HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-11, Page 44 Thurs.L,y. S.pt%tuber 11, 1024.
Good Appearance is Your
Greatest Business Asset
Successful first interviews depend on neat appearance.
A crictical eye takes its first measure of your worth
by your apparel. Isn't that the plain truth? Good
clothes lend unconsciously to the wearer's good quali-
ties. Many an opportunity is denied the worthy man
• because he is carelessly dressed. The first impression
given may not have been fair; but it was disastrous to
the man who didn't take pride in his appearance.
The ts•at 411
imepitmunt you can make is an investment that wakes you
look like a sueces,.ful nun. Goudelothea are stepping -donee to success.
\\'e have a Full Range of Styles and Fabrics you %till be proud to near.
New Fall Hata: Herta $3.50, Irak $5.50, Borsalino $7.50
C•.l ors a!! ,:n.lrnn...l.
Mages and soy: Wear.
Nest to Bank of Montreal
4i lay, S. lee:utter 21. Nill IN. 1h'i
era i ion flay in 1'oll...row veuN4ery. A
we•wuria1 ...tyke. t.. e,uum.•mw 411_2 3,)
stun.. Is 1" -lug arranged by the row -
eaters. the'44rangemett and the Sous
of I'.:::and
r.OTEiIICH 7v►WNI4IIIP, , St•pt. 0. I
-Rear. 11r. Alpo occupied the pnlpit
of 1'niom .laurel. Net Sunday.
r Mies Mary and Master George Ruch --I
laun,'luan•h, hate reti,rnerl
Lame after a ph•a-ant visit here.
Mrs. J. Rowerby *pent the weeek- end
With friend. in Smiler toe-to/him
Quite' a number Item here took hi.
the Cuderit-G fall fair.
1t..•ks at flue home of the formees
parents, col. sud Mrs. Vara*.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. tallows and
daughters Mildred and Al.ua alanit the
week -end at Kliwardhte.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Watson are taking
lit the Western Fair cat London this
w. i k.
Mrs. A. Y. ib•ndersou attended the
I're.Agterial meeting at Exeter y'ester-
The• tuwoahlp eollIM•II west in the
'tow11ship hull ytaterday afternoon. ,
S1r. and Mrs. W. Mallott14 were at
London yeaterduy taking ill the West-
ern Fair.
T1s• furus'rs wino hate. threahwl
their fall wheett are lousy teaming -it
to M. 41*e stat p til. '
The temperance rance workers of Col-
borne ,tutt•nship 11111 in South's Hill
-el•ureli ion Monday night inti organ-
ized fur work in the several tolling
sub -divisions. 31r. tioroh.n Young is
elulin11:ui. Mise ll. Stewart and Mos.
4It•therington are vWO-Chairmen . Mr.
G. Larub Averietar.' and Mr. John
1 Young treasurer. Leet everyone he up
alai 1111111g to pill the day for prohibi-
Nn. renderer) Ly Mr. Macd,en,lTd
Gillet and .weudiers ..f the NIA:snllc
The annual decoration day service
at 4'ul10,rnt• teme4,-ry N'i'l Ire soot.'..n
Sunday. Se•pteml"•r 21.4. Particulars
Will he ;plat later.
A nice:1E4 to organ r• 1:.-t %'t•
,water•:: totaperonee fel . the toes -
eta • IPL. 'wife cam41ttls:1J be 11•011
is • %.•-:fi.•I,l church 1111 Monday next.
:t' s . ••1,1'.
f r u ins!. at pm. Mr. A''r. Cooper.
,•;;ti;n ...rtanizt•r, will 1«• liras -car soil
Rev. W. It..klp will give an 11d.'re•s..
It i+ :.opal there w11.'te .t larlf• reit-
re-ent.ltion• 41 tar e!!••tnrt it earls •
1'e1ltug en'slIv lsi.ru cat this tneet ing. •
Mr. A. T. Cooper. of 1'lluton, gave
three texcellellt addr•sw•s at Donny -
Westfield rind Alrairti - Moine
411-1 tlltttwhe+ last Sunda:. d...1,1144
nit!' -4Ile tent{s•rnt.•e .itn..ti,.li fu Can-
. nils nlld tsatario: and nrcini;' vigenete
IIul,pnrt of the O. T. .1. 1:1 the pled-
Indtt• eramtlnlglt.. •
Thu' Women's:1 in-titnte will 1101.1 'be
r' .afar n e :tidy nt•'t•ttic at :he 1.'wu'
of MI.+ Margaret -King on Tin -clay.
S ,defuher 10th. at r.114 p -tit. ,Mr..
1;.u,ee wili gins an midden.e on, tom -
1•• -ranee. SILs \t hinir 11•rt'...11 an
i,. trlt`tnentel soda. rind there D ill be A
.'.toot ler Mi•. S114114. Carter and Mra.
.lke.leot IiIH. It I. hoped there will
le a wood att.tl11ance at thii meeting'.
4., IY,►1,. Sept, 10, -Thi s •h..ul In
M. N•,. 1 01s -nerd last w:ek with
Mee Amos in charge. There 1. A
Inr*er att.'mlarnw of plfdl+ til. term
The %•I..' has been repainted anal
rerh.n.rat..1 and pn•sett+ n very atter
n{,psel}I rn'4'. 1t I. n erg.lit re the
. .'•••tion. - - .
We :ere sorry to tient that Mr. and
• Mrs. T'•tI losing n la eiat
ti.Larl shortly. Tiley are linclnt an!
1111.:14,11 Sale 1111 the 2411i loot.
Taw Mnwule movie.- held at Zion
f•Lnteh Inst Sunday was ave': nrt.nd•.1
The nd,lrer. ;atm given by Rer. A. 1'.
o'ith11t1, of ii'.Iweartlh•. W«rlal mule
1:1:1.F'.1MT. Sept. tt.-Mr: i,u,l Mrs.
1 ordoi Irwin and son. of \\ Itw'nrps II.
tl.it141 at • Mr.' Irwin'. former home*
Irene fur a few days.'
Mr. tool Mrs. Snmut4 Sberwtapl
stela a 11117 ret.•,itly with their da ug,h•
4. r. I1r. and Mrs. Leslie !Balite. car
'L: on.
IIr. she, )Ire. Wilt Lane and Mrs.
Al.x. Treleaven. of Itlhiey. Halted at
the home cat Mee. T►at'I.i Il/ieke4t one
c r.. e•tatly. ,
The farmers around here are busy
r!.r«hLlg. Tlie general r,•liort It of a
rood .return.
- Ile. Dud •Sirs. George litieker. of 1'n-
,L•rwoesl. an.1 Mr. and Mrs. Italia'
Nixon. of %ion vieit,rt :It the home of
JIr. gild Mr.. 11a1ph' Nixon here.
Mr. attIT'"MI'-. .Joseph Hackett at-
tended the 'reroute Eztrihiti.,n for a
few ,lays last _week.
$ehestl has -again reopened at 'Bel-
fast. Mise 11..Ig.its: of Kiulo.-'. la In
r:' tet:•• as teacher
luulter.nry sertlw+•are to be held
in Inn, k••ti'• t!inrct. int $nn,Iay. :Mow
t'•m4"•r 14. at 230 an.I.7 p.m.. and ell
readmits! I. Itev.. J. W. IT,.IIey.
of 110 lle•rieh..
LEFIiI'K\ !!lot Po (Y. As veil .he W'terl the
w•erk-cud ci.ItNrs were Ile tl tLe eon-iiof Fia+t tCawauo+h in I
ll. McKe,atie, occupied the chair. Fol- fore. that as a matter of Federal l01 -
lowing the dinging of "O Canada," i k•y'the remnant of our nunoliillg_1u-
the adnutes of the IA►t meeting were-duatry should 1e nett -guarded. ex -
read. Th. props= Included violin , tenths' and moulded so as to wake it
tousle by Bias Annie MacDonald. who a permanent and dependable source
teas' atwrwgataled by Miva l'atherine . eel eulgdy for high-grade young feeder
MeeladuiI/1. readings by Mrs. lt+.11til- • eattle to lie •tiitbit114I 111 grain-itt'.wlni
SOIL Mrs. Ital. Mk•Kensie mud Miss distrk•ts in Western lamella and In
K. Mel ttlakI. After a hearty rote of fowling-tr,am in t►litarl0,
Hanka had been tendered to thinks.. 'Elie il•%elopme•tt of such n ioliey COW the Boa Inside With Paraffins
oho AO kindly furnishe.l the program, will naturally inveliv , eonsidernl.M• -bluish the Package Oft Neatly -
UTTER FOR H INTER USE a would Do wach Dotter to Aat•
how to .hake and Pack to Beat
ow Clean. Bweet•Itavored Creates -
refreshments were served by taw : eliowg•• in {q;tctle op the part 114 Blade Blight ot Oats-Bonesty
he«ete..s. many ranchers. lusted.' of , arrying
411e1r steers until threw or four year.
AUBURN ..t act. Dud w•IliiIl them oft the gats:
as overweight and frequently only
Al'Itl'RX, Sept. 10.- Mrs. James half -finisher{ beef at a period of
JOI111st'11 has returned home after file tear when, the market Is 11s411111y
slMrlell lig a w•.r•k with her aeleou••r, ! at Its lee.et point. it wit" Ise twee.
wee•.Mrs. 1t.. Farrow of Detroit. She %tats miry for them to (earl tJo•Ir t•ah-e• dor
a..w,mllauhrl un her return by Jlt•r Mg their fir -t and possibly s,4 -.out
little grauddmughter, 4hnothy, (. winters and inn theta esti the ustrket
31r. and Mrs. J. Arthur and luno' a, yearlings car two tearolds. The
ily visited the latter's .i.ter. Mrs. Haste of g.«•.I -Material in the 4.r. -.rut
Sluteh of Clinton. o11 aluuhrt. rum•Lhit prtt•ti,e is filly r•alia,d
Mx__ \\'m. lho-r is visiting hi. -,m • le r:nb•hers And it a profitable -outlet
111s•rt. 114 FritslalQ. Ger v, un, nitwit steer+ ern t«• de -
Mr. 1):ut 1•itbin.4., of 4,• ...imp• trloi»-' they .hare .•xprrss.t 1)11111-
11a101111 11, %limited at A. Na. -god • Hist a4h•I4,4, h,1. 4111!s,4 -to •pr,duke lliin. ) to •trn..fsl••1
week. eir ,:-ill-ad%uulagel.11.
---- air. ate! Ile". J. Wilson :aid family •1 {n••:jtuihary step in making this
Ill'\l:A\!CO\ visited friends at Willg1l:1 111 inn 51111.,Je!1!i•'Y 'e'ffe'ctive was Ittkou 114:3,tit 1tr_In
Mr. floss. Beadle spent ti few days'
1►1'N4L\NNIIN. Sept. 10. -Mr. R wit!1 friends at Ki:ch,•tter last week.
Gray and lois wether went to Turontt Ilrs. N. I1i11 -and Ili.. M. tarter
last %ctek Lot aro re tnnalug tits we•ek ail returned home after spending a
)It+. 1, Mmlle7 f+ spa•u,iiur a f few' days with frleuds at Detroit.
.lays tit the ExhN.ittott at Itrudntt tbls 31t.. It,ge•rsou. of Kit,Luru. is vis•-
tve(e•k• hila 1p•r sister. Mr.. 1:. H. Ball.,
A large number from this see Mr. W. Fiugliuhd. et Toronto. was
tion 11ttoem1141• the school fair cat Mt.• LI uta rilluge last week. •
11e1.•11s 1111 'rueaday outwit/Mantling
the disagreeable weather.
)les•ts' .1.
Ryan and thus. Elliott
1n 'inurrovang their houses by flee ad-
dition of verandahs. 31r. J. Glenn
las •(.h,• centra.•( for Mr. Ryan's.
w'hlh .Mr. I►e•Iiter, of Windham. 1„„.
tag the -work tor Mr. Elliott..
311ss Laura Savage heft ter ilk• , r..' in that -14.4valit+. i• emelt le -iter
West list %%,ek. that. in Huron:
Mr: Edward Elliott and Qaught.'r• Mi.s Rae Andrew. of Toronto, 1s
of Calgary. are visiting taw formers Lowe for n fewv days.
parents. Mr. :and Mrs. John Elliott.
and also a large: circle• of friends In
tat. %it-ltity. UST WAWA1 O8H OO Cine '.i-. k .ttto;c bold t!1.• first of Mull, the
organizing atoll . supporting t•wder
shoots and sale+ at 4'nlgnry. 1.«w•
J,.w 'quid Winnipeg .tppro%lunt••ly
nine:y per ciente ..4 the rutin,. whlell
a. r.• • 0ter'•d In these etwft• were
r.,u_,•-bred •Laces 4 r.,rt4.-ntlr all- of
ill.• -e cattle bad le•1•u .6 -Moved n•
rn'te.+ :not this fact ....whined V4 it
their nulfurnity, br.rlhlias end gem
.oral e•vide•n.r ..f quality and thrifti
Ilr. and Ilrs. Ilallattt and Arthur tees made then) very :wroth.* to
hare returned home after •p•ujlinit n 1.11ver•,. -
few docs with friends at Detroit. • 1h,ring the pa.it winter the.* ,-title
()Hite a nntulwr trent here iutenet "..i« ; d••tfonstrat•'4 flint they call 'hold
taking inthat' 1enMlfn }aa)fileiliou this !1,01r own in i•..ml«•titlou- with •1:•• I+ -r
week. ' steers Troth the farms of Ontario an'
Mr. ('has. Asquith was at Alvin. !!••' tithed farnrtia district. .,f Ow
-foul last w•iwk. ale sacs the apple 4.•t. The 1.!ad whIelt topped the•
Tornhto, 1mtrhet dnHngihe Monti) of
.tpril was' n load of -Ssk'st.•hew•an
range-hrrd .;..•r'. •tdd'thwmell lthe
Wit.nip•t f,..bT sal' in `. September
:...•t fed daring the winter 1111 all
l'ntario farm. .15 tis• Ednio ,ton tat
Mr and lir-. Conrtke and. sot
14•.11 of. •1..•i- w-hieh won lin• prPm-
Stett'art. wit.) Lad .11eut some time Ica TJw towusLip rouuei, of E:,•t 11'n• 'nm :ru•:1r,1 off•n•i I.N, !lm iloroLrlutt•
the ciltage, left !fist w14•k for Ft•Ilo%c+, wAjrosL met on .\ugusf. 29th. with . tt 1,i%" MI.Nk itrnrn li to foie f-trlur
t•:Ilifornin. - 14'e are hemp.' to know the tn,ails•rs pn+cut. Mlunt.s of thio d•+ ua« a 1,/nd ,ri .tttu.r?i .raw:••.
that Mr. tourite.. La+ impri%%•t�l minfi ' r .I .tit!:• with h load art• tl :.,Id
expecte to resume tent regular and 7eiss iahw,r•tings were
In health and Le read Doti e.nlfirr18rd ou u,u•i cat .,[' formic:, a e,'sarr hrder show In
hi* alines again In California as a („ttneilIora Stalker noel Gillespie, 111tr�!►'h.lier. 1'... I•.ed of t- (t!e won at
wins -ter of the Goep•1. fullowiu: ../wwunk a(I..u1 were tee E.itgenteu or• r -n L <Id of .fartu irnrl
Mr. Sinn.,nt Heed lona ..etuplrttrl hit reittrl: Froto the e4,rttlty y:erk. sato ,'ante: .n '' a month previnn. had
41)1. a,t ..in decor ting and renovating iug• that the uult+uur required' this.. Ise'u Omar! firer at the show nt'Hran-
the w ,,p,•n ,a4 at N11 17. A . lPkl• Tel:. Jitilt,k.a, and ever •a I.1,i.1 !if
'Bran -
to.,,, -,,a Md o s•n141 there ou Moala7. MI+>< � year for county and .t.'tsN1'r18dt pore; ' 1 l«os•w "n4117:42'36' alai) n et{s'ciut levy- . +•,skat,3iea•an firm•hr,1 .114ne wllf.•1.
Mary Raw{ of Tea h:IMh t«tine the of ettZt4.S0 for g.Nsl rands• in ail t41►•, Ida F lKe11 f:hA prendntu l,.a•1 xt the fat
teacher lu.eLnrge. 1. •••C to Fs i 11 1 1a : 1 maulapallty .t,«•k .how -s j et.l in Sa•1:,Itesen. R•gla.
Mr. a 4 t .'.. Itobt. Davidson s{sour this year. .1 pi•ot,•.t wee ono,o,e t •'in? •('ni.ary during the mouth of
Sunday ilt 1:.«k•riwh. Starch:
lir. awl Mrs. 4- It•'+. a:rtlerl to say forwarvlwl to the-Ilirhways Deplr-�
l went over the irryiug orf this. extra l Tiit+ fall the Branch le again +up•
friends tit fps halsh cat the we.•..•ud. tstrting the feeler show. In Western
.mill for a eywcial highway rate, the
` J ,.mrs•1{ b.•lu.t of the oplidou 111114 the I anndn amt hit ord,T tui maid:• ts..-
►iiHF1ELQ township should not b.- a•k.rl to Mor •'ihle t1N•'attendan-e of a larger WHO -
Ibis . t:tra expenditure.
(' ^r of }:.t.h rim bay r8 Jpl. Put lu•..
(Contributed by .)•'. rlo Department of
Agreult 11( Toronto.)
t attended an 4n''lutte meeting nue
day and heard oto ..• of the speakers
Close his address w*tl. this little
'Good, better, beet,
Veer I•t It rest
'Till our b •^a le better.
And your better, beet"
It L the vary Lest butter that we
can make that roust be packed for
winter nae. .- Guelph.
es to the•
gaff pgimmale.
ASTIFIELD. Meet. r.- %:1101 t ti I rum the town of \\ l,ghani. aeking -freer n poi ia) tate:mien of the ear-
4.F.Iait'415 wept. 9. -Ml++ -Fannie
tjti- i.1 returned t.e ik•troit on Tlulrs-
day Iasi atter spending her holidays
w11! her relnt4Pes Lore.
Mr, Fred 1411ddou is leek in 'tar
neighborhood Torn tine•:`h 1. 1«r1t tw-
ine 111x1 11p at Pert tgtis.rne.
Mr+. 1t, Brigham rettine.I to Gale-
rt 11 on Mentality. imine n.'-oreral
f r 1.ifo'1 tui+inn w!ai'•• r.lt-
ill; at the Mune or her nephew. Slr.
Jos. 1'...k.
Mfr.. 1'. h,{ti•' rind •.0 N'ag's•. of
r,. rl• h. spent t Inst, w..•k at the home
of her ptr•nts. Slr. and Mrs. John
F'a rrl.h.
Sar. And Mr+. Fred t3uaid are %I.-
.'ing r'•Iatires tit Detrlit.
311.. l dire Tt'Jthorne. .of t:o.I..rleh.
spent .1- few ,1x7. with her sinter. Mrs.
Horace Horton
The )fission Rand of L,wiurn
church held it. monthly .meeting In
the Snottily. 'school on 14thlydny Inst.
There were twenty menden. prevent
all1 J tl the daring f ti I I t2 I
u1 fi .104a4 net In I+t that the cntrle
1 1 1 31 i x I' 1
;1e .N: , nut r. ..ru r.. «, 1. u• t• c Ig 11 e . UII to Pr Irk '';• .
all of Detroit. rand .onfli of town and feeing Til... {"tr hA+til M one of the feeder
31r. and Mir. lh.•k.-tt of Itetrott, Taylor regt.rdlnu 'unci: of wild ••al• i 't "^' If floe app!I•tntr I. hot satin•
and )1!s. Laurie. of Illetih m. 4411?.. rut adjacent to his tot{s•rty, /loth ,fol t.•.I with Talus'. h. cat .(s•ure there.
who were 4lsitltg at the 11111110114 Mr.' these courflnul.',,t . . were watered Tb'' rent peirpne. of tide p lley le to
and Mrs, A. I4t.•4ott, have return • I tiled- .,e elnnlnt Fia.h+rntAtth-btewl(r+ til'
lir-t hand with the rim to ,•
• lobule•. .The following rates for taxation her r hnrar.
put la two Il -Ib. loxes.
The crocks should be In good **e-
dition. tree from cracks or breaks la
the slating.
When peeking the butter, be kltre
to pack solidly. See that then are
no openings to the sides. and that the
corners are well ailed.
It there 1s 8 or 10 lbs. of butter
!n a churning, du not put the whole
lump into the crock and thea try to
perk It down Rather put It !a In
p„ r, making sure that sects view
1, solidly pa, ked.
Fhtlsb this Package OE Neatly.
Finish the top uff evenly, and
n,%er with parchment paper. A thin
layer of sail paste may be put over
this before fastening down the lid.
With crocks It will be necessary to
tie clean wrapping paper over the
top after the lid has been put on.
All butter should be stored 1p a
clean, dark place where the al? is
pure and the temperature is low and
even. -lake Belle Millar, O. A. C.
Butter undergoes e g
keep.ing, and two things necessary for
good testi-Its when kiwi/leg Dotter tut
winter use are best quality of butter
aad low tempt ratUrea for -balding. '
U se CleUI. Sweet Flavored 'Cream.
Vat cream that has a clean, &Meet
savor. Churg it at a temperature
low enou:h to bring the butter In •
n ice, arta granules In ft,im :0 to 30
It by any cjiance the butter comes
soft, b.: very careful to Yet rid el
the blitt. rmllk. 1t will he tts:essar)
to i ease of this kind to use au extro
wash ywater.'
Salt nal butter in the usual- May..
and .werk It thoroughly. Should the
butter soften during the proce,ls et
worklug, put it away In a cool place
to' become armtr L.fure conttnulUg
the worklag.
As butter ke.e-psbest in a 'goad
form, crocks dr blies are used fur
winter us*. -
Coat tie doxes.lusWs With ParpAiw.
The boxes hiat'e •a coatlgg of paraf-
fins on the Inside, and M Is necessary
to flue them with Keary parchment
paper. .
Wille many people have a 66-1b.
of the KIntail C. F. W24). title L,;',d
lu t!t,• h!niail hall on 'Friday , ven-
in.. M. pteuliier :r, Mr. Jelin �I:it I is
noted -as chairman. Tin- -ns'.'t it, Tie. meet Mg, et. 1, •
• ed with the .eiuullig :.f 1► Caned: -.
I followed by n selection. '40 the ba,
i pipe. by- Mr. Ke •tar M r.L.nnnn. .1.:•
, iresse. were given by Mr. -NI. I' Sl•
Kenzie, Mr. John .18n,.w.n. Mai. It.
Me\\'hhniec anti Mrs. Lan,. A t! o''n
se•1..slot! was given 1.s- . Slr. A 31.. --
ihnlnld. -Mr.. Dan M:,eiw'nn {.4,4,4•'1
' the aeumisullmei.t. .1 vi•ry Intel•,•
Jig feature of tke ,•v.tllug was :1
splendid nd,tre.i ,1,..ther141 by 'Miss
Mn.I'hnil. Ii• P. Her r.•mnrk. were
M,Joyed by everyone present .lft,•n
were .cern, for tt, rnrrent -4. ,r: nor, rigor_and thriftiness. of the well-
(*entity rote, n mi'?.. town+hl;i rite. bred Toting cattle which pre annnnlly
:1,:::•: 14i.,1 genera' • -hoof rate. a'-lu-t'r.4u,"c-1 nn the ranpt. aud.-wldel, It
ill 4.' o, taw_ lnlereeta of the whole
'et the dollar. 1,110447-a4:-
the "^utaT t» put into the of ex -
Three tetole•rs were rerdral for
11-011etlo,.••4 n 1•1•111.-111hrhlge' Is,rth • i''11'-''-4 rattle-breders cat an early
•d %Lart.s•k. •hee tender of Wm. 'j,t.ve -
at 1442:.4411 r,mplet•* sane neeepterl
wow,.nu nidi' Myth fall fano will WHAT CAN BE DONE
l..'Ir••rit 111 flu• extent .•t x41s eneh "r' ON TWO HUNDRED ACRES
....• ame.pondltlone as fernterly. N'h1le�
7•i9,tM1'W114 {14141 the X111-1 11 ilnron c 11' ,..t ! ,s p...Rde to iieenmpli-h
pbrt%fng tilwtell t1 1«• held .portly nenrl on two h,ndr.rl nine" of tats) Is
itrie ole. '14•gietstr:u'd by the fnrnt a4 Mesad'
The following at.-mntts were pli'I: Smart 1Sm.'. at t'ollhlg{tes«I, wiikh
R. ('hemney. rgairing cul ort eon. The n19.4in. in a long 4,'•.erlptI t.,
�. %o4.75: 'Che Committed Pip• Co.. .l,-.-rils•s' n. "tolltngw,s«t's,as-0 l
rnlvert. t41t1..1,: A. Coulter, r.i',iring largest indu.try." - With the esn-
Iver% ..rue 14. $7 or/ Tire loll with loan 1
�,.. *It„d 4.. .,t,t1.r In some ri$ 1•
Blade Blight of Oats.
This disease u4caslonally causes
heavy losses 111 the oat crops of East-
ern Canada and Eastern and Central
States of America. 1t attacks also
barley, wheat and bluegrass to a
limited extent. So says Prof. Dau
Jones, Ontario Agricultural College.
It 1s most bowed In the spring
and early summer when It causes the
young plants to tura yellow, brown
and red, wllhering.them up. In the
latter part of the season tt induces
blast lu the heads.
Its spread and the amount ot
dathage It causes is largely dependent
*a weather conditions. The seasons
Shan. hwch rain.- cloudiness and
Muggy weather prevail are the sea-
sons most favuraule for its develop -
Primary infection 1s chicly
through the &tomato resulting frog
spattering of the leaves by the rata
watt the organisms from the soil.
' Two species of bacteria working
logeth-'r are considered neeeesery le
cause the disease. They are Issued
lu tLe sal). They do not, however,
street the plaat through the root.
Little can be done to prevent or
e.o.trol this Comm* exoept to select
a:.d breed rest/Kant %arteUss.
11 n 4.punt./ion with It. this
-W they had n cote for ini mime. extending a hearty tate of thanks to Duel • 1. •.rinsing and :vivo -nano, th•.ws ' :.:;.;e• s t.1 ..andr d
Work 'anti Serve" obtaining the brow Mneph.il. the the sng wait x1;4.:.9; M, t1utrldsnn, _ nhsliring hands, or one for every nen.. It
r r to n el a with tit, 1 f
brought bt t r g
Piro R
grader blades. iBIMI• Stapleton, 1 n+ +
• tL. National anthemn le t< . It. 1 It own rnilw•nT .ldtng•. and
C.1RIA)1i w.• wo
men'. ,imtitute meet iwg-Tlo• rnn,•I. }t, .ell; Annie M.•utL gr -i i.1 '424%
-regular- meeting 'of the Women'. 7n; \1'. F'oth.rgill, gravel• .4.26: I).
('Aiti,rl\1'. Sept. 10.--- Mr and Mrs. Itr1titnte erns held 'at the house of 1 i",k. gravel. $3.75. Conned adjonrn-
Chnriee \'anise returned 40 T..r,.,,to nn Lars: D. • M..utonald 0n W,.tnt'wds,. .1«Tl•to2mor2ndet again on M'.n4ay. S.p.reenl-
1. lit )RTE It F 1 E1,D,
Monday niter a pleasant visit of two ! Septe•nyiser. S. The pr..111ent. Mrs. N.
Greet the raw chilly winds of Autumn
with soft fabric collared, cu f f ed and
trimmed with warmth -giving fur.
We invite you to inspect our large collection of winter apparel such
as coats, brushed wool and fancy knit sweaters, flannnel dresses, wool-
len crepe dresses, silk dresses, silk and wool scarfs, etc.
And for those who prefer to make up their own costumes we sug-
gest the following lines from our dress goods department: Woollen and
silk crepe in checked and plain materials, fancy knitted silks, in a wide
range of colors, sport flannels in all the popular shades, also colored
military braids for trimming purposes, fancy patterned and richly
colored kimono cloth, all wool Scotch tweed and homespuns, etc.
Bi -rex double fabric silk hose for fall and winter wear.
To every customer enteringour store we bespeak
courtesy and honest merchanising realizing the same
to be our most effective and profitable means of
phi The S. A. CRAY CO. LassiitS.1.1:
Plate of Dominion Live Stock Branch
.1re Explained
During the past two years the T►otn
101011 Lire Mtos'k Branch has been
'desdlly promoting Increaser) winter
feeding of beef rattle and has 4...•11
working out n pregrnm depleted to
give greater permanence and stabllity
11 thi. phase of the rnttla Indn.trt•.
The policy of the Branch in thi.
regard is lased nn the principle that
to. relatively lac Initial rota of feeder
cattle Is an mantle' factor in mak-
ing this !eminent' a profltnbl. 0414'. For
many tears winter feeding of rattle
Met been earrlwl on mor.' or leas ex•
ten.leely In ..evere' r.ntntl,. In West-
ern f►ntnrio and the *7.teen of farm -
Ing followed In this part of the Prnt-
inee lends itself to thye practice. i'n-
d,•r existing conditions .a regards
land vnite11 and general Orel -heed ex-
penses'. )10w•ac,'r, fader rattle cannot
he raised tit n low cost in the majority
of Ouse, dletrLM. in the grain -grow-
ing arra. In 1\'ewtern (\moria an im-
mense quantity of feed Is avellehle
annually. mesh of wilieh 94 practical-
ly clueless tiniest" feel to cattle. iters
n4nln feeder cattle cannot he milted et
n low root and, as 14 the ea** In
Western Ontario, winter ftniahing of
enols on .n Ina -rowel .rale can be
developed only by providing a .toady
and adequate sepply of well -howl
feeder rnttla wh h't hare been pro -
dome' a it minlmnm rostt.
It Is nn acrepNM fart that range
arena are the logical Mewling gronnd
for the production of fowler cattle
under low overhead mat. it 1a a1i10
well known that none of our crom-
tn'r,tnl eittle are hotter bred than
florae 14 11111 r • frown the range.
.ince for rears rancher. hare rom.Lt-
ently need telly purrbrnl hull.. it
la the contention of the Branch, there -
supplies are bronght in rnrke di lots.
Every acre le Inst to it* .fullest woe.
The nreianrd. aro planted with the
apple troys forty feet apart with two
e•Lerry tree. 1«•tw-.•,•n them. Minn
tree.i are laid mit In n - MI'n111Ar war.
.and the .amt Inde Mer! creep+ of
rgeoberrl.+ Hort other email fruits.
TN. prtslnrts teary- from apple trete
to' pan.Ie.. Tide year 'the prise
prop will romp frons the thimble -
berry field. A latch that will yl.4d
forty thousand loxes. •111i. pattfi
1. Smart Brothi•r,.• Apciel pride. and
they lirelifIVP that there is not in the
whole Dominion n similar crop
The grrrmlron'P.-'a-hlett produce flow-
ers. with lettuce and rneumhers n.
aItornate crops--f.,v.'r 211,000 .quare
feet. in connection with the farm 1.
canning faetorv, which turns out
tit least sixty ears of canned tog&
a year. There the "Georgian Bar
Brand" of canned rhttMlrh, totnnto«ee,
.•herrles, rasplserrlea and str,wherrtel
are prepared for the market. This
year. in addition to the fl.1.1 of 0-
mntn4'. on their own farm. A rt
Tiros. hire contractor! for os -Pr one
hundred 'term of tomato.. gr. - by
farmer. of the district, r• la
Gill and
Universal Millinery
Cir. f€ fit. std Spore.Csilltdt
•BR I.I.
"Les- Booth Finally Got Relief Through Taking Taoist.
' "Mince, taking ?twine, 1 feel ao fit\
it sonletinra same like It dream. Ger '
there was hardly a day In 20Iryj.eer.
that 1 did tett suffer:' is the ,+tlrlklng
.taranent of r,",. L. 4 -Le•"• truth..
271 1'.'rt 11 5t.. 1:rj.';cril1,'. Ont, rhe• of
tt►v 1..'.? known farnews In t► tarda .
:Tor :'t► years: up to three yt hi ago
when I took T&utac-. I sutler • from
rheumatism In, ny arms.. sl nldere
Tark and hip+: ..• had at ti 1
roitftl not' lift ay arms • to int my'
enit on. i eonl,tn't even w•r to 1187
nano; awl 1 just Ilmpi.1 ala. t Ilk.. to
cripple. SI . a night It •It like
I would :.• ...• t• pew daybook' and
nitre 1 was laid up six months uu-
bye to hit 4.144-0 wort..
''•M,xtey could not bug the good
• 11 . .11 rutted every,
ntac ha t e me
.!tit of rheumatism and bunt op toy
aright 16 {rouu'.1•, and since then 1
have Dat had It rl,eutnatte mike or
Iain, If anybody wale. to know
dls.ttt .'Paola.% Just lot them see Les
Tonle. I' for -ale by all gnat drug-
gists;• .4.', 41t no sulmtltute.: Over 441
:I:illb,ll bottles' slid.
Take Tinley 1'egetab:e Pills for
have taken. over the Doty Foundry, on Victoria street,
and are now prepared .to execute all orders. The
Foundry Will be known in the future as
The G de ich Grey Iron and Brass Foundry
Insure Your Life, insure Your Wife,
Insure Your Children Three;
Insure Them in the Empire Life
And Give the Biz to Me.
Life Insurance in all its forms written by
C. D. Beninger, General Agent
The Empire Life Insurance Company
Spreading by Hand is Hard Work and Wasteful
Machine vs. Hand Work
A man can haul on the average a little over nine loads
of manure in a ten-hour working day with a wagon,
spreading the manure with a fork.
In the same length of time with a Spreader he can
haul over twenty loads.
Estimating the labor expense of the man and team, 114.00 for
the ten-hour day, it will eost him $44.OUto haul out one hundred
loads of manure by wagon. With a manure spreader at the same
coot for than and teal), he is able to haul out one hundred loads
at a eost of $20.00. With n spreader he does the same amount o/
work with far greater benefits for the soil at lyes than half the
expea.o of hand spreading. -
Let McCormick or Doming Spreaders do the work
for you.
Sold in Goderich by
Hamilton Street GODERICH
Telephones : Shop, 205 R.4d.se., 2N w