HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-18, Page 8h Thursday, Scpt.•w4, r 1s, 1921, CHURCH NOT= The service. Ill Kenn (hurl next .Sltllwth will be in charge of the Min- ister. Subjects of ...utmost 11 rims "lit'e'r (a►latiyu au,l ltespouaibitity 7 p.m.. "t'nrlulalted Purpose.... *Sabbath school and Bible, classes. at :t o'clock. I'.•puratiutu are beim made for spm,ia1 tNNtvkew In street char+h lbeeitining (k•tober 13. Tit. castor will be atwlh.ted by l'rof. and ]Ir.. \\'.u. of Lnitunapolis. who will bate charge of the .sag services and help in the ministry of the word. .11 \ (.'traria street Methodist church next Sunday the services will lie e on- dncte.l 1.J . tie pastor. Mot -14111i mile pet : •'1'r.•pwrhig the Way of the 1.e101." Evening atlbjer•t : "Halting Ire. t we t% 1'w,. 4►pltnlous." Sunday rented at 3 o:-l.a•k. Morning prsJ•er-rrteet- bi4 at 10 'o'clock. A tordlal welt -owe to m'1 services. 71q• se•rtitt-*s at North street Meth..- dist *Jinni' next Sunel.ay will be eon - 11151141 a. follow*: 141 a.m.. a lei s Club meeting. The M1d,je,i. 'Che Tragedy of Indecision.- will to Inl'o- dueel In the (club by 11r. D. -Mooney. .(t the ensuing service, at 11 aan., a repreaeutath'e of the outrriu I'roluhl C Peine will lomwL and an 1111.1'1114 well (w taker fur • local exp•u.e's ht eontit't' with Un' llt4tist•IIe. Mn ti nay school tn.,•ting at :t else. .1t 7 p.m., Itev, Toshio Ilarano. a native tit Jape% will, speak. The Young People's I.eagnt` of North street Meth...Hot church held a *octal evening on Tnr,tkty. Gomm eery indulged In during the first part o1 the ev.tdng and were tulluwtrl by the steering of refreshments. A pleas- ant feature of the °eyeshot wits the pr•seutalt,'11 11f a Iwautitul ci.lek to ales. Aloud Howell, who leaves on aloskiy, text to attend I.ulnkm Nor- mal School. Folhhytng the pmsMfa• tion, brief ail/dreams were given by Rev. J. E.. Holmes and Miss 11 Mattie MISS iiowell las been n faith tel member of the League and will be greedy missed. Mr. llarano, who speaks at North The Management of The James McManus Pasteurizing Plant wish to announce to their customers and the general public that they are now tarrying fresh Hairy and Creamery Butter and also Buttermilk on their regular milk delivery rigs at all time.. Butter, Milk and Buttermilk can he hail at the plant on East S.r.'et at any two. between !1 :1. to and ti p. Irl. THE SIGNAL, st rret •Me•thealiat rhun•h Sunday t•ven- bia. 1g .t t'r4sttaa of the wr,wd gree• eration. 1111. Lather latvlug {a•t'n n l'hrlsliau preacher In Japan. He Is a graduate of Kobe Ualverrity and hold. Ips It. 11. from Victoria College, Toronto, where he wall three y,tart in attendance. The part year has Seri spent in work lu liritlmh t'..tuue Ma. iie is now on .his way to Pale 1'ulversltj', where Ire will take an- other year's study heron* returning to take etp ht. lifework am a Chris- tian ruluister. in Julien. He sleeks ett,'llrut English and will give an In- teresting and helpful atklrt'am Sunda; DIED. len 1011, of Friday, Sep- tens' dr 12. 'toy M. Black. beloved Ionian' of Marguerite Johnston, aged 213 years and 2 months. a14K►RR.-Im Guderich township on Friday, SepAeuM•r L". James 1/on- aid Moore. youngest salt of Mr. and Mrs. Jim .on.. aged a mouths and l:t days. WANTED - GODERICH, ONT. • �( I GL'NDBICS BALE REGISTER I Tuesday, Septt•ualwr :a►. orators auctton sale of farm stock and implements at the primes.. °t We late Charles 11c*w"na►u. Aelifh lt'. Wed'►e►day, September 24.-Auclluu mile of form. tarty shack, hay, gralu. Implement, ,utd hiuseh.Ad furniture at the (arm of Mr. Idea Yunug, lot 1i, cne•...htn N, W, 11, Colborne.. ' PUBLIC NOTICE l►TII't: of 1►EwsoL1'T141N uF d'A ItTN I:IOS 111 l'. Notice is hereby gleet. that the part• terwhip 'heretofore subsisting between os. the uuderslgnrl. u. barristers, •sd- k•itors, elet, In the 'Ilttvi of G,slertdl, has this .Is been,lissulved by mutualconsent. ' Dated at Goderich. this 1st day of $e ptewlwr, I924. JAMES 1.. KILLlRAN. Dorothy Marshall. IR E. 114bl.al1)S. FOR SALE 1N11:11. \1\111 1`0It GENERA!. FOR SALE. - -1 LIMITED (WAN - ."1"n1 ..rw omen by the tlsy' l' Q .;tail wage.*. AMY to Mr.. J. E.tit,.. of god. dry hardwood; cut ItAElltILER. North street. 12 and 10 bitches lung. Prices reason- alle. Orders may be left at WM. HILL'S, East street. Telephone ne :1(kl w•. AUCr1ONEEBINa • THOMAS GUXDRY, GODERICH. 1.1 V E STOCK AND G FINERAL AUCTIONEER' Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. 1 M. STALKER AUCTIONEER for household effects farm stock etc., for the County of Heron, Address all communications to J. M. STALKER. Auburn P. 0. 44-d Your Fall Clothes See what a difference they will make in.. your appearance if tailored here Get your order in for a Snappy Top Coat and enjoy the comfort it will give you Hats ---All New They are packed full of style and you are bound to enthuse over them Just the right Hat for each individual, and all at $4.o0 Use our re -lining, remodelling, and repair service FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR AND HATTER McLean's Block, East Side of Square, Goderich BC. SHINGLES. -Carload of B. C • XXXXX shingles and cellar siding at McCaw Station. (ROBERTSON i TREBLE. R.R. No, 5, Goderich. Tel, pbones-Dungannon ami'Carlow. FARM Fonrt,\I,F:.-1.1►T lit CA)X- • trosion 12. l'otlorue township. (hue of the best grain farms in Colborne; good buildings; good water anal good drainage. immediate lswsesiuu : tel.•- pl and daily mall. 11It$. 11ETIl- E:R I NGTON. It. R. 4, Goderich. PRIVATE $.t I.K.-TNF: FOId.011'- inpr goods belonging to Mr. Rich- ard ltowp will be sold at the prewis.•- tit afro. pantie!. Newgatte street : 1 .t upta.artl, 1 t,ltk Fiore, bureau. 4 lairs, 2 rockers, variety of tool-, 1 table, picture frame. and glasses. 1 sh.-eloarrow:'and 41 quantity of lum- ber. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE The Largest Assortment of LADIES' WINTER COATS Ever Shown in Goderich. Inspection Invited. Cut Velours Coats, plain and aur -trimmed, nicely lined and interlined. Crushed Plush Coats, with fur trimming, lined and tone brocaded and plain lining. Velours, wit la fur collars and cuffs of Without, *11' figure -lined itt'1 13 95 interlined, ranging from W interlined, with a two- ......... • • • • • • • • • • • • ......... 04 . up. wo- up. Mnrvella (bat. with Fox, Sable. Squirrel or Thihet Collars, beautitplly lined and interlined, Al ..cry attrnrtive prices Children's and Mines' Coats In Velours and (cut Velours. plain or with fur collars and cuffs. Ladies' Drones 1Vith Braid and Button Trimming in Poiret Twlllt Sergt', TrieAtint', Canton, Crepe and (:t,ttgettes, attractively trimmed with lace, heads, braid Or buttons. Gm Your Fall Hat Here Attract ire Modell, in Felts and Velvet*, with all the different trimming' Al -to Children's Hats. A Hies range of new Fall Coats and raincoats for the Men Cowen WI wee them. 111 THE SQUARE A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS SHOP t11rHLRE YOU ARC INVITED f0 SHOP GODEJtICH PHONE 418 PUBLiIC NOTICE Sheriff. 1;o•1 t i. h, will be Ow *4,1*.) stet of iron harrows; 1 hay and stock mg 4Oli,•er, and Ida (,'Isrk wOl be C. E. nock euut ltwd; 1 wagon, marl, 11.I►tmagh• whom' addtslia 11. R. R. S. how: 1 Ini gy, near'y new; 1 cut' 1.nekuow• Iet, ue:arly new; 1 rood wagon; 1 I .1'l' THF:• '1'4 I\1'NWItl' HALL.. scald tort; 1 IleTuggert to .ring will;, IILI'F:1',\LE, Oi the• 1st .hiy ot(keto 1 wheat barrow; 1 act of ..Iing ropsel: 1 I►e laurel cream sepanOor, Yew: 1 set Of double .11/1111.4111, 1 Net plough bantam; 2 out. of mingle barmiest; 1 emery moue. new: 1 alio, 1:1 c 21; 1 set of sleigh.; 1 flat rack : fork,,. ebalns, *shove's, and uuus•ront other article'. Funtlture:-2 bald.s : 1 ebxen chairs: I last Sud wash stand: -1 Ebel. ; I x11.11111; oteel vouch with Mat. tress; 1 hall rack; 1 New WI*. Mario sewing laxchiuc in Resod onler; 1 111rge• olyda.urd ; 3 CONI 1111 Inul(w I 2 coal old lanterns: 1 tolewan lacer 1924. to J0•ar'cougllulnt, n. to the TICE 0,N'f.1Itl1 Vili'E1t)i' LIST voters' lists for till theside- At'T, 1922. s -(N1) ,tMENtIMKN'l'S. a niclsioue r. w• the Tuwtlwhlp 11f Turn - AND 'THF: ONT.\Itlo TEMPER- b.l•ry, -uud that It. G. Reynold.. Sher- i .tNOE h er- .\NC'E Att'l', 11)24. itt, will he the Iteviolonl ()Meer au l ELECTORAL 7ORA1. L1i'I'ItIt"l' (1F VEX. tai. Clerk will he W. R. ('ndckahauk, THE ill !tON, I olio... lldrosi Is It. It. 1, \\'Ingham D)IINIiTH.%Tiili'' Aryl. ro N - $.\LF: OF FARM FAUN! STIK'K AND 1.fl'LE:ME:.NTs Tlo. administrator. ..f flu• ,....tate 0 (charley M.'ts't rna, !at, of the• town- ship of Ashfield. farmer, Ireeasrl, will offer for sale by peddle auction on the premises on Tt'ESi►,\Y, SEPT. :a►TiI, isAit at 1.00 o'clock pm.. the Gdktwing: Latade:-/Phe *oath holt of lot :1, fake Range. in the tnid township of ,ttcI. ietd. containing 117 acre.* more or hes,, On this property there is n barn 40 by 00 feet and a stntw twat 40 by 40 feet, both on cement foun- 14Nkma, and stabling underneath. water bowls In stall.. Tiler.. Is also a goose e•me'at /dwelling -house; artes- ian well std windmill. The taro has gond clay ham and is 'itunte on the "Ake Sherr gravel road (Blue Water Highway. and in nn excellent farm- ing district. Hormes:-ISH• mare, 1:1 rears old; One gelding. 11 years 'Mil: one noire. !S years Old; one mare. ri years old; one filly, riling 2 yenrs•old. COwN:- One .,ow, 7 yenta old. due In r`nlc.' Feb.; Onto' ,•nw, 4 years oil. doe to entre Y.4,. 13: one calf, 9 months Old; one eat?. 1: months old Implements, Etc -t Inc Int.we r 1 n goswt endition; one sulky rake; One set of double harness; One .14 single harness; one binder: one wttgon and h.tc And tiny rick ; un.• buggy. Nie cream separator; one d.•ntts•nh ; one cutter; one plow; one dice Sereno.; one riding plow ; one drag harrow : one w'uRker; a quantity of hay; about 20 ehickens; about 1M) hem: eight Indian Runner ducks; one pnlls•r; One .,Witt drill; one Chatham hunrinc mill; two hay fork,. with rope and ear, eonplete with sling.: one 'plat- form woks., 3000 lbs.; 1►i14 hunches of itritish I'olutnhia shingles; Our honey extractor; fifteen hive,' of lees: fifteen Nutters; fifteen excluders: .Ole• honey knife; one govern; one drone trap; three hnndre,i has. or user Old oats; four bus. red Clover s,41, more nr leo.; chains, spades, shovels, grain forks and other ,rtic•le•s toe emits Inuw- erons to nnetrtdon. TERMS Ill' $ALE:: --On' fmon-11 per cent. nn (My of Mate• and Imbue, within thirty days. 4'hn1te•Is-Ci.+11. For farther patrticitlsr. and cowl: - Bons of sale apply to the under- signed administratorti or to Jnnu•. L. Killoran, 4:0.elerk'h, 4)ntnriu, solicitor for aetm(ntntratora. Tif►8Lt$ (LUNI)RY, An.•tlou,'•r. JOHN ('AME:ICON, CHARLES ITEWART, Adm in1st rntom. HAVE YOUR WAGON TIRES Cold Set for a permanent job. Dominion Road Machinery COMPANY NOTICE First parade of fall training of "A" Company, 1st Huron Regiment, ,will be hell Tuesday. September 23rd, at p. m. Thos • who trained last hill will report and draw uniform.. ()therm wishing to join will report and join erviee roll. A. F STURDY, Major. , AT TIlt' 'l'O\VN 11.(1.1.. WING - TAKE NOTICE that .11ting.i of Ute, HAV. 1111 the est daisy ..t tk•tols•r, 111'24. rcvlshtg ut6,wrs for the purpmoae of to Jolly complaints 115 111 the 1101. of hearing complaint,. or apis,tls .with voter. for all the lilting snh-elivislou. regard to the Voter, List. to be' for the Toru 111 Windom. mer. and that toast at the voting under the Omtarto' William tutus, lte'gi.trar. Gol.•rich, T.npwrata,' Act, 19'24. keeling fur' will 1s• the itet•Itl.g t►Mleer ultd his the E:Ie•1ura1 District of Pentre Hut'• S'lerk will be W. A. Galbraith, who.,,. (All.k I.Ih• Seep, may: 1 ('olerunn mr w'111 Ito 11.11 at th. following t1n►cs 1111.11-1914is w'h.gham. (1u4rk Sets• lantern, new ; l kitchen nullplalrw• namely: I AT THF: TI1\('NsI1IP HALL. Molt' shoe,•, Iwp•rixl Oxfunl: 1 E:wplra AT THE COURT 11'11'SE;, WOhE• ItIS, on the arse .Sly of (looter. I!r24 (urh range, new; 1 Quiet. hooter, 1RH'H, nn the 25t11, 20th. and 27th , to hear cotupi aitit. as to the 11.1. 1,f 11ew : L Flnn•tt.w fitltnfWrttt sail ell 'lays of September. 11tH. to hear tom- voter. fur all:. Uwe polling Mub-dpvts' stere, :1 Lurn.r w114 oven. plaint. Il. to the lista nt voter,. for- ti.11a for the Tow•tlslllp of Murr!a, and all the polling sub-dlvishots for the that D. 11''1k,ial.1, 1is•ul 1l,'gistr,tr, Town of 4; sk•rkdt, and -that C. Stinger, S. 1'. 11, t;,sIer4•h, will be the Rave.- I:oderleh, will be tin. Revising Officer his finer find Ma (clerk will Ito .\. 1111.1 111., 1'Ierk will Ito L. I.. Knox. 111..1:wan. whose address Is ithn•vul••. mhos• address Is Golerk•h. AT THE TO1\'NSIIII. 11-\1,1.. 1:'111• AT THF: Tt)W'N HAid, 11Ri'S- It1E. 111 the 21114 day of Setde•tuls r, SE:LS. on the 24th day of September, 1924, at 2 p.m.. to hear eon...Hints 1924. to hear Complaints as 10 the am to the Ilse. of voters for all the lista of voters for all the lotting .,ub- polling .Irl. -divisions f.tr the Tnwnsld.1 dItd.lons for rhe village of Brothel., ' 11f Newels and that 111a 1111 and that TIM Honour Judge 1eewls:Judge Lewis will be the Revimtug will be be the Revising t►flker and him' cer :and his Clerk w111 be suns ('. (clerk will ie A. H. McDonald, whose. %Va'ker. whose addrteaa Is Gorrle. address i. I1ruasent. ( AT THE TOWN H.U.L., 1\'I11IX- .1T TIIF. TOWNSHIP HALL. ETI!-F.TEII. ou the and (k day" Af •tole•r. EL on the 1st day nt (tetlwr, 1924, 1 1924, to hear complaint's as to The to Jitir complainti am to the Hots of Ilett of voters for the village of vottra for .alt the polling sub-divia• Wri.aeter. and that 111,. Hunonr Judge tool for low -Township of Grey, and Lewis -will M• the Rrris{ng (Meer and that His .Honour Judge L,wrls, Gone- his (clerk *111 he E. Davey. whose ad - Heti. will be the Revising Officer and dr,•+. Is WruTeter- hi. (clerk will he J. H. Fear, whose .\T ME)MORI.\i. 11.\L1.. 111.1T11. address Is Etbe•1. I mi the 30th day of September. 1924. AT P1111 - TOWN HALL. SEA- to hear emritlalits 1.A to the lists of FORTH. on the 244th day of atgltem' voters for all the 'wiling soh-41vh.- 4s'r, 1924. to hear eomplalnts as to the Ions for the village of Myth. and that liths of voters for all the polling mob ! Ulu. lata, Registrar, G,ot,rIeb. will divisions for the Town of Renforth, : Ito the RevItlieg (thewr wind his Clerk and that R. G. Reynolds, Go*erk'4t t will Ito• H. It. IlleGowan. who*. n.1- I/E\T:1L will ie the Revising (Meer and bit drew. Is Blyth. (clerk will tw J. A. Wilson. whose ' AT FOItE►lTI'ttS' H.\i.1.. BEI. - address. is Scaftirth. GRAVE. on the _'old dry of 0.-tela•r. Dlt. LtHtXF. 1\'11t1�E1' -\T THE TOWNSHIP !HALL. CAR- 11x24, to hear complaint. as to the li,.ts i.OW. on the. 2445 tiny of September, of vgtera for all the pooling std,•dl-j Irverr,Hrniw Shoe Store Telephone 1924. to hear complaints at to the lista' vision' for )ore Township of East \1'a-' 4-,1. E•'miut i toy ng..lntw.•nt. of voters for all the twilling mllltollvlm• Watnwll, and that (\'nl. ('.set., R,•oIn- tort+ for the Township nt Colborne, intr. Gn.lerich, will la• the Itr•rlAing I - MEDICAL -- and that C. Selge•r. G,wlerich. will be Ottieer and her (clerk will be \. Por - the Revising °Meer and Sia (clerk will tt)'tlrld, wham' address 1s It 1t. 1, D1t. ALEXANDER FISHER, be Mrs. G. J. Hetherington. whose Ik•Igrave. slims 1.. R. It 4. t:.wlerk•h• I AT THE Tsl\VN i'JI' HALL.!'leer 1(17 Stratford. Ont. A1' CARNEN:iF. LIBRARY HALT..'WEST \\'.\11'.\N'1SH. ou the :ash lav' Special xttentl.,n given to care of SEAFORTII. on the 23th day of Sett of September. 1924. to hear cum- , kilo'''. and .•bl!dren. 'tor. 1924; to !tear complaints as to plxtuta ns to the lest. of voter. for all th • lista e.f voters for .aft the polling the polling sidedtvision, for the Town- DR. WM. F. HFTCCALF. ylsIo,Is for the Tnwn,.hlp tit sic- ohlp of West \1'aw' 111...11. 111141 thio Bayfield, Ont. 10110.P.Aqui that R. G. Reynolds. God(' It. 1:. itevnolek•, Sheriff. I:.sle•rl.•h. all; I rich, wIltlw the Revising officer Anil he the Revising officer ani his Clerk Once hours -2 to 4 and 7 to a, that his Clerk will ie John McNay. 8-111 be ihtruln *'titins, wh...w ad Oth••r hours by appolntment• w9uw• a,lelrera. 11. it. It. 2, $,wforth• dr.sa 1. it. R. 2, Lneknow-. AT T11E1 TOW7 HALL, CLINTON. EACH SITTING oil!. except 1.A 111R. F. J. R. FORSTEIR oit the 211th day 1st September. er, 1924. otherwise above stabs'. commence at t.. hear complaints as to the lists of 10 .iclea•k In the &In•n•oi1 and will I EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT voters for all tlw tolling sub-dh•it• continue until 12 o'clock MN 011 or until 1 Late House Surgeon New York Oph- loem for Ilse Town of Clinton, and that the appeal, have been dlfi'sw.,l of. thalmbc and Aural Hospital, assistant o'. Seager. G.*s1.•rk'h.. w111 be the Ire• AND FURTitiER TAKE NIMBI: at Moorefield Eye Hospital an. Iroetlry move; 1 weighing lnnrhiue, I!Nal 1ravtty; 1 wmel,lsarn, glnsr; 1 No.. 2 I:tratty Ions churn, new : 1 wet id Fa Ina .ales, new : 1t number of cr.s•Ls :mol other a rt k•le•a Hay and attain: -15 1' 1'044 of buckwheat. standing in field. slsout "M bushel, oats: abut im) bus. mlxel grain; shout :A tuns first cut alfalfa. well netted; about 10 tons Ot oeconl cot elfalfu. well glared; S hout -2(/ total of mixed hay-. w,•II sn'c,I: t, sere m:ingol.h: • ti'1411 of corn: 1 good collie dog. TE:ita1S,-.RII sun. of 310 and tin- der. moth; ut•er that aliment, 12 months' Craik well be ellen of fur- nishing appwnvel jt1,111t non.,. .\ 41. - count of •i We 41411 allowed for cash on credit amounts. The farm. which Is ,etc ,rt-.1-tr moss pr.atu.•tive and best slttiatd In the. township, will 1,e .tfenrl for sake on r,nsnablc tempi. whi.•ti N'l11 be an- noeued at flake of ante. 1.1011:! 1.01'NG, T. GUNDRY, I'rnprtetor. An•tloneer, rising inner and that higl (clerk will that any voter who desire. 1.1 now Golden Square Throat Hospital, Loo- t.. 1►• I. McPherson. whose a+ldrtsr plain that his name or the !UMW of don, 1. ('Ifntoll. ruts p•rsn entitled to 1w Pnt.wrl 011 b3 rloo St. 8., Stratfo. Tel - 1101t0, t'/►aC1(1'NITY H.tLi„ 14iNDF.S- the said list. ham been omitted Vi, -r,'- 1101tO, on the 29th day of S,'premis•r, from. or Gott the names amity person epAt I ssT' 11x24, to hear complaint,' ns to the lists who are not entitled to 1st• vote'nt ore �t Hotel Redford. Goderich, ., o1. of voters for all polling sub'llvidotnt ,•nten,1 thereon.' tray, two clear days her21* :11th. Ar 7:1.1 p.m.. h, for the T,wntiip of 1lnllise and that Iad°n• the days fixed for Ito-.11nq her 2'lmf. at 1 pm. w'w. ('trt[m. G.wl.•rit h, will Iw• the Ire•- the above editing*. apply, e.tatpli.n or, t•Islrtg Ofn.,•r inn b1. (clerk will Ito• appeal 111 IutP hes OM Me nr Ute mese .1. FMnglnnd, w11.114.• ad.in+•s 1. lende-- of any otiter pennon entered nn or re-! tom. morel from the blot.. DROP. W. H. JACKSON, Organist 11.\1111 'SITTING wilt commence at AN1► FURTHER T.%111:: N(YPiCE: I And Director of Music. North 10 oi•lo•k in the forenoon anti will that Snell appwlo must he by make street Jh'fhodlst church. Instruction e nlInue wall 12 oilnek won. or until in writing in the pr.'wrIM,l form given In Voice Culture, Organ, Plano, tile• appeals have been disosd of. signed by the complainant In duple• Violin. Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio ant AND FURTHF)It TAKE N(/Ti('E Pate and glvrtl to 111P ('b'rk of the re,ldence' Church street, Phone 384. that soy voter .who desires to cum. Revising Mbeer or left with him at • plain that his tame or the name of lila a,klress as .lore stated.Mil R'. .ItNDF.1tTl►Y, ORGAN• any 'tertnu ef11itbrl to tw ettbr,rl "11 The Not dor. for 'k4lvering (inch 1 iMt $t. Jnnmes chanit, Gonion Lrs- the sold Il.tt lint {heel omttt.rl from appwFs are as tulle►wt; thle same or that the name% of soy Ashflehl 25th Sept..1021 "ions re Voter.. Pinned. Tenney 1' Con- Iwrson who Are not entitk•d to be Tun.wrrt os pre'errcl for all snidest. Turner ('on- t-oterw Imre• Mem pilfered thereon. may wingham not less than tars clearMug 'before the abouts .hays fixed for homing the nlore Pk- 1T,twk'k tines apply. - complain or nppeol to Vice Sts retrace or the tuames of any other person entered on nr removed f the Ii%ts. .\ND FURTHER TAKE: NOTiI'F: that Punt alipent must 1ti' by rot1..• In writing In rho presrrllw,4 foriti t(gne,l by the e.nnl4ninnnt hi dupli- cate tend given to the Clerk of the Revising Onicer or left for him at hes nddrni,s NM stated above. The last days for delivering such Operas are ns follows: }111181 .etia Sept„ 11(2.1 spr,h'eiry Examinations. Studio at the lith Sept.. 11121 1slde•n.,• of Mrs'. J. A. Harrison. op - loth Sept. 1921 tnslte Victoria school. 'Seth Seam.. 1tr-'4 - - Wroxeter 'itch Sept.. 11r24 Myth 2rfh Sept , 1924 LEGAL E. Womanish 2!1111 '44•pri., 11124 W. Wnwenooli 2'7t!t Kept.. 1924 PR(►1'I)F(t4 T k KILUIRAN E. N. LP)1\'1(4, Chairman of the 1Surrlaters, Rotary i ebbe, pp. . E:Itr•rbt,, Mord for the ('nntity of Money to Lend. Phone 97. Huron. I 4)lt(11•-The *Mare. G.wlerdch Doter! fhb, 12th dry of Septeniher. A. D. 1924. • A. ('LUFF, 11. A.. BARRISTER and Xotnry I'nblle. North $t., Go1Prt11t. Phone 411. Go erieb-S.pt. 21, 1924. Itrnsw4s-Sept. 22. 1924. Grey --Sept. 211. 1924. Sett forte - S.•ld. 22. 1924. 4', !lorne--1N•pt. Led. 11r24. 8t.'K1t1olt--$4cies .rel. 1924. ('Iiut.to--Sept. 27. 1924. Ii1ltlett--+$eIK. 27. 1924. E. N. LEWIS. 4'Ivolrmxn of the Election borsht for the (county of [ionto. Maori this 10th (ay' of September. 1924. Till: ONTARIO VI rTF.RS' LISTS ACT. 1972.• ANi) AMfENi►MENTS. .‘ND THE ON'C.t*14)TI11tl'F.ttANCE .\('T, 1924. Ef.EATORAi. 141F1'Itt('T 0E' NOlt111 1i1 t1t0N NOT14'E: (1F' SITPiNTIS OF itE1'IS 1N(3 OFFI('Eit$ T.\KE: N0TtI'F: flint sittings of the Itevitlng ()dicers for the pwrpw.',• of herring complaints or /I IlneflIs with regard to the voters' lists t.l be 'nisi let the voting ander the (►ntnNn Temperance Aet, 1924. pending for the electoral district of North tinron with be held nt the following times nn.l places namely: AT )'INT.AYIM $('17001. 1101'114. AtttP'tIlt.D. on the 211th day of Sep- tember. epte' her. 1924. to hear crmeplaint' as to the Ilsts of voters for all the palling srtb-dlvirdnns for the Township of 1,11fleltl. and that R. G. iteynolds AUCTION SALE AUCTION E. 110LMES ATION SALE OF EARN!. FARM Barrister'. Etc. 14T04 K. HAY. GRAIN. 18.111.1.- Yolks-1c•emllfun street, MENTS AND 1HOi'SEHOLD FI'RNI- Phone 27 - T1'i1E:, MR. LLOYD YOi'NG will well by public auction at Int 11. (onwwlon S, W. 1). ('olborne (second firm -rust of [Loyal *there. on WEDNESDAY. ID'I'TIOM1tE11 24TI1- commetteing at 1 o'clock : Hnrwei:-1 (sty more, 0 yrs. old; 1 bkteic Perrhernn mare v yr.. 1 Sleek Psrheron man.. 3 yrs. h'n,•:c 1'ereberon mare, 1 yr. 1 Imy 1'en•hemn mnre. 1 yr. 1 1.,•• coach lotuses 4 yrs. Calle:-1 purebred Holstein huP. 1`• month. Old, registered: 1 ptrct,n•.t 1!-•''1.ltt ,ow. 4 years old. title Sor- t. •: r loth. registered; 1 purebred Hn'4lrin cow. rising 4 year. Old. doe Feb. 3n1; 1 Emile Itnlsteln cenv. O year,. Old. doe Apr. 15th ; 1 grade 1101- glMln e'ow, 5 years old. M,11tta.Merl to be In calf : 1 grade 'Yttrium row, agerl, suttp,N.d to he In .volt; 1 blue black eta. O years Mil. due M1On31 4th; 1 (mr•breil Holstein heifer. oar year old; 2 grade Holstein heifers, One year old; 1 Ayrshire bolter, 1 year old. Pigs: -1 pnrr4rr..1 hog. re'gl'ter.,l: 1 tow, with litter of plat; 1 Ng AV. .the (Mt. inn.; R peg.. alont CA; 7 pie.. about 121. Ps141try :-7.i hems; 100 spring cl.k'kens, white i.eghorn.; 13 geese; 14 ducks.. ittlplewtlrts:-1 ih'ring binder. 7 ft rut. In good e,tndttlnn ; 1 I/erring hay rake. 10 ft.: 1 'NM.w.y-iierrts I mnwe'r. O ft. Ent. nearly new ; 1 Manse,- 'Jerrie rnitlrstnr, nearly new ; 1 Noxnn rel dein, 12 hoe; 1 Floury plow, No. 21; 1 Fleury * iiffler, neatly new : 1 double plow ; 1 1114 : nen Old : Old : Gederlek. Haps & 1Hape ItARRIMrr.R , ET'. R. C. H A YS --R C. HAYS, la.. B.A Hantiltnn St., Godericn r $EAGER. K. 1)., BARRIBTDR, SOLICITOR, Notary Public and Conveyaneer. OThee--Court Hone. (Iederleh, INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC, i11cK ti.i.OP MUTI'.\ r, FiRE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Farm and laolated town property Insnrrd. Officers -Jam Connolly, Pres., Gode- rich P. 0.; Jae Evans, Vie.. Pres.. Rewtltwood P. 0.; D. F. Me(Iregor, APP.-Treas,, 0eafortb P. 0. I D1reetori-A. Rrnadfoot, R. R. No. 3. Reaforth • John G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; 1(1111am Rlnn, R. R. No. 2, 2, $eeforth ; John Rennelwles, Brod- lagen; Geo. McCartney, R. IL. No, 3, Seafnrth; Robert Eerily., Harlock; Murray Olbron, Brncwfleld; Janie. Evans, 1ls'ee wrod ; James Connolly. Goderich. Agcnte-J. W. Yeo Goderich; Alex. twitch, R. R No. 1, Clinton; John Hnrray, 8eaforth; ll. Hlnehlsy, 8eaforth. Policy -holders can pay IU payments and get their cards rocslpt- ed at R. J. Morrleh's Clothing Store. Clinton; R. H. Cott'., Grocery, Vag - w on street, Goderlch, or J. B. Retro General Store. RaytNL.