HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-11, Page 6r.
'1 NI Bept,•tuliec 11, 034
We have the best in alt
styles and prices.
Pads from I0c to 40c.
Bulk Stationery, IOc to 75c
a quire.
Boxed Stationery, 25c up.
Correspondence Cards,
35c, 50c and 75c.
Book Store
i • e'.au Iitae•.I 4r..10 trtge 31
Itulit•, Colin Hunter.
Truutiietera. t'uliu Hunter.
.1 I'autalb., t'ulin limiter.
I Pair rabbits. 'flaw. flossier.
One bushel fall wheat, white, nam -
;ed, Jas. Alton, Thus. M. Snowden. •
One bushel fall wheat, red or am-
' ber, named. C. Truemner & Son, Jas.
' Alton. '
One bushel spring wheat, any var-
siety, named, Jas. Alton.
One bushel barley, any variety,
Brophey Bros.
srders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day
Megan'. Sv.tent of Touch
Typewriting if 'taught exclu-
sively in thi= tliariet by the
Pott Gannet attend a latter
school, so why lint regi.ter now
for the Fall Term? Fehool r,•-
TUESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1924
(r►t'ki`E' — Stenographlc-
Commercial --- `eeretnrinl —
Sp.cial Coursers \
For information apply to '
Ii l . 1t:1HI). H.A., Principal
NI A STUN E.Comt. Specialist,
1' i.•.•-I'riuripa1. ('hone 19
Ilns m••••ur ail trains. Calls made for
passengers and hngga)�••o any part of
the town Prompt seri, ,• guaranteed
Telephone 51, Day or Night
Residence. ('smbrla Road, opposite the
Organ Factory Office
Keep a Kodak Story
of the Children
The Kodak you want for the
pictures you want is ready for
you to see at our store. And
we're ready to show you how
easily it works and to make
worthwhile suggestions about
your picture -making plans.
Autographic Kodak, $6.75 up
Kodak Film in your tis
Finishing you'll like
Phone No. 1 Goderich
named, Jas. Alton, ('. Truemner &
One bushel large peas, any variety,
named, Jas. Alton.
One bushel pmrall peas, any variety,
named, Jas. Alton.
One bushel White oats, any variety,
named. R. E. Snowden Est., l'. Truem-
ner & Son.
One bushel Black oats, any variety,
named, Jas. Afton, 3rd.
One 'bushel tiax seed, Jas. Alton.
One bushel timothy seed, Jas. Al-
ton. •
One bushel clover seed, C. Truem-
ner & Son.
Three heads sunflower seed, best
and heaviest, R. Ruses, F. Barker.
Six Long Red Mangold, Wurtzel,
Geo. Baechler, Bisset Bros.
Six Globe Mangold,' Wurtzel, C
Truemner & Son.
Six Intermediate Mangold, Wurt
zel, R. Russell.
Six sugar mangolds, for feeding
purposes, Geo. Baechler, C. Truemne
& Son.
Six Swede turnips, Bisset Bros.
Geo. Baechler.
Six White carrots, R. E. Snowden
Largest pumpkin. R. E. Snowden
Est., Wm. H. Doak & Son.
Largest squash, F. Barker. C
Truemner & Son.
Six largest turnips, C. Truemner &
Son, Jno. Fowler. -
Twelve largest and best stalks of
field corn, Wm. Waite, Thos. Bowler
Special prize by William Rennie
Co., Toronto, of $5.00 in seeds for
best display of vegetables grown
from Rennie's seeds, F. Barker.
Special prize by William Rennie I• Lombard, Geo. Laithwaite, Geo, W:
Andrew's. — lkeld.
Swszze Pomme Grize, Geo. W. An-
Northern Spy, Geo. Laithwaite,
Geo. Baechler.
Mann, Geo. Laithwaite, Geo. -W.
Blenheim Orange Pippin, ' Geo.
Laithwaite, Robt. Andrews.
Colbert, Jno. W. Salkeld.
Stark, Geo. Laithwaite.
Wolfe River, Geo. 1"aithwaite, C.
Truemner & Son.
Seedling, if worthy of introduction,:
Geo. Laithwaite.
Any other variety, Geo. W. An-
drews, Geo. Laithwaite.
rab, R. F. Snowden Est., Chia, A.
Quinces, Chas. A. Writs.
Brown's Nurseries, $5 worth of
nursery stock. for the best bushel of
apples exhibited, Geo. Laithwaite.
Befit pyramid of apples in barrel
hoops of 17 inches, 3rd, Geo. Laith-
Six varieties, named, 4 of each,
Geo. Laithwaite.
Three varieties, named, 4 of each,
Albert Oke, Geo. Laithwaite, Jno. W.
Bartlett, R. E. Snowden Est., Geo.
Laithwaite, Robt. Andrews.
Duchess D'Angouleme, Geo. Laith-
waite, Jno. W. Salkeld.
Louise Bonne De Jersey, Albert
. R. Oke, Geo. Iaithwatte.
Beurre D'Anjou, Noble Young, Geo.
Beurre SuPerfine, Albert R. Oke.
Beurre Bosc, Albert R. Oke, Robt.
r Andrews.
Sheldon, Albert R. Oke.
Beurre Clairgeon, C. Truemner &
Son, Geo. Laithwaite.
Howell, Geo. Laithwaite.
Seckel, Wm. Waite, F. Barker.
Clapp's Favorite, Robt. Andrews,
Albert R. Oke.
Any other variety, Albert Oke.
Robt. Andrews. .
Bradshaw, Geo. S. Hunt, C. Truem-
ner & Son.
' Pond's Seedling. C. Truemner &
I Victoria, F. Barker.
McLaughlin, F. Barker.
Yellow Egg, Geo. Laithwaite.
'Co., Toronto, of 83.00 in Seeds for Andrews.
best display of field roots grown from
Rennie's seeds, C. Truemner & Son.
Judges—Chas. Girvin, J. W. Sal-
Ten pounds table butter, salted for
use. rolls; farmers only to compete;
creamery butter excluded, Mrs. Jno.
Ten pounds of table butter, in
crocks, salted for present use, Albert
Oke, Jno. Fowler, Mrs. Jno. Manlier.
Tub or crock of Nutter, not less
than 30 pounds; farmers only to com-
pete; creamery Nutter excluded, Mrs.
John Manser.
Dairy butter; 5 pounds, 1 lb. prints,
Mrs..ino. Mans.
Judge—G. A. se•.
Ten varieties, na ed, 4 of each,
consisting of 4 summe or fall, and 6
winter, Geo. Laithwaite, )jno. W. Sal-
Six varieties, named, 4 hof each,
cooking, 2 summer or fell and 4 win-
ter, Geo. Laithwaite.
Six varieties, named, 4 of each, es-
sert, 2 summer or fait and 4 win r,
Geo. Laithwaite, Jno. W. Salkeld,
Duche.ss of Oldenburg, Billy Thom-
son, Jno. W. Salkeld, Geo. Laithwaite.
Alexander, Geo. Laithwaite.
Gravenstein, Geo. Laithwaite.
McIntosh Red, Geo. Laithwaite.
20 -oz. Pippin or Cabashea, Geo.
Laithwaite, Billy Thomson, Geo. W.
Reins Claude De Bevey, F. Barker.
Green Gage. C. Truemner & Son,
Geo. Laithwaite.
Coe's Golden Drop, C. True)nner &
Seedling, if worthy of introduction,
r, Truemner & Son, R. E. Snowden
Niagara, F. Barker, Wm. Waite.
Evans, F. Barker.
Abundance, Geo. Laithwaite, F.
Any other variety, R. E. Snowden,
Geo. W. Andrews.
Prune, Iseac Salkeld, Geo. Laith-
Any variety, C. Truemner & Son.
Apricots, C. Truemner & Son.
Judge—Will .1. Morrow.
Four varieties, named, open air, 2
clusters of each, Jno- W. Salkeld.
Delaware, Geo. Laithwaite, Jno. W.
Concord, Jno. W. Salkeld, Geo.
Moore's Diamond, Geo.--Laithwaite,
Chas. A. Wells,
Eaton, Chas. A. Wells.
Virgennes, Ino. W. Salkeld, Geo.
'ampbell's Early, Geo. Laithwaite,
Ider, Rodger's No. 4, Jno. W.
Lindley, Rodger's No. N, Jno. W.
Andrews. I Salem, Rodger's No. 22, Geo.
Laithwaite, \
Niagara, Jolt(. W. Salkeld, Chas. A.
Wells. \
Empire State, F. Berker, Chas. A.
,Jessica, F. Barker.
Worden, Chas. A. Ils.
Moore's Early, Geo. ithwaite, F.
Brighton, Jno. W. Salkigd, Geo.
Any other variety, Chas. A. ','ells.
Judge—Wm. J. Morrow.
Salkeld. ('UT FLOWERS
Sweet Peas, best collection, Albert
R. Oke, Geo. Laithwaite, Geo. W. An-
Pansies (for Signal prizes), F.
Barker. Jno. W. Salkeld, Jas. MacVi-
car, (Horticultural prizes) Geo. 5.
Jaunt, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Table bouquet, gladiolus not allow-
ed, Jas. MacVicar, Mrs. J. ('. Stewart.
J, Juck.
Best collection roses, Geo. Laith-
waite, J. Jock.
Cosmos, best collection, Bisset
Bros., Chas. A. Wells.
Antirrhinum or Snapdragon, H.'T.
Edwards, Noble Young.
3cabiosa, best collection, Mrs. J. C.
Stewart, Jas. MacVicisr.'
Four varieties "Tuberous Begonias,
, Barker, Geo. S. Hunt.
Two varieties Rex Begonias, Chas.
A. Wells, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Three varieties Begonias, not tub-
erous, Bisset Bros., H. T. 'Edwards.
Best hanging baskets, Mrs. A. Foe -
ter, Chas. A. ,Wells.
Best fern, Chaa. A. Wells.
Best house' plant'F; Barker. Chas.
A. Wells.
Judge—Chas. Cook.
Peck Irish Cobbler potatoes, W. T.
Miller, Albert R. Oke, Bisset Bros.
Peck of any other variety Early
potatoes, Noble Young, W. T.. Miller,
F. Barker.
Peck of Green Mountain potatoe
Geo. Laithwaite, W. T. Miller,
Truemner & Son.
Peck any other variety late pot
toes, W. T. Miller, R. RusselI, Biss
Peck Sir Walter Raleigh potatoe
C. Truemner 61 Sou, H. Barker.
Two summer squash, Jas: MacVi-
car, Geo. S. Hunt.
Two` Hubbard squash, Bisset Bros..
Geo. Baechler.
Two roots White or Golden celery,
W. T. Miller, Mrs; Jno. Manser.
Two heads Winter Cabbage, Jas.
MacVicar, F. Barkbr. ---
Two heads Savoy Cabbage, Geo.
Two heads Red Cabbage, F. Bark
er, Geo. S. Hunt.
Six Turnip Blood Beets. for tabl
use, C. Truemner & Son, Jas. Macy
Six Long blood beets, for table use
C. Truemner & Son.
Six carrots. for table use, W. T
Miller, Geo. S. Hunt.
Six parsnips, for table use, Geo
Baechler, Mrs. Jno. Manser.
Twelve Red onions, Weatherafiel
F. Barker, Jas. MacVicar.
Twelve Yellow onions, Danvers, F
Barker, Geo. S. Hunt.
Twelve Yellow onions, any othe
variety, F. Barker, Noble Young.
Twelve Silver Skin onions, F. Bark
er, Jas. MacVicar.
Twelve Targe onions, any variety
work, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Sofa pillow, in colors, floral, Mrs,
Clair Agnew, Mrs. Felker.
Embroidered nightdress, in white
or colors, Mrs. Felker, Mrs. J. E. Ait-
Embroidered pillowslips, solid, Mrs.
Felker, Miss Belle MacVicar.
Embroidered child's dress, Empire,
2 -years -old,' Mrs. Clair Agnew, Mrs.
Embroidered tb els, Initials, solid,
Mrs. ('lair Agnew, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Embroidered handkerchiefs, ealet,
Mrs. Felker, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Day slips, combination, solid and
eyelet, Mrs. Clair Agnew, Mrs. J. S.
Howrie. _
Dresser set, • scarf, pin cushion,
white„ eyelet, Mrs. Clair Agnew, M•rs.
• J. S. Howrie.
, Buffet set, white, solid, Mrs. Clair
• ('entre piece, white, combination
.French knots and eyelets, Miss Belle
MacVicar, lot and 2nd.
l Tea cosy, solid, Mrs. Clair Agnew.
I .Apron, blue bird, Mrs, J. S..How
Apron, floral, Mrs. Felker.
I Any article, Hardanger, Mrs. -J:
! 8.
Hop rie.
Lase Work, Etc. -
y Yoke, tatted, Mrs. Clair Agnew,
.Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
1 Yoke, filet, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
I Netting, Mrs. Clair Agnew, Mn. J.
S. Howrie.
'Cluney lace, hand made, Mrs. J. S.
Howrie, Mrs. Clair Agnew, - -
Drawn thread work, centre piece,
fMra. J. S. Howrie.
a- Knitted thread lace, pillow slip,
et Mrs J S Howrie.
et" Curtain insertion, trimmed, Mrs.
' Clair Agnew.
Judges Mrs. W. F. Clark, Mrs. M.
C. Lee. -
Gent's fine shirt, machine made„
Mrs. Jno. Manser.
.Fine shirt, white linen front,
straight stiff cuffs, machine made,
Miss L. Brigham.
Twelve button holes, 4 in cotton, 4
in wool, 4 tailor's, Mrs. Felker, Mrs.
A. Halliday.
Darning on -cotton or lir n, Mrs. J.
S. Howrie.
Mending, 1 patch hemmed, Mrs
J Mending, 1 patch t'op-sewed, Mrs.
•, Apron, bungalow, Mrs. J. S. How-
rie, Dr. Grieve.
• Ladies' cretonne apron, Mis. Clair
Agnew, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
-I Ladies' house dress, afternoon
d gingham, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Mrs.
Clair Agnew.
Rompers, Mrs. Clair Agnew.
1 Hemstitched handkerchiefs (two),'
r men's, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Bedroom set, in factory cotton and
cretonne, spread and dresser cover,
Dr. Grieve, Mrs. J. S. Howrie:
F. Barker, Geo. Baechler.
Six earn of corn, for table use, an
variety, named, Jas. MacVicar, Geo
Two heads of cauliflower, Ger.
1.Baechler, F. Barker.
Collection of ripe peppers, Dr
Grieve, W. T. Miller.
Twelve tomatoes, any variety, F
Barker, Jas. MacVicar.
Three largest cucumbers, Thos. M
Snowden, F. Barker.
Collection of garden herbs, R. E
Snowden Est.
Colle tion of garden • produce,, Dr
Grieve, F. Barker.
Six salsify, Geo. Sr. Hunt, W:
Two citrons, Thos. M. Snowden
Geo. Baechler.
Judges—J. W. Salkeld, Chas. Gir
Knitting, Etc.
Best designed and worked patch
quilt, cotton, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Jno.
Best designed and worked ' patch
work quilt, wool, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. J.
E. Aitken.
Bath towel and wash cloth, cotton,
knitted, Mrs. Clair Agnew, Mrs. A.
Baby, outfit consisting of bonnet,
mitts, pullover, boottees, Mrs. Felker,
Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
'Knitted socks, one pair coarse, Mrs.
Clair Agnew.
Best designed and worked patch
k quilt, silk, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. J. S.
Ho ie.
Coa .e double knitted mitts, one
pair, J. S. Howrie, Miss L. Brig.
Fancy w..1 mittens, one pair, Dr.
Grieve, Mrs. Clair Agnew.
Knitted Socks, fine, Mrs. J. S. How-
rie, Dr. Grieve.
Knitted bedroom slippers, Dr.
Grieve, Mrs. Clair Agnew.
Scarf, ladies', Mrs. A. Halliday, R.
Crochet in Wool
Lace, Mrs. A. Halliday.
Ladies' shawl, Mrs. Clair Agnew,
Mrs. J. S. Howl".Crochet rag mat, Mrs. 5. S. Howrie.
(looked mat, Mrs. A. Halliday,
Thos, M. Snowden.
Crochet Work in Cotton
Lunch cloth with atx serviettes,
Mrs. Felker, Miss E. L.. Proctor.
Six doilies. assorted, Mrs. J. S.
Howrie, Mrs. Clair Agnew.
Pair of fancy towels, Mrs. Clair
Agnew ,Mrs. Felker.
Sofa pillow, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Mies
E. L. Proctor.
Runner or scarf, natural linen, Mies
E. . L. Proctor, Jno. Fowler.
'Crocheted lace or insertion in pil-
low slips and sheeta, Mrs. Clair Ag-
new, Mrs. Felker.
Table mats, three piecA, Mrs. Clair
Agnew, Mrs. Felker.
Embroidered Ave o'clock tea flesh,
linen, sis serviettes, solid, Mrs. Clair
Agnew. Mrs. Felker.
Embroidered tray cloth, Roman aft
• Preserved pineapple, Albert
y Oke, R. E. Snowden Est.
• Preserved quince, Albert R. Oke.
Preserved peaches, Albert R. Oke,
. Mrs. J. E. Aitken, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
1 Preserved citron, Chas, A. Wells.
. Canned strawberries, Mrs. J. E.
Aitken, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Mrs. Jno.
. Manser,
Canned raspberries, Mrs J. E. Ait-
. ken, Mrs. J: S. Howrie, Miss Belle
.I Canned apples, Mrs. J. E. Aitken,
Bisset Bros.
.1 Canned cherries, Mrs. J. E. Aitken,
Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Miss Belle Mac-
' Vicar.
Canned pears, Mrs. J. E. Aitken,
, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Albert R. Oke.
Canned plums, Albert R. Oke, Mrs.
J. S. Howrie.
One glass each apple and red cdr-
rant jellies, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Mrs.
Jno. Manser, R. E. Snowden Est.
One pint each canned tomatoes and
corn, kettle method, Mrs. J. E. Ait-
. ken, R. E. Snowden Est.
One glass each canned tomatoes
and corn, cold pack, R. E. Snowden
One pint canned peas, beans, R. E.
Snowden Est.
One bottle green tomato catsup,
Mrs. Jno. Manser/Dr, Grieve
i One bottle ripe tomato catsup, Mrs.
Jno. Manser, Mrs. J. E. Aitken.
Two varieties sweet pickles, 1 fruit,
1 vegetable, Mrs. Jno. Manser, Chas.
A. Wells.
Two varieties sour pickles, 1 mixed,
1 mustard, Mrs. Jno, Manser, R. E.
Snowden Est.
One pint mince meat, Mrs. J. E.
Aitken, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Jno. Manser,
Aitken, One pint canned chicken, Mrs. J. 5.
Honey in combs, 10 pounds, Jno. W.
Jar of honey of 1923, Jno. W. Sal-
Maple syrup made In 1924, Mrs.
Jno. Manser, Bisset Bros.
Judges—Mrs. McNally, Mrs. D.
One loaf yeast rising bread, white,
R. Russell, Mrs. Jno. Manser, Mrs. A.
One loaf brown bread, R. E. Snow-
den Est., Mrs. A. Foster.
One loaf nut bread, Mrs. A. Fos-
ter, Mrs. Jnn. Manner:
One loaf fruit bread, Mrs. Jno.
Manser, Mrs. A. Foster, R. Snowden
Six baking powder, six baking soda
tea biscuits, Mrs. A. Foster, Dr.
Grieve, R. Snowden Est.
Six plain, R fancy tolls or buns, R.
Russell, Mrs. Jno. Manser, R. Snow-
den Eat.
Six sugar, R ginger cookies, R.
Snowden Est., R. Russell, Miss Belle
Six oatmeal, R nat cookies, R.
Snowden Eat., Mre. A. Foster, Mrs. J.
E. Aitken.
Sponge cake. R. E. 9nowded Est.
Dark layer eake, Miss Belle Mae -
Vicar, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. J. 9.
Snow, Robt. Andrews, Geo. Laith-
Wealthy, Geo'. Laithwaite, George
Ribaton Pippin, Albert R. Oke, Jno.
W. Salkeld, Geo. Laithwaite.
IGrimes' Golden, Robt. Andrews.
L King of Tompkins County, Jno. W.
Salkeld, Geo. Laithwaite.
Cranberry Pippin, Jno. W. Salkeld.
Pewaukee, Geo. Laithwaite, Jno.
Wagner, Geo. Laithwaite, Jno. W.
Rhode island Greening, Geo. Leith-
waite, Geo. W. Andrews, Jno. W. Sal
Baldwin, Geo. Laithwaite, Jno. W
Talman's Sweet, Geo. Laithwaite
Geo. W. Andrews.
American's Golden Russett, Jno. W.
Salkeld, C. Truemner & Son.
North Star, Geo. Laithwaite.
Fallawater, Geo. Laithwaite.
Bismarck, Geo. Laithwaite.
Ontario, Geo. Lalthwatte, Geo. W.
Collection of cut flowers, arrange-.
ment to count, Mrs. J. C. Stewart, H
Barker, Chaa. A. Wells.
• Dahlias, six varieties, must hav
long stems, Jas. MacV:car, Mrs. J. C
' Stewart.
Asters (a) best collection, white,
or more, Jas. MacViear, Mrs. J. S
Howrie; (b) best collection, pink, m
or mor, Chas. A. Wella, J. Juck; (c
; best collection, red, nix or more, Mrs
J. S. Howrie, Bisset Bros.; (d) bes
(collection, purple or lavender, six o
more, Jas. MacVicar, Mrs. J. S. How
rie; (e) special prize by Geo. Leith -
iwaite, collection of six varieties, two
of each kind, Jas. MacVicar, Thos.
I Bowler; (f) best collection raised by
school children, entry free. Mabel Ed-
wards, Chas. A. Well. (2 entries on-
o ly).
Verbenas, beet collection on stems,
Gen. Gould, Bisset Bros.
Zinnias, best collection on stems,
Jno. Young, Gen. S. Hunt.
Annual phlox, collection on items,
Jas. MacVicar, Ches. A Wella.
Gladiolus, bent three spikes, Geo.
Laithwaite, H. T. Edwards, Rev. Can-
on G. C. Rill.
I Gladiolus, best Ave spikes, H. T.
Edwards, Goo. Laithwaite, Rev. Can-
on G. C. Rill.
Gladiolus. beet fifteen spikes, H. T.L
Edwards, Geo. S. Hunt, Geo. eith-
I Special by George Laithwaite, best
name! spike, H. E. Edwards, Geo.
I Laithwaite, Rev. Canon G. C. MIL
.I Petunias, best collection, single or
t double, F. Barker. Chas. A. Wells.
,Nasturtiums, beet collection, shown
on stems, Jas. MacVicar, Twee Sal-
"Liver Trouble so Severe
I Had to Quit Work
Mr. Thome* Hooey, Brantford, Ont-, writes:
'1 was a great sufferer from enlargement of the liver for ten
meeths, and finally 1 had to quit
work. I would wake up in the
rnoreiegs with a hitter taste in
my mouth. had frequent head-
schet. yellow complexion. and
pain in my right side. and be-
tw•een the shoulder blades. It was
ahaoat unbearable, and terribly
weakening. i could not sleep at
night and my heart also bothered
me. But the whole trouble has
now left me. thanks to that
wonderful medicine, N. Chase's
Kidney -laver Pills."
Dr. Chase's Sidney -Liver Pills
M atm • boa a* IK pat, ieasaasLrrese. nate. a on . 1lid.. Toss°
Apple pie, 'Miss Belle MacVicar,
Mrs. R. Russell, Mrs. J, E. Aitken.
Six tarts, Mrs. J. E. Aitken, R.
Russell, Miss B. MacVicart
Amy other kind of pie, Mrs, J. E.
I Aitken, R. Russull, Mrs. J. S.' Howrie.
One dozen heaviest single yoke hen
eggs, Thos. Bowler, Mrs. Jilts Man -
ser, Albert R, Oke.
s. J. T. Salkeld,
Agnes Swanson.
Landscape, scenery in district, Miss
L. Brigham, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Marine, lake, Miss 1.. Brigham.
Mrs..J. S. Howrie.
Figure, Miss L. Brigham, Mra. J. S.;
Still life, buildings, etc., Mrs. J. S.
Howrie, Slisn L. Brigham.
Flowers, Miss L Brighhm, Mrs. J.
S. Howrie.
Fruit, Miss L. Brigham, Mrs. J. S.
Landscape, local, in district Mrs.
J. S. Howrie.
Landscape, scenery, .Miss L. Brig-
ham, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Marine -lake, neutral tints, Mrs. J.
S. Howrie.
Best drawing, in water colors, any
subject, Miss L. Brigham, Mrs. J. S.
t Animal subject, Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
I Flowers, Miss L. Brigham, Mrs. J.
S. Howrie. • .
Fruit, Miss L. Brigham, Mrs. J. S.
Monochrome, any subject, Mrs. J.
icoutlnned on page 71
1. Dress
4/1 Your
(urs & SORES
We have a splendid as-
sortment of
Souvenirs and article*
suitable for gifts.
The Newest
Fall Coats
reflect the changing fashions in the Browns
of Autumn—the New Greens. Grey and Black.
The straight line takes new expressions in these
Coats. True, it is tl' same slender line, but interest-
ing Fur Collars and clever Sleeves vary it in many
fascinating ways $13.50 to $47.50
New Canton Frocks
They are in Navy, Sand, Powdered Blue and Grey,
with pleating and embroil -$10. 50 to $22.50
ery. All new. Fall Style.
Ready -to -Wear Hats .
In Plush, Velvet, Felts and Combinations of Fabrics
are represented.
$3.50 to $5.95
Your Inspection 1s Requested
The - Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East Side of Square Goderich. Ont.
.BEAR in mind that this
Six Double Service
Sedan embodies all the refine-
ments in appearance and per-
formance—all the mechanical
excellences that has made
McLaughlin -Buick known as
Canada's Standard Car.
The handsome Fisher -built body is
upholstered in high-grade and very -
durable automobile plush. The rug-
ged chassis, powerful valve -in -head
motor, Four -Wheel Brakes, together
with the unusual riding qualities made
passible by cantilever springs and low
pressure tires, make this the ideal car
for business or pleasure use.
The price is considerably leas than
you'd expect to pay for a car so fine.
acts r
. W. M. BELL