HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-18, Page 5.+.1111111: ;jt ,lt 1.ti+ 1 r. C� 7 f'' • f "t . a; ta'tJ t f sF i t l spa .KV•Tkrti 1 . ,111111,6 THE SIGNAL, CODERICII, ON'I. Thursday, Septa tuber 18, 1921. S t =MMRAA.11Monaggamiggstgam11111111.11111111111.111114% • 'INSTANT RIIP0leION• TOyC111140 THE PARR" STUDENTS ' "1 141111,1 1.,,,1.1::11 t'..n 1.• ., •� .: ,. 1.,11 our 1.1,'...,•;', .,� ;., '. >ewan, Waterman and Parker Fouli tarn Pens. Prices $250 up. CAMPBELL S DRUG STORE I's .1: • Ing ic. part., 1)111,, 4, t • 147 CORI' I' %I.1.1 :: 1 onwswervewassesessWer- STYLE TO SUIT EVERY HAND _ t\ Ifamily. of Myth. spent a illy wIIh dm forture:4 4149.r. -\trap W. 11. llray. Mnrt.'u 'rigl'n1 •.f ..$.,M,urn, e.11.3441111"1 1141 ne.•k-wkd Ilm11•1' 1lt.• parulu1 1'11 1.t. Ir. !Raney Joseph, of I/•bull, J'11eh.. vim a au11day vt.Itor nt (1114 home of .lr.:ao1 11r.. 4.V,Ik •r 11nrray. 14'r%lee• Ila4.• e•.Iuutesi •1.11 again in • 4'Ilri.l'. •'hutch after being eloped for tour Sundays. !tet. 1:. Hays being away on his holidays. Union .errlees will la. held In St. .4.11•1r,•w'', 1''rt.,Iyle•rwu .'lube, ..n ":Jay. siepti• il.•r Y1. sit 't p.m. Bev. •I' 1 4.;y.4211•. yd I:.,ter. r••i.re..•nt- i.:c: r1 a 1••ylp•rollce ce.1111„itteo• 11111 1144 11..• •r.eakwr 11114 ail: 1.4 :l.Gi.tel by •;•••. .\•lit•n,'. Is,rit wit- destrovNl tie•,• '..t it'eInc-•tie.R11orllag. with li•e ..•:.x...,'. I•:,y, elrynt.'au.I part or see• grain. I.'.•• 111.•..16144k 4411.. saved. iti. w.•?1 :.- .. p:.r•ion of the• souls'. Mr. ..1.1.1..i.'..el 1ilr.•.hed-,, few dllor.he. ' f•.1.•. 'rl.. r.• .v:1. n.. trtw11raure on the •••:,••• 111':.. ., .,,a• I':•:• ;i'heavy one•. IODERlcn TOtt•XsHII' Mr. \1 T. AUGU STINE 1ST. .11'01'1''1'INI . 44511. W. Slum M. 11114 ledge visited at John Thump. wrlr. lust 1ve•k. Ur., J1/Illi 111411111.1111. .,f 4.V..rt1h•I.1, 0.11111 .Ir•. .1. R. diatom! on Monday. 11 r. and 1L•.. 1). Y,•1kmuid and 4.1k. 1►uu1.111u Melh.nald culled 1.0 1.1141111- here IJIe 1"•giuuhyg-of Ibis %eel. Mr.` sunt ••111.. 4•.•1. 111 Loudon Fair lust neck. One of the most diverge and in- teresting aggregations of passen- gers ever aasembled in Canada left Montreal for Europe on August 20th aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Mirinedosa. It included Ma- jora S. de Beires and- Britt Pais, who recently flew from Lisbon to Macao, China, a large party of scientists returning from the recent convention of the British Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science at Toronto, Colonel Geo. Ham, genial and internationally known • • '.o- bought fee•.., "ambassador of the Canadian Pa. OBITUARY 1'••11.. •"y'. ,,f .;...Icri••1,. •t\u,• eific" and "Soldier" Junes. Cana • - h ,' 11••' u.• - . ia. 1.•1..1114- dian heavyweight boxer. field and Itipl y• We regret to report that Slur. file lay 1L Donald 14 still very i11. 11 r lain Stewart left 1111 311.1.111.1 luler1111g for 1;111.11111. \Ir. 1Iahcedla \L,'•1..•olalll left '111 PAH turdlIy tot Parry sown*. wllr•re 1 will teach. 11r. .lutes 11at•Keurhe 1s home after ...tending a week at Toronto. 14here he 1 1.11111 41, 11x1111.1111.11., tldled Farm " Wears Meel.- .1 Joint meeting of 1111. I'. F. N'. Il. 1'1,11,ti of lamiln11.l1. 1 4111r116 111111 Kin- tnil wilt the Paramount 4'11111 wa. 1.•111 1.0 welu.•.lh1y :1f11•111411011. Sep ?. oilier ltlth. at 1111. house tit \Irl. .1,1 11I111 Maul /1/1111111. 'rhe pre..ident of the Paramount fill,. \Ir.. 4. .Iluule- .uu. prea11el. 'I'11;rt.1 five. 111eu1114•rw 1\•.114.11111.1 114 I1,.• roll call. -1 g,we.l program followed and nun nitwit en - .i..%1.11 1.y Iliusc i"'.e111. s, .4,(ll•r the ailjouriuw•nt a dell.•iouw lunch %n• •1•%1.41 by 11o4 hu'de.. stud her twirlers. '1'111. 111611.11•1" 1111,1 f1166 %111'1w hold at the mow of 11 r.. 1 le'tur 11e'iw•111i. .toot - 1441141. 11114114.1141. 'rhe. N'1. .si. 111.1411111• will i,reisu•1• the 1,1_11gra111. (111.IN1RNE TIItINSHIP . I...er.eti••1, laic will I,1. olise.ev..j 1.0 „tint .lay ••.I to:u!.•r .Lt, it. /'..11u.rie• • • 111,4 r. r. 1111'. 11 'memorial .••ri'i••, •. •:Ilal••11••:I'' .!:1 ::t 11 4..111.- sill l.• coin .!:,• reel t,y 11.4". \\'. 11. 1t •+. of Rem i '. r, tin •.nj•Ir1•.. to 1.• 14i' ell 1.y 11.•1. \\'. 11.+1'. 1 \\ f Ca •1••r;•'t1. The 14 t•ein'S tvItIdra.l:u. tit 1: 11'11: s a.p•nctb•n.are itealn 11.'- 1 I f e• 1 1.1' •• le •••'11'111•.,37.1' B Uu 1.:!!!„,..r W. ,111 .•f 1 • .t• �1•.•B' ..-1!111?; 1u•r :, „eh 11.1...1 t:1.• 41••••lal t t. .u, tr. t+.••.1. , S,1..; of Lot•.." f••atnr I li 1;1.114.11 1"411•'•N.•, 1'n11n:,•!_t. :11•10.11r • :r 11 • . '1'L••:ttre l;..l.•rh:h. on \1•x•1. tis}1111; :r, .i iy r,.I T. ••lav; V..$.h•n11w•r 2: nil t. '1': .:• truly l,lgh•cll.- TO ARMS ! 'Onc-: again,th= cler,on call rings out tor every prohibitionist in Ontario to prcpsre ;.. 11.1111.. O.1_e agtin the e!e_tarl of Canada's banner Province will be called. up to to 7r itect their h im n against a renewed attack on the part of the liquor fojces,of thePr.>vince. The decisive conflict will be fought on October 23rd. Let us prepare for battle. THE PINT OF ATTACK Ater a long struggle we have in our possession the finest piece of Temperance Legislation in Canada. known as the Ontario Temperance -Act. It has cloyed the barrooms of the Province. sobered the drunkard and transformed the drunkard's h ,me. It has almost emptied our jails and penitentiaries. It would have done more were it in the power of the Act to close an,' padlock the breweries and distilleries. We have only to contrast conditions today with those of twenty years ago,to realize the trem- endous improvements it has made. ;\1.H' we are asked if it would not be better to change this Law for something not specified but vaguely called Government Sale. Let us• not be deceived. A liquor store is a liquor store whether owned by a private individual • or by the Government. To sell liquor by the bottle in Government stores doesn't change the character of whisky or beer. The liquors will do exactly what they did' years ago when sold over the bar. We can expect to have just the same condition in individual and social life as before. AMMUNITION As you increase the facilities for obtaining liquor so you increase 'the consump- tion of drink. is Make it right to sell whisky and it cannot be proven that anything else wrong. The man who says he can drink or leave it alone usually finds in the end that he cannot leave it alone. It's the same kind of whisky with the same results whether bought in a Govern- ment store or in the old-fashioned saloon. When the door of the Government store is open every home is in danger. Every woman who has had to live with a drunken husband knows all about the liquor traffic. The devil feels proud of his work when he looks into a drunkard's home. The man who makes a business of drinking will ?Toon be drinking as his business. The devil's rope is around the neck of the man who thinks he can drink or leave it.alone. One moderate drinker is worth more to the devil than a dozen drunkards. If fewer fathers were moderate drinkers fewer sons would become immoderate drunkards. Bridget starts her fire with coal oil, the devil uses whisky. The immoderate drunkard was first of all the moderate drinker. Personal liberty must always take second place to social welfare. Old man Ontario has no intention of becoming a bar -keeper for the United •',States. YOUR WEAPON The ballot cast in favor of the Ontario Temperance Act on October 23rd. 1�i' 'i't•:'►iso;;' iWht�01i:tYll�IhS1:.'.t.r.4lir'�°'!lu" f� dF'a ,Lf v The first all -British direct cable. service between Montreal and Lon- don was opened on August 18th by the Canadian Pacific .Telegraphs. , As business warrants, this service will be extended' to embrace other Canadian cities with which it is now eonnected but which, as yet, cannot I offer a reasonable return'for a reg- ular service. Messages were ex- changed between, the London ('ham. -bor. of Commerce and the *untl.' Board of •Trade .and between the 'Canadian and the English head- quarters of the Bunk of Montreal, conveying expressions of mutual good% ill and peopht.•cying closer re- lation. as a relult of the impruved cable facilities.' WESTFIEI.D 44.'I:S'1'rIF:I.I,. ae•i.t. 17, 11r.. -1 •••i•,1 u .l ,1111 11.•11. of Windsor. y.,1.• 1L 11.,1. 111111 lir. :dol ?Ir.. IN•Ir. 1:11. lulnon Illd we/ k. rel aruiui4 1l+ I'4•;1.,v .Ink taking nilh Ibeln 4Ir.. I: .\111..•11-. .ill.. leu. been cl.ifiiik ear 4 i1;11�1 for Ai.. last three month- ' I 11#.14. o nth - In -1. ••1. T••tei 110141.' ?II. •. .•sni :1 1! 1i -it 1. salt. 'salmi.' IA.1 M..iol, . • \ •,..(.,re, nut t..•r 'Itt.•u.le.I the tilt! 1" r11111'1' :11".•11111\ 11011 fn \C• -rfi. • 1U t114w44-4 •llttrell TIl••+,hay 1 i. 1111 .4 .t. 14 1.41 •.rg:udia••1 t11.• tov.li.li , b r ;ire• e'1q(.aig 1':11101101, - \Ir.. .1 X. 1'ai11.l1,11 ha. Lei ,.i.t. r kiting 11••r at I.r'-..'llt., 1.1.11101•. •"r1.' w-Iasr•'h ilete•Wee 11111111. _ t. nuith.'r-: ry next S11lida>. ' '1'J.• '9•; ;� I.r ?;.•• 111. • ,urge. ,.t .,the \ye,'.. •'d Itr.ih••1i""»I .?'.VIII:1.11 \SI11•11:!,I., .,.pt. t �.'- 11r. Iha1:, 41, Lyon,: ••t Santt 4414. Marie.In. •• 1,11 1111: 1rirnd.1 *hi 1l!lial..l, ai 1 u.i.uuw. 111514 Annie Kill 11.1.1..1.1. o1 ('1,44114• 1.•r m:u ?i1••Ie1I- 111 A- '114/Y \1. v.l hlgbq I -t. cruel yown: inn ti Intoned 11way at 1.111.111111 on t'ridag. ''p teurl"•r Itth. Irl the •p•r.on of 'toy \I. Mick. ..f thin 41,4'11 Ur. (thick bail not 114•11 in good health (yr w • tame, but the end came quite suddenly .aid uu.•\1441.41?? 41c his 444111114 and (Hetet. 111• w11k tern at I hulgaunw.n ;u 11.94, but he moved to thaderic 11 ,11th hi. rairents at .lx year% of age. IIJu-tl Mill quite r141111g lo• engairel ua a • odor •1.0 the i;rolil Luke...pod in 11111. silt! eh ,mIy steccute-n • • :Ir. or age. he enlist. d iia Ude '11;141 11.14 War-. ion arriv Mgits I'- i l.lud he 11:1• draft rd at the Ia Italtaliou sod .11u 'l:re• Jean r. 1..f .retic.• .cr1 i. •••. la nwa•g. ''u the Itr.;,altlav 1..f 1;•.11•rieli union of 111•...'r4i.'' he l'l' ,•i4rd the Military 11141:,1•.ttnl returning t • 1'1111 ,lila 111 11,1!1 he t1...k 111.1 .oiling 11141011 1.111 111111 111 :Itwnid01i 11 1411 lie' U? t of _ bis Is•all11. LJlt,'r he lard 11 r,••-il;•n• alt the •.1114 vi- 1<'•. hat • for the I.,-• Y''11 r- lu' 1111. nnitl Je 64.•1 -1 le I1. 1'11. r weather of 411, 4;I'urg,•. A1114 1111111 •bund,. 4II1itary 1 were a.cordisl this war hero 1n Iain burial., which toad: plaice at ihingal111)11 e•11l- w•ry on Monday. 'rite huo•nll .1.r %ice's were co11dlw'ted by Ker. Arch d•.tcoo .lunew-14awu/a11. The 111111 114.311', IN .w1er,' four lw,%J11w WI chino. Neil \la••lhnwld. l'llarhn Row. ,1141111 Hell idol l;••., g, Stoke,:. I1.•.Idcw 1 hi. 11 tt.• and .1..ruld babe. \I r. I lth,ck iw sun 'veil by bis parents, Mt. and 11r.. ,,,rocs Itli'k. 4.f I .ik'llti r..• •Ireel. HMI Three sister.: 1fr+`.4': 11. 1 NIA Hilo 1.i IA•n•oit. Sirs 111 1'. Porn..if .old \li.,, \I:a•gur••t of low u. - "SAY iT WITH FLOWERS" GEO. STEWART I'•/.I)hf.N%' Wedding Bunches Floral Designs a Sp•cllslty Phone 105 • l w 111 Iw• pleu.14r1 w tale 44 1 ?Tugs of all citizens of pioneer age, eighty y'•1lrs 111111,111.?, for ,loll ericit historical colletlou. and •h 11114• ( will. Ile pec-e•uied 1111 a I'hoto of 1111111111.1 1. Slltin4' 1 • t"• made 1411 Saturluy only. K. K. S.11.I.OW1 • STOVES Now is the time to figure on your heater or cook stove. We have the biggest assort ment of cook stoves in Cade - rich. To clear these the price will be right. Don't buy until you see them. Blackstone's Furniture Exeiange Letterheads Envelopes Billheads �ml 1111 kliol- 11f 1111'.11•' Ft :It inlwn ,J 1't, 1I4,4l 411 TI1. S1•111•'1 4 ►1tieA, \\-•• V4' 11 411 a SI -.h 111111 wi11 14> .-r• alit } 1:.114111 1,11.111• Look over ;cute; -t,.i k .•1 (►1111414 Watiounry and if it •.•1111•.--r.-pL•ni6dlinK cal! n- by t• I. 'Lone a... The Signal Printing Co.. Limited Those Vacation PICTURES . of yours. You're proud o them' - naturally. - Don't lay thorn, aside in some forgotte corner; they'll tell a pleas nt story of your trip if yo have them framed. Let: us de tke_Ftaming for you to -day. We have Frames to suit alt pictures, and our prices are mod- erate. Smith's Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street asr►ses Millinery Opening s MODEL THEATRE on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 22nd and 23rd, and following days In nut .\ut111lin I1I•play Sc. Iry-. 1.1 11,. laic -1 iia I,:Utcru 1111,• and Our Own Models, Distinctive Style- ir. Smart Millinery show taller erowntl, varie.) plumage trimmings. a pronnune.•d ribbon rogue. Span- ish and Empire lines dominate 1114. fashions for the 4.141, 1t. Von are cordially invited to inspect our vtoek: Miss MacVicar Kingston Street Goderich OF SEPT. 22 TO n. •114/111.1 1' :1114 '1'114 -day 'IIKll1 T.t1.1111Si ; The 1411;•'11 •1 .tar of til• .. relit in 1.. o11htnneling drnnr.1' .• triumph • "TIIE SING 01'-I.II11" ' 1.6 111'111111111 • "1'1GsliIN" 14'4,111, daJf ,,r ,t Thur. -day TOM MIIIIRF: 111 1 1111 1:.:11 It .\I:.111 Ih1all Sp/41,11 "BIG IIK/ITIII;K" VON t' -•went "ON THE .IIIB" Friday :and Sat Imlay KIN - TL\ - TIN in n abelrt-stirring 'dory of the Frozen' North •'W11F:Rt: TIIE NiiRTH BEGINS" Long 1 'on.eJv "THE Ril; SHOW" "FELIX IN TILE -SWIM" 11' - FURS FURS Special Showing of Fall and Winter Furs this .week.' If you are interested in buying now or later - see us first. A small deposit will hold any piece. Alio orders taken for repair work on furs. MISS S. NOBLE South Side ',apiary - Ilederich PHELAN BROS. have taken over the Doty Foundry,' on Victoria street, and are now prepared to execute all orders. The Foundry will be known in the future as The Goderich Grey Iron and Brass Foundry • a: l•i:wf;4 `il+�,r}a1t.i,1ct:.? „4 .'F:J: 4latine.r Monday and \y,dm•adny :it 4.11 Saturday at :ital. ('OMIN(-"THEE ('ODE OF THE SEA" Menesttune Park Hotel CHICKFN DINNER Fish and Chic Ten Dinners w 1 be aer'gd Sande- Et en n, fit 5?0 to 111.40 Evert Iowa :it! . i, • 'r 1.11 to 1411 t. 1.111 our dome's tip , , ''ride,, . 44.11141.1rpt -,.t in t... • .t -t. 111_ ?Hy :el for r,w•n'wt•o•t' 1 1...1 11.1;:.4 , tanager Amateur Finishing Our developing and printing .s • of the better kind. Leave your Films with us for good work and prompt service. We also carry a full dock of Films aid Printing Materials. •J. FELL Tion,' 1141 l•oderirl. Men's Sweater Coats at $2.65 Meet's:,All Wool Sweater Coats made of all • wool yarns. In brfitvn. grey. leather, lovat• and fawn hides. • Very Special at $2.65 M. ROBINS The Squire , Goderich Viands 1w. MO 1IlIl ,reel- •.•14.1.1, niil i,,:1r Paul Whiteman's Orchestra in `tralford on 1I, loL••r tllitil, IIM(I milGonr .'1 pco4Ae ran hear thin great orlpgaizat ion 1111 the Victrola at any time. fhiv is a real cgrlxlrtnnity. H. E. JENNER QUALITY --- STYLE ---VARIETY These good features are all embodied in our immense stock of Footwear, for men, women and children, and these features, combined with the policy of one price and fair dealing to all, has made this store an institution as the' "Fancily Shoe Store." - Our new stock of Trunks and Travelling -Goods of all kinds, at popular prices, is worthy of your con- sideration and inspection. We invite you to come in and look around at any time. SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE Phcn,• 111$ W. REG. SHARMAN OODKRICH