HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-9-11, Page 3• Job Printing The Signal is prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing at reasonable prices. For your next order Telephone 35 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1924 Read the Advertisements in The Signal. Buy adverti: ed wares. It is a safe and sound policy. SE\ I \T\ -SEVENTH YEAR NO. 37 SPECIALIZED Business Experience Very few Matinee. men have time to spe ciat:s• to Mots than one business. Tet an Intimate knowledge of bual- nNs to general la very valuable in making Mound progress. atop by atop we have watched •dudneseea greet W'J► t /eve learned why .oro. auce..d- why others fau.q. W. have these accun(ulat.d ekpertoncoe by which t judge your problems. W. have as well oar own policy ' of conservative management which has brought the at.rltng {tank to a strong and amble poIltlou. THE STERLINGBAN OF CANADA erlteeltlYYI�117 i1IlYW ZIY' Y, w 1i, Z ILTICWIrVICILI4 GERMAN BONDS Mudd by ns at $0.110 per million hi F'ebrlary were r.•1M,n•bas.l ,u $.1110. wetting ry,•r e2.111111 1v the Investor Ton herr the same ale.•IInAr.• cluur.•,i now, All / it -rum h, twnds' are advancing. Huy when they are low. WILL NELL TOIF.►\ German e;ut.1(111w..t lt..uda, i9.2 $23.60per 14MI.0111.1. 1:.•1twin i:nt••nMn,nt Iton,h. I92:1 $13.60 per million. .\wins.{ 1;,, r11nielt 1'r`S t; per . ••u r. $$e.60 per million. 1.111111•.1 11111•rrr for .ale WUJ. I. 1111111E:ST PRH ES FOR elms of l:jr1111, 1911 to 1919. Vitt of 11. uleirg. ell; to, 1111e. German ,:o•cnlmelt. all. lemma. GAIWt NKEL * CO. .. 141rg••+t Foreign F1.•Inll¢.• ltrok- er. in Cu,adn. 133 Qire11 Street Weal, TORONTO. ONT. Plum' Adel :4141. Established 1000 Fountain Pens carry a Targe stock of the Wate an and Parker Fountain Pens, o which many of the styles are uitable for school use. We also ve Waterman's Fountain Pen In E. C. ROBERTSON SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 1024 Following are the dates of fairs to be held In Muros year: Oorrie ,.. Clinton Zurich Varna Dashwood Grand Bend Porter's 11111 Colborne t Itelgn ve Ethel Blyta 44'lugham Renal l Crodlton W i ncbelse$ Jte school unty this Sept. 12 Sept. 15 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 sept. 23 Rept. 24 Sept. 25, 26 Sept. 29, 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. a Unlimited Quantlt of '000D MIXED WOOD R SALE at'$3 per single cord, 'livered. THE OODERiCH MANC ACTCRING 00.. LIMITS (Foot of ♦ngl sea tit. Phone 61.) JEWELLER Authorised Dealer in Genuine Ora • Blossom Engagement and Wedding Rinse East Side Square Goderich, Oat. ' HOUSES - HOUSES t u.for sale. Intend D A I 1 Is If k•s ty- Ilg ■ 11ome 11 will • y you to asa the houses i hare for' sale. I have them at all prime tram $700.00 up. Some real good bargaln4 on easy terms. Drop p In and nee me. ! P. J. RYAb4, Real Estate & luminance Phone 50. The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Lite (Sun Lite), Accident and Auto Illsirance Houses and is in Goderich and Vicinity, Farms for 5.1.- J. W. A MSTRONG Abov Persona' Fair t' t t. Roe Goderich, Onf. TfREE FACULTIES -ARTS, MEDICINE and PUBLIC HEALTH Undergraduate Courses -B. A. general course: B. A. Library and Secretarial Science; B. A. with Theological Options; B. S. in Nursing; B. A. Honour Courses in Biology; Chemistry ; Classics; Commercial Economics; English and History; English and French; English and German or Spanish: English and Latin; French and Latin; Geology; Mathematics and Physics; Philosophy; Political Economy; Romance Languages; General Science; Combination B. A. and M. D. course. M. D. course of six years. Post graduate courses: M. A.; M. Sc.: Dr. P. H.; D. P. H.. and C. P. H. N. (Diplomas in Public Health.) Requirements for Admission -Junior or Honour Matricu- lation. Fall term begins 22nd September, 1924. For Information write - DR. K. P. R. NEViLLE. Registrar. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO DE Ails% lit fA There are many things the Manager of the Union Bank can help you with. His give • daily you contact with business problems enables him to competent advice. He will `iadly do ip'. gse UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich ersneh F. Woolooenbe,'Mseumer i Prize -Winners at Goderich Fair List of T hose Who Captured Awards in the Various Classes at the Exhibition Last Week 'lite lis. of awiirds-at this G,slerich lulu-ui,11 I:zhlbltiou, held 40.14 w,wk, is ,tl'( f..u..Ne : tt • 11(111SE8 Rovisters }Illy ..r .geIlUllg. 2 years old. W. M,'le'atn. f'llly ..r ge:ding. yearling. A ..\.l F'Iwl,•r. I'sir of h..rr•s. Ww. Gretw. Single horse. Geo. Itra.lfurd, J.Jitt Vetting. 1tu •rel 11111. Pipette! Iauly driver, Cleo. Bradford. ('tlrrrlag0 Singh• curring, hare•; Wilfred 11e- ie•nn. - General Purpose Itr•wel war,. 414x'. SuWerby. Filly or gelding! 2 tears old, C. A. Whitely. ' Fowl of 11,24. l,,w. Sincerity. M,ltehld tesut, Jas. 12hlehblw, G. !;. (*tilt -lough, 44'nt. 4 J re•n. AgrieulturaL. Filly or gelding, .(:e,. LaRllwalt.•. A. Fool rf 15,24; Gen. Sow,%rby. ; Trow. Js.. Alton. 11. i.amprey. Hes„' Draft StAlllon. any age. 'Jen.. Fisher. J.... and Wm. I:ray. - Teem. 1'. 1'. .\. Whitely. A., .A. 'FI,dier. Best Individual animal in 'henry cb11... 1'. .t. Whitely. (*ATTU) • Sbsfabarn (purebred) I4n11. Rodd. oleo. • Rub!. I:IPU. tat and 244.1. Heifer. 2 yawn( phi. Itot.t. Glen. ilelfer. I year 4.l.). itohe Glen. Ilerl. Rohr .:ben. Hereford (Purebred) Bull. Jas. .thou. Polled Angus or Aberdeen (Purebred) !fill. A. A. Fisher. Helfer. 2 year. 4.11. A. A f'i-leer_ Cow. A. A. Fisher. 'leiter. over 1 year and under 2. A. A. Fisher. Helfer emir. under 1 year. A. • A. Floberdal and 2,4d. ltult ,'nlf. ler 1 yesr.• A. A. Fisher. Fisher. \..\. F • Herl.. Jersey (Purebred) Bull. 1;e.. lallthwnit,•. 4'o1 s-, Geo. G,ithwaih•, jut and 21..1. JG.bt, Winter. :int. • Heifer, 2 years ull). Geo. Lalthwaite, 1st and 2n.1. Holstein ( �) 11 Biome! Brom. Jas. McManus. ,Ms.11 . ('ow. JAM. McManus. 1st, 2nd. Heifer. muter 2 years. Ge.. 1441th- svelte. Grade Cattle -. ('4.w,' (let.. A. Whitely. 1st and 2nd. Jas. M.:llnmts Heifer, 2 years old. ('hai..4. White- ly. W. T. Marney. Shawl Bron. Heifer. 1 year old. ('hits. A. Whitely. Helfer .Mlf. under 1 year. (thus. A. Whitely 1st and 2ndo'tis..•! Brom. 3rd. Yearling Meer, Chas. A. W1iltely. Reef milking cow. any breed. 'Jiff*. \f.'Mpn,1.. Rl+.Pt Bros.. Jn-. \le)G,n- 141. 1!rS; calf. fed Sty boy 4.r girl nnd,r 14. exhiloitwl bylestne, .4. A. Fisher 1.t. 2nd ,lel 3rd. Fat Cattk Fat heifer. Chas. .t. Whitely. W. T. 1111-4!..111;1.111,w. I a iv, •y. F'. t ,ow. A. A. 1'i+h.r,l ('hap. A. Whitely. SHEEP I.e'resters flan:'. 2 shear. and over, Rota. 4;h4.. Shelrling runt, i1 1,t. (:len. Rata intuit 1(ubt. !;len let and 241d: Ewe. 2.shears and over, hold. Glen. thwarting ewe, ltobt, Glen. 1st and 21141. hiu I I It If Gln 1st and "111 vie. 1.t and 2ut1: Game, 4.'d Eiigli.J.. reek, t. 4:. McKay. tat and •Sud. Game. old English, hen. S. 4;. Kay. IMS, a1,41 21„1. Iluuliiirgs. '.l:anglel sil)t•r. cock. S. 1:. McKay, iet ani! 2nd. Hamburg., spangled silver, G.eK e , 1. • M Ent-. i t and h 1. b black.cu• • 4' e• ll+wl aryl+. 1, is. .. , M Kay. 1st 41141 _21141. I1,nmburgs. black, hen. 4. 4:. Ile - Kay. 1st awl 'SILL Ilaulbmry,s. A. 0. V., met 14. 0. M.Kay, let and 2tel. Hamburg*: A. o. V.. hen. 4. i;. •• K:,y. int awl 2nd. 1e•gl.orns, huff. hen. 44'. 1. Miller. Ge,. G,,.!.I. Je•glionle, brown, mingle ,.'wh, e,e•k. Mn.. .1. S. Howrle. Ie•ghorns. hrnwn. 'Irtugle comb. Ileo. 3lrs. J. S. Howrie, 1.t and 2nd. Leghorn,. brown. rose {'Amb. het:, Kr.. .1. S. Huwrle. I.rghorns, white. single ,,,4.1,. 'Item Nolle Young.• 1st MINI 2nd. Ml,1uua.. black. lien. Mrs.' 3. S. liowrle.' , Orpingtonii. buff. hen. J1io., howler, Ito and 2nd. /It pingtun+. !mfr. (.M•k. Tho.. Bow- ler. 1.4 and 211.1. Plymouth Barks. burr,d....w•k. 4C. I. Mille'. 1st '94441 2ta1. I'Irmoruth I(.n•ks. barrel. taw. 3.. J,n•k. Mrs. .1 S. I lnw-ri.•. Plymouth Rocks, buff. hen. ' Thos. Bowler. .1'Iywouth Rolls. l's. whit,. click. Wm. 11. Doak & Sett. Thos. M.. t -1411. Plymouth R.*•L...white. hen\\'ti, Ii. i►o)Ak,k Soot. tat and 'Sue 44'y1111dotlep, h:ack,.e/sk. Jas.. Me- l -bur. 44'yi.udo.tPe. ,bla1•k, heti. Jas.' Me - V lea r. i+t and ;tad. . Wyendota'M. silver laer.h cock. Mrs. .1. S. 11,rwrle. Wyandotte.. silver laced. ileo. Mrs. J. S:-Howrle. ^- 4W'yanilrtt,,,. white. cork. 44'. 1. Miller, Noble Young. Wi,Idottea. whit,. hen. W. 1. Mil. ler. Noble Young. Onntnm.. guy' other variety. ben. + o - i • ) Grieve. Mrs. S. ii w r .. 1 r. .rl lhtek+. !','kin. drale. It. E. Snowden, !hick*. Pekin. duel:. It. E. Sioyden. 1►arks, Rouen. drake. 'Phos. M. Sn ow• dell. ell. 1hw•ks. Ibnual, duck. Tho.. M. soon. 11141. 4:,r•.e•. Toulotl*.•. gnudhr..1* . .titan. Geese. Toulon goner, .la.. .\loon 499''. any tiler rariety-, [ander. ,� It. E. . thncd. 1. Jas.' Altm.. t• • t oo • R. I:e•s, an jottlrr variety. Ike R I R E. Srarwdgli. - Tltrkey*4. bronze, veck, W. 1. Miller. (:udn, I Fowl. any other Variety. co,'k. . 1:. Stll.w'd.•n. 1't ity Bird. heavy. hen, Ge'. Gould. W. . MRi,r. S Bfr'dA-Cotkrrt'!s and Pullets. Game. old English. ov.•k,n'I, S. G. McKay. lot ars! 'Sul. Genus old English, pullet. - -S, G. McKay-, 1st and 2nd. • Hamburg... as,nglel eltyer, e,w•ke•r,l. S. 1;. McKay. 1st and 2nd. 11ninbures. spangled *liver. pullet. 44. 4;. M,'Kav, lot and 21st. !feminine*, black, cockerel. 8. G. McKay. 1st and 'Sud. " 11,hnburgs. Bleck. pullet.. S. 4;. Mt•K,,v, 1st and 'hid. Homburgs. Illy other variety. t. G. Mi -Kay. let end .'Ill. Legi/4.n,+. wh1(e. .Ingle email. York - ere'.. Nobly Young Legliorns, white, single crud.. pullet. Noble Young, 1st and 22nd. • I)rphigtons, buff, r,w•kerel. Thos. Bowler, let and 2nd. 4)rpingt.ns, huff. pullet, Vets. new - ASHFIELD RURAL SCHOOL FAIR Held 1ttdrr I)ittleull es This lrar, Owing to Rafe Tia' 'first •.t the .rural ••211.•1 fairs 114- thl. eectio for 114'-4 -Was 11.1,1 Monday l4. .4,hfield t..w�•hlii. l'ufor- tiulat,ly. the day w'11,4 a 4•I• 444 044,, tool although there were a Isrgr. Mita; her or . write: anti a good %1th•ninnw of spectators the _04.w .waw nor - it nindd have leen. .\I1 the elel•iil1 - outdoor corn - were ennC.'ttiel: The !1st of prize/. inner. .le .101 1• dun.: fl GRAIN .\Nil ('u.ItN ' Bloat; ones gaurt. EIIm-r John- etull. Allah f 1111,1.'Moll; whelt. Sheaf. Iauu•r Johnaou. Alfred Rltchlt•, IR..u- e1.L, Lane.* .ti an Fitllaysrn. Jlln Gard- ner. ner. 1)utu•slt Mehny; .alta. ane -quart, Arthur Simpson, ,,4V lw.•r Robb. 1)nt'id M.:K,•uri,•. 4fi 11 Johnston. leounnl Felice Willie Hunter, 4'Ilffer.l K1S- patrick :1111.. sheaf. I Avid McKenzie. Arthur Miugf* c,il.'4t 1111. Ihultrr. Oliver 511'4hurcl.•., Willie Jolnetun, L.•,,'narvl F,Ic.. .1nhu 11,.ward, 4'Itffor.l filI1MIt- rick : lnrley,'tyi, quart. \unser 4'lar•, 'Frank Ritchie.- Itobt. 1'.•k•e. Llu•d 11.1►..wtld•: lark•y. she, f. 44'alter Clare. 11..).0. F.•h•.•. 1'.'yd Mcihuu,),I lwgn euro. R. M+•Iw.wl1.l crest .'urn. 4','innitrel Wake. Eileen Treleaven, Geo. 110011••.,. Itn.sel St ruth,•rs. Kath- erine Pickering., Irene .1t, gni . Marie Courtney. Itnu'I'S .%N1) \'Ei:F:T \BLES I',•tatoes. Irlsl 4'01414•re. E. Sculley. Ce•I1 49,rdlier. ('rth,'rine ItuM•rts,u, Genlet Hamilton, Gordon Ituyd. 144.1., rd Kilpatrick. T. 'Anderson; 11, buses, 4;r, -.•u Mo i,.. 3lildr..1 Fel- e.% Mary Clare. Mary 11ibls•i.. Cecil l:ardm•r, .V.•x. G.hlley, Ih11,c:u1 �Stint.soy. Alvin 3lrlh,uald: pstitoes: i4...ley, !Surber Stunl,y, h,, Curran: Murray M,'K,lelrli k. .lean M.•h,mnld. 4'hurlle .4ndent ori, 1►:.vid 4'owe n : nuwgnlde. Jlery M.i'9'11zI,, JJoy,l Alar.\oley.- Kenneth Thain. It1114.• t'en.41.11: turnips. .1o1u1 K,41v. K,•n• z1• Boyd. 1:Iuily Brown. Alvin ' aii•. le 1.1. 4'nruian Brown. Jay'k Collin - .on : beeto, B. Ganlner, Kath, -rine Ili -kering. Veen Gardner. J,w.le Me - Rae. Al 11uuh•r. 4%9nulfr• 41 limit- er.. India Gilmore. Jim (:ardn.•r carrots, Arthur i)altou. F:Ib,a 1'.•lee. Alice Mel humid. Sld11.q' Gardner, Ver- na r ns. Klinetrl•k. ,\l . lt,Ae•rls n.l n rt u Stanley : p arsnil411. .4lfr..l 14,Ito,. Rlann.r,'t Fb,la\', belled McLean. Far- quhar Finluy'sn., Jean Grant. 11.1rol.l e1111de•u. i'I:ylll. Fever: onions. \Gnr4,ar- .•t Siwp.uu. flar -,y 1tubb. Welling- ton Hervey. .I4..r••thy Rols•rtsou. Doris JIl),)wu. Sara Ifs -Caitiff. Kath- leen Sumer. • FLl)%VP14S R. Howard, .1eln Siav- wn,al/I. bin bel M,•1e1111. le,r•t4,, M.•y- .r.. Benson Shn,•kletun: _phlox. M. Si,ut''ou. 1'. BoM•rlsen• 7411111.1 It Culbert. it. Gilmore. 44'. Lane. 11. 1`alvrt: African liarig,dd.. i.. 4'ruzi,r. \. 1(14. Ile. 31. I' arrl.h : c4.[e4.p.h,. E. 11.•1.1. I- v1,n M,le•nu. \(. 11'1uughlln. ('arnmntl ltrewn: vali'ndulu. ,4lildrel Fele',. .4. 4'nlllnson. F:. Johnston, E. Ritchie. T. .Usleron : Freud' twirl - geld.. A. I;s,lley. Ross Shield.. Gordon ' Johnston : allpdglos.fs. Alive -Mel old. Phyllis Felee; verbena.. Edna Felee. 4;. Johnston; eo4neet, Velment e Sinip.,na. Je, 1 McIntyre. M.. llaekett. N. Meliete liotne•gnrdeu Isapr•t. Ji. Finlay. 1.. Sullivan. C. Crozier. Kathleen Smilers. E. Brown.. G. Strutters. 4'.4t'1.TI1Y alclhruald, f.11lhul 1)01,41: vomit. limiter: vomiwwitiou. Edna 1".Si,-e. Nora u'luuglai1. Miliitel Felt,. le.rt. 4'ulla•riae'Itoltertso*. Arthur 4itnp4IIl, Illblr•u, .4I1,r Melhnulll.•.lean 4;ranr. 14.,:4. 1111.41•.,, 'pheDua 31,4.-1Ityre, bal1e•1 Mdieudriek;, bread. Catherine 4 0)lieri11,• I'Iel,•ring. Robert SOH. Jean Grant. Irene 11uguu. • Elizabeth Me1lona la, Aun:1 'Fr.''. -a.,•,,. Eileen Trelen.wu: ie•Iwed luu.•li. Mar- ' Lorhalsh 4%'lni ('up - garet Finlay. A. !hinter. •Genloo I4..y.4. -7..•,;halJ, baselull1 club journeyed Emily Woe n. 11. A. Ili -Kenzie, I'hy1 'o Kt,,.-nrdha• us. lul..r 1 *' pi, take li+ 4'4•Me. {Mort l4.. the firemen's fomru,lm,ut.-anti S1,4%'4N44 vete successful In bringing house the Knitted wrlettrtn 1114.4711 'el Ilo,r,n. silver .11' d',IIIl L• tdu• .'11uuw• ,4e Ri:dr.eil 3"110••._ ltetn 1)44ltou: i.uitt,rll Hrbl1•tlhl." Yunnan. The cup nun cotton 1a.1•. 'Margaret 814-K „Ilzlec well worth Ening n luno .11st ,11c, hb it..teli on wiMdlen. Margaret, .aleK,uzh,. Play .for and is greatly adwtrel by the Margaret Finlay, N:.n, f►'i.,in,c,li*,. 4.1,1',•re and slu.jw.rters of i..1'halxl,. -Tern - h:.4A,� -Gardner; n n'--21'41 cup ataud. fifteen luelley 11{{,-11 s!..4.: heweti toht'.l ton.I, \1:, r;:uet and i. nh•ely engraved and 1. nun* 011 1'. 0411 iU toes b u Inc 's st, n l '1 - Id rear 11 , 11. F u 41*n jean 4. Mclh us. 1 , ,sardine .eliminated Neu.belt 011 a Clan. 'Finlay.- arraInsrea scarf. Mar bene}-liitth.g ,o11b••t- but N•h.•u they •-n ref 'Finlay.. Margaret McKenzie. Resta Courtney : (Iambic on n,..liwy ,am.' up agaiva Ital.Rellzir s eurce Margaret Ftlllay, Nora 4)'t..mgl:lltl, Ihey icer,, 4.•wa•rl.•s., A11 hau,h 1)olr'.thv Itulw•rtpuu, (*idleerim- Ile- - 1'iay.d hlgliiel:I.14 hall. unteworthy 1e•- Ilon,ld, (Beret Gardner. .Iran (:rant; iag 44'ulki•rs fielding 21,1,1 g,MMt t,•ntch,r hatelker,lii,f with tatted edge. 1)..r- 1'y- \l. -Leann, taint Blue. 'toy Me• - «r, by ,\nderniti. Mary 11n,•k.•tl ; .14.11 + Kenzie• de. rte. groat .relit for th' dregs.. Alive Robertson. Cntlscrim• Mc- ''ue of ball he i. pit••hiug and is Ihmul.l. Gila, Hogan. 44 ,r' Mc- well .nititorted behind the Ie,t by Kenali•, Mary' Hackett. Fnu1.'es ('cur.- "4laggie Riley."- Ripley 1:Tseng.+. ler. --- • - - MANI'AL TRAINING Bird Molar. Irene 'Hogan, Ri.•har'I KI) ntrlck. .44..'rt 4"lenlghlln, wood- en w„gen. .4. 41,1'harles; patch on grain . Ing. Finlay M'IMnald, ILII{rt, (1•I.nllr!Ilill. 1.1•). Clare. G1b11111•,l .411.ert I VLoti dahi. Lloyd Al. Ih 141; shingler'+'Teele, le•o. flare Leonard Fej!+'. It,sb-rd.•k Finlaysic Harry- 12,11.-,, Murray M.'Keelri.•k. It &Ilea! rive: nutil'), Ler'uarvl F,!,. .4114,, Grant. Donald MII;r'•ror. .V fret ihl'ton. Ge•. M,p:r.-I:,r. X.4TI'Itl' arll'ItY Noxious weed.. JL•.ralinet McKenzie. Edna Felt.% Mabel II,•Ihlunld. Tull .\uder-''i': rsixion. 44.111 Grant .'. itoe•rt•.m: Mounted w'p.il.. Margaret M.K••nrl.•. Alden Hatay : ln- jurionsIosrt.. Margaret Finlay, 1►or- I tally ltobertsen: landscape. (Tura \l.•Itonald, .\. i)nit,u. Mildred Fele,, Prank /;i'n1.'re. Loretta Ho.,nlu. Jean Grout : nn.1urtinw., ('at1,erin•• 1(.'b- eHp,•n. Elizabeth 51.1hn.ald. I:dna F'Plcl�. •I4•lln Gilmore. Maie•1 51cl4.ar aid- .1.9111 3]elh•Ilnl,l. DRAWING. .114T .\ N i) WRITING Map of Smith .444„ •rl,a. 31. Fele.•. Jwu, Grant. L.r,11u Itogiul. timothy Ibds•rts,.n.---Frank taluior,'. 4V11,1fred 1411., ; neap of Canada. Lor n:I Myers. Alive Mel lion ,ld, R,t,. forhley, . i 4'! la Gilmore. 4 ),.ret by l eN el 1. It. .n .lune• silting -White ar•i" \I •I 1 t ,i h p. .11ri 1'.rrisl:. ('lar{ 5L•lie,.lrick. 1111.1-. 1411,,. I'atrl.•ia itole•r!,o21. Rs V111.111.1 'login.: WrRing •'"4111errie.." 1'11,3111. Fr•Irr. Jlnrgar•t Farri•1...Ulee Robert- son. o e•rt- i srnn. 1t.•tn 1'ob•y, 4'atherf11, 11•,1,111. Itnlph 4)'lemghlln; writing "Septenr I1•r.'' I hu•' an 1.Indw,y, II McDonald. Mnrray McKeudrlk. Slary• M.tKeu- zir. Edwin Myer.. 1►nnaen Slmp.on: writinge Maple.-Mildrede•,• "Tb Slap 1 F t • flnna Mclkonald, Marynlr.t 4im;.'•on. Nora 4,'1..•n¢h1h1. Lorena liogan..41mi1 f,p•k1•re1. 45'••ll4llgtru Harvey. Ross 444,1. ld.. 3lnrgnr,t McKe,zl,. Whittle Janne. The. Il.ovnrd. It.derlek F'Iu- !aysoa ; pml',t. Whelan.] Blake, Thief. 11.w, rd. Margaret lb -Kenzie. WW,CIne ton If:,twee; lwt, ,•f three. 44'hnlfred !Slake. Kenneth M.: a iiiii , 11. 111.met, Roder{,,k Finlnysen. Wellington Har- ley. 1:t,. -,I 31e1Mn.ald, Ge'. 14,111.•,. 1 11 1 . . 1• 1 _ . . , .4.0 IJrseolns ler. let and 2nd. .11nrtnr,t \kKl..zlr: lull, of R;u•r•.,p Ham. 2 shear. eeltutlr, Thos. 31. Plytmmth R,.4;.. barred. cockerel, Rocks. ,41Iati 4;44 t,!. ('nrl 4'nrran. 1••41• d, en. n, W. I. Miller. 1st aril 'Aid. - 111.1 ,, M -1)',,,1.1. .4111.. Finlayson, 1tob $11..W .len. ram. Thos. 3I. Snowden1'lynernth ILwk., barred, pm114• . W. ,'rt 14,,rkWell. Eugene 1l'Keery; parr Nam Iamb, Those. 31. Snowden. I. 21111er. lot and 21111.- el 44111te Leghorn.. .411.441 Grant. El- Fwe. 2 sh,nrs and over. Thor.. H. Plymouth Rock..w•i.lte. cis -keret, titer Johnston. 1.. Fele... Irene Hogan. vtnwvde-n. Wm. 11. think &• Si.o1st and toil. Tont Anderson pair of WhiteWynn- l'lvmonth i14.•k.. while. pullet. 4Wm. 'Roth•s. M,,r\' \l.Frnzio•; ;air of Rhode Shenrting ewe. Thos. M. Snowden. H. Doak & Sett 1st and '2n11. Ewe lamb. Tho,.. 31. Snowden. Island Rel.. Wellington Harvey, .-l. n' Oxfordshire Irowns 4Wtnudnths, ,lack. Awkerrl: Ins. 'ion Stnnl•y. Oliver Ilel'har'e., Ken• M'Vieitr. Int Aad 2114. 111411 M1-1e•unnn. Robert H.nyar.l. Wyandotte... black. pullet. Jam. Me - Vicar, 1st and 21ul. . Wyandottls., white. e,w•kerel. Nnhle Volum. 44'. I. Mi111r. Wyandottes. white, pullet, 44'.. L \Ill'•r, 1st and 2nd. Wyandotte., partridge, pulML. i%. 1. Milker, 1st and 2nd. She'nrling ram, Thos. 3I. Snowden. Hans Snn#I,. Thos. 81. Snowden. Flee, 2 sliming and over Thom. 31. S11,0wdell. Shenrling ewe, Thos. M. Snowden. Ewe lamb, Tion. M. Snowden. Fat Sheep ' !test Fat 4Yieep. Dhow. M. Snowden. PIG4 Burke. 1'ektn, ,Irak,, J. 44', Salkeld. Improved Berkshire The,. M, Snowden. Boar. littered In 1924, Jus. Alton. 1ht.'k.. Pekin. duck. .1. 44'. Salkeld. Thos. M. Fin.rw•ih•c. Thus. \1. Mnowolen. Sow'. 1 year OM and neer. Thos. M. 'hocks. Rouen, drake, Thos. \i Snowden. Snowden. Sow. littered in 1924. Thos. M. ihteks, Rm,pn, duck, Tho.. M. Snow•• Snow,k'n, Jas, Alton. den. Tamworths 1►neka. any other vnrl,ty. drake. itnilr. littered In 11,24, Thos. 41. Jas. Alton. Sn,rwd1n. i)ncks. nny other variety. duck. Stew, littered in 1924, Jae. .titre,, Jas. Alton. Ti.,'.. M. Snowden. Geese•,'Rollout.% gander, .i,41. Alton. improved Yorkshire Ge11,. 7b111011se, goose, Jn.. Alton. Boer. over 1 near old. Jae. .\limn. f;rlwling Pea ltnnr. littered In 1924. JR.. Alton. Sow. 1 year old and over. Jas. .41 - ton. 1st and 2nd. Sets-. littered In 1924, Jan. Alton. 1.t and '2,.1 Grades Row. littered in 1924, Time. M. Snowden. Pen of 3 heenal pig'.. ()Arrow., or f sows, Jas. Alton, f ' POt'J.TRY Single Birds Andalusian... es -k. Mrs. ,t 4. Fkrw- rlo. Andaanslnne. hen, Mrs. J. S. flow• I'Frr G. Johnston. le. Ritchie. 3. 31e• Adam. 1'. Kilpatrick. M. Boyd. dr. McAdam. nt. ' EGG fOMPETiTION • - Itnnyn eggs. Geo. MeK. nailer. Ir. Sutlers, 3latthew Foley, Willie Hunter, Maneiryle IteK eft zil•, i)nvt11 fotvau. .lFm Gardner. Edwin Meyers: white egg''. Margaret Fnrrlsh. Willie limiter. Irene Slogan. .11441 4:44rdaer. F.diu1 Felts.. E. Stanley. Cecil Garner. It: Foley. LIVE STINK Agrteniturn 1 colt. Connie 1 ognn. I)II'.r 51,4'harl4e; I141.f calf. T. irKe•fe, 4t, Hogan. Alfred !Weide, Frank !WRehle: dairy t•nlf. Finlay Me- Ihmnid. E. McDonald. lernnk nitride, Ail' red itttehle: lin lt,•r broken ,rid Oliver MFi'harl.•s, Connie Hcetnn. DOMESTIC SI•IEN('E Light cake. Alma Ilunter, N. (r - Game. any veriety. S. G. McKay. le.nghlin, 1.111lan i4ltt.n.. (*lent Ile - Donald. Agnes Drennan, Beryl Genf - tier ; graham or bran muffin+, Alma Hunter. Iturtnn Stanley. Ignite' Me- I)olnlrl. F. Courtney. Mary M•-K.•nr.1r. Evelyn Reid; ginger cookies, F),nlly Brown. Clete Mel)nnnld. Alle•Mrlhm- n1d, Edna Vete., Mildred Feb... ('nth- erine Robertson; currant torte. S-.rn McAuley, Amanda Mcilonald, Mabel McDonald. 1IIa'n 'Treleaven. .tine t}ilnnh'r, Winifred limiter; emote 101e. Vent Robb, Ellenl.•th Melhn,nld. Nora (11ungJll1n, Alma Master, Allce IInmini ., any ynNPty, S. in. 3G -Kay. Orpingtnns, any variety. Tlsm llowler, Plyntomth Rork.. any cnrl.ty. Wm. 11. ihnak k Seen. W 1. 'Miller. PiGEOX4 Jarnbins, 4. G. WeKny, 1st and 2nd. Twnblers, 4. G. McKoy. Pit enol Zed• Owls. Colin ;linter. Homers. 4. G. M.'Kep. Mrs lilowrie. ((lnnflmted on 1)Ag.• 4h CRAIGIE'S INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Apartment to Rent Modern IIx-ro, w,.1 Apartment, on Square, ponse.Minu at 014(1•. J. W. CRAIGIE Letterheads Envelopes Billheads Awl all kind. of Business htat ioriery.printetl at Th.. Signal Offi-et', . 4V,. will do p Job that will .lo credit to your husinels. look over your stock of Office Stationery and if it 'r.•quires replenishing call us by ,telephone 35 The Signal Printing Co., Limited COMING Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra of twenty - five, three grand pianos, sixty-four different instruments, $6000 curtain Stratford Casino October 3rd., 1924 8.3n p.m. Prices, $150, $2.00, and $2.50 and amusement Tax. Tickets on sale at Heintzman's, 131 Ontario Street, Stratford. Phone 769. Phone or mail orders accepted. _ X X X X X SHINGLES Car just arrived Don't wait until it's too late ' Prices are right - - Get them now Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. Goderich. P. 0. Box 160 Pi.ose 47W --After 6 d. m. Phones 47J or 385 Satur4y Special at the Pavilion Goderich Blue Bird Orchestra of Walkerton, (5 pieces) Dancing 8.30 to 11.45 i 4