HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-25, Page 3Job Printing The Signal is prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing at reasonable prices. For your next order Telephone 35 . Read the Advertisements in The Signal. Buy advertised wares. It is a safe and sound poll( v. THE SIGNAL MINTING CO. LIMITIt D, Publishers. 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1924 SE1 ENT1-SE1 ENTIH 1 F; Ut NO. 39 SAFETY Versus HIGH INTEREST Many a man his lost his hard-earned savings because of the fatal lure of high interest. A safe general rule, to remem- ber is -the higher the interest, the greater the risk. PUT YOUR SAVINGS INTO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100 years There they will earn a reasonable interest and be safe. SHINGLES 5x 3x 2x any Grade at Special Prices LIME Car Arrived To -day Order Early Cement Lath Lumber of All Kinds Planing Mills, Ltd. Goderich, P. 0. Box 160 Moe 47W -After 6 p... Phones 477 or 385 Anything sad Everything in Building Supplies Saturday Special at the Pavilion Goderich Blue Bird Orchestra of Walkerton, (5 pieces) Dancing 8.30 to 11.45 Small Depu.riI.r i Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small sire. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substan- tial sum. One dollar opens a savings account at any branch of the Union Banc. MIS i UNION BANK OF CANADA Godsrieh Branch --F. Woetoomba, M.naSsr MAITLAND PRESBYTERY MEETS AT WINORAM • The Presbytery of Matt'aud Wet September 15fh aI 1Vlughatu. .1 call wan presented from 11u• *mut;r.•gation of flue River In fan -or of Mr, J. 1: (ytmpl.•II. of Toronto, at p.re•sent !with• out a charge. It prumiw•e1 an an- imal atils•ud of $1.511/, paid !tonihly, with tow of manse Will newel holi- days. The call was sustained and for- warded 'to Mr. l'amld.•II. .trreuger went. were made for his hldnettou uu Se•ptenl.•r .^.i. the moderator to pre- side nod Rev. .1. C. S. Smith. of •1r - now, to preach. Mr. Hardie. of Ash - to address the minister, and Or. Harkness. of Ripley. the pr,p'e. A 0411 was also prtaeuted from Duos churl h, 1Vroxe•ter, to favor of Mr. V. A. .lrmstrong. of Itichuwyed. ill the Presbytery of Ottawa. Tle call offered a stipend of $1.4100 with n.e, of manse and one mouth's I.di- d,ys The ca Il was sustained and ordered to be forwarded to the clerk of the Presbytery of Ottawa. Pro- visional arrangements were made for his iu.luction in case of his accept- anc..• a. follows: The moderator to preside. Mr. Tate to preach, Mr. E. F. ('handler to address the minister and Mr. (' N. Mcli.enaic the people. Mr,' Hardie resigned from the cone vonership o1 the general interest com- mittee and Mr. ('. I'umwing watt ap- pointed In hi. plaee. Dr. D. P.'rrle resigned from the convener,hip of th.• home mlaslou committee. and Mr. C. N. Mckenzie was appedntel Ili hbt place. Dr. Harkness. Mr. It. McCallum. Mr. .r. S. Sett. Mr. 1►. S. Milkmaid Mill Mr. Crawford 'fate rel•,rto4 their dlli• • Are Gifts Worth Giving -Al- ways in Good Taste. Here you will find a Treasure House of Suggestions. E. C. ROBERTSON JEWELLER Authorized Dealer in Genuine Orange Blossom Engagement and Wedding Rings -East Side Square Goderich, Out. CRAIOIE'S INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Apartment to Rent. Modern :six -roomed Apartment, on ware, paw'twion at once. J. W. CRAIGIE i The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency lib (Sue Lite), Accident and Auto Insurance Houses and Lots in Goderich and Vicinity, and Farms for Sale J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Parson.' Fair P. O. Box 89 (;o derich, Ont. GERMAN BONDS The Iterman Government Bonds are hacked by material values. They are not to he rbtsse(1 with the paper curren- cy. These bonds have greatly ndvaneed in value since last February. hut some of them are still far below their real value, since the toonomic eonditinns of the country have improved. If you hove feint In the 41 forts feeing mode by Grant Itrit- ain nod the United States. to p'tit Germany on its feet lnv.et now, with the prnspeet of making very. vert Inrge profits. We bey, sell awl !mote nil foreign hands. 1/o not delay. Write n• to- day for full Information. GARFUNKEL& CO. DOstaltllshed In 1400. Foreign Bond Specie Itstn. 153 Owen Rt. Wu►!, Tadao. Phone Ades). 3547. genet. in attendau••e at tlo• 1;.•ueru! Assembly held gt I lees o �enwd. ' Dr. 1'errie and his eller were al► 1s,itued auditor!! for 11124. Messrs. 1 l:au.11er and Smith were appointed repre•.eutII1!WOO Ott the r,e•ntiVI* of the Young People's Union .if the Presbytery. .1 r.volution WON palssed strongly etoloralug the' Ontario 9\•ugr•nuhcu Act. ' Dr. Waters, of India. spoke of the condition of mission work in that eetlutrp and the urgent need of more ml.slouartea if the work is to 1.• orer- Iakru, Dr. J. C. Itobertsen,, r•presse•utiug the central hoard. spoke on the ev.ndl- tion of the budget and the necessity Of rein..%ing the dtflelt that was at present hindering the church's work. Dr.. Waters aid Rul.•rtsiat were• thanked for their inspiring messages. In the aft.•n.00n a eoufe•re-nee was held w-hloh included the members of 1're.4hrt.ry, the nu -tubers of the Vo - wen's Missionary Sof i,'IV and the members of the Young People's Union Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, deliverers, THE GODERICII MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St. Phone 61.) MOURN HOUSES All kinds for sale. It you intend buy- ing a home it will pay you to see the houses I have for hale. 1 have them at all prim.. from $:00.00 up. Some real good bargains on easy terms. Drop in and see me. P. J. RYAN. Real Estate & Insurance Phone 50 ..0 I!:e 1'rea.ct. r!. l'br v.l rfrfettl'e 11s1.1..i. to a magnificent address by Dr. ('larenew ale ICiwu.u, moderator of the General Asse•lybly. nfk•r which tlfe following r.w.11111i4ms were diw•u1►sed and ndoptesj : "That ouch emigregation be urged to arrange for a e,ugregatloiwl eon- 1't•remee before the end of (k•Wbe•r. to which wonld 1.• invited the session. board of uwtattrers. W.- 11. S. AuzII. bay. otlt,era tool tea, -,hers of the Riiu day er oral and h•u,Irrs of Ilo• yonu� psopte•'a a,i•lelle•, 1n eun.ider the prem alit financial situation and to take ,gttc h steps as nutty be decided.- "That eided.-"That the Presbytery urge• midi eon- g,regatlolt 10 ul.u•rve Illi• week of praJ'- ing and front Novetul,r 3 (o Novetutsr'11. approval by the t;eu• e• lel Assetrbly lint Jens, - "That eel) congregation 1s• ur,e.l to taken 1l.rtal offering"ou. the Sun- day !before or after Thnnk.gie J.:, I,:e; •'••-gl.nl to complete without fail the 1n_4 6111,.111lon to each congregation .• Retundag likeyt Appointed Ge.rg.• McKee. of the 7..wu.1111, .11 UeKluop• ha+ holm app.'inte(1 return- ing oftle.•r for ('entre Huron for the ptebbe•ite of October :::Lrd. The re - .114n itig.oig.rr for South Huron Is 17..lw•rt 11iggttu, of 11en401 ; uud, a. al- e;iitr annomwwtl, Within)* 11441e. "of Dungannon, is the oeie•,r for North Dimon. DOMINION OF CANADA j LOAN -1924 THE BANK OF/ MONTREAL at all its Branches will accept applications for he new Dominion Government Bonds either from new subscribers or 'from holders of Victory Loan Bonds maturing 1st November, 1924. w o wish to exchange for the new issue. Full partil Tars will be gladly furnished at any branch Of the B¢iNK OF MONTREAL f Public Subscription is invited for $50,000,000 Dominin of Canada Refun *ng Loan 1924 4 1-2 Bonds Dated October 15th, 1924 Due October 15th, 1944 Principal payable at the office of the Receiver -General at Ottawa or that of the Assistant Receiver -General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. Semi-annual interest ( 15th April and 15th October) payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Denominations: $100, $500, $1,000 All bonds may be registered as to principal only, and bonds in denominations of $500 and authorized multiples thereof may be fully registered. These bonds a 'zed under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. 0. Prie and accrued interest, yielding 4.73 I'nr. has,•rs of 44 lanlnring N. $n.•h purchas. Victory Ifood 1. dstesl (let Interest I.S1 of 4.75 per ilh 1111711 shake imm PRIVILEGE OF CONVERSION uury make lrynleht on (k•tols•r 1:H11 nett with Victory II Is Mee -1.1. 1924 loner detaching Inter.et doe November 1st ). • will receive in cash the 11117vreucr between the ince value of maturiml and thv Jrriee of the mnv bonds. namely. XI per $100. As new 1..nd. will la•r 150h. ni h pnr•h;,sers will thus meek.. n bonus of 0O'•lia11 month's . thereby reducing the (mat of new howls from 97 to 111.711. lir a yield rate cent. .1s the amount of this issue is limited to $50,(111011), as <ti nlslr,-1 Big Lauds of 1>ppr,xintately $14)7,01s7,0111, holder,. desiring to convert should 1Ilnte application. • Dominion of Canada bonds are the most attractive investment available in Canada. This offering is made subject to prior sale and advance in price, and the right is re- served to allot a less amount of bonds than applied for. Bonds are offered for delivery in interim form about October 15th. 1924, when, as and if issued and accepted by us. O. F. CAREY & SON, Masonic Temple Building, Goderich, Ontario Phone 230 Our Most Important Policy One of the atrontgest Aida to aucoeasful growth In hosannas Is a policy of conservative management. Our own advance- ment to • position of stability los evidence of this fact, for eon•er••u•e management has always been our moat Im- portant puller. We Invite discusslane with Arno where manaRtrnent and Anances are In keeping with our staadarda. / 111E STERLiN4B1ijj ' OF CANADA SAFETY Versus HIGH INTEREST Many a man his lost his hard-earned savings because of the fatal lure of high interest. A safe general rule, to remem- ber is -the higher the interest, the greater the risk. PUT YOUR SAVINGS INTO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100 years There they will earn a reasonable interest and be safe. SHINGLES 5x 3x 2x any Grade at Special Prices LIME Car Arrived To -day Order Early Cement Lath Lumber of All Kinds Planing Mills, Ltd. Goderich, P. 0. Box 160 Moe 47W -After 6 p... Phones 477 or 385 Anything sad Everything in Building Supplies Saturday Special at the Pavilion Goderich Blue Bird Orchestra of Walkerton, (5 pieces) Dancing 8.30 to 11.45 Small Depu.riI.r i Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small sire. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substan- tial sum. One dollar opens a savings account at any branch of the Union Banc. MIS i UNION BANK OF CANADA Godsrieh Branch --F. Woetoomba, M.naSsr MAITLAND PRESBYTERY MEETS AT WINORAM • The Presbytery of Matt'aud Wet September 15fh aI 1Vlughatu. .1 call wan presented from 11u• *mut;r.•gation of flue River In fan -or of Mr, J. 1: (ytmpl.•II. of Toronto, at p.re•sent !with• out a charge. It prumiw•e1 an an- imal atils•ud of $1.511/, paid !tonihly, with tow of manse Will newel holi- days. The call was sustained and for- warded 'to Mr. l'amld.•II. .trreuger went. were made for his hldnettou uu Se•ptenl.•r .^.i. the moderator to pre- side nod Rev. .1. C. S. Smith. of •1r - now, to preach. Mr. Hardie. of Ash - to address the minister, and Or. Harkness. of Ripley. the pr,p'e. A 0411 was also prtaeuted from Duos churl h, 1Vroxe•ter, to favor of Mr. V. A. .lrmstrong. of Itichuwyed. ill the Presbytery of Ottawa. Tle call offered a stipend of $1.4100 with n.e, of manse and one mouth's I.di- d,ys The ca Il was sustained and ordered to be forwarded to the clerk of the Presbytery of Ottawa. Pro- visional arrangements were made for his iu.luction in case of his accept- anc..• a. follows: The moderator to preside. Mr. Tate to preach, Mr. E. F. ('handler to address the minister and Mr. (' N. Mcli.enaic the people. Mr,' Hardie resigned from the cone vonership o1 the general interest com- mittee and Mr. ('. I'umwing watt ap- pointed In hi. plaee. Dr. D. P.'rrle resigned from the convener,hip of th.• home mlaslou committee. and Mr. C. N. Mckenzie was appedntel Ili hbt place. Dr. Harkness. Mr. It. McCallum. Mr. .r. S. Sett. Mr. 1►. S. Milkmaid Mill Mr. Crawford 'fate rel•,rto4 their dlli• • Are Gifts Worth Giving -Al- ways in Good Taste. Here you will find a Treasure House of Suggestions. E. C. ROBERTSON JEWELLER Authorized Dealer in Genuine Orange Blossom Engagement and Wedding Rings -East Side Square Goderich, Out. CRAIOIE'S INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Apartment to Rent. Modern :six -roomed Apartment, on ware, paw'twion at once. J. W. CRAIGIE i The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency lib (Sue Lite), Accident and Auto Insurance Houses and Lots in Goderich and Vicinity, and Farms for Sale J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Parson.' Fair P. O. Box 89 (;o derich, Ont. GERMAN BONDS The Iterman Government Bonds are hacked by material values. They are not to he rbtsse(1 with the paper curren- cy. These bonds have greatly ndvaneed in value since last February. hut some of them are still far below their real value, since the toonomic eonditinns of the country have improved. If you hove feint In the 41 forts feeing mode by Grant Itrit- ain nod the United States. to p'tit Germany on its feet lnv.et now, with the prnspeet of making very. vert Inrge profits. We bey, sell awl !mote nil foreign hands. 1/o not delay. Write n• to- day for full Information. GARFUNKEL& CO. DOstaltllshed In 1400. Foreign Bond Specie Itstn. 153 Owen Rt. Wu►!, Tadao. Phone Ades). 3547. genet. in attendau••e at tlo• 1;.•ueru! Assembly held gt I lees o �enwd. ' Dr. 1'errie and his eller were al► 1s,itued auditor!! for 11124. Messrs. 1 l:au.11er and Smith were appointed repre•.eutII1!WOO Ott the r,e•ntiVI* of the Young People's Union .if the Presbytery. .1 r.volution WON palssed strongly etoloralug the' Ontario 9\•ugr•nuhcu Act. ' Dr. Waters, of India. spoke of the condition of mission work in that eetlutrp and the urgent need of more ml.slouartea if the work is to 1.• orer- Iakru, Dr. J. C. Itobertsen,, r•presse•utiug the central hoard. spoke on the ev.ndl- tion of the budget and the necessity Of rein..%ing the dtflelt that was at present hindering the church's work. Dr.. Waters aid Rul.•rtsiat were• thanked for their inspiring messages. In the aft.•n.00n a eoufe•re-nee was held w-hloh included the members of 1're.4hrt.ry, the nu -tubers of the Vo - wen's Missionary Sof i,'IV and the members of the Young People's Union Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, deliverers, THE GODERICII MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St. Phone 61.) MOURN HOUSES All kinds for sale. It you intend buy- ing a home it will pay you to see the houses I have for hale. 1 have them at all prim.. from $:00.00 up. Some real good bargains on easy terms. Drop in and see me. P. J. RYAN. Real Estate & Insurance Phone 50 ..0 I!:e 1'rea.ct. r!. l'br v.l rfrfettl'e 11s1.1..i. to a magnificent address by Dr. ('larenew ale ICiwu.u, moderator of the General Asse•lybly. nfk•r which tlfe following r.w.11111i4ms were diw•u1►sed and ndoptesj : "That ouch emigregation be urged to arrange for a e,ugregatloiwl eon- 1't•remee before the end of (k•Wbe•r. to which wonld 1.• invited the session. board of uwtattrers. W.- 11. S. AuzII. bay. otlt,era tool tea, -,hers of the Riiu day er oral and h•u,Irrs of Ilo• yonu� psopte•'a a,i•lelle•, 1n eun.ider the prem alit financial situation and to take ,gttc h steps as nutty be decided.- "That eided.-"That the Presbytery urge• midi eon- g,regatlolt 10 ul.u•rve Illi• week of praJ'- ing and front Novetul,r 3 (o Novetutsr'11. approval by the t;eu• e• lel Assetrbly lint Jens, - "That eel) congregation 1s• ur,e.l to taken 1l.rtal offering"ou. the Sun- day !before or after Thnnk.gie J.:, I,:e; •'••-gl.nl to complete without fail the 1n_4 6111,.111lon to each congregation .• Retundag likeyt Appointed Ge.rg.• McKee. of the 7..wu.1111, .11 UeKluop• ha+ holm app.'inte(1 return- ing oftle.•r for ('entre Huron for the ptebbe•ite of October :::Lrd. The re - .114n itig.oig.rr for South Huron Is 17..lw•rt 11iggttu, of 11en401 ; uud, a. al- e;iitr annomwwtl, Within)* 11441e. "of Dungannon, is the oeie•,r for North Dimon. DOMINION OF CANADA j LOAN -1924 THE BANK OF/ MONTREAL at all its Branches will accept applications for he new Dominion Government Bonds either from new subscribers or 'from holders of Victory Loan Bonds maturing 1st November, 1924. w o wish to exchange for the new issue. Full partil Tars will be gladly furnished at any branch Of the B¢iNK OF MONTREAL f Public Subscription is invited for $50,000,000 Dominin of Canada Refun *ng Loan 1924 4 1-2 Bonds Dated October 15th, 1924 Due October 15th, 1944 Principal payable at the office of the Receiver -General at Ottawa or that of the Assistant Receiver -General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. Semi-annual interest ( 15th April and 15th October) payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Denominations: $100, $500, $1,000 All bonds may be registered as to principal only, and bonds in denominations of $500 and authorized multiples thereof may be fully registered. These bonds a 'zed under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. 0. Prie and accrued interest, yielding 4.73 I'nr. has,•rs of 44 lanlnring N. $n.•h purchas. Victory Ifood 1. dstesl (let Interest I.S1 of 4.75 per ilh 1111711 shake imm PRIVILEGE OF CONVERSION uury make lrynleht on (k•tols•r 1:H11 nett with Victory II Is Mee -1.1. 1924 loner detaching Inter.et doe November 1st ). • will receive in cash the 11117vreucr between the ince value of maturiml and thv Jrriee of the mnv bonds. namely. XI per $100. As new 1..nd. will la•r 150h. ni h pnr•h;,sers will thus meek.. n bonus of 0O'•lia11 month's . thereby reducing the (mat of new howls from 97 to 111.711. lir a yield rate cent. .1s the amount of this issue is limited to $50,(111011), as <ti nlslr,-1 Big Lauds of 1>ppr,xintately $14)7,01s7,0111, holder,. desiring to convert should 1Ilnte application. • Dominion of Canada bonds are the most attractive investment available in Canada. This offering is made subject to prior sale and advance in price, and the right is re- served to allot a less amount of bonds than applied for. Bonds are offered for delivery in interim form about October 15th. 1924, when, as and if issued and accepted by us. O. F. CAREY & SON, Masonic Temple Building, Goderich, Ontario Phone 230