HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-11, Page 7MISERABLE AND County and District
ALWAYS IN PA 1 N C. McLeair; Kimbell.wins he1 :11..re carrh•.1 it ..Ip,ii•• to
ele.•.•u nut of :pet slpplhvute for a pall- ; I aro, molter. I • . nl•lu..r1 it In
tiuu um terrelu•r to Northtiny, at 't lure.. box. 11 i, a eery large laid E. Rnkham' s Vegeta- -clary of $1.3.10....ensuring •iv .bat roar Il ala•. fr....
ble Compound a Dependable .Jean.•. . Snell a Mot. of Ilull.'n.: tip ti. 'Ip .r „i,.,. Bing :Iu.1.01N I..
Help for Mothers .' u10111ml n 'urge Humber of prize at 1- cit !1. Mr. 1 t•:ucnl!_ ..int tor le
I Ilse- Toronto Esillbitiuu b'it'e tlit•Ii. Culi11.1s•11. V. S.. .rho Piet the broke..
i 1A•I,I•st.'r Ilhwy/, Ion:. :11101 at ise•+..
lt r.,.rt the elite.. was
-I- •.title :,t I thrivl0:r. F:.tlh'+ lite io•r
T114,111111.Sherrltt, of I1..tdeill, is gees.
Ing aleatt with crutch.... 1ht r.suit ! ,. ry rare, in 1.1...... ...rt. and file ane
of bnwki1111 nue of the teems Ill LieI r. "x'11'..1 4111. rnri.."Ity, hull
fed by Jumping duel' from urn. of I'dr.•,1+ .f p111,ie „wily 1" re" It•
the timbers of 11+ tu'n'e ('Iiff.11. or Ni'•11 •i.. had iris
kiln.iiit,'' 11,1.111 ',it- tan• Wow, r .
.fames Jarrett. of IIiU.i tiredn. ala' 1 i.1.11.• thre-blas and !.:1•I p.1•t •.r ti.., ,
:aid hi- hip fraewr••l by n hill from I'aldol!,• fiiige:•: 1,1!,71. ,orf s.t.1 , 11.
a l'r,.l of grail. Jul+ rtdura.rl from ! ..!L.•r% keel- .•.t.
L.uikm h..bili''. wlu•n•"l.• 'lt.. puke'. i 1\'illiam W.•nr.•I. :r retired' 141,41n. • -
fur treolin rat. 'bmf it . will be tunny „• 11, „' i'rl•.iit..n. .114',1 fn 1,1. ,,,k;
ots•ks before be will Ie• inti.• 141 le• c. nth }ear aft, r I !Mu; 1111e.+.
• r".
h . " t
it. • I t,• general t I
.ti•. .slut Evangeline 'Alois '',',•.: ' ..I .1 Shiel t .! .\wls•rl.•t sun.• time
1 t daughter of 'ter. ilii•- .\'' l . .'Mike 1-1.;.1.1y ni.hr last t4.,1 oar.'
1..n,1sls'n.'. one married at I' ;,„.,c -.Me lamer filbert 11114 the .•a•Ii
•.t her sister. 31rx. J. 11. 1\'.. 1..1.:
r. .. blab .. d tilos, u01y 11 1101-
I,•, ..ii ,1ngue; _srh. t.. .10 ' ' • -
1' Gray. only -..0 .11 Mr .,I:.. \I -
Part Greville, Nova Scotia.- " 1 took
your medicine fur a terrible pain in my
side and for weakness and headaches. I
seemed to bloat all over, too, and my
feet and hands were the worst. I am
the mother of four children and 1 am
nurslrig my baby- the Ant one of four
1 could nurse. 1 took Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound before the
baby's birth, so you can see how much
it helped me. I cannot praise it too
highly for what it has done for me. I
I i
took all kinds of medicine butthe Veg-
etable Compound is the medicine.
6nly one that
he, helped me for any length of time.
I recommend it to any one with troubles
tike mine and you may um my letter fora
testimonial."- M rs. Rotiaer M I'Ct TI.eV.
Port Greville, Nova Scotia.
Before and afterchild-birth the mother
will find Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound a blessing.
Mane. many letters are received giv-
iag the same wort of experience as is
given in this letter. Not only is the
mother benefited. but these good results
paw on to the child.
No harmful drugs are used in the
preparation of this medicine -- just roots
and herbs -and it can be taken in safety
by the nursing mother.
88 out of every los; women reported
benefit from its use in a recent canvas.
among women wen of this medicine. C
N[1.14.1% 111, •Cue of 111.. .hI
\\' .1. l:n.y •4 •Ilantilt.11. '1'I .
.. tan• 12.1................i..... \L
I•. ,'4rgytont, wa- t1.• Lrid•••- I ` dist on $:unrd Iy...1u•:ner :Irl.
1 e n11.1 Mrs. luny will r'• ,.' groat -awe of
JJg 1'ighty-.Igh• :vont f.
0,,IL.•rrltle. 1.• ,1111,• It•rn 111 Ir'✓r11'1 amt 1111ce 1.,
1%9111:lm 1t"n::a!I Jr;. lir lug a •11,:r• . ,1,,,., it I -.r:. Will n few. years
'al uta 1 f B 11 Mel
Quick and Permanent Relief
By Taking "Fruit -a -tires''
What a glorious feeling it is to be
well! What a relief to be free
cathartics, sails, laxatives and puna-
tives Boat merely aggravate euua.-
pation and are so -unpleasant to'lake
and so weakening in their effect' '
What a satisfaction to :now 'Lit,
the juices of apples, oranges, lig% and
prunes will absolutely uud permit.
nently relieve oonstipatios. By a
certain process, the juices of tht'se
fruits can he concentrated and
combined with tonics -and id iti. these.
t a to 41.-41 4
intensified fruit juicesthat corre,t
constipation, relive besldaches and
biliousness; au.l make you well and
kee{{pp,, you well.
"lruit•a-tivea" are sold every-
where at 25e. and 50e. a box -or sent
postpaid by Fruit•a-fives Limited,
Ottawa. Ont.
I:,::l. Rohl. nil -tel. :old •1,... 11rr
• +l a rt instil 4111 2.11Itet• 1111y w fluke the
' trip by uuloluoblte.
'Vat, t• •II lu►a 140111 hb: risldeul.•
'al It•. -s street to 'tubi. Itu.•huunu.
It. It. C'.AAa•no.. of 1.nekauw. wee 11
.U.• -t of 41114' 411. ter die,. tor. Imola,.
cir.ti at the Termite Exhibition and
livered an eddrtse en "'1'h.• Vein..
or the llerehunt t.. the t'..lumtulity•
aid the t'.u11n'y."
t1'ilin.1 .Uurd.•'k I: r tnkl•u 11 Imo.i-
114,11 mill a w hu!1na1.. hull" • at Ter.
\I i.- Fra1114w rain hue y;uw' till 1h11-
1.:11. nh.•r.• 'Ile hu+ 11 lttt ItI ll ON
T wllllu, i.
4141 $n),tlejJ'. .\ul r Irl atilt. ::If1er a
11'tig atitl puh.fnl IIh.14c•i.- Mucid It{.•II-
• iand Iw+vel -tinny ill' hi" eightl.th
Year. II.• ea. .n native .t Ihual.r,
't+.•e.fhn.L oiling to fhb- roa11try
i shell a y.u41;c nulla. Redeye re •iug
pew t.rr'u ha-Lud :1 farm ...nth .f I N-
. rtes. 11. leave- 11 u•i11.Iw 3011 -.•.1•-•11
...inn :aid 'anlghlere.
Ito• -.•11 t!n•nN, the '•out,¢ men of
' Mr. and Mr*. F'en•-t frena: of Tor -
ho been vl-iting w'itll 1\l+
null tool mule. .Ir and M"-. Ile.
El wort had the utisforl • In be run
over by' n 1raei.'r I,n„ day re.•t ty.
'11,,. lad was Orilla: •..-the tr:u•t.r -Olt I.
LJ+ de when h• fl 11Ilt front tat 1he
y heel awl it' 1r.,.ti1 .1..r 1.1111. frltt•fur-
\I I,tflatl J101+.ult ha« tak.et "0.
1,4•111 Fort Fennel,.
•NV• M, Ise. .. .•41-,1•u. . - tuarrl.a nr Ftevfie•.I to
r 1.:-. ... a-. '•4'1.._'1:..1.. ...11..•.
,.e a sorer... a few morning - n.'• I
, .• IL 1,...jo•te Mut No hf-.,e I (ield. h.•
•.1 .. 11 large ha1.IL.•.1.I.-•1''e.171e. up.
1 I,r.'ko•u leg, m:.;..,,_ 1.7 - feet n. if
...a.Gf w illi Mur • : ... - . ... 1,.. l':tt,'h•
.. t.. It !1. •I -.. ' v./Witt ion:
...ted .t .1.. , i r".g-
ill• fork :.I ., 1..1
sieh...l're-o meet last week 11ith '0. 4141!• .!. ... ...
.:tile» 1m. -who died rarer n 1 t- •'a•ttiug nl41ug nicely
II.. !envoi. fent weds sand : MI`" It \fusee'' and 31i -s E. Gold -
1 TIO' 144'.ud It1lt.ltd 11014 .1 show 41?
:III thin r lit JI'•KIl1"p: twerp.• fn charge of fieri runt11110111i"n
1111w.a. and Misses SA•t.ht, Xalr the Fs1Hrr Ilortl. uluvtil ri.rit•ty w:.•
til : ItnIA, in elrarge ..f 'the public i 1 vert ',isle"•ftI iv.•nl.
( 1.1\'ry)N .,•'41.11 work. 1h. \\"wlm.dur,'M.pti'nll.•r :r,l, sat
the '.eine of the bride.: er:imlmnlwet.
..1..1 Mr-. ,lohi. \\•i,ienntt! ;411• \ 1 \Ir.. W. JI. %ValIker. \I..-. \141.•1
\1'niki'r N'as uuiteil. hr iu.lrri:l..• 1••
Morley \t'ihu,n u.f Dresden. tate ,e•rn•
twiny- belt* pc rforn.el by ib .. 1Y 1:.
to illy. The. tunpg c'lo't !e ,. ill to
+Ids 111 l ires.I1 n
Miss 1111.11 Moir. inat1o. .f the
• :u•- .fiCa..'a.•11t . •,f their' - 14'1\/:H.1M
.. n. .:. \lar.nri't Iatliati. t'i t:c:tu
\i01 :I ''t Cl ring 111111•"" \lis.
___ I'r, w .f Ile•tr.it the nmrall.. t ph• may 11' Iyer -b• pat -MVI 4111 11 at b
T-11, 1 , - tt I, 41.•1.11) !„m.^ ta•r. ..tt 1alRa1-t X16 •th wit
\i.•- V.• •• , .Iter I , .rat I.
Frest Fence FOIZ Hard Wood
Bald Hay Baled Straw
Homlr'tead Fertiliser Rock -faced Shingles
Rubber -tired Buggies •
Phone 165
Hamilton Street
..en. .e.naa•.
Make Your Trio More Enjc•; ab!e by a
Refreshing Night on Like Erie
t,SYour rad''flM good ood en iho b,.:
• .
-4t 1,le 4 we,, iJ'•itnd tni•ltra s•y t!r7 tr..a:!n't ! • r ' • .• that too!.
• - • r• i.l sal t rn n:. • of . -:r t.r.- et-an.en A .,dd e.. f ra a t. _.r ualeta,m,
as t sir p r rad .a a: i• •,sons trr.i .• ,n the ei.-r. ^ .
Daily. May 1st to November IStis
L• lar millet• • n-. .P M I Li, tri, Leas .- Cbeeland - ctrl P \r
Arrive Clrsirlrnd . 7..41 A St 1 CN •.: no. 1 are '1inunato . 7.30A \I
4', rips connection for Cedar Point. P., IS Bar Toe•I+ lktr•.t' . '1.1 rAot• A.k
+..4'r r4 tie' • 4''4. •r s' .rn s.'a:, lar '...ct rr t a a L.tZ..d A-• 1 .Wet Ast..-
m••t.41. -110 "41 .
•--W ear tris •• -Wesel ren ,I* rw.n et las
lyre.' ab.. ' a.••n•Itwe" awl JJ -Mee boomer.
Tho Chardon/ and Belalr,T,ewrit Ce.
C1.s.1.,d. 961
".\The Ores. Sh.a
\ Ltns•'
hut dd Indus.
- Fare $5.50
Do You Use
Counter Check Books ?.
We are agents for one of the best firms manu-
facturing all kinds of Sales Books, and can give you
prompt service and the closest prices.
if you are interested in Sales Books of any
kind, call and see us.
North Street Goderich
Hay Loaders
Hay Rakes
Hay Tedders
Side Delivery
Rakes, Etc
Just a few weeks more and,
haying and harvesting will be
Will you be needing any
new implements for this
work ' if you do, kindly
give tis a call.
We carry a complete 'hock of all Deering and McCormick
Grain Binders
Corn Binders
Tractors, Etc.
Primrose Ball
Bearing Cream
All Sizes
Also Beatty Bros.' Maple
Leaf Cars, Hay Forks, Steel
Barn Track and pure Manilla
Rope, in all sizes.
M a
Oliver Plows
Disc Harrows
Land Rollers,
PHONES: Dwaganaon, 5 ring 3; Blyth, 32 ring 12.
1'.,., ,tt.'. .10,1 .'11.1 the datUrt.t.•r of 'Mr. shit Jet.. Wer.
\II•Kersie. w hu resi,1..i for niftily %.•ars
X11...:.\1!-• \I 1..,... .f Clinton. tuts P •u •h h:n.piful, Neo , '.- 1'Ity: and
. r • • , :1.• ,. 1,41, .hi• is . 1:nrrie and Mier in •Diruls•rrr. 1:.•• i -
• 1:; . 'J ...Ian iter of the lat.- 1'-,',,r yL'Ir. who,
7 r.. 1 . •e..ra:1•y J., Lbs1. Jnr,... m,fr- slit.•. Lor p•.are11ls. rimy brother- and r,.r it Is•r .f l.•su. 141u,1ii..1r. The
two sia.a'- surrivs:
Nilidst.•r .f:l.ul..r. F;x.•te ltefl 11111. i+ "Siting
wish Me
%trnth•r" i I,IIe. Jl:sripu M11rhe11,-Isn• Itrgnut-1 t
I,;.• .41.11 J1ns It. 1:, t.,1 mode a I stunt. Mr, amt M s. \\'tu.
!•Ire1.. ertl•r +pst..liu. t6e..nnuu,.r_:'.,1 W. .1u.lr.•1v'. rbtinIl, left hast 141. I I:n•-1.11.4 lust'. Itlwas .i.r twiny
L '1''' I'.en•hl• Iau>*, tsar• i'..." orfs• i :,'t• 'Tomo'. h, .•.+11811,• her - II' I!.•s ' vlars she-. 311"e %'.ie- rind lee•. lit
1'' w.•''t t' Aa, . .. ler•, tI4 the t'.tlaer%mt.ry of Jlu+le.
- 111 tad Mrs. till. \\' Mrha.•b•r'.u.l 1
\ 'r. r 1 {el iu:rtlr ,i ostitis '
o„ tn'et pi:.'i -Oil
,1!•1..11 r: • Itn4e .lan 'r:r. b1. t:.deri'aI. 1i.lte•d..
l 'a ! -1" U 1 , Chnr./play efts• ed. at the ..toe of
tion•,L•t ;,• I 1'htn:., fare lust w'w•k rust n11 Heir r.rtirft-`i. mull Niro. \1 u. Isa11\1i'1. I,4'tsr•
stare a. aaupwied ly Jtre. Jnliii M.' •'their •Ihnbghter. 41 ria .1. I:.ilk.% II. Is• -
t'...! for ii visit "r a few', days. 1 ...... .. ti.e: brill" . t'Lnr!e• Ila t .f
1Ir.. 1:.e'rg. Garton.; +r.: died .I. r-
- - - ' Saturday. wrist :ill, Itt the h.nre of 1 \I attrt•el1 111
\I f i. , .7. t'. - !, r L",glrt.•r. Jars Rntledg.. itrus- 4'r1 br r! w.44' Mr. t`ly-dale.
:ural '.JrM-. !fart will r•••!• • :it Moidrla
rl.• fnu.•ntl tool, p!a'°•• fr.:m
r home .,t Whiteeleur... t. \\'u •:ha:u --
\I •- ! 1 1:- ha:.' • •, ru.ae rt. Tuesday. . • HEAVY LOSS TO
1.• i.•:1,. . • tr
Any subjec t 'rayon, original,
Miss L. Brigham, . E. L, Proctor. WILSONS
Any 'subject, pen an ilk sketch.'
original, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Any subject, pencil drawing, ' 'fi-
nal, Miss L. Brigham, Mrs. .L ,
Single piece, conventional, Dr.
.Grieve, Miss 1.. Brigham.
Single pieta., Neral, Mfr. J. S. 110*.
tie.. Miss L. Brigham.
(Collection china painting, not les,
than four pieces, Miss E. L. Proctor,
Miss L. Brighath.
Judge --Gen. Stewart.
Penmanship and Drawing
Specimen of writing, 3rd ('lass pu-
pils, Ida Wilson.
Specimen of writing. 4th cl:u
Gladys' Alain, Billy Thomson.
Specimen of drawing, 3rd cia-
pupils, Gladys Alain, Billy Thomson.
Girls' Work
(. r
One handkerchief. hemmed by
hand, Edith Lumby. -
Boyd Work
Bird houses (prizes by Victoria
Home and Scheel (Club). Robs. George.
Collection of native woods, named,
Wm. Lumby.
Judge -J. Elgin Tom.
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Dire, 1... ■nd
kII calls prompt '\' attend-
ed til day .i1' night
Store 33S Residence 355w
Hamilton Street,Goderich
f' :r.
r..' , . .f ill..::.. 1'.1 ..os :111.1••.ttr shnittlu.re: 1:..•rge. .11' ) I iLNE RADER, HAY
_7.0'' I 11. I.es-l1.•11 : ,F:•1,,.ud. of Itnt"eel-:.I• Ila. i
41 -- 1' ' \I•'• rel, :.,-"'••: u, t" . t P"ri Ihtr.n : Willinlp, of Ith l'• I1•trn Ik• Ir, sed by ''ire and Stu-1m's { '{ 1
1' a.:.- .: c C
111 .s-t.e•I .1 .•Inn.11 -s11e via :••Sfrs, Ittinistee. Mrs (Crops IAlrnrd-...1111.:1'
.4l41elalr. JLl.gi,• tnid Mai.'I, '1 Itnls- '/,1'1111 21. Ttept. 7. •Fir.• ,aus.il•` .y I', L!
. 1 ,n tai t1ee •u \bit..:•. .,'". .1 -41n. 'I' nn'.. ova- 1111..1 in ; . 1 Ilt+"r•
I - t' • lnir:•i:IJ• .••r• l the sj11to .. sa threa.,t 7 e side
iyu .y,,
e•„• I:ntit-11'nr• lite •••141.. he,w• straw at, the ad.• 4111 the •s' -"- i,<. !!G OF PAIN
hart. stn.' 1111.114.•-pre.ding to the
•1: - \ • • 1 I' , araw -an.•1. 1"L111y dr+tr.y..1 the
. film hook barn of Vi'ts• Ita.er.'1.? 111.
;;...11141....414111 15. Huy. five• Hill.•.. -4,1111:-
1:•'1 1 r 1' •••''... '1 • 1.nr•: 'nl'1' Defective Digestion 13 the CatlS3 wr.+t of %urielt. tau sa. r,Iy elt 114''7.
.••:1! n:•.• ru'•!r km, 111 U• 1: •1'h. name. .ia.'ad 14' rigidly that
anti MiseryFollows
toilet" ams. u -p ,ells .r,i i.11lael fit
7.l'RI('It '1'4', 1 enn
t'.•:1,1a - 1,....111,.b"
.' ta •114 frac c 10 the g ..1 mater. whirl. w:l.
, .w. not t;.•t the pr.ue'r neurishnenl ' 1411.141 "lily Ill• the uwli1•r of the Otttfil:
.lr111 do 1, sea tIt.•y eat. 114•111111,N. their I T. KlnuO'p. of 1)a-Inr.nd. walling the
\\' 1' 1.1' 0.f1.1•7111'.
.1140111 1:PI the .dig''-tio1 !-..I.fl.•tite. F.sal that ,11..... twin.. into the'Idnring' Iaart, mid
•r '''I:4'• ! ' 11,jnrl• Ili' l'"'''''.' P ui..II t .ted Int fhi• stnnaed. I. het hitching the meliorator 1111 1. it :11111
• ...11 Hint wi'I f,.. lol'I) 1'1'. merely ea•t..1. bid will ferment Hull pulling 11 out.
' ...aeon your .yon 111. Finn_ t'ou'r ant.
Nies 1: -:lair Et'0...1 ind.r 1rr3-.tale. sour rieleg+ In the threat follow and
i :..-..1 :."ray Ant!wt 117!!1. h! '. her nal. ". y411 are earful yon \£ill I•r
t.i.:e•tietL y.eer.101_11" a chronic dy-peptic•.•
31111..,, G. 1111.17.Ilan jJ,nt4-11:1-.,1 111,By t.mhi. rap 1111• sl..lnsc), to d 3
o 1.
III•'.' Ilhe•k trot), II!s fstjjlrer. :n.'1 lar work- nature ihtetele41. you 14111 roew.ve
1••a -.4'i ..h1•.+t.r.• t. the• ..sltu:l+t.'r. 11•• the e.t11w• of the trouble. Nothing w -III
1.. Wilwrtr w; t l..r.%--tin' Te more I:r"mpfly res_t.ry - the dlti.wf.v.•
. tf1••e into it .n 4h•t.ds,r 1st. organs fhall 'gond 111•W 11110.1. !1011.
.1. i14e•11er wits -1111.4111.4111 In 1:Ipntr-, 84.11. nese.4 end glands all depend '..11
fug a number .f prize./ sit Toronto l:v• it, Mood. and when it CeM Ohl and
llihiti.tl glith kis - ring tar`-Mae"I watery tiny ore at ,lt/e Munk •tri.
hOrsetr. It''ie hle:ln-.' .if their nti,iti in Mill&
Ikrvid S.•Lnrtzut Iter. 01. thr Ing rap awlcurlrkiug the blood flint
`Ity"Il.'n 11n.. w',i'. •ire'sJlt
Inral r'''.Itr. 1\'IIIhim.' 1'Ink I'll!,, have proved
'•.•ntly by :a fall In ':, n1•IRhls.r'+ born• stu.,.,w-tail in .14' many caw•. of imdl-
Ills right 'sirup was fritet nreil above R,,,-p{nu w411•r1• ordinary..111441iehie"
tae- wrist mai h.: had also a bed .itnk• hay.. failed.'- The 1..•u• rk'h, blood
Ing -up. • -quickly- tone•% up the digostI '.' 01111111. :
BL1'TH the npls•tlt.• improve. 111141 yen ore
able t0 ./at with elenf.rt and get full
b,nri-Iiia. rat from your 1.....l.
111yth M,tlln11Jst ehurel. will hold you :'lit) get lir. Williams' I'ii.1
111. nimiversnry!tide yteir .n 1A•t.lrer 14:1- i!,rongli any d,nler in medielu••.
1`:t11. it.v. W. 1. ihemelly. of Ex- or by 4111111 eft all• a Mex rr Tho
rater. v\111 he flit• primi•Ier. 1)r. Wolin''.' Medicine 1'o.. 1r.e•k-
The Itrenunf 4'nmartletinn 1'o, ata. rule. ()tit.
1•.w!,1etell the 1143114 of p•:n, a:.•mt In .
It'' the
11.1miltuu Stewart.' of North ('tiro -
line. has lets. visiting his relative's In
11114 n.•Ighl .rh.srll. 3Ir. 141,.W111.1 148114
hem.n a //farm near Clinton and left
here fnrtlj',,•Ig11t years age, and Bile
wins his One visit to the plate of bis
births 111 :111 th1•s•
Mr. Incl Mrs. 111n. 31.110',Itt left
Inst week .11 11 visit to 1'huuas, \Ian.
Miss 1•f..ln Frnsl•r line taken n
ech..'l at Fanik,nbttrtt. Jlnsk'oka. tied
from all other laxatives and rebels
Defective Elimination .
Te action of Nature's Remedy (tilt
Tablets) is more natural and Wst-
ough. The effects will be • revela-
tion -you will feel so good.
Makethe teat. You will
appreciate this difterenoo
0..d F... Core
Petrel room
Chips off th• Old Block
n u'ne 1R -In not-thlrA .loose.
esney-eo.t.d. Fnr ,.,,I Oren end adun..
(A3t1'iII'i.L'K. 11RI G -STORE
.14 the tbtinrio .'rem Nb•lI. slit pulr-
su11stge an Wielnp,uhiy morning. $epr
telpher :lyd, Mary .1.. vetl11gest finagle
ter of JIh 111111 Mrs. Frail .1. ituger-
senl. of Clinton. wax milted in mar -
Hag.. to William Haft"n Note .uiy-
son of Mr. and 'Mr.. Frail Nott of
1'In4;ersndtli. The ntfendnnie were
Miss Elva Nott. mister of the groom.
111111 Norutnit Jltlprring of Itrimefle'1d
The 44•1'1•nt..ny wits performed by Rev.
.'..I. Mo.rehous,'. Mr. and Mr.. N..11
left 1111 n 1 •yma,n trip to Orlifin
uud other points 111111 on their toturn
call reside in 1tu•
1 kersulith.
Robert (:. Hunter. n student of
4'llnton 1'ullegisde Institute. and wen
of 31r•..to lu limiter. Inas won the
third F.hv4r41 Blake st•tohtrship .f
the 1'nhvrsity of Toronto. for pro-
ticie sl•y in w'lenee. 31r. hunter lie
tent's to enter the University this fall.
Jllw MJtnd Timmins. has neeeptr i '
the tal+lti.ai of organist In Westley
Methodist church left 111111111 by the
I-este...Men of Misr Edna Who.
\Ilse hwtel Draper, whi, bee re -
her position on elle (Clinton
p1eleli' s'Jowrl *tiff. gory' to Brantford
shortly to ten.h in .the Institute for
the ltIlnd.
The lues to 31r. Hader 1. henry. d-
boa+ se'w'n'. /nrps 11..•11• Ill tie.1.:1.11
except 11e wheat. t'''ide'' hod been
threshed awl hauled to market. Five
Junll pigs and n untidier .f Ilene. be -
Sidles other farm implement-. were
The 1..s 14 partly eitwer•
'.l I'y' insurance.
11',.!1!11101,1 711 1 i n::• 1;1
S: Howrie.
Miniature, any subject, Mrs. 3. $:
Howrie. •
Landscape, scenery in district', Mise
L. Brigham, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Marine, Miss L. Brigham, Mrs. J. ti
Figure, Miss L. Brigham, Mrs. J.
S. Howrie.
Fruit, Mrs. J. S. Howrie. '
Inanimate object, not flowers or
fruit, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Landscape, roadway, Mrs. J. S.
Landscape, scenery in district, Mrs.
J. S. Howrie.
Marine, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Animals, barnyard scene, Mrs. J. 8•
Flowers, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Fruit, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Monochrome, any subject, copy,
Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Miniature, any subject, Mrs, J. S.
Pastelle, collection not more than 5
pictures, Miss E. L. Proctor.
/.sir TMs 41.3rrL:.c,
furl .f.t .4'•i•-•, v„ F
my/ la tn. -+.t".t
1, a 14 w £04,71
1 1.
1.14' IS •1.-4.. 411.4'1.'•
''''""t'• to r.i•. •
a'. .r- e11 tat .•-•:^•:
-I +I• r iti• 1 •! ortwl,r.v.
.A.. lo •-1. t • • r,„...,....31,.i.
1.74::' r. 1: t• it, i" r r
norh ' ti r e 1 rail. .t
ant kaa',•.•k.iJa-os sl "malt b• t..
tura end ir atm.
r.:.`UltiTS L":tt' !FT CI. t'r'.77.
Vi -run.• , l•4
Kill them all, and the
germs too. 10c a packet
at Druggists, Grocers
and General Stores.
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
North side of Square
/:.den• h
Electric \'iring
'tVt -p •cialize in Virittg • 1
al 'in 1:. Let tr: give )1111 .,I,
e'tjt •ltc for -wiring Ultr.l,l
or gar e.
Private elephoses, Motors
Dynamos, •1t.'fric Bell= and
BlsrglaT A m Systems
An R'nik Gt.. rnntee,i
Coik, linm and ast by
1\'e have 81i a:ellrtmetit
the best Electric Iron, n,•i
Toaster t; ''wade in Cana'1:i.
Elect ricla
Weal' St. • I'hole ::.I.I
II i.-nth''i. 1a h .v II.. y an• \IINH: 111:1 \ 1' . I' ! . 1.. •.n•'•
1•I,nYI wok•"...- .
Misses' and Growing Girls' Patent Strap Slippers, Sandals and Oxfords
Get Your Footwear at
Hern's Boot Shop
VT(' } lave a Good Fresh Stock of
Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums,
Cauliflower, Cabbage and Celery
The Best XXX Vinegar and Best Mixed
Spices for Pickling
Phone 46 Goods Delivered to A: Parts of i; e Town
• 1.t'CKNOW
.1. (;Ienuir. fornterty manager for
the )tank .4 Comment. here, who vin.
frnn.ferred only n (.'w w•w•k. /WO to
i-tenthamptntr. hassiu,i•Mem,i p..inte'I
to the management tat 11.41.I. in Ihl•'
county of Norfolk.
Hugh P111111111, one of the plemle'v-
of A.14k4d. died on Itnmlay. August
31.t. In hie elghtr-fourth yeti. The
funeral ns.k ;doer sepfeml.-n
, r revill,i11 , 111! te1y.
Not '" Is done out of n till, to t' 1•
Western grain ftl•ld.,,,hy the ,.un•elln•
111.. of the Itarrosters est ursine, ik•rt
€ertainly .r it's