The Signal, 1924-9-11, Page 2r 1 2- Thursday, September 11, 1U2t. ghca-Sioniti 1Es 1'.t It1.I:1111:11 1548 (.OUERICH :: CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association Published every Thursday morning. Bublstriptlon price $2.00 per year. To United States and Foreign Countriles, 62.50 per year. strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRLNT1NG CO„ LTD. Telephone 33 • : Goderkh. Ont. W. H. Itnhrrt.on, Editor and Manager 1'uur..ulc. N.•(teutber 11. 1924. After You 'lave Used PP AD TEA THE SIGNAL, H474 you have a standard by which to judge other teas. Salado, is the finest produced In the world. - Try it. FREE SAMPLE sl GREEN TEA UPON REINEST. "SAUADI," TIDROiiTM EDITORIAL NOTES - .- _ _ this end. lu.•IUding 'the 'spending of They reeled. they set. they crossed, l'amttla now haa a track treat? with to .y to blur In morn nw18.)' -Ly they t•Ieeklt, Holland. Tufo will be interesting to' a eleftnfte ramps) gn to .'pre.), the 'Till ilia marlin swat and rra•klt. 1lun isn .Marshall holed 114 "caller IIII1,oter. of IInt411 hullo. knowledge of t'tutudn's aa3rartion4 ,,dr• ,10 he hail. dent; westfi of tim,w. • • • not only 111 the 'United Slates but also "long sync,' in Itrn.,. Fveryhwly . Mr. ltelghen hos not yet produeed in Europe. The snbj..-t is one well entered Into 'the ,plrit of the thing_ au.l no one ellj.•.c•vl tlir full More tlC.m- tlnr Prenti.•r. 'Tl, crowd of •1....11 env.• pie were delighted ,owl haring workett up a go. I, aptw•tit.• they udj..urtw•el to the .wormer .vlft:li'e of 1:14I Knauer, where a I')"' ut hour was 1118•nt ht Partaking of Au inglreinptu hunch. r•- 4131.11,.•. u8tug :old ,tory-telling. Turn it s't'ew -mile tr(p•ta,k to 'Vi- :Irton. arriving "I • to the '.rh•ate car" in the 3'..N. If. yards ,ilwout Zan a.m.. everybody vowing the Premier a real gots1 fellow• '411.1 tuts,. who know 144 effect. for. ..11411 Incidents kuuw . that 11 has made 1.*in n friend for life to everyl..sdy who got in on the dour.•. t his list of a thousand dnitorlea 41044d worthy of attention by those who de - by. the King tariff. 51.,1• pemee are sire to aidht bulldfug up the pros - curious 111 a.a+.k. .perltir of this (•lnmtry. • • e( • • • 'baf we .houtt like t0 know U A •tag corrspomde•ut of The. Globe. whether the war ,now going on is after writing a wore of letters from Chinn Is •on•1lu•Iett according to the Western Cannon., .unituarizew his im- rak•a o1 5114*. Jung, 111.1, if s.., echo • prelau►I4 of Wisher,, emdltiotbr u• _ d(8.4' the counting. follows: . • •• • ' 1. (tarring atrldent. the trop , of The chati84. of `season la giving a, wheat wit; he in the neigh-bottom!' nnew intl•ret to the `"ndvertl*Ing .avd- ••f :aa1.IMllllaat bushels, '.f. high cow- mmm 3; ..Ierlila lues flouts ur,• well iner•in3 gr:ole 3113.1 ua11anally idgh •4481111,3 quulfthw. sleeked for the fall trade, and their 2. i►ats and hONer will not la. ao announcements from week a. week aehuudnut :18 18111,11I. 11111 the Weld mill ngoly thorough pte•rival. will lie anrp'y, Arno -hied with fodder. • • • • :t. Thegrafts •.•roil of 1924 -.will he The 1'rtu:. , f 1{111144 ,•cruel up hisuurti1 ,more. in grow. 41811 rinr8. 111 the 1'14 314,• anI hl'net cash return cull upon !lie tresident by 31 1114Tt to 1'' .the Indivl.lnal farmer. than esu• the home •1.! lion. John IV: Davis.. the targ4'r c1•ep er 11'.'.3. their per•oluet. went .lower-ive°"htsnr- 11e•nl... int le fuunhua• for the I't. sl. , 4. lion••,. fron, this Ono. will lot thin:.!lke pre-war. level.. while .!oam- de•u4%. N..w, ft he fafl» to sly aiIuIlir.-re. Illy (how dlre•t!'. .•n4hyt►rt. It is'iilg. »1311,1, h.ir4".11re,' tiupl.•menta, 1 V gotta bap the reln.tl,il of hog., 1.11...r. traillsortat..; . am.l ail • other . oltiiitk.ii to lir.. titfo11•tt.•. :will 8141t,l,I 1 hsyet Iu11.•'rtwhlr''4 'to blinks ,.etyul•wlititrs of will 11 the fnrine•rs ars tool I.. '144.1 1111o334age 1'u1111411i1's. pun'1'1•.•r•'1. remained at the peak. guy:uuoy" thews prior 4r•diror• d„ 1'10' tarn,11. the tide now we•ul4 to P3 - get is gulp* Imo.. »avhlg• 41e3s14.it he fairly Widen way. PrI.,1 .4 4.1..t1:- 331;;. hmll.lung m aterial. !a t-3'. sad sea,.yeinits.. not 1114, t/nh,u)4ILI1e-. tar - 11h re i,,,,,,,,, ••••11tial.a ur 4.1181I41 fire leser that they r• t r furnl.lurt.1omruts Them, will no: 1..•, year, ag: -1 r••aI dump to nen! PAP ,ith, r, 11111 .w'l,h•rinx is California. nate. althpngl: 1hi* dale. mol 1141 dIreetly Iti I ` liank:tig authorities like 1'. W. 13(11.•3 a43rirul111r.e. bats l.,mul.im Tor- IL..w11•}. R(ip•rinteleleht of •lhe.h•rtt onto. .1- gene rut eleflathu in value* I. aI' �>.wie AM 1111131'1lot.lot tlwe'4':Inadlan (tank of ...Pier way and b ,re flits ends there " (',•11uu.•r•.•, 431 ri,b.ntli exp.•t eery -will he a shrinkage ht nrlw11i capital- tie wished to 11., a. be hn.1 3,814.,. ..,l .�. • Readjustment lender Way 4130• Farmer' 34:n. When the inevituhlc' after -war dvy flatloli Iowan. farmers were 110• first te snff•r the rerw•.p1.•u.va. Prl.r+ of ' the anti-Rritl.h'-#oto• go to the Pro- . gr. -i slue cntulidat+•'• • • • Thi llonirrn..t..z.:te•. disnwy.Ll 1.1 the 'failure ..f the (',nl+eryat1te. t•. win the St. Antoine election. mug - `est. tel at a c.n.ceition of the party 1.'• for the- w•Ie'•ti.rn of -n I.:uder. lit lleighen.'*1 would appear, 1'..Hot wanted b•cau.ie l l' does 111.4 win elec- tions for his party. But minim could the party peat In his place?, - a • • • • Sir John 11'1'flistit- declare. that in - - GODERIC Sunday Afternoon ny 1SAIEL HAMILTON, tioaeri4h, (hit. ,1t 4rru. •w'Ileu the .1131 .11.1 set. The sick. 4) lord. around Thee 11.3 (1 in -w-hat .11vers Iuthls they suet' 1/ with what Joy they went 'away! flay bowl' tins still Its ancient power. No word front Thee 41111 fruitless fait: •, Hoar. in this *death evening hour. Aid fu Thy nwn•y hell us all: --Henry 711.1.1!-. ONT. PR VER (1 Thom(:revat 1'hysk1111t. who. while; ea earth. never tlirnel n deaf ear 3o ripe cry _for he'gl. 11•dt our locule. where there 1, »lekIMset and wl:las'r wv,reis t consolation. iuiel S•ba•r . 1.• *home whir nerd the lender aiilitr.1 Mons of Th?': gra.•i•, wt 14111. While weakH,w8 of 18s1y luya their strength Ns -tunes their Amuse for e Jolting In the midst of trial 'tool Nille•.r them to way. -Thy will. 1. • mine. 1 1.orl Is• dome:" TI,roilgh .I sus ('1131141 our Lord. :Amen. S. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. 'Hst. 111': 1' Les..otl Title-4esus Make« a Ni. . siamry' Tear. es+os Pas»a to -Nark 1 : 2343. Golden Text -Mark 1 -IL• • • J.1ns, Sifter 1...!ug driven fr.iln his home tow'H hy. 1111 angry nl..h, ('3111.' 411,3'11 to ('n)(i1•ru:lunl. it oily of Bali 344.,- 131141 taught- thety on 3I,e S.114,ll; day.. In )late. '4th. Mil an.I• 7t' tehnp0rs. known. 11s The rternntn c,• the Mount. we !wive the .uhj. •t• him te':n!Ilmg. His times of t••u•III1.. ,e'er• fo!luwed very closely by m il:11? sign. and Wonder.. acts of lov.'. lII - mrrcr• deeds ,.f which he. as .111 tL• instanter lu ,t ac's lesson, 'ottt8.•1 •, .e,l. that 110 hat l.w * '-.3:Lk„u of 1!.•::,, - a• tot Ito 11ttraten.11141.' attenllon a 11nly. . Verses- 33-37-Iq.na Sought Re -I. 42.11' ell. 1181ul111. %t 117114 . 1... • .. L awl the iyin •: M L I 1 a, e. hlmw•'f h. thous •.f11:•,•s•11rtty 911'.• him y:eary ttl both minil'anil 1....1> s 8a eery early I..•1,g the e.i,ly was J. could. .erre,. i1olmti,ha. hr .lid •• nl..l •Ie.11111•' .int o1 f'1 • tved;t to s .1111:. not of the a'1)• •p),.. i 1 1 1 ,111,...1 Extra ! Largest Cotton Fleece Blankets,...,$2.95 pair '1a1 pair. largest 12-4 double -bed size best .duality Cotton lllamkets. L'erfeet goods with pink or ,blue fancy burners $2.95 Sel:tentl.yr Sale. per hair FLOOR RUGS English .Wilton Rug.. 21x56 inches, with superior huayy friu.rtl end., in splendid patterns and colorings. Regular $4.95 $7.. -. for ` BRUSSELS AND. _TAPESTRY RUGS SIZE 21/4x3 YARDS in.' newest d4.igns anti desirable shades. Vsry leafy (duality and 1nitul,k $15.00 r..r any room. lin 1.1,114.. eat•h ...,... • Side ;1x31:: yards., Sale price - SHEETINGS $20 00 Bleached Sheeting.' 2 yard. Aide, splendid quality, hea,vv-vveti thread. Regular .55c 6`e. at per yard 1 ablest I;ad •2 -inch extra heavy Sheet0 int•. R•'_ular (i.i,,- at per yard'• -. 49 PILLOW COTTONS Extra - beat%y. hest quality, non. I.,••.•, Circular. 40. 42. 44, 46 inehe. Sere, 60c 65c at. per yartl ...... ..,. CHEESE CLO Su eror quality, per yard , . 0 TABLE LINENS Pure Irish Limen Lleaeh'd damarsk cloth.. size 2x2 yards; variety of lu 1ttsnl. $2.95 Regular 413.75, on sale "• COLORED BORDERS :311 only Irish Damask fancy colored border - Table Cloths. Exquisite quality: size .11,,.113! 5606. Our regular -beat $3.UI1 $1'95 • value.Ott %Ale COATS The new ('oats for Wumt'll and misses 83*' 11h111;lith01s pleasing. blade ..f tier . nelt .oft heavy Ilolit'iav and art or Teddy Rear 1•l.th.. 111 041 111% HIN1 cheek.:'Slimy are Leautifttlly thin -chin collar 441341 cuff trim well with .d' Iish fur.. anti nicely. litte.1 3'olors a r•' brow its, - heat'er., greys, sand mil't's, I.laek.. • ( lir 'showing '• very. sele(t and 4.11•1e. l's' .•I.t i,•t,;.1;4 loo.! Price. roue.' $25 - $29 - $35 - $40 $45 ( BUTTERICK PATTERNS FOR OCTOBER IN STOCK AND DELINEATOR ON SALE W. Acheson & Son s n ••i:" ours re111433 m. un farm loan 11114. 11w'gn1• • ,'ien111,r Wilt.' alb Krell hl.4 411.•ipde. to do. •'Immo loon. a -I*• n.'44.ttutw. ' • Jos has wlr;ndy o.'o I,rnrl on the farm thou pray1.t,. enter ' Into ' thy .1... - IL I ..-tt, $u,..wi.irr Tsars of "liwndn(- (131 the 14111-r 11:111. frlrui peeltier. '113,4 trh.•n than llillrt mita The lei mouth- lave .level.noosl it. 'Western 8+-01 whole are !hinging r.,) .'r Maher i,r:w to thy father In ...-ret.- 4 alai 4)1418.ht.;�emw•thlntt It never knew I.prieesthan they 1lidaye:ar12,•.4.'0344.'. K:g,. I1.• ens Hof lout left until Go.,.,: dnn.'th3nt It-n.•trr *4'1.431'1 11.. ,.. ' wore lower in • Toronto Ib July toned, for Sinitn an.l other.. f1ndin kiw,w•n had there 118.11 no lean 'ear,'' 8n11..\ngnst than 11 the •ithe month n tt'nt .1.111s had nlre:iAy risen. went It Mrnrth,u in Frenot. should Is; nut 3e _.thrift. 11'11i. new rIrtfle. to my 31•41r ago...but 'n11 "other elu.11 of 4.{•0r.•!; of 13:m. for Already >t n rem' compulsory. 'hi nil the. elementary mind. is the o11tala,dinit Prairie" de- 4te8fl: .31*',1•egeol a little Walser than hall gntbered ....kit....:111111. r:hoads of tile 11tetu1111ou. 118 Wella» 10 ".1"1 n.•e6 1,3 1134 laws .ka-*.I.' last y4.133 hatter and ,eggs am a1' Z'01rOlen 311-39-11/eebrr Ws Whalen. II". unlrer,itler. 11'4 tin not I. the 7. Itelle1 W111 •11,• 111441.41 MIN year above tttu' figure+ for ito.:: And wheat R -hen hl. ilis••li?'• told 11111 ho 11, 41•rtnln 11148is. chiefly In 11)1110 -('en- slaw. /1 4'.•1? .1 n.I'taw., Ian top of a:iny were unxlnnslc waiting to 1 ••eWtpuMory psrt of Ila stah•meat 4 ;trul S+n.kar•hewnti.• ha some nasi- 1 1111 t1t3a, d••»L.11e the f.*.•t that w•r ha 4,• 2111111,1 he Qkl 131.1 return. but wild In bolt -there•) too koala tint 1,,glialaw 4ilalftie. north of-51:iti;1' ('rlr•k. for hod an exfr`.(,orlInarily Ire.kiall Av- to th,•nI. '•1..4 ng ao into the nes w. 1 x n. this r.wr'11 .ua rc,w I. t '1 . N• "1 11•t.11Me'. 11(d one f .• i 8• t In a nil lel• II. (' tla4fatta w 1 w NRh r in lin 11144'11. that 1 1 � ' 1 find ft of 1 f 1 n 1,•y .retell there. airs 44'111 0;l op n *l.,I' r. 111 +w.nle 1..^Ili• (.r,.itls,. t,1' 3.., folly . Sip to the 1 r .1a 1 folly._ f.:G-flu'n•forl• rams• i forth." }.1 X"1 1"1"1 1"1" to M• 33.bli'r.Jn Write 8cerae.•. �, 8ud ronye•n'w• in' Frsew•h, ties. there will not 134 gnrp,•ral ruffle, eroa•,1 had rathetr,al. met• 1,'o• mmh n 414113 trnln to 111•01141.4 .81881 for next' Th'.p•rfod of ren. ?I t8,3nt has ar- bear Hs prtr.h1inf. 118- to benefit 1. • • • spring. - • rived. .1gri•nittir••. w' 14-11 for three i :-'w 1.. Hing t•owe•r WWII it woolen 11' • news , s. 1'i,.• K'1-'! S+ 1•^ , in'II. :unr.• ae!f. y :Pts In, t •• n it a ,,..r: rl ,Sir .11. ' i.,r a .•..Wiq.tis1t.'.; Jo. led •Gm If It paper corre+apl udeul 11188►. dependent . in r.•.311rt of h11reetit ndrnutng,• as (soupnre! wit all other i• • 1 s''.ye:l to. hell Mt the .11.1.330,81 Sip hie three ilrotminwtt'candidaetes Itt.or. Thi. ii'11r help hay been alum- -ludnstril's. is g:•ndlinl!y rent 11314 r.., :.: 1 .u•rI -t"•�wa..•,1 In tme Airy-. -Soo for the United /notes pieitdetn;r, de.' dnnt,,,ut the lowest post knowtt in M.metiiiug like.11111'4.11 6111(111•. Aid .. awl they vent Trion pinet. to platy claret; that. If IntrlleethMl I {foss and t'''ars.• •.1 in the r*.tornrfnn .of ttttrIOultll h. 1 I.1•".arth..i,• Galilee. fending Ina rieletfnl p•aee will b• fttpad .' a Vere. 11143 -The Leper Cleansed.- i 'ak, of last assnrnrt8e of that snnnd,er' pan.- 1,1 ropy Is very minutely deo-•ribed' 1 1. rrtl,n.. It In snpp,..d to have ,.r hated amnia the Isrn'•1itr, when theollwl:wt the nl8kfilg .•f bricks in Egypt. •1a yet lin ln•dtlre erre Ilia l.rn flit .l, Health today. - in ew.nn, tries wh.•re•,it is p.revn'ent. mnrh I» Mein;; dam• to stay the •11..•:18,•, in its Mot stages 1t Ill very lontllsnme- n 111hlg tleatll in Biblical tins•+ ef- Ter the Klein had prononnetal that a wan was. really afflle al by ir, he was banishel. became nn to not from 1,n. clety. end. whenever he . w any one in 1111. ue1gt16,.rlowxI. h1• h I to cry aloud -C....4.1.43'. 1'11.1.'81 :" Lfprl..v Iwe•nme then n •oval. of Nin. for it. grningl taking hol.l of le whole phr.leot being I+ akin M tot way Nin oyer -rot. the whole moral nature of 181171 whie:h Is ln.nrnbte butt by the r.•new•Ing of the w -b.!.• Inner being 1.y the grace of Goo:. Aa Jena. thaweI1de1 the mountain. anti 3'83' nearing a fII'w•nh he met a poor Inman w'rek w•Iw, rnnst ham. heard Nomething of Alda wonderful OUR DEMOCRATIC PREMIER Iw•rtim now se, 41,118• t,1 him. He t1 ' n. tors of t3..• !s•ti•r. �.,., t ,. t:u•re Wert: .when the Stem ef- t.. •3 t..I aa• de'lar,•e1' xlult falt13 hn•l .to 1..• t. .tn'nrthr•nrrt. tit here -the 1'trttit a:1. 8- '111.i.t apprlrent and t ere 111..•.n't 184'81 it t.., hay,• been n. ur.tn,•nt'..11•!;Iy. 1'k4 n I '• t.. r t:new the rl•.rr!etlo,. 111 g1M11 4 rows 11. 111. and +e.. iia- Joy an+t have 1 •ten rttrn'•rdinnrily bite, ' 11• he . t. It 'what he_ tool, nd.s..t all his lepor- w•. lite �t1v 1orn1l of a hnuuln trifid mid "•. !119141 the .ynrrioatlt14f1• ' word•. '•1 1- x•111 ! 1.' thou el.•,31." . •111 a writer t say.: "Tlw• Muhl" of 14.8,3., was - 11411 polluted by tnin'Irlug the Leper's b th% e. 1 at the lepers whole body " .was ' .•'I -tuned bythe. tinsels of that lady !' hand." .1 s • „ J• 830 11111. not t.. 44'tr:v 1,113 1.. fol: per3Otlal choral were the me/inure of n .Next to thrift. the oats • 1.11eCe88. the prize would go to Jahn 1•ri+Irlp -•`farm...., 11. In , (littoral p•rlty which In .hie time. will •1314•1481 1C. 1134t18. the Democratic nominee. meth..44.'Never hove 1 w.t•u in the the fl'•titlou, Pro/writ)" .rite•i by )1r. Davi: personal superiority. how- 11'e.t 1.1114 thorough cultivation. and wartime Isorrmeitig and wanane n largo tart. is lot- 11y this rnrrwpooudl•11t, largo wale, BP tills yenr. Tal- sl"'d(lilil:. loon wing nrtil•itkl sere really striking. at least--oou.Meret any great nowt I lo. Th...hor.' hop, ref, rm'l h. farot In the 1're'sidentinl content,. ns past for all field work. in a minetI's eon- el't'tiono have 8how's that It ukdluerity tbi.lns travelling, i Jaye seen I.tl3 has all good a ,lame as 0 m:111 of !trill- two trnNotra With the tractor will t Pa r Rrra h Ate 1 o I• •• .i .• f mal .lin the 1 tarsi' id tend other pr' Ig g .•n rod t t 1 ) tent part.. it eau- readily be under. ••Idg' ideas. and with the smaller Veer, Ago to Find It stool that: if the -interiors" Tarn putt will come new ni,. letter The Exeter Atli -mate re'prdthicen thele way. they would prefer a man WPO. (rent The Signal a Jarngr.>•ph ala•1•n- whom they Tottiti control through his' 11. The value of Ili.' stack 1111 tut 31 taring n:..n1' the possibility of fining I8 THERE OIL BENEATH HURON'S. SURFACE? dependence upon them rather than a ! nI the 0gri4,1IfllrJol ',Olean. la 1wr•om- { Ing more nppre8•Inted. pars('.. enttle. man of larger mould who wotdd refuse 'w•iue nue poultry arc Iurmns- to he their towel, 1Ctllle the result' of , Ing. • Dairying Is 1(ot/oming an 111411.- '1/he P!e•rtlon to 11,• lien l In November' tr7 of prime Importance. Aa (ecllnter- .•r.. Is 41111 a matter for gnel .aa-ork, it is tenlam18scuto rlty, tastinI.lnkg trnctnrpr,.,fcr six -horse, to be 'towhee! that }}'n! Street is let 12. The SV,'i1t Imo never been An ting om Coolidge. 11'al1 Street signally' Imbued 1a today with downright. nn - puts it. mom ;r nn fa favorite eandi- 'nd.rued entirldrtlre- In Its own rouge - date. - • • • 11 r. Johnston 5L(eA4uWN. president' of the Hine 11'nter Highway A.sx-111• tkm. 'outrllutea to The Financial old beneath the salt 'Orating) in this 4iatr1--t and oleterveti: 'The 3;o.Ierich ttlgnal's eohtentlon may t1,• right in the matter of 011 in Huron county. 11 w'il1 be remem- bered 1.y the nldrr resident' of Exeter that an attempt ens made tawny back It. the 5lxtie•to tui .11+'m-er All in this If.•nllty. An ordinary wv•1l had been dug on the premises non owned rind occupied by Mr. Itk'h. (:idley and while putting down this well very strong lndlr*tiotl, (rl ill anti gaol were then met with. A few of the more en- terprising tof our citizens took the runner up of sinking■ twit well. Con- shier/dole money was snholerih'd, 11 drilling outfit Ilroetlrel and the well woo enamel. Perla' hundred feet were drilled and good ptyrgr,.a was being made. The capital, however. fell Mort. nnefii .pentad attempt was made to raise money to ftrther prn'mme the work• but owing to the w•at.t•Sty of money In thele days the promoter. were controlled to 811nn(1011 the +•'home and their golden drentns were peat to nn end. All that wag left to mark the upot of their fruitless. Iab,rti was an iron pipe Nicking nit of the gronnd n few feet. which annuls today aat the drillers left it. Thin, however. doe.' not go to gay thgt there I. no oil to be found hidden a nttewhere be- neath the ,wrth'a aortae. in this 411.- trlet. and there. la an mown a-hy an other attempt 0bOUM not he made to dl'aem'Pr the owe -thought -of treasure." in the nteanttae we nocke that the drilling for nil In Renee county, whit led to The ftl'gnal'a referent... to the stfhJerl hal erased, a(etot'1Hng to a no .v.paper deep/Itch from Southamp- ton. which %tate. that after drilling 1.700 feet a dry placket was mtnlck. (Marton E -)u. - M:lrXenzl,• King la nitrldly negnir' Post a lengthy article upon the tour -I iog (1/le of the most %Joinable nealap- 1st business of Canada He quotes an Ilshments of n IN.pulnr p4iti1kln. that Ottawa authority mhos( coalmine of of being able tr. get ('Tose to the Mm) mon people and mixing In. Alf - the amount of motley left in Canada ' ter his R'inrtorl meeting n dinner was last year 1)y 1•isttors from outside the given at the home of Dr. TTongh and Ikominion f. no Less than'gi38,(ro0,nan, them a formal r eeption to Vrinrton. Of hada amount Ontario In extlmated nano in the evening. to !na%e revolved $30,000.0011. Alrmnmin 1 About ten n'el.N•k It was Pugg,'•tel g that the, tarty attend an old-fanhl.med that the Intimate of 5138.000.000 is' enuntry born donee •w-hle't wean tw'ing correct. Mr. lfacAdf'ms points out that h• eld et M'Kenzles tont at (►Ilphnnt. the holrfmt trade ranks third among. A• bout "even mile.' away. Th.. 1'r,'tn- ter wan game and floe motor ear Canada 's "Industries," being exceeded l Iona went out. Arriving Just when the in 3.81134 only by the. prldlu•to of the dancers were thinking of quitting. but field and of the tnrext. The tourist with the Arrlral of the dl.tingnt8hed (msft;.e.a hili secret re(.iro1 Important party the Interest •wen• gniekly renero- rd. and the f1Adl. got going again governmental a*Mita nee; '•further•! and goon 113. 118J..ty'a first Minister, more." adds the writer, "It boa enuredI with Tion. (let. 1'. Graham.N1nIaer of revenue Mile', entails no eorres-1 of RBllwava. was mingling alar the Mantling loam of n+•s•ts. The export of II local people as though they load lived nn the !Imre Petimotla all their Brew. lumber and pulp' may diminish All 1tttfnelrm and formality wna alm- ond' foreotm. The export of (ereala !lensed with. dignity shot to pieces. may exh8u.t our Immix. the ex -1 and for two hour. they were fi nin In p'raon and spirit. Mille King. Geo. P. Graham and Jim Malcolm. hale fellowo well met. the leader^ In PpIrlt And fon In a real old. (mmtry barn dance. and joining in "The hornpipe.. jig.. atrnthsp•ym, and swim. That Itfe And mettle In their heel.." The crowd watt. pleawd. amazed and cot riots a The mirth nod fin drew fn.? "1111 farms. : The piper Imsl end looter blew. The dancers quk* and quicker flew, l twice. iw)rt .ef minerals may be a auto traction from our ancient assets. but the growth of tourist revenue atilt len 1-4,4 Sia with our 88..411 of breezes and 0411111404. and scenery and '.camping. boating and lathing peretoniat and nadlmini,hrd." it la. too. a 18»Irce of national roo.en a which can be sl- am* 11N aflaltely increased bay Intel - Vega add eystem:lti. .effort, and Mn, YacArINt lies 1111110 -mfr.-tions to: As 'calor 111185. some we It. the Meter part of is n loaf that doe* the ional- 1.tteky- He Could .oke Allan K. Traffic Cop- Did you get fila num her? •1'Ictlm-No• int i think hp's to har- Cop -Why 1,n? Victim -Ile wept (?er my face thn.w caution mold,. and iteeew'1 tf his usual cry of "nttel.aan!" It 1314 an agonising ailment for help:. Ills nt- !Rude ax well HP Ills wards made a -11eSe eellIng speetnele. He .11,1 not 114..114 the Lord's 11lrillty to help, 181 ht• what have heard of hie having healed others. itis cn.e then dep•toli•d nn Chew it after ever y_meal 1t •tltautatl• appetite and ale. digestion. It sakes your food do you moors good. Note bow .It relieves trot •tatty Kalil. Is yeasty eating. watt•■• tooth. •ecotone brestli sad Moan geed, 11+•11 1••••4416 fit nil ►aw, ao he Kole the leper go and .how binl..gf fo the pri.•.t. tn1ke an offering" a• required 3311.1 !..• pros, lull '• '41 ,•Iron. i1.• told him . ale. to any nothing ?o any nano. .111.1 why h' enj.dnld apses.•.' i., not so clear t.. uta' ;t% Alm efonmint4 to show' ?33,118•!1 to t1+e prl.•at.. Some writer. AA that perhaps lie wonl(1. (Naomi... of Wiring tom -lost the. leper he r•:gan•,I'el a. nn- •t.•ton. 111111 nermliy Ail .e•e•nr. from tho' lepers elkohe'Ing and prov.talmtng or "blazing :throne 111: 'nye, for J.•ana Iaou1.1 nn M. openly enter - in - ht the e•Itr, 1,111 33113 wttho,H in d...ert 1Pacwi. The spreading Monad of hl. +toot'. 111d 1,t: Neel' .l iw' ILllttitIvies awes)', for "they tome to him from every quarter." From thes incident we' 11•er., that I r who. Clic cure leprrosy. will( h was the' type of ilia 4nn pure sin its'??, 11'e are Sia sure of his n•illlntnes' no we nye of him ability, for he any.. "(:dl'/ '. loved the world that be gave Ida only . begotten Rol. tint whose( ere Iw•llereth In him phasic mat per- ish la ' haver et•erinating Bb'" to Ln a missio,ariew are Sit work In dxty4o leper 33..yltima and homes. for the ant ited children 'of leper*. Sopre of you re beard of limy Real the Amer) n misalonnry. who. t . • •. n fort,•',: Railway Rate. Not `o High:' 1 rani...ul hos .t., 133,11 a rot o4. freight forty-eight mli,-a to g.•t. (lie ' namey with wril.•h 1;4 hoot; afar pint of i,nk. n.l,cr"Ung r•• an ..Ails! In tlw r..enar.li d.•prttil.a.1 ..f the Pelted '4/ :II... Nilionni T:nny..rtatlost in - I .titntr. - T.. boy .1 :res. N.•, a toil 44 . ;freight mu•v t..• bnnl•.1 75 tulles: a loud lantern. toe, fr(•ight ',ear ells'.•?. Lle7 wife.: a nri.nk.'y .»-r041.41. 11S n,i11r::1•.10;'s worlk.of a'+' inehini.t 744 mil•• T111••1• agars.* iolp Sia. t.. renliar that. •.•nrpirativel3 speaking. fr.'itt•t is llaitlal 'trot* by rulI,--l►rulflr 1',ti•ket • ' iu ! t',;11 .I - had li•pr.i't. With , 1: 8 a ml to lief friend. niio 1t 1t. - • neat back to 111.118 awl is nisch on charge...1 to beantlful 1.•p•r asylum alien. she I+ tieing her 11f.• for her lm..11a,, f•!L.w+offerers.-.1 IL ('lark. • WORI•l) NISiIONS - lr.dwl.t! !lila..are.: ai.Mm► lepersto elmdla•• M.ssfon:rie•n. both medical rind mnimldit•AI, try to 40 .w -hat ihey .fon to 'help theta. T.. make their 14.11.p1.'e,-=tial to protect their n4- -a 33,1 4t- -ate? friends froth the ,Il84•14.•, leper al•''untUa 1134*' t»sets (penal In mans 1d.'-'.. and mi''1,ea1rie,8 try to Wag u1.,tr,r.r t!i.•y: In ,;f bright - g'.. 8334 v :i, . r am? I,...- to thew re- ffnge.'.•s. Tb.• -- .1I+.•, xi..•n aweottonr of their i.wl, to. work 111 and opportune Bh•+ 3,..ati.fc other unman .latere+ta. I;vetl_ mien. lilp'.rtaot they r1,-eice WI,,? o33.• 0.1 these mlai,lonnrls .•all. the •..Tari.?-I-r.rum•nt: 1,uns?1,11133 tf Ingo and kinin.•.+; 83.338•' "lie to e'1,re for ,item awl bring -relief. WHEN BABY IS 111 • When the leahc 1. III: 13)3.1* he 4331•. 11gr.al3 deal .tool Sit 111Na14 Sit IIlh•10- tion or pelting makes hln 11.13.p11-. Itt111.3 llwn Tablets slnmI* 1w• given him without 41e133y. • The Tablet. are a mild lyit (Is.,'t!z i laxative w•hi4h regulate -the lnw•e11. 011.) .wyeten the atononel1 and 113,1ni drive out e,matipl- Hon and in.11geai..n : break Sip tolls nisi-sltiiple fevers nth, funk.. te1•tJ,Ing .n•y. They are nl*s .lonely guaran- teed to 111' free from opiates tend tor - toot ilia 9101 lean be elven to etrethe new-born ladbe with perfect parwy fond always 'w'ith benefit -int remit. Tim Tnitie•ts are sold by tta.li.'tn, deale•ra or by 111:111 at _':1 vent. a box from The 11r. WItlinni.' Medicine ('o.. l trw•kr i l le. Ont. Shooting Restrictions Next 'to the ••1'., r...lw.• t( (11.• -h.sltlnt a•n4.nh th,•m.elren, the• tuo'w imry'rtint .L1.t.•r for nulla* 1,11 I ters. ill�,,intim! ei1•M'v h. ink.• 3311411•'. 111141 for 11,v11g all g71Mg' a Mir ,-luno•. 1. ifs. eilawr%niire of the bag 'illi, nnd of certain gimp:•• .h..,llug r.e- '.trietle•ha. I'ull0wing the migratory hint treaty aln•h rwtriUnn. hay.• hoses provide? t11roatgle•nr 1'1111:1,1:, atel the I'llitel Shires, an.1 Gm. lnt•.r• '.3 l-,th e.nntri.w are• ghee. 1.3(111 pr1- r114.te.. while tlw game 11to1•k Is .1.11- serv.•el am well. . tally last limit. in (Hltark.: Mirka 2.1. ma..' 15, hranf'15. refs ^.. blit•;;• 1.011,d .11)41 Emden jdnreC greater apd lesser yi•Ile/w•l.•gs 1a of an kills. %Ill- -ton Sir jnl'k-.I11pa•S , 8.1114441a•k to. Not 'swore than- 21111 ,Ihl(•ka Miall be taken in any gnat. season. Th.' - 8334, of aurutuitl.•, +44-1.141 r rn11pldne puns, or battery' or 11737 .31(11 Larger than No. 10 ga11t( is prohihltel, soul the mar of any nern1,11111... r lower -boat, ell-Iw.At or night light. atrel•.bw4ing from any hors(• .Int 11 or motor vehicle 1. forbidden. The ?hating of mlgrtthry ,plus• irinls, In tow i'nrri1P•,• of Itnnlrio. earlier than sunrise or Inter than 41111 - wt 1" t'r,hiblt,'d. f 'Now is the time to buy your FALL APPAREL You will find just what you want at Cornfield's Coats Women's Fall Coats of Velour, Duvetyne, Plush, with Fur Collars and Cuffs, interlined or prices. We have a splehdid stock of young girls' inspection is invited. • Mavnella, Teddy Cloth and Crush lined throughout. At very attractive Coats for fall and winter wear, Your • Dresses New Fall Dresses in Canton Serge; 'Trientine, Canton Crepe, Poirot. Twill and Silk -faced Flannels. Some are plain and tailor-made: others are embroidered with braid and button -trimmed. Hats - We have a full range of Ladies' Fell and Velvet flats. Forth* Men and Young Men Fall Suits. The Newest in Felt Hats and Caps for fall are here. THE SQUARE A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS SHOP WHF.RF 1'OL' ARE INVIT1rD fO SHOP GODERICH PHONE 41s 411111mu■J MP'