ('o.. Itroek vine, Ont. Huron County Plowmen A plowing mates under the suis - piers of the Huron (Wunty Plowinen'1( Association will be held 441 the f:.rtns\ of [ferret Hryhns and John Work. one mile north of Brmarels, un Fri- day, (k•tober Pith. The program will include: Boys' clans tinder 114 years, in stubble; boys clash, under lit yelra. in sod; Mee'. class, 19 to 25 yearn. its adM : open, general purps/s; p44.ws, hl M4441; freesfor-all• high -cut plows. 40 std: riding plows, in mod; tractor plowing, for tractor owners. 40e acre 111 mod. Each competitor. exe•ptfng in the last mentioned eines, will plow l one-third of an acre, No entrance fee. except membership. 25e. Flax Company Coos at Seefotth S,•Aforth mem w lawyer's Mecca on Thursday And Friday of lard week during the hearing before Magkktrate Iteid, of Goderich, of charges against (r. Fret Luken Arid Mr. le)uls [nuked of Toronto, .41 rhArgea of perJury and conspiracy. 4'rown tor 1'y Seager. assisted by Crown Attorney Middle- ton, of Owen Mound. and Mr. Itogera, of the Provincial Deportment. Toron- to, conducted the •pr(wcntion. while COI. Grier, Mr. Cowan surd :Nr. Stott. of Toronto. Acted for defendntti. The charge of perjury against Mr. Louis Lukea occupied the first day, and A large number of w•itnewa were heard. At the eont•Iusion the Magis- trate maid there wan no evidence to cunvh•t, and ditifili1/1011 the cane. Frhlay was taken up with the charge of eonspirmt•y Raisins* Menir.. Lukes of using the Huron County Flux (bmpiny as n screen to dofrnud I11441. er0IIGr44. Evldrn,v ens given that. although Mr. Luker. hail formol the enmpany, all front'sMlonm were rondos -tea by hlmaMf nr 111,, bmther. nod that the sum of $2141.000 had leen deposited in the Dominion tank, lien - forth, during the yearn 1010-211 by Mr. Louis Luken. either In earth nr i'N'ictory bonds; that when the loud- ness woo 1114114.11 ereT to (lie e(1mpan7 by him he handed to the eompeny the entire carp of 1921. besides $30,- 114141 surplus from 1(419; end roe -Toed in return Fi0.914) worth of at.4•k In the eompnny The evldonce elbowed Hutt some oIlnelaw thought they were doing tiosla•mm with Mr. Luke. and others Olmst ht they were demlini with fhr company There was mach eros4- flring between the legal lights 84.4 era) wltnemmil from Toronto were (gill- ed and much of the evldenee went to Khoo, that a[.4smrs. '.tykes had Inset neer $2440,000 bir their flax operation. The millotrwte committed them s.► appear at the nett @Merin In 41odr 1.W-.lieefortb Kele. RADIO PROGRAM WGY program in brief, w(d•k of $eptien 1'r ext. 1934. WGY. S,•henr(•- tndy, N. Y„ General Electric ('om- pnq•. 79) kilocycles 4380 meters). Eastern standard time. Sunday. :S..ptemix•r Ti. 11 a.m.- S4•n•ice of First Preabyterlan church, 144•herwectad)', N. Y. Melillo!' by the iter. Robs. W. Anthony, x:00 p.m.-Rnwh-Ita,dmnnll service Iron' Temple 1t4•th Emeth. Albany. N. Y. Dr. Marius Rans.nn. rabbi: quar- tet directed by J. AtroIdn Springer. Monday. ,September 1'r 2(4. 10 a.m.- Servke of Temple Beth Emeth. Al- bany. N. Y. s 7:11 pm.-Addrems, "Farm ('relit," by W. 1. 'Meyers. professor of e on0m- 1t'a. New York State ('olle•ge of Agri- culture. 7.30 p.m,-.t44r.•ss. ••1'o -operation the Next Step," K. L. Strlvinga, Mas- ter of ..New York State Grange. 7:45 p.m,--I'rognem by \W(:Y Or- chestra and IHcpalIah C. Jem4s4. so - pro 110. Tluaday, September 30. 7:44 p.nt.- l'rngram by W4;Y Orelse'atra, assist el by Margaret J. 1,Itte11, soprano. 11:15 p.m,--(Yrwin recital by Steph- en E. Itntge lair, 'from Proctor's Ilnr- rnantes Blee ker Hall. Albany. N. Y. WehleMIay. (k•tolwr 1. ¢:30 p.m. - Adventure Story. conr•teiy Youth'@ Companion. T}nlrn,Mv O hoer 2. 4• i pan. - "A "A Few Ifo ,ntm with New Woke," by William Jacob, I1Iin rien General Electric Cowpony. _...1i.44) p.tn.-<4ratorio ptogr:wi by the choir of the First Presbyterian church. Glen Fulls, N. Y.. /Cecil Wright, director. 41:341 p.m. --Organ r(rihsl by Stephen E. ilnise•Inlr, front Proctor's 'Harman - 11/1 Itled•ker Haff. A bony. N. Y. Friday, ()etcher 3.. 44 :0) p.m.-- u Ftelrn of %MY ayerw season of 1924.25 In "14110nc¢," a new play hy M117 Marvin ( ottlea7 of Selwyn & 4'n,1- 10:30 p.m. -Dance mimic by ' Earl Heiminne and his orchestra of Hud• can. N. Y. sofurilny. October 4. S:AO', prn.- ihurw-. minds' a d popafhr song,. Large A of Fall Wheat L1'CKN0W liept. '22-A large acre- age Is (wing (Inwn to fall wheat In this district. Heternl farmers have plowed tip ground hast for this year's crop. and a number h,,),• turned down sweet clover. Seeds wheat prie-s rang.' from $1.25 to $1.341 n bushel, Both Legs Broken RI I'I.EY. S,•pt. 22. -Jnek Fnnsto,, m furiu�i•r living on enticessehm fire. Duren lied 1leers broken W11011. he fell thirty feet from the roof of his Tarn. 1t /molars that Fumanti Willi Henning chaff, which had :3.rmmih,el during 4t rwe•nt threshing. from the roof of the lslrn, whoa he slipped and fell In the ground. Willing Ile -Trot ahouId nee the new altar in our (torch. She--i.end me to It' --'Boston Train - lee 11' ing'ton Stnnderd • Returning freight is an imis,rtmit ennaioh•rnti••n in rallunyd; it is not 11171111 prop's It 1(11 to 11'1'11 empty trucks. What *Wirt of return freight world the Ilndson Boy (tailcoat get' 111,1 you .o,.r hese of a girl nmrryiII the kind of man flint the fortune 4'01rr said she would?-dlrandon Sim. - ft is sold that there are 2,0 0.0010 iaw, in the united Staten; hot whnt about the Ten Com nal nd mento? - Kingstnn 14tandnrd. Fifty Years Married 14T, T11OSLtt1, Sept. Y2.-l'it7 Treas- urer and Mrs. 14. O. Perry ere to- morrow celebrating the fiftieth an niversary of their marring'. with a faintly reunion et their r.wldence ;n Scott street. They were married In North Arrest Metho411At ehnreh. (;ode- rlch. on September "3. 1,474. removing to thin city ahortl7 nfterwardie Mr- l'erry was nplointed elta treasurer In Merrh, 14/4.1. and In still going Atrmlg, In the parlannr of the day. He la the won of the Fate Sheriff Perry of Ox- ford enunty. who rcprosent4d North oyherd In the Ontario 1a'gls4nture. MIv (.1111drem were horn of the union, all lIvIng. Nr, henry le a dmugftter of the late Thomas. Andrews of Ooder$M and will los remesn1ered by mouse of the inkier residents of town, POOL METHOD STILL ON Thui. Manager Sas Resigns in Albertsl Are Not $larding 1'111' 11I,o,l33g despatch from Cal- gary, -Alberta, Is of spri1,1 inter,wt to Coderlcll readers from the fact that Mr. Chester M. Elliott. wlKsse views s are quoted, is a Loderietl boy, a x033 of !Ir.- w141 Mrs., 0,, 31. Elliott of foe I. (ltl.(iAltY, Sept. 12 -Just how greytt au effect • a IMnululuu-wide• whtl441 1sol would Jutta 411 the world market Is twins wIlrly discussed Just now•. and the comment of tlimatrr M. };IIIotL manager of the -Alberta %%le•ett Pool. 133 thin respect is infuriating. Mr. Elliott Is a former resident or Gotlerk'h, (hut. "There are., of tours.. greet 'toast - 'Hies In connection with this whole Ia ding scheme." sthl Mr.' Elliott to TI) Free Press, "but personally I do not xpe't to mei. anything in the nal - tore 0 a world-wide 1101 develop, As a mat 04' of fact. to my k33owlelgr, there to been 330 planning in this di- rg, Hon. he Ale? development HIM sot Ilwt •ManItblw and Mate Year has katchewuti have islios organized an.I these two I'rlWinces. together eith AI- berts. lutve f�lrwed one wiling ('11m- pnuy to handle all the wheat for the *hr., 1s0114. .tt the proe'ut time the organization of Its emeriti company is inflater,. there I Mg nue @ala man- ager fpr Emden' in slu.'i.s @1411(1110 liere in Calgary to handle IA's -stern business of shlptu.'uts anal esisp•t business trout the Inert 1/1 Vamouver'•1 happru to lie the man in charge ..f this , Wearers business. although I still hold the j.4, y[ ma)wg-r of the .tlbert pool. ' 'Mee results obtained Is Ana In .tl- �Mfta past year were not sn\ stsrtling sal tat countered with current 1'1111... of wheat during the s4•nntnl, I,ut no question that es greet 01Atly fa4alcns would. as individuals. made. very f.o194, sales on tl sports throughout the season. \ tire that we eau pick the good ttin to sell just a little hit better than th ln4Ht•f4nal fernier. and this, to my mind, was the chief gain nand, last s4'nwln over the ofd method of indi- vidual farmers selling their lion 'stuff. "1.11.• three Western Canvhl pools control. eptmix4tnefel7 50 per rut. of the Western crop this year lend If j41- dicluusly handled t11is reilntue can err - in 1111y Ie 1131141e quite an lifhu•urs' kn the markets. it will. li .wever.'1.• prin.- thistly impa+sibl.• to }.rove this influ• 4.114•.•, '170• decd fd,n has to be trfet out anyway and will et least last five rears. for tchi4•h 111.- fartu,•rs have signed contracts. The luck it leas In obtaining prices. or 1 a''1J(4'" 1 about', say ill•• jndgnl,nl It uses in obtaining pric,:. will, in the first Analysis, be flu• 1111an factor In deriding whether or not the psalm idea will continue af- ter five purse or not." fere fa d the have r 11• 1 1" the `1'► 11,7 Every IO,c Packet of WILSON'S FLY P S AD I L KILL MONt I S THAN 'goo WORTH Li tNY STICKY FLY (Alibin Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS prders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day GODERICH Ialpsrtant Thing The ieove1 Ono• --My father mule Lis fortune. when he was, a young men.' Would -you Tike to kmrw• how he did it? The inner -Nut psrtlidarly. But 1 should like to know It he .till has 1L-.IFwaltda Veteran. Rid and Gnn In Canada The readers of the (k•hbwr Issue of Rod and Gun in Camilla are intro. 'lured to the Intimate haunts of the elk, the rel fox and the noose. The Bugler of Crystal Mountain, by Naine 1.484,3' Gayer. le an untu(ually 1ntere,,t- Ing llograplhy of the elk. Bonny- ciiate Dale, In his twat style. makes na aelunlnteil with 14Iy k.o-nsrd in Novy Scotia. Kure Fire Fishing on Fr(nrl, Itir,r. 1.y J. B. Kcrrot. is a description of an.ldr'a1 (4314'.- fur the sport of the angler. Bob WhItpa )tical. a atnry of Hungarian part- ridge -hinting Iu Herta, by W. D. F;Iltoft. Is 'virally 'interesting readlns, null hark to Natnre, by "Nimrod 11,-' and Surprises for Miller. by Martin (hinter. are two partk'nlarly enter- taining wketi'h,d1. in addition to these In this well Mustn't's! number. ttwr, are numerous other worth -while ar- tleiese ,iud 'stories and the regular eeon- tdinners have packet the4r depart- ments full of interesting material from first-hand experience. R41<1 and (;1111 in (named* Is published mouthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, at Wood- nt,wk, Ont. ter every Cleanses =eta • sad beetle sad adds digestion. Relieves Haat over- eaten leans. sad •eId .aaatb- isa l-a-s-1-/-a-g Haver sedates the crashes for sweets. Wrigley's Is double value Is *be benefit sad pleasure 11 provides. Sealed in Ma Parity Package. BUS £ND NAOOAOIi •Z*VION -o- Fins meet all trains. (eall■ made for passengers and baggage to any part of the town- Prompt *arvl.a guarantteed. Telephone 51, Day or Night H. R. STOWS Residence. Ombra' Rea& eppesite the Organ rectory (ales `` The for Knows Porter -3,1-1-41.4. Irard•c l4 ILA week k d•' are unhcritat, g da th.'rprel., e. its hi Et, err .uota- Itg.-4,1 ca, 1.'r. Jon Aut. Slrala et 5t. id - dor., Que.. writM:- "I 4..1' fre.asal:y used Mir.ard's Liniment and a:an prr.erite it for m7 patients always *nth the moat /ratifying, results. and 1 ( ,t the best s'l-rotund Liniment". C. A. Eng, M.D. also recommend/1 M.nard's In .he following wnrd.a.- '•l have used )tiaard's Llnirn.nt myself as *.i( aa pr..erfhed it 1a 1117 practice *ben a liniment was required. sad bars never failed to get the desired effect". L7 MINARDS "KW OF, PAIN% �LINiMEN'f J. R. Wheeler Fuusral Director and esbalsier 11 calls prompt attend - (01 to dayn ht or PHONES Store 335 Residence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderiek MarelleaseleMISMOWeloWieseaftimethOWID Electric Wiring We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let us give you an estimate for wiring your h use or garage. Private Telephones, Motors Dynamos, Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems All Work Guaranteed Cook, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of the best Electric Irons and Toasters made in Canada. ROBT. TAIT Electrician West 8t. ('hone 231J Keep a Kodak Story of the Children The Kodak you want for the pictures you want is ready for you to nee at our store. And we're ready to show you how easily It works and to make worthwhile suggestions about your picture -making plans. afoastrsphit Kedah $6-75 up Kodak Film M yew sits Finis/sin yse'll Hie H. C. DUNLOP DRUGGIST Mw N.. 1 C,dorl i {