The Signal, 1924-9-25, Page 22 Thursday. September 23. 1921.
Member of ('msadian Weekly News-
paper Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.110 per year. To
United State, dud Fer•iga Countries.
1;2.50 per year. strictly In advance.
• Telephone 73 :: Goderieh, Out.
W. H. Robertson. Edittie and Manager^4e1.4.-iubrr '=.i, 11424.
Mr. Ferguson ens no! yet explained
Isis 1yste1t1 of ' Gove•rnineut (stetted."
which he says will differ from the
'r. -tem« In effect in Quebec. and
British ( 'oI111u1.11.
• • •
.\rmnn•1 Lavergne aiya Ido•" • ate
..oly three Well of sine.rity.In Can-
adian 110111 leo-Henri Minnows. Mr.
Me1011:o. and 1.iut`elf. 11.u.•1't even
include Rad. Hogers:
• • •
The Milverton Sian . oustderx thea•
reports of slily -seven bushels of
ebony le 'the acre ton.gret n et rain
We,tt. erwlulit f_ It thinks }ixty Lu+in-
,.els should be the limn.
• • •
Eeery British stlllhet twetalynte
years old. resident In Canada twelve
month.. MO 111 411e nnn11.'I1r1lily thra.•
months. has the right to vote in the
jilted/wile ala the It. T' .t. -prodded
hi. (,.r herr u.tnte is en the cuter:
The. -strike of the Alberta co 11 .sin
Ili Is gichie Nova rteetin ri.:t! •
favorlhle igwnriug lel the market of
Central ('nnada. Thr. (It4-te.4 (our:
• ruweut has erten., to assist in brine -
Il• the e,e13l w-.,tw:ar.l.if the Gatlwa:
w ill rwlm.e Ili•ir .arrylu. l'lnr4es•
• • •
A Wruv4er man pr.N144.,,l w plant./
-11.1 :IL that measuriel .Ix feet hl 10111th.
• .\ neighbor eau .0 re he 1ol11d !Neat 1-'
t' at least two feet. Litt was nfra:.l
to go lute Ilia paten ter fear of get-
- ling lost. At any rate. that is the
story. and surely nobody at Wroxeter
Would tell n fib.
• •'•
It would help in ;polite; t -hl. 4.11
1•••.• war tight 1f they would tell 4,a
41hi111 side ly the 1.11,0ral 4.11 whh•h
the (bfMercallre. or 9141c41 I►•m,N•
Mel whlcb IAlmblic:ui. 41.4,,, mad
uta Lu laud Hp dnu'1 .icor to
For Flavor
insist on
Always fresh and pure. - Sold
only in sealed aluminum packets.
writing i14 The Chrlslhin Guardian.
says :
old+oxhibitlou was glveu at dm
Bader •11ee Of. the desire of business
Meta nod Provincial 134,4 4111111ltilwl Ite
ILoritle. to lean on t11,• parse of the
hotuiulou. It must keep the Federal
Mlnist,-rs guessing to knw't what they
are to do. First the busiu*T4 men of
the ....tiItry gather ii soh ewu e114-
1111ye 11 lid 00t141 *limn a deplllaRon 1,1
Ottawa to tell 111*' Geveruwcat that
Heir first duty is to twouomixe. and
thou. 11. .,pro a* slew•• pithily work Is
%mewl -* r there is el:tenntee in bus1-
14•0, the 144 4 : 011K11114•11 men cry out
that the 4,nvertuMnt tuust provide
the funds. Now. It as a einlple matter
e.f e1191111a.11 y0pe halt we 1.41111x.1 hal y.•
'.114111. MI/110111y 71114 free erlctiou ,of
1•-11111414.--atorlt1.4wre. there ---147141- Year)
rwhrre 11i'•,the extents• of the 1k1mh.-
luu. It w- ted Ire smelt wore 4 -01141110-
1t -e to 1%441• ,ay If the •y wen,
rappel when. t Is 14. be '.pN•1t. Tia.•
ix.xltlon taken c air. Mu rd.w'k on this
'ue••tloti, wr311 rt • nenJ ly mon 110.
proper people to .k after the 1):a•
employed ere the a -ors of our Ott,.
.trot towuN. ,They. / one, can tie
helm... ..f ti,.1" tier(._ n 1. therefore.
they ..honed provide the ft alt if any
• emerge•1,•v" that. is yolxltthre)
p..wer or the unwltli,nlities o stet.
4 .0 'the 1hnninion might •rlulls
• .1,. 1.111 that %heath! IN. only aft the
I.• in,., had donee I4. fn!t -.Imre.
Lrsol 11one•. awl Splendid Farms
seen on Etre, Iland
r'.. 4.14•1,41 Ad vertls.•r. smelt haw
leen reporting crop cuixliiiou. h.
Western 4)ntnrio. 1:134 the (Wiwi:leg
starve) of the Huron 04.4ri.t:
0 of The .t.lvi• crop
survey 1s. like' No. s. ai mixer( fartu-
leg seethe.. 11 inelmiw' fl rieb and
fertile strip of Lind renuhag from
1Ide•rtu, to Wrotham. and 14, (444.
area err along this nowt.. .•1,• sw•N
nems of the ?Meet cattle -raising
unary i1)- \Y,•.tern 4hdarbi.
The ..d! itI this -set i0111 14 pr.*,
Bradly all clay nod clay loan
ter while . • of the .Ii,trl••ts 11e
ein:hal in this area rant t.i a light or
anwllnm loam. very little light l.6.1 is
(..uvey nn11-t, to the (heltlenar.sI 1101.1 .e4•4,. 4111 thIs 1041111 IN•I1. the Oiler
1\'e dwu't •.now y'hkh • Io ('herr industry Pt the riling elf beef cattle,
with a few exe,ptielle where the tet -
for, cd••tey is tnit,v.I .1 airy carte, ''r elft it
• • • pup
rNle Shorthorn..
The Prime of \\' •+ 4.0111d make �a 111 moat : srti•i1s one ser. fine herds
n eros. . 14,r n w e i 1 e
t l th m whI I frm th
i s.4, n author if would publish
h t a 1 1 ,algN.erata•e of The herd. hat'r t..w•n
his views ou New York and 1e-
13nd 01N•Iety. '1'erbap. fifty years
hence. when 111. )denser11 are pub -
lishwI. the world will have 01nue In-
teresting extra.•(s front hi. diary of
71114: hot Iutallue what a "best sell-
er" it would be It he would publish
11 now.
• • •
II 14. Melliveriti. K. C. one of the
members from the city of uttawa tai
1.e Blouse 111 Cent:non.. has Nee' ap-
pointed to the Fe.b•ru1 Cabinet with -
rut portfolio. Mr. M,•(Tive•rin L. a pop-
ular member of the lions.. and has
sLurcu considerable aptitude for 1'alr-
litueutnry work. He bi fit accompany
!'render King on his Wo of the Vi -tet•
.•4,a 1'r.vimc. th1. fail.
• • •
The dl,ntren1 ('onserrutiees do not
es -in to be haring much 44ecee.44 in
their r'vnit ag:ainsj Mr. Meighon'.
leadership. 'rhe kes to rhe oirnati,m
!i.•. in the fact that nearly all the
Conservative membra tlt (1l Irma
corse from o ld:trio and they seem to
be sae:ried with Mr:' M.'lghen as
leader. ,L'ntr.-,l has aloof' the same
right to dictate- to the 1'nn011'.)tive
party :4. Toronto wantld iclrn to Is'..
the Liberal pert,.
• • •
Winston Churchill 11,1,4 boxed . the
centiles. It is Announced that he haA
definitely thrown In his lot with the
Cons,•rrne...ea Brought trp a Tory. he
went over 4,, the Liberals twenty
t,.tr' ago on the free trade issue and
was n member pf mneee.Alve Liberal
1:4e. runout. 11A !ung Aa. the 1.IMraln once in reeht years
he has had several defeats A. n
Liberal candidata•, nn, having n
deep -sated ave•r,lnn to a life of quirt
retirement he «111 n..w try kis for-
tune as a Conservative candidate.
f:hurehill ham Ability of n high order
and n certain Amount of mineerlty.
and whether 1144 a Liberal or As a (b4,•
dery*tire hitt pelitieal emirate will n't
be IAoking In the Wenn-woe.
• • •
• 14o many hrieka Are being thrown At
the MInfater of 'Aber In the Federal
Government that it Is 1n!ete4ting to
have motnedw'e/• say a word for him.
DIarllsaing the recent ,nnfer•n.•,• on
naemploymant at Ottawn. '4 sndidus,"
bred 4,p with some care tet•ugtt the
owe of pure-bred sire..
All along the route .nue 1. lin-
pressed-with the fine appenran.e of
11.3,4,.. and th. general npywelrinte wf
thrifty preep'rity. At no point on
this route Is one affronted with tb.
wlgllt 1.f neglected ..r :abandoned Mille,
while'ntl the otter hand the mntori.t
le forcibly struck warn the abundant
,;sepia n11.1 .icn. of n lets-) harvest
411111.11 tire apparent nn every haul.
Splendid Gritting Land
in the part of floe. A,r•Rn1 beteetet
!Merton nod IA•nfie!d the road fol -
!owe n (devious (...nre through s ,neat
• len,f1d crnaing 1:1441. Fat catrle nod
.leek 414F14 . are tanking the beat of
the short time 10fore the winter stall
fe,rling comments, and the farmer.
who own the land nre lmsy finitlilug
their thre.hing. sowing the frill wheat
nod snaking preparations fur viln-
(1111 n g.
At this point the trim erop is very
fair, although 01artel) up to a norm,il
yield for this dletri(-t. which nslnl y
pr,duees excellent corn. The thresh-
ing is well advent -is! and wily A fens
more fields require to Ise :rewired of
tete stooks) grain. Some of 4134 farm -
ere hereaew'nt/4 have ?sawn their Lel
wheat. but in ns..t eneee this wor'.
etaairnn. 40 be ,.onpleted.
In „peaking of the new sowihe of
fall Wheat. it might 1.e well to teat,
here that In all the districts vielted
so far there ha. leen entire antis-
fa.•tlen %OM, the manner In which the
full wheat lame Jinx worked 4,p. and
this (Tel. IP h'Irtg sawn in an extrn-
orlinnrity fine sew] Md.
Numbers of Sheep.
Through the whole of the ilderton.
IMnfie'.t dlstriet. And !n filet right to
Exeter. n goad prop,rtloe of ....beep Is
iurintainel to sdntion 10 the num-
ber of e•aftle and horsiest on the Aver -
,age farm.
On the D.infield farms the crepe and
pasture. are Both eeteltent. and large
yields are reported on every hand.
Tier ernpp. Atilt minding on rho farm.
of M. W. Henry and S .1. Hodgins
looked splendid
on this Ae•tlon of the route.
and for that matter right to Wing
ham. urr A dieappoloting amp. And
texts fnrmer. :who dfwlnitel It lento
that n penitiee shortage will ice felt
hefore sprint.
in the ('Inn4eix'ye dlstrlet the
ernp. Are Rpler0Hd, onto running chose
to 43 bnelhelo. A. nn nvernge, while
)Irlrl. of 441 Medea. of wheat line.•
been repnrsel. From Cland eltnee to
C'entrist's the land peewee very
little In character and the cropm nn -
Heed would run very m itmmde in
Tllen• appears to be mere clover
grown In the etrefrh from ('Iwneleb,re
to Exeter than In the ilehrtoa ser
11.111. :fid same exlrll.lit 01.aier nod
344111(11 seed crops are rep.rt,'d. Victor
Hogarth. }Neter. statlug that he ha.
NIA Griulus alfalfa +atilt% will 141111
mu four Lu.'a.•I- to the sere.
Operate Flax Mill
in the ('entralht Aviation flails quite
an important item o11 01111)« ..f the
farms and the vicinity tw.alt1 a flux
acreage of over 3110 acrt•a. The own-
er+ 40 the I'eelltralia plant aiiul op•r-
ate n finx mill at Dashwood. in the
district under dle.etiaskn.
In the Exeter lord Hru01t11 di.trl,t
sunt diverefq Iii the farming and
ace) ROMP slw•Iuila.d cryo are (wind.
The most ❑itere.tIng er.p In this (11s -
trio t.. oll.iders coming In Is the
prohi.•Hon of Dutch- sets.- ..r peed
onion.. This fmlu.try 01101. belonged
starred"tPnttrrty -to- the- t.eettnn - -ad-
latent tent to- Iletpoill, hut from etmtinu-
ens cropping the crow In the lien -
sail .istrlet fell off. while that gruw»ra
In MIP Exeter di'.trict started growing
Ike meta. ' .
:1t b ..,tt.t.ler,.l twiny tint the
centre of the 1 wet, industry Ills
sit 11i iiei*al! but In Exeter. In both
.1IsIriet. this )*-aar'. crop Is unusual-
ly Beast, and' although dry wentlter for
curing wens :it a pretalnm. the grnwerw
are' well i'''»1 with the reesllts of
their cropping.
The growing of i)utch setts entails
n great deal of tedious hand work,
both in hats) we -wiling and i1 handling.
the creyl at p11114ng -time. Exhort
Limo -ledge of rite trip is required., it
statet but to those who are will -
I to try It 'in earnest this crop
of / .. fairly large return. Crum a
tiny .tereage.
Well Above Average -
Tho. cue a. 11:1 141 sun the 1%1 11110
tit Bert F.. I and ,..fliers in the alis -
tile?. Are sa fo )w''wrll Alsace aver-
The grew•Ing If •table turnips by
%everts! of the fa Ts In the Im-
mediate vieii]tc of ,xeter hoe creat -
t -41 finite
1 nein,
l .•a therethe
for h
er'.wer. and .Itiilw'rea. isnd from that
p.lnt fine table turnips re exported
in .arle.11 Int.( for 414Atrile lore In the
ri t pats. \\
The newest farm h,.Irr•tr?', In the
•listrlet 1. the 1r..wtnt of grow. pea*
and 1d••kint i e:rmisers for the far•
tote In F.xetetl. Tide 1. the first
(hat ninny of the fnrmerw have eni
trnctel as factory grower,. nm1 th
fe''Ing rretrerhing the roams frim
this Lnnx•h of work Is that while
1 • n. tit•' ,a Lair rt tern for the work
ins-d{red. the feeding con ernfnlf rat-
enmlN•r'. is net sl f:n•orable, nithnngh
on Nom.. farms where the fnmIly i•
Mile to help to the picking the ('47.
ti mb er crop- is reckoned ellstlnrtlr
worth while.
Hemel Crops Good.
in the Ilenasa!! district wane flue
••rop1 weer. ••••••n. that•te an the florin
of 11. Th'naal being ontatnndInl.
Rehvo,•n I11m.1111 and Ttns•efle•Id n
Ilmlted Anunmt ..f flax is grow FT. and
the crop 444,4, :a 1s ls•itg 4,am..1 to
the fn•4'.ry i. it splendid .amp:, 311,1
to henry y1e'd of both weal and fihr •.
Tl..ln. fl r,' 4)11111' plentiful• and some•
of the erre. towards Bnte•field nre
quite equal to thele in the )seas
country surrounding Bridgetown and
hr chi. ere -Hon there I. 'mite a
moles'•) ton-nrd'. :Miry cattle. and
Nome fine herds of Holsteins were
',merry on 1111 the form'. lis T)iwtrkt
i. nn important brntw•h ,.f the farm-
ing. and '.one *'(c.•11,•nt flock. of both
!tarred Bock. and White T,eghorns
Isere visited. T)n•k. And gest Aro
tellte mimerone while tmrke.s were
rnrely sawn.
Tn the immediate 'ieinit) (f (Vinton
that sowing 0f fell whent Is well
in hand. anal on None, of the farm.
GOA work lin. been or'mplefed. The
small grmin harvest In the neighbor-
hood of ('llnfon 4,na been n heavy
one. and ..n every hand excellent
yields nre reporters. Wheat 411011141
arrrage around 33 bushels with carts
running close to 410 bushel. on all hot
the exhnusdr4 or lone rented farms.
Clover is Gond
On Co., farm of .T. T. \uttingham,
Clinton.' the clover end corn look.
exee.p(Innnlly Awe!. although clover
throughout the ,•ndre district Is n
crop of env): cheree•ter that compar-
ImOatA sr.• dlffionit. s imiform are
the field..
After I•rvving Clinton and turning
tnw-nrd0 T.emdn.lorn' the mnntry be-
come., rolling, and althoegt the
type of 04.11 changes little from that
(if the level .'onntry between CIAnd..-
boa e And Clinton the farming re-
turn. more to nature of a grazing
di.trlct. And the dairy type of e+vttle
are 14441.. In evidence.
'Ely crapa in the T.Onl.whorre dfA-
trt(•t and from thence to Myth are
all exeellonf. and the pnotnre ie for
the meat part 41111 mplenlid, Rome
exception'. to this ewcnrring where
.mnll local .tretehe. of gener4 come
chow to the surfs:rat the effect of the
too abundant r*lns of the Mrveet
se*.nn housing hems effect here than
on the rich cool rear.
I'ot/iteo. In the dl'.ttie•t of T,nndem-
Mro Are particniarty fine. and those
en the farm of Victor Roy will run
clone to 17'. bushel«. The masnp(ra
of p ntatoe. .ten moo. Birth end filen
at H4.4er wore exeeptlonarly Erre
of 0111, (r'n.hlering the damp Mile
(Continued 04, pagr 71
4,.1ericit, (Int.
Thou gh•'st the Spirit's blessed dew'er.
Spirit of life and love nod 41►w-er,
1pd dost Ilus sevenfold graces) shower
1'Is,u Its all.
ter son's redeemed. for sins forgh'eu,
t'or 1111•11 101 of grate and hopes of
111.14 )011.
4.'a11,•r, what ,au to Thee b.• given.
Whn gives( nil'
-4'. Words.%orth.
(t Lord. help us, wluit,'ver hin.Iran-
.r•s to true rummutlion with 'Thyself
010 11111) he 14w71r• or. or unaware of
it, our ,•h,lral•ters and In our port.
'Eike these away, and set us fret to
rise. free to love. to thank. to trust
and behold. Give us the touch .1f '1'h)
own finger In our hearts Ihat n 1113111*'
of secret! 1ov11 may spring from that
fiery touch. (lave ns u clear insieb1
into what we to IN. anal w but
we ought to aim at In this ertrthly
life of ,Ion.. Through Jesus 4'hrist
our Lord. .\ides.
S. S. LESSON FOR ()('T. 3111. 19•!1.
Ralson Title --The Choice of the
Lesson Passage -Matt. 111:1-8.
(:olden Text -Malt. 10:8.
111 the last vets• of the pre•e.ling
ehaptrr Christ stirred up 111A disciple.*
to pray that God would send forth
laborers. for "the harvest truly is
plent'ansb but the ore (.'w•:'
nod now'the answer (rime+ in the or -
aliening of the dl•l•iples to, he twos-
! ties.
Verne 1 -The General f'ommi.sion.
T7+Iee 111,11 had Is•ca ,.II!,.1 4.. be
Ifollowers, nod Joins said h.• w..mld
make them Asher. of men: but they
i haul 1.. be learners first ;1 1..1 so he kept
them otos• by, him. 1..114.111 111: lh•au 41.
private. M•silles the.IINtonrs4s. they
Ilstetel. t.. In the Nytu.ognes and et
the acs -sloe. It ens a rime of pre-
(.ntiun. :luring wldeli th.y•were beam;
fitted for the .Hffi.ult ',lays ahead.
He opened the Seriptulrt4 to f1n•nl. for
"to them It was tfy.el to know the
' mysteries of the kiug.I of heaven.''
Ile called tlu'tu to 141111 slid emitter.'
thew with the p.w,r wlaiolt'Ihi•c had
s.i often seen him n.h1g am a segs ..t
14r. divine relationship to the Rather.
They were h1Iwoport IN• hes nae
and he full- gtmlified them by glviut
them extssorlinnr - mover That they
might glee proof of the m0.•are they
pro•Inimel-the message whirl was
to overcome the det•I4 and • sine the
Valve* 2. r Mealier anti
Their utintb •r w•a. 1344.4.'1•. r•fi•rrin.r
s.. the unmlier of 1111• tr111.•..4 Iprml
an.l the WIGS of .Ta/r1I, the were the
971trinrrlts of the... tribes. These
were the twelve glare that made up
he church's truss(iter. 12:11 the
tlrielr, fenndntion. of the new Jet..."
ern. 1 1:.'r. 21 :12. 1-1 a .
• ,,t the twelve. Itartla.'Iamew
and mom th.• ('nnannite. ore not
nr•nthm .l again. They _ ore name.!
in •"'I'4e mid three of the.» (r.uide•s
W. .
r. .1f h• good
)''.4 pleasant lea•ant 1M Is for brethren
to dwell tege'her in nnitc" IIA.
1:13:11. Judas I.:•nrlot is always
named Inst and with the added words
..who - an la>„ 1N•1 r:a veal tum." the
first Christ haws hl. !moire. yet he
took him ano.1114 11 111I One*. *0
that It might not I*. n +(lrpri'.e or di.-
ceuragenient.10 h)a church, if: at ,Rav
timethe vilest menlo11)1'. should
Xte'tl.,... !T, r•r.-
Ver west 5-8-T11e4r irwtnIefi
11,' first t,'ld them to whom het
N -Pr,' not to g'• -nut to flin (Tent e•
tier the S:anulrI(nn..
The slew-.. the post 4411e'p pf the
home. of J'.rnel, must first hare the
gospel preached to thaws. After they
rejecter .T••su.. lifter his re.nrreetion
he enlarged his •nmmis'lnn. .a)ing
•NGn ce th'•rrfare. and te,n•h n11 un•
t Inn.."
He sweielly told them what to may.
They were to be Itinerant presehes.
going. n. he had gone. from place t"
pence and proclatn4ing that "the kite: -
dem of henven 1. at hand." 'Illat
WW1 h1. t,'xt A. 11 had been that of
John (11.. ilnptIst. him folerunner In
the third place he fn.tenttr(' therm to
use their power for the goose of oth-
er.. The gospel message, Ae pro
e•Iainted by the angel'. to the shep-
herda, wit. that of goodwill te mon
and (pod's hnrmin mesa'ngere have
the same blessed Instruction. to ear-
ry out. "They urr .ant nhrnad as
pithily hlesoing., to Intimate to the
w•cld. that love and gn0dnwu were
rhe Apirlt and Rennet of that eo.pel
wWeh they tome to preach(. And of
that king,R)m which they were em-
ployed to .et ftp."
Lu1tlf. they were to do na they had
been done by, "freely ye have rn'rly-
ed. freely give." From the day when
I.T.•.uo .nid to the two dfaelple'm 411:o
follpw-'d hem. "What seek ye." And
they seed " Where dwellew.t fh041 "
and he replied "('one and .er." up to
this Bending forth 0f the apostle.
they had received eracloes twatmeat
at his hande and he would here them, to 0111 who needed to be
h„Al..d. The goepe! moo -hers meet
toll Ineos'antly. Petting the Lord «ter
before them. The late Dr. Whtte. of
Free St. Genrge'e. Edinburgh. preach-
ing to ernftene at lona one holidne
Hine. took A. hi. text. "i have Pct the
Lord ever before me." And in the
(-nurse of 111. remnrka called np•n hi.
fellow mint.ters holtelnyi4ng with hltn
"to .ef the Lord wlwAy. before ns
white e'neneel In mer studies. for. If
two .110 that. then nor preAohfng would
he an much (he hotter" On another
nm*Pinn he .nid. 'nforninr. nn0n. And
night mf- hello tuna( he In WIT h.n'l.
After has death 4 was wtltten 4,t hint,
"41e had him reward in t.h. fralMt/-
ttea. of him intlldt work mad In the
Coats for Early Autumn
and Winter
('oats of the finest all -wool fabrics, tailored and beautifully
made. Plain and fur -trimmed models; size, $14.7511$60.00
18 to 44. Prices range
OW -
Of seleel heavily furred dark natural skins. Large collars. coat,
silk -lined throughout, length 45 inches. Sleeves, beautifully
sterid -lined. Very light and halnthaune they are, $125.00
Ind extremely et}'Iish.Sizes 34 to 4'_'. Special value..
Large doable -bed size, white with pink or blue over ebeck,$9.75
super pure all -wool awl whipped singly. SiweiAll per pair
(prey all pure wool Blankets, largest double size and.'$6.50
whipped' singly. At per pair. ,
Largest double -bell size, best equality, pink or blue
borders. Per pair
- w'4ias
Famous Billy Blake Dresses ter '.louden alt!
misses. ('loth dresses. Canton crepe
Dresse§. .eiv models anti single garments
of a style. A large showing.
("..1.1. (BESETS
gat 10 $3.I$) pair
Women's black '('aaalmere. pure all Saxon,'
w'ta►l uses+t' with elastic J0I'aey top!(, lull
fashioned(: heavy weight. Size's S's to 980
10. Regular',? 1 25. at per pair -
A very large and eomplete• range in Stanfield's, Penman's and Peerless niake..e
for women and children. 4
W. Acheson & Son
11..a• he kindled in multitudes of other
...ills.' lie received freely; he gave
freely. e♦
111)RL1) )Illi"IONS
'few ('all of Ida Smolder
She w -as of the third generation of
u biers, ml t Hach from 1. . a
. t.
ludia but she Intended to live her
own Iafe ne If she haul not been a
rt. -teller Surely else had the right 44'1
:1. d.•. Tfits mends) she, after fintph-
fug her college cont'.,' at Northfield
Seminary. returned to India an n VI/414
NIP her ►wrent.. The $",'1es .1111 41'•
'herr and the appeal. made to her l burItel into her heart until '.he ..rtnte •
to know that stronger note her Own
will waif. the will of (Ted 11111. made
known to her. Sh.• returned to 1'. S..
entered 4,a tl 41..11 nl School. And
twenty-five years aeo began her llfa-
o..rk In the new W..tten•. 11...pit;11Jn
\'enure. built largely from funds
wldch oho herself h14 eollew•ted:
111yth Sept. 23. 26
itrus.els Oet. 2. 3
ihmganu011 (kt. Z. 3
Lucknow Sept. Z), 26
WinaJuam Sept. 2), 30
Sept. 25. 26
Frost Fence FOR Hard Wood
Baled Hay Baled Straw
RubberHomestead Fertiliser Rock -faced Shin
•tired Buggies
Phone 165 GODERI'CH I
Hamilton Street
1. ,k anal )'n.'. n. fr.•I1. $: 1..,4'1..:
Ir e� 11„y an- \11\111 I4RA\le 11 I
cured -'4,-
Misses' and Crowing Girls' Patent Strap Slippers, Sandals and Oxfords
fr.,a,. 1:'.all, t., +-, 141
Get Your Footwear ■t
Hern's Boot Shop Ph Nae
Your Fall Clothes
See what a difference they will make in
your appearance if tailored here
Get your order in for a Snappy Top Coat
and enjoy the comfort it will give you
Ha ,All New
They are packed full of style and you are bound to
enthuse over them
Just the right Hat for each individual, and all at $4.00
Use our re -lining, remodelling, and repair service
McLean's Block, East Side of Square, Goderich