The Signal, 1924-9-4, Page 7* x '�'�+: �`,f r "I' a...' °i.°'$�flY't4, • ��C..t31h;�F.lxw SII .,'gym:-- � �'e... THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ON' T. Thursday, Sepbdber 4. 1!151.-♦ County and District Birth flag Mills are having smell HasesU with this flax trot) this year. Then Anhtes has purchased the Buehanes chopping mill et Walton and le in poseenolon. Jamas Jarrett. of 1HI11agreeil, w'as badly lgjured otle day Last went by *Mai off a load of snafu, sit' was taken to Loudon for treatment. Tbs couuctl Of (lee erielt tow•u+htp R eoadder4ng the purchase of the thecae factory at Holmeavilie and rte (*aversion tutu a ememuuity hall. Two room of the Holtman confining - alas eiJiool will open ea Reptein ei 8th. W. HtkIrel, o0 Woodstock, prin• elpal, and Min. P'arlett. of tteatortli. 1arlstaut, win be the tntubrrs. P. McEwen, sr., of the 'old .,nn•s- .4oa of Turnht•rry, recently threvtheti thirty -nevem bade of fall 'whew on Diu farm, from twelve acrt'a of laud. The average yield wee fifty-five tinea• N a to 14*' acre. Os Wednesday. Augtuet 2). at the %Deer of Mr. anti Mr+t. Seth Brown. I'... borne tuwooddp. their young••., dnngl:• err. Mabel M.. was untied in marl-iage• to Harold Jeffrey. son of lir. t111d Mr. (leo. Jeffrey of i'elsorn.•. Itev• 1'. E, dulglug lu rowdyism at Kievanline. *11 dance utgivas a1)4 Saturday 111g11t14, x111 ,one night reentry thirty or forty of them nearly wr.,•kel the Chine* '*ertauraut sial committed .damage .ether pr••u1Jw•a. Tap town ....until being askcl to put, a atop to the n , At the Methodist iarwotwge, RA: grave. on Friday, August 22u4. Mire. Violet lW:Ij,lre became the btiat, of Albert 1t. 'Tasker, of Blyth. Itev. Mr. Morrie ut1t.•lutel. Atter a reception at th.• homy of tbu bride's 4wre11ts, Mr. !lira. John Mtt:ulre, the young (envie drove to Itly4li and nook train the mixt w..ruh.K for '%'cornua, Xiag- ara and other io.l„ts. 4u their return they w111 mdlr their home at Myth. Jonathan Cooper, of };Il11,yilir, b.,r1a• t"wushlp, 4s an exponent of the old-fnadotle+l .t; 1.- "f--hnrteting--tee• for.• the reaper and binder were iutru- dls„1. Ila• other day, lit .pile of hie seventy* our years. he w•h•,ted the blade nod with 80 old f 4:hiouyt��ys4 ,•rj.slr est n half -erre Ids 1.1 of /11X nod in addltt.n tied and •tucked them Hernial!. the entre of the 004',01 I01.wlu4t Igduetry 411 this district. r.• good crop fin- gaged rind the growers are busily leo YOu CAN GET R gaged rubblug the ODIOUS crud crating lin ns. %\'bila Mr. uu,I 'Mra. Owen t'lyuw of Hullett, accompanied by MMw Ella }:Yeas, of lterhws1. were driving ,n to 1N1b1Iu to .head the futu•ral of OF DYSPEPSIA their aunt, the law Mrs. Ev,uw. 1111 11lltounoldir coming from le'hhrl cul. ID tided with their buggy 'rhe .0,•4• paid* were thrown out int. n11 thrr+•� were more or leas hijnreil, Mrs. Flynn faring worst. She wax Jake" to the hospital at StrstfMl. where It 444004 found she load tea., .s Molten. In, addit1,x.-4., *the The 40 1C_r was badly eines 1'ir• driver -inti 4Ii Cur admitted resp,11wlbility for the ae•Ident. ZURICH • Imola Miller. of %%'buolls'g. who had not been lure for elm -go -en years. re- cently visited at the 1lotne of Mr. and Mr:. V. Witmer. '41iv. 1.141 Ituntlealge lost wes•k at- -1-tonde»4--the Y. 1'. A. eourtntion .ef the I,,:n1_e•tienl chineh at Kitehene'r. .1 De, -her. jr.. has taken a string of olio. horse)) to Toronto Exhibition. The into W'llliam .J. McXer4u. of Gc.bri.h, 81114 w,•il known by many 0n this village. having t.i.ii 11 resident ::.•re a iumlier of years ago. Mrs. 1'.4!hwol Knopp and M'r. and Mr,. E i'. Klapp att.-u'I.,I.1he funeral. pita!, London. iodne weeks ag1e. has WINGHAM 'ntfh.lent!y re.nv•rel to he rn.e4ed to her' home hero. eon %Ce•hnwday •.ftern...n of last Howard Kerr has atrepted a pox!. Clysdale of Exeter olbe•inting• I ports an exceptionally A gang 0.1 young men has i,. -n n, tel. year. The pulling ha. Make Your Trip More Enjoyable by a Refreshing Night on Lake Erie (Yen roil tient to reed on the bras) nomads of west bound travelers .ay to -r w:,uldn'( Port mined that ret. aorafrxtable sista on aced our en. et..el - r. A good hed la a dm Raterwa. a loss peed deep and ler appetii a' br.-4k1,.4 in tit nors.aa- as-aenr.'. WA (OIEL"--•'CITY OF ENV' -•Cff"�lff OF GUFFAW' Daily. Ma VOuP\y 1st to November 1Sth. Anse Me/.la . 7.40 A a . 1 SW,.. Towel Aril eu/ebtAssomb`+- 7::s) A M Arrive er ur n••wd t _t...ltrt n• It (ender Pater. Vee -:a -ser L via rtev... ,•d ' ..tau. A.t rs.r l..►rt veleq •.. WS:.l 14•i,r IW WAIL w c a a t•+a. Nov uAl w•1v atom aa.r-.100,.• Tri G et Sh•r• area sot Ires et tkeat punk titan Of ilea No. 'Jew' r Rh. Gest aa:e' breendbee••.:.,) l3 vase 1..001.4. Sid hr• 14r4.41141, ro Tb.Cleeiland and guideTraasitCin .0 `-- frete'..:ho. �. Cie..eodd. 061. Fare 15.50 '13 J, , " vIr 0111 • 774 601 GO TO McEWEN'S FOR YOUR PICNIC SUPPLIES OUR STOCK 1S ALWAYS FRESH We have a full stock of : Cucumbers, Ripe Tomatoes, Plums, Peaches, New Potatoes, Carrots, Lettuce, Onions, Beets, Beans, etc. J• J. MCEWEN Phan* 46 Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Town Do You Use • .Counter Check Books We are agents for one of the bt films manu- facturing all kinds of Sales Books, and' can give you prompt service and the closest prices.e. 11 you are inkerested in Saks Books ,of any fund, ' calk anti see us. • THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., Limited OOt, Street } •�. Goderich ath r-_., By Taking the Fruit Treatment In the Form of "Fruit -a -tires" You can get rid of the pain; the heavy, uncomfortable feeling; the, bilious at tacks, headache,. and consti- patten that accompany that trouble. "The Fruit Tr eatahent-w Well Is the intensified juices of apples, oranges, figs sod pruneis combined with tonics -will always relieve 1 y apepsia. Mrs. Thomas Evans, Everett, Ont., says : "1 have been troubled foryears with Dyspepsia, pepsia, Liver and Kidney Luease,•frum which it wa14impossible to get relief until I took "Fruit -a• fives". Thanks to their wonderful results, I am free of these ailment* and am in normal health again". This is the kind of proof that convinces. The Fruit Treatmeut- "Fruit-a-tines"-is sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. -or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -tinea Limited, Ottawa, Ont. her return Moore MticCallotp• will teach In 'reroute. ' %Male Johnston nod daughter, Mar- jory. who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. 4 a,rrl -k. hale• returned to their benne at Virginia, Mints. ('harp'. Johnston, a former 1•uck- low .buy, atcouyauled toy hie wife a1Ni motored user from (0404* crud +40.111 a few flays hen• with Mr. and MO,. W. J. }Jttle. Iteglnald l4arr•tc: who for a number of cerin re11141 tit Ltx•ku.ow 11181 hirer moved to l.ondou. 4r elwrgrd with uou-aup4s,rt of his wife anti 1hildr.io. and tM• en** twine before Magistrate M,Xn4. at a hearing here 1111,1 was adjourned to September 3r41. Barrett 41charged with falling to live up to an agreement of segaire- tluu by which he en4fege4.1,, to pay S8.. monthly. towards the report of firs. Burrett and their children. 1fr*. ltarrett. formerly Annie Aruwlrung of 4.114-ku.rw•. y14011111441 to live at London after the separation. Action in the "else teas tak,v by tor' inr4ectnr of the ('hildrep'..Ud i.'.Ioty at 'Walker- ton. Barrett had ls.-11 living luso. Portage I. Prairie and woe brought east Lc a I'r.oila•t111 officer who went from W.Iko•rton. I'ats Pun. A. the fre•ight train went by show- - --- _._ l '1.'j 11 green light u wag ,bee•n'td to •1 .••ri,n. operation ill , 'Victoria J."a- ' lt11a: - I I "i'ut. +vhat kind of nil -,do you 'sup- ; pose they use to prodlry that color?" r -Shure. 1 should Arty W,m4. 'of the Iwerald Isle. .ir." was l'at'e IIBewer. week. of 11+.h.gt•,. n,4.*jI Dr114il- 41st% 1111 the '0401 of the Gait (11.11••g I La a 1 IENCY IMPAIRED luso• h. T"runt*, )floe J"+etibino Wal• int.. 111a4itut, Le x too. ..f Texas. I. eunu• the bride of AU... (;rave f4•arlett, who Its. rt - 4;. 1: 1'.o,••k. el.l(wt '.'.n of Mrs. It. I'•04 •• k of '%!'ingrain , The • happy .• ,'14.i ' l;:r: a 1.e•u Bl'e'nding n week •,t11 the groom's tn,d1v-r before taking til, r•'•ridei-e at Toronto, 140• %V. Ii. %'.•roll -•.u. .'f Toronto. r• n'•.' ed a• -•pi alntntu•et in \l'inglmm 11.1 !locule la -t w..•k. lir. :nn! Mr.. 1)11.11' y 14•.!1111* w-e•r• :."•.I t.. Forest a fow days 114" ow• 1 . t1•.• death of the-ir 111111 grand - r. 1 x•rutl•y C,:ull':'Ct .•Id .1 ,.f ?4t-. and Mrs. i'. E. il,,ltril�\ Mr loot Mrs. W. 11. Alt•he-.en. cot 4I..) :.ne. W-..11, hon,• been '4141111g it'. lir. and Mr.. Jae Edgar. • -(LiNTON • 111vv I:dna W'M• o 44 .404.4.1 a year at the Tor.ent., 4'tit.-••r%4r..ry :d '4I - • to advance h. -r mu•baF srndi• lei.. Wise for the loner two y.•a:•. ; n. heen organist of W'.'ei4 y 1t•tinwli+t :,nn91. I Mrs. '41 .tnn.:r.ng -011 ,children.' ,4nn had been visiting, relatives nod friend. In flinton nu)? ,,.•intty for'. the 4..et'few(- menthe, reel ttnnr... who :er„upwui,,l t1r;n► Pico•I, bort ('lurk, Wiiliuw 1)urnell, Arthur Dovey, (I rant Fetterlry, }Weir rt Frewh. 'ROSS }'ursyth, haul E. (AI-, beside, (h„ge Ikayii*, Jow•ph 11101- 1 Inud. Fred AdlIngtou, Sorulan R. Nkhulls, Arthur- Zlhropshall, Richard !Newson. William 44. Heim., Wilber Johnson. Fru1.k Johnson, John '1'.I Mitchell, George Monk, The. M.t- 1)uwld. ('JNwley MelAan, Thomas T. \Llyduuyld, Edward J. Morel.. Oliver i I'vudett, Barry M. I'lolLeox. Alfred Pullen, Percy Snyder, Percy W, „'an- tler. Ilarvey F. Willis. .% barge wreath. with velvet rildron, i front the -or orutlun of Winglam. and also flowers from the High 44•lwerl pupil.. were, laid at the tsar of the rntmulment. e•ntI,. -cure! her art saiwrr4s..r,• • ..•rtif!.-ate. Jin. .taken a is.siticn o11 �� Man Men and Women Are the staff -4.f the Heu0011 i.,ntlnutltiou „Poria. Baa y Handicapped• t%hen von are an 1111, down 411 heiltII rant 'It Ilut..lt'a rho efficiency ...f your 11ov. F. W. 00tr,•rh-1/1 end Ninne_ work as well a. y:mr power to enjoy of :o n..too4.rago.p ter • tu•r,' 1Mxr0 . eyW.arl 1‘11o)1n. youruIr'• -nrojl) 4).•os•nrke-. titt•o .'r)'h4e1,111..1,e11•st., ft If .14w. Omenn. TI: y h1-.• %i.ited Ge•1c. 3•a1 do reit. a •.•rion. 1're1I.I, i. 1s r!m..-t •are to n -nit .••leer or hater. rich. Hayfield and 111 he•r. inh.;s in tile• ikinity. 111 nearly all .ass this .."million. URI 'SSEL i 11!... co t1•4'ra' y. t. i,a• retorted I whi.;h '4 tor* n Tunic d.-e•ribe as ::e u Ole .•sal *1.4411?) . Is .111*' t* from-... a .trip , h. t,l.• UI1 ('tiuun•y, 1 with :. perty '.1 x••in.e.: teachers.-id'e.d that 1, d••firlent in rel core Itelatleo. and _old frlpud. in l:rll0 111141 4e.. - 1,11 thet.b I 4s thin nod, sec's heard with r.- r•; ••' the• .4.+uh weal` y windy 14ya.•10 suffer.. Y1111 of 10,, ^.;1.4 1'i•r:'Ilx•m. :.,',ret•..i:eh•:._ 1.4e. Appetite. !ecce ynIr who ,lie,',' Aoig'i•t J-i'h to Kill. •:'•y ,.erve•a trouble you :.11'1 yogi feel, rest hospital. Toronto. after an Opera. Oen. Mr. Fert'n .',, inn. hoe.+ tt 1. -...What you n,411 i. help to 101111,1. tip :err t..w 'li tu•aR isty•vi 0 1 `utTr ?111110 :111,1 41111 si.onlel begin at } Walkerton ('Iwutullguu ,pwrautnrx have to noun• across with Pit milts,. I 14i,1 this year. FLY PADS WILL Kill MORE FLIES THAN g$oo WORTH OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHEP -Clean to lyndle. Sold by al Drlll�ts, Grocers and Stores i( McCOMIICK AND DEERING FARMIMPLEMENTS and REPAIRS M'»+" f tf,t a few weeks, more and Grads Binders it,twa4.r. haying and harvesting will be Cora eft Ha�' RJw here. Threshing Tedder. W4ll , you be needing any Machines sikHay Dawn, new implements for this Eadaat.caa.n Ra m§ b. • work ? If you do, kindly Traders, Eta give us a call. We carry a complete stock of all Deering and McCormick repairs. Also Beatty Bros.' Maple Leaf Cars, Hay Forks, Steel Barn Track and pure Manilla Rope, in ail sizes. . Primrose Sall •earls/ Cream seeraraters Opeu Cultivators Galla• eta« Alt Sias Manure *readers Oliver Plows Cultivators Dose Harrows Drib. Land Rollers, THE HILL HARDWARE AUBURN PNOISU1 Domtammsm, ft rapt 31 I$ytk, 33 r4 13, 'eft for their home in Ito r ;ow 10• I Sank. They wvr.• n.1nm4'•nli.,I I.y 111.. 1.ivlllg-t.•ne of itayfi.•ld. Harre Sba.4 had r"nrned after n ear'. .0441014'-e in 1-:u:'lxuel. 141,•40 h0 was Intr./Ili 4a.xt-gra•Inat.• atll.tie•+. 1I.• ole,. '.[sited -niers! of Ila- Con- tinental .•,gll.t ries lir. It. It 1G•tcv'.tl. of 1':,+11.•1141 1 o!if, i• ,isilinc h,tr;clre•nts. lir. and y I l ye:+rr ori,• :uul ,',•nuu.•n�''d ,I- hn-i- •'r,•.• t'. make your -Phos! rich tool re n. -v litc la, l:no.w•' Elis mother linea I hs taking its. 1\'iltiam.' Pink Pills. iu Itrlw�e•I+ Much Easier, -According to aerounts, all u mar- 1 rlel coupe 'has t* flu iu 1ta•tsia to! get a divorce Is to agree. All au Amerk•*n eon4de has to ,lo ' Is to disagree. and that's , oadler.-Nash- I idle Rainier. in her • e Ig' rl eict.tl. 1 Y"n w-111 ,4444,) n111!''t• the different a 1" 'M sect r-. .t. Rest_ of this pla,•r. ar.• brother andi-'••r of Ili • de• • a10e1 near. 1411.1 .t•,I.n : 0,1 r:,,i,ert le-rgns*t. I your health by a letter appetite x11.1 Inen'ard vigor. The reas„l 1• that the new 1.1,•041 emoted by Tlr. William: Pink 1911- vtimnlat,•s all the *rguns *f the tools 10 healthy aottvit-. and •n have 4ar•n 4 -4114.1 ! ore for 'rn• titue. , the .i -n m sins noun -timed nod 1.114,. thio n.a•k 1'•.r their home In -tr strength, if you are weak or tont of 1 W. t 1 -- is 1 I •r.rt• begin gaining now .tongth to - .Mr.. J. T..lrnnvm and .i1Hdr.-n. wh11 Protect the Lawn la Winter. A well -beaten path made across the lawn In winter will probably work permanent damage. The grass may be killed and the soil so compacted that grass seed sown thereon the next season will net thrive. Such a path will generally be obvious for a num- ber of years. A "cow path" la dis- tinctly an unattractive feature on a lawu. The lawn ' sign of summer, "Keep off the Pathe that are Mak- ing" may well be heeded throughout the year. Another -ale against a lawn is to flood It for the purpose of making a skating rink. A body of ice over the lawn In winter is almost certain to completely kill the grass. The grass will not tolerate' for a long time a covering which precludes movement of air. Young lawns should have a cover- ing oven Ing of snow. A, wind-swept lawn. blown free of snow In winter. is 448.- 1r to lose much of its young clovet. Brush spread about tends to deflect the wind and holds the anew. i t ,.• ... 14 e•r.. r. FruRrp a 411' i ,lay l.c taking ler. Williams.' ' Pint c tt"i i , farnlhlg. II Rarrl-ler 141 lls.of, win h,nl 104o-rm.o' Y\Ht ,,.n' /M tlrl.e pill. Sr'o eer1ek 'akin44 a 11,4I1,tn'. here 1.,r4h(• to•neflt 11111. lrtltgi•t or hF Linn! :,t :on 01444'. a ho= of his health. lett last „cele for his - ' MiedlMne (' o home at .tvonlea. gar41 + from The 1'r. 7144,14: lfr•. 1`,. 11 M,•.re, N,•'tris. Man... ltre.•k4414*'. Onto ler.. '1' 11. ('e•uk: :e foe roe•r re•.'dent of Brim- ls. who lin - pi;: t;1,.r11'- ('. 14.•I:rn'. •f l4h ,l?ae11• pe•b 4i.Itf0g Jlore. left :...t wreak t.. WINGHAM MEMORIAL R'h.„nein. de'In of the 4'ulcrr-ley Of 41.10 0 10rnther at Mllt.m before re- UNVEILED BY GEN. CURRIE \1'Iw,n.its. vI<Ited lila safer, -Ira. .\. boning to her Western home. T. Cooper. Islet work._--. __ Mr. and Mr,'. Thomas 'i4, ('oak of EXETER 1•:Infnn ahtomnee the engxg'n11'nt 1115 their y ger daughter. fosettn ''I- ola, to Iiar*!.1 1A•sli. llnuley of Tor- nntt.. seen of Mr. and lin. G. It. flun- ky of Stanley tow11.iHp. Mr. nn.l Mrs. F. Rogerson ann...nee the •etig4grntent of their yn1111ge at daughter. M1,1ry, to William Nott. eon of 1(r. and Urs. F. Nott. Clinton. �SEAEORTH s Parting gift prior to her re- mo}nl to ()tinea*. art. Arch. S..ott was preemied by tis• Ladies' 1Ud So - HOF of the 1're,d.ynrin climeh with a Book of Praise. The mill of the remota Fine Com- pany was destroyed by fire on Wed- nesday of last week. The ,cause of the fire i• a mystery. es there was no fire of any kind in the building. Four years logo the Mme rill was destroyed by fire. Mut It was •shortly nfh rw'arils. rebuilt and egttlpp.d with new and modern mneheitery. an that the bat.• w'1') be h,vivy rine to the ('nmmeny. and oleo to the town. 814 the 11,111 rave etnployasent to a large• nom - tier of men. Miss baso And ']Iise Cerlle fleet lire 'pending a few weeks et Highland Inn. Algonquin Park. Arely a (:orlon. who had been spend- ing his holidays with his Parents at Rnxts.ro. returned law' *reek to the' Werrt, where he 1a to charge of the hrenclh of the Rank of Counnx'rce at 11a iota. Mien. T1) old building on the north side of (: *rich street. just behind the D. 1). 'Hann egg emporium. was torn down laid week by !Antis Alerhert: who hes fitrchasel the site and le- g a reeklen.e on it. The one of the oldest land- orth. and one of the places of hu,dneea. rl_.by the late Sam - •WINGiILt'L. Monad 26.-A monn- ns'nt to tri• memory of the '.oldie rs from tede town who lost their lives 1154.. soli, Or0tnrt• has n••tuntea lu the(r war was unveiled with appro her 'cork en the staff of the Itrsnt- Hate ..•enw"nie•4 -there this afternoon, ford ('ollsgiat.• Institute. having laid ,sir Arthur Corrie snaking the de'd1- Irncr of llhU'Is,• -Meet last Fe't•nlan' ,•nO'rr r.tuarkv. A barge crowd at - on 11"11(1114 of illness. Her sinter. Mr.. tended tont the park woos filled when t, !die erect building we mirk" of town's rattles' baring 1tl'en,er ueI Stork. who ('nt`luetnl a shoe bus- iness in It. Miss Helen French, who underwent 11Nt1'(i STORE lli'le r, i. a. ..dui allying her for the wlot. r, .'t 'Inlet w'hH1144 took (dace at tis• Mel leald,4t' parsonage. ('re.lit"n. 1.n rhe pmgn1411 10'•g:w :.t 1. :141. The 'ret- ern.s pirsole4 for too✓ u'c,,don, and till the town organization. mud m11n1- 01101 i14. ,', were will repro...•at.d. A Select the boar for fall use before you are ready W use him,- Get hint acclimated to your surroundings and method of feeding and care. Never use a young best until he 1s peat ten months of age 4f you want large strong litters. A hen In the coop la worth two 1n the tree top." Satnnlny aftenu04a.. Antes 'tot. .vont pile of wreaths :old ant flowers when Re,. l0. NI, TUN Ilerf..rnted v11rrcrmd.•.i the base of the nr•morin4 the •.errt11. 4)' unitint Miss Grady. :a• the 1'11?011 •lack was withdrawn I1..I.Ieu. ,•;.Leat daughter of Mr.. ('ath- from it. ' .rine I1e11,1w1. of Exeter. and 1.Ioy.i 1 The monruueot. Mile'!: was erected Ern -or. son it the late lir. and Mee.' - W. Fraser of lMnreertlle. . air. and Mr'.. Frasier have left 11n an ext• tide) trip to the West. lie.. ("Aon Collin. of Sernie. a fortuee rector of Trlcitt Memorial ..",ureh. Exeter, met with an 11nfurtan ate acebleht Ter•ently At W'ntforl wl'Ieh may result in his losing the t1.• of two fingers of hM left Mimi. Tile municipal conn4il of Exeter. at the r.gne•1 of the board of education. has ,kc1110,1 to submit a bylaw to the ratepayers to protide :(17.000 for an addition to the Rebtol. ('. R. 'Snell le planning to erect two new residence's in Exeter. Mtge Violet Treble. of Winnipeg. and her Meter. Mrs. Louie Wernken, of GrsndP Fork's. N. D.. who motored here from the Were. left lest week on the return trip. Thomes O. Williams, a former remi- ttent of Exeter, tiled Ter'ently in the hospital at Indian Mend. Seed,... in his fifty-third year. Mfrs. Solomon Jarerbl. of Znrieh. Is a *deter of the dereneed. The marriage took plat* et Sea - forth nn August 20th of Ann* Vor- onk71 f orrance, daughter of Mirs. An- nie ikrrrdnce of Renforth. to Henry Rowers. M. A.. wrienee maUMr 111 Exeter High Reboot. The e.remone wax performed 'd by • Rot'. P4. Larkin. The bride taught for Acme years' in the flitch Reboot here. resigning In July of this year. LL'CKNOW !74 the citizen.. of the town. Is a hnmi- wme ane. the -Mine surmounting the pedestal being n boom.. r•pr.'sentmtinn 04 a ('nnadin11 infantryman. 7911• W'ing1nm b:u.,l led the pmee+'- siim fr.,nl lit• arm"rie' to the park and the soldiers and .choirs of the' town Ilnwl up, in front of the monu- ment. The• parade was in charge of Major 11. 4'. lle1Aan. M. (4. The proessalhlgs opened with a nullils•r by the choirs, a.rMuptnled by the baud. llayo4 Willie gave'n, short whites* in introduetng Sir Arthur Currie, who acne aceompaniel by Ma- jor }:darwds, ('ol. ('bmbc and Major Shaw. Thi ' •mm1nundt'r of the ('. E. F. In Fritter told of the gallantry- and tritlnlpl.e of the Canadian lays in the Great War, and referred to the sorrow which had come to ('anadlan hom,w during. those years of world strife. Th' gallant l'+.nadiane had responded to the tall of the Empire. not for per- sonal honor or wetlth, but for their King and errantry. The speaker point - eel alt that 444440 torn showed the greatest of all love in laying down titer Ines for their toiletry. Lien. Currie Minted ort that no one class of people (wore the brunt of the war sorrows, hut that omit from every welt of life. gave their all. Ile hoped the Iii; 'had pns,4ed 'when' nations 'tumbling down the hill of error visioned In mor the only method of settling their difh•renera. War was he11. The speaker pointed out iu passing, however. that the 0hteat War woe one of rtgbteon.mv's on the part of ('nms- dhthe. who fought ,*1111 died for a world of freedom and a heritage of 4.0844['. Iter. Mr. .trmetroug opened the(•en► axny with prayer and Hey. Mr War- dell said the 4.11..1115 prayer, At the e0111.11110011 of (ieneral Cur - rip's address the firing egtail, under ('apt. Fortes• fired thew volley* in memory of tatty' to whom the 1.ute had Is*n 0tertetl and the bugle ',minded the Last iend. The Iwmee en the graeito Pedestal are as foilow< Xnnln�c 1ieter Maod Haata, (inr- .4n .1'la!r, 1..e1 ,•1 -'an f). .tit, hc.on, W'aII. 0•,' Aih'111••nn, Retry lhtrker, Wm. Itha•hntan. Ilerisrt lloatsl. iA•on- ard Bnw•k, Ride. Cbettlrburgh, Hc'r- Mr. and Mow. Harry Whiteley and their son Robert. of Chicago. iTent n week to town, the guests of Mr. tlnrl Mow. W J. ',little. [ferry Macey lett last week to rie- 11 his boyhood home In 'Wiltshire. England. Mr. Marry ha, been in Venetia forty-two yea re; working Inst of that time with farmers In lhtron (•minty. MIs. Mentor* 'McClure ha. • rete turned to lake Lenore. Reek. MI.. Wm. Rarb er. who .malt the hist two months flatting her mother. Mrs. N. 1.. ('iiiw*bell. hoe returned to her home at Cnnbrn(1, R. C. Rhe nem a(cotmpenied to 'las West by her ,:.toss, IF. . loran ('.apple•!'. MI•< inert Move/slime awl 11.111'4 Mem have hove taking In the teach - .•re trip through Nee Oata(io. Oa OpOON'T THI TRY THE WATCH TEST 1 Can You Hear Warm the liniment, spread it on brown, paper and cover the affected parts. It eases pain, relieves stiffness. The family medicine chest. N We have a splendid as- sortment of FANCY GOODS Souvenirs and articles suitable for 'gif ts. Pt.r. ..u.h to e.r then draw awe}. You d,ns'd hew to.k jh in. hes. 1)n.. • ..nein in POUT 1,1410 proven! your or"p•T i in MISS S. NOBLE ,.n111 ri'Ir �ylwr.. -- •teen. h Electric Wiring LEONARD EAR OIL r.havas 1xs1, Her.( Noires end Dat• osr. dun rub it h.. -k of 01441 end i•et,l is nostril.. Price $0.43 For 8.l. Everywhere. Infsr..tine d,•.rri,»0(e folder sent anon n.qu.-f. A. O. LEONARD. Ina 70 tab APs. New York HydroElectric The People's Power I.Ve .pecialize in Wiring •04 all kinds, i,et us give you an estimate for wiring your 41 use Or garage. Private Telephones, Motors Dynamos, Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems A11 Work Guaranteed Cook, Ina and Toast by Electricity We -have an assortment of the best Eiectric Irons and Toasters made in Canada. ROBT. 'TIT Electriclao West 8t. • Pane 254J HYDRO STORE North side of Square Goderich J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and F .balsar k 11 calls promptly attend - t.41 to day or night PHONES Store 335 Re.id.ac.355w Hamilton Street, Goderich i ROBERT WILSON Frost Fence FOR Baled Hay Homestead Fertiliser Rubber -tired Phone Homilies Street Hard Wood Baled Straw Rock -faced Shingles Buggies 165 GODERICH Anything and Everything in Plisses 47J XS ersSupplies .Build' Slies .. Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. Goderich. P. O. Box 160 Phone 47W -After 6 p. i.. at 8