HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-18, Page 7THE SIGNAL,
Tburedite, Sept. tuber IS, - 7C
County and District
.1. 'I'. NIelenight. •,1 the Loudon Debi.
has riirlositv onhis farm. 44• cow
ith dean hy tyiplet en vi a. She 4-
.1 Poled 'A,..ton. .rade k mit yet
The resiticuye of A. ikruk- isle Mr. anti Mrs. 11411$14 WPM). •
eter, Wad esillInektel$ Il•-•Ini,e4,1 by -fire. Held- Ilielson, sou of Nr. and Alf.. Margret NV 11491111 it is * 4*.
J. W. Skluner hag odd his generiti 1111111114 11 1 1"1"i' "1 1/1"1"1 from I 1,I.,Au U NI1-• Wieen10111
store buellifee. 11 Wes -heists* to .1. Wet Elsie liettilerwm. k II., start'. "r ti ..•
4'n19.rne of :kir' and Mrg. Henry Iletelersen. Il r? :14.the capita.
At Ile. age of neet$10:4 tn.. years
Mr*. gteVellann, ef Gni town-
4.assed tite•ay 441 l'needay.
t.aiber 9111. Beeides the litigleeel.
four .01,44 and it daughter etaryoe.
Nli-04 Emily V. 1 vbeen, tilueigitter .11
Ur. and )Ir-.. 'Henry lvison. Kippen.
u Its Married tit Salem. 1ires:0n. 4111
411.141/111;1/111Cr .41,1. t.. It 4 lam*. of
that plare. 'The bride *tag elellitleiy•nl
.14 stettognipher .it *flew fur the
leo eighteen deiontlis.
, en Wednesday. September 10011i. ul
00 %mires's; uustow. Rev. 1'.
tireeer united in merriest,. Mis.
Iretie Gyms. dauchter of tle
in 4 Days!
"NothIng but 7are. I It :: ! ?as.
done ... " t -A s \", ' ' ' 7 "`":" :DO,
jOhr. `-',.••• .• ' ! i I ' 1...." .rs
deice:, 44 :. a t •• • . ' : ' : • ,...,t,ei
by a '..on ohee' • .. ...ea - ! : ..1
each *pa ten b.. 1., . •.- : 1.. •el • 1 s ',1
indealed, an I 1 :.t:-'. : a ,s .e.r.
..; .:
Wet 7.4e4.. '" ';
11.• . • g
*ILI • .. • .. ,! •ta • 17
feel e • ' , •
bailer 4... n of
COrrupti ..fase gr'!We new
Or sa.,.•
Zara Liggig
deale:t r 14
postae fr,m
are. wals•
50c all
f r lc.
For Healing!
McKIII..p. tens 1111lte.1 In 1114*1'211110 to i NI r. a it.1 Nit's. ,11,4.. Ilea em hod
Norman Smith. ...ii 4.f Mr. 110.1 5110G weeks
S:iIiiitel Smith of M.A111..it at Ille NIr. nod Mr.. ;11..liti lloe.4411 left last „-- ----
Pre-ely terlati Manse. MeKillop, (.11 „„,.., on their ret urn .,ii•11111.: v to Val, 1 1 t. .. , 1 i a
‘v...in..s.iny. sqa..miwr :Inl. It•q• 1 t ' "014 He lit 4., vi.,,,., ...MP, vont li i 6E. INF IL 1 in ti
.......,4,.,.., .....h.t...K. - ..„.i..r In the early stunner anti are '
.N.assli iirfivelle, of Grand Betel. ,,T urilitle ow sotto, 4c4st
died imildenly on September ,:trd, George •Midillen.n. 44 ho 1... heen as- vermin Are e
ieleartly aft, r lea, ing lib.. lioult. in ...ring dr, Ifoi .., . drug ...tore the laid SOlifC: Of Great
tee afternoen lie: was strieken eh; • t ,, ,,,,... t ., , :pm,. 4,, Toronto to Loss to Pou.trymen .
4,..4 .4 freebie and lie died a few lit110 '40,,!,•1. it„• 5. ,,,l ,,1 I•ligyuisi iy.
Wen iit/*ii 1... Joel been foptul liv his The Various m1)4.1'1191 .111ansed and
lett Iiy 4.401441' on a honeymoon trip
'nee formal omeshig 'of the new
organ in the Methodist elitirch will
1.1 4,- 411111.1. 011 i,ti lay
Mrs. .1. L. h,l"., left Mgt week
for her home et Duluth, after a
needle. vi.it IretutIveet *111,1
friend. here.
Mr.. .treli. Seidl heel 1,1 4)4'
4.' ea. *..ere .di.' will lie flour,. resettle.
till:11 her ,reslibuir. Guilerielt
street 10 J. 121 K..1.111k;
nepla••• lie nau Itiu eighty -Gar i
4481 ELS
year fuel le survival Ian *no. 1.1,.1
four Ilanghters.
Afterflgl,tmarly !' -• \I '4-1 ha. ...ono 40 Keyleid,
iNitl. seinal Gartiotr- ••• • ith the listreelet.
li..t.er. 941, ...he...Oen 4:rey to.% t 1 • t ••• )1r. '.:11.4 Niro. W. I..
.1140. .11,1 'e4ssel411,0. i4.14toiso..4. ., • I . • .1., • ,•,,,,,, 4,1 Will,.
the age ef thirty -Dye year.. 51,, • _ *,.. I. II • .1; !ti 4/1.1 frkeeles
• v 1,, • IN 1.1tIalg
1111!).' datIghter of Mr. noel Mr. NN
.1. Sharpe...till.. saint. NW% e * •••4 1, 41 t- • •4. points lie
!14-r litedgied and t ‘. . L . • •
51,ot:doers. • ‘I
- 1 i' .1 ha .•
Mr.. Datel. y of 1`.. lt•
fla.11.1. nit), her tu•,. - I` !".
, lir. (Mu)l :17..1 NII.' a 1;r. I: s• ,••••.• .trtloir. -a
Gatt1.1. a -.radii:14e mir-e. ' - -1•• /if", 'tor.
14' It, I " " • • 'II.
%%hot', o" 4.0o Mr. "..1111 • - • I • •• IOW
uusr thirty
f '• 1,1,..., in • 1 - T.` ••'•
ont 44.-1,.. of ,... I s \ _ . . I.:.r.• t,..
. • • •
, • . . 44, , , , A,- • \ , Ali,i,„„ „, mare an examination.- 11 the team-
• , ! . I -• , •••' .it Itr....-... 'nation is thorough, Ike ase genetal-
• . , • , , 4. . ., ., ...; . .1 .., • , .- ...iv ,t itkii..e..... died ly found- -111- the -great. Malkril.Y ur 1
,- - • , • - , .• . 4 41,.4. home of hi* docks. A few may not - be sti iuue, I.
. ' .' ' . '' , -• , ' - '. 41' - 4 4 Ntlleck. London.
but if the little crawl, ts'are perm& 4
Descrlbed-As Affecting Cbliskens,
Turkeys. Dock.. Geese and Pigeons
-Stable rot dm ion - Carrying
Young Pigs .%Ion,.
(Contribute/ by Ontefge t....pg.rtment.of
Agriculture •rue,,I.10
. Losses due to Mfrs toms of the
Various forty species of ce that in-
fest domestic fowl -are in . e aggre-
gate many thousr tide of do rs an-
nually to the poultry -lit -criers Cu-
tario. Small ingects working- o of
sight of the human eye, tht•Ir pres-
ence is often' unsuspected untiletidit1
birds' show unkbriftiness, loss 411
weight, lower egg production, and re- ,
duced vitality, tauxieg the ovine, io_
M3tIro-Electrie Commission smff
i•iii 4*'.. !set week Inakauf tt
unney itL preparutieu thr the rebuild-
ing of the 104111 '11plio uyuft.W. Your
11..e trntiefornierm le. Medalled and
14 ..!211 4, built over 1114. syelein
1,1 !are of the trig' I'd 11•1,11i
.tiel other 111111414111111.1, 4111:, 1, are being
J.- •
A peculiar iteeldent happeneti
ether day when 1-:leorthy
assisting at a threshing It itteoie
11..4111111'.4 11.. had drawn a load of
grab. illon041.1.• the ...pairator Wilell
oshp of the hors." ertitelleil the ot her
and the tail of the latter caught in
a `revolving twit The animal was
street' off it. laid feet 41M1 the
usis The h, .ro. stiffi.reel
semewbat. the, hair and hide were
tinted where the belt • awe in eon -
o daughter. Of Al! 1*. 111441 Max.
.ttlulin, Of were Iner-
tia.. Sillile afternisai Tuesday,
fith at the same hour,
fferent places. Mists Mabel
Attstin wit wedded at Exeter
'erten Man by Rec. Jas. Foote, to
ill:tries . Little. of Exeter. Het
.1.1.T. Miss Vi was married at the
Road Manse. by Rev. 11. M.
4! •
I .• i ''4.1.1
9oi .. \
• ...! neulie:11 . .,' •;
• g:
* ted to locrease to tlieusands the tf-
fect on the poultry -k.. ping part of
the farm bum, ,s 4.4 se le.us lutest-
ed birder present a dittoes and un-
kempt appearance. the wings tow( t-
ed. the,,,leatIters milk& met the Weds
, may suffer ftom diarrhea.
• - • I
_Infesting Chickens. f
•I II.»
Of the forty specks that int( at
fowl, Resell have md.eidtd prefe'Verce
• tor gird% infest chickens The body"'
Home "lettiespon -biseriatune" is light .
• • I • • 1., i yellow In color and sticks pittty
close io the skin.- It lays. its tes.
in tare? oluet.ers on,,LIit. swell 14 a -
theta le low,the vent. It takey about
. -
1 • . • '.. , .
1 ' t Lree w.eks from tgg 10 mature
._ louse, This ci
epets ,ticking clime to
the skirt and feeding thereon Is very
,..- -1 .., ' 4 irritating. The -Mennpon pallidum"
:, 2.. .... ls scimitar to lite preceding, only
,.... . .. , . • • somewhat *timelier and has the habit 1
• 1:
• 1
I I I:
I :
... ...• .. ,i ., il ' 4.-.• of sPending int tete on, the feathers. 1
, - . . • .,,• ...-- - It is not so irritating- aud deposits
a .4.. its eggs singly at.- the base of the
., - . , . • t- • - . ., ,ft athere. The Dead louse. ''Llin,..Ut Us
1 4'; W.!. IVA, I obraplithe" is commonly found
. . •-• NI.. ' ... , 1' , Itr,"*.kv'Et- Ont. ' on the head and heck of young chic- i
_• -------- kens. It ft dark grey in' color, de- 1,.
W 1%1411 Vil - . posits its eggs- singly on the down 1
- about the heatl of the chick.- It.takes
)1 ' 4' • - .' f, re -
about one week to reaclethe hatching
. . )1 . ! e
Frest Fence-.--- FOR Hard Wood
BALA Hay Baled Straw
Homestead Fertiliser Rock -faced Shingles
Rubber -tired Buggies • -
Phone 165 GODERICH
Hamilton Street
Make Your Trip More Enjoyable by a
Refreshing Night on Lake Erie
( Your red ticket i. good on the beets/
Theseunde of mut tinuni travelere wiy they wouldn't have mimed Mat mot,
Cr...rhos? ie nicht on oa.. of Our A good led in a clean stateroom.
along sound and ad appetizing twrAkf set 4,, tbe morning.
Daily, May 1st to November 15th
Les.. Buffalo . 1.00 PM I E41,0-$ ft I Lenv CI•voland . ,OOT
Arrive Cleveland • 730 A NI 1 Slaad4rd foot Arrive Duffel* A M
Comeettune for Cedar Putnt. Put la Bay. LIU•rolt sad mho point. 14.14
your tweet avint imutist agency fur Uelset C II Lane. Near Tourer Auto -
The Ore., Ship
"Statalbet" Length.
5C. fret. ftrts..ith• 914
fro 6 inches.
Faro $$.50
0. Mobile Rate-POPO
Snot for ft4' 1.rttoaal tontle rhart the
Greer Sb.p -set•aottbre" and 32-p.$! Opelate.
. This cieests.,4 and Bees'. Transit Ca.
Clesoland, Ohio
I lei
...AA. -
141 14:1(•k and 1114.41 4, iron. $ t.7, IS)
it to del are 4IINI-1; }4}-4A\i' with Ow pr.
cared ?odes
Misses' and Growing Girls' Patent Strap Slippers, Sandals and Oxfords
from $2 10 to
qft Your Footwear at
Hern9 s Boot Shop Phone
We Have a Good Fresh Stock of
Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums,
Cauliflower, Cabbage and Celery
The Best XXX Vinegar and Best Mixed
Spices for Pickling
Moe 4 Goods Delivered to Al: Parts of the Town
Kluge and two weeks for the young i
t.- - _ • ., ..iiii- louse to grow to maturity. .
• The large hen louse "Gekdocotes
• .1 -- i •',.-t•
abdoininalia." .sornetilues called •the
)!•- I. • \I
. kat •• t..?
recognized by its size and large ,
4"1". t "" round bead.
: NIr9. 14?,-ro•to!I,..
The wing louse "Lipeurus caponiar
•• .4.1,41 on the trip 1.y. iss
Is a email, long and slender species
with a large rounded head. It COD -
Mrs 4'. 14. Moi.'ordv
tines 41. activities to the wing
• ..i North Ilitttleforil. Sask, f r.
9 .1, .• 1,4.n!.• 441`4,1: 'a tole
Yieie with in Wing -
Two other sPecies, the cuff louse"
. and the "brown louse," re rarely
ham and vicinity. present in numbers. Both habit the
Dr. awl. Mrs. 1 .--4.1,rt end child
body feathers.
!else retittee'..1 ir houi.• at. 1:41•
nen•41.44.n. N. after a visit ,a4 infesting Turkeys.
th4;-1iorio, of Mr.. Monier.
Mre. .1 -J. Elliott. They were ne-
eonlialf114.11 Oti their rettirit _by Mies
MA IL A: elit-
e,' of Win:ilium: who will .pottel ft
tett ,s•ks111 tige Meritin.. Provitgoon.
Miss Nina ilaugh. who en!. III thft:
Ofiltl• of 4 '0•Pdt. & Booth rm.. ...mt.
Ii- 1.110•t, 11 Inelition 11. 111) 111-
sitralwe Toronto. .
' • - -
• l•••••ig•:. c::11r.•11 011
$ .4(4,. roft.tioti
41 .11. daughter of Jelgu
Tit. filleting. :net the late Nire Mime)
non. 1,11.1e of
Barry NVelford. of Prim.,
ft.' C., .4.41 of the Illto :11r.
and )I re, Henry' P. W.•Iforil. of W01111 -
mind:. Ont. The eeteitiony Wag lier-
forn....1 by lbw. I tr. Larkin. After- These birds are frequeutly Infested
%lard. Ntr. Mrs. Welford left on with one or all three species -"Le
a dieneyitesai trip to Nrontreel and peurus baculus," "Goulodea damicor-
other ..r.tertl ritiee heron. going to nis" and "Gottiocotes compar."
PrIts, Rupert. where they will re.Ide. Methods of controlling these ver -
A pretty wedding took place et the min will be given In a later 1611UP.-
111101o. of Mr. -end Mrs. 3.1 111.`• G. Nie- L. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension,
Michael ou Woulneuolay. Septeniber O. A. Guelph.
Illthr alien 111..ir youngest 'daughter.
Margaret !Melt erne Milted in tunr-
tinge to Hay Beverley 114.11114...„ remit-
••gt .on 44f S. T. 114.1114..... After 41,,.
customary reedit -141e. the young' couple
-bine louse," Is smoky- grey. In color
and one-third larger than the pre-
ceding. It sticks dose to the body,
may be found anywhere and is easily
Two species are commons found
on t irkeys, the "Goulodes st lifer"
and the "Lipeurus polyttapt Ms."
The "Goulodes stylifer" is the t,oi1
common. It Is a large louse beatng
some resemblance to the large
louse, and may be distinguish d
from It by having the posterior
glee of the head extended backward\
and terminating in long bristles.
Ducks and Geese.
Titres. apecies Jurist ducks Red
geese to a limited extent, the oily
nature of the akin of waterfowl be-
ing a good preventive against these
external parasites. The species com-
monly found are "Docephorus fete-
rodes," a very small paranite, and the
"Lipeurus squalidus," a long, slender,
yellowish colored louse.
To N -1-"G HT
Tomorrow Alright
NR Tablets stop sick headaches.
tallow, bilious attacks. tom and
regulate the eliminative organs,
make you !eel fins.
''llettar Tim Nis Fee Lim Ms"
That western farmers' n bent pool
forming so succensful that an army of
middlemen may yet 1.01114/1.111'd to
tarming.-ilatulltoo 4Iern1.1
4)444 4, sTORE
Mr. told Mrs. David Clingerich, of
the Goshen line south, attended the
dedication eonference be the Mention -
lee church tit
J. 'Preeter. of this village. ha. (H-
41054.11 of his general afore litOonese
to ND.. Aliirerht, of New Hamburg.
who mill get possession allots the
first of nest month.
Dan Gaseito While threshing a fun,
days ago received injuries that will
In'" him op for a • hill-. The $41.1.
dent WAIN the result of the tractor
engine's, ;dipping into it hole.
Wm* on the Mg bridge nt St.
.14eneeh is progreseltig slimly, on tie•
1unit-of the wet weather.
Leporte. .1. P. H4111. F. Klapp
find 14. 1hetZ Motored to hldittrtoW11
111,14 other centres interteded in 1.4410.
growing and ere nroll plans and partly..
tilers for the bean rimester to be ont-
r feel sit lb . 4.. 'a 01 Ile 4.14, I. al
crop of the iletitils•re tef the head its-
Engleerr Wilson of the Qatari.
t:riIsialeyry.,tto Alansfoid Cooper, of
Breve .t,'4141 returned from
Walkerville. where he spout the veva-
timi. and Will again attend 0. A. V.,
II iiitelph.
Niatirleit Ford has gone to Ilautilleu
to Dike 4, peeition 111 a drug *.tore. '
James street Methodkt church will
1141111 it* nitniversary the /111111
Ito*. J. E. Iteyeraft.
of itratutforti. will is. the preaellerfor
44..' day.
.Nliout fifty menMern of
ilitron Battalion. have vtilyingolnypri
!rainier in lexeter under the coni -
11111111 of Major W. „I. Beaman.
V. A. Fisher has repelled D. jet*
did 14 ns manager of the cannellan
Itatik‘of Conimer...• at St. John, N. It,.
after l,t11,1z4l Itig with parents...Mr.
1411 Ire. IV ut. Heber.
Edward Short. of town. resolved
ward 11 11.4%' dap' lIl( 0 Of th.• death of
IRIS sinter, Mrsll.Ww
illinin 4'111.1ell. who
formerly reel( I at „Witwiteleen 4141,1
1..1reiii1444,14.11. She Was ..t.venty-three Yi.ar*
llon W. M. Mar n. formerly Prem-
ier of Saskatchewn and now tide(
Justiee of that Prole let. a form. r
Exeter boy, wait here a few dap. ago
fer a brief visit. Ile A u
Mil by Mrs. Martin. a former 'ti 1,11,11
Since Taking Tie Fruit Treatment
in "Fruit -a -tires"
Read this letter from Mrs. J. M.
Pennington of New Rockland, P 0.,).
"In 1919, I was taken with Bron-
chial Asthma and no one knowan hat
tsuffereti during the winter. 1 began
Ita.vingap for breath and could not speak.
gchokingspells and would just
Tim doctor said he could do nothing
In' the spring of 1920, I started
:taking "Fruit -a -Byes" and .4001 the
21•UkIng became came'. stiol 1
have not had one since May 7th, 1920.
It Li surtta relief to be able to go to
.leel and hate no thought of having
to get up In the night for an hour or
more as 1 did all that winter, but
never Lune to now, all because 1 take
a "Fruit a.tires" tablet every night.
or2":"':.:141t"poMsotpai, a
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
fulti the kiust 04iects in\This Picture Starting with the Letter 'S'
F-ite Lt. Cry It. any irmilde igliateter, .".Un readily see object.. PIN •541111•••
-.*wt rte., the "the are MutPawl 10 .4.11. OW 141.11 who van find the Fifty
t.lg en. -1. 1:240•••• will be Lite for the11
The per•-oir 10 111.. nen correct
411111 ;trite. .1.'.\'.44'.- 11,11*-
Ma;I 2nd
Do re's
Join In
he.t 49•41. or,1." .111.4111ttoll to 111%% .'F 10 11.1. lut/tIe.
1.4 of nano.. 1st!' the 11NlIfiltill win.; noesind in, direst
only Tom can -
The Mnll Umpire antemnerte tonlay a most
Interesting and tt lllll Ong uorne. All can participate
In this gr. -sl fun zonins--frorn 14 eehoul Izoy or girl
to Ned, Mother. and e8en Itrandpn and Grandma.
If holds no pr.•ft•renee 10 age. 11 in a 1,*0 01 your
skill In ferreting out -14-Worils" In the Puecie Pic-
ture. It's a JIni dandy puzzle manse. We know
'on enjoy 11, fur everyone 102484 a pnaaJe, and
we ve Lure to *ay you'll miler have more fun.
It 11.1fM ytolllatIg it, hake part, The ..4.-IA..01'
futile Game hi a canitinigst to Increase Gm 40.1.11-
larily .4 '11i.• !tint' A\ Fannin.. It Is net a -ith-
feerint.ton ormleut, and 4...t do net hate fro 14'110 III
a mingle subscrIptIon 411 n in le lis tie. If 'rail'
anew..r fIrniprIte. by the Pit I gra. yeti
will win $2:..011; Mit If y wonld Ilke to 4%111 more
than $25 110, we are gs•Ink 40 ninkt. (tie followtnir
.4.cc14t1 offer, whereby you Vali win bigger o14.4t
1,1 1
Ilere'm Ito : If the J1111414.14 award your anuwer Ilrut PrIre. And you hole ..ent
',ital.', 40 The Aim; & Ego gale tit Snot) your. yeti 1,111 1.1,1.1% I. $7,00 ine111411 trf 325; .
Third Pri/e. 315 ; ien culltirtin 1.f litrilrefi 14 pelf.- list- I
(Ir, if are auariled Flrut Prize nod ytni
hate Kent In two yenrIe unheacrInthottu (Oilier one
sae* *4 41,1 one rcro•wal or two new .1144e111ptIonii 4to
The 4.11111 & EMI alre at 35.041 a year each. yon will
4.1% / • if ,00f1 Inuttesuf f 1125; Serotli I ['rite, 25004
Third Prtze, 11300. (See. third Of tIWIlrfeIn
pelf.. 11.1 I
It (Akre Ind two aithaerltilloriai to muclIfy for
the 1,1g $1,0400 reward. Ates4ntely two utihuerlpflone
IP die maximum, ono of ulilt•IN lw br new podi-
a. Hiller Von eat) .1.. this with IlItip effort. Ii'our
men notienniption will ("mint KR One and we can IRMO
utshueriptiona to 'fart at any future date. In ften41-
Ina In your witwerlption give full Inntruetinna on a
...Immo.. *beet from that on which you wend your
• yearly .01.
ion' Prise.
I .Any man. •.oloan nr <411141 wh• I. not a te•141.t.i
'.1 T.,,,,n1,, f, II.. frrIllon. arid who Is not In the
amploy of The Mall and Empire or a member rt
en rriPloY••• family, tomy •ubmit an mum., It
ren,,thing to tri
I. ALI. MOM 1.101 Mt hi' HE MAILED 1st
lieT40114,41 4TH. One.
4 Ali ;Isis ot n•rnris mould he writt•n oo on•
tilde of th• p.p., enly mod ntimhered consetutletly
1. I, 1. •1c, Writ, yOUr full name and address.
.r, each page In th• upper right hang cornerlf,
you detdre to writs anything ensk use a t,..,...•
4 Only sueh word* as sews., In the English Plc
tion•ry will be counted. 1.0 not now obsolete words
Wh•re the ohne. l• used. th• singular cannot Le
toilot•.1 and vit. • 04011,
S. IN ,,,,,.. of 1h• mom. spelling ean be seed onlr
oar, ...•n Ittotigh timed to deagnale different 01,
pert• or artlriee nr part• of °Wets or •Oliele•
An vile.. I ..r sits!. rAti 1.0 nomad only ones.
II 110 not IllIe llypir•n•te4 er cnrapoUnd words. or
•ny word• ?..,,.'.ed by Itt• cann•In•llon of 1.0 or
toor• complete *,,ds, at Pert, eaeh word In Itself Is
an obit./ t
The •n•u•r h•vIng tn. .,•a,•111 corrnet 11.1 nt
n•nout of tlaildc ohniets and artleiro shown In the
butitre MAI 4( 5111 Irlth the hatt•r "9" will be
itIcardett EIrst Prise, etc. Neatness, •tyle or hand
la Ming have no bearing upon deciding Inc wino. IP
II Any number of 'wool, may to •perat• In at.
o w.ring the Pusalen but on', oar/ goon ,.‘,I 1..
. 0,1.14,4 to any on/ hoseehoold nor will wt., b•
aoarded to more than nn• of any group IN her• t 0'
I, mot, 14. 0. ).eon total I..,h..
II In the v•ant 01 • I for any genie iiffereil
Inc Ion amount of 0''h rise 11111 be stw•rti•il
to ..'-h 114trar44rlpant.
Ili Putist.igit II,D. 44.0(14 *dal O. t••••1•1 / . Mt t
lade In advance •t *1.40 • Wear by tin•li will 1.•
III.. '-po-d Hoe tiy•r, in qualifying for the 4 1,0 ti 0
flue It•w•rit. st lessd one 500 •ubecriPtirie mot.'
lu. wont In.
11 A new althinerlhar I. any on* who has not
bo•n rec•I • in' Tioi Weil and "empire by mall rt.,
'. prern1,... I 2 t h
II All anonor• IVIII enc•Iv• 4l* on Ma conald •r• Hon
r•Itn Il 1•110 of ello•thm or not • thituarrtg,tion 0.
Th• Mall and grnel.• is Iwo( In
II All new mibeeriptIon• will toe II y ••ri
fled by the Po, tlo 1111•n•g•r 11)anr413•1• nt•.11
Ind old gutter Options •• now will peratil•..ly 40,
felt itt• rredit of imply subscription ss q..ailfyIng
for the Stalinism linnu• Roomed.
44 Th...• prenlinent Toronto einsert• h••ing nn
41 -1 .4114 Th. Stall sod lemplre. *Ill he
••ler, 1041 t• net .. judge. 1.. $11•rhil• the winners •n.1
participants agree to arewist Ilse 4..I.,.,. oi th•
Jude., •• final •54 c145•454•••
11. Th• Jetta.. will meet on flet•••• lith. and
llllll raiment a the 1.111. WI 11111/••• and eorrect•
II•1 of word.. .,11 b• pot. ,..4...1 In T:,. '4n41 .. n I
I:1111.1, 411.1? h• ouliikly it.....flor •• It io i.,•••0.1,.
PrIS• II is•
Prim tt Ms Mrs If Mu WWII
iinentl Oleos newel Flies taliarrhitkail
an MI III mit are ent
1ut Pile/ 1124*.00 $4100 00 111,0oo.00
2...t PHI, 20.00 250 00 500.00
Snl Prim. 15 00 150.00 000.00
et li PriSe 4000 100.00 200.041
5th Priv/ a 00 75.00 *4104)0
tit 1. Prise 14 00 50.00 1041.00
7th Prise &no 20.00 fill 00
44(11 PH*. 4 00 25 00 50 00
0th P•rize. Scul 20 00 40 00
Inch Prise 2.00 15.00 S000
1114) to 20th
Prase Inehaudve 1.50 4000 20 00
21* to 50the
Print.. ineltiehre 1.00 7.50 15.00
l'.. TUE KIF:rfT or A TIP: FOR ANT P141/41' Or,
Dept. 1
Ple724./. AISAGICIR.
Mail esti b ettipirt
Toronto, Canada