The Signal, 1924-9-25, Page 4171ursday. Se•pteml.•r 211. 1924.
have taken over the Doty Foundry, on Victoria'street,
and are now prepared_to --execute all- `ern. -The
Foundry will be known in the lure as-,
The Goderich Grey Iron and Brass Foundry
ST. :►('Ot!8'I NE tludr trot supper to ie hell in O.•toher.
1'he dote w111 lw unuunuttvl Tater.
Mr. \\'hltfield mode some short
The monthly meeting of St. Autul,.
u• branch of the \1'oweu.
III be 111.111 nt the home of M
4•.Ullsh•r, on \\.. u•rsd.F.
C Thr roll call. 111 he
given by Mrs. W. Krulh:
tI.•r fs (u Ib' Klccn Lv Mt
.biusm. Everybody w..lcul
tit I n std tttt.
ec rs. \\'111.
de answered aluudat, The children of S. S. No. 9
tr musty will set -tired n large number of prises.
L• w. and n Nils., Myrtle Futlord. of G,alwrhh.
Iu .. .\unto spent $utuIty at hu11le 1111.1 also stayed
]t. urs 1 over for the fair on Monday _ at
So • of our firmer* are bust mow-
ing their fall wheat this
1k.u't forget the Rally 1)ay (wryly..
,t1 Let -burn .-110rvh next Sunda).
)(r-.. \\'m. Stowart returned to her
home at Itutt•'r. Dakota. last week
after s4. endlog n couple of months
ee'i[h her sister ,cud brothers and other
relatives herr.
Mrs. Win Ruston. of I:0Nlerl('1L.
sp.•ut fa few (lays with her above, Mrs.
1'. Monter. hist week.
'Ili.. W. M. S. lu•hl its monthly meet-
ing at t'tt• home -of Mrs. E. V. Lawson
on Tuesday- afternoon of Inst Week.
.\ report of the 1'r•el.yterinl meeting
at I.xet.r w•as giteu by 31Iss Itel.•n
('lurk. There Willi 44 1:111811 11tte111114tc,•.
Mrs. J.nnb• Ilorn.i, of U4Nlerieh.
Mrs. Jame. Cook and mon' eil'..ut Sunday at the home of Mr. and
visiting with friends at Toronto for 31rs. Wm. Cool::.
it few days.
Mr. tool Mr.. J,sseth Ha.'kett yta• LANES
11.1 at the home of their daughter.
Mrs. John Bradley. IAurler: one day
.last week.
Miss Tillie Hackett _Spent a few
days last -week with frIMois at God-
Mr. 1404 Mrs. Walter Alton .pent
Sua,lsy with friends at Ftl'iel.
falls in this congregation last week.
Many trout here attended the Col-
borne /o,I,n„I Gale lipid ut Carlow o11
The W. N1. S. of St. Andrew'-
clno,-1.. fort .111.•rt, trill hold their an-
nual thnuk.giviug meeting on Friday.
October 10th. at t! 30 p.m. al's. IIu•k•
tela, president of the Maitland Peet-
hyterlal. will be present to address
the tbrriug. 31.-tulb•r. of mister toe
(.1(41 will al... present to assist
with the program.
1 iu-:1.F'.tS'1'. Sept. 21. -•Mr. George
Twaault.y. sr;. of Sleeking..pent Sun-
day nt the Moue of 31r. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Twaml.r,
Spreading +by -Hand is Hard Work and Wasteful
A man can haul on the average a little over nine loads
of manure in a ten-hour working day- with a wagon,
spreading the manure with a fork. t
In the same length of time with a Spreader he can
haul over twenty loads.
1:4ie: ting the lals,r .-xp n -e• of the man and team, $4.00 for
the ten-hour day. it will Bost Win $-l1.11) to haul out one hundred
loads of inantire by %wagon. With a manure spreader at the stance
cost for matt and team, he i.- able to haul nut one uIre•d kmd..
at I•n.t of $20.111. with a spreader he does the . ,e anlount of
work with far greater benefit- for the soil at less than half the
exp.11,4, of hand spreading
Let McCormick or Deering Spreaders do this work
for you.
Machine vs. Hand Work
Sold in Goderich by
Hamilton Street GODERICH
Telephones: Shop, 206; Residence. 249 w
1IEN.,N111.LFat. Sept. _4.-Aeu tail ler
and Zion Sunday whtsds w•111 ,hold
their (tally Pay (..rile•$• nest Soli-
dly at 11130 stud 2.311 rlspeetively.
;►nr tem -hens and their pupils ore
to 4.. heartily' e�in.grated:G t on will -
ting first Linty at the Carlow school
Ntr. Marano of Japan y..keat Hen-
' miller and llethel Sunday ...Iambi
• !,tot Sunday. 'moth to the profit of
all present. '
1 Lantern alleles ua the tlniely sub-
.S -et of "Prohibition- will be %howl( In
I Bethel cbnmh nest liunduy .- *-itiag.
at 7.:00. F;t• cordially Invited
It.. he ',regent. '
' There wap he all Nervier* at Bethel
!mei Hayfield Metheell,t e•hur,:hes next
I Sntil:ty; ou :1,,.ttut .4f the miniver-
; .ary 'w•rcie,•, beteg held at Sharon.
iter-. .1. 'tV I1.8110). of 6 .,lorlrh. will
. !preach at the nfteruteat service at 2.19)
o'el.s•k. and Rev. A. V. Walden. of
ilohnestille..It the e•v,-uinz scrtbv nt
I,.►NF;S. Sept: 22.-'J1rs. H. S. Walk-
er. of London. and ).1r. 4.4.. Hnllantl.
of 1'1111/011. vistaed NI r. and 31 r.. F'iuu
one day hest week.
Mr. and Iles. F.d. Treleaven. of /it.
Thomas. Mr and Nits. Tom Aiken.
IKilpatrickreofat.Mafe•king.el were SAM
'meats --44 fir. aetel• Mus: -44..4- 4
last Monday.
Mr. 111111 Mrs. Wm. ituldwin mason
Sunday with the letter's .Inter. N1 r..
Ihuduar. of Manus -h. who lute been
eery 111 for (acne time. •
Mr. and Mrs. Will: Phillips. of God-
erielt, speech .otvral days hast week
with. Mr. stud 31rs. T. Ferguson.
Mr. Walter Alton and •Mr. Will.
Revd have eoe•h reontly purchase.! a
This m.•uibera of Haitkett's elm cit
r.$is.ildel ohewefully fu au Recitation
from Rev. Cumming. ,of 'Attie.' I'res-
byterkall r)utrvh. to Join with them in
:1 tenthrn,nee twrvle• last Sunday.
Rev, Mr. Miller of British Columbia
explained what Government sale• 1.1111
done for tha l'r•.vit,,v. It has in -
taxes andLyarnintla nothing but evil.
A ,0111111-11.1 of\th,• children of our
.Is•tb it are home \with the. measles..
Mr. and Mris.'3. '11. Graham. of 1io.I•
retell, called on friends In this !fs•a1-
it?' on Monday. •-
Ott of Her Line
Murlr 1)irca•tor: Can you swim,. my- 1
dear? -
A1.tIltant: Certainly not! l'in ap-
plying for at position a. a bathing
riity. nig 11 fist!.
he fort of Vancouver. 1 happen 1.
LET:Itt'Itt . Sept. 23. --The Ladles
•id are .en1111n.1rig -' pr, pare foe
Gray's Gigantic Sale
From Thursday, September 25th to Saturday, October 4th •
The size i, I.i x :S'_ inches, made of heavy
1.1oth with *4:atly 1lemlped edges. 19C
While ;hey last, each
Iu the natural shade only, splendid for
e•nrtains, children's dresses or lingerie 690
Torments. Specially priced, per yard
The width is 32 inches and these are An-
,lers,)n',I (}old Label Gingham. '.imited 320
stock, per yd.
in natural or white shades, these are :1
good heavy weight and a good range 69°
of largest sizes. Vests or Drawers, each
These are in all sizes up to 42; the style
is either high Week and long sleeves or lore
'leek and short sleeves. Specially $1 19
prie(eid veil
Full 27 inehea wide in shades grey, pink
or blue. Specially priced, 5 yards $1.00
for 7
in a good range of shades. Fttll 56 inehes
wide and just new Specially $1.49
prieed, per yd.
In shades snout, blue, -green or red. Daint-
ily trimmed with contrasting Shade. These
are exceptional value., Clearing $2.19
at each
'l'he width is 40 inches and they are all
from our regular stock and are the fin-
est weight. In any shade regular $1.75
412.25. Sale prte a per yard
In ladies' and misses' sizes only. A splendid
range of shades. These are excep- 650
tional values, per pair
1-eritn and Curtain muslin in cream and
\(kite shades. Splendid for rear win -
(1 ()WS. Priced par yd.
A splendid weight of plain cashmere,
they are pure wool and in black 790
only. Priced per pair
full :16 inches wide in shades grey, 280
pink or bine Speeially priced, per yd.
in shades grey, mauve and blue with
very neat patterns. Priced per yd. ..
The S. A. GRAY CO.
Fast Side
of Square
4- 1411)W. sept. mei.-The memorial
sendre ill 4 ..II..nae eue•n•
•ry- on Sun-
day nfteru.b,n was weft *Trended. M.P.
W. 11. Mas. was in charge of the wet•
',lee' and Rev. 1.. 1'. White. .d Nile.
gave. the address.
-Mr, and Nlrs. Jas. McKenzie and
two .•hlldr,-i or fort .111.•x!. visited
friends h.•r.• on Solidity.
31r, and Mrs. W. Wats..-Mr. and
Mrs. C. M,-I'ltee ni,4 Mrs. T. M.;1'11e..
spent Inst week visiting nt ilnmilton.
Toronto and Niagara F'»11.. At Ha m-
14141 11.11- were the gust. of 1Or. :and
Nits!. A. Hamby. and at Toronto they
1 :sited their tole•.•. jfrs. Merl... A'Irn.
The ('ollb.rlu• witted fair wag a
/1/willed (deer.•. .lathy Menet out to
IMourag,•Hfh1 childr,u In their s0!e11-
tild work.
NI.... and Iles. M,'r,rr and daughter
Vera -are visiting old frtauds In God -
811.1 C0'L,r,w. it Is seven rears
since. 31r. amt Mrs. Nler,•er b'ft to
lank.. their home In Los Aageles,ealif..
and their friends were mneh pleased)
-111 14..' them. ..
%lies Ethel Scott, of ihtngnluu,n,
slant the we•k..'nd with Mrs. 1V,arn•'r
(Salter and took in the ,sh,ml fair on
Monello v.
Threshing hue been mtl.•h delayed
i;y the W. wether.
Wt were glad to ..r \Iles Isobel
Young out nt'the s•h..o fair niter
it sever.' attack of quinsy.
(►witie to contiune,I Ill -health 31r.
11. M. Young intrad. M (111 hili stack
nn.l`tnke a nest the e11i11ng winter. 31r.
1.111441 has some .x,ell•111. well-hred
stark and far,n,•rs who wish, to get
animal* of prime quality w111' watch
,..r his sale. which we underst•Ipd Is
to take place next month. We sin-
.-. trust that Mr. Voting's health
improve and that he will rennin
for many year.. as he Iuts Ibsen In 4)..-
414?st. 0111 of the pillars of the town-
Steel's Sale
Steel's sale. Thursday. Fridav nn,I
Saturday.•r 27.. 26. 27.
ltT. NF.t.F,NS. Sept. 22.--fNlr. and
\Ira. Thos. Sntkeld attended the
handle -Salkeld wedding at Galerieh
Mast Wednesday.
'Nlrm. T). Todd. Mr. Stanley Todd and
Miss Vera 'Pohl motored on Mnn48p
to Stratford. where %flag Vera will
attend the Normal 9ehnol.
'Mr. .1. R. Webster was in London
lost week.
Mr. Wilton Woods. Mr.. .i. it.
\V,xbla, and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson
\V,xsts motored to Fergus on Stator.
Nfiw ,Tnmle 1'ameron hes ret'Irnei
to Toronto after spending a few
months at home.
Mrs. W. J. •Humphrey spent a few
Qat-s with her daughter. Mrs. (levo.
Walker. East Wuwano`I1
Inspector Tom visited St. Helens
aehn,.l nn \(ondny.
Mrs. Stanley Trend and Mims Vera
Tedd motored to t'igeon. Mkcl111ran.
and spent *stew days with friends
Her. J. P. McLaren. the reprementa-
th•.• of the 1114de Moiety, will speck
In the Presbyterian ehnreh to a Joint
meeting of Anglb'ans and Presbyter -
Iona on Sunday morning nt 11
Mrs. Cnyler to flatting friends at
Mir.. Thigh \tet'rnsli.. sr., Is home
...pending a .1.111110 of years Willi
!.'r family In the Wt'at.
Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Webb and
'laughter, 'Mims Caroline W(4,1.. mot-
ored uu Monday to 'I\)rottto, where
Ml.s ['$nohow will attend the Nor-
mal School. Mr. and Mrs. Webb in-
tend yl.itlug Ortllia and Maintain' 1e•.
fore their return.
.Mr. Alan Duruio and Mr. Hugh
Rutherford motored to Guelph on a
business trip on Tuesday.
Mrs. Ge.. Stuart visited with
La -know frlf•uda over the weekend.
1►1'. t:.'NNIN. w•4.(. 24,. --air. Nur-
111.111 Trtle.ttrl.. of Toronto. 1, spend
Ing two weeks vacation with his
mother and friends.
Mr. lune.. Gray is si1•udbtg a few
days 1n Toruuto this we -k.
'Rev. ¢',,•F:. l'lywlalt. of Exeter, de-
llvrred a veru forcible address to 11
unlou cou)./reg:rtto11 III 4110 31et114,4I1st
clnu•ch bast Sunday morning. in th,
Interests of the O. T.
Mr. null Mrs. I). 7'. McXtliu...1 \lot. -
treat. Miss Tena. of Toronto. a11•1 N1 r.
Jas. M.Nait, of Autln•rh•v. 'ter.. vis
Most at the home or 31r, and Mr-.
F'. Ito.. uu Tuew4ny.
Anniversary seryl.•,- will be 1411d
in tau Methodist '.Lurch on Sunday.
4k•toib•r Rev. 11'. It. 11sl.,11.•. of• will 1s• toluister for
the day.
Nlr. Item,• Gray ,.,•npi.rl 111, 4.1111.11
hl South Klub;, Presbyterian church
lust Sunday morning.
1 •.at't forget Ihutg:umon fair. 0.m -
her 211d and acct. the Inst 11114 last
of rhe .,•:1w.n
A Fine 1oung Man. -.1 number from
Dung:moon and fort Albert attended
the funeral of the late lo•sile• Gomm
b11uist41140Ont-V$dar., Itretr 'i'ttei
following reference t,, the death of
rhe young man M frutu The Kinser -
Alm. Reporter of hast week:
(ford of 41.0 death of Leslie Gomm.
aged nineteen years. sena of the lirt•.y
411hert and Mrs. Gamin, formerly of
Pine River Presbyterian (Mitch. was
1 revived by Mr. and NI r1". .1. D. 11.--
r (-1,.11, chi. 1Welt,•+,toy' tnnrulug. tlo•
young costo t)ne•lug passed away at
rhe family residence. Rothsay. H••
was taken 111 with spinal u1•ni4.r-itt-
oln Saturday: the Ilith. 11. the d. -sett
of I.e•slie (bourn 411e trm11111111ty loses
a youth footle.. was ece.41111g1c
bright. Kincardine l.eyde knew J:Im
at. one of Its own hops. he having
beet' n student of the nigh 14 11..ol
her.'. Hr was Id r of the moat impulse
students I. the 1 •tos•I.: 8.1 he 114114 Ia
lad of ver-ntite t.aleut.. 1,eing a 4411411-
diel singer. and always Apt .xe,-llent
performer 111 the plays ini'eri.•ntel by
.the I.ite•rary S..•h.ty Als, he was a
great church worker uud woo tette-..
In Ire i'resi,yt.•tMit 811.1 M1.•tian,ii-'
clulrr,f, am well as the Taxi. Square.
Hi+ was a life full of rich promise
and his death 41881. 8s s slta•k to
the Tile parents and
other me1111W1•s of the family 'will have
the deepest .yutpathr-of the t•omtnnnt
ity in tai •ir hour of Is•reayentcnt.
bell of Hamilton, daughter of the de-
ceased. her thoighter Annie. aura.., of
Hamilton, and Mrs. Anderson of Haw-
i1tol. 31n4. .Mucpouald was highly
o.t. -wwl by all who knew her.
Itig shipments .•1 new full good -
hate utresslulted a huge cleat -ante el
broken (lues front our 1.1): stock, Meet -
fore "the little sh..•-(lyes aruuud the
corner" Is praclh ally re-'n.•kel with
bargains. It coats nothing to look.
Hut 0 w111 eertaluly pay you Io
see what 'clue, we are offering.
Holmewville Cheese Factory,
Good brick building; also nice
residence will be. .old together
or separately. .%ppl) to J.1MES
('ONNOI.Li', Goderich, Ont.
Now is the time to figure on
your heater or cook stove.
We have the biggest assort-
ment of cook stoves in Gode-
To clear these the price will
be right. Don't buy until you
see them.
Blackstone's Furniture
on the Broadway of ()Wretch
KINI:sIat11n;F:, wept. 22. --Mrs.
Morgan Halton uud Mrs. NI. .1 n'/'ale •
m'r have returned to their homes of -t
ter visiting their brother. Mr. N. F.
Sullivan. at Denver. (',,1o,
• Mr. Tho-.. 1 ►'Neill. of \fi11nipeg. and.
Mr. /11111 IIrs. Roland. Mount Cannel.'
were tau• qI'm-.t, of Mr. an,l 31rs. Jun.
Mrs. Jno. i►,•,III. •fe.ndon. Mr and
Mrs. .Standish. Mr. 111,1 Sir-. 3. flus
sey. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bowler. Mk -
1 ,
Mary Hussy and N1 r. !Awn.. Bowler
jot l:,sh•rh•h. attended- the f tall
the tube Mix. Nora 4tKwrfe.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ('hnetwl(-k. ,..
Ih•troit. (1.11,41 Mr. and Mrs. 1-
Flynn. -
An Old KeesidrnI i eteusd,-'rh.
. bath .sorrel at Detroit ..n Friday. 1 10, of oni• or A.hfleld's Md'
resident.. kt the person of Miss Nora
O'Keefe. in her slsty•14lxth year. Am
the• 411.cea8,•,1 lived here the greater
'tart of her life she was Ire!' known.
• ' ...' All ....L.; .,:1.11:;:e.• urb,trel her!
to old and coang. A' few years .ago
she mn(,•,I to Detroit. where she rr
mon the tante of her death.
I N1i.. O'Keefe Is survived by five
sister/4: Mise'. \Ivy and Elizabeth
O'Keefe. of Detroit. Mich.: Nlrs, .\s-
penleighter. of Preston, lint.: Mr*.
Martin. of 19tesburgh. 1'a.. and Nlrs.
Nlariln,ight. of Marrow.. /hit.. and one
Mother: Jahn 1YKe•f•. of ih•11y.r.
Colo. To the bereaved Ones the aym-
iintlty of VIP eornuttmity is extended.
The remains ween• aevrnlpanlel from
ih•troit by four sisters and two neph-
ews, Messrs 30s. fool ,incl. Kenny. of
the dernse•l. interment took place
to St. Joseph's cemetery. where Rev.
Father Dema °Mei:I tel: 1111 1:111-I
bearers were Messrs. it. A. Standish.I
Thos. Garvey. Thos. Drennan. J. M.
11.,wler. 3. J. dfsara11 and 1'. Ruekley.
A1HFIELD. Sept. 23. -Mr. ran
'MacRae, of Toronto, rs slatting at
the helm• of 144 parent., Mr. and Mrs.
.Toho 'MacRae, 1 s-hal.h.
.1 numht•r of Am11fI01d students left
this week to attend the Stratford Nor-
mal School.
Mr. Frank Washington. teacher to
S. S. NO. 1, spent the week -end at the
home of hlst psln•ntw near Auburn.
Mina Drnlal,la MacGregor. of Dal
nth. who Was vialtitlg at the home of
her uncle, Mr. John MneKay, left to-
day (Timothy) to visit her 'Oster.
Mrs. 1). M,4;II1. at Winghsm.
111• servbvs in Aabfhd, Presbyter-
ian eh,ireh on Stinday were largely
attended. Rev. Mr. Mantle occupied
the pulpit In the morning and pr.aeh-
el a splendid 14ermon. Rev. Mr. Mil-
ler. of British col b11a, addressed
the congregation on the sn1.J„yetof
b•tllps•ranr-e and his firsthand know-
ledge of affairs at Vonennver. where
"Government control" Is practised.
was yen- helpful.
The funeral of the Tate Mrs. Fin
lac Niaellonal1. of near I.oeh.Lh,
fork plsee AI Monday and mss largely
attended by 1lelgtttwlM and friends.
Rev. .1 14. Mantle conducted the fun-
eral .ervh•ea. The pallbearers were
three sons of the &reamed. Donald,
t1e•[11nder and Thoma.. n non -In-law.
Mr. (Campl.•II_ of Hsminon. Marry
Melhmald and i)trid Stewart
Among those present were Nlrs.4'Amp-
Rich pile fabrics, shaggy cloths, camel's hair, nov-
elty wool cloths in oat .checks and flamings are the
fabrics of fashion. Furs vary from Tong -haired mouf
con to the new dyed opossums and beaverine. Colors
include autumn browns, taupe, grey, sand, black, etc.
Great Special Purchase of Misses Coats
$5.95 to $15.50
Women ! Georgeous Scarves of Pura Silk
Colors include plain mauve, white, rose, f{tavy,
purple and black. \
Special $1.50
Ready -to Wear Hats for Women and Misses
$3.75 to $5 95
The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East Side of Square Goderich, Ont
October 2nd and 3rd, 1924
The old -established and ever -popular Agricultural
Fair, for the Encouragement and Promotion of the
Agricultural Interests of the District
Special Features for
Friday Afternoon
Baby Show
Sports for Boys and Girls
Suitable Prizes Offered
Admission to Grounds: 2Sc. Children ander 12 years, 1$c.
Grand Concert by the
Brunswick Trio, of London
in an absolutely new program
Friday Evening, 8''o'clock Admission 50c
Come to Dungannon Fair and Enjoy the Last and
Best Holiday Event of the Season
Prig Lists and Entry Forms may be had on applica-
tion to the Secretary. Exhibitors are requested to make
their entries as early as possible
Jacob Reid, N. F. Whyard,
President Secretary
Well -Dressed Men
Are Made, Not Born
Quality is dominant in Pridhams' Clothing, and
when you wear it you are well dressed.
Our reputation for selling high-class Tailoring is
evidenced in these selected herringbones, pencil stripes,
and over -check weaves.
Ready -to -Wear, $22.50 to $35.00
Made -to -Measure, $30.00 to $45.00
Men's and Boys' Wear. Nest to Bank of Montreal
have taken over the Doty Foundry, on Victoria'street,
and are now prepared_to --execute all- `ern. -The
Foundry will be known in the lure as-,
The Goderich Grey Iron and Brass Foundry
ST. :►('Ot!8'I NE tludr trot supper to ie hell in O.•toher.
1'he dote w111 lw unuunuttvl Tater.
Mr. \\'hltfield mode some short
The monthly meeting of St. Autul,.
u• branch of the \1'oweu.
III be 111.111 nt the home of M
4•.Ullsh•r, on \\.. u•rsd.F.
C Thr roll call. 111 he
given by Mrs. W. Krulh:
tI.•r fs (u Ib' Klccn Lv Mt
.biusm. Everybody w..lcul
tit I n std tttt.
ec rs. \\'111.
de answered aluudat, The children of S. S. No. 9
tr musty will set -tired n large number of prises.
L• w. and n Nils., Myrtle Futlord. of G,alwrhh.
Iu .. .\unto spent $utuIty at hu11le 1111.1 also stayed
]t. urs 1 over for the fair on Monday _ at
So • of our firmer* are bust mow-
ing their fall wheat this
1k.u't forget the Rally 1)ay (wryly..
,t1 Let -burn .-110rvh next Sunda).
)(r-.. \\'m. Stowart returned to her
home at Itutt•'r. Dakota. last week
after s4. endlog n couple of months
ee'i[h her sister ,cud brothers and other
relatives herr.
Mrs. Win Ruston. of I:0Nlerl('1L.
sp.•ut fa few (lays with her above, Mrs.
1'. Monter. hist week.
'Ili.. W. M. S. lu•hl its monthly meet-
ing at t'tt• home -of Mrs. E. V. Lawson
on Tuesday- afternoon of Inst Week.
.\ report of the 1'r•el.yterinl meeting
at I.xet.r w•as giteu by 31Iss Itel.•n
('lurk. There Willi 44 1:111811 11tte111114tc,•.
Mrs. J.nnb• Ilorn.i, of U4Nlerieh.
Mrs. Jame. Cook and mon' eil'..ut Sunday at the home of Mr. and
visiting with friends at Toronto for 31rs. Wm. Cool::.
it few days.
Mr. tool Mr.. J,sseth Ha.'kett yta• LANES
11.1 at the home of their daughter.
Mrs. John Bradley. IAurler: one day
.last week.
Miss Tillie Hackett _Spent a few
days last -week with frIMois at God-
Mr. 1404 Mrs. Walter Alton .pent
Sua,lsy with friends at Ftl'iel.
falls in this congregation last week.
Many trout here attended the Col-
borne /o,I,n„I Gale lipid ut Carlow o11
The W. N1. S. of St. Andrew'-
clno,-1.. fort .111.•rt, trill hold their an-
nual thnuk.giviug meeting on Friday.
October 10th. at t! 30 p.m. al's. IIu•k•
tela, president of the Maitland Peet-
hyterlal. will be present to address
the tbrriug. 31.-tulb•r. of mister toe
(.1(41 will al... present to assist
with the program.
1 iu-:1.F'.tS'1'. Sept. 21. -•Mr. George
Twaault.y. sr;. of Sleeking..pent Sun-
day nt the Moue of 31r. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Twaml.r,
Spreading +by -Hand is Hard Work and Wasteful
A man can haul on the average a little over nine loads
of manure in a ten-hour working day- with a wagon,
spreading the manure with a fork. t
In the same length of time with a Spreader he can
haul over twenty loads.
1:4ie: ting the lals,r .-xp n -e• of the man and team, $4.00 for
the ten-hour day. it will Bost Win $-l1.11) to haul out one hundred
loads of inantire by %wagon. With a manure spreader at the stance
cost for matt and team, he i.- able to haul nut one uIre•d kmd..
at I•n.t of $20.111. with a spreader he does the . ,e anlount of
work with far greater benefit- for the soil at less than half the
exp.11,4, of hand spreading
Let McCormick or Deering Spreaders do this work
for you.
Machine vs. Hand Work
Sold in Goderich by
Hamilton Street GODERICH
Telephones: Shop, 206; Residence. 249 w
1IEN.,N111.LFat. Sept. _4.-Aeu tail ler
and Zion Sunday whtsds w•111 ,hold
their (tally Pay (..rile•$• nest Soli-
dly at 11130 stud 2.311 rlspeetively.
;►nr tem -hens and their pupils ore
to 4.. heartily' e�in.grated:G t on will -
ting first Linty at the Carlow school
Ntr. Marano of Japan y..keat Hen-
' miller and llethel Sunday ...Iambi
• !,tot Sunday. 'moth to the profit of
all present. '
1 Lantern alleles ua the tlniely sub-
.S -et of "Prohibition- will be %howl( In
I Bethel cbnmh nest liunduy .- *-itiag.
at 7.:00. F;t• cordially Invited
It.. he ',regent. '
' There wap he all Nervier* at Bethel
!mei Hayfield Metheell,t e•hur,:hes next
I Sntil:ty; ou :1,,.ttut .4f the miniver-
; .ary 'w•rcie,•, beteg held at Sharon.
iter-. .1. 'tV I1.8110). of 6 .,lorlrh. will
. !preach at the nfteruteat service at 2.19)
o'el.s•k. and Rev. A. V. Walden. of
ilohnestille..It the e•v,-uinz scrtbv nt
I,.►NF;S. Sept: 22.-'J1rs. H. S. Walk-
er. of London. and ).1r. 4.4.. Hnllantl.
of 1'1111/011. vistaed NI r. and 31 r.. F'iuu
one day hest week.
Mr. and Iles. F.d. Treleaven. of /it.
Thomas. Mr and Nits. Tom Aiken.
IKilpatrickreofat.Mafe•king.el were SAM
'meats --44 fir. aetel• Mus: -44..4- 4
last Monday.
Mr. 111111 Mrs. Wm. ituldwin mason
Sunday with the letter's .Inter. N1 r..
Ihuduar. of Manus -h. who lute been
eery 111 for (acne time. •
Mr. and Mrs. Will: Phillips. of God-
erielt, speech .otvral days hast week
with. Mr. stud 31rs. T. Ferguson.
Mr. Walter Alton and •Mr. Will.
Revd have eoe•h reontly purchase.! a
This m.•uibera of Haitkett's elm cit
r.$is.ildel ohewefully fu au Recitation
from Rev. Cumming. ,of 'Attie.' I'res-
byterkall r)utrvh. to Join with them in
:1 tenthrn,nee twrvle• last Sunday.
Rev, Mr. Miller of British Columbia
explained what Government sale• 1.1111
done for tha l'r•.vit,,v. It has in -
taxes andLyarnintla nothing but evil.
A ,0111111-11.1 of\th,• children of our
.Is•tb it are home \with the. measles..
Mr. and Mris.'3. '11. Graham. of 1io.I•
retell, called on friends In this !fs•a1-
it?' on Monday. •-
Ott of Her Line
Murlr 1)irca•tor: Can you swim,. my- 1
dear? -
A1.tIltant: Certainly not! l'in ap-
plying for at position a. a bathing
riity. nig 11 fist!.
he fort of Vancouver. 1 happen 1.
LET:Itt'Itt . Sept. 23. --The Ladles
•id are .en1111n.1rig -' pr, pare foe
Gray's Gigantic Sale
From Thursday, September 25th to Saturday, October 4th •
The size i, I.i x :S'_ inches, made of heavy
1.1oth with *4:atly 1lemlped edges. 19C
While ;hey last, each
Iu the natural shade only, splendid for
e•nrtains, children's dresses or lingerie 690
Torments. Specially priced, per yard
The width is 32 inches and these are An-
,lers,)n',I (}old Label Gingham. '.imited 320
stock, per yd.
in natural or white shades, these are :1
good heavy weight and a good range 69°
of largest sizes. Vests or Drawers, each
These are in all sizes up to 42; the style
is either high Week and long sleeves or lore
'leek and short sleeves. Specially $1 19
prie(eid veil
Full 27 inehea wide in shades grey, pink
or blue. Specially priced, 5 yards $1.00
for 7
in a good range of shades. Fttll 56 inehes
wide and just new Specially $1.49
prieed, per yd.
In shades snout, blue, -green or red. Daint-
ily trimmed with contrasting Shade. These
are exceptional value., Clearing $2.19
at each
'l'he width is 40 inches and they are all
from our regular stock and are the fin-
est weight. In any shade regular $1.75
412.25. Sale prte a per yard
In ladies' and misses' sizes only. A splendid
range of shades. These are excep- 650
tional values, per pair
1-eritn and Curtain muslin in cream and
\(kite shades. Splendid for rear win -
(1 ()WS. Priced par yd.
A splendid weight of plain cashmere,
they are pure wool and in black 790
only. Priced per pair
full :16 inches wide in shades grey, 280
pink or bine Speeially priced, per yd.
in shades grey, mauve and blue with
very neat patterns. Priced per yd. ..
The S. A. GRAY CO.
Fast Side
of Square
4- 1411)W. sept. mei.-The memorial
sendre ill 4 ..II..nae eue•n•
•ry- on Sun-
day nfteru.b,n was weft *Trended. M.P.
W. 11. Mas. was in charge of the wet•
',lee' and Rev. 1.. 1'. White. .d Nile.
gave. the address.
-Mr, and Nlrs. Jas. McKenzie and
two .•hlldr,-i or fort .111.•x!. visited
friends h.•r.• on Solidity.
31r, and Mrs. W. Wats..-Mr. and
Mrs. C. M,-I'ltee ni,4 Mrs. T. M.;1'11e..
spent Inst week visiting nt ilnmilton.
Toronto and Niagara F'»11.. At Ha m-
14141 11.11- were the gust. of 1Or. :and
Nits!. A. Hamby. and at Toronto they
1 :sited their tole•.•. jfrs. Merl... A'Irn.
The ('ollb.rlu• witted fair wag a
/1/willed (deer.•. .lathy Menet out to
IMourag,•Hfh1 childr,u In their s0!e11-
tild work.
NI.... and Iles. M,'r,rr and daughter
Vera -are visiting old frtauds In God -
811.1 C0'L,r,w. it Is seven rears
since. 31r. amt Mrs. Nler,•er b'ft to
lank.. their home In Los Aageles,ealif..
and their friends were mneh pleased)
-111 14..' them. ..
%lies Ethel Scott, of ihtngnluu,n,
slant the we•k..'nd with Mrs. 1V,arn•'r
(Salter and took in the ,sh,ml fair on
Monello v.
Threshing hue been mtl.•h delayed
i;y the W. wether.
Wt were glad to ..r \Iles Isobel
Young out nt'the s•h..o fair niter
it sever.' attack of quinsy.
(►witie to contiune,I Ill -health 31r.
11. M. Young intrad. M (111 hili stack
nn.l`tnke a nest the e11i11ng winter. 31r.
1.111441 has some .x,ell•111. well-hred
stark and far,n,•rs who wish, to get
animal* of prime quality w111' watch
,..r his sale. which we underst•Ipd Is
to take place next month. We sin-
.-. trust that Mr. Voting's health
improve and that he will rennin
for many year.. as he Iuts Ibsen In 4)..-
414?st. 0111 of the pillars of the town-
Steel's Sale
Steel's sale. Thursday. Fridav nn,I
Saturday.•r 27.. 26. 27.
ltT. NF.t.F,NS. Sept. 22.--fNlr. and
\Ira. Thos. Sntkeld attended the
handle -Salkeld wedding at Galerieh
Mast Wednesday.
'Nlrm. T). Todd. Mr. Stanley Todd and
Miss Vera 'Pohl motored on Mnn48p
to Stratford. where %flag Vera will
attend the Normal 9ehnol.
'Mr. .1. R. Webster was in London
lost week.
Mr. Wilton Woods. Mr.. .i. it.
\V,xbla, and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson
\V,xsts motored to Fergus on Stator.
Nfiw ,Tnmle 1'ameron hes ret'Irnei
to Toronto after spending a few
months at home.
Mrs. W. J. •Humphrey spent a few
Qat-s with her daughter. Mrs. (levo.
Walker. East Wuwano`I1
Inspector Tom visited St. Helens
aehn,.l nn \(ondny.
Mrs. Stanley Trend and Mims Vera
Tedd motored to t'igeon. Mkcl111ran.
and spent *stew days with friends
Her. J. P. McLaren. the reprementa-
th•.• of the 1114de Moiety, will speck
In the Presbyterian ehnreh to a Joint
meeting of Anglb'ans and Presbyter -
Iona on Sunday morning nt 11
Mrs. Cnyler to flatting friends at
Mir.. Thigh \tet'rnsli.. sr., Is home
...pending a .1.111110 of years Willi
!.'r family In the Wt'at.
Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Webb and
'laughter, 'Mims Caroline W(4,1.. mot-
ored uu Monday to 'I\)rottto, where
Ml.s ['$nohow will attend the Nor-
mal School. Mr. and Mrs. Webb in-
tend yl.itlug Ortllia and Maintain' 1e•.
fore their return.
.Mr. Alan Duruio and Mr. Hugh
Rutherford motored to Guelph on a
business trip on Tuesday.
Mrs. Ge.. Stuart visited with
La -know frlf•uda over the weekend.
1►1'. t:.'NNIN. w•4.(. 24,. --air. Nur-
111.111 Trtle.ttrl.. of Toronto. 1, spend
Ing two weeks vacation with his
mother and friends.
Mr. lune.. Gray is si1•udbtg a few
days 1n Toruuto this we -k.
'Rev. ¢',,•F:. l'lywlalt. of Exeter, de-
llvrred a veru forcible address to 11
unlou cou)./reg:rtto11 III 4110 31et114,4I1st
clnu•ch bast Sunday morning. in th,
Interests of the O. T.
Mr. null Mrs. I). 7'. McXtliu...1 \lot. -
treat. Miss Tena. of Toronto. a11•1 N1 r.
Jas. M.Nait, of Autln•rh•v. 'ter.. vis
Most at the home or 31r, and Mr-.
F'. Ito.. uu Tuew4ny.
Anniversary seryl.•,- will be 1411d
in tau Methodist '.Lurch on Sunday.
4k•toib•r Rev. 11'. It. 11sl.,11.•. of• will 1s• toluister for
the day.
Nlr. Item,• Gray ,.,•npi.rl 111, 4.1111.11
hl South Klub;, Presbyterian church
lust Sunday morning.
1 •.at't forget Ihutg:umon fair. 0.m -
her 211d and acct. the Inst 11114 last
of rhe .,•:1w.n
A Fine 1oung Man. -.1 number from
Dung:moon and fort Albert attended
the funeral of the late lo•sile• Gomm
b11uist41140Ont-V$dar., Itretr 'i'ttei
following reference t,, the death of
rhe young man M frutu The Kinser -
Alm. Reporter of hast week:
(ford of 41.0 death of Leslie Gomm.
aged nineteen years. sena of the lirt•.y
411hert and Mrs. Gamin, formerly of
Pine River Presbyterian (Mitch. was
1 revived by Mr. and NI r1". .1. D. 11.--
r (-1,.11, chi. 1Welt,•+,toy' tnnrulug. tlo•
young costo t)ne•lug passed away at
rhe family residence. Rothsay. H••
was taken 111 with spinal u1•ni4.r-itt-
oln Saturday: the Ilith. 11. the d. -sett
of I.e•slie (bourn 411e trm11111111ty loses
a youth footle.. was ece.41111g1c
bright. Kincardine l.eyde knew J:Im
at. one of Its own hops. he having
beet' n student of the nigh 14 11..ol
her.'. Hr was Id r of the moat impulse
students I. the 1 •tos•I.: 8.1 he 114114 Ia
lad of ver-ntite t.aleut.. 1,eing a 4411411-
diel singer. and always Apt .xe,-llent
performer 111 the plays ini'eri.•ntel by
.the I.ite•rary S..•h.ty Als, he was a
great church worker uud woo tette-..
In Ire i'resi,yt.•tMit 811.1 M1.•tian,ii-'
clulrr,f, am well as the Taxi. Square.
Hi+ was a life full of rich promise
and his death 41881. 8s s slta•k to
the Tile parents and
other me1111W1•s of the family 'will have
the deepest .yutpathr-of the t•omtnnnt
ity in tai •ir hour of Is•reayentcnt.
bell of Hamilton, daughter of the de-
ceased. her thoighter Annie. aura.., of
Hamilton, and Mrs. Anderson of Haw-
i1tol. 31n4. .Mucpouald was highly
o.t. -wwl by all who knew her.
Itig shipments .•1 new full good -
hate utresslulted a huge cleat -ante el
broken (lues front our 1.1): stock, Meet -
fore "the little sh..•-(lyes aruuud the
corner" Is praclh ally re-'n.•kel with
bargains. It coats nothing to look.
Hut 0 w111 eertaluly pay you Io
see what 'clue, we are offering.
Holmewville Cheese Factory,
Good brick building; also nice
residence will be. .old together
or separately. .%ppl) to J.1MES
('ONNOI.Li', Goderich, Ont.
Now is the time to figure on
your heater or cook stove.
We have the biggest assort-
ment of cook stoves in Gode-
To clear these the price will
be right. Don't buy until you
see them.
Blackstone's Furniture
on the Broadway of ()Wretch
KINI:sIat11n;F:, wept. 22. --Mrs.
Morgan Halton uud Mrs. NI. .1 n'/'ale •
m'r have returned to their homes of -t
ter visiting their brother. Mr. N. F.
Sullivan. at Denver. (',,1o,
• Mr. Tho-.. 1 ►'Neill. of \fi11nipeg. and.
Mr. /11111 IIrs. Roland. Mount Cannel.'
were tau• qI'm-.t, of Mr. an,l 31rs. Jun.
Mrs. Jno. i►,•,III. •fe.ndon. Mr and
Mrs. .Standish. Mr. 111,1 Sir-. 3. flus
sey. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bowler. Mk -
1 ,
Mary Hussy and N1 r. !Awn.. Bowler
jot l:,sh•rh•h. attended- the f tall
the tube Mix. Nora 4tKwrfe.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ('hnetwl(-k. ,..
Ih•troit. (1.11,41 Mr. and Mrs. 1-
Flynn. -
An Old KeesidrnI i eteusd,-'rh.
. bath .sorrel at Detroit ..n Friday. 1 10, of oni• or A.hfleld's Md'
resident.. kt the person of Miss Nora
O'Keefe. in her slsty•14lxth year. Am
the• 411.cea8,•,1 lived here the greater
'tart of her life she was Ire!' known.
• ' ...' All ....L.; .,:1.11:;:e.• urb,trel her!
to old and coang. A' few years .ago
she mn(,•,I to Detroit. where she rr
mon the tante of her death.
I N1i.. O'Keefe Is survived by five
sister/4: Mise'. \Ivy and Elizabeth
O'Keefe. of Detroit. Mich.: Nlrs, .\s-
penleighter. of Preston, lint.: Mr*.
Martin. of 19tesburgh. 1'a.. and Nlrs.
Nlariln,ight. of Marrow.. /hit.. and one
Mother: Jahn 1YKe•f•. of ih•11y.r.
Colo. To the bereaved Ones the aym-
iintlty of VIP eornuttmity is extended.
The remains ween• aevrnlpanlel from
ih•troit by four sisters and two neph-
ews, Messrs 30s. fool ,incl. Kenny. of
the dernse•l. interment took place
to St. Joseph's cemetery. where Rev.
Father Dema °Mei:I tel: 1111 1:111-I
bearers were Messrs. it. A. Standish.I
Thos. Garvey. Thos. Drennan. J. M.
11.,wler. 3. J. dfsara11 and 1'. Ruekley.
A1HFIELD. Sept. 23. -Mr. ran
'MacRae, of Toronto, rs slatting at
the helm• of 144 parent., Mr. and Mrs.
.Toho 'MacRae, 1 s-hal.h.
.1 numht•r of Am11fI01d students left
this week to attend the Stratford Nor-
mal School.
Mr. Frank Washington. teacher to
S. S. NO. 1, spent the week -end at the
home of hlst psln•ntw near Auburn.
Mina Drnlal,la MacGregor. of Dal
nth. who Was vialtitlg at the home of
her uncle, Mr. John MneKay, left to-
day (Timothy) to visit her 'Oster.
Mrs. 1). M,4;II1. at Winghsm.
111• servbvs in Aabfhd, Presbyter-
ian eh,ireh on Stinday were largely
attended. Rev. Mr. Mantle occupied
the pulpit In the morning and pr.aeh-
el a splendid 14ermon. Rev. Mr. Mil-
ler. of British col b11a, addressed
the congregation on the sn1.J„yetof
b•tllps•ranr-e and his firsthand know-
ledge of affairs at Vonennver. where
"Government control" Is practised.
was yen- helpful.
The funeral of the Tate Mrs. Fin
lac Niaellonal1. of near I.oeh.Lh,
fork plsee AI Monday and mss largely
attended by 1lelgtttwlM and friends.
Rev. .1 14. Mantle conducted the fun-
eral .ervh•ea. The pallbearers were
three sons of the &reamed. Donald,
t1e•[11nder and Thoma.. n non -In-law.
Mr. (Campl.•II_ of Hsminon. Marry
Melhmald and i)trid Stewart
Among those present were Nlrs.4'Amp-
Rich pile fabrics, shaggy cloths, camel's hair, nov-
elty wool cloths in oat .checks and flamings are the
fabrics of fashion. Furs vary from Tong -haired mouf
con to the new dyed opossums and beaverine. Colors
include autumn browns, taupe, grey, sand, black, etc.
Great Special Purchase of Misses Coats
$5.95 to $15.50
Women ! Georgeous Scarves of Pura Silk
Colors include plain mauve, white, rose, f{tavy,
purple and black. \
Special $1.50
Ready -to Wear Hats for Women and Misses
$3.75 to $5 95
The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East Side of Square Goderich, Ont
October 2nd and 3rd, 1924
The old -established and ever -popular Agricultural
Fair, for the Encouragement and Promotion of the
Agricultural Interests of the District
Special Features for
Friday Afternoon
Baby Show
Sports for Boys and Girls
Suitable Prizes Offered
Admission to Grounds: 2Sc. Children ander 12 years, 1$c.
Grand Concert by the
Brunswick Trio, of London
in an absolutely new program
Friday Evening, 8''o'clock Admission 50c
Come to Dungannon Fair and Enjoy the Last and
Best Holiday Event of the Season
Prig Lists and Entry Forms may be had on applica-
tion to the Secretary. Exhibitors are requested to make
their entries as early as possible
Jacob Reid, N. F. Whyard,
President Secretary