HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-18, Page 3Job Printing
The Signal is prepared to do a!lf;nds
of Job Printing at reasonable prices.
For your next order
Telephone 35
Unlimited Quantity of
at fa per single. cord. delivered.
(foot of A1glesea tit. Phone 81.)
AU kinds for sale. If you Intend buT-
tag a biome it, will 1117 you to see
the 114141x.,. 1 `hate for ease- 1 have
them at all pri.ws, trove $700.00 up
Rowe real g'444(1 bargains on 1,4ay terns.. We carry a large stock of the
drop in and we me.
' P. J. RYAN, Waterman and Parker Fountain
aft:X. the 4'i;glet Tal». you lint'.
441.11 111 year* Is ubtalnatle at 4ILtbt-
M.lX'►4. .t peel. fine Aloe. iu t,1tn•k,
or br.iwn• ,du Sts to 10. Yeti 'linnet
ffer'l to vis. tills.
Fountain Pens
Rent Estate' h (1111411111 411.'1" ret) Pens, of which many of the
The Armstrong Real Estate
and insurance Agency
LAe (Sun Lite), Accident and Auto
Nou.e. and Lot. in Goderich and
V,.mit1, and Farm. for 5alr
.1 •• 1 '., re . n>' Fair
I' • • 1: • • • lioderich, 4)nt
(11 Fall Gardening Pointers
Too few realize the advantages of Fall
i Does your garden need lime?
1- Fanner kettle rich Nu) Now l'h111es4-
Sehnlur and Stull• -roan
'1'tint l\Tri, 4:1.1.1• 1 'fr,neller in
''o. I',.r Ea•t and 4 il,,,..e lu1.siohnr%
ter o11irt)'8ty y,0r11. $"t. IMm1el.1 J1n•.
+:iltirra)•. _.•nvla1 mow velary for thee
• hristima Literature ti.'eiet)'• see"' til"
Planting. -.• of a yr,•441 1'11141+•«.• tiat1 one
llulr'h of iheugemous orfr;li,. whl•h i.
Kntdm111J )filnhti _ltremoi and 11i•
(.,telae" In We "nmc4ls anti affair,,
t a• ('
J 1111.,4
rt: h•. •
e lt. 1
Read the Advertisements
in The Signal. Buy advertised wares.
It is a safe and sound policy.
e. 1.lun 11. !taker.
p.11. -Seri we of p'ir• lt.l
• ,.14'11, 4t,Leu.Ytnd), \. \.y•.,,;'.•I;
the Bev. Gorden 11. ItaA.•r'.----..�....�•-.
Monday. September :'J. 7:45 p.tu-
Pro¢ram. 14.,411 Ikon. . pi Ileo. Caste.
11vur;lou.' ,.lin. noel 'I t4ii ls•th Rea,
.44141. her! . •
'fuesday. -.•4.1,•ulh.•r L':k I:IS pan.
14nt,'.• prolyraal by 1uuui11e Not ell.
I nreh.'stra. 1rt1ego 1:or13on, !ironer
I'Editorial reading. ".\utumu." 1" 'I' I;
Diatom knie•korb%'ker frees. '.
i N. Y.
1o:4u i1.441.•-dirgatt reeled 1.)' `t
ell 1:. It.dsrinlr. from 1•r....tor'. 11-
emits Itdeeeke•r 111111, .1.`l':ioy• N. x.
t\1,Itie•sdaly. September ,,4, a p n,
--Adventure .torr. 'e ttrtv,y. 1 .ut]'
'o111p1 »ion
Thur., ll w, September
' Organ nrllal b' Sall en t: Coi.
deb.. from 1'ns•tnr's llarwaun. Oh .•
"Leer Hull, .Rainy.
7:4' gm- *Monk Talk by 1..1.. Il.yr
Lies. mod -tont Iibnlrlen, G1•n4'ral Elec.
tri.' 4'08gwny.
,:4141 p.m. -Radio. ylrnuul. ere, Ilnp-
4.1e.•s. }:\p•r?s." 11) 1,1_t- rge .4.. Jeia•r.
1''tt.burgle N,,e. -presented h) the Win"
Student l''uyv'ts.-' "The _il:ajat+i+l.•..•
Elegem.- is one of We prise plays ie
(4,e 1111161 drnhla 1111. 11,4 ,-.'11(111:1114 11)
frid,rl, $.ytethl.•r ,44. 5::I0 l.m-
Storfes forchildren.
i:4., pen. -4 litl.4ren'. stem le
Frenela •4,4 Frederic 1Mn•h•rt.
41:4444 p.M. -4nternati'n,tl Sand,.
school l•.M.n.
i :4:1 p.ln.-- H4411114 'Delo.
44:4444 pen. -'114Ik, -The State Park
44).t.•tt4." .ties, h.il•r 1184.41.441a 1.1. MOM
her of the New York Slate 4'.•n.erva
The a 1 n. F r '•1 1-
w t of phmling which may nuay .erre ns oxen,},'.: of 1l,• types �Jti 1 hlr.iy lone }mot r,.unod I
!.. dem. - al,.l'J,r.fitally dune. at that of Meshes 4111....• 41141 114•y;1e• 4.i run feein elle to t 411 f11rlm4gn, •:e',enl
yr ,lairf144 the (1141 is raliaisi by far •e early in spring the. it i. hoopoe- 141111.1.1.11I" lIrs. baa:s:illi1raly and by
(.•o few amateur gardeners. Naturlll- •44,1" t.. transplant them at flet we- theirdliujdui•r. Mies Edith. 11.• 1.•f.
ly. full peeitiu4 le thin climate, is .Y,nl w11bout chr4 kilipf tlul, year's 1'8114)4111 in 1,4,40 -for [haute.. where. for
...edified to the 14.1•411aia144 and bleu- growth. .A11 bustle% of Ino. elaas }nay "level peer.. he doweled him.elf t,.
Mule 111 the fhwe•r garden and to lie mored daring Septea11o•r- with 4dnueg•r work 3s the eollio1g,1e• of 14ei%
epee wad shrubs for lawn and gerdeu small bete of injury, t:eeu if "IPIts. r4„fort!'. lu l'141°114.1.1w
tk4 he took iii his
,4414'ratiue. In the vegetable garden' "eaves tire- dropped as. a result of week at Sl eughai uud, a.si*1.1) ',y
the only thing flat It worth while the mete there )s little e11114.• for
t.. !lair In the fall I. spimw-1 for gee flurry. '\'bel this /mimeos the
in the spritag and ('lover .'r other bombe,' wilt '' • en the 4,11. 'hts-
grt,n metier" crop to 111• sp111w1 Wider. spring. as 14 nothing (hell hnp)r_•n.vl'
Even tbuugb clever planted tide hate to them. 1f.' however, -they start 44.
in the Knowing 4'x.4'll tmhke•el,ldigwra• put out a n.•w• 4.et pf 4,11.14. the 41111
tlt4ly 4111411 growlh, s11•11. growth i% Nie) lire upn'.41. 11111 are likely 1.1
Olaf 11/1/ell ammo* gained -at small antler ver) w•rere•ly or die during the
winter. Privet owl all .•liah4•ing
roses are best transplanted. ' during
. 4.41,•41." .'f either money- or 1,14. er. The
'''144t•g of r),• for spring plow'ing or
.pldiJlg ulxl. r may lo• dna.• any 411114-
dtirimg September. but 4. heel dour
early If the .oil W. of n well drained
aullre• whl'•b 4a•rhllts early .4rytillg
Ont :end eorklug in the 44 wring It • •
ha* a l.h41.)1•y t.' 11141 k„ 41)11 11..11 VY 11
growth ul, g,tr.h'u 114,l1 nuh•v+ 14 is
tnrn,.1 *lira u w.•ry early - no the
spring. •
7741• !nerdy sowers are the things
Mr.. JLai:illirruy. has li.•aleewl not
11111,• roslIps in the Jrrl4s4glttioll of lit-
erature ailaoag the people. Mrs. '4Iile-
lafliYn,y is the..editorof '•llnp4)7
4.4'!il)allieed," n ttwknIzine in the (7dt-
.e.• 11114¢1" ter (114• usii'i t tinecht}alren.
Miss Eolith, elm Iwo modeled her
nether for the 44114 year. gmilit ttell
from Victoria Collette 111 11421 atoll will
...Mimeo her studies _144 4niturio
the• fall, but both 1111*-. a. (4444444.11.)' l'-ge of •Kala. -1114,,1 Irreplrat}ry to
111 11,414 .11.1 very quickly to n'n.ki-,144 4iga444•(8king'lie her work in the fur
wean weather noel if a Cel'' warm "144.41 111.441"41 ti. d.
Indian rummer centre along It' d. • ('u nMf% (ala Influence
wise 40 give the,enrth .tunnel then, ••1\',, elan teem." the rice 04 a un-
to heat)- shad" 4444 air 10 pre4'hlt 11m tonal etlnr.•h," .(id lir. \hus1illiVray.
%4'unuieg' tip during the 1.4.0 or the ••Ser.' end mere, 4'brMniun *1alye•rts
lay. Sieh .Judewill '''I uutl•rinl4• I are 41)1141414 ieflneuee In the 11 re of too (',mnIfemio4,:
interfere with the de•ce'lopn„"'t of Nast country. and tai.4 .episolatly in 44:44) pew.-etp•retta. "T11k Fine
root, system w'Ilk'It 1* taking pd,u8•• tdiii.-'. 4lhw• tee reeelnH•' un ho 1'q.Pili'...." by theory Hadley. slily; 'by
milieu will 4x•11 repay attention at
this the, of year. It is net 'bees -
Prepare for Sweet Peas r when the reveal.. aa. formed, there elte 11,41 Light • 4q* rn 4...tu4lnny.
•ary t.. wait 111,4{! Ike• 1.1 8.441 i. :ill
It .110141.1 hot I.• (.'rgonel' that this �''I$- of ....arse. 1s4•n a marked .4•14.61.0. \\'flliaw Fuc..lin•1ror. -- ..
styles are suitable for school 11 the blue• t0 clear ap 111= w•.M'4,ill the at1IIude: 1o1o)1l1l i114war.is tela.. lift ',PI) 41.111. -Pr. by 1Y41Y or.
[�•ur frena reseal before tnrnWag thew
¢row-t.h tt:at ha„ fun"
un 4 its way .itt., forage ele•a.nt. Its. \1'. U'. Yea. ''1104444. n.•la.v1 b .14'1.. Jtlarltatyre,
r + me wc. b.ntolls. told it_ i. Liter to - K 1 l 11ee y
tttle..w a also have Waterman's the garden dot+ The anrCnl• , f thew:os-i•te.•nYl Pre,iler tea w,1•k 1.•uor
Fountain Pen Ink.
Authorized Dealer in Gtnulne Orange.
41os.om Engagement and
Wedding Ring.
East Side Square Goderich, Ont.
5x 3x 2x
any Grade at
Special Prices
Fresh Car Arrived To -day Order Early
Cement Lath Lumber of All Kinds
Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. -
Goderick. P. O. Box 160
Phone 47W- --After 6 p. m. Phones 47i or 385
Anything sad Ev.rythina in Building Supplies
Saturday Special
at the
Blue Bird Orchestra
of Walkerton, (5 pieces)
Dancing 8.30 to 11.45
To Insurance Beneficiaries
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost annually through the ,mwl.e
investment nr careless spending of monies received for insurance death
claims and matured endowments. A Union Bank Savings Account is
the proper place for the deposit of such monies. 1f Beneficiaries seek
investments, our branch managers are always willing to help them with
petal and conservative advice.
Oodsrich Branch -F. Wooloernbo,'Mlanagar
.''Ylfl.e .01111• ..4 th•'blesen tall to " !
4e,il sl Itl 114• iamb. ele:ua and • 0, i.. 1 klatw. ex.s•run•Ic f.lTora1•11• to Saturday. .i e•ptember 27• tt::11►.p.m.--
portions -which are el":Ir .t blah. I ,.114 cause Itu.1. given the titer. ti,.. I./DC/11M nt .hotnul•lo.
41.14'. e•ro, should b••. 4 • . : • . world mat' get wi .
fhe nlhe4•Ilr 1. apt 'ro is.81.•17J_ �thir1.01.•111 .'4 44 $*elf-4(11p4a 4(4I4)l '1111 l'44: LOVELY FLOWERS -
t„11 44414441144 to11.4 4omy the Klee floe The mies1vnary'- hold. no, alarm (or AT CHURCH WEDDINGS
bottoming year 4,1 laving a lot amore. the 444,'))' 1.f the foreign -seem of
weeds t1. fight. Soil that is 'to 1.• morel
during the 44re,e•ht tried.)".
.Y ,
Il very 1 rt ev a spring fere are three It wt ru s the ' T1 1 a Y 44:..11 '
v. n f t a nt .r -
t tg , . f lax 1.•
11,•tte•r of a *fowling hew 11114 44nyth r -Wt. he wli.l. ••.4. large -'lolamtary supplied 4,j IAN* l Leri•), 1\4,1
hest 1*•fere the hard frosts eosin-. mt'14,,ry and p..IicF 1on-.. is aiw,444 Ilrel•icM flan}' 4uIniIlinlrn414
This i. 111 4rpgwtlane time 'te fiu.l ready (•.r 1111c '•ti"•r etiey 3114, 114141. Th.'re 1144 148.11 mt44h vutmllp•11t upa.11
010 -whether yoilr 1441 144,41,. lime•. If - the•..• the nearly 1114141 $ik4;-, ex- the Iw'tn11•. 111.1 ut.4.•hlhes,. of the
it 'l)1x, fall la Om best flute 4.. make
fie' 11441{,:n1)on.-41.••• the frost, amt
snow wi11 •k.' a great 4.1,1 toward
hi,-'rp rating The lime if a heavy
.ir.844hag is 1111,1441. Lillie Iwl•reee•4 the
tooth 11411 t.*' 141" for the reels to
l'1•onne well s•8tabli•h)rl is the new
`fh.• aecom4%anyir14 •list inelud,*s
w01.1 of the common 1,»rdfe4 that we
1:410• in our gardens in this climate.
awl the donee given natty la• taken as
1 w
approximate f rr the 1, t ti eo n
to f r
morn I. Prnetieally ell the hardy
flowers will reopen.; to the *11 w.•
treat mea t
.111 point. of this .saes f1111J1 their
),Palming '1me..41 in n niece or loess ex-
hali..t.d eonditfon, bat if given
favorable• trositonelot to their 4114 1.a•n-
tion. nr In tie\T (uarter. they will et
'ewe 4444 41l1wlt reloathlh+g their root
.)ae•nI.. Til* motion Calle Moen In
condition' to withatals' the whiter
mid .to make a vigerons stun vilely'
the followi'ng spelne
When One M lifting long 014ab"
hshed 44a►1s ftir the powwow 14
1 µ11l.1 over. y tneew the establish
1niii11n .soldier., who are employ.' for '• floral it ro ration . at 4i 'lilt fll,(h a tie
police purp,..•s. Ito L 44.1d111mi. lanolin.: ' ahle ehur,-h•."ddiug• In t:,.h•rh',i. Tee
parties 'from the etitubh.+1 fleets. III- Mored M'Il4yge"of bole" pretty' and
der n►a• hlerlatienal ....milometer. 4114''4,041044 events have '44•wd41-- to
erollhl provide ler) formidable „p444'.4- r.'4 1: a degree 1f '.•fluty and getter..'
4"X 411 rr of the 44 AI. make. inert plant
that. 1.. any attaekl,g fore... lint tile.- attractiv.'Ii.. never 4,4or•' ttuno,1
f.o.b. uiateee... 814.1 e.rrn'.•i. 1"4 )444. , 1.:11 r.•as,0) is nut here. The Chinese, in 1:, 1,-,ieh• 114,13 ear 4.'.•41! florist, )1r.
To 'earn- if a 14.11 is .i., strongly' .Ieno•nt in the 881 iv, deet inti of 1:earl»• Sten .1 rt. ints rs.wi i.e.! 1141111,:
acid get •eon. glue lamas leper teen I S111'1001i, do:ripg ever tt teillio11 ...mph:milts teem the taste awl .kit,
n drug s*.,.„ and invert an 4vel ,4, 11114 a half. randy .f whom are promo- ; -1111 rf•wnlreefu1n. •e of whIeh they
.a 41,14 in a loin!(! of 11141 .. that ; :1414.114 b111,11, -.w 1444.4 and wo-rir.i.Y1 a , gave evidence. From one of , the
making dlri*io11m the opportunity 1,4 has Moen mixed wit*: water to the great ro.44r•t by the 4,.wer •'!»sw•., I•' I.ride•-he hug rene.ved a mete .4 very
¢leen for n thorough renovationtot 11ns1*t.•ney ..f porr)diu• , The )144J.•r; 31.1 as ancioa. ,e. 1L.• f..re4gner. that .is,•4:4 thanks and apl.r.,-Intlen. the
shinld le. allowed toe standfor an no 44"1114,• •honld ...sour..triter skating that Isth she and her,
the reset. Almost invariably a remold -
hour er so. If. when 4t ha. been .4wsi(4 Reparations Settlement '.,.haim1 enn.ider.,l 111" floA-,•r. suis.
Hems, in 4l.1)r water. It 441,4,4-4 a Dr. ,lln.l:llllrrn' 1.(l... 4)1114 thine to Jed- for their w,41d,n4 more lo'aute
'wired regi color Mei .'.dl 11*t4. lime 10 anxiously awaiting the M.ttl.'me41' 111 ,'ad striking in .I4.) -urtinee than'
fondly. If it i. only .' ightlr pink 41 ys
.4,1 the rartel.4.w pri'bleme ue,•I any they had ever---i-o.- lle•r .e -o
very 41u*.' application wit) 40 or boies for great ihings front the thew"• Is.'pinel, n.. ,1dd411. ..t4. '•h•v',wl .4• -
there Is 41(tle danger in letting things e4dhmfttee whi.•4, im mow beginning it. 4`rii14h'n."
Ia4on,• for another ;year. A ).avy work. He pointed dot that the It should Is• ¢rat'(ia.11 to .10.,
•Ir.,.))4 of time shoal! Ire' 3'•84l *or Chinese Winking institution, ore fie .poet to khew that not 1,114 411 31:.
dreg in. .t light alr•amihg may leo tonehi4314 very, strung. T!1,• 441•:hghni si.w:rt f1lling the Lill s•, Weil 4.4
4.4 r1-.1 in the spring -uu.}shnrn.w'YI ..r 1111.1 111i+g-1G•oq 1411k is one of 71,. I0e+41 1:edd14)014 bat 1..• ss 44up4dyh.0
rak1,1 111 /1 (ter the ground Is all ready 111x40.1 in the world and leas'- e4.[n4. f1.,4.-er, r' 1114113' nq.•.. - 0wm .4'%041 ••
for int. -.'wing of tee esu,). linked an exlellenl Nystrom of eN,ll in one den .• re'i'ney 4'..r a wed'til..
jI flkhe4. -lint.- ,y/ Id he, •9 he ,ff"e,• .,site near ors of the large cities.
f the European war are .4111 to he
4e„1. Trade. for Weenie... 1111* sear,.
l7 revs:vere,l as yet 11%d bn'lmom new'
are ha.kI,.g for the reparations set tie
••rabl.• emoted of Mend mnterh,4 w4)l
be found. Thin ahon141 he removed.
14tH it is a good blow to sprinkle
the root lightly with flowers of nub
pane before it 4. replanted. Srliplutr
is a simple• i.r.•v.'uthr of retiree!
find similar fungi). 111.,•444,x,
Care mast be exereimed In taking
out .4.1 rem.. Large:ruts of plelex.
delphinium. lwony. rud1%.1,111. b.•)•
tvinm. .n.1 .o forth require :a 1.t ..f
digging. 1111(4 it 55 nnw•iMe• to •.4Irt the
spade ,•l.0•r than 111 inch"• front the
ernwn of the retort. In dealing
Gid 4441n1hw a distane•e.. f (nem 15 to
l� ita•h.' 444 required. When the root
Orn'. !Wen 44f4.4 front It. old bed the
.44ris)en, may lie- med..' 4,r racking
the resp en the grnnn, to learn Where
It I4 w)444ng (o spilt *I1h the (east
114111.1,• to 4)11• eel41111g 44yaMn. A
4 i¢ phl„Y ''11111141 will readily dieintt•-
urete foto ee--oral Pepe rat- growth..
.\ pony 4+14,1 14 more Mndily °11111.II441
If wa,M,.d .o one may ire,• the inter -
chars of the riot*, 4'114'•, 4'ntlehe.,
and 4ometinh•• a lot of renin terengt1
are 1114.4141 to divide up pn 1:11 peony
Tithe 10 Mose Evort(,'eena
4ee.t11(i0 le•n•t1da1' may be re -
h1111 3.4.111 41441 l.•i4s and put In
permanent 4..sith•a Roy time d,Irl1¢
Seplrlll4.or. No 44.'.'*'l1 .lireeti,ns nr
tnstn.'(ion' are ne4Yb'I for Ode work.
1 "crept that 4t p4 11•e4) t., trin.fer the
r...4.• welt tie mach earth elf11ging to
,helm n. p1a**1h1' after the plants
j are h, pine-.' the tope should he eat
beck n fele in,•i,." and the cart:4
18r{fdlc trampe,l dawn around the
nods. 14.),.71 the first real freeze -
lip ha-. 1.0M• and there is 1141111•
danger of the earth thawing out
again. a three Melt ru111e11 of Ytrnw
or 'lend b,lce'a .h»Nd he pmt 4111 the
bed. If arae' manure is acallnlile It
will mak" an exe.11e•ht neleh, mite/•
the straw van be raked ..ftl to •the•
spring ,41144 the reside' 10A1,'4 right
Into the 4011 .
This 1d the hest time of cent to
If yon are going to l:na'e pria.-
taker sweet pram next year tills is
the time to begin the pngs,r.th.n of
the row. Nitdr the gnome! oyer
well -44111" tiro.' during 4eetemt.•r. lb"
for" 4)liob•r 111 the memo! triewhing meet to aassist in the oet1111i'_'lhet of
and rove bnilding shonl'A_ 4, •'.,ern- ''iIin.'$" iuehlstre :n:d nannf►etl►r.•.
Ind.omelr,." emus... .d e. foreign mis3i.•i,
work is n1,44. dependent on the -Ont
Worm with pride.• far the e.hp'-.-
11o, a v' 1 )v rk being lone 1.)• the 41111
t•." 4everhtne et. 1►r. lthe f:NlIvra.
elates . the number of -ett411i il4 111
!teethe; the l e, .,:h,nlm has. i,'-r'.ns..I
from un+• mlrlion to fire minter, -
Ito tie last teen yen r. ,eecording le.
1811,. f! a rational aloofness awl breed
mitelo •i*,• -4 olispiny.,l by 1)i.-- nthoe
Mee le owl.' 111' the Most e•ll".ilr:lliin.:
siyt/1v vet disldayl,_t_ in the doleelbe.
mem-of New 4':ritot. 'they 11:, -,• take,
the 1,01 iu eke linos -owe -tit to sin1p11fy
the !angnag•• by- 44111444 itutin, thirty
nail• pbote•tie eln+raet.•rs for the morue
-4(1.(44141-odd llierorlyphh:. nom h, use.
"In ndditfou." 4411.1 11.. "they bare
pertn)tted nM M 14.1144 .4.1.1•. Lf ,n1r
e �'luu4 tall•'rs 111 the. ,4.114441. 18.4+14,1.
111111 ''.11eg.-,, n,nr'y uta of which nr'
11011-1'hrl.tlan holittltions.
('hrirtin44 propaganda is humid to
Move 1411 toffee, on th.'w' lens- whop
n'!II a4411me the lend ' In /'!stn.'s ((4.
the Wee
I Te Speak in Staten
lir. And ale. 'fnet:IlNrrny- perm to
rettlrtl to ("hint ahem '41:u•rla of n.'.t
arae. In the me:intim.,.1!my nye at
the ,Mop w1.1 of the ran:idiom elnlr•hps.
ter. 'fn.•alliveny'* work ns se,•r1•tnrr
of the ('I: ristlnn 1.1teriote r. 4.11•*err
take hlni to the 4'nit,Yl ttfnte,
for pomp time. ''art of Iris furlohah•
grnioted every six year,. Is to link
tip the work of the k..•ietr, which
Is International In its »sleet. T111,.
1. the fifth holiday be .hap had 44inep
1i 'lnterlrl the foreign Weldon field
1n 1`A.
04.411. Dix n (n•tlrh three feet deep.
el:ruwilnt the top sill to the right
rind the subsoil too the left. tower
e ech ridge of ell (known out with
three furless of rotted manure. nod
sped,• it over w, -that the mnnn[r• and
ear:4t are well 'mixed. Repine.. trio.
.nleeueil and. If the land is naturally
light tramp it in firmly. lr the Amid
is heavy and has n tendency le hold
water 111) not tramp It down. 1'11'"4.s
the holy moil le 11misJtalty ride. strew
grown( home oyer lt 84 the rite" of
1 pentode t11 every '2 i feet e( r111i.
Retrieve the tope soil. pear,•, the top
401401 fir whiter weathering. Th..
row• w•111 44(1m41 n f1a.t .'r n.w1. 1,1.4.ne
the surrounding garden, but is
nitro nettled and !14(144•! 4141 .n flat
planting may he done 1114•) rnl•ly
1. -It 'spring.
Ilnrdy flewrring 144'n•nnfnl. - f.4'
p^rtnnn..a iNYls and 18,n1,•rs. with'
4:1(14, fnr fall trnnsplu,ting:
.\eh1* 1.et wept. 11121
A Is•lotshn;t.pl . 111.25
.\gllllt•g*n Sept. :.;tel
.1eter 111:a my 1 ..........411-1. 1(1-21
Iteltnntn Oct. 15-Ntr. 1
1'111ni,tyn)111 'qt. 11.2 ,
('un:h-trlft flintily t Seth. 15491
4'nnterbur,4 Itetls $4'414. 3-'27.
trnn.pinnt evergreens and alt (treble,- ('41 l')lll4 '.41 44•,4. :-1
mos .grub. %Thiele start growth very t'hr,,,pels ...... .... tie+pt. :I-4 tee Io
4arty- in the spring. The "menet of I b•Ipbinlnnl '1.'4.f•nllr
1114111*11¢ e,niferou' tree% and teeth's 1llintime 'tellteneber
eneeee,flllr 111. In getting theta well!" 1)liritaliw kept• i-.241
the sap is active, and in keeping the tialit,.r411• (Hardy 4t4 . September
roots from drying during tiny trans- (1yeeophile ...... .... $.1t. 1:.411•(. 1
porting that runt. be neeer itre. 1Vbett 11114* -n. 4eptetnla•r
''lolly lowk September
Idlpinns - $.•pt. 1-2.1
1.y.hM. Se tenib•r
'Myesotis fie t"tala•r
Pansies. tept.mtee
1'cergr,•n44 aro bought from n
nitrat'ryman It la well to funk" sure
that they are to he ahlp{.,1 with a
bell of earth rolled in lmrlap nr.nnhl
the roots. inspect the ielle carefully
when the 'trek arrive". It the Hells
have dried ant either r'efnse to 44 ')').t
the ahlimle•nt or notify the shipper
Wt return mall. Ry sll•h motive you
prefect yrwtreelf 111141 if deallne w•1t1,
a first -elate concern Ton may s.,•hr.•
rep)aretnent free or et half price for
.prclmena that fall le lire.
ibraythfo Fortnnetl. titer. l4rrin-
ea 1 and ell the varieties' of currant,
Phhc ... •....
Isom (!lardy, ...
1'yroot Iwo) no
*nloloen Innerly)
Sweet tcitllam
Vale riot r,
Crrunhs (1 sty
Rent. 25 -flet. t0
... 1111 Sept. 1 1:,
Sept em4a'r
Si•ptemb r
Sept 14 frt. 10
Sett amber
Sept erreber
Wt.Y pee:ram to Lrt.•f. w-rek of
September 21. 1924 W1.1. *Melee
Indy. N. Y . (Ivn"ral J-4, 'trig Com
piny. 790 *110eye1.,, (.'Uro meters).
F•astern etnn.tard time.
Sunday, 'September :1, 41 ::1) a m
Sen -he of First Jlaptl.t .'hurrh. es-ho'.
N. Y • germ n by the 1G•r.
as EN•1't, "ita t:\'1II Yt: 1H NII. 38
Apartment to Rent
lie'4er,, ax•r.s'm44ri .illarton,ut,
.'n ��.,:, n• tw.w•.•� 11,41 III ,•leer. !
Paul Whiteman
and his Orchestra
of twenty - five, three
grand pianos, sixty-four
different instruments,
$6000 curtain
Stratford Casino
October 3rd., 1924
8.30 p.m.
Prices, $150, $2.00, and
$2.50 and amusement
Tax. Tickets on sale at
Hei ltzman'y, 131 Ontario
Street, Stratford. -
Phone 769. Phone or mail orders
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Etertriciio
t -1Y 01ZO STORE
North .0 of \,tears Goderich
More and more the experienced
farmer realizes the importance of
accurate book-keeping.
The farmer who opens a Chequing
Account with the Bank of Montreal
is enabled to keep an exact record
f receipts and expenditure and to
have the helpful advice of an experi-
enced banker whenever he needs it.
We shall be pleased to .supply
you 'with a Farmer's Account
Book free of charge.
E. V. LE
BANKOFMONTREAL�Estltbled ovlor loo ywsi
A Two -Sided Business
n.p1,1n4r-•o. I1..1toou•lo41 by n• -I4 fnr trona h.•Ing , 1.n.• -
sided bushes's. On the one hand, wee melee tle1.+..hy--
w,u' 1 ". w.uert.J.0 to n Seel uu !'guru!; and ler % IU4 h
we proll13u • place of security.
Orn the other haled. we Loan Motel' III re.p'ii. t!'4.• 44 rio
elem., nuance.' end conaerl4t)%4 management tin. In keep.
Illy with our town. It Is through 1'011o% ION curl a peel.1
.4 cune.•r/-utlam that wn It.tve 4141141 ced to uur pre.e114 NI aide
Unlimited Quantity of
at fa per single. cord. delivered.
(foot of A1glesea tit. Phone 81.)
AU kinds for sale. If you Intend buT-
tag a biome it, will 1117 you to see
the 114141x.,. 1 `hate for ease- 1 have
them at all pri.ws, trove $700.00 up
Rowe real g'444(1 bargains on 1,4ay terns.. We carry a large stock of the
drop in and we me.
' P. J. RYAN, Waterman and Parker Fountain
aft:X. the 4'i;glet Tal». you lint'.
441.11 111 year* Is ubtalnatle at 4ILtbt-
M.lX'►4. .t peel. fine Aloe. iu t,1tn•k,
or br.iwn• ,du Sts to 10. Yeti 'linnet
ffer'l to vis. tills.
Fountain Pens
Rent Estate' h (1111411111 411.'1" ret) Pens, of which many of the
The Armstrong Real Estate
and insurance Agency
LAe (Sun Lite), Accident and Auto
Nou.e. and Lot. in Goderich and
V,.mit1, and Farm. for 5alr
.1 •• 1 '., re . n>' Fair
I' • • 1: • • • lioderich, 4)nt
(11 Fall Gardening Pointers
Too few realize the advantages of Fall
i Does your garden need lime?
1- Fanner kettle rich Nu) Now l'h111es4-
Sehnlur and Stull• -roan
'1'tint l\Tri, 4:1.1.1• 1 'fr,neller in
''o. I',.r Ea•t and 4 il,,,..e lu1.siohnr%
ter o11irt)'8ty y,0r11. $"t. IMm1el.1 J1n•.
+:iltirra)•. _.•nvla1 mow velary for thee
• hristima Literature ti.'eiet)'• see"' til"
Planting. -.• of a yr,•441 1'11141+•«.• tiat1 one
llulr'h of iheugemous orfr;li,. whl•h i.
Kntdm111J )filnhti _ltremoi and 11i•
(.,telae" In We "nmc4ls anti affair,,
t a• ('
J 1111.,4
rt: h•. •
e lt. 1
Read the Advertisements
in The Signal. Buy advertised wares.
It is a safe and sound policy.
e. 1.lun 11. !taker.
p.11. -Seri we of p'ir• lt.l
• ,.14'11, 4t,Leu.Ytnd), \. \.y•.,,;'.•I;
the Bev. Gorden 11. ItaA.•r'.----..�....�•-.
Monday. September :'J. 7:45 p.tu-
Pro¢ram. 14.,411 Ikon. . pi Ileo. Caste.
11vur;lou.' ,.lin. noel 'I t4ii ls•th Rea,
.44141. her! . •
'fuesday. -.•4.1,•ulh.•r L':k I:IS pan.
14nt,'.• prolyraal by 1uuui11e Not ell.
I nreh.'stra. 1rt1ego 1:or13on, !ironer
I'Editorial reading. ".\utumu." 1" 'I' I;
Diatom knie•korb%'ker frees. '.
i N. Y.
1o:4u i1.441.•-dirgatt reeled 1.)' `t
ell 1:. It.dsrinlr. from 1•r....tor'. 11-
emits Itdeeeke•r 111111, .1.`l':ioy• N. x.
t\1,Itie•sdaly. September ,,4, a p n,
--Adventure .torr. 'e ttrtv,y. 1 .ut]'
'o111p1 »ion
Thur., ll w, September
' Organ nrllal b' Sall en t: Coi.
deb.. from 1'ns•tnr's llarwaun. Oh .•
"Leer Hull, .Rainy.
7:4' gm- *Monk Talk by 1..1.. Il.yr
Lies. mod -tont Iibnlrlen, G1•n4'ral Elec.
tri.' 4'08gwny.
,:4141 p.m. -Radio. ylrnuul. ere, Ilnp-
4.1e.•s. }:\p•r?s." 11) 1,1_t- rge .4.. Jeia•r.
1''tt.burgle N,,e. -presented h) the Win"
Student l''uyv'ts.-' "The _il:ajat+i+l.•..•
Elegem.- is one of We prise plays ie
(4,e 1111161 drnhla 1111. 11,4 ,-.'11(111:1114 11)
frid,rl, $.ytethl.•r ,44. 5::I0 l.m-
Storfes forchildren.
i:4., pen. -4 litl.4ren'. stem le
Frenela •4,4 Frederic 1Mn•h•rt.
41:4444 p.M. -4nternati'n,tl Sand,.
school l•.M.n.
i :4:1 p.ln.-- H4411114 'Delo.
44:4444 pen. -'114Ik, -The State Park
44).t.•tt4." .ties, h.il•r 1184.41.441a 1.1. MOM
her of the New York Slate 4'.•n.erva
The a 1 n. F r '•1 1-
w t of phmling which may nuay .erre ns oxen,},'.: of 1l,• types �Jti 1 hlr.iy lone }mot r,.unod I
!.. dem. - al,.l'J,r.fitally dune. at that of Meshes 4111....• 41141 114•y;1e• 4.i run feein elle to t 411 f11rlm4gn, •:e',enl
yr ,lairf144 the (1141 is raliaisi by far •e early in spring the. it i. hoopoe- 141111.1.1.11I" lIrs. baa:s:illi1raly and by
(.•o few amateur gardeners. Naturlll- •44,1" t.. transplant them at flet we- theirdliujdui•r. Mies Edith. 11.• 1.•f.
ly. full peeitiu4 le thin climate, is .Y,nl w11bout chr4 kilipf tlul, year's 1'8114)4111 in 1,4,40 -for [haute.. where. for
...edified to the 14.1•411aia144 and bleu- growth. .A11 bustle% of Ino. elaas }nay "level peer.. he doweled him.elf t,.
Mule 111 the fhwe•r garden and to lie mored daring Septea11o•r- with 4dnueg•r work 3s the eollio1g,1e• of 14ei%
epee wad shrubs for lawn and gerdeu small bete of injury, t:eeu if "IPIts. r4„fort!'. lu l'141°114.1.1w
tk4 he took iii his
,4414'ratiue. In the vegetable garden' "eaves tire- dropped as. a result of week at Sl eughai uud, a.si*1.1) ',y
the only thing flat It worth while the mete there )s little e11114.• for
t.. !lair In the fall I. spimw-1 for gee flurry. '\'bel this /mimeos the
in the spritag and ('lover .'r other bombe,' wilt '' • en the 4,11. 'hts-
grt,n metier" crop to 111• sp111w1 Wider. spring. as 14 nothing (hell hnp)r_•n.vl'
Even tbuugb clever planted tide hate to them. 1f.' however, -they start 44.
in the Knowing 4'x.4'll tmhke•el,ldigwra• put out a n.•w• 4.et pf 4,11.14. the 41111
tlt4ly 4111411 growlh, s11•11. growth i% Nie) lire upn'.41. 11111 are likely 1.1
Olaf 11/1/ell ammo* gained -at small antler ver) w•rere•ly or die during the
winter. Privet owl all .•liah4•ing
roses are best transplanted. ' during
. 4.41,•41." .'f either money- or 1,14. er. The
'''144t•g of r),• for spring plow'ing or
.pldiJlg ulxl. r may lo• dna.• any 411114-
dtirimg September. but 4. heel dour
early If the .oil W. of n well drained
aullre• whl'•b 4a•rhllts early .4rytillg
Ont :end eorklug in the 44 wring It • •
ha* a l.h41.)1•y t.' 11141 k„ 41)11 11..11 VY 11
growth ul, g,tr.h'u 114,l1 nuh•v+ 14 is
tnrn,.1 *lira u w.•ry early - no the
spring. •
7741• !nerdy sowers are the things
Mr.. JLai:illirruy. has li.•aleewl not
11111,• roslIps in the Jrrl4s4glttioll of lit-
erature ailaoag the people. Mrs. '4Iile-
lafliYn,y is the..editorof '•llnp4)7
4.4'!il)allieed," n ttwknIzine in the (7dt-
.e.• 11114¢1" ter (114• usii'i t tinecht}alren.
Miss Eolith, elm Iwo modeled her
nether for the 44114 year. gmilit ttell
from Victoria Collette 111 11421 atoll will
...Mimeo her studies _144 4niturio
the• fall, but both 1111*-. a. (4444444.11.)' l'-ge of •Kala. -1114,,1 Irreplrat}ry to
111 11,414 .11.1 very quickly to n'n.ki-,144 4iga444•(8king'lie her work in the fur
wean weather noel if a Cel'' warm "144.41 111.441"41 ti. d.
Indian rummer centre along It' d. • ('u nMf% (ala Influence
wise 40 give the,enrth .tunnel then, ••1\',, elan teem." the rice 04 a un-
to heat)- shad" 4444 air 10 pre4'hlt 11m tonal etlnr.•h," .(id lir. \hus1illiVray.
%4'unuieg' tip during the 1.4.0 or the ••Ser.' end mere, 4'brMniun *1alye•rts
lay. Sieh .Judewill '''I uutl•rinl4• I are 41)1141414 ieflneuee In the 11 re of too (',mnIfemio4,:
interfere with the de•ce'lopn„"'t of Nast country. and tai.4 .episolatly in 44:44) pew.-etp•retta. "T11k Fine
root, system w'Ilk'It 1* taking pd,u8•• tdiii.-'. 4lhw• tee reeelnH•' un ho 1'q.Pili'...." by theory Hadley. slily; 'by
milieu will 4x•11 repay attention at
this the, of year. It is net 'bees -
Prepare for Sweet Peas r when the reveal.. aa. formed, there elte 11,41 Light • 4q* rn 4...tu4lnny.
•ary t.. wait 111,4{! Ike• 1.1 8.441 i. :ill
It .110141.1 hot I.• (.'rgonel' that this �''I$- of ....arse. 1s4•n a marked .4•14.61.0. \\'flliaw Fuc..lin•1ror. -- ..
styles are suitable for school 11 the blue• t0 clear ap 111= w•.M'4,ill the at1IIude: 1o1o)1l1l i114war.is tela.. lift ',PI) 41.111. -Pr. by 1Y41Y or.
[�•ur frena reseal before tnrnWag thew
¢row-t.h tt:at ha„ fun"
un 4 its way .itt., forage ele•a.nt. Its. \1'. U'. Yea. ''1104444. n.•la.v1 b .14'1.. Jtlarltatyre,
r + me wc. b.ntolls. told it_ i. Liter to - K 1 l 11ee y
tttle..w a also have Waterman's the garden dot+ The anrCnl• , f thew:os-i•te.•nYl Pre,iler tea w,1•k 1.•uor
Fountain Pen Ink.
Authorized Dealer in Gtnulne Orange.
41os.om Engagement and
Wedding Ring.
East Side Square Goderich, Ont.
5x 3x 2x
any Grade at
Special Prices
Fresh Car Arrived To -day Order Early
Cement Lath Lumber of All Kinds
Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. -
Goderick. P. O. Box 160
Phone 47W- --After 6 p. m. Phones 47i or 385
Anything sad Ev.rythina in Building Supplies
Saturday Special
at the
Blue Bird Orchestra
of Walkerton, (5 pieces)
Dancing 8.30 to 11.45
To Insurance Beneficiaries
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost annually through the ,mwl.e
investment nr careless spending of monies received for insurance death
claims and matured endowments. A Union Bank Savings Account is
the proper place for the deposit of such monies. 1f Beneficiaries seek
investments, our branch managers are always willing to help them with
petal and conservative advice.
Oodsrich Branch -F. Wooloernbo,'Mlanagar
.''Ylfl.e .01111• ..4 th•'blesen tall to " !
4e,il sl Itl 114• iamb. ele:ua and • 0, i.. 1 klatw. ex.s•run•Ic f.lTora1•11• to Saturday. .i e•ptember 27• tt::11►.p.m.--
portions -which are el":Ir .t blah. I ,.114 cause Itu.1. given the titer. ti,.. I./DC/11M nt .hotnul•lo.
41.14'. e•ro, should b••. 4 • . : • . world mat' get wi .
fhe nlhe4•Ilr 1. apt 'ro is.81.•17J_ �thir1.01.•111 .'4 44 $*elf-4(11p4a 4(4I4)l '1111 l'44: LOVELY FLOWERS -
t„11 44414441144 to11.4 4omy the Klee floe The mies1vnary'- hold. no, alarm (or AT CHURCH WEDDINGS
bottoming year 4,1 laving a lot amore. the 444,'))' 1.f the foreign -seem of
weeds t1. fight. Soil that is 'to 1.• morel
during the 44re,e•ht tried.)".
.Y ,
Il very 1 rt ev a spring fere are three It wt ru s the ' T1 1 a Y 44:..11 '
v. n f t a nt .r -
t tg , . f lax 1.•
11,•tte•r of a *fowling hew 11114 44nyth r -Wt. he wli.l. ••.4. large -'lolamtary supplied 4,j IAN* l Leri•), 1\4,1
hest 1*•fere the hard frosts eosin-. mt'14,,ry and p..IicF 1on-.. is aiw,444 Ilrel•icM flan}' 4uIniIlinlrn414
This i. 111 4rpgwtlane time 'te fiu.l ready (•.r 1111c '•ti"•r etiey 3114, 114141. Th.'re 1144 148.11 mt44h vutmllp•11t upa.11
010 -whether yoilr 1441 144,41,. lime•. If - the•..• the nearly 1114141 $ik4;-, ex- the Iw'tn11•. 111.1 ut.4.•hlhes,. of the
it 'l)1x, fall la Om best flute 4.. make
fie' 11441{,:n1)on.-41.••• the frost, amt
snow wi11 •k.' a great 4.1,1 toward
hi,-'rp rating The lime if a heavy
.ir.844hag is 1111,1441. Lillie Iwl•reee•4 the
tooth 11411 t.*' 141" for the reels to
l'1•onne well s•8tabli•h)rl is the new
`fh.• aecom4%anyir14 •list inelud,*s
w01.1 of the common 1,»rdfe4 that we
1:410• in our gardens in this climate.
awl the donee given natty la• taken as
1 w
approximate f rr the 1, t ti eo n
to f r
morn I. Prnetieally ell the hardy
flowers will reopen.; to the *11 w.•
treat mea t
.111 point. of this .saes f1111J1 their
),Palming '1me..41 in n niece or loess ex-
hali..t.d eonditfon, bat if given
favorable• trositonelot to their 4114 1.a•n-
tion. nr In tie\T (uarter. they will et
'ewe 4444 41l1wlt reloathlh+g their root
.)ae•nI.. Til* motion Calle Moen In
condition' to withatals' the whiter
mid .to make a vigerons stun vilely'
the followi'ng spelne
When One M lifting long 014ab"
hshed 44a►1s ftir the powwow 14
1 µ11l.1 over. y tneew the establish
1niii11n .soldier., who are employ.' for '• floral it ro ration . at 4i 'lilt fll,(h a tie
police purp,..•s. Ito L 44.1d111mi. lanolin.: ' ahle ehur,-h•."ddiug• In t:,.h•rh',i. Tee
parties 'from the etitubh.+1 fleets. III- Mored M'Il4yge"of bole" pretty' and
der n►a• hlerlatienal ....milometer. 4114''4,041044 events have '44•wd41-- to
erollhl provide ler) formidable „p444'.4- r.'4 1: a degree 1f '.•fluty and getter..'
4"X 411 rr of the 44 AI. make. inert plant
that. 1.. any attaekl,g fore... lint tile.- attractiv.'Ii.. never 4,4or•' ttuno,1
f.o.b. uiateee... 814.1 e.rrn'.•i. 1"4 )444. , 1.:11 r.•as,0) is nut here. The Chinese, in 1:, 1,-,ieh• 114,13 ear 4.'.•41! florist, )1r.
To 'earn- if a 14.11 is .i., strongly' .Ieno•nt in the 881 iv, deet inti of 1:earl»• Sten .1 rt. ints rs.wi i.e.! 1141111,:
acid get •eon. glue lamas leper teen I S111'1001i, do:ripg ever tt teillio11 ...mph:milts teem the taste awl .kit,
n drug s*.,.„ and invert an 4vel ,4, 11114 a half. randy .f whom are promo- ; -1111 rf•wnlreefu1n. •e of whIeh they
.a 41,14 in a loin!(! of 11141 .. that ; :1414.114 b111,11, -.w 1444.4 and wo-rir.i.Y1 a , gave evidence. From one of , the
making dlri*io11m the opportunity 1,4 has Moen mixed wit*: water to the great ro.44r•t by the 4,.wer •'!»sw•., I•' I.ride•-he hug rene.ved a mete .4 very
¢leen for n thorough renovationtot 11ns1*t.•ney ..f porr)diu• , The )144J.•r; 31.1 as ancioa. ,e. 1L.• f..re4gner. that .is,•4:4 thanks and apl.r.,-Intlen. the
shinld le. allowed toe standfor an no 44"1114,• •honld ...sour..triter skating that Isth she and her,
the reset. Almost invariably a remold -
hour er so. If. when 4t ha. been .4wsi(4 Reparations Settlement '.,.haim1 enn.ider.,l 111" floA-,•r. suis.
Hems, in 4l.1)r water. It 441,4,4-4 a Dr. ,lln.l:llllrrn' 1.(l... 4)1114 thine to Jed- for their w,41d,n4 more lo'aute
'wired regi color Mei .'.dl 11*t4. lime 10 anxiously awaiting the M.ttl.'me41' 111 ,'ad striking in .I4.) -urtinee than'
fondly. If it i. only .' ightlr pink 41 ys
.4,1 the rartel.4.w pri'bleme ue,•I any they had ever---i-o.- lle•r .e -o
very 41u*.' application wit) 40 or boies for great ihings front the thew"• Is.'pinel, n.. ,1dd411. ..t4. '•h•v',wl .4• -
there Is 41(tle danger in letting things e4dhmfttee whi.•4, im mow beginning it. 4`rii14h'n."
Ia4on,• for another ;year. A ).avy work. He pointed dot that the It should Is• ¢rat'(ia.11 to .10.,
•Ir.,.))4 of time shoal! Ire' 3'•84l *or Chinese Winking institution, ore fie .poet to khew that not 1,114 411 31:.
dreg in. .t light alr•amihg may leo tonehi4314 very, strung. T!1,• 441•:hghni si.w:rt f1lling the Lill s•, Weil 4.4
4.4 r1-.1 in the spring -uu.}shnrn.w'YI ..r 1111.1 111i+g-1G•oq 1411k is one of 71,. I0e+41 1:edd14)014 bat 1..• ss 44up4dyh.0
rak1,1 111 /1 (ter the ground Is all ready 111x40.1 in the world and leas'- e4.[n4. f1.,4.-er, r' 1114113' nq.•.. - 0wm .4'%041 ••
for int. -.'wing of tee esu,). linked an exlellenl Nystrom of eN,ll in one den .• re'i'ney 4'..r a wed'til..
jI flkhe4. -lint.- ,y/ Id he, •9 he ,ff"e,• .,site near ors of the large cities.
f the European war are .4111 to he
4e„1. Trade. for Weenie... 1111* sear,.
l7 revs:vere,l as yet 11%d bn'lmom new'
are ha.kI,.g for the reparations set tie
••rabl.• emoted of Mend mnterh,4 w4)l
be found. Thin ahon141 he removed.
14tH it is a good blow to sprinkle
the root lightly with flowers of nub
pane before it 4. replanted. Srliplutr
is a simple• i.r.•v.'uthr of retiree!
find similar fungi). 111.,•444,x,
Care mast be exereimed In taking
out .4.1 rem.. Large:ruts of plelex.
delphinium. lwony. rud1%.1,111. b.•)•
tvinm. .n.1 .o forth require :a 1.t ..f
digging. 1111(4 it 55 nnw•iMe• to •.4Irt the
spade ,•l.0•r than 111 inch"• front the
ernwn of the retort. In dealing
Gid 4441n1hw a distane•e.. f (nem 15 to
l� ita•h.' 444 required. When the root
Orn'. !Wen 44f4.4 front It. old bed the
.44ris)en, may lie- med..' 4,r racking
the resp en the grnnn, to learn Where
It I4 w)444ng (o spilt *I1h the (east
114111.1,• to 4)11• eel41111g 44yaMn. A
4 i¢ phl„Y ''11111141 will readily dieintt•-
urete foto ee--oral Pepe rat- growth..
.\ pony 4+14,1 14 more Mndily °11111.II441
If wa,M,.d .o one may ire,• the inter -
chars of the riot*, 4'114'•, 4'ntlehe.,
and 4ometinh•• a lot of renin terengt1
are 1114.4141 to divide up pn 1:11 peony
Tithe 10 Mose Evort(,'eena
4ee.t11(i0 le•n•t1da1' may be re -
h1111 3.4.111 41441 l.•i4s and put In
permanent 4..sith•a Roy time d,Irl1¢
Seplrlll4.or. No 44.'.'*'l1 .lireeti,ns nr
tnstn.'(ion' are ne4Yb'I for Ode work.
1 "crept that 4t p4 11•e4) t., trin.fer the
r...4.• welt tie mach earth elf11ging to
,helm n. p1a**1h1' after the plants
j are h, pine-.' the tope should he eat
beck n fele in,•i,." and the cart:4
18r{fdlc trampe,l dawn around the
nods. 14.),.71 the first real freeze -
lip ha-. 1.0M• and there is 1141111•
danger of the earth thawing out
again. a three Melt ru111e11 of Ytrnw
or 'lend b,lce'a .h»Nd he pmt 4111 the
bed. If arae' manure is acallnlile It
will mak" an exe.11e•ht neleh, mite/•
the straw van be raked ..ftl to •the•
spring ,41144 the reside' 10A1,'4 right
Into the 4011 .
This 1d the hest time of cent to
If yon are going to l:na'e pria.-
taker sweet pram next year tills is
the time to begin the pngs,r.th.n of
the row. Nitdr the gnome! oyer
well -44111" tiro.' during 4eetemt.•r. lb"
for" 4)liob•r 111 the memo! triewhing meet to aassist in the oet1111i'_'lhet of
and rove bnilding shonl'A_ 4, •'.,ern- ''iIin.'$" iuehlstre :n:d nannf►etl►r.•.
Ind.omelr,." emus... .d e. foreign mis3i.•i,
work is n1,44. dependent on the -Ont
Worm with pride.• far the e.hp'-.-
11o, a v' 1 )v rk being lone 1.)• the 41111
t•." 4everhtne et. 1►r. lthe f:NlIvra.
elates . the number of -ett411i il4 111
!teethe; the l e, .,:h,nlm has. i,'-r'.ns..I
from un+• mlrlion to fire minter, -
Ito tie last teen yen r. ,eecording le.
1811,. f! a rational aloofness awl breed
mitelo •i*,• -4 olispiny.,l by 1)i.-- nthoe
Mee le owl.' 111' the Most e•ll".ilr:lliin.:
siyt/1v vet disldayl,_t_ in the doleelbe.
mem-of New 4':ritot. 'they 11:, -,• take,
the 1,01 iu eke linos -owe -tit to sin1p11fy
the !angnag•• by- 44111444 itutin, thirty
nail• pbote•tie eln+raet.•rs for the morue
-4(1.(44141-odd llierorlyphh:. nom h, use.
"In ndditfou." 4411.1 11.. "they bare
pertn)tted nM M 14.1144 .4.1.1•. Lf ,n1r
e �'luu4 tall•'rs 111 the. ,4.114441. 18.4+14,1.
111111 ''.11eg.-,, n,nr'y uta of which nr'
11011-1'hrl.tlan holittltions.
('hrirtin44 propaganda is humid to
Move 1411 toffee, on th.'w' lens- whop
n'!II a4411me the lend ' In /'!stn.'s ((4.
the Wee
I Te Speak in Staten
lir. And ale. 'fnet:IlNrrny- perm to
rettlrtl to ("hint ahem '41:u•rla of n.'.t
arae. In the me:intim.,.1!my nye at
the ,Mop w1.1 of the ran:idiom elnlr•hps.
ter. 'fn.•alliveny'* work ns se,•r1•tnrr
of the ('I: ristlnn 1.1teriote r. 4.11•*err
take hlni to the 4'nit,Yl ttfnte,
for pomp time. ''art of Iris furlohah•
grnioted every six year,. Is to link
tip the work of the k..•ietr, which
Is International In its »sleet. T111,.
1. the fifth holiday be .hap had 44inep
1i 'lnterlrl the foreign Weldon field
1n 1`A.
04.411. Dix n (n•tlrh three feet deep.
el:ruwilnt the top sill to the right
rind the subsoil too the left. tower
e ech ridge of ell (known out with
three furless of rotted manure. nod
sped,• it over w, -that the mnnn[r• and
ear:4t are well 'mixed. Repine.. trio.
.nleeueil and. If the land is naturally
light tramp it in firmly. lr the Amid
is heavy and has n tendency le hold
water 111) not tramp It down. 1'11'"4.s
the holy moil le 11misJtalty ride. strew
grown( home oyer lt 84 the rite" of
1 pentode t11 every '2 i feet e( r111i.
Retrieve the tope soil. pear,•, the top
401401 fir whiter weathering. Th..
row• w•111 44(1m41 n f1a.t .'r n.w1. 1,1.4.ne
the surrounding garden, but is
nitro nettled and !14(144•! 4141 .n flat
planting may he done 1114•) rnl•ly
1. -It 'spring.
Ilnrdy flewrring 144'n•nnfnl. - f.4'
p^rtnnn..a iNYls and 18,n1,•rs. with'
4:1(14, fnr fall trnnsplu,ting:
.\eh1* 1.et wept. 11121
A Is•lotshn;t.pl . 111.25
.\gllllt•g*n Sept. :.;tel
.1eter 111:a my 1 ..........411-1. 1(1-21
Iteltnntn Oct. 15-Ntr. 1
1'111ni,tyn)111 'qt. 11.2 ,
('un:h-trlft flintily t Seth. 15491
4'nnterbur,4 Itetls $4'414. 3-'27.
trnn.pinnt evergreens and alt (treble,- ('41 l')lll4 '.41 44•,4. :-1
mos .grub. %Thiele start growth very t'hr,,,pels ...... .... tie+pt. :I-4 tee Io
4arty- in the spring. The "menet of I b•Ipbinlnnl '1.'4.f•nllr
1114111*11¢ e,niferou' tree% and teeth's 1llintime 'tellteneber
eneeee,flllr 111. In getting theta well!" 1)liritaliw kept• i-.241
the sap is active, and in keeping the tialit,.r411• (Hardy 4t4 . September
roots from drying during tiny trans- (1yeeophile ...... .... $.1t. 1:.411•(. 1
porting that runt. be neeer itre. 1Vbett 11114* -n. 4eptetnla•r
''lolly lowk September
Idlpinns - $.•pt. 1-2.1
1.y.hM. Se tenib•r
'Myesotis fie t"tala•r
Pansies. tept.mtee
1'cergr,•n44 aro bought from n
nitrat'ryman It la well to funk" sure
that they are to he ahlp{.,1 with a
bell of earth rolled in lmrlap nr.nnhl
the roots. inspect the ielle carefully
when the 'trek arrive". It the Hells
have dried ant either r'efnse to 44 ')').t
the ahlimle•nt or notify the shipper
Wt return mall. Ry sll•h motive you
prefect yrwtreelf 111141 if deallne w•1t1,
a first -elate concern Ton may s.,•hr.•
rep)aretnent free or et half price for
.prclmena that fall le lire.
ibraythfo Fortnnetl. titer. l4rrin-
ea 1 and ell the varieties' of currant,
Phhc ... •....
Isom (!lardy, ...
1'yroot Iwo) no
*nloloen Innerly)
Sweet tcitllam
Vale riot r,
Crrunhs (1 sty
Rent. 25 -flet. t0
... 1111 Sept. 1 1:,
Sept em4a'r
Si•ptemb r
Sept 14 frt. 10
Sett amber
Sept erreber
Wt.Y pee:ram to Lrt.•f. w-rek of
September 21. 1924 W1.1. *Melee
Indy. N. Y . (Ivn"ral J-4, 'trig Com
piny. 790 *110eye1.,, (.'Uro meters).
F•astern etnn.tard time.
Sunday, 'September :1, 41 ::1) a m
Sen -he of First Jlaptl.t .'hurrh. es-ho'.
N. Y • germ n by the 1G•r.
as EN•1't, "ita t:\'1II Yt: 1H NII. 38
Apartment to Rent
lie'4er,, ax•r.s'm44ri .illarton,ut,
.'n ��.,:, n• tw.w•.•� 11,41 III ,•leer. !
Paul Whiteman
and his Orchestra
of twenty - five, three
grand pianos, sixty-four
different instruments,
$6000 curtain
Stratford Casino
October 3rd., 1924
8.30 p.m.
Prices, $150, $2.00, and
$2.50 and amusement
Tax. Tickets on sale at
Hei ltzman'y, 131 Ontario
Street, Stratford. -
Phone 769. Phone or mail orders
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Etertriciio
t -1Y 01ZO STORE
North .0 of \,tears Goderich
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