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TUE I1ONAL r*L'I'IQ1G leo:, LOuiib, Publibers.
TION DAY iug of the hymn "Nearer, 3Iy (:eel, to
TITTINGLY OBSERVED Ti".'"Tula ens followed 61' awtul-
'Doerhtg address by Re,. S. S. Har-
' dy. which brought forth the whole
amieetet Taken Ln the Pro- ideal of Decent ion Ihlc.
t� c(' the Day F'o11nw'lug Mr. ilardy's nddn•.+x, the
iterretariee of the t'nrieto Iwlgte read
untl dlguf` •t' and yet a I the roll of the (lead. a very fitting
tribune to Ih/ glorloui. dt•ad.'c•retu.uty on such an as•.1Ision, whish
eet'emoltles that marked rhea following the atdn41s of Mr. Mardi
ay 1n 1:.alerieli on Smithey seemed to fill the vast naw-nlbin g'•
leers of the 4:rent War Vet- 1 ,with the thought that they were in
close et,munmion with the .1. -parted
011441. The only souid that broke the
*tithes wax the voice .4 the render
111141 the ,a,aalelwl chirp of the birds.
Then t tMelto .) 1helm t broke
forth in (hat trioval Jtymn. "ltltst be.
the tie that binds," after w'hielt Keo.
.1. W. Henry pronnntnrl the Ira0edb'-
tloll alwl the gathering dispersed
through the cemetery to deconite the
gravt•e of those with whom they had
been In eictp communlou during the
• vet. :\flet this t
fu•nn1n1 sen k
rer. My (:tel. to Thee." after large,. hued up ns before and re•turtiel
Rev. .1. %V. Holley mklres„tel !vendee! by the laud to the Square.
methering. where they broke up. thus' tiding the
Rev. J• W. Healer' Address
that had am,mpllvhed the great
e'\\'e are gatherol here to -day," 141141ldet1 for ahlelh It heti been dtsigu.lhsl.
, 114411e1. "to lay tribute to the men Children's Aster show
our town and connte who Inti
The tloderlch Horticultural So-
n 01W -tiros M the last great w-ar• t-1,Itit aster .sMm' w'lll lee 1144'41 on
it ulanw • are ate Dolt inrt» im- 1 1- Saturday next. 13th Inst. ('untpetltlon
I he pedestal before. um. but are is vqw n to * toed rhlldren. prizes la-
rlJhatiy written on the hlbl''1 of ing offered for the hest Nix asters
tr hearty'. At mu*camintr' }''s call they gnow'lm from pdlodistributedtry :the
welt from Owir h00% to a foreign 1lortirsdtura1url Society. There are
land 1111(1 fought to prs4rt the liberties twenty -urs• cash prizes. Entries close
of time world. In the language of an -
fetter. they fought to make the world
nate for dem.a•raey. They fought a
war to end war. The cwuxc termed
lit every way just and the method em•
ploycel nrrphed an alwdnte nesr•seity.
"Nearly Nix years hart pan•0etl by
mints the arwiettc.• waft slimed, and
still the world Is In a 'tate of mua-
pklou, irritntion and unrest. From
the vantage grnund of the pn•twnt
we can look tee -toward over the years
of etnflk't and struggle. We can
now ate more plainly than before the
cause,. that led to the outbreak of',
the war. Toe war was but the out-
burst of long slumbering International
eealonay. racial amblton. •term
diplomacy. false teaching and greed.
F. -w nations 'nvul,t-'t were altogether
free from blame.
'We have followee with great in-
terest the efforts that have been made
to scene. a desirable and permanent
peace. Representative; of the var-
ious' natiens Invoked have met at
Vermallie and at 'Lausanne, at Gen-
eva and iu the many conferences at
London and naris to frame some *e-
veptllMe hash' for settlement. These
gathering' here Int emphasized how
deep -.rate! and far-reaching were the
ranee that lel to the war and how
dIRirult if is to overcome and correct
them. It rimy be that the Leaglue of
Nations, will contribute something Iter•
manettt and definite toward this end.
it 1; at any rate a noble endeavor In
the right direction.
"And yet it Lt apparent to every one
of um that thele Is need for nomcthing
more. lawn and cmteteettr'Cfi end
treaties are all right in their piste
And Irate their valve. but they do not
go deem enough. Something is needed
that will get lneele of teen And change
their outlook. their dl.pneltinne. their
motives. their ambitions, their ideals..
their very spittle, for out of those are
the hems of national And interna-
tional life. The world node not eo
nns•pn rettonst met on tem regent erat 14.11.
In other word'. If tlr world is to !.t
Nnreti from coming anarchy ani des-
truction It totter pa' brought floe to
fern hh rewpnslv14 cotttnt•t with Jeaua
Christ. Mot and woolen must re-
eelve film into their very lires and
risptal fn ilia teaching. There is
ne ether hope for the world.
"Tee trngoly Mf the world is tint
something else is nsnnlly d 4. it le
related thnt Rolt.'rt il'ent', the great•
cwt of nil S.•ottisli vete. woe neer
facet with his responsibility to .Tern.
Christ Al - that (rine. In hit life he
r•nsoned etmuewhat like• thin: ;If I
come la•fore HIm with honest mind
and 011.11 henrt and trnpnnslve will. it
will prAtahly m.win that I shallh have
to change my life without and within
and go HIN way. Atli 1 don't *ant 'to
do thall.' .tttl itoM'rt Burn!. like the
riot. neing ruler. turned nwat. The
battle he fought and Inst la .4111 tJ1e
"rent hnttle we !tate to fight and bg
Goth's help win.
"Men". T believe that the w'orld's
fnndnmentnl need la the note! for .Te-
lma Christ. f.nwx may direr and
mitten thut may enlighten and trent lee
may r•nncllinte. Mut Jetus.('hrint, the
Son of Col. 1. In the anvlolr of the
world. 1 went to bring you fnee to
h film feebly. 1
ince wit
to recognize Nim. 1 wnnt yon to
boor 111s wall. 1 went yon to rennets
Ilia' purpose.. Mian.» all. i wont to
present to yon title challenge: Will
yen as men of (:oelerhii enlist in
lila server And tinder H1s loonier go
forth to your bottle rumble' sin and
nnrightcon.ne$a nod tulle .twss with
the name enrneatta•aa of puris"e and
heroism no our brothers }- ler 1114
In the greet ramie for which they
hold down their lives?"
At Maitland reamer)
?mowing thence .diming a onto
wreathe were plated nu the m,-tnorinl
and Rev. Mr. Ntellermtel pr ted
the beneell'•tbnn. Tien the paretic was
formed none) and headed by the town
band marched 1.. MAtttland cemetery.
where the rent malar of the program
wan e*rrhd nut. lhtndrtla left the
Senor.. end went by nwrtnr to 1410
enmttery. Them thy service* nprrtwl
hs the singing of 1111 hymn "4) feel.
Our Help th Ages i'nal." an Invoca-
tion trr Rev. Wr. V tcferAM4. the. re1M-
t*g M a eterlppture leesi n. and the -Int-
eart(ialiou. linnta hedge, No.
Q. O. V., V'k• eriu Lodge. NM.
O. -1... nod Court 4:edertch. No.
T1. F.. j.dned In one trent per-
fnrmiug up at the widfe•r: aeon -
in the Spider. 'There the ser -
were .maenad by Rev. It. 4'. MG-
I. W414, aetel as chairman
gb.ot the programe and who out
in n few fitting words the grew
of Iwt-ortoti iMty. 1lrcr two
and were gathered before the
t e In d
meat and j. 4w I
The News of the Town
Mir. & ierton's Pupils Successful
At the mtdamen.er extuubintious
of Teroute) Caus.•rvat try of Music the
felluwing pupils of Mr. A. W. Ander-
ton melding In thin district dams d.
many with lttti ors, the following
e•xauJnatlonn :
Intermediate grt• :.•--,)list E. 'Satter
4telerkh: Mie E. elder. Itruc•fIe!d.
Junior gratld••-.Mr.. W. Maclaren,
Hemel' ; Mils E. Fisher, Kiplw•u.
PO/eery grade --Miss It. Hudson.
Elementary grade ---Mix' J. \!ur-
ksk. itrucefield; Mlisa J. Benthraau.
Hensall: Miss M. MileLnrel. Ilettall
Mins E. look. Go.)erielt.
Preliminary Kende--Albert `alter.
Clinton: %(orris Raisin Clinton.
e a
vacancies for • . N t All
Anderton til bin a
trw more 1atptl, nit per ndvertlee-
Public Schools Resume
ApprurlmnttAly 570 ,t11.1.•Itta regls-
terel at the opening of the puhlle•
'1 /14 last week. ails Sharman,
prin•ipal of Central wheel. reports.
aleari _'10 p.gl!s on the fiat, Willi mere
tinning in .•itch tiny. while Mir. R.
Stonehnuw•. orineitalt at \'ir•turin
s -iasis tntltnated the nuntla•r attend-
ing there at about 374), bot t l.btttnol
that this number would swell. nit , -t'-
era' )vol r•gtster.l after tine opening
at '11 (ida•k Siettlyday morning. The tiny and more were expOrted wtrhin
exhibit will be disp'nyel In the Star the week.
office window's "Thr stiff of Central school Inelurke+
Mks :Mariinln. (principal). MIs. Her
Collegiate Aeeaenttodalido increased' rift, Mint (tall. Mho -11111.• and Mlws
Two hunolrel stu.)ent- registered at Ven Elliott; while Mr. gtdnellonse
Ow opening of the ('ollegixte [reel- (principsll. Miss Robinson. Mae Wig -
tote Welneelnv morning. There are gine. Miss K. Wateote•MIs.. \. Mat -
two new trnc)tere: Mlle Edith heads'. stn. Mies Bentley. Miss Sturdy, Miss
who annex from the Fort William Le Tourt•1 and MM,1 lull corspoae the
TerhnIeal School to take over the come staff of Victoria wheel..
•I 1
. .'
Judging for The Signal's prizee for
piney beds will Ise conducted Thurs-
day or Friday of next week. and
those who wish 10 etimprie shined.
handl in their names at the Signal
°Mee 11.K Later that, \\'clms,ay ecce
}ug. AS it will 111• lmpaetsIble for the
judges to cover an indefinite !arta,
entries. in this competition will be
restricted to the town or points not
more than three miles distant from
town. The prises offered in this cone
La•tltluu are: 1st, j2.00; 2nd, $(.511;
3r1 1,
4 1a
) 4th lac.
The Signal's pul:sy condpetitlon for
echoed children will he held next 'Sat-
urday at Ura. %%Twines restaurant, on
the Square. An ut1uou11cell.•1•1 :•Iw'-
Judge ('ameron to ('ebourg
Jm41ge 4\luertu left Tuesday merit-
ing. actttntpanlel by Mira. Cameron. for
('obeurg, tit whk•h place he Is to ti
same the duties of county Judge. They
will return ht (ktderirh rids week.
('ase against 1.ockridge, Sr..I)ianLwe1
\C1111am l.ca•kri'lge. ar.. of Mit 3 11,
wio was triol nt itlltnu till a charge
of stealing a quantity of seeks :it
Geitrgeetewn. was fennel amt guilty.
l.ts•kriege ix the mon against whnni
n charge seas heard in tlw• I:Ode-rich
Polite Court Mtn .tuguet 1: (1► In one
114411 1411 with the W4101k411 mill r.itbr•ry
but who ulna on that emotion was
fe,uud LM guilty.,
merrial department. and Mit. Feb.
eL.'Fothergill. coming (nem the Menet
Forest rlilgh Setool to 1esltme the
dudes of art -wpcalist 'and teacher
of lower s•wxr J 1 subjects.
A completely renovated school i eet-
lel the pupils,. with new metal ceiltttle 1
won hardwood floors on all' the rooms. J
even to the gymnnslnm. an up-tn-date t
lighting system in the form of large
wlndowa that take np one whole side
of each room and a complete electric
system. new blackboards, a change in
4114• Add heating tyeten to steam. a-
fnrrotl draft wentileting system, oper-
ated by a thrw'-ioneep rover motor,
new seats in two of the rooms that
needed them most and modern science
tables, in the sciene room.
The aecommodatlon has been in-
,-reesd with a new thwe•atory wing.
containing three class room'. an art
room. cloak room. girlie physical cul-
ture studio. laboratory apparatus
storeroom. library. princ•1palee ot)la'e
and a fireproof cnuM.
The following Is the complete staff:
J. P. Hume, 11 A. primvpal and
s•ience Mprcinllat; A. M. Robertson.
M. A.. mathematical specialist : Mire
Ethel L. Fothergill, art specialist and
teacher of lower school subjects': Nile;
Edith i'arlee. commercial 'peetatist ;
Mies Mabel Powell. teacher of mod-'
erns and bi•dory : Miss (.fly II. sun -
ter. touter of tltcratllre and F:tl:dish.
and Miss G. A. Tindge•. teacher of Itt-
erntnre and history.
Lawn Bowling
composedA heal rink composed of A. J.
Goldthorpe, G. Newton, F. Toole and
F. Hunt. skip. journeyed to Blyth on
\\'elnwalay and captured second prize
n the lawn beeline tournament there.
. Telfer of Blyth captured the first
honors .of the day. but Wa. pushed
hard by the local representatives. The
rink skipped by (iso. Robertson. of
Clinton. come oft third best.
Returning to Goderich late in the
afternoon, the local club staged 0home tournament. Charles Black and
Sheriff Reynolds taking the first hon-
ors. with A. D. McLean and J. Broph-
.y running n close eeennd.
Next Monday the executive of the
local club will meet for the purpose
of making arrangement); for a rink
tournament to he held during the.
month. Representative. are expected
to tea present at this event from many
outside clubs.
Sf111 retagnized it. THE Owe for
Ng shoe t•nlm•s. -'the li111e shop
114,111141 the corner.- I4HARML►N'li
.1hme•k Chapter. 1. O. D. F:.. will
meet in the Board of Tredle roam on
M hap, S.pfendter 15. ttt 4 o'clock.
The r•gtthhr meeting tri the Loyal
TentlIerntwr Leltinn w111 be held In
Visitors Injured on Journey''Heu1e
Three summer vieitort to GotIerk'h,
the 3tiees Elbert est Detroit. suffered
severe injuries last Thursday after-
noon when they were pinned beneath
a car. driven by Mr. J. A. Morphute
also a snnnner nieltor. in n diet at
the bottom of Hillstrom hill on the
Take road. four milts from Forest.
They were returning to Ikttolt utter
the summer vacation.
1t sus about 2 tit -lock In the after-
noon when the ae idhnt arurretl. The
hill at this spot is very steep anti
treaiheront and when the car stalled.
half way up. Mr. Morphns was unable
to pmt on the brakes( before the auto
'Went • pintieing- latekwerd down 'tie
hill and turned emtpl.tely over In a
ditch at the bottom. pinning the not -
pants underneath.
Mrs. Morphus, who also was In the
ear. suffered a badly Lnjumi shon'der
the Temp•nince flail Mn SepNrmh•r and arm• whI'e one of the MIse1s E1 -
17th n1 11:, dicbsk. - e•rt *ustainel a broken eallsrlwitte
nil swears acetone w.. v o
I l the f Kidd 1 r si pens ( y
Professor W. le Jackson has Imr- �� 1 t 1 til Th tlte•r
c urs.• me Demser - e. 4•, o . ten hAlh's w-rn• bxdl e•rumhd and
comer orf North A1w1 X.•Is11 atne•tts. hrnlwal gteut the fats and' nem,.
and is rnnk1trg sonar 111110tvenments
before os-t•up}•Ing It.
Homo•rnade hnking nut] term pm
o sale
r froth fah the country n
Cuct f h r n ,
h}• Zion North T.adlei Aid. on Went
tenet next to Dominion Store. un Snt-
ttnlny. September 15. at 1 p.nm.
Sheriff Reynolds haw Inst bis Trish
tertier dog "1'ctw•y." missing 'ince
Frptemlw•r 2nd. Anyone glthtg any
Intnrnsiiion lending to his re•uvery
ttlll Ise renrardeli.
There sex oniy rine arrival at the
bnrl.nr the lent week. that of the
st.nuhrr Riverton from Fort Willem
nn Saturday with 14'Nt.IMlu Motels of 'I
oats for the Elevator anal Trnurit
(-on/MTV m1i 110,((51 bushels of wheat
for the Western ('nnnde Flour Mille.
As it 1a drslred to rose up the local
feud for the Blue Water Highway
A.s.siatlon and make return' to the
Lend Mike. at Sarnia. Any p•neore
%w'ho wish to tmerilent. tont have not
yet door mo piloted hand their ttontrl•
batons al once to Mayor 4:nllow or
Town Clerk Knox.
Work wean stnrteel this week on the
cnntttrx•Non of the new British Anr
ericnn 011 l'o'e 1.1Aut nt the head of
St. iaarla's fenc . acmes from the
4'. N. It. roamdUhenst. The eirviying
of tit firman., Anti the levelling for
foundation's are now ,templ..fed anti
the txenvating in expected to be
atartel within the weft.
Thiwntnn Raker, of Exeter. who
was centered by inspector W. T.
P.41ow with haring limier Illegally
in J1ia pomaeielim, was finest 3:441.00 And
tort' by .Magistrate Reid nn Monday.
The defendant pent.) the fine 'ender
protest and annonnerl hix Mteuton
to file an appeal with Judge Lewis.
of the Comity Court.
-while Mr. *settling camped With n few
Minor injuries and a severe slinking
mAll that was left of the car was the
body. all alorv.'tMtt•hlt►" smashed to
qd l nter.
New Hospital Superintendent
alias Jennie K. MlneArthur. Itile of
Mr. Geo. Militants to Rettre
A change In the mnnagemetit of the
heal branch of the 'hank eA ('om-
nierce is announced to take place In
the near Mtdr•. Mx (:gorge Wil-
liams. who has been the manager for
nearly ftnrteen years. i, to retire nn
snpe•reinntiation and will be mutt, tied
by Mr. A. J. M[seKar. who wee --male,
ager for the Bank of Hamilton here
lltlf ii the alttorptlon of the latter
Bank by the Rank of Commerce. Mr.
MacKay IN now relieving In tits Wyan-
dotte street branch of the Ratak of
('ommere at Windsnr. it will be
pleasing to the numerous friends of
Mfr. \\'tllianat and bit family to know
that they Intend to remain In town.
Geeleria•h would he very sorry indeed
to low them. The change of manage-
Went f* to take peace October 8th,
Captain Felker of Meatier Bathers
Mr. John Felker of tow wltu hat
but first male trf the atbautrr W.
Unita Mordeu, has I44411 appointed
tapotnii of the 'steamer itelehers, a
large freighter whleh.l:as brought wi-
red cureless hr thin hfirl..r:.. The Ret•
eters he t•xpe•tol in port htiinr Within
the next day or tet, Captain F'etlker,
es he. must ueiW lie called, has made
his %sae up the ladder by hie own
merits and Is to he congratulated
tp n hie lashed pro tion.
.la Farmer Cameron Omee
Mr. Dudley E. lbine-s. Imrriater
and solicitor. whose pnrtnerxhip with
Mr. ,L. Killoran has been diiwdrel,
has .taken the oMo•,. 011 Hnmllton
street vacated by Judge Cameron and
will hereafter conduct his
there. Since renting to (ktderkh a
few years ago Mr. Hedmee lies taken
n prominent position In the legal eer-
iest of the •town and county end has
Malt up a eaatdderable clieutelt, his
many app•araue•e In the various
eturts indicating that his serrkru as
11 phiater are In lepclnl • demand.
Thaws McG(Illeuddy Retiring
\t11weunc•memt Is made ofthe rte-.
tlrlement nt Ito t•11rly date of Mr;
Thema). Me Gillk•11ddy, Termite., from
the Ontario (:.ven,ment Nervier. after.
thirty-seven {•earn with the Bureau of
Industries nivel Department' of Agri-
culture. Mr. M/t:tllk•n.kiy has been
it crop reporter and reviser o( depart-
mental pulikatltus. ilefere going. In-
to the-thornnmwit merles he was in
parther'hip-with his brother. the late
i). 31.t:illicnddy. In the inthllshing of
The Signal. Mr. M4'GIflIt»udc, who
las some renoow,, as it leturer. will
leave shortly an a two menthe' (lieu -
filmier lecture tour .it Manitoba and
Owen Sound, has Men appointed
superintendent of Alexandra hospital
and has taken over her duties this
week. Miss NLa Arthur was superin-
tendent of the Owen Sound General
and Marine bo.pittrl for tlw• last six
yiars. Sir is a graduate of the 1'oly-
clinic hospital of Ni -w York tenet has
had w long e•xperienee in hospital
Lour Partnership Dissolved
The law firm carebsa on by James
L. XTTloran and Dud)sy E. Holmes
has leen dlsvrind. •Mr. Killoran is
cnntinuing the business and tate. of
the old Protdlfoot firm with whist he
had been connected for the last four-
teen year... and Mr. Holmes ix renew-
ing and taking over the off* unrated
1 be Mr. N. (l. Cameron. K. ('.. on the
! inhere appointment as Canty judge
At ('..bnur•g.
' For Hospital Building Fund
Mr. H. J. A Nat i-Iwan. trensnrer
of the spacial biniding inti of Alex- ,
andra hnnpltat. acknim•leeegen the
following additional contributions::
Thos. C. Wright. Nordheluter Piano
Co.. Toronto. 310: Dr. James 1'. Mas-
i son. *whetter. Minn.. 3100; Mrs, He'
`twton. Toronto. 310: _Arra, Helen 1
Minces. Rt Louis. Mo.. J:i; Dr. J. N.!
1 Smyth. Camden. Tenn.. ss; ,Frank W.
, McDonagh. Toronto, S50. I
The Situation in Baseball
ity whitewashing West IAnrne
2 to 41 In the atrnni 'lme of ttc play-
off for the interne! . It. A. A.
title. the Itrautford ordage nine tied
• up the series. ne•ceeetating a "sudden
1 death" gllme at iAuuluo n► 1(ntunity.
The winners will mevt the ehanrpiona
oft eastern division. who have not
I as the
been dtt.rtnlned.
OWretch has drawn a bye and wii
not he titled on to play for another
cotiple ofor eeks. Meanwhile the iambs
are not jest standing hack and w•ateb-
Ing tine fight, but. are keeping/ Ito
good shape and Amnia glee their op-
ponel,ts. whoever they finally may be.
* Jinni 'wattle for the Ontario title.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mr-. Ttobt. J. Bell an-
nmmet• the engem envie of their only
ohnighttr. Estella Mev, to Mr. Clar-
ence i). Connell. only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wtn. ('onnrlt. (Tinton. tar mar-
ring. to take place the latter part of
' Dr. and Mn.. W. J. Milne. Meth,
nnnnunee the engagement of their
Ft•nagest infighter. Sara Le Moyne. to
\Ir. A. Mtnrray ('ole. Toronto. son of
'o • t In the nlar-
S el Cole, Sar u ,
Ale , mm�
.1 .
ring.. to tike plat• In St. Andrew';
.11111'01 ,.n (tetober 1st.
M(r. Alexander }launders Anwonners
the engagement of lits youngest
dn'eghter. Agnes Jean. to ehnries,
I- rtelerick 4'hai mm�, mot of Mr. 11.
(helpmate Mitchell. the nominee to
take piece at tin residence. "Illair-
gewrl..," Nelson street. on Tfi,sdnr.
Aa Affectionate Farewell
in the essemhly hall of St. Peter'e
ehnrrh on Friday evening• there wax
a nnittne gathering at nfteeen mane-
tnary bop). Marvin. eon of Mr. John
Lannon of the Totem lett(. seas the
gutwt'-nf honor. He seas being fit-
tingly feted on the ere M hie A'eenrt-
nee to atteoal St. Jernn s College,
Kitchener. in quiet spAentlnr the fare-
well eeremenial wits lent by Father
Gnnnl. ani eharaeterizol with a iig-
itity tint might be pnefitnblt e•nrlt-
Mtesl in their retire ,ss•tnl functlo11s.
Amid the echoes of nn Improvised oor
chetstni. the young stents were invite)
to n isle Istii•ntic hearing n bur
dam of "rat delights." ani prtfttsel}'
whetted w•itih a wealth of flowers.
mellowed beneath n chain of felr%'
lights, all Artlatienlly eet forth by
the creative aptitude of 'Mfrs. 'terrine -
ten .\t the claw• of the bnnptet n
lath Inst. • signal' for wlletae snit given. tullow.at
Mr. and \its. Tl. H. Wln..gnriitn, of b}• the pre*t•ntatlot of an elnhorntely
gold -banded Waterman fonntaln pen
to the young tttest of honor, who woe
Aidre'sae0 by the motor in flowering
term. for him reorel as a faltirol
altar atten.lnnt. In Mtppr•saed feel
Ings. Mervin wan equipped with n
.hart flow of words th.' sully 'Ignt-
lled his npprreintlon It wan In the
finale that the Tonus gttemta ott-
'trippel their Mybnod. when amerce
Ing their departing companion n
Overeat from the nhntwlans• of the
Mart swekd forth, "For he's a
Jolly grew, fellow." and they prayed
for him a boring of fruittnl years
In h r eoli.gr carter,
eltnthnne nnnonnee the engatntnent
of their eldest danghter. Marlon
IMhglRs, to Mfr. H. J. teetering. of the
plank of Commerce, God.'nk'h. t•'cl st
stn of Vr and Met. F. (oldrhng, of
i'ort Whitby, the marriage to take
pets the latter part of September
Mfr. end Mrs. W. F. gehe11, itrnad-
rb-w avenue. Tnrmto. annonnt•t 16.
engagement of their only inn"titer.
Mtrjorl. May, to Dr. W. V. Johnston.
of inx'know. eldest mon of Mn. and
Mr' A. F. Johnston. Althorn. the mar-
arriage M take plate Neptemfier 20, at
St. John's i'reebytcrlan church.
Inquest Opened at Town Heil oa
Mlutwlay Night .
After ten wtticstes had been heard
*tot atter Ming Ju
two bonen, the imineet into the death,
of Alfred Mey.s, who was killed lit
a niotur aeettiient on the lfter:oaon.(tt
hilboi• I)ay at Tity!ur s C,ns'rs. fire
miles emetteast of Giwlrrklt, watt 541-
Jtonrneel nnttl' Moodily. leepdewbc r El.
Cruet -.tttoruey elintrles %eager had
charge of t'iw catty, white Dr. A. C.
Hunter. coroner. was in the rhnir.-Tie
jury Is trapiwel of thewali Ginn
1 tortnslt 1. 4 ,.'rg.• Ginn. .Wilmot
Ijnark.. 4,11nrl.n peewi•. erase
('hankers. Ihtt=ld Ridges. (:harlea
E. eirotvs ,and ^ 0444pb E. Whitely.
Nr. (iallow, who wait the first wit-
ue.s cullet, to the stand, reviewed the
c•I+leant ria Int. "I
injuries to the n t
fi,uitd •tabtnatoin nn the front .4 the
right knee." explained the itslor;
nand on the. Tisk of the wrist of fire
left hand. There war a rough wound
on Ill. right elbow atuf the left fore-
head.,. Blood was amusing from the
Woe. mouth and both ears. The in -
Juries were meetly on the head. Evi-
dently deet)* was due to a great *hawk
and thefume of n bit's."
The Crown brought out the fact
that by the nature of the injuries the
victim might have been struck while
Mill Lot the ear.
ile. (fallow went oil to ray that
when he arrlve.l on the same of the
strident the three hoer were lying on
the right tide of the road ler t1
Ire.•. Moyes was 1101111 and the oilier
two were lying..low• hr. but were 1,0t
w•rloutly hiJur.d. 11. M1.tt proceed el
lo the home, of Mews• Ginn and eoffal
an ambulance. Ile then gave, mculi-
eine to Flhdngrr to quiet hitn mud
resident the keys (nen the wane for
Geer that the gasoline would explode.
rrowu: "1114 ;ot1 notkr the emelt-
melttMn of the ground""
"les. we went over the ground.
treeing the marks of the car to where
it Inv. The motto showed that the
Left front wheel went gradually into'
the ditch until A *hart Matinee fmm
where the car lay. where I Imagine
the *heel broke. The egg. was about
Dight or tat ft -et away faun tin lost
track and was lying on one side, • As
it hurried It turned over. Broken
spok.-. front the left front wheel were
11 l h 1"
Children'a Aid Society
The regular monthly meeting of
the Children's .Aid . sty wets brill
on Tuesday afternoon, ember 2nd.
President Mitchell prodded. The at-
tendance wax mall. Many problems
were Metaled and advice was given
the superintendent regarding eases.
The came of a cripple) child five yearn
cd art. was .1scttssei. The cane was
reported to the Society with the hope
that some• special 'surgleal trealnlet
might he secure(. i resldent Mitchell
with the 'N rintendent had vieltet
thin child oar Exeter and fount him
lying helphse on the floor unable to
walk nr talk. The mintier WAN ole-
scrte.l by h4•r husband !bout three
}•esrs ntn,, k•Irt'I11g her with two dllld-
rn and no metals to ttgtport them.
The chlkl was taken to to.,hs•ter in
F:xeter and otter a doleful eeninirtn-
Non he re•rwnmendeel that he 141• Alton'l
to the Hospital for Slek 1'hildret for
epe•hti 'refitment. '11e. ata•iety !wing
without fonds it was sug5tstd tilt
the enp•rhite•ndptat take the matter me
with -the Lions; Club or dons' other or-
gnitirntlnn with n view to entree;
sirgienl treatment for tide i:hltd.-
TIhe• superintendent reported eleviit
children hi the .Shelter hl the month
of .10511.1. Four of flu... were re-
turned to parents. At pr.w•Itt there
are serer in the le eter. rive sir's
and tont ktys were li•g:►l'y adapted
during title mummer. Th.. committee
are anxious to Hate front any pe•rilopsi"
willing to adopt n ehHd er give ''11t'
chtlrae in their home for any Hese
cash eoiitrtbntiont nlw' are nee0•e'1
now. Tlir Society's fhuttelal Fuer
senile with 11ctola•r..The Annual meet hilt
'eel be heel the fleet Tweety In
The following enfribullnns re-
erlvei since 1..-t retort Sri' grntehel}•
itekuowledged . Mrs (*aerie. 324 Mrs.
F. A. Mooney. 515. W. Reg. Sharman.
\(orris Wood. $1 : ('ins: Me-
liorate Ai: town ..f \\'In¢htm, yr,0:
ir.mte'I Gemmell. Seaferth. e1 ; Wren-
eter riling.. *10; Hawick tovldahlp.
*211: John Llnkafer. 31 : Mls. Farrow.
1:( Victor re eenls.
Clothing eontribnthmn Were re
t•ehvd from airs. Jones itntemnn.
Mrs. E. 1,. McLean. Mrs. N. W. How-
ell, Mrs. S. Stakes. Hrs. Mel;nlre
(IIrt•sw•Is1. Mfrs. C arrwright. Mrs.
WorsclI. Mrs 1Mn Mfe lonnld. I'ro-
tisons. !Hilt, etc. from Mr.. 1). Fee
gloom Mrs. W. McNevin. Mrs. Jnee
Fellows. ('atholle Women. .1Ioneek
Chapter. Ornng. 1e.l5e. St. Gmrge's
church, 'tr. R. ihtrn'tn. Knot ehnn•h
Smwln} w•itool. 11. K. Revell. the
Ladies orange As ceietlem.
} ng n r 1 rose .
(:eirge Downey. is the eatploy of
tie Provincial (:ave><tlttaettt as a ehil
Masgltte•r and nt present op rated cork.
W1141 1110 drown plans of • the mad
where the incident cernrrtvl. reviewed
the seats, pointing nut to Nle various
pI►aseM of the cores moveme'ts ap-
proaching and hewing the canvas lir
Rise reviewed the situation In rowel
the wme •wap It der. (:allow-.
G.rmge• Eliminate. driver of the Cllr
wits nrkt called to the stand.
r•plr to gtl.sthen. Ise stated telt it
w•outh! be rlgliteen yearn frf ftp' On
the Pith of this month: that he knew
the road on which he wen travelling:
that 11e wane driving his father's err:
that two.. Athens were with hit. and
that all three were sitting In tit
front seat H. WW1 behind the Wheel.
Lotto:: met 10 him, and
Mnyea nu the outside.
Asked at what timed he wns.trav'el-
Ihig at the curse. he said: •'About
twenty -flee. twenty -rix. ta•ontyaec
t•n•" .Ilenutal ptahos) nt thea 'peel-
nmeter shortly k•forcoming ' cing to the
tett- oath•,• any trouble.•.,
'l . pts.e44 Mr. Videos .on the lett-
Noel elite of the road and kept -that
,•,•nrw• hl turning -the curve."
"Th,, -u what 111'1) a•u.•.1't"
"The .tar trent further over into til'
lift li
than 1 . expected. We proceeded
aloee it few feet. then I .ft•Ij, n pull •
on tee mee meeting whevel to the left, mud-
eterytldng wont Meek."
"Nisi you realise you were In (ten-
"\'es: a h. n i hit the ditch."
,\wkol fttrtler if anything had ball-
1e•ucel nit they ltggrr0Wela1t1 the curve,
w1Ntes, aaitl:
"I we. smoking n pipe and It tnrt:ed
my mouth. knul.l;iwg-asltes-..ii lull
time 1 brunh,l them off and meas-'
white my attention wan taken from
the wheel and the car went further'
Into the (Mal."
'•Could anyone travel around that.
particular curve with n•tsonahle
torte". r'
' T' a-� why was- it you dot into
tld l"
W.�re. yulj l;satball yrs the ' trent
Logan iMfN� a eallwl nu l gore
evidente tallying with that of Fil
J.htt Gently, manager of the local
Steel .fon•. who was in,thr ear driven
y}' Ernest \-idtau whk•h Filsing('r
passed before reaching the careen wan
the text• aahw•n..... Nr• hurl iirevlotaMy
glv,•n th:e (crown attorney a statem0tt
regarding the eeckte t, lett now den-
ied tertnln parte of thin. (ht twine
tIue4111uue.I ns h. the sps'r(l at shift
F11 -Inger ens trnte•Iling he stated
Ihat .the ear lir which he was hits-
w•If was gulag tw•erity nye twenty -flue
utiles nu hour but f'e deet►ined to
make 1111 I...Mot le of the 'pod of the
other. ear. " -
Walter King. Walter I'ep! t•- and J. -
It. Davis. all of Cltntean, w•ho were
among the first arricalm on the Beene
nt the .ne•l.lent. Rove some •details at"
whnt had leen ikme to relieve the
Injnr l Iwtcs.
lfotw•rt Snazrl. w•i:o Was in the ear
that F'ilsinge•r had peened before the
costs•, stated that when Filsing,•r p!-
wel them he remnrkel: ••There's a
chap who won't have a ear very long..'
and when the ear went ahead, covered
111 -a cloud of duet, he thought he naw
the ear nklyd or swerve and exclaimed.
"There they go ,near.." 110 e•onki give
no reason for making these remarks
nod.wonbl not .swear as to the ~sped
that the ear watt. travelling. .
Erase VIdean stand Mat be was
going about twenty -tire mitts an hour
wlien Fllshiger pamew•d him.
Change In -County Agricultural Office
Clinn e
toNws.It.ort1: 'tr. 11. A.
Andrew. who bait hern .' assistant to
1►Istrl•t It.•preeentmtive R. It. eltothertt
for the past two or threw y.ra» ham
4 r.alanel and geese to 41 11.4 141 Mn Mete
tcmia•r 15th to finish a course at the
11. A. 1'. Mr. Andrew ham two years
yj hit mono. in and he mics Into the
Collect* as emaistant dean ed residence
tills year. a position white, he Amulet
fill with Mollify and ease. ('1hn-
• ton vee le w Ili tea very perry. ,Indeed.
to lose Mfr. Andrew IS a citizen. am
, he huts made many, friends during hie
mnjonrn here. Both he•'and Mrs An-
dt'rw• will he much missed. Good wish-
es wilt follow them to their ut'w
altwle•. -
ND'. J. B. Neiman of Ra•kwisml is
the new mxmlsMtlt in the Agricultural
oder and commented hie dntlett on
"When you come to the curve ".11,1 Monday.
1fite you a boy or girl going awn%
to volley.? Be etre you start them
off with tauten/re they will be prowl
of. the lest you can nffnrd. Our mew
stork Is pleasing In the ere enol c ue)
ea the p'•kel Moth. 14111.0.1tMANet
Pansy Show
The school children's competition in Pansies, for prizes
offered by The Signal, will be held on
at Mrs. Wilson's Restaurant, on the Square
The competition is open to all school children.
Prizes are offered as follows :
1st, $1.00; 2nd, 75c; 3rd, 50c; 4th, 25c.
Entries may be made up to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday
See announcement in the local columns of this
issue of the Pansy Bed competition